The foot chakras are energy points located in the soles of the feet that connect us with the earth. They are the first energy points in the human body that make contact with the planet that sustains us, making them deeply grounding, stabilizing, and supportive. By accessing and balancing the foot chakra, we can enhance our sense of grounding, which is vital.
The foot chakra is closely connected to the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and governs our stability. A strong and balanced energy flow in the feet chakras can establish a firm connection with the earth and experience the grounding benefits it brings. The 12 chakra system includes the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra.
Foot chakras are believed to be connected to the body’s seven main chakras, which correspond to specific organs, glands, and systems within the body. When prana (energy) flows through them easily, physical, emotional, and mental health all benefit. The base chakra is on the heel foot, deeply connected to the feet as they serve as our foundation and primary contact point with the Earth.
The crown chakra/sole is well connected to the soul and the soles, with six secondary points directly connected to the feet. Our feet contain many minor chakras, but there are seven specific energy points that correspond to the seven main chakras that run from the base. Balancing the energy centers in the feet, also known as foot chakras, can bring a sense of overall wellness and balance to the body, mind, and spirit.
The first chakra is the ground of your energetic being, located at the base of your spine and is the foundation for the energy centers that rise up the body. The foot chakra is an often overlooked but critical chakra, split between the two feet, located at the ball/arch of each foot. The energy centers in the feet and legs are known as Pashuchakras, lower or “animal” Chakras, and the entire area from the toes to the hips contains the “animal” chakras.
📹 FOOT CHAKRA Point: How To Use Crystals To Release FEAR & ANXIETY (EASY)
Your Foot Chakra can be used to release fear, anxiety, stress, paranoia and unwanted or unhealthy energy blockages held in the …
What is energy healing through the feet?
Foot reflexology is a centuries-old treatment that involves applying pressure to specific points on the bottom of the foot, believed to correspond to different body areas. According to traditional Chinese medicine, these points can reduce stress, aid digestion, and promote sound sleep. Reflexology is a holistic practice performed on the feet, with meridian points on the feet corresponding to various organs. Research from 2014 indicates that reflexology can improve quality of life in various ways.
What blocked chakra causes weight gain?
The root chakra, Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine and is associated with survival, physical stability, and grounding. It is blocked by weight problems. Chakras are vital to whole-body health but are not visible to the naked eye. They are believed to be portals through which the main energetic channels of the body flow. The term “chakra” is common in Ayurveda, yoga, and other holistic medicine practices. Understanding the ancient energy system of chakras is essential for maintaining physical and emotional well-being. Balancing one’s own chakras can help maintain overall health.
What chakra controls the feet?
Root chakra/heel – Like the Root Chakra to which it is connected, the base chakra — centered in your heel — helps you feel soundly grounded to the earth. Because our heels are our first contact point with the ground when we take a step, the Base Chakra also controls our sense of security and stability as we move through the world.
Sacral chakra/little toe – Though there is no real, direct connection here, your sacral chakra is associated with feeling like your best self – passionate, creative, and physically and emotionally well. When that chakra is thrown off, our balance and movements can be too – just like when our pinky toe gets broken or sprained.
Solar plexus chakra/big toe – Our solar plexus chakra is all about our personal sense of power, purposefulness and confidence. When it is blocked, we feel emotionally askew . just like we’d be physically askew if we lost our big toe.
What is the foot chakra called?
The Muladhara Chakra, also known as the Root Chakra, is the foundation of the body’s physical structure and is based on the earth element. It radiates the color red and is one of the seven primary energy centers of the body. The first chakra, also known as the Muladhara Chakra, is crucial for balancing the energy system and achieving physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This guide will explore the Root Chakra in-depth, revealing its meaning, location, and healing methods using yoga, meditation, and affirmations. Understanding the Muladhara Chakra is key to achieving physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
How to unblock foot chakra?
Shaktidas posits that straightforward practices such as walking in nature and gardening can facilitate the unblocking of the root chakra. Christensen proposes that one may achieve this connection with the physical body through the practice of yoga, Pilates, dance, or outdoor activities. The practice of yoga asana, when combined with conscious breathing, represents a highly effective and dynamic approach to working with the root chakra. Another method for establishing a connection with the root chakra is through footwork.
What is the spirituality of the feet?
