TopX is a platform that ranks the best YouTube channels for conspiracy theories. It offers a platform for viewers to rethink their beliefs and explore hidden agendas and secrets. Some popular conspiracy theory documentaries include The Higherside Chats, a lecture series by Kings College UK on Conspiracy and Democracy, and the 16 best true crime YouTube channels.
YouTube is a popular gateway for conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and the belief that the earth is flat. It also provides ample opportunities for viewers to share their videos with friends, family, and the world. A new study by social media researchers at the University of Sydney and QUT has found conspiracy theories to thrive on YouTube despite the fact that most conspiracy theories are false.
In addition to conspiracy theories, YouTube also features comedy channels that focus on camera talk and other interesting topics. For example, the comedian Alex Jones’s video on the world fairs and expositions is a must-watch.
In conclusion, YouTube is a popular platform for conspiracy theories, with many people finding it useful for their entertainment. The COVID-19 pandemic and the U.S. elections have provided fertile ground for these theories, with sometimes disastrous consequences. To stay up-to-date with the latest conspiracy theories, consider watching the top conspiracy channels on YouTube.
📹 Top 10 Youtube Conspiracy Theorists
For this list, we’re featuring channels that cover real life social, historical and political conspiracies. Special thanks to our user …
📹 The Strangest Conspiracy Theories About Popular Movies and TV Shows
This video is #sponsored by Squarespace. Simon’s Social Media: Twitter: Instagram: …
For some reason the term “conspiracy theory” has become synonymy of “crazy people living in a fantasy world”. But not all conspiracy theories are born equal. Dismiss someone’s argument because “he’s a conspiracy theorist”, without even examining the evidences provided, is intellectual laziness, imo. Does anyone else agree with me? 🙂
Its kinda sad that if there was a top ten YouTube websites that used to be good WatchMojo would easily be in the top 3…. Also, instead of admitting how wrong you were about your previous Alex Jones articles…. As in 9 out of 10, if not 10 of his “craziest predictions” turned put to be not so crazy. This is a good look for no one WatchMojo….
OK, most of the websites mentioned in the article were ridiculous, but some make valid points. I would ask this simple question to debunk any Conspiracy Theory, which is “If true, who has the money and the power to pull off such an operation?”. Then I learned that Central Banks around the World are PRIVATELY owned, controlled and/or operated. I also learned how Fractional Reserve Banking works. Together, that answered the Q of “Who has the money and power”. I am an engineer by training/education. Then, from a scientific/engineering perspective, I did research and tried to debunk many of the Conspiracy Theories I have been hearing. Instead of disproving them, I found many are true. Many are false (such as UFOs, Aliens, etc.), but many of the disturbing ones are true. Anyway, my efforts to debunk Conspiracy Theories have led down a Rabbit Hole that is truly frightening. Just to add clarification: I am AGAINST the Private Central Banking SYSTEM. It does not matter who is on top. Eliminating the people on top does not solve the World’s problems if the SYSTEM remains in place. It is the SYSTEM that needs to be eliminated. In the US’ case: End The Fed.
Well, 99% of Paul Joseph Watson’s and Mark Dice’s content since 2016 has been 100% accurate (too bad mainstream media isn’t ), so maybe we should give some the other people on this list a try? Alex Jones is too bombastic for me, although there seems to be a kernel of truth in many of his rants. If a conspiracy theory is true, what does that make it?🤔
One of the things I dislike about conspiracy theorists, at least in my experience, is that they seem to believe that they are more intelligent than other people since they know the “truth”. Once in a while, I do think that they can have a point. However, I feel like they tend to believe a lot of their theories, overlooking which ones are ridiculous and ones that are less so. Anyways, I don’t think that conspiracy theorists are bad people, they just have a few big problems.
I like Mark Dice the best. I’ve been perusal him for a couple years now, but I think he’s honed his skills pretty well. He tells it like it is and rarely gets it wrong. & he makes fun of the establishment and the deep state and calls out hypocrisy where he sees it. Nothing wrong with someone holding hypocrite’s feet to the fire. Paul Joseph Watson has some good ones, as well. The one he did on Australian bush fires and what & who was really to blame for them was quite eye-opening. Interesting ideas on what he calls “soy boys”, or guys that have ingested so much soy they’ve essentially become women almost, because of high levels of an estrogen-mimicker in soy. 20+ years ago, in Canada (well before I heard anything about it from Alex Jones or anyone else) there was a “Nature of Things” or “Market Place” show on BPA (Bisphenol A – a plasticizer used to make plastics malleable) that showed a link between the BPA (an estrogen mimicker) in can linings, plastic cups, utensils, etc used for eating, and sexual changes in males all over the world who are especially sensitive to this stuff. In the UK, some male babies born with un-descended testicles or only one. It showed how frogs and fish were having their sexes changed in the water downstream of the effluent from plastic plants. Males became females. This information was aired by a credible source (MANY YEARS BEFORE Alex Jones or PJW came on the scene) on CBC in Canada. In fact, it warned that food manufacturers would be switching over to a NON-BPA lining that would be BPS, essentially with the same side-effects as BPA (because you STILL have to use a plasticizer to shape it) and that it would take a few years for a duped public to figure out that BPS was just as bad as BPA.
