The root chakra is the foundation of all energy centers, and ensuring it’s well-balanced and unblocked from negative energies is crucial for overall physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The root chakra, located in the tail bone, is associated with the color red and is connected to the adrenal medulla, the gland responsible for fight or flight. Blockages in these energy centers can manifest as physical or mental health issues.
There are various practices that can be used to unblock, balance, heal, or align chakras out of balance using chakra-based therapies. Meditation and breathing exercises can help unblock, balance, heal, or align chakras that are out of balance. Solar Plexus Chakra, represented by a yellow light in the midsection or abdomen, is in the midsection or abdomen, represented by an orange light. Sacral Chakra, represented by an orange light, is located at the base of the head.
Panic attacks and anxiety can result from an imbalance in either the root chakra (at the tail bone) or the crown chakra (at the top of the head where the soft spot was as a baby). Aligning the root chakras can result in the disappearance of many mental issues like anxiety, depression, fears, and insecurities. Physical symptoms of a blocked Root Chakra include lethargy, panic attacks or anxiety, digestive disorders, and health problems in the colon.
The three main chakras that can become imbalanced/blocked for anxiety include the root chakra (feelings of safety), the solar plexus chakra (the seat of your power), and the sacral chakra (detachment, anxiety, loneliness). If the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, it can affect self-esteem and confidence, making you feel insecure and anxious.
📹 How to Break a Panic Attack in 2 Minutes | Dr. Daniel Amen and Nikki Leigh #panicattack
Dr. Daniel Amen and actress/model Nikki Leigh demonstrate a technique to break a panic attack in 2 minutes. Panic disorder is a …
Which chakra imbalance causes overthinking?
An imbalance in the third eye chakra can result in a tendency to overthink, anxiety, a sense of spiritual disconnection, and mental distress.
What is the root chakra of anxiety?
Our chakras, or energy centers, can develop imbalances, particularly after traumatic experiences, leading to feelings of depression, anxiety, insecurity, instability, and off-centerness. The root chakra, our first chakra, represents our sense of safety and security, governing our survival and instincts. When healthy, balanced, and in alignment, we feel supported, guided, and protected by our inner strength and higher power. This leads to confidence in ourselves, a sense of connection to our purpose, and the ability to set clear goals.
However, when our root chakra is imbalanced, we can feel ungrounded and uncentered, experiencing low self-esteem, low self-esteem, and overly anxious. We may also lack emotional and financial support from ourselves, others, and the world as a whole. This can result in feelings of self-assurement and peace, as well as struggles with self-doubt, guilt, and shame. These emotional difficulties can persist for years and contribute to our overall emotional health.
What chakra points are for anxiety?
The Hall of Impression point, also known as Yintang or Ajna chakra, is believed to alleviate anxiety and stress by applying gentle pressure. To do this, sit comfortably, close your eyes, and touch the spot between your eyebrows. Take slow, deep breaths and apply firm pressure for 5 to 10 minutes. The Heavenly Gate point is located in the upper shell of your ear at the tip of a triangle-like hollow.
Which chakra is related to panic?
The root chakra, connected to the adrenal medulla, is believed to be linked to the fight-or-flight response in Eastern traditions. Feeling unsafe or in fear can shut down this chakra, blocking energy movement. Chakras are believed to affect emotional and physical health, but research on their role in anxiety management is limited. Anxiety is a natural response to stressors, but frequent or intense anxiety can interfere with navigating the world and relationships. Chakras are wheel-like energy centers in the body that affect physiological and emotional functions, and emotions, lifestyle choices, and thoughts are also believed to affect their function.
Which chakra is responsible for mental health?
A blocked Base Chakra can result in a range of mental health issues, including feelings of depletion, hopelessness, unfounded anxiety, and loneliness. A sense of grounding is beneficial in the management of stress and the attainment of clarity.
What chakra does fear block?
The base chakra, located at the bottom of the spine, is connected to survival issues like food and financial independence. It controls the fight or flight response and can lead to fear, paranoia, defensiveness, or procrastination. The sacral chakra, located above the base of the spine, represents pleasure, desire, creativity, sexuality, procreation, abundance, and general well-being. Its color is orange. Blocking the sacral chakra may result in compulsive behavior, emotional issues, and sexual guilt.
The solar plexus chakra, located near the navel, is associated with anger, joy, laughter, and personal power. It contains ambition, sensitivity, and general ability. Blocking the solar plexus may result in lack of direction, frustration, anger, or victimization.
What color chakra calms anxiety?
The color combinations of green, blue, incense, and violet are all essential for balancing and cleansing the chakras. Green brings energy and happiness to the heart, while blue promotes well-being and stability, helping overcome anxiety and intolerance. Blue is the color of the throat chakra, expressing truth and creativity, while incense promotes intuition and tolerance. Indigo purifies the bloodstream and mental processes, promoting unity and stability in higher subtle bodies.
Violet, the color of the crown chakra, creates lightness and opens doors to heightened consciousness, promoting metamorphosis and devotion. By blending red’s love with blue’s truth and devotion, violet encourages dedication to higher truths and ideals.
Which chakra makes you mentally strong?
The Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra is linked to confidence, personal power, and self-esteem. An imbalance can lead to feelings of powerlessness, low self-esteem, and lack of motivation. A balanced solar plexus chakra empowers individuals to feel assertive and in control of their lives. The Anahata or Heart Chakra, the center of compassion, love, and emotional well-being, can lead to feelings of resentment, loneliness, and inability to give or receive love.
A balanced heart chakra fosters harmonious relationships, emotional healing, and empathy. The Vishuddha or Throat Chakra governs self-expression, communication, and authenticity. An imbalanced throat chakra can result in difficulties in self-expression, lack of clarity, and fear of speaking up.
Which chakra holds trauma?
The root chakra is a fundamental energy center that is shaped by various events, including financial traumas, loss of home or land, and relocations. These traumas can lead to the belief that the world is dangerous and that we are victims of it. This can result in feelings of anxiety, a desire for a predictable life, and a lack of acceptance of life’s experiences.