Foot care is a vital aspect of our lives, serving as a vehicle for various activities. They are also spiritually venerated in many places, with touching the feet of elders and spiritual masters being seen as signs of respect and wisdom. The washing of feet is practiced in many spiritual traditions, symbolizing purification, humility, and divine love. Caring for the feet of others is an expression of love, especially in palliative and hospice care.
Today foot care involves being grateful for the feet and their lessons learned throughout life. It is important to observe and observe your feet daily, as they take on a life of their own as we age. If you notice any changes, consider seeking a foot care specialist. Pampering your feet with a warm foot bath, enriched with salts and essential oils, is a relaxing and comforting experience. Blessing and anointing your feet with oils and creams is also beneficial, but research the properties and contraindications.
Massage your feet is another effective way to care for your feet. Reflexology and massage can increase circulation, reduce pain, and promote relaxation. The solar plexus reflex point, also known as the bubbling spring in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is one of the most powerful points in reflexology, providing relaxation and stress relief. By practicing these practices, you can show kindness and gratitude towards your feet and the world around you.
What chakra causes foot pain?
A lack of equilibrium within the root chakra can result in a range of health concerns, including degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation. Emotional imbalances can impact an individual’s ability to meet basic survival needs, such as securing financial resources, obtaining shelter, and accessing food. Balancing this chakra provides the individual with support, connection, safety, and groundedness, thereby ensuring a sense of safety and connection to the physical world.
How to open the foot chakra?
To ground yourself, stand bare feet on the ground and imagine yourself as a strong, well-rooted tree, connecting your energy with the Earth’s center. Feel the energy from Mother Earth move up through your feet, clearing any blockages. The quickest way to ground yourself is to walk bare feet on grass or the beach, with the waves cleansing and healing your feet. If unable to stand, stand with your feet firmly on the ground.
What energy is held in the feet?
The human foot is a spring-like structure that stores and returns mechanical energy, providing significant metabolic energy savings during running. It contains passive elastic tissues that store and return mechanical energy, as well as other tissues that act as dampers and dissipates energy. Additionally, intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscles can act as dampers and motors, dissipating and generating mechanical energy. This study aimed to determine if the foot behaves globally as an active spring-damper during running.
Fourteen participants ran on a force-instrumented treadmill at different speeds, collecting foot segment motion and kinetic measurements. A unified deformable segment model was applied to quantify the instantaneous power of the foot segment during ground contact and calculate mechanical work. The foot absorbed energy from early stance through to mid-stance and returned/generated a proportion of this energy in late stance. The magnitude of negative work performed increased with running speed, while the magnitude of positive work remained relatively constant across all running speeds.
The proportion of energy dissipated relative to that absorbed (foot dissipation-ratio) was always greater than zero and increased with running speed, suggesting that the foot behaves as a viscous spring-damper.
Despite the proposed energy conservation mechanisms within the foot, there are also structures in the foot that dissipate energy. The plantar fat pads of the heel and forefoot are fibro-adipose structures that provide protection against localized peak bone stresses. Around 20-50 of the energy absorbed within these structures is dissipated in a velocity-dependent manner, with a greater percentage of absorbed energy being dissipated at higher impact velocities.
How to activate foot chakra?
Reflexology is a technique that involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet, which correspond to different parts of the body. Balancing the foot chakras, or energy centers in the feet, can promote overall wellness and balance the body, mind, and spirit. According to ancient wisdoms, foot chakras are connected to the body’s seven main chakras and correspond to specific organs, glands, and systems. Aligning these energy centers can reduce stress, tension, and pain, promoting overall wellness. Here are some tips to help you align your foot chakras and enhance your overall wellness:
What chakra affects the legs?
In this practice, the focus is on the root chakra series, specifically the muscles on the outside of the leg, specifically the AB abductors. The aim is to create strength in these areas while also creating space and length in the same region of the body.
To begin, the practice involves transitioning into a lying down position with the bottom of the feet on the mat. The hands can come to the belly or the arms can be down by the sides. Before moving, take a moment to shift attention from the head and gently get down into the body, noticing the sensations of the back of the skull or the back of your back. Allow these spaces in your body to ground down and soften as much as possible.
Before moving, lift the toes up off the mat, spread them, and place them back down to bring awareness to the feet. Emphasize the muscles of the feet, but more so how they affect the muscles in the legs, so let them be a part of your awareness.
