This guide provides a comprehensive guide for Hunter DPS players in World of Warcraft Classic, covering all spells and procs needed to understand as a Hunter DPS. It includes an introduction, spell summary, builds and talents, pet guide, rotation, cooldowns, and abilities, stat priority, enchants, and a searchable and filterable list of all Hunter Abilities in World of Warcraft: Classic. The guide also covers the best PvE talent builds and specs for every situation in Classic WoW, as well as detailed information about each talent and when to pick them.
The guide also recommends the best shaman race for PVE or PVP, such as Troll, Tueur de bêtes, and Troll Horde PVE. Some spells like Claw are easy to learn due to their lack of cooldown, while others like Dash/Dive/Prowl can take time to spam due to their longer duration.
The guide also lists the locations of Hunter Trainers for Alliance and Horde in Classic WoW, allowing players to learn which abilities are worth training as they level. A detailed WoW Classic leveling guide is provided for Hunters, guiding them from level 1 to level 60, with abilities, talents, tips, and tips.
In conclusion, this guide offers a comprehensive guide for Hunter DPS players in World of Warcraft Classic, covering all spells, procs, and abilities. It also provides a detailed guide on how to optimize the rotation of your Hunter DPS in both single-target and multiple-target PvE situations.
📹 Classic WoW: 60 Hunter PvE Field Manual (Pets, Rotation, Talents, BiS Gear, Stat Weights, etc!)
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What is the best pet to level with in classic WoW?
In the context of World of Warcraft, the Carrion Bird and the Bird of Prey are considered the optimal choice for players seeking to enhance their character through the acquisition of Hunter Pets, particularly within the context of the Classic WoW mode.
What is the best leveling pet for Hunter?
Once a Hunter has reached level 10 and completed their class quest, they may access the Tame Beast. Of the available options, Owl and Carrion Bird are the optimal choices due to their ability to utilize Screech.
What is the best PvE pet in WoW classic?
Cats are highly effective pets for PvE due to their high damage modifier of 10 and their capacity to learn Claw and Bite, which enables them to achieve impressive DPS.
How do you level up fast in the Hunter?
The Hunting Level is the level a player is at in-game, determining their weapon options and callers. Levels can be increased through experience gained through harvesting animals, discovering outposts, and completing missions. The current level cap is 60, with a maximum of 22 Skill and Perk Points. As a player reaches a new level, they receive a point to spend on skills or perks. Skill points and perk points alternate, with each level receiving either a skill or a perk point. From level 37, points are only awarded every 3 levels.
What is the best hunter build for PvE in classic?
Hunter talent builds are essential for PvE, with Marksmanship being the best spec for Hunters. Beast Mastery and Survival are less effective, with a minor exception for Beast Mastery at early gear levels. Hunters have unique utility, making them a vital part of any raid group. They deal competitive damage initially in low gear levels like Molten Core and Onyxia, but are quickly out-scaled by other classes like Warriors, Rogues, Mages, and Warlocks.
In optimized raid groups, expect 1-3 Hunters in later raids, possibly more in MC and Onyxia. At least one Hunter is required for Tranquilizing Shot and pulling enemies from far away using your pet. For leveling builds, refer to the leveling guide for Hunters.
Which Hunter spec is best in Classic WoW?
The optimal Hunter specialization for early player versus environment encounters is Marksmanship.
What hunter pet should I use?
It is recommended that players utilize a Spirit Beast as their primary choice for raiding, particularly those who have selected the Mythic Hunter class.
What is the easiest Hunter spec to play?
Beast Mastery is a popular and simple raiding spec in World of Warcraft (WoW), often used in World First kills. It is a simple 2-minute burst-focused build that utilizes the Dark Ranger Hero Talent’s powerful single-target capability. For those new to Beast Mastery, the Spell Summary page provides more information on its abilities. This build is the highest possible pure single-target DPS build available.
What is the best DPS spec for hunters?
Beast Mastery Hunter is a mobile ranged DPS spec that can execute its rotation while moving, making it useful for dealing with mechanics in raids and dungeons without damage penalty. It is easy to pick up and play, making it suitable for those who enjoy a simple, effective ranged playstyle.