However, all traumas are a root chakra phenomenon, and the unbalanced root chakra often harbors unrealistic hope that it will never undergo sudden and unpredictable changes. This accumulation of traumatic incidents can lead to a “no” to life, preventing us from fully embracing life’s experiences. This can sometimes lead to escapism and fantasy.
A significant portion of our mental turbulence is the result of untreated traumas stored in the root chakra. Unresolved memories can also transform into physical pains that spread throughout areas governed by the root chakra, such as legs, feet, and the muscular and skeletal systems. By addressing these root chakra traumas, we can better navigate life and navigate the challenges that come our way.
What chakra holds trauma?
The root chakra, a fundamental aspect of the Hindu chakra system, is closely related to the instinctive aspect of longing for security and stability. It is developed as a fetus in our mother’s womb and is the energy center that is most related to traumatic experiences and memories. All seven chakras store traumatic and difficult memories that correspond to their unique life themes and emotional lessons.
Traumatic trauma is any unforgettable, deep-seated memory whose impressions become engraved in us, transforming into imprints and irrational conclusions about life and others. These impressions seem almost unerasable because in those moments, the stable and familiar picture of our life was severely disrupted and shaken in unexpected ways. Unprepared, our body and mind became frozen, and we sank into a state of powerlessness.
Some difficult memories can be described more specifically as root chakra traumas. These experiences are directly related to physical dangers, life-threatening situations, and upheavals and their resulting profound insecurity. Physical traumas may involve serious diseases or chronic conditions, times in which our loved ones were exposed to great danger, the deaths of people around us, our own near-death experience, violent attacks or physical abuse turned toward us or others, facing natural disasters, wars, and terror attacks, and physical shocks while in the womb or during birth.
In conclusion, the root chakra is the energy center that is most related to traumatic experiences and memories, and its impressions accumulate inside it. Understanding the connection between trauma and the root chakra is crucial for personal growth and healing.
Which chakra causes depression?
The solar plexus chakra is the center of self-esteem and emotions like ego, anger, and aggression. It can cause physical issues like digestive problems, liver problems, or diabetes. Inadequately, it can lead to depression and low self-esteem. When balanced, it provides energy, productivity, and confidence. The heart chakra, connected to the heart and lungs, is the center of the cardiovascular system and is associated with compassion, trust, passion, and love.
Its color is green and its element is air. In imbalance, it can cause anger, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness. Overactive heart chakras can lead to high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and heart problems.
📹 How to Heal Anxiety, Fear, & Panic Attacks!Dr. Mandell
Anxiety is an emotion which is characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil and includes feelings of dread over …
Been to ER four times with panic attacks. Starts with sudden rapid heartbeat, which makes me panic more. A cardiologist told me something that makes a world of difference: when your heart starts beating rapidly, it is doing what it is built to do. To go from normal to crazy… And then back down. It does It when we ride a roller coaster or watch a scary movie. But when there is no cause, we get scared. Be still, your heart is doing what it was built to do. Be secure in the knowledge that your body is not your enemy. Your lungs are helping you breathe those shallow breaths. Your sweating is showing your body is working a little harder for you. Just close your eyes and know: You will be okay. Your body’s got this. And your brain will soon catch up.
When I’m having a full on panic attack I can’t think straight enough to do anything to help myself, I can’t decide whether I’m terrified of dying or if I just want to die immediately to escape the horrific panic feeling. Thankfully I stopped having them I haven’t had one in a long time, I eventually worked out that I was making myself have them, I was scared of having one and constantly thinking about them thinking one was coming, as soon as I stopped thinking about them and being scared of having them and expecting them to happen I stopped having them. Anxiety itself is so much about this, being so anxious about feeling anxious that you make yourself anxious.
Breathing techniques are good. I use a method similar to CBT where I do the following: 1. Breath in for 4 counts, out for 8. It’s impossible to breathe fast when you do this. 2. Distract your mind. Pick a random color then look for 3 things of that color in your peripheral vision. 3. Identify any negative thoughts that might be causing anxiety. Realize that the fear is unfounded, and the thought is false. 4. Reward. Instead of the negative thought, focus on a reward that you will treat yourself with later. Stay focused on the positive reward, even if it is something small like reading a book in a bubble bath. That’s it. Try that routine. Do it early before true panic sets in. It can reduce major panic attacks by 20% or even reverse minor ones.
I suffered severe anxiety, panic attacks and mental disorder 20 years ago as a teenage. Got diagnosed with OCD. Spent my whole life fighting OCD. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
I accidentally left my Apple Pencil at school today, and my parents get really mad at that type of stuff, so I was literally having a panic atack, not just because I was scared that they would be mad at me, but also, if it went completely missing, it would be a lot of money to replace, and I feel bad, and this immediately helped me calm down. Thank you!
What I’ve recently discovered really helps me is putting a bag of ice (or frozen blueberries in my case) on my face or chest… If you find it too cold, you can put a thin towel, like a tea towel, in between the bag and your body. I also find that breathing in as much as I can and then holding my breath also helps.
I watched this article a month ago. Since then, I had to get a laser procedure on my retina from an ophthalmologist. It was not painful, but I was nervous. I used this breathing technique to help myself reduce my anxiety and to sit still. Yesterday, I had a root canal from an endodontist. It was not painful because of the anesthetic, but I was nervous. I breathed in and thought, “Trust” as I breathed in. I breathed out and thought, “Relax,” as I exhaled. It helped me to reduce my anxiety during the procedure. Thank you Dr. Amen for explaining how to do this.
If you get to a point where your unable to control your breathing (basiclly the point of no return), Breath in, hold your breath, you will feel like your drowning, but just do it. Then breath out slowly. And repeat this… I got fed up and tried different methods, I’ve even held my nose and mouth shut, to stop the cycle of erratic breathing. This helped get my control of my breathing, then… do what the article suggest and it should work.
