The Ebola virus, a silent killer that penetrates the body undetected and lies dormant for weeks, is considered classic conspiracy theory fodder. The first known human cases of Ebola occurred in 1976 during two simultaneous outbreaks in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which sickened more than 600 people. A study published in The Lancet found widespread Ebola conspiracy theories in the region and a significant belief in misinformation about the virus’s origin.
The latest example of the dangers of health misinformation comes from Western Africa, where the response to an Ebola outbreak in four countries has been challenging. The public health campaign against Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo faced serious challenges, some due to conspiracy theories and denial. Ebola first emerged in small rural villages in central Africa in the mid-1970s and researchers believe it evolved in bats and spread to primates, including monkeys and people. Multiple conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and quack cures have circulated about ebola viruses, their origins, and treatments.
The spread of Ebola from western Africa to suburban Texas has brought with it another strain of contagion: conspiracy theories. The Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever outbreak of 2014 is listed as the biggest one in history with almost 9000 reported human cases and a 53 rate of fatality. The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo continues to spread as conspiracies and political distrust heed people from seeking help. Addressing conspiracy theories during an epidemic requires a multifaceted approach, including understanding the source of the virus, addressing the spread of the virus, and promoting public health campaigns against health misinformation.
📹 Ebola fears lead to harsh conspiracy theories
Ebola fears grow causing numerous conspiracy theories to pop-up. Anderson Cooper reveals some of the intense accusations.
📹 COVID, Ebola, Lyme Disease: US Labs DANGEROUS To Us All | Breaking Points
Saagar breaks down how potential lab leaks involving Covid, Ebola and Lyme Disease pose a threat to the health of the world …
This is crazy stuff and the kicker too is we the tax payers are footing the bill for a lot of this and other crap like it without our consent. And yet our retirement money that we pay for over our working lives is always being questioned as running out before we need it. Government is totally out of control and more a detrimental force in our lives now than positive in my opinion.
Thank you for your work at illuminating this Saagar! This is a serious issue. There are so many people who have had Lyme disease and been disregarded by their doctors. Untreated and either died or live painfully with the effects of it. Thank god my doctor did her job and diagnosed me early. But I am lucky and rare. My doctor before her didn’t even think about the cause of my symptoms…I had to advocate for myself to investigate. It’s scary how the government funded research and our healthcare providers see the American people as expendable lab rats.
There was a time when lab leak origins for a virus was considered bad writing and used in zombie lore, like 28 days later, instead it was always closer to reality. Instead of the viruses being worked on in a massive underground bunker with high level security and quarantine, it is in a general lab with C or D level “researchers” who work a 9-3 job then take their work home with them, so to speak. We truly deserve another covid with this kind of idiocy.
As someone who has had Lyme disease and now COVID-19, I’d just like to thank our government and scientists for all the work they have done to identify these novel diseases and protect us from them. Oh my god! I wasn’t trying to type that! I wonder if it was a symptom of the diseases. Or maybe it’s a feature…
If we, as a society, decide that this research is critical, so be it. Don’t conduct that research at hundreds or thousands of separate labs that can not possibly maintain safety standards. Put the facility on the moon or in the middle of nowhere arctic in a completely sealed facility with multiple layers of redundancy and the ability to remotely sanitize. Also, everyone working there needs to sign off that, if there’s a safety breach, their personal safety can’t be guaranteed and will not be prioritized (ie, s**t goes south while you’re in the lab, the lab is being sealed and sanitized, hopefully you’re ok)
Plum Island origin of Lyme is definitely plausible, if not probable. they finally moved the Plum Island lab to Kansas so that it would be more remote and the ticks less likely to survive in semi-arid climate (most of the research there is on tick Bourne disease) instead of perfect Tick habitat in the middle of both the biggest bird migration route and the biggest “metropolitan statistical area” in the W. Hemisphere.
It’s worth noting that most (if not all) illnesses that cave bat researchers encounter fail to spread human to human. But they DO harbor a very high fatality rate. You would need to take those viruses and modify them somehow to assist in human to human transmission. They should really have a term for how it would gain that function…
Sager, in the Ebola bit, the findings are fairly recent and there does seem to be some dormancy in Ebola which is not isolated to a single case. Dormancy is not uncommon in viruses. Hold your horses there bud. This Ebola strain specifically lays dormant in eye chambers, testes, and ventricular system of the brain. This trend was also seen in monkeys.
More reasons why I say universal health care needs to be added to the defense budget! Also more reasons why apparently Capcom a article game company is more accurate on predictions than anything else on the planet! Geez the only thing that they got wrong was apparently the stock of umbrella going down after unleashing an viral pandemic that caused a near apocalypse!
Field research is pretty typical in Epidemiology; it’s also the only way to assess outbreak or zoonotic potential of wild-type pathogens. Absent human malice or electrical/mechanical failures, storage pathogen samples in a monitored deep-freeze suffices to prevent outbreaks; it’s the handling or transport of samples that presents a risk to the public.
After SARS in there were two documentaries on Epidemiology. One was produced by BBC Documentaries Worldwide, and the other one was done by the Canadian Broadcasting Company. And they documented at least 12 lab leaks between Russia, North Korea, China, Iran, Brazil, and India. Most of the facilities that were highlighted in these documentaries were only level 3 research facilities. None of these facilities were 4. Russia by far has had the most lab leaks since the 1960s.
most correct saagar take ever. clearly lab cultures of dangerous human pathogens are not being reliably treated with an appropriate measure of care, because everything is so cheap and easy unless it goes wrong. this is proliferation of WMDs and worse (because actual bioweapons are made to not spread or barely spread, no actual bioweapon would cause a pandemic), but irt’s treated like some normal scientific study or field of business.
I despair that my fellow scientists are doing this research. But now that the evidence is in front of me, I get it. We’re very often guilty of not looking up from our work and asking ethical questions. Virology and experimental microbiology need to be brought strictly to heel. Enough equivocations and half-truths about “gain of function”! We need a strict governance board like the Institutional Review Boards in psychology, and legislation that requires jail time for creating pathogens that are more virulent or more infectious to humans. This is bullsh!t!
Science: fund some lab in a country where bribery and corruption are out in the open every day occurrences and you have no control (or even insight into) over the training and development of personnel. Give them clearance to eff the entire world. Anti-science- questioning the sanity and humanity of the people in charge especially when they’ve already made fatal mistakes.
Yup seems that Folks fall for anything, the real question is are the ones that took the experiment willingly Mad yet, or will they just accept it, if it was me I would think about it everyday every time I got sick every time I felt funny.. the more I see, the more you can see it was all a plan ; the more bad I feel bad for the people who where rolling and not thinking 💭
I can hardly believe a word Sagaar says on this. He is so ignorant about science, how it works, and why scientists do what they do. He gives a 2 minute run down of a scenario of which he has little insight, no experience and hardly any genuine interest. Seriously, he should shut up or at the very least steel man the opposing views.
You always cutting your segments off only strengthens my resolve to never pay you… otherwise i would gladly pay you just out of all the great work you do. This marketing (aka lying) bs just turns me off… i suspect as your audience is anti-CNN non-drones there might be many the same. Youre shits not that interesting that i want to know what you say, but i admire you small business news attacking the literally evil large businesses. … but yea…
The part that’s actually kind of a little bit ironic is the part where you become what Anthony Fauci was afraid of and tried to avoid. I wish the two of you didn’t fall down the delusional emotionally driven path you are on. Edit: I unsubscribed a while back but today I’m going to block this website because it is not well grounded and is negative to my emotions.