This section serves as a general overview of the strongest Hunter specs in the current meta in The War Within. It is important to note that there is no singular best Raiding Spec for Hunters, and each Hunter spec is likely the best for at least one encounter, even the “worst” spec. The game is meant to be fun, and players should play whatever spec they enjoy the most.
What is the best leveling talent for Hunter Classic?
Beast Mastery is a popular leveling specialization for Hunters, with a primary focus on the enhancement of pet damage. In the Classic version of the game, pets play a significant role in leveling.
What animal gives you the most money in the Hunter call of the wild?
To earn cash in the game, hunt Canada Gooses using the Wild Goose Chase Gear DLC, Pumas or Mountain Lions, Merriam Turkey, and Pronghorn. These animals are class 5 and give between 1000-1700 cash per harvest. The Merriam Turkey is easy and fun to hunt, while Pronghorns are abundant and calm down quickly after shooting. To get more money, hit vital organs, use appropriate ammunition, and kill males first. Birds are easy to kill and can break out of the bottom.
The faster the animal dies, the better the score and more cash. To maximize your earnings, aim for the highest ranking male and finish the females first. Remember to use appropriate ammunition and kill birds to break out of the bottom.
Topic Timestamps: Ding 60! First Steps – 4:35 The Hunter Role – 7:07 Damage Rotation – 7:53 Gear/Trinket Swapping – 19:05 Kiting – 27:25 Hunter Stats – 29:26 Talent Builds – 34:21 All About Pets – 38:15 Hunter Itemization – 47:57 Pre-BiS Gear – 48:58 BiS Enchants – 55:04 World Buffs – 55:24 Raid Consumables – 55:32 Weapons Listed by Rotation Type: 56:09 The Hunter Income – 57:04
Full vs Clipped rotation: Someone parsed this out with a variety of weapons, and the conclusion was fairly simple. 2.7 base Weapon Speed and below: Full 2.8-3.1 base Weapon Speed: Clipped 3.2 base Weapon Speed and above: Full This is universal across all ranged weapons, in case the weapon you’re using isn’t among the 4 Kargoz listed out.
I love how the quality of WoW content is such a cool Grass Roots YouTube movement. Just a lot of passion and hard-working people who keep raising the bar for one another. It feels kind of like the YouTube from 10+ years ago. From you Kargoz, to Defcamp and Melderon, the Classicast and Countdown to Classic crew. Can’t wait for someone to make a web documentary about all this when it’s said and done. Cheers guys, the community is thankful
Hey mate! I’ve sat down and watched the whole thing. This is a world-class guide, I’ll tell ya what. 🙂 Apologies again that we never got to talk at length about some more of this stuff. You produced such an in-depth guide so quickly and efficiently. It’s truly admirable! For other hunters reading the comments, I’ll, uhh, leave some more commentary here. As Kargoz said at the end of the vid, let’s improve the guide by contributing in the comments! However, I should preface what I’m saying with this disclaimer: My experience is on the private servers: Nostalrius, Kronos, Elysium, Light’s Hope… anything could change in official Classic! Hopefully what I know about this or that is relevant to what’s coming. ———- 08:02 – Regarding Multi-Shot, it seems to function with chaining logic. Three projectiles are fired at once, but the secondary target struck will be closest to the primary, and the tertiary target will be whatever’s closest to the secondary that isn’t also the primary target. With this in mind, say you have three mobs like this: 1 2 3 Aim at 1 or 3, not 2! If you fire at 2, it will chain to 1 or 3 and not across to the other because while 1 or 3 are close enough to 2 for a secondary target to be struck, the tertiary is too far. Aim at 1 or 3, and it’ll chain across 2 to the opposite side. Kinda weird, but that’s how it works. If you’re really good with this sort of thing, you can use Multi-Shot around a sheep and not hit the sheep if you aim it right. At the very least, this should come in useful when your tanks need to spread targets out.
