Witchcraft involves influencing the universe’s energy flows, using numbers as an enhancer to strengthen and clarify willpower. In witchcraft, one is the intention, casting a single circle for protection. In Tarot, one is the Magician’s number, representing potential. In Wicca, a modern pagan religion honoring the Goddess and God, numbers have spiritual and magical meanings.
The number three has always been important for Wiccans, and the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, are often used during Wiccan rituals. Witches use numbers in various aspects of their craft, such as magic with number symbolism by Patti Wigington, a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy.
The 3 × 3 magic square has 15 as its magic constant, and in Babylon, this square was associated with Ishtar. The 3 × 3 magic square has been considered “magic numbers” for centuries because they represent perfect balance and harmony. Angel numbers, angel numbers, astrology, numerology, astrology allure, astrology, tarot, signzodiac signs, witchcraft relationships, and divine numbers are all significant aspects of witchcraft practice.
Numerology number meanings and charts are used by many witches and spiritual practitioners. The number three is often associated with the Threefold Law, while the numbers 1 to 9 can be used in ritual and magickal workings in Wicca.
📹 Wicca & Witchcraft Beliefs : How to Tell If a Person Is a Witch
Telling if a person is a witch is not usually difficult, as witches are very open about their craft, they use specific greetings, they are …
Why is 12 a powerful number?
The number 12 is intimately associated with celestial phenomena, encompassing the 12 months, zodiac signs, phases of the Moon, and Sun stations. Additionally, the ancient astronomers identified 12 principal northern and southern stars, resulting in a total of 24.
What does 7 mean spiritually?
In numerology, the number 7 is associated with the Greek deity Athena and the Roman deity Minerva. These figures are regarded as wise, insightful, intuitive, truthful, introspective, and intellectual beings associated with this number.
What are the pagan magic numbers?
The numbers three, nine, and multiples of three are significant in Germanic paganism, appearing in surviving attestations of ancient Germanic folklore and mythology. Along with the number 27, these numbers also appear in the lunar Germanic calendar. They are frequently emphasized in the ancient Germanic record, such as the Æcerbot charm, which describes a ritual of bowing nine times to the east, and the Nine Herbs Charm, which features the Old English extension of the Germanic god Odin.
What do numbers mean spiritually?
The concept of numerology suggests that repeating numbers or sequences may indicate messages that we may be open to receiving. These numbers can signify significant changes, life endings, or the end of a chapter. Angel numbers may appear once or follow us for years, but how they are interpreted is crucial. Numerology practices often overlap with other esoteric traditions like astrology and tarot reading, and life path number calculation is another popular practice.
What do the numbers mean in magic?
The card’s card size section, located in the bottom right corner, indicates the creature’s offensive abilities and toughness. The higher the power, the greater the facesmashery the creature can inflict on an opponent. The toughness is the damage a creature can take before it goes down for the count. The largest creature card ever printed for tournament play is Krosan Cloudscraper, which clocks in at 13/13.
The Coldsnap cards have recently been revealed, including a card that can create a token that weighs 20/20, making it bigger than George Foreman and his children combined. Wizards have printed a special card for the token, which is being given away for free at the Coldsnap release events.
The card border on the front changes depending on the set the card is from. Cards in the Core Set (Unlimited through 9th Edition) have white borders, while cards from Magic’s expansion sets will be black bordered. Magic also has some cards with gold borders, but this will be discussed in a future article.
Is 7 a magic number?
Miller acknowledged that the relationship between one-dimensional absolute judgment and short-term memory span was a coincidence, as only the first limit can be characterized in information-theoretic terms as a roughly constant number of bits. The number seven is not “magical” and serves as a useful heuristic, reminding us that lists that are much longer become significantly harder to remember and process simultaneously.
Later research on short-term memory and working memory revealed that memory span is not a constant even when measured in a number of chunks. The number of chunks a human can recall immediately after presentation depends on the category of chunks used and the features of the chunks within a category. Chunking is used by the brain’s short-term memory as a method for keeping groups of information accessible for easy recall, working best as familiar labels. These chunks must store the information in a way that they can be disassembled into the necessary data.
Is the number 7 a cursed number?