PS: A lot of people say panic “without cause” …but what did you eat that day; fast food or Chinese with msg? Red dye or artificial dye candy? Decaf coffee laced with paint stripper chemicals (Folgers, M.House, Gevalia, Paneras,etc.), Fast food made with GMO ingredients sprayed with Glyphosates? I’m chemically sensitive, and I know food chems like a radar. My friend went to an ER with A-fib/full panic after he ate a bunch of junk food (i asked him later). Also, are you getting enough Magnesium & Potassium? Mineral mal absorption can be an issue. Are you overloaded with stress?Try having GIANT CRY😭… releases some great anti anxiety chemicals…helped me a lot!! Don’t accept that there is “no cause” or let someone just get you on a drug…find out the root and get help like this article with Dr. Amen👍
Panic attacks dont always show up as the classic symptoms. Sometimes i have silent panic attacks. My heart is calm but i feel like im dying which is so covincing and terrifying. I dissociate and my breathing slows down. The medical world seems to make out anxiety is black and white. I think its far more complex especially if its due to severe trauma. If only it was as simple as mindfulness and doing what we can to prevent it. I spent a decade doing all the right things but it doesnt stop it. I would love to be one of these people that gets anxiety. I can live with a bit of anxiety but when its severe and panic disorder is crippling then you just feel exhausted from constantly trying to manage it.
To everyone who is still experiencing panic attacks. I’ve had a few related to tachicardia, and whenever I heard powerful palpitation I lost control and start panicking. I thought I lost the memory capacity to tranquilize myself. The solution for me it’s been one and only: the secret to calm down is to wipe out di effort in whatever you are doing, listen to your heartbeat, trying to control the way you breathe to solve palpitation (just do not put effort in that, it’s a process that goes on its own), trying to control your emotions, trying to understand what’s happening. Just let go every type of effort you put in everything you do. I’ve been in panic for 1 year and 1 month. After this I found peace again!!! Hope this can help you guys! P.S. Also whenere I felt tachicardia instead of concentrate on the chest I focus on my head trying to deflate it like a ballon with my nose. For me it works!
Thank you guys for sharing your experiences, i had the worst panic attack of my life today, i was so close to calling 911. I was just sitting down perusal youtube, out of bo where i get a ringing in my ear, super light headed, made me panic bad, i really thought this was it… the end… i had to go out for a walk and started crying. While 911 was ready to go, all i had to do was press call. Eventually it went away. I had 100s of panic attacks but this one felt the worst and lasted forever
The last panic attack I had was at 3 am, leaping up out of a deep sleep, and I found myself jumping in a swimming pool with my clothes on desperately trying to “cool down.” As an “ok looking middle-aged woman in loose pajamas” who was desperately trying to manage my breathe, what happened? I do not believe anxiety attacks and panic attacks are the same thing, but if I get hot in a panic attack, all bets are off.
What I did to myself is an absolute nightmare I am surprised that I have lived through it. I have changed the job some 5 years ago and couldn’t stop catastrophising in my to get rid of my anxiety. Then it got so bad over the course of the next 4 years I got scared to do most things and that one day I had a tonne of caffeine and I had a panic attack not knowing it was a panic attack, for 6 month have been chasing the “illness” I thought I had which eventually drove me to my bed. On the recovery since April 2023 and only know I able to stop ruminating and think logically after spending almost a year of my life in hell. I just had a small bottle of regular cola and I was able to to panic. I am so looking forward until I come back to normal. All the best for all of you out there dealing with this shit.
That’s really interesting. I used to be a competitive dressage rider. Remaining very upright whilst in full control of your body and the horse, you need to be able to breath the way the doctor just showed on here. Its something I learnt a very long time ago and with enough practice, you begin to breath like this naturally all the time. I’m retired now and recently went for a chest X-ray. The radiographer commented on me having good lung capacity and also mentioned my lungs are long. I looked surprised and she reassured me it was a good thing.
Now try to do it when your heart is beating out of your chest at 200bpm, you are soaked in cold sweat, extreme nausea, your extremities feel like pins & needles, your legs are jello, and you feel like the earth is swept away from under you and you’re in an endless free fall. And then this doctor tells you “just breathe through your belly :)” Okay Doc, thanks 👍
For the people that does NOT know what panick attack feels well i give you more or less an example.When you go on an crazy roller coaster.The coaster goes up very high thats when you start to feel the tension (symptoms) and once your at the top and you go down full speed then its the panick attack you can feel the speed of the ride in your head or stumik The only difference is that we people with panick attacks get this from nothing and people that dont know what it is well there you have the roller coaster example.
I find when i get anxiety and panic attacks. My head or limbs will twitch. I tingle and shake. I yawn. I feel like im dying or should die to stop this feeling. My heart starts racing. I start to feel fake. Like it just continues. Im a hypochondriac too. So, i find my anxiety is triggered from possible health problems ideas. Or like do i have schizophrenia do i have this or that. But its also triggered from anxiety. Or i get scary intrusive thoughts. Then i spiral. I have to learn no im just anxious and a hypochondriac and those two together cause to me to spiral. Its a vicious cycle.
why no one speaks about the diarrhea part of the panic attacks. tingling limbs, fast heart rate, dizziness, feeling weak all piece of cake but when you are in uncontrollable situation with ashit on your pants situation.. this is just too much to handle especially in an airplane trips that has min 4 hour flight
I want to also share a funny story. When me and my now husband were dating and started living together. He has to go on a lot of business trips so I was alone in the apartment which was quite big and one day our neighbour got robbed and from then onwards coming home I always check around the house and behind the curtains. One midnight my now husband shoutedly really loudly while jumping out of bed and up and down and on to the floor. I immediately woke up shouting at him thinking someone was strangling him, my mind couldn’t cope as I tried realize I have nothing to hit the attacker so all I did was started shouting and jumping at the foot of the bed up and down, my husband reached for both my hands as I was still jumping on the bed and we were both shouting at each other with fear and jumping up and down together. He then snapped out of it and asked what happened because I seem to be more scared then him in the moment. It is the most funniest memory that will forever stay with us.
When I tried this breathing made me sick to my stomach and that made attack worse. Only thing that stops anxiety attach is relax completely which is almost impossible due to the crazy thinking in your head. My go to is anger. If I can get mad it makes my brain forget about the anxiety. My sister and I fight all the time. When I have an attack I call her, get in a fight and my anxiety is gone. Not practical but it works for me🤷♀️
what i have found is that panic attacks, at least for me, are these episodes that cause my body to overreact to mental stress. it feels like if i allow the attack to happen instead of fighting it, then i start to let go of all of my petty bullshit and peel back a spiritual layer of understanding. its like i reach a small dose of enlightenment. don’t get me wrong here: i have severe CPTSD and a naturally overanalytical brain, so my attacks are intense. but in those moments i actually have to think in reverse instead of trying to ‘figure it out’. it just teaches me to rely on my intuition rather than my raw intelligence. its as if intellectual thinking can become my worst enemy in those moments. and beleive me, you cannot think your way out of a panic attack.