You get a big like from me. Not only do I remember the torture of farming pre raid Hunter gear. I just realised how many Tribute runs I’ll be doing. Also easy money selling Princess runs as a BM hunter. Can someone remind me to quit my job when classic drops. Thanks for this mate. This, was, amazing!
dude. you just did everything. insane guide with pretty much everything ill ever need. also you just helped me to finally make my decision on what class to pick in classic. it was between druid (my old main back in the days), mage or hunter. that was so much work and its so fing apreciated. thank you.
Fantastic guide, work, and explanation. I’ll be utilizing this as a former Vanilla hunter. I was a noob back then and I progressed like every one else over the years. It will be interesting to back and play a vanilla hunter with better skill and with things like this better intel! Great job to everyone involved. Thanks man.
Awesome guide and on point without any misinformation, bravo! Loved that you mentioned the Raptor Strike/Sapper for the flex spot, as it is something that gets overlooked quite often. Little sad that you did not went into too much detail with it, but as it is a super tryhard method to increase DPS, I see how a starter guide might not be the right place to approach that. However, with the right positioning (as close as possible to boss to shoot ranged attacks) and the right gear setup (slow x-bow + slow 2h melee) you can actually pull off running into melee to Raptor Strike + R1 Wing Clip and getting back into ranged position before your autoshot resets (thus not clipping any and getting free extra damage from the melee). This is much easier to pull off once ZG arrives with the 20% runspeed potion but buffs DPS by a fair amount on Alliance side and a quite noticable amount on Horde due to Windfury. Maybe it is worth to mention for those few dyhard tryhards 🙂
Really nice in-depth guide. There is one important point you seem to neglect though: Melee swings & weapons, especially as horde hunter – key word windfury totem. You mentioned weaving in raptor strike, feign death, trinket swapping, etc. but you didn’t put emphasis on getting in melee hits with a big 2h in your rotation. In my opinion that’s most likely the no°1 source of damage increase hunters can achieve by optimizing gameplay. You stick to minimum shooting range and get in wing clip+raptorstrike (+on hit procs) between autoshots if Aimed Shot & Multi Shot are on cooldown.
this was an amazing guide, keep doing the amazing work you do! I haven’t been able to decide on rogue hunter or warrior and this guide is making me lean towards hunter as someone who loves to be a troll for their race! I would love to hear what server you are planning on playing on and would love to see a rogue guide like this!
Honestly watched this article saw how long it was and honestly was glad it was this long. Played a hunter vanilla-bc and haven’t played hunter since. Haven’t played since panda land except legion. Was debating on what to play this time in vanilla and figured I’d re take a look at hunter and still learned alot from this guide I never knew back then.
We need a discussion on hunter bis moving forward from dungeons and 10 man content. Moving into Molten core, BWL, ZG and the dragons of nightmare. The hunter is faced with a series of options for reaching the 9% hit cap. ”Stating that Drake Fang Talisman is bis trinket is not helpful information, it is obvious information” – Novat 19/20 hunters raiding BWL will NOT be in a position to pick up the Drake Fang Talisman from warriors and Rogues. It would not only be unwise for the guild to assign the item to the hunter, it would be unwise for the hunter to accept the item if offered. The item is better placed on a warrior or a rogue for the purpose of boosting the overall damage output of the raid. Only if the hunter is exceedingly exceptional and reliable, and all the reliable warriors and rogues have received their trinket, should the hunter be considered for the trinket. The same can be said for Band of Accuria and the quick strike ring. Further more, the +7 damage scope has an AP value depending on the speed of the weapon. It’s a bit complicated, since the damage bonus is added as a flat value to aimed shot and multi shot which are tied down to the nature of clipping them in between auto shots. While the added auto shot value is affected by the added attack speed bonus of the quiver. I.e the converted AP bonus of +7 damage is different for auto and for multi + aimed. Base AP value of +7 damage scope. Actual AP value will be greater depending on which quiver you equip. pre-bis 3.
Wow, great content. Just subbed (of course). Finally hearing real views and opinions on what people have tried instead of saying the same recycled crap from others (like saying cats aren’t the best pets of all time ever). AND you give us access to this PowerPoint??? Amazing job from you and all those that helped!!!