The number seven, an early prime number in the positive integer series, has significant symbolic associations in religion, mythology, superstition, and philosophy. It is often considered lucky in Western culture and highly symbolic, while in Vietnamese culture, it is sometimes considered unlucky. Early Brahmi numerals were written as a curve with an uppercase ⟨J⟩ vertically inverted (ᒉ). The western Arab peoples contributed to making the longer line diagonal rather than straight, while the eastern Arab peoples developed the digit from a form similar to 6 to one that looked like an uppercase V.
Both modern Arab forms influenced the European form, which is a two-stroke form consisting of a horizontal upper stroke joined at its right to a stroke going down to the bottom left corner. The Cham and Khmer digit for 7 also evolved to look like their digit 1, but in a different way. For the Khmer, this often involved adding a horizontal line to the top of the digit.
On seven-segment displays, 7 is the digit with the most common graphic variation, with most calculators using three line segments. However, on Sharp, Casio, and a few other brands of calculators, 7 is written with four line segments because in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, 7 is written with a “hook” on the left, as shown in the illustration.
Why is 9 a magic number?
The ancient Chinese considered numbers a mystical part of the universe, with the number “9” representing strength and masculinity. In Chinese culture, the number 1 represented the starting point, while the number nine represented infinity and extremity. The number 9 was seen in various aspects of life, such as the poetic name “Jiu Zhou” referring to the nine states and the highest heavens, such as the “ninth heaven” or “Jiu Quan” where the afterlife is located.
In royal palaces and monasteries, doors, windows, stairs, or fixtures were often in multiples of nine or a number that contains nine. The gilded knobs on the double doors of major gates in the Forbidden City, for example, represented the supreme power of the emperor. The East Flowery Gate, however, had nine rows with eight knobs, as even numbers belong to the “ying” category.
What do the magic numbers mean?
In nuclear physics, a magic number is a number of nucleons arranged into complete shells within the atomic nucleus, making them more stable than other nuclei. The seven most widely recognized magic numbers as of 2019 are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126. These numbers correspond to elements like helium, oxygen, calcium, nickel, tin, lead, and unbihexium, with 126 being only known for neutrons. Atomic nuclei with a magic number of nucleons have a higher average binding energy per nucleon, making them more stable against nuclear decay.
The unusual stability of isotopes with magic numbers allows transuranium elements to be created with extremely large nuclei without being subject to the rapid radioactive decay typically associated with high atomic numbers. Large isotopes with magic numbers exist in an island of stability, where theoretical calculations predict nuclei in this island are deformed.
What is the number 3 in witchcraft?
In European history and folklore, three is often used as the number of invocation and incantation. In the Scottish witch trials, chants or repetitions of three were often seen as evidence of witchcraft. Sierra Dye, an assistant professor of gender history at Cape Breton University, explains that this ritualistic way of denoting powerful words is a significant aspect of the Scottish witch trials.
📹 Meaning of NUMBER 13 & How To Use Magic 13 In Your Life (Tips) #13Love
Are You Seeing Number 13? Dreaming about Number 13? What Is the Meaning of Number 13? Lucky/Magical Number 13 is a …
I did not choose 13, it chose me. My roll number, license number and random places I get greeted by 13. More and more I see 13, I feel God is in control of the situation. My faith with 13 grew stronger since 2000. To sum it up, I live in a building which has a 13th floor and coincidently there are 13 apartments on this floor. Universe has put me in that apartment on my last birthday. It is magical for me, living in condo 1313. God bless everyone.
Good article. 🙂 I was told years ago that in the Bible 6 represented man and 7 was God’s number. So while I was listening to you I thought “6 is a lower vibration than 7. When the time is right and 6 is added to 7 it equals 13. Which is a shift into a new level.” So 13 can be about a unity too, unity between the created and the Maker. Christ Conciousness. 🙂 Most cool. And 13 has never seemed “evil” to me. Anything, any number, whatever, is good if we use it for good. 😉 I love you. You’re one of the reasons I got into healing crystals, crystal grids, and crystal skulls. xox
What a fantastic dream! I got a number 13 tattoo over 20 years ago and without consciously knowing, have been waiting for it to help me manifest some positive change in my life. I feel that i might finally be at that pivotal moment where i am moving on to a higher vibration of being. Thank you for this article!
I’m really happy you made this article because I see numbers a lot. So recently I’ve been seeing 13 everywhere and started getting scared. But what I do know about numbers is that if I dont understand the message behind the number the universe will keep showing it to me. Thank you for sharing, I love your positive happy vibe !!
