In astrology, a planet’s dominion is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership. This concept is separate from the houses of the horoscope and is given to each sign, over which the planet is said to have a more powerful influence when positioned therein. Exaltation in astrology is the sign in which a planet performs effortlessly and in the ways expected to. Detriment or exile in astrology is the sign/s a planet struggles in or where it has to.
Exalted planets are considered superior or an idealized form of a planet’s potential. Traditional exaltations include Saturn in Libra, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Capricorn, Venus in Pisces, and Mercury in Virgo. Exalted planets give strength and the most benefit of their qualities to the natives, helping them flourish. However, their debilitated position has an obstructive, bleak effect on the planet.
In astrology, exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet. The exaltation is a place of awareness for the planet, while the fall is a position of weakness concerning the function of the planet. Exalted planets signify strength and happiness by being placed in a friendly zodiac sign, like when you are at home and there’s something special about it. A planet is stronger in a sign in which it’s exalted, as it can achieve its highest expression and potential.
A planet’s exalted house represents the planetary condition when it receives the whole energy of itself. On the other hand, a debilitated planet is just the opposite of an exalted planet, representing the opposite of a well-placed planet. Understanding the significance of a planet’s exalted, debilitated, Moolatrikona, and own signs within astrology is crucial for interpreting the placement of planets in birth charts and understanding the strengths and challenges an individual may face.
📹 Exaltation & Debilitation of Planets : 2 Minute Tutorial
In this episode of 2 minutes astrology tutorial, astrologer Punit Pandey explains what is exaltation and debilitation of planet, how to …
In which house is Saturn strong?
Saturn, the planet of value, money, and possessions, is associated with various houses in the zodiac. In the second house, it represents practicality and a conservative approach to money and possessions. In the third house, it is associated with self-expression and relationships with siblings, requiring additional planetary support for communication. In the fourth house, it represents childhood and mother’s love, causing problems in upbringing and parental constraints.
In the fifth house, it represents love, pleasure, and creativity, but may result in delays and disappointments in love life and artistic creations. In the sixth house, it is associated with home, work, and service, promoting a strong work ethic and responsibility. In the seventh house, it is connected to legal partnerships, business, and marriages, emphasizing loyalty, responsibility, and fairness. In the eighth house, it represents responsibilities towards family and a keen interest in life and death mysteries.
In the ninth house, it is associated with philosophy, ethics, and visionary beliefs. In the tenth house, it is highly auspicious, promoting perseverance, responsibility, and practicality. In the eleventh house, it is associated with social, humanitarian, and innovative approaches to friends, groups, and goals.
What does exalted mean in birth chart?
In astrology, exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet, representing a place of awareness and weakness. Each of the seven traditional planets has its exaltation in one zodiac sign, with positions such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These positions are listed in astrological texts of the early medieval Arabic period, such as al-Biruni’s 11th-century Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology.
Modern Vedic astrologers place significance on the exaltation positions of the nodes, but western astrological tradition transmitted through medieval Europe demonstrates little use of them in practice traditionally and currently. Hindu astrologers of his period disagreed upon the degree positions of the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn and did not recognize the exaltations of the nodes.
Exaltations are one of the most ancient astrological factors still in use, dating back to ancient Mesopotamian astrology. Francesca Rochberg suggests that the system’s roots may extend into the second millennium BCE. Joanne Conman believes that certain decan stars the ancient Egyptians venerated in Middle Kingdom Coffin Texts may be the source of the “places of secret” in later Babylonian astrological texts and the corresponding planetary exaltations or hypsomata of Hellenistic astrology.
What are the 4 exalted planets in astrology?
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are all traditional planets with their exaltation in one zodiac sign. Venus is in the 24th degree of Pisces, Mars is in the 28th degree of Capricorn, Jupiter is in the 15th degree of Cancer, and Saturn is in the 21st degree of Libra. Each planet has its exaltation in one zodiac sign, indicating its awareness and function. The sun is in the 19th degree of Aries, the moon is in the 3rd degree of Taurus, Mercury is in the 15th degree of Virgo, and Saturn is in the 21st degree of Libra.
Is exalted Saturn good?
Exalted planets are a major misconception among people interested in astrology. Many astrologers believe that an exalted planet in a horoscope means the planet is strongly positive for the native and is likely to produce strong positive results regarding the general significances ruled by it, the house it occupies, and the aspects it casts on other planets and houses. For example, an exalted Saturn in Libra is considered very good by many astrologers, and a person with Saturn placed in Libra is likely to be blessed by its good results throughout their life.
Similarly, an exalted Sun placed in Aries is considered a sure indication of very good results, which may include securing good posts in government departments and administrative fields. All other planets in their signs of exaltation are considered to be strongly positive and associated with strong positive results. However, this is just a misconception. The placement of a planet in its sign of exaltation in a horoscope does not imply that the planet is positive in nature.