Thank you for this guide! I would like to add that the wolf (Howl) will be your BiS doing DMT runs. Also, the screech ability lowers atk power by 100, which is ~11% dmg reduction. Very useful on Patchwerk for example, or hard hitting bosses in general. For example, each time Patchwerk hits for 7K dmg, your owl reduces inc dmg with 700. Making easier for both tanks and healers. Dmg meters is not everything.
thank you so much i was a warrior back in the day no idea why i decided to go a warrior was talking to my mates how i was going to go a hunter and that was my class then when the game dropped i went warrior lol this time im going hunter but i was really scared because the class takes a lot of time to master but this guide has help me a lot so thanks for the guide + 1 sub from Australia
Have to ask, why is the 2 handed boe sword “Warmonger” never listed for pre raid bis? 3% hit on a 2 hander as a boe sounds amazing all around. Using your stat weights for it, that 3% would equal 90 ap. Not to mention with devilsaur you’d be at 5% hit with just 3 items opening up slots for more crit. I’ll admit I haven’t done the math but it seems far too good to pass up. Thoughts? Edit: Forgot about Voone’s Vice Grips as well. 2% hit on gloves for a quest item. Never seen in any BiS list either. So with a BoE sword, one quest item and 3 talent points you are at 8% hit. Ultra easy to obtain, and you can itemize the other slots accordingly
You missed one thing about pets. Their growl scales incredibly well with attack power, that’s why if a boar charge (+390ap) and growl, is very hard to pull aggro from him. This makes boars the best farming pets and also surprisingly useful in 5 mans where they can easly offtank if the healer is competent enough to keep them alive. I also managed to main tank Azuregos with a pet, it requires a little more preparation but pet aggro does not reset in that event (they are immune to teleport) so basically after second teleport all dps can go all out making encounter trivial
There was a bug(I always assumed it was a bug) with boar charge + pet skills that lasted well into BC. I’m not 100% sure if it was in vanilla, but this was the best pet I ever found for leveling and threat spiking. I even used it to tank the first pull of Moroes because my boar could hold threat long enough for the raid to take the first target down.
Hello, thanks for an awesome article Kargoz. Apperciate you taking the time. I was wondering about one thing; you mention its cheap to respec your beast training. Do you know how much it cost? Considering one would start with doing alot of dungeons prior to raiding, would you recommend a player to put more beast points on pure dmg and stamina rather than resistance prior to raiding? And then respec when the time for raiding arrives? Thank you in advance!
You should have mentioned the 3/31/17 build ( with slight variations in the hawk points). I use this as a jack of all trades build, because of the imp traps, and most importantly imp feign death. In classic client imp feign death is kinda a must for DMT farming, or even HoJ or SGC farming runs or DME fastening. Especially dmt though.
First off, phenomenal guide! However: It seemed a bit strange to me that you delved into advanced mechanics like min/maxed damage rotation and gear / trinket swapping before touching the talent build section. In my mind the talent build is the most basic thing everything else is built on and i would have set it after the “The Hunter Role” part. To put it into perspective of where i’m coming from: I never played vanilla hunter before, so there was nothing on this guide i already knew beforehand. The whole damage rotation / gear swapping section would have been more easily digestible for a hunter illiterate like me if the talent build section came before the rest. It’s a nitpicky argument since i know the guide as a whole is designed to be a long term read-along and reference, but still wanted to point it out. Regardless, it was a pleasure to watch and really makes me want to delve deep into hunter once Vanilla officially releases. I’ll definitely look out for more of your guides in the future and i really appreciate the amount of hard work you put into this. Liked and subbed.
Great indepth guide, noticed there was nothing about professions though? Other than mentioning skinning and herbalism briefly in the last section, which are best? For clothies its always tailoring, but is there a benefit to having two gathering over a gathering and crafting? Like; Skinning and Leatherworking Mining and Engineering (Thorium bullets/arrows/Arcane crystals) Skinning and Herb (DM & Devil farm) Thanks
Just in regards to the PRE-BIS list you have; going off the information from Blizzcon, which is the most current information available, both Pendant of Celerity (Phase 3) and Bloodseeker (Phase 2) won’t be in at launch. If the no-Dire-Maul-at-launch community wins too, there won’t be Tarnished Elven Ring either, though going off the information from Blizzcon it’s still valid for now. Edit: OK – you cover this towards the end.