I was born on 9/13. A couple months ago I decided to make drastic life changes. That’s when I started seeing 913 daily. Sometimes I see it 2-3 times a day. Than I met a guy who is like a mirror of me & I learned what a twin flame is. Whenever I prayed about him, the lights would flicker in my house and I would see 913. Than the numbers started changing. I see the number 13 by itself at least 7 times a day in various places. Than I saw 11:11 for the first time ever, followed by 12:12 than 2:22 in the same day. Today I saw 1212 than 1111 and it all started to make sense. I felt God was communicating through my spirit guides telling me it’s the ending of my old era and moving into a new timeline. Your article expressed exactly what I’ve been feeling!
🤔It just hit me this morning after fri 13 passed then I realized I’m the 13 child born out of 15 children I’ve had a hard life through out my young yrs in the past yr things has started to improve after researching # 13 I’ve come to a conclusion tht maybe most of my hardships in my past has occurred due to my not truly understanding during my younger years my true spiritual journey🙆🏽♀️yesss I’m truly blessed 🤷🏽♀️
The number 13 was brought to my attention through an incredible “coincidence”. I wish I could insert a picture here. I was perusal a article and it had 13,000 views, 1.3k likes, and 13 dislikes. All variations of 13, I have never seen anything like this all at once with a number! Also just today I got random shivers through my spin and hands, without looking for anything I looked at the time and it was 6:13, it’s a truly beautiful number.
I am feeling attracted to this number lately and yes I feel a stage of my life for sure has come to an end so this makes a lot of sense to me now….I also want to mention that the pattern of the crystal grid you showed in the article looks very close to the rune Berkana, which signifies LOVE. Thank you for your articles, your energy and your wonderful insights. Much love sent your way. 💜💚💛❤️💙💜💚💛❤️💙💜💚💛
Love it! You’ve worded it really well. I was ready for the number 13 on a few levels, one of them being, why has the number 13 been demonised for so long? And then I realised, is it something indeed that ‘those in the know who don’t want to share’ don’t want us to know about, share or experience? And thus, I am now opening up the portal of everything ’13’ to see actually what positive things could happen. I’m shedding all previous negative beliefs about the number 13. Surely the number is their for a purpose. We can’t get to higher numbers without passing through it first. It’s a bridge yet, this number has been demonised and we have trusted the sources that have perpetuated the notion that it’s a bad luck number. I believe now that it’s literally a propaganda thing that 13 is an unlucky number. Perhaps it is a very very lucky number and a number that sheds falsities away and helps us shoot for the stars from a better standpoint. This may also be a little out there but, I’m thinking also that there is a possibility that the number 666 could be under the same propaganda stunt so perhaps those ‘in the know’ have also demonised that number also, calling it the ‘devil’s’ number but how can one so low, take a number unto himself? Does he have that authority to own, even, a number? Or, is there something about the number 666 that is possibly truly amazing that certain powers that were, didn’t want normal man to know or come to understand about? This is the age of the shedding of lies and only the dauntless will consider the possibilities.
Here’s a story for you. I came back to California after my mother died and I started going to this place every week called The Tilted Kilt. As I got to know several of the waitresses I figured I’d do something nice for them this Valentine’s Day coming up. I didn’t even think anything of it that I had bought for 12 different waitresses. I went in last week and the waitress was named Haylee. I asked this girl if she was ready for Valentine’s Day and she said I suppose. I asked her what was wrong and she said in a very despondent tone that you didn’t have anybody. I felt horrible because that’s why I do this because I know what it’s like to have emptiness in my life. So I ran out even though it was raining and I got her card and I had a stuffed animal and I gave her a pack of Coco and she became my 13th Valentine’s Day girl. Haylee represented the number 13
Hi…you are simply magical! I’ve tapped in over the years and boi, thank you for the way you bring your dynamic downloads to us to play with…YAY!!! and I totally agree, These are auspicious times, and I’m thrilled to be walking the planet in these days. ty. hugs. oh…..and I’ve always loved 13, and even from a child couldn’t wrap my head around not liking it. Thanks again for making it plain!