Next, take your right leg and extend it straight towards the ceiling, bend your knee, cross your leg over on top of the left knee, and draw both legs up and into the chest. Interlace the fingers on top of your left knee to thread the needle. Soften the head back down to the mat, soften your shoulders a bit, and feel a little release up top. Focus on the top leg and press down into the bottom leg, trying to push your bottom leg away but resisting that effort with the bottom legs in hand.
Keep this pose for a moment, then transition to keeping your right leg up, wrapping your left arm around your right foot, and stretching your left leg down towards the mat to thread the needle. Let your hip get into a more passive stretch, squeeze a little bit and engage, and take a deep breath in.
On the left side, stretch your left leg straight up, cross your leg over on top of the right knee, and draw both legs up and in. Interlace the fingers on top of your right knee, and try to soften anything else that doesn’t need to be lifted. Press down into the bottom leg, feeling the effort in the hip. Pull back up to resist, and engage in the hip in your figure four to create strength and space.
Swipe your grip, wrap around the left foot, stretch your left leg down to the floor, and take a moment to release any effort or tension in your hips. Slowly shift into down dog, roll forward onto a seat, or flip all the way around. Once in down dog, gently move and find any other space in your body where you need to give a little motion or love.
The text provides a detailed guide to practicing yoga poses. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy balance and flexibility in one’s body. The practice involves several movements, including forward folds, half lifts, mountain poses, and high learned salutations.
The first step involves stretching forward and up, then forward folds, and half lifts. The body should be relaxed and ground down through the feet, making an effort to pull them away from each other. The outer hips should also turn on slightly during the half lift.
The next inhale is for mountain pose, where the arms are raised overhead and the hands are brought down into the sides. The body should take a deep breath in and try to soften any tension that might have crept up. The practice should be kept in a rhythm, with the breath incorporating the movement and the movement.
The first half salutation involves stretching forward and up, then forward folds, and then half lifts. The body should relax and reach the top of the pose. The hands should be brought down into the sides, and the body should take time to relax. The next half lift involves pressing the feet apart to feel the legs, folding forward, and relaxing one more time.
The practice continues with high learned salutations with cobra, which involve stepping the right foot back, keeping the heel high, knee up, and inhaling. The right foot forward, back leg straight, swinging the arms over the head, high lunge, and forward fold. The left side follows, with deep inhalation, taking time to feel the pace and rhythm.
The final part of the practice involves stepping the left foot back, pause, and stretching the arms over the head. The body should stay smooth in the rhythm, no rush, and the muscles should be able to move smoothly in the rhythm.
In summary, the practice of yoga involves a series of movements, each with its own unique rhythm and focus. By incorporating the breath and movement into the practice, the body can maintain a healthy balance and flexibility. By incorporating these movements into one’s routine, practitioners can improve their overall health and well-being.
📹 Chinese Master: “Your Big Toe Tells a lot About Your Health”
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If you really wants to clear your mind 1. Eat good natural food in their natural form . 2. Avoid, as much as possible industrial food or the package foods . 3 . This is most important Spend few hours or days if possible in nature away from concrete jungle without any disturbance of modern day distractions .
I have been trying to tell people this for over 20 yrs …. Now those people from 20 yrs ago have come back to thank me and I am also glad that I turned everyone on to Sadguru.. You will learn so much from him… I have been following him for many many many yrs .. Because our world needs this, Everything that has been taught needs to be undone .. AND BE RELEARNED W/ THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE THIS TIME …. THANK YOU GOD FOR ALLOWING ME TO FULFILL MY PURPOSE, YOU ARE THE ONLY WAY 🙏 AMEN
even if you don’t believe in reflexology, it is related to self care which there are many methods. I am willing to try anything if suffering (Easter or Western methods). I used to take a bath everyday due to arthritis but it gave me other benefits (relaxation, etc.). But I have trouble getting up/down on floor now, so I stopped taking baths. So my feet weren’t getting proper care with only taking a shower, but I don’t like the foot bath pans. So I bought a Shower Bath tub wood bench stool, now I can sit in the shower for long periods, and I got a luffa sponge that is on a long wooden handle, so I can now rub on feet and lower legs, it really had made a big difference in my overall feeling better, sleeping better. I also have anxiety and insomnia, so if I am too wired up but need to rest, I sleep in a reclining chair (there are many kinds), but I prefer a zero gravity reclining lawn chair that i added memory foam padding/neck pillow/micro fiber blanket, the chair and foam padding cost me less then $80, and when I am not using it, I can just fold it up and put in closet or corner, so it isn’t taking up a lot of space like a standard recliner.