Hand of Justice is missing from trinket BiS list before DM comes out, especially for alliance but also for horde since Rune of the Guard Captain will prob not be out on launch. And you can pick up Dreadforge Retaliator at the same time, its decent while working on the better weapons. Just get a caster grp with warrior tank that has it or a druid tank, easy peasy. Or get Shard of Afrasa just to have something useful equiped. Edit: Realised this article was made before the updated content release plan, carry on 🙂
Was thinking of rolling a paladin in classic but after perusal this i am again not sure if i should play pala or hunter. Both were my mains since vanilla. Paladin’s huge advantage is finding groups and raids as a holy, hunter is “just another dps” and you dont even need them as much as mages or rogues for example. Also i am scared half of server will roll nigth elfs xxlegolasxx hunters and i will have to try really hard to get a raid spot in a decent guild. On the other hand leveling and farming is so so much easier and more fun on hunter than on a auto attack retri pala. Damn it, hard decission to make.
Hey Kargoz. Just started Wow Classic. I have Troll hunter. And were wondering if they can carry a shield, because some answers differ on the net. Plus the Troll Hunter has a slot for a possible shield. I’m a level 7, but could not find the teacher that could teach me how to carry a shield. Thanks. Sorry for the direct question. But easier instead of perusal one hour article. Going to be my new article guide I think thou. To have handy. Thanks for the massive investigation and article project. Regards Krusty
The idea of a melee hunter in Vanilla WoW has piqued my interest. I didn’t even know this was something that was done in vanilla. I’ve seen multiple article showing their viability in a PvP setting and I watched one vide on a PVE take on melee hunter. What are your thoughts on melee Hunters in WoW Classic?
I know this is a PVE guide, but for pvp in your utmost honest opinion would settling with a 1.2 att speed cat be enough for pvp? My experience with getting broken tooth so far has been nothing but depressing I’ve camped numerous spawns for hours and had them grief killed and ninjad and starting to think it’s not worth it, which sucks because I really want the 1.0 for pvp. I just don’t think I’ll be actually playing the game for weeks or longer. Amazing guide btw.
loving the content of info for possible new players trying out vanilla wow but i just find it a little funny on how it’s almost as we’ve gone along and regressed in ability to play games where a game that is 15 years old is needing to have streamers give tips/tricks/walkthrough/manual on how to level classes. Still fun to watch for the nostalgia but i just find it funny. Though one opinion on this. You go into detail on rotation but you didn’t go into detail on the differences between bm, marks and surv. especially considering that all three classes have changed a lot from what new players are use to and what they were
A little late to this article, but as far as classic goes does the scorpids initial poison application still scale with RAP and continue as long as it’s being reapplied? Bliz patched this out in BC (I think?) because I seem to remember this was really really strong back in the day with trinket popping and buffs.
Got a question, is it better to have mining+skinning to earn gold? Or should i have engeneering+mining? I’m going to get engeneering anyway cuz im a pvp player, but if i skin from level 1 it will get me some easy money that I might need. What is your tip, get engeneering right away or learn it when I hit level 60? Might skining is a better choice than mining for a hunter that are going to farm devilsaurs ?
Confused about the clipped rotation. I got the epic bow from MC and you stated that we use the clipped rotation. So do we use the normal full single target rotation and then immediately hit aimed shot before auto shot has a chance to cast? After doing that, do we go back to the full single target rotation again? Because multi shot is still on CD at this point.
