The 10th house of career is the most important part of one’s astrology chart, representing the zenith of one’s life. It occupies the highest part of the chart and correlates to goals and aspirations. Understanding your 10th house can help you make leaps in worldly success and thrive in your careers and public image.
The Tenth House, located at the highest point, is home to the Midheaven and is considered the “house of popularity”. This house governs public image, professional aspirations, and career achievements. Experts explain the most compatible career per your 10th house, which is ruled by Saturn.
The 6th house represents job, and if the house lord is well placed and stronger than the 7th house, the person should do a job. The 10th house is paramount in career astrology, as it governs your work life and general jobs. The 6th house governs politics, business, athlete, trainer, educational field, finance, food industry, restaurants, family business, banking, and public speaking.
In career astrology, the 10th house is paramount, as it rules strategy, which is essential for career planning and execution. The 2nd house, also known as the house of money, possessions, and security, informs your approach to all things career and success.
In conclusion, understanding the 10th house of career is crucial for making informed career choices and achieving success in various aspects of life. By studying the houses in your birth chart, you can gain a deeper understanding of your career and the types of work that will most fulfill and enrich you.
Explaining empty houses in the birth chart! they DO NOT MEAN the area of life doesn’t exist. they simply mean there is no further …
Which planet is for career and money?
Mercury Mercury, the planet associated with intelligence, voice, skin, and money, plays a significant role in a person’s career progression. In modern times, securing a good job and earning a good salary can be challenging, as people may face problems such as not receiving promotions or salary increases. Graha Dosha, a planetary defect, can also contribute to these issues.
Vedic Astrology suggests that each planet holds a meaning and impacts a person’s life. Planets associated with jobs and careers in a person’s birth chart are responsible for bringing success or failure in their careers. If these planets are weak in a birth chart, natives may face challenges in receiving job offers, promotions, or increments. Conversely, if these planets are strongly positioned in a birth chart, they can lead to great progress in their job.
To find solutions to problems related to career progress, it is essential to identify the planets that offer progress in a job and the houses in a birth chart associated with jobs. By understanding the planets and houses in a birth chart, individuals can better navigate their career and personal lives.
Which chart to see for career?
The D10 chart is crucial for career analysis, alongside the D1 chart. Navamsa is a divisional chart that influences various aspects of life, including education, profession, and finance. The first house, fifth house, and ninth house of Navamsa indicate a native’s talent. Planets in these houses give qualities to the native, which can be developed through practice. For example, a Ketu in the ascendant indicates math and computer-related skills, while Jupiter in the ninth house indicates teaching, guidance, and advisor skills. The Navamsa Kundali can also determine a native’s strength and capabilities. These aspects are influenced by the planets in the first, fifth, and ninth houses of the chart.
Which house shows a career in astrology?
The tenth house is associated with one’s career, professional aspirations, and achievements. The astrological significance of the 10th house is the delineation of one’s career path and the indication of future success. Each sign and planet is associated with a specific set of skills and talents. A detailed analysis of an individual’s astrological chart can reveal a wealth of information regarding their astrological configuration, prominent astrological signs, houses, and other factors that may exert influence over their career.
What house rules career?
The 10th house, ruled by Saturn, is the house of career in a person’s birth chart. This house signifies the aspects that control career choices and what is best suited for the individual based on their moon sign. The planet in transit in the 10th house also impacts the career’s shape. The planet and its Lord determine the career choices that will benefit the individual and allow them to utilize their full potential.
The 10th house also represents opportunities in professional life, with Mars, the Lord of Aries, suggesting that the child’s interests are directed towards technical fields. This suggests they excel in fields such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, real estate, construction, marketing and sales, business administration, hotels and restaurants, armed forces, and police.
If either the 10th house or the other planet is aspected by another planet, the results will be more beneficial for the individual.
How to see career in astrology?