Incredible person who is reading this. Want to let you know that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. Blessings upon blessings come to you daily. Everything you need it’s on its way to you! Be ready to receive! You are healthy. You are strong. You are capable. True wealth is coming for you. You are blessed beyond measure. You are loved so much by many. Receive this TRUTH! Bless you always with everything great you deserve. You are greatness! ~❤️Nat
Wow!!!!! For decades, my left foot has been perfectly healthy; but my right foot, especially the toes have all kinds of issues and tends to be dry. I just now massaged the suggested point on my right foot. Before starting, it was kinda of grey, honestly. I only massaged for a minute and all of the toes on that foot and the foot itself turned a creamy peachy color! I will definitely do this more often!
being a Libran I can always see both sides of Anything. A blessing and a curse. It has plagued me most of my life with a inability to make decisions many times. I only wish I could be biased most of the time as this article explains. Making decisions about anything, both simple and complex is a very difficult task for me. I am truly the balanced scale that my zodiac sign represents.
I have been a long believer that if a person’s health isn’t good it will show up in the feet. Summertime, sandal season, I can’t help it I will look at feet lol. You put them on display I’m lookin 🤷♂️😂. If they’re dry, cracked, look fungal/infected, like gout, or gangrenous the person is generally overweight and/or has a multitude of things goin on. My feet look and feel like they did when I was a teenager and that was over a half a lifetime ago for me. I’m grateful and they’re a measuring stick to me to know I am eating good enough, getting enough exercise, and staying healthy. If you got feet problems it’s the body talkin. It’s a good idea to listen when it does.
It would have been nice if we could see that sitting position in detail the Yogi was talking about. I tried to figure it out and couldn’t. The other person they showed sitting in a lotus position didn’t have his feet under him as was supposedly described by the Yogi. Luckily, I am a Reflexologist and love the idea of adding the great toe massage where that master was showing us.
Hatha is written with a /th/ but it’s pronounced /t/, so it’s /ha-ta/. The heel at the perineum is practiced in one variation of Sukhasana, a seated posture, and it doesn’t really matter if it’s Hatha or Vinyasa or any other kind of yoga. They all teach variations of Sukhasana, especially at the beginning or the end of yoga practice. So whatever kind of yoga you discover for yourself, you won’t miss out on that posture. Take care! 🌷☀️
Thank you for giving credit to the true roots of Yoga, the Yogis and enlightened beings of India. Many “Modern Yogis” want to claim it as their own without giving credit where credit is due. They are only hurting themselves – since it is known that respect for the root is essential to gain the fruit.
Everyone may be biased, and it may never be eradicated, but its in the best interest of ourselves and others to reduce our bias, and to make the path to understanding easier for those who come after us. Perfection isn’t real in this world, but we can’t give up on making things better, at least making the effort.
For millions of years we walked bare footed, all the energetic forces of the earth passing through us. So if you were full of positive energy the earth would balance us out. If we were full of negative energy, the earth would balance us out again. But in the modern era we rarely touch the earth, and depend on artificial ways of finding that balance, such as a shower, or a walk in the rain. To stay off balance, you will not feel good and will actually see sparks come from where we touch our bodies to ground. So every once in a while go bare footed and walk around, it would do you wonders.
This year, my dad turned 100, my mom turned 90. They give our Creator the credit. Their minds are still good, tho mom is showing some real memory loss after vaccine injury this year (myocarditis and possible blood clots in the legs). They stayed married, cared for their parents (their mothers both lived to 96), they acknowledge Jesus, pray, they live simple, humble lives and were not afraid of all the fear mongering that goes on in news, especially during pandemic bc they have faith God is in control. Some call this a crutch, well ok, sure it is and a crutch supports u and we all need support and love, those are like fuel for a machine. We run on Holy Spirit fuel best. Not saying it doesnt help, but my dad has never rubbed his toes.