Can someone explain why pet attack speed does not affect PVE? If it’s attacking faster it’s doing DPS no? Or is it that each hit is slightly less than a slower attack speed would be, but it just hits more often so it works out the same and the only benifit of high attack speed is ‘pushback’ which only works on player casts?
i think this is a bit off honestly as im going through the article i noticed saying down rank multi shot doesnt lower dmg much but your last MS is +80 and the rank before is +40 maybe im wrong but that feels like alot and then the comment ” hunters really shouldnt have a mana issue if they are popping pots and dark runes regularly but to me doesnt that mean there are mana problems already you shouldnt need to use that regularly … i do however like the lead with autoshot for rotation that makes sense the first hit is faster than normal shots ……… that said this been proven that RF doesnt reduce the cast time of aim shot however the proc from BM on hawk does reduce the cast time on aim shot … other than that which i touched on its not bad i guess
how good is Savage Gladiator Chain for hunter I have people telling me that is better the the scholo chest at all and most of it wrong and also how good is Lok’delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers since its going to be a bit before my guild lets hunter get the two melee weapons form mc ( btw this is p1 with dm )
i hate to say this, but: there may be some misleading information in here. i tested the damage calculator myself and it seems to not work properly: for example, racial bonusses for ranged weapons only appear to give a 1.x% bonus to hit instead on the vastly agreed upon ~3% bonus (based on the different hit formulas you use when the weapon/defense skill difference is more or less than 10). so you can expect at least some major miscalculations with the dps theorycrafting. i would be happy if i get proven wrong and the mistake is on my part =) but as it stands i cant trust the information given here
Hmm you say 20/31 MM/SV, picture show what would be 20/31 BM/MM but also says MM/SV… Just want to clarify which you are actually listing for at the 34 minute mark. I did not play hunter in vanilla but i was under the impression that other than a few talents for extra hit % and FD cooldown and resist reduction that Survival was garbage for raiding. Please confirm or deny this since i plan to run Hunter for Classic release. Hmm You say there is no real advantage to having 1.0 attack speed pet in pve, but wouldnt that 1.0 attack speed all but guarantee 100% uptime on frenzy in a BM build vs a 2.0 attack speed pet potentially not getting a crit in his 4-5 hits while its up BT would have like like 10-12 attacks in that same timeline.
While i can see that you’ve put in much work, you forgot to implement the most important calculations of all, Spelldamage buffs and curse of shadows vs armor amount. Secondly you fail to realize that Improved Aspect of the hawk has NO ppm, and thus more autoshots means a higher uptime. Aimed shot converts one autoshot into an aimedshot, and negates at least one autoshot and clipping at least one more. What this means if your useing the slowest weapon in game, with aimed shot, you lose 1% autoshoot dps due to the speed with the clipping, on that shot and loose 2 autoshoots every 9 seconds. Since improved aspect of the hawk has no PPM, the formula to calculate your autoshot dps, is (1-(19/20)^2*100)% for a 9.75% uptime of Improved aspect of the hawk with aimed shot, while it is (1-(19/20)^4*100)% for a 18.55% uptime with arcane shot For easy calculation, this means if your autoshoot dps is 100, your dps with aimed shot is (100-9.75)+(9.75*1.30) for an average dps of 102.93 while its (100-18.55)+(18.55*1.3) for an average dps of 105.65. for arcane shot. The more shots you fire dureing the 9 seconds, the higher the uptime will be, and the more drastic the difference will be towards the autoshoot damage with a faster weapon. Now For your calculations, you seem to have calculated 0 armor, and 0 resistance in any comparison. Up to and includeing BWL armor value of a raid boss is 4691 armor, With sunder armor and feariefire, this is reduced to 1936 armor, wich translates into 24.75% damage reduction.
Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed the guide! If I missed something or you have suggestions on way to improve this guide please add comments to this Presentation: There are also a bunch of useful Hunter related links in the description below!