My boyfriend and I started our relationship on Friday the 13th last year (unintentionally! We were just drawn to one another) and we have found many different occurrences during the course of this path. It is the most harmonious relationship either of us have ever had and we both have been going through quite a speedy awakening over the past year. There any many opportunities for synchronicity that are showing up to us. Even more now that we are using crystals and positive thoughts every single day. I’m glad that your articles have shown up in times when I’ve needed them! Thank you so very much! Stay blessed
Thank You so much, you helped me to change my mindset about number 13 😀 I was blaming everything wrong happening in my life to my house no 13, I thought things are not improving because of this number and now I understand it is a beginning of my new new lifestyle I want to live 🎉 End of my negative beliefs. Thank You 😊 Thank you my dear
I couldn’t agree more about your comment saying that the number 13 being viewed negatively could be a hack to keep us from the spiritual truth of it! In my culture, the number 13 is considered lucky, and it’s a number that has followed me all my life, but has been showing up quite constantly lately. Thank you so much for sharing this powerful information! Does it matter what crystals we use for the grid? I think I will look up your other articles and see if the answers are there. Thank you again! I appreciate you so much!
Thank you very much for the transforming information. The number 13 is very important to me mainly cause I was born on the 13th of October so my birthday is on the 13th day of the month. I always knew it was something to the number 13, I knew there was always something about 13 being unlucky that didn’t make sense. Now I know the power of the number 13 and bless you. I’m goin to give it a go on the grid 13. Thank you again peace n blessings
i open my pc, than i open google and you tube, i see the article about number 13 i say lets see, i make look for the cklock and it was what ?? 12 : 59 i just smile and say thanks to my angels thanks to universe that make the article and the time about same time and this chanel its first time i see, after 10 second it was 13:00 iam blessed, what happend is not for chance its message for me, I AM CHAMPION OF THE WORLD THIS YEAR, IAM MOTIVATED, IAM THE BEST EAGLE IN THE WORLD . and now Iam writing this and the time is 13:13 .. because i take time when i write this … IAM BLESSED 🙂
Thank you so much for this article! I was drawn to this article for two reasons: 1) I have personal numerology connections to the numbers 1 and 3, and 2) I’ve been seeing the number 13 a lot, along with the letter B, which looks like the number 13 put together. So happy to hear a positive spin on this number! I haven’t made a crystal grid yet, but this article has inspired me. So much love and light to you! 🌟⭐🙏💖
Wow! Inspirational, Caroline! I was reminded of the American psychic Edgar Cayce who said (if I remember right) that we all have to fulfil ourselves with a life in each of the 12 signs of the zodiac. The 13th must be that same finishing – either that it is no longer necessary to reincarnate, or that we choose to return to show others the way. So much to ponder on! Many thanks xxx
I also personally learned about the significance of the number 13 when I got into crystal skulls. and im now guardian /caretaker of about more than 70 crystal skulls and still growing more gradually etc 🙂 once you realized that the number 13 is something magical and powerful in the mind it totally changes everything when you work with it in any way. as I have lots of crystal skulls, it like instantly empowered all my crystal skulls, I mean the power of the number 13 etc
I haven’t master the # 13th as yet. There is too much of info and emotional on my # 13th, the amount of things that is happening I cannot event mention it.. however the # 13th is part of my life now, whenever I see the # 13th it terrifying me of what is going to happen next, I guess I am chosen for a reason. I was always afraid when I see the # 13th, but now I love the # 13th. I thank God for that gift.
A fantastic presentation that explains and encourages intuitive meaning to the number 13, especially for the fact the number 13 is quite complex. I call it the INCUBATOR since it has its resonance to 2, 4 and 9 that when the baby come out of the womb to begin a new life. I love your your ability to articulate number 13 so well, but like you do overall anyway. Thank you.