It was difficult for me to sift through all the noise to find individuals who were honestly trying to express the best information. After learning Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon ‘bombings’ were faked, I then began re-evaluating current events and history knowing that fiction could become accepted “reality.” It has not been an easy process but it has been worthwhile and fulfilling! I now understand the earth is flat and I’m so excited about my journey of learning!
Only a conspiracy theory if it isn’t true. The majority of these guys, excluding #2, seem to have already realized what was going on years ago…especially Mark Dice..I haven’t heard of Things They Don’t Want You To Know but if YT hasn’t kicked them off, I will be subscribing. If they have been booted, guess there wasn’t a lot of “conspiracy” about their theories.
The Titanic-Olympic switch theory is really out there. It’s barely even a theory, it’s more like a wishful fantasy by a certain kind of person who is so paranoid that they see human ears growing on trees in their backyard. The ships weren’t completely insured, so the insurance scam that the theory proposes would have most likely resulted in a loss of money, not a gain. The ships, though looking similar on the outside to a layman, were not perfectly identical, last minute additions had been made to Titanic that would make her distinct from Olympic, including a French-style street bistro called the Cafe Parisienne, which Olympic never had. Extra cabins were added to Titanic, and one of the lower promenades was partially removed and enclosed to provide two private de-luxe suites for the absolutely wealthiest of passengers (ones who would pay considerably extra). That would cost lots of money, the workers would have to be paid off to keep quiet, which probably wouldn’t succeed. Finally, why take the vessel out into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean before scuttling it when they could just do it right off the coast? They would be wasting tons of coal, which is what the ships used to run on before diesel. There are just a million things wrong with this theory, and I can’t understand why people chose to believe it without examining the facts for themselves.
If a Maths professor says 1+1 = 32, will we say that Maths is wrong? If a conspiracy theorist says that 1+1 = 2, will we reject that because, hey, the guy’s a ”conspiracy theorist”…? Facts are facts. It’s what we make of them that is important. Leave the labels aside, WatchMojo… let the people make up their own minds.
you guys have just mentioned my all time favourite conspiracy theorists! You guys never question if what they are talking about MIGHT have some merit? However you did leave out a lot of my favourites like David Icke, he wrote 9/11 the trigger, But i suppose it does not have enough cartoon pictures in it for you to be interested. How about Jessie Ventura another conspiracy theorist, or is he too believable, MOJO,,,,,,,,,,,, NONE!!!!!
The most level headed and credible sounding site on these topics in my opinion is the corbett report. He seems reliable, intelligent and normal (whatever that means I guess, but to those who are turned off by those on the list). Check out his film “How Big Oil Saved the World”. It’s worth perusal and there are valuable things that people should know in it.
Actually Alltimeconspiracy is not a conspiracy theorist website, they are just grouping the evidences, stories or information they found on the Internet and conclude in a short article. (Actually some of their info are not entirely accurate, one of their stories in the Disney haunting article is originated from Creepypasta)
Dont think its quite fair to put Paul Joseph Watson on the list. I also resent that conspiracy theory has such a negative connotation and baggage attached. There are so many ridiculous theories out there that unfortunately ones that make good points and are rooted in factually accurate info are immediately dismissed by being labeling “conspiracy theories”.
How is Paul Joseph Watson not a conspiracy theorist? He first appeared on Alex Jones’ InfoWars spouting conspiracy theories before he made his own YouTube website (that’s where I first knew of him), with Watson’s website’s description stating that he is still part of InfoWars. The main difference between him and Alex Jones is that he focuses more on the social conservative side, while Jones focuses more on the conspiracy theory side.
So it is a bad thing to seel the truth. Everytime we find it we are called crazy. Yet, no one does any research except us. You say you do but you only look up what they want you to, not what we suggest. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, especially when it says “warning” Sincerely, God’s Watchman Jacob