My husband’s panic atracks comes with suddenly shouting really loudly, jumping out of bed up and down. This used to not scare me but now that we are a little older mid 30’s his attacks is more frequent and when he suddenly shout my heart completely stops and then races really fast until my mind can come back understanding what happened. I also have anxiety and asthma attacks myself. But I am worried I might have an actual heart attack one day from his sudden shouting. Is there anyway to lessen it or things he must avoid reading or perusal before bed?
I’m 46 and I got hot flushes with panic attack mixed I never felt such heat with a panic attack before maybe is the peri menopause but anyone here felt hot flushes in the Arms upper body and face ?? I don’t even know what I have anymore but my panic attacks didn’t have this before. Maybe once but now is very often!!
During very stressful events where I know a panic attack will occur, I take a propranolol. For example, presentations or stressful work conferences where I get nervous very easily. I am sure to take a propanolol ahead of time and have one in my purse. It really helps control, racing heartbeat, and other uncomfortable panic symptoms.
Man I don’t know ..I get all weird it’s really hard to describe it fear n hyper feeling of trying to think too fast n answer urself in ur head but your body feels paralyzed n shaky hard to breath n numb like you yourself feel asleep not just a hand or foot I believe everyone has done that with a lil body part..
For me, it was out of nowhere on my vacation. All of a sudden, my heart was racing, my brain was overheating and experienced the worst feeling I’ve ever had. It feels like my brain was cooking itself and my chest felt some weight to it. My overthinking is my worst enemy which only exacerbated things. Very embarrassing for me to experience in front of everyone
Good article! Helpful. I have to say though when he said “pretty women wear tight clothes” I cringed. Growing up i got many comments from doctors about my looks, like this one. I always felt they were a bit minimizing.. They never commented on my brothers looks. Not saying dr. Amen is sexist but maybe in the future he can refrain from this kind of attitude? I feel those coments at a doctors office are unnecessary and awkward.
Breathing exercises help very much with stress, anxiety. Except they do nothing for panic attacks — that’s a panic disorder, a mental condition, and called one for a reason. You need one of the “pam” drugs until after some time you realize your brain isnt plunging into unreality like it used to. Stop that from happening first, then you can do the mindful things.
It is difficult to do so…during panic attack….chest seems heavier like python tightening chest more n more when u dont do chest breathing….wen i try belly breathing den suffocation feeling doesn’t get relieve n after few belly breath wen i reattempt chest breath den chest heaviness is observed 5 times more n now panic situation goes at peak
Is it just me or sometimes when I have panic attacks I focus on not only breathing but I almost have a hard time swallowing my saliva? I put myself into fear that if I swallow my saliva it’ll affect my breathing? Almost like the feeling you have when you have a sore throat and you’re dreading to swallow something. I don’t know it’s super weird and uncomfortable.
How much of this may connect to vagus nerve issues? Also genetic disorders and nutritional deficiencies they create? I’d investigate using niacin with vitamin c as long as you do it safely. Be carful as it can do liver damage if not treated right. There’s a book niacin the real story is the name. Also the book depression free naturally. Also maybe other practices like Joe dispensa’s book breaking the habit of being you though again check this all out I haven’t well enough yet. And also using possibly the heart maths approach to breathing called like heart synchronized breathing or something. Also for some a carnivore keto leaning type diet may help but again check all that out for yourself and do it safely or as safely as you can. Also I’ve that can be big for some is checking the house for mold and other toxins and checking water for heavy metals and other issues and basically checking for the major environmental issues like that. Also possibly using light therapy or getting more sun, mild walking type stuff and stretching or primal stances, and also vitamin d3 with k2 if used correctly. All the basic nutrients obviously could be a factor all the b vitamins and magnesium and the different types and minerals but you need to be very carful as there’s a balance and you can cause deficiency if you overload one without the others and one may not work without the cofactors or if it’s not a bioavailable form. Also vitamin c and maybe some others are better generally as a whole food like accerolla cherry.
Highly recommend Dr.Bill Walsh of the Walsh Research institute. Through nutrient therapy anxiety, depression, adhd,addiction,ocd,autism and more can be dramatically improved in most all through proper blood work from reputable lab, and a doctor trained in Walsh protocol is more affordable and effective . What is shown here is a drop in the bucket. Also diet – cutting out all carbs,helps significantly w/ mood disorders, anxiety,panic. Sorry Dr.Amen, a lot of what you say is true, but it just skims the surface. Drinking a sip of water or no sugar tea can break a panic attack far better . Holding ones stomach in is good and still learning to breath properly as well as proper body alugnment .
Amen Clinics are pretty cool if you are totally Rich if your lower for middle-class it’s very difficult there supplements to help change my life 7 years ago my family helped me get a brain scan after quitting alcohol stay sober for almost seven years now from alcohol difficulties with Eamon is their doctors their systems and networks are extremely expensive nor do you actually get Hands-On time with any of the people only famous people like Miley Cyrus or the Logan YouTube guy country music singers actually see dr. Amen. They’re good company the statements just are not accurate I do believe they use some of the best sources in their products the reason anytime I see dr. Amen I feel a bit resentful
This woman has the most annoying laugh in the wold. She seemed overly confident, loud and self-assured. I thought the Dr.could have used someone who was presently exeriencing a panic attack, or at least chosen someone who was feeling very anxious, to show effectiveness of his techniques. There are many attractive people with panic disorder or anxiety to choose from! This lady was a very poor choice for this article. Because she has no visable stress that viewers see, how could anyone tell if his techniques work or not? She was likely only chosen for her arrractiveness, which, at the beginning, he lof the article the dr. feels like he needs to let her and the world know how attractive she is (he says something else complementing her looks, too). Very unnnecessary the talk that could have been focused on her baselines of trestment for anxiety disorder. Great patient pick, doc! Not!!!!