When i spotted this articlen on the Suggestions, the timw was 1:31AM, so i decided to watch it. When she started talking about the number 13, the time was 1:33AM! Wow. It was just earlier today when I realised I needed to conclude a relationship that wasn’t very much working. I’m currently wearing Labradorite & Azurite together, I was also carrying Aquamarine, Rutilated Quartz & Black Tourmaline in a small pouch. Mind. is. blown! Pooofff!! 🤯
I kept seeing number 13 in everywhere and then in exams my seat number was 13..then one night i had a dream of seeing 13 everywhere which i can’t really remember.. But when i woke up i noticed it’s dec 13..i posted a story saying send me a number and the first person sent 13..from the first i knew 13 isn’t a bad number.. And tbh it all happened after i got a malachite crystal, i think 13 and malachite kinda can relate.. Malachite is the stone of transformation.. And i think it’s the same with 13
Paused the article to open the bible, opened up to Pslams 4. Went to start the article and realized I had paused at 1 minute 30 seconds in. Lol! Luv! Fellow 13 lover ova here. Birth 3/13 at 10:30am with a “13” shaped birthmark on my head. Feminine energy rebirth, renewal, we out here. Fresh Air movement yall
Caroline….watch you all the time….2 things….I got married on Friday the 13th….I was leaving my parents house (so ready to that) and start my life with my husband. We have been married 46 years (yikes). I still feel 20….what you said really resonated with me…when you showed the crystal grid…and the letter B…well…my last name starts with a B….This vid came at a really potent time for me…as I need to shout out…and get rid of an old belief…..The second thing….I read some of the comments below…today I was cleaning out drawers and came across my father’s old watch….the time it stopped at was 11:11.Caroline….it is all about the numbers….So…your article is telling me to shout out…and the “watch” stopping at 11:11 (I haven’t seen that watch since 1/6/06)….is telling me to wake up. My dad always told me that we are all asleep and we need to wake up…Again…finding the watch today…well….maybe that cinches if for me….Happy new year!
I was born on 13th April, 95 A few years ago I started seeing them everywhere. Then other numbers like 11, 1111, my roll numbers from college is 913, I was admitted in to college in 2013, then 47, and variants of those. At least once or twice a day, it appears to me. It seems creepy that so much transformation in my life will take place.
Hi Caroline been perusal all your articles on numbers very nice articles….one question for the number 13 article Letter B (6dot perfection & 7dot spiritual) spiritual perfection does all the chosen crystals need to be the same for the 7 & 6 dots ?? Thanks dear your articles are very helpful & so lovely. God bless you ❤
Thank you so much for this article. I found you by accident. I have recently begun to look into crystals and purchased my very first crystal (citrine) a month ago. For about 6 months I have been seeing the number 13 everywhere every time I looked at a clock,phone,computer,microwave cooker literally everything. I was becoming very scared thinking that it did not bode well. Your article completely resonates with me and has brought me some understanding. Although I am not sure what I should do next. Any advice would be much appreciated. X
I think the reason 13 was associated with something negative was because of the story of the pope louring in the knights templar on friday the 13th to a place by tricking them, then burning them all at the stake to take thier power away. Friday the 13th became associated with bad omens or bad luck after that. Even in spite of that story I never put much stock in 13 being a negative number. I much prefer your way of seeing it as a number of completion and beginning. I love the idea of using numbers in crystal grids. the B you used can also be seen as the 1 and 3 brought together into one letter. I love your positive perspective. 🙂
It came to my mind that in tarots the 13th card is “death”. Probably people feels unconsciously the power of the number 13 as a number that brings endings. Unfortunately, many times people prefer clinging to the past because they are too scared of changes and this is the reason why they are scared of number 13…😂
Oh gee..love it. I have always resonated with 13..its my lucky number..ever since I was a kid. I like because it was thought of as a superstitious number, I thought I was living on the edge and we had a black cat. I must of been a little witch in the making. You know what ..all the 12 step programs..what happens after that? Makes sense to me that you would complete a cycle and move through to another level, a higher state. Beautiful. Will have try out the crystal grid. Do you need to make it with one lot of stones? Do you lessen it to 4?
I was into numerology for many, many years. Even nowadays . In numerology, number 13 is not considered unlucky. It does not bring you negative, or positive energy or vibration . It is neutral. It is the number of “action=reaction”. . Whatever your actions are in life, it will send you the appropriate reaction. It’s more like a Carma number. For example, if you offended someone deeply, then the Universe will make sure you suffer the same fate, so that you know how it feels. Or if you have abused someone physically ( a child, a spouse or disabled person and etc….), then it will come back to you 10 × over. Now do you get my drift? Number 13 is like screaming, “what goes around, comes around”. It works also the other way around. If you have been generous, compassionate and helpful towards someone in desperate need, you will definitely receive blessing 10 × over. So be careful and think twice if you are born on the 13th of any month, or your apartment or house carries the number 13.. Now, consider yourself warned! P.S. Regarding Friday the 13th – it has no bad energe and is not a bad omen. It is simply a superstition . And of course, if someone happened to have a bad day on Friday the 13th – it means, that the Universe had made sure his/ her time had come.