The Rite of Communion is the culmination of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, consisting of the Lord’s Prayer, Sign of Peace, Breaking of the Bread, Communion (invitation, procession, song, silence), and Prayer after Communion. The rite follows the Eucharistic Prayer, leading the faithful to the Eucharistic table. The Lord’s Prayer is the central prayer, which Jesus taught his disciples.
The Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are the Bishop, the Priest, and the Deacon, who administer Holy Communion to the lay members of the congregation. The liturgy of the Eucharist includes the offering and presentation of bread and wine at the altar, their consecration by the priest during the eucharistic prayer.
The Eucharist is a re-enactment of the Last Supper, the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples before his arrest. The ritual behavior is restrained and modest, with the sign of peace being sober. The Body of Christ gathered around the table comes forward to receive the Body of Christ from the table.
The Communion Rite culminates in a collective expression of faith and unity as believers partake in the Eucharist, reaffirming their shared faith. The liturgy of the Eucharist includes the offering and presentation of bread and wine at the altar, their consecration by the priest during the eucharistic prayer. The action of breaking the sacred Host symbolizes Christ’s body broken for us, so that when we receive holy Communion, we may be one, united in Christ.
In conclusion, the Rite of Communion is a crucial part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, involving the Lord’s Prayer, Sign of Peace, Breaking of the Bread, Communion, and Prayer after Communion. It is a vital part of the Christian faith and community, fostering unity and faith in the Eucharist.
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Thank you. By following these clear instructions I feel very faithful. Who knew it was this easy? Not I! …filthy heathen, you see? We don’t really have faith like this. Having to go on word of mouth, traditions carried over by small communities and so forth. We can’t just watch faith inducing step by step instructions like that. So, good on you!
Mariani articles 11 hours ago (edited) Holy Communion received in the hands of the Messages of the Virgin of the Eucharist to Debora – Manduria Italy “Daughter, when I, the Most Holy, enter you, I consecrate all of you, but I do not discuss which is the holiest part of you for receive Me … Although once Mine used to receive the Sacred Flesh through the breaking of bread, today I do not want it. How many times Paul, the apostle, had to change the rules because of the constant sacrileges! He himself strove to do everything with reverence and adoration, aware of the greatness of the SS. Sacrament. Today the man is more sickly and the evil one is careful against the SS. Sacrament … How many profanations I am forced to undergo, since Mine have allowed them to steal Me through Communion on the hands! … Satan sifts men and has scrutinized hearts to work them as he pleases with the ultimate aim of eliminating Sacramental Love. This chain of death must be deactivated! May I receive me worthily from the hands of My Minister, directly in the mouth with all the honors that are due and then give Me the right welcome in your heart. I want to be among you, but don’t forget that I am not one of you. I am the incarnate God and not a man who has divinized himself. But … they will tell you: “… all this is not important!” And I will have to suffer more profanation… »(11.27.1995). Due devotion Jesus says: «First I want your heart to be cleansed of the filth of sin and only with the Sacrament of Confession is this possible.
No pope ever wanted the faithful to receive in the hands. This started with disobedient bishops who allowed it in the hand Without Pope Paul’s knowledge, which lead him to call all the bishops in to Rome where the majority of bishops wanted communion to remain on the tongue. But the Pope allowed those defiant bishops (Belgium) I believe, to continue in the hands since they had already started it. The bishops stated that this is the way people were asking for it, which was Lie! Pope knew it!
Oh yeah and one more thing…what JesusDiedforMe01 writes is correct in that Catholics do believe that we are actually receiving His flesh and blood through Eucharist. Does this sound strange? Yes. Perhaps no stranger though, than believing that someone actually rose from the dead. You do believe that right?
Communion on the knees and in our tongue, is more than just good “Etiquette”. It is a matter of respecting the first commandment. It is a matter of giving God all of our devotion and respect. It is about having a healthy fear and respect for our Lord Jesus. Present in the consecrated Host. Which after consecration by a validly ordained Catholic Priest, it then becomes the real Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him all the Honor and Glory, now and forever. AMEN.