If its a big one and i have the option, i Shock it out with ice cold shower. Suxs but works…collapse n sleep after. Also essential.oils i smell them all until i find one. Sometimes tho nothinh works but riding it out here with y’all ❤ grateful for plentiful choices on youtube but so tired of the endurance contest life’s turned into again. Feeling abandoned in grief and pain after someone i loved died is triiggering the hell out of old buried stuff 🙁 Feels like too much
A message to anyone going through Anxiety and panic attacks, don’t give up keep fighting every day that goes by I know exactly how it feels I have been there before, I suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks that I thought my life was over, it completely destroyed me and my confidence was at its lowest, I wasn’t able to associate with people as I use to because of fear of experiencing another panic attack but I kept going and prayed to God every single day before I go to bed today I’m feeling like the person I use to be before. I just want to encourage u to get going u got this, it’s all going to come to pass and don’t forget to always pray to God🙏❤️
3:08 Don’t hide from your panic attacks. Don’t be fearful to face the situation. Get used to it and accept it. Know everything that it’s doing to you. THAT, is going to break the fear. 3:25 Try the hyperventilation technique: it’s the technique that can replicate the panic attacks you’re having. All you do is breathing in and out as quick as possible. After about 30 seconds you’ll start feeling dizzy, you’re going to feel as if you’re going to pass out, but you won’t, you may feel your heart start to speed up, you may feel dryness in your throat, you may feel like you have difficulty breathing. Whatever it may be, STOP when you feel the symptoms. Recognize those symptoms because they’re going to be similar to the panic attacks you’ve been experiencing. 4:13 Also perform Deep Breathing Technique: you’ll do this when you feel anxious, when you feel tension building up in you, when you feel as if you’re losing control. This Deep Breathing Technique will stimulate the parasympathetic system, it will slow down your heartbeat and your blood pressure, it will slow down everything in your system giving you total relaxation. Instruction below: 4:40 Deep Breathing Technique: All you’ll do is take a deep breathe through your nose, hold it for a second or two, and blow it out of your mouth as you purse your lips together. Do several of those deep breaths, within a minute or so you’ll feel your whole system slow down. 5:15 Please understand that panic attacks will NOT kill you. You’re NOT going to die from a panic attack.
Panic attacks hurt! They feel like dying! It’s a truly awful experience. So imagine going through that multiple times a day like i did! This is amazing advice however, when you’re in that moment and you have tingling in your arm and face, its hard to feel like it’s anything other than something life threatening. So much easier said than done. But I swear this is the only thing that’s worked to stop my daily panic attacks!
I started having panic attacks when I was 29 and going through a divorce getting away from an abusive relationship. I had 2 boys. It was a very hard time in my life. I was on my own taking care of my boys. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and so scared I had no idea what a panic attack was. I started going to a counselor years later. He helped me so much. He taught me to breathe through them and to understand that a panic attack won’t kill you. You may think it will but it won’t. He said no one has ever died from a panic attack That was my turning point. Once I knew it would be ok. The attacks got farther apart. I also know now (I didn’t know then) that God loves me. The Devil tries to steal our todays by keeping us upset and scared and frightened. Jesus died to set me free I refuse to let the devil have my joy I’m not missing my life. I’m going to enjoy it If I start having a panic attack. I recognize it breathe through it and thank God for his love
Amazing! No words to describe! Watch tons of articles. The only one that tells what to do exactly, 1. Remove the fear by getting checked out ur heart and blood and everything so you know you wont die and nothing is wrong with you! 2. Realize that its just your brain messing with you! Get though those panics with out fearing it! ❤️🙏🏻
I suffered severe anxiety years ago. I could remember several years ago, I was diagnosed with OCD. Suffered severe anxiety and mental disorder. Not until my son recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
My anxiety started in 2020(during covid-19),regrets of my marriage ending due to fertility-issues on my side,losing my business losing some of my family members(my grandma,my aunts,brother-inlaw,,my cousin and recently my brother,died of stroke and brain cancer)all these happenings made the anxiety worse,everyday i wakeup from a restless night thinking am going to die any moment……but there nothing God can not do,i pray to him everyday for help me🙏
I’ve found that overcoming anxiety/panic attacks is about acceptance. You accept the emotions and allow them to flow through you. If you tense up and try to resist, it will come back with a vengeance. If you push it away and distract yourself, same will happen. Challenging your anxiety is another way to overcome it. “Ok so what if my heart is beating fast. Let’s make it beat faster. And faster. And faster. Until I have a heart attack. Oh wait, that’s impossible. Silly little brain, your heart is doing exactly what it was designed to do. It is keeping you ALIVE, not killing you”
I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks .. and I cope with it by talking with others about good things and happy things .. and the symptoms usually go away after a few minutes .. but I sometimes get more fear when it happens late at night and I can’t reach anyone to talk to .. and those are my fears is that I’m gonna expire and nobody will find me till it’s too late !!
Thank you for these amazing and helpful tips. I’ve been experiencing anxiety and panic attacks for a couple of years now. And seldom episodes in the past. Went to doctors, MRI, CT scan, EMG, tests… it seems I’m healthy but the tingling, goosebumps, dizziness, my throat closes, they still scare me and I go to think what is happening. I do acupuncture, nidra yoga, and other methods to keep myself grounded. Took medication for depression and anxiety for 1 year, now I occasionally take 1/2 pill when it’s too much. Sometimes a few days in a row. But Oh my God is this challenging at times. My body feels so weak and I can’t seem to manage the energy in optimal ways. The tiredness makes it worse, sleep and rest is so important. Sometimes I wish someone will come and take it all away and I can dance again, move my body again with energy and feeling safe within. Some say this is a lifetime thing, and it’s difficult to accept I’ll have to deal with this forever. Although i feel better, i still fear there is a weird condition in my body. And avoiding situations to protect yourself doesn’t feel like the best way to build resilience, yet instinctively o do that. The fear is bigger. I see how many people deal with this and I hope we learn to befriend it and enjoy this life that even though challenging sometimes, it is still beautiful and worth it. Take care🤗
This is exactly what I was feeling a few days ago. My friend said go take a cold shower. So I jumped in the shower while it was warm and then turned the taps to cold…not that cold..but cold enough to shock my body into something different to think about..turning around and getting all parts cold, which makes you breathe in and out. It worked! I feel a lot better
Thanks Dr. Mandell. I suffer from panic attacks but have learned what they are and how to better control them. My Dr. asked me if I ever feel like I’m going to pass out and die? I said yes. He said go ahead and pass out, you’ll wake back up. He has me get up and move around and do breathing techniques. Has helped greatly.