The tenth house of the birth chart is the primary house of profession, and the Dashamsha is the divisional chart for career-related matters. The strongest planet in the Navamsha Rashi indicates a clear career indication. Jaimini astrologers also study the sign in which the Atmakaraka is placed in the Navamsa, which can indicate government or public sector jobs, teaching, Mars army, police or electrical, politics, business or social services, Jupiter or Saturn, or the same profession as the father.
The Varga Chart, also known as the Dashamsha or D10, is the most important divisional chart for career and profession, and it shows the impact a person will make on society. Every indication in the birth chart must be confirmed in the Navamsa and the Dashamsha, and an inclination toward a particular profession must be confirmed after seeing patterns repeat in all aspects.
The Lagna of the D10 is also studied for auspiciousness, and the Rashi in which the Lagna of the Dashamsha falls is important. If the Lagna of the D10 is strong, the indications of the D10 are significant. The next step is to study the lord of the 10th house of D1 and the lord of the 10th house in the D10. Planets that influence these houses by placement or aspect add flavor to the profession indication, and repeated patterns that keep confirming one indication add more emphasis.
Which planet rules your career?
The 10th House is associated with one’s occupational status and the nature of one’s employment. Mercury is believed to influence business and commerce, while Saturn is thought to affect one’s professional endeavors.
Which house has to do with career?
In astrological terminology, the tenth house represents the individual’s public persona, professional career, and life direction. It is subject to influence from the rulers, aspects, and other factors. In the context of astrological analysis, the 10th house is of particular significance with regard to career and financial matters. It is therefore important to examine this house in detail, beginning with an individual’s natal chart and providing illustrative examples.
Which chart to see for career in astrology?
In order to predict a person’s career, it is necessary to consider a number of astrological factors, including the D1 Rasi chart, the 10th house placement, and planet aspecting. These factors should be considered in conjunction with the 10th lord.
Which chart to see career?
The D10 chart is crucial for career analysis, alongside the D1 chart. Navamsa is a divisional chart that influences various aspects of life, including education, profession, and finance. The first house, fifth house, and ninth house of Navamsa indicate a native’s talent. Planets in these houses give qualities to the native, which can be developed through practice. For example, a Ketu in the ascendant indicates math and computer-related skills, while Jupiter in the ninth house indicates teaching, guidance, and advisor skills. The Navamsa Kundali can also determine a native’s strength and capabilities. These aspects are influenced by the planets in the first, fifth, and ninth houses of the chart.
What determines your career in astrology?
The Midheaven (MC) is a crucial part of an astrological chart that indicates your career reputation. It can provide insight into your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to make informed decisions about your future career. For instance, a MC in Gemini may indicate exceptional communication and networking skills, making it ideal for positions like customer service or sales. A MC in Leo would be a born star, excelling in stage presentations and entertainment. A MC in Taurus would thrive in managing resources, making it ideal for financial analysts.
To further understand your MC, you can also identify the ruling planet, such as Mercury, the planet of the mind, in your birth chart. This can help you identify how to speak and express yourself when connecting with others. For Leo, the Sun represents your identity, while for Taurus, Venus is the ruling planet.
Astrology is about understanding your entire ecosystem, not just your Sun sign. Your birth chart provides a 360-degree view of your talents and abilities, allowing you to make the best choices for yourself and your future career. Recognizing your strengths and abilities is the first step towards making the best choices for your life.
Can your birth chart tell you your career?
Discovering your ideal career path can be a fascinating journey when you turn to the stars for guidance. Your birth chart, a celestial snapshot of the planets at your birth time, can reveal a wealth of information about your natural talents, inclinations, and potential career paths. By combining principles, you can align your career aspirations with cosmic and earthly energies to find the perfect job.
📹 The 10th House in Astrology: Your Career, Status and Reputation
The 10th house in astrology governs your career, public life and reputation. But how does all this impact your life? Did you know …
This is so accurate, everything that you said about Venus in 10th – I have this placement Venus in Leo and Leo midheaven. I spent almost a decade in school perusing a medical profession I didn’t feel connected to and ended up finally choosing to pursue a more artistic path despite what feels like pressure not to.