An exalted and positive Saturn can produce very strong positive results regarding the significances ruled by it, the house it is placed in, and the aspects it casts on other planets and houses. On the other hand, there is almost no planet in a horoscope which is as destructive as a negative and exalted Saturn. A negative Saturn placed in Libra can be destructive to extremely destructive and destroy the significances of the houses and planets aspected by it altogether.
Many people suffering heavily due to a negative exalted planet find the cause of their miseries and sufferings in some other planet because they believe that an exalted planet simply means a very strongly positive planet and is never supposed to cause any harm. This misconception leads them to not find the planet responsible for their sufferings for long periods of their lives or even at all, and they just keep guessing about which planet can be the cause of their miseries and misfortunes.
Debilitated planets are often the easiest planets in a horoscope to blame for all the sufferings, misfortunes, and problems.
What is the most powerful house in the birth chart?
The angular houses in the chart are the most powerful, while succedent houses, less powerful but more powerful than the cadent houses, have a quality similar to the angular houses. The second house, which succeeds the first house of the body and personality, signifies the things that belong to the person, while the eighth house, following the seventh house of the partner or spouse, represents the belongings of the other person. Succedent houses have a stable, unchanging, fixed quality, deriving from their central position in each quadrant of the chart.
While some houses have malefic or weak connotations, they are productive houses where matters normally take root and flourish, such as possessions or children. The second house signifies the possessions of the person or event for which the chart was cast, and this meaning has persisted unchanged for several thousand years. Modern astrologers may perceive a correspondence between the second house and the sign Taurus, but traditional astrologers did not. Hellenistic astrologers considered the second house the “Gate of Hades”, leading to the houses beneath the horizon of the chart.
Which planet is most powerful in birth chart?
Jupiter is a celestial body associated with growth, expansion, adventures, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. It governs long distance travel, business, wealth, higher education, religion, and the law. In medicine, it governs the liver, pituitary gland, and fat disposition, and governs the sanguine humor. In modern astrology, Jupiter is the primary native ruler of the ninth house, but traditionally, it was assigned to both the second and ninth houses.
In Romance languages, the name for Thursday often comes from Jupiter. In Chinese astrology, Jupiter is ruled by the element wood, which is patient, hard-working, and reliable. In Indian astrology, it is known as Guru or Brihaspati and is known as the “great teacher”.
What is the difference between exalted and debilitated planets?
The influence of a planet in a horoscope may be either beneficial or malefic, depending on its position in the zodiac. A planet in a debilitated state may be beneficial, while an exalted planet may be malefic.
How to know if a planet is exalted?
In Vedic astrology, exalted planets are those in their highest state of dignity or strength within a particular zodiac sign. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Ketu are exalted planets in Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, and Dhanu. Out of 12 zodiac signs, three are not exalted: Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Two are debilitated: Leo and Aquarius.
In Indian Vedic astrology, exalted planets are believed to express their positive qualities more prominently and offer favorable results in their areas of influence. The exaltation status of a planet is an important consideration in analyzing a birth chart and assessing the overall strength and potential of the planets involved. The list of exalted planets in Vedic astrology is provided along with their associated zodiac signs.
In which house is Saturn exalted?
Saturn is widely recognized for its deep exaltation in Libra at 20°, as illustrated in Figure 3.
What are the 5 exalted planets in birth chart?
In astrology, exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet, representing its awareness and function. The positions of the seven traditional planets are as follows: Sun: 19th degree of Aries; Moon: 3rd degree of Taurus; Mercury: 15th degree of Virgo; Venus: 27th degree of Pisces; Mars: 28th degree of Capricorn; Jupiter: 15th degree of Cancer; and Saturn: 21st degree of Libra. Each planet has its exaltation in one zodiac sign, indicating its position in the astrological system.
What are the 3 exalted planets in astrology?
The revised edition of Exalted Planets Part 3 (October 2021) discusses the impact of exalted planets on horoscopes. Exalted planets can be benefic or malefic, depending on the overall horoscope. Exaltation is primarily a measure of a planet’s strength and ease of operation, not its functional nature. Vedic astrology provides guidelines to determine the functional nature of various planets in a horoscope. The book covers exalted Saturn, exalted Rahu, and exalted Ketu, discussing their benefic and malefic effects in each house of horoscope.
Vedic Astrologer and Spiritual Researcher Himanshu Shangari has written extensively on various topics, including Nakshatras, Pitra Dosh, Kaal Sarp Yog, Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology, Gemstones, Retrograde Planets, Exalted Planets, Debilitated Planets, Heaven and Hell Within, Match Making, and Manglik Dosh. His practical and easy-to-understand approach makes the topics easy to understand.
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