I am super thankful doc to this article just now i am having anxiety attack or panic attack… I am stressed almost everyday in financial 😢😢😢 i cant buy diaper or even milk for my baby i dont have job to earned money i almost sale everything i have my tv refrigerator washing machen 😢😢😢 just to survive… How can i be over come my fears 😭😭😭 i just only rent a small room for me and my baby 😢😢😢 i am trying to relax my self and pray that god help me to find a good…
God is answering my prayers…..I have been dealing with what I would call sever anxiety, but it doesn’t happen all the time. This really started when I was probably 25(almost 37 now). When it comes on, it comes on hard and I JUST KNOW I’m going to die. I sit around everyday thinking of when I’m gonna have a stroke or hard attack or whatever. I feel like I cannot live life to the fullest. I feel like when I’m eating that I’m gonna choke on every bite. If my phone isn’t by me so I can call my wife or someone when I feel its gonna happen I get anxious. But, I have been praying about this and God is answering. Thank you, Dr. Mandel. I am definitely going to do this. I want to start living again. My life before was great. Didn’t worry about any of this. Didn’t fear anything.
Doc, I have panic attacks and PTSD, I wish I lived close to you and you would work with me because for 40 plus years of my life I’ve been a prisoner of my own home and the only thing that ever helped was klonapin and the government took that away and now the nightmare is back and in control once again. Thank you for everything you do.
This was exactly what happened 3 days ago when I was waiting for my wife in the car park. All of a sudden heart beat shoot up and exactly what say, I started thinking gonna die nobody was around me. I had brain hemorrhage 5 years ago but on/off I’ve an episode of these panic attacks. But now I’ll do that, the way you explain. God bless you Doc.
Thank you Dr. Alan Mandell, DOC for sharing this encouraging information. My prayer for today. Abba Father we come before you today praising and thanking you precious Jesus for all that you do for us every moment. We ask you to forgive us of our sins. Lord you know what has taken place in our lives and what is going to happen. Lord we ask you to please intervene, to open hearts that do not know you, to open eyes to see the wonderful blessings you give, and open ears to listen to your voice, your teachings and obey you. We place all people in your hands. We as your children Lord claim and stand on all your loving promises. We thank you for your love, your care, salvation, grace, mercy, protection, guidance, comfort, strength and all your healings. Thank you for carrying us and always being there walking with us every step of the way. .You took it all on the cross, and your Sweet Holy Spirit LIVES today and forever. In your Holy precious marvelous name we come into agreement because we are your children that you uniquely created. We love you Jesus with all our hearts; Amen. Everyone have a peaceful and joyful safe day. 🙏 🤲 ❤️ 🫂 🤗 ☮️ ✝️ 🌈
2 Breathing techniques I use to settle anxiety… First one is a ratio of 1:4:2 …that is breathe in, hold, exhale. Using that ratio I can typically breathe in for a count of 5, hold breathe for a count of 20, and exhale pacing myself for a count of 10. Your capacity may be different, and the more relaxed you get the longer your inhale will be, and hold, and exhale. I have done a 10,40,20 count before. But that’s not the goal, to see how long. The goal is beating the anxiety, relaxing, gaining control back. Controlling your breathing is one way to do that. So if you can only inhale for a count of 3, hold for a count of 12, and exhale for a count of 6, that is perfectly fine. Do this sequence 10 times. The other breathing technique i use is the BOX. It is a little different and has an extra step. This one uses a count of 5 for all parts. I suppose you could try for a longer during but I haven’t seen a need to. Breathe in for a count of 5, Hold for a count of 5, exhale for a count of 5, and hold (exhaled out) for a count of 5. Do this sequence 10 times. Either technique can be used even when not experiencing anxiety to help you relax and feel more peace. In the morning, at lunch time, and evening before bed daily and you will more relaxed, may even sleep better. Try it! It’s FREE! 🙂 Panic attacks suck, and these breathing exercises have always been in my arsenal to defeat them! Namaste’ and JAI MASHI!!
hello there, i have been going through severe panic attacks as well, i tell you all that it isnt easy but we have to keep up and never give up, i really feel like dr mandell has opened up a part of my mind that i didnt know, now i am sure that a panic attack is not going to kill me, believe me, i was thinking that my heart was going to fail and stop, i was walking down the street the other day and my heart started to palpitate, my mouth got dry, and i felt scared that something was going to happen, its been 10 years or more since these panic atacks started and i have not died from any of them, i thank god and the universe that i am here an still alive, this article really is the answer to my question, thanks and goodbye.
Wife left me… even after 3 months any time I think about her.. all these emotions come flooding in and I have a panic attack. But I feel using these techniques as well as praying, and having faith in God and his perfect will, for your life will it will give you peace as your faith grows. Both prayer and these techniques will need to be implemented as often as needed. God has called us to peace. I pray that God will do the same for you!
When i was 17 years old i was having panic attack. It make me sweat a lot when i see stranger. I become having body odor. I feel like people talk behind me, talking i am stinky. Then this panic attack become part of me until i am 35 yo. It impact my life. Thanks for your post. I feel i have combination adhd autism, anxiety, panic attack and schizophrenia. Now i feel better after i accepting and love myself
I think my anxiety goes way back to being a small three year old child and taken away to an isolation ward. In 1956 parents were left at home and could not even look at you through a glass panel – you just went in an ambulance with strangers and were placed in a room. It was such a white room, people (strangers to me) all in white with masks who would periodically pour in through the door and stick needles into me. Thinking about it now still terrifies me. No nice freezes on the walls with nursery rhymes, no toys, just me in a metal bed, white sheets – everything being white was so fearful. The door they came in through was at the far end at the foot of the bed and I waited constantly for them coming back. This experience left me with a terrible separation anxiety. I am so glad that the medical profession do not treat little children like this anymore.