Thank you for sharing this article with us. My nephew which is 18 years old, had an accident few days ago, and his big finger almost has destroyed and only one arteria has left. And a thrombosis between the big and the next finger has caused. Can you help with some information or techniques to save their fingers. I will be grateful. Thank you in advance for your help!!!
I don’t watch much TV, mainly due to it being a playground for the rich and famous, plus stupid adds, so I am on my laptop each night and then come across gem’s like this blog that helps ones body and frame of mind, useful information which is shared with us viewers world wide! I would be lost without You Tube in bringing this entertainment to our homes! Thank you so much You Tube!!!
…this is so reassuring because ive been dealing with some shoulder and back issues for about 2yrs, ended up seeing 2 PT ppl, multiple Drs dur to ER visits…same w multiple Drs at a local clinic. All yold me there is no connection between the sensation in my foot/ feet and my shoulders, but on many occasions i noticed when my feet began to frel.looser i immediately felt my head, neck and back loosen. Western medical for thr most part is oblivious to ehats right in front of them. Now im taking reflexology more serious. And it makes perfect sense that out feet and head need to be connected and have s clear route of communication, because its how we keep out balance. Without out the constant feedback we would fall all the time. Duh
The pressure on muladhara works in a positive manner on males but the opposite in females. Pressure of heels on female muladhara cakra will activate the baser propensities driving the kundalina shakti to increase kama vritti.In males the same excercise will drive the shakti towards higher cakras according to Rajadhiraja yoga by Sage Astavakara and also Tantra guru Shrii Shrii A’nandamurti.
Rather than attempting to achieve alignment and balance by a method à la Sadh Guru for a self-centered ulterior motive, just realise that such a motivation is the cause for misalignment and imbalance in the first place. So it’s best to take every problem as an opportunity to surrender your ‘self’ humbly to your creator, God, the force of intelligent design in the name of their incarnation – Jesus Christ and listen… You’ll receive clarity, revelation, a method, or whatever you need for the moment for a greater purpose. And when you do, do it in faith. If you’re challenged, then ask for faith! The answer is not found in a method or technique. These are things. The answer is found in the incarnated Son of God who has promised to provide rest. And you’ll learn in time that it is all about Him and not about you. And that is strangely freeing…
Every moment while experiencing the present open the main Nd to get nfi ity. Then you are in the present and also let go as there is no anchoring of attention. Do both. Then the attachments to the self programme slowly soften and eventually will be there but with no impact or pull on the present moment. You need to embrace the whole,the opposite as well as your own. By not anchoring on anything you do not loose yours but will be lightly holding without burden of opinions, self as self manifests through opinions/ thoughts, mainly.
I’ve been experiencing Ocular Migraines with Aura for 19 years. At first, they were scary, but in time I knew they would taper off in about 20 minutes of drinking orange juice. Afterwards, I sometimes have a dull headache, but not an actual migraine. I also would have some weakness, but then carry-on normally when they subsided. This past year, I had a scare when an Eye Aura came on me, and it seemed like nothing was working. I started taking a number of supplements, along with the orange juice. I began to feel lightheaded, dizzy, stiff – couldn’t move. I felt like I was gonna pass out. All I could do was lie down, and wasn’t able to move. I couldn’t respond to my husband or the medical team. By-the-time I reached the Hospital, and was admitted. The Aura was gone, I was shaking, felt some tingling in my brain, still had Vertigo but better. Then, another lite Aura came back in my view again. Then, it gradually went away. The bad part is – the Medical Doctor on call thought I was faking.. I was evaluated and released from the Hospital. I immediately scheduled a Chiropractor appointment and regular Doctor appointment. The Migraine with Aura didn’t come back for 5 months. Then, I had another episode. Now, they are coming back once or twice in a month. They are getting really scary. I have been having stroke-like symptoms. I believe my first episode was a result of a head injury from a fight that occurred 5 years prior. I let it go – like, “I’ll be fine.” But, I wasn’t. I was encouraged to go to the Hospital, but I didn’t.
having my lover back is like restoring my life back, my lover coming back home have been the greatest gift have ever had his is one thing that I have always wished for in my life and I got it within the space of 24 hours, I followed the procedure given to me everything work fine perfectly, am very grateful for restoring happiness into my family, I pray as you continue to help people god almighty will strengthen you to help people that has marital problem similar to my case, thanks Dr William for what you did for my family
What if you had an injury at a young age in life… ? At 17yrs.old I had a lawnmower accident and had to have it reattached by an Orthopedic Surgeon, he used a plastic prosthetic material to splice the toe to the base of my foot . At 64yrs.old, through the years has developed a rough thick texture exactly at the location to be massaged… How will this affect the desired result ?