While Hunters are generally polarized one way or the other (no middle ground), while Leveling your #1 priority should be keeping your Pet alive. That means many points in BM to build out a proper Tank pet (even if it’s a Cat). This will save you far more time than the small damage increase from the points you lost into improving your Pet’s Health/Armor/etc.
the guide is quite good, but some things are not for CLASSIC WOW, but for VANILLA WOW and that is a big difference. For example macros are not working in classic wow, because the “/script” is not allowed. This either needs an update, or a popup in article to point out what is not working in actual “classic wow”
I know this is more geared toward faster, more efficient leveling, but I go out of my way to buy all skills because I actually use them. Track beasts and track humanoids helped me look for quest mobs and rare spawns (such as the gnoll east of Northshire who drops an 8 slot bag). Same goes for Eagle Eye – I used it to track the spawn of a harvester golem in Westfall who drops a 10 slot bag. Eye of the Beast I have not used yet, but the point I am making is that I find practical uses all the time 🙂
+1. Question: Do you find hunters to be only good for pvp or decent for pve as well or just TranQ shot/Trueshot aura supporter? Such a joy to listen to your articles man. Calm, informative and the time/effort it takes you to make them for the community. As a 40yo man who also mained hunter ever since the open beta time but IRL (family, work etc) make me wounder what to do with my hunter that I will be maining for Classic. I did not raid that much as I focused alot more on the pvp aspect. Love the old AV and the class itsemf for pvp. Some say hunters just get worse as time goes and not really “that” good anymore once AQ/Naxx comes out. In one of the articles from our other great guy Tipsout when he interviewed Cadet who he considers to be one of the best hunters in the world how the class is in both pve and pvp, it is always interesting to hear others pov. Now, we are talking about (mmo)RPG after all so play what you want, is most fun to you that you will enjoy the longest is the main thing. So many in all online games today asking that same silly question “what is best X and Y” when they should focus on what I just said. Common sence. The more fun you have = more played = become better = better geared/rotations = less reroll chance etc
It’s bull-puckie that your other articles were taken down. I have never been a fan of speed leveling, but I am a fan of efficiency. One way I do this is with mouse over macros, especially on my healers. I am not sure yet how to do this in Classic, but my current macros combine 2 spells in one action bar slot. If help I heal/decurse/shield, if harm I cast a damage ability. And to take it a step further, I try to keep like cool down spells on the same macro, so I get use to how long it’s down whether damaging or healing. Anyhow, more great content. Keep it up, and hope to see ya in the demo. I already took the day off work on Nov. 2 & 4. Oh yeah… I’m a big nerd! 😀
HYPE! Glad to see you still making these. Also, Id love to see a Rogue one. I am never quite sure what my rotation should be when leveing lets say, 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 and so on. Do I use snd or just combo till Evis. Everytime I get to around lvl 16 quests in Barrens I hit a huge road block with being able to kill things for quests. Mainly the Harpies.
Lupos and Brokentooth isn’t really an issue. Lupos’ ability to deal shadow dmg and thereby ignore armor was removed relatively early in a classic patch rendering him useless. If they run on a 1.12.1 platform, he’ll be useless even at launch. Brokentooth is really only for pvp, but even then it’s not the best choice. There are other easy to get by pets with fast attackspeed under 1,5 so you don’t have to get him. All viable pve pets are easy to get, mostly in dungeons and raids (ZG Raptor, LBRS wolf).
For those who are planning to play hunter but never played vanilla or never played hunter in vanilla, then there’s one thing to learn. Never pull with serpent sting or the tank will kick your ass 😀 Man i learned that in MC when after a few Baron Geddon pulls the MT yelled at me to not pull with that 😀 Also prepare to level up engineering cause you’ll get the best ammo from it, and bombs, jumper cables, repair bots… But it’s a fun class, you’ll feel special along with the priest and warrior with your class weapons (bow and staff).
Guide is fine for hitting max character level with some really nice tips about auto shot usage. I was just hoping to see more about traps, kiting techniques, and proper use of melee. I helped my friend level a hunter where all we did were orange/red quests together, it was like extreme hunter boot camp for him. Hunters become insanely funner the more you know.
Awesome guide man. I’m a wrath baby and I have mained a hunter since then I plan on staying Hunter on classic as the class just means more to me than a class. Great guide and info and it’s nice to see someone as passionate as me about the Hunter. Hope to see more Hunter info or gameplay in the future!
I really enjoy your articles! Nice work. Especially the part with bow and ammo progression. You’re doing just great! Every type of article (classes, zones and etc). And btw it’so nice you mentioned Raziya. If anyone interested he is an extremely skilled hunter and has a very good website with tips&tricks for hunters. Absolutely recommend everyone to visit it.