This is true. I started getting the most horrific panic attacks during Covid lockdown. Doesn’t help that I have an autoimmune disorder, so the Covid infections just made my sinuses worse and caused sleep deprivation. I started dreading night time and my bed. The only thing working for me in controlling this is recognition, acceptance and distraction, also must say tapping works great. It helps to settle the nervous system and soon you’ll find the intensity of symptoms subsiding.
I am so thankful to you doctor. My son just called me today this morning before he started work and he was having a panic attack, I told him what to do also to go get some chamomile tea, and then I sent him this article, he says he gets like this when he hast to start his job in the morning. I also told him to search out a primary care physician so they know what’s going on as well. I’ll also be sending him some lavender essential oils organic that you said in one of your other articles could help.
Thank you Dr. Mandell. Another great method to the respiratory technique is to sit on a motorbike and let someone drive you through a clean, traffic free, and carbon monoxide (or dioxide) free environment. This technique pushes air(oxygen) at a very fast and high pressure causing a relaxation in your system and de-amplification of the sympathetic system in particular. You will likely feel dizzy at about the 4th minute which, if you are, able to get some place to sleep shortly, will clear your panic anxiety attack.
I pray and talk to God about people in the Scriptures. Many chosen by God prophets in the Old Testament went through such traumatic experiences and yet Scripture does not say what THEY were FEELING at the time, or what they were THINKING about as they endured. Yet God pulled them through it all. A good walk and wind in my face helps my stress, too.
I’d had panick attacks since I was 20 years old now 49 years old. I’ve started them due to a hyperthyroid. Now a hypothyroid. Going thru permenopausal my anxiety is almost all the time now. My worry is all the time. I am tense all the time that the inflammation is in my gut, shoulders, back. Eating healthy helps but so expensive to eat healthy all the time.
Had my first panic attack while swimming laps in a pool. Had no clue what was happening but instinctively knew I had to get back in the pool right away or I’d never go back in. Anxiety and worsening OCD that I’d been dealing with all my life followed. Got some therapy to deal with it all and greatly improved for many years. I’ve had a setback with the anxiety in the last couple of years and am seeing an uptick in my blood pressure. Trying some calming techniques and hopefully they will help.
When I feel the onset of fear & anxiety, I try to reason with myself. “OK, listen, we are not on a conveyor belt, with a meat grinder at the end of it”! I start to realize that things are not so bad. Then I also consider similar situations from the past. After enough time passes, you can almost laugh about most of them.
Thank you Dr. Mandell for being one of the best on-line responders. One thing that I have to do to apply myself to your life saving advice is remembering the techniques of breathing; unfortunately, this universal pandemic (panic attack) problem has even affected my thinking and memory system. 😢 Thanks again for your encouragement 🙏😊
I love you and thank you. I’ve been doing the breath holding technique and kind of mildly triggering them deep within the subconscious just to control it when I feel them mildly coming on. It definitely does work but it’s going to take quite some time to feel normal again. I haven’t tried the rapid breathing technique but I will try that one. Panic disorder and anxiety disorder best cured from within yourself. It’s laboring and taxing but it does heal.. and it may take many months.. I will keep grinding away at this thing with wreckless abandon. I want my life back!
True story: i had masive panic attacks, and used to take myself into the ER 3-5x/week. My heart rate was 206 resting, my blood pressure was really high. Nobody put me on benzos and i just had to deal. I was on my own since 17, always having to deal w tbe burden of struggling to survive. One of my panic attacks i WAS having a stroke, when i got to the ER, stayed almost a week in the neurology dept. So yes. U can literally have a *stroke*.
Yes this really sucks man. We cant even live properly always thinks something negative that wont happen.even some times feels like are we are not like the people around us.always panics . 1.solution is spent social time 2.never thinka about some thing more than 5 min. 3.don’t feel shy about any thing because no one have nothing more than a life to live and fullfill his needs.
Dr Mandell I love your articles this one popped up just when I needed it. Im.having a very hard day today I don’t take any kind of meds and won’t either. My depression and major anxiety is beyond help at this point. My whole life is falling apart. I have lost my family, my friends and now my home after 19 yrs and I don’t want to go on. I’m afraid and all alone. I walk around my house aimlessly breathing but it doesn’t help me.
In 2010 I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and not that many people know about it but it is a horrible awful and they call it the suicide disease and since then my blood pressure was elevated and no matter what the doctors gave me it would not come down they would do EKGs my heart was fine but my blood pressure was not getting better since I’m not a rich man I had to wait because Medicare wanted me to first try medications and nerve blocks and a few other things until 10 years later I finally got the okay from my neurologist to get the surgery I got it my blood pressure was still elevated but after I came out of the hospital about a month later my pressure was normal it’s been doing okay speak more about trigeminal neuralgia dentist don’t know about it most doctors don’t know about it it’s an awful horrible way to live thanks doctor
My panic attacks can occur while having a friendly conversation on the phone. Sudden dizziness starts and my BP drops. If I don’t get my friend off the phone immediately I pass out in the passage and “come to” hitting my head on my wooden floor. This doesn’t quite gel with what this says. I am very grateful mine are minor. If I have to face something my mind can’t deal with my BP starts dropping and I am able to lie down until it passes. Strange indeed. 😊
I get heart palpitations due to involuntary panick attacks that happens mostly at night when i m asleep. It wakes me up and freaks me out. i had myself checked out by my physician, all tests came out normal, so 3 years ago my doctor put me on a small dosage of celexa (10 mg) but now I want to get off that med. I will try this technique. Thank you Dr Mandell!