Please don’t worry so much about physical attributes of your body to determine good mental health. This is just a tide over for weak minds to focus on a placebo effect that something great comes from believing the process of healing. The mind is the most potent form of healing. Keeping your mind awake today and confronting the hard questions and realities head on keeps you alive longer. Its easier to feed weak minds the placebo effect of course but I advocate for the hard path of self observations and raw healing from within. If you want to know more about the power of your own mind don’t ask me ask everybody. Learn, be awake, if something feels like a sheep race, clouded, misguided and wrong bloody well stand aside and question it. Humanity is absorbed into this ever growing race to the finish line. Although you are born at the start line nobody tells you that you don’t even need to participate!
Interesting. But what can one do when a bk shelf fell on my big toe. Outside injury and cut. Inside bones sure bones crushed. Not sure inside Dr treated right. Since then hve Stiffness. Also as had corns Tho it healed the hard skin remained As told feel less blood circulation Is massage only enough or need other treatment. ?
Hatha yoga is a whole branch of yoga, not just a practice. There is a whole philosophy behind it and includes specific techniques. (Asanas, pranayam, mudras, bandhas, sat karmas)Asanas are the postures, the different styles of yoga, like Ashtanga, Iyengar, and Satyananda, (these are the oldest styles) give us a different perspective. Because you are addressing to a lot of people, it’s necessary to have the correct information
Wisdom of these masters is unquestionable. However one must be present or aware enough to feel the subtle difference in our energy patterns because of sitting in ardhasiddhasana (left heal to root chakra). Unless we must invest at least five minutes a day to practice mindful breathing or meditation, we may not feel these energy shifts in our bodies.
WOW ! now I know why I felt so much better before injuring my left knee (meniscus) & could sit sort of like that. Right knew had issues from childhood & other injuries so it didn’t fully cooperate ! Now I’m wondering if I can get left heel close & close the gap by massaging left heel if this will do the same thing ?
There are certain things I have never been able to do even as a child with my body. I was never able to sit on my heels from the time I was a small child. My knees simply will not bend enough for me to sit on my heels. In almost every other way I’m very flexible. I have also never been able to sit properly in the yoga position with my feet crossed against each other and up against my thighs. Even as a child I could not bend my legs to go there. What can I do?
I know that this isn’t the only thing that contributes to alzheimers but they’re recently discovered that the amount of sleep you get and the quality of sleep (we can’t actually tell what quality it is either it’s only based off brain scan readings not how we feel) are a HUGE factor in memory loss and getting alzheimers. People with alzheimers could even reverse the symptoms by using this tool that helps increase your brain waves to get great quality sleep, though we don’t have access to that tool yet so for now fucking sleep as much as you need to.
Let me make my point, as a retired teacher., Experience is a bias, a single on, probably yes. But taking into account knowledge of great civilizations accumulated over the milleniae cannot be. Well, life is not so simple, and previous knowledge is necessary, what is needed balance, and objective approach, with which I agree. Best regards and happy new year of 6023, 5023, 4023, 3023.2023, or even less. Pavol Bajusz,67.
I always looked at the big toe as my balance toe, My left foot, big toe points to the left and as a result I have a hammer toe next to it also. This was not caused by improper shoe wear. My mom, aunt had same problem.Right foot fine. Because my left foot is messed up I suffer from tripping over my own feet, back trouble. my big toe doesn’t touch the ground my balance is always off. It’s been one of those burdens Ive had to deal with through life.
I don’t have hard spots not callouses around the big toe but developed a severe case of toenail fungus that is. Dry stubborn and over time, it’s distorted the nail and the nerve feelings. Two toes next to the big toe n the right foot are also crooked now and painful. Then I noticed the left big toe is also beginning to develop fungus. And yes, my memory and mentality daily life Is being affected. What do we do with do we get that fungus killed and out of our body so it doesn’t control us..??