Aries Tenth House: Saturn 23° Aries Sun 27° Aries Mars 3° Taurus 10th house. I have such a volatile emotion (moon 6th house Capricorn moon) when I have to abide and follow rules, the Martian and solar energy can really push the boundaries and restriction of my own self and external goals. I feel I am really coming into my own, very glad I did not join the military as it seems like it’s destined to be. But I choose soldering (fire) copper (metal) and working in commercial plumbing. Construction is a great career for Saturn in the 10th house people!
uranus, neptune & jupiter in the 10th. i used to be an IT specialist & i’m now majoring in philosophy & I was telling my mom just earlier I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take the law route, teaching or politics. so weird you named all those. but tbh I have no idea where i’m taking this BUT there’s that haha. spot on
I’m 45. And I’m a ♌️ ☀️ 🌙 🪐 ♏️ ⬆️ I’m currently in my 10h Protection year. I’ve made the most money I’ve ever made; I made a lot of connections; I was promoted to Director of my dream job as a business developer. I programmed the shit out of the last six months of the year and set the bar really high. But I got fired from in the last day of mars retrograde this year (8h Gemini mars). Then I got a job teaching 10th grade English Language Arts which works because I have a degree in English. I came in as a contractor and I make more money on this job than I did at my dream job by $300/wk. I am killing this job!!!! The kids are responding well and I can see improvement in the short time I’ve been there.
Taurus moon 10th house Gemini venus in the 10th house Saturn taurus in 10th house Midheaven taurus 10th house lord in the 10th house Currently jobless and living of investments, i had sold music but couldnt live off it so i invested my money and thats how i pay my bills, i know that overtime my income will increase. I just hope i got something to do when the time is right
Hi Rux, Love your website! Thanks for the article. You are right on! I have Venus and Saturn in Aries in the 10th. I’m a custom picture framer/designer in a gallery. It’s very much a Taurian/Venusian type job. Also, I’m an 8th house Aquarius with Cancer Rising, and a 6th house Capricorn moon that squares my Venus and Saturn. I love my job!
Hello I have in my 10th house mars and saturn both in scorpio as well as my MC. Its funny with around 16 I wanted to go to military as one of the first woman. It was a new low in Germany at that time. I didnt do it because I with only 48kg and 1.60 m I thought I will not be able. Now I am 36 and I still dont find my career, my path. I guess this is also because having Saturn in the 10th house. I worked hard the last years I study also and even like that I am feeling stucked. My sun (7th house in leo) is in cancer, my ascendent in capricorn and Jupiter is in 1st house.
im a pisces with a pisces in venus in 12th house moon in libra in 6th house sun in pisces in 11th house mars in Aquarius in 11th house mercury in Aquarius in 11th house north node scorpio in 7th house in scorpio along with jupiter in 7th house and pluto in 7th house south node taurus in first house saturn in pisces in 11th chiron in 5th house in virgo and lastly i have uranus in 10th house in capricorn and neptune in 10th house in capricorn too i love being in the arts and i want to become an actress its been something that i want to do since 2nd grade and iv made that decision that this is something that i always want to do it and i will do it through alot of hard and dedication and i will never give up on it.
Interesting. It made me think I had aries in the 10th. My rules of the 10th, according to what I think it is (an astrologer helped to calculate by the minute it by using life events) has Mars (Aries) as the ruler. Maybe that is why I felt the Mars bossy type that is meant to be the leader? Questions and more questions.
i’ve got my sun in cancer my 10th house. what are some good careers for this placement? i’ve also got chiron in cancer very close to my 10th house. does that affect my career? one thing i am also trying to make sense of is this view of the mother in the chart. i had a bad experience with mine and my planetary placements at least to me don’t seem to allude to that with cancer in my 10th house and my moon in pisces. maybe it’s in the aspects?