I needed to see this today. I am getting them more since I’ve been taking a certain Antidepressant. I have stopped driving and may sell my car because I’m so scared to drive alone thinking I will get one, which I have many times. I do what the Doc has advised, as I’ve gotten them since childhood, but still feel frightened. I don’t want to depend on Meds😥I’ll keep trying to have faith and be strong🙏🏼💪🏼
I’ve had anxiety and severe panic attacks for about 6 years . 13 years ago a heart attack then after that I was diagnosed with leaking heart valve and thoracic aortic aneurysm. I was told having anxiety and the aneurysm is like sitting on a keg of dynamite. Seems Xanax er is controlling the anxiety. My problem is with the aneurysm I’m supposed to keep my heart rate at 105 max. When a severe panic attack happens my heart rate has gone as high as 325. Paramedics usually take me to the ER because my heart rate is so high the aneurysm could burst. So for me anxiety could kill me. I follow Dr. Mandell and love his information
Never went to a doctor. I found Wim Hof in my search for relief and it worked. Thanks to this doc for pointing out how breath exercises work, they really do folks. Also taking a breather and a little bit of meditation in the morning helps. Seems like maybe no but think about how much crap you are thinking about when you wake up!
Great way to think about it. I just hate the after effects that take so long to go away… insomnia, night sweats, no appetite, worried whatever you eat is going to contribute to either the anxiety or bowel movements (diarrhea) Its all a pain to deal with, more so when most people don’t understand it.
I find this article really helpful. It is actually helpful when you go through it. I have been going through this article daily and it is actually helping me cure. I am doing really great now. And it’s been just 2 days i feel far far far better. I have accepted my anxiety. I have got myself checked from the doctor and they say i am all good. Rather than taking any other medicines it is better that we meditate, we do alom vilom deep breathing techniques. And keep doing it.
It’s a difficult disease, I’m always fighting it every day and it’s hard to focus on one thing at work especially in a fast pace environment and just a little mistake of mine makes my panic attack severe and I don’t know what to do next, even if there is The idea of what the next step to do will really disappear if I have a panic attack. My experience when I was young that my grandfather always beat me and shouted close to my ear brought me fear until now. No matter how much I pray and practice to overcome this pain, I can’t really avoid it. sometimes I thought of committing suicide but I have deep faith in God that one day my pain will be reduced.
I got to bones crushed in my neck the pain gets so bad it gets un bearable I tried the pull my head to one side wile pulling the muscles in my neck to the one side and it works amazing when I let’s go the pain and tightness goes away I can cry in relief thank you doctor I loves you like a brother your advice makes my life so much better God bless you you are a amazing person
Thank you for the article. So many people suffer from this. It’s unfortunate that a lot of doctor’s don’t know how to deal with patients that have this problem. I think with everything that’s happened in the last few years in the country and around the world there needs to be more compassion and understanding about mental health.
please also address histamine intolerance (HI) as a cause of rapid heart rate and other symptoms that not only “feel” like anxiety, but are often wrongly diagnosed and treated as such!! Many people who have either contracted the recent infection or taken the new medical product to fight it are now experiencing HI but not being correctly diagnosed or treated. This happened to me, but I researched and I’m now well.
Im crying as i read these comments. My anxiety has never been so bad in all my life. It gets triggered intensely throughout the day and it seems i am constantly plagued by anxiety. Yalls comments give me so much hope. Pslam 34 KJV 17 The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Remember that the spirit is a still, small voice. It can be hard to rely on faith when anxiety can be loud with its voice of uncertainty and mistrust. Its hard but i know that everyday gets better. Hold onto hope and faith and remember that it is OK to feel anxious. It is okay! You will be okay. Invite God to be with you. Learn to accept your imperfections and weaknesses because not even God upholds a standard so high for you. He loves you and is with you ❤
Thanks Doc it helped very much like perusal your articles I typically go to you to see what you have said first on the topic is working in the ER and on mother baby I can tell you that your information helps a lot this week and recalls me in the situation I’m doing is there a Tennessee to overthink things not only in my personal life but with people that I am talking to can’t wait to see what next you make there are so many topics you can work on
i suffer very bad with depression anxiety and panic attacks and i have so many fears i cant leave the house only eating one bowl of porridge a day afraid to take medication at this stage i afraid of alot of thing i have sinus problems also and strong smells effects me badly im avoiding people because of all even my family my life gets so sad and lonely i pray to god that some day i will get better an get my life back to normal and be healthy and happy again \t😢\t😢😢 sinead
When you start to get nervous or anxious, stop for a second. Think. What is it exactly that I’m nervous about? Think, what’s the absolute worst that could happen? Seriously, stop what you’re doing, take a minute for yourself, and think logically exactly what you are afraid of. 99/100, it’s not going to happen. Learn to put things in perspective. I was a nervous kid. Grew up in an abusive house. I walked on eggshells. When I was 18 I was sent to Vietnam for 16 months. I swore that if I ever made it home, I’d never be nervous or anxious about anything. Every day would be a piece of cake. Life is full of stress and anxiety. But stop for a second and think…. What exactly is it that I’m worried about? What’s the worst that could happen? Flat tires. Break ups. Job losses. They are part of life my friends. You will get through it. Deal with the today and now. Don’t worry about a week from now or a year from now. You can do it
Good afternoon, I’m from Indonesia, doc. Permission to ask a doctor. I hope he can give you instructions regarding the diagnosis of my complaint 🙏🙏. So sis, I first got this from the doctor when I was having coffee with a friend on an empty stomach at that time, because I’m an active person who socializes and socializes wherever I dare, but when I was drinking coffee and smoking, suddenly my heart suddenly started to get worse. I felt like I was falling, I immediately felt uncomfortable, uncomfortable, immediately I remembered people who had heart attacks, suddenly I panicked and cried because I felt uncomfortable, I was afraid, until I panicked, afraid of heart disease too, until my blood pressure rose 180 at that time, starting from that moment. That’s when I started to be afraid of going anywhere, feeling dizzy, afraid of gatherings, afraid of going to the mosque, afraid of having my blood pressure measured, afraid of going for coffee, afraid of going far, afraid of being in crowds. Just when I was planning to go, I was already nervous, starting to get tense, restless, and my mind started making up all kinds of things, afraid of it happening again and afraid of fainting and dying suddenly, in the end I was always lying at home, lazy about meeting people, lazy and not productive anymore, afraid of having a chronic disease, afraid of heart disease, afraid of kidney disease, afraid of dying, my body will be weak, lethargic, have no energy, every time I meet people or chat I immediately become tense, uncontrollably anxious.