Question and this is going to be long (sorry) At lvl 38 I thought I would try and get Broken Tooth and if luck would have it I did yea for me. I made lvl 40 and got him to lvl 39 all’s well but decided to try and learn Bite 5 to improve his dps so I looked up which pet would teach that and found that a scorpion from Tanaris would do the trick so I grabbed my boar that I was willing to abandon and headed out to Tanaris. Found the scorpion I wanted and started the taming process (which almost killed me as I had to do 2 taming cycles to get him.) Next lets go kill stuff and learn the skill. Here is where the issue is, even after learning both bite 5 and poison 3 my pet has gained no XP period nothing not a single point. He’s still rebellious and loyalty level 1 after killing a lot of mobs and even doing a couple of quests. 0% showing on his bar. What am I missing?
Awesome article man. Having played WoW since Vanilla and primarily playing a Hunter I agree with 98% of what you said. However, personally, I find having to stock up on Ammo (And deciding ‘what’ ammo I want) and the keeping up with Pets (Again, choosing what Pet I want) to be a major part of the appeal for me. These were things we took for granted and when they were later removed the class felt entirely different. Personally, having the option to choose these things adds customization for me and makes the class and character feel more like ‘my’ character as opposed to a cookie-cutter build. All in all good article though mate, just figured I would throw my two cents in there.
Given that my time to play this game is much much smaller then it was back in the old days hunter will have to be my main. I’m going to need to be able to cruise through leveling in order to enjoy classic at all. First character ever was a dwarf hunter so by the gods it’s going to be a dwarf hunter again
I have a little question which relates primary to leveling of the character. I’m currently playing a hunter on a private and I just tamed broken tooth, but instead of following your mentioned talent tree, I’ve decided to learn bestial discipline and also teached my pet bite and claw. With those both activated, the pet does an insane damage and I can also disable growl because he does enough damage to keep aggro and save those 15 focus everytime. In my opinion this is more efficient. Of course you’ll be two levels behind to get into marksmanship but I think it’s worth it. What do you think about it? (In fact that private server are very far away from the retail version, the behavior of the pets how they use their talents could be very different, e.g. internal cooldowns etc.) PS: nice article and presentation so far and greetings from Germany. Sorry for my bad english 😀
I strongly disagree with Endurance Training/Thick Hide over Imp AotH. Your survivability, and your pet’s survivability, are plenty good enough for grinding without Endurance Training, and Imp AotH is free DPS. There’s zero reason not to take it. If you’re having trouble staying alive as a Hunter, then you’re just not playing well. My leveling build is 5/5 Hawk, 3/5 Endurance, 0/3 Thick Hide. Depending on what you plan to grind, Thick Hide over Endurance could be a viable option since it also increases the efficiency of Mend Pet. You also definitely want 1 point in Imp Mend Pet. There’s a ton of long-duration debuffs in vanilla that really blow. Being able to cleanse those yourself is extremely useful.
Awesome presentation, but I’m gonna disagree when you say on that 20-30 slide bottom note that you must burn offensive cooldowns all the time. When you are leveling on a pvp server, you must preserve your long cooldowns to have a fight if needed. You never can tell when you’ll be ambushed and tbh I don’t know for sure if it is comparable the time you will save burning cooldowns on a mob with the time you will lose on ghost walking. Back in the time I spent a good time in STVietnam on a balanced pvp server and it was NIGHTMARE whenever I was caught off-guard (beast tracking and cooldowns).
Excellent guide! There were two things missing for new players: talking about attack speed on your weapon (iirc slower is better than high attack speed) and to not be a dick about loot rolls. As a hunter you don’t care about armor very much, you just take all the leather/ even cloth gear with Maximum Agility/Intellect on them. However, leveling is all about having fun, so don’t make other people hate you in dungeons or regular partys by rolling away all their good stuff! So please don’t roll on that Robes of Arugal (cloth, 10 spirit, 9 int, 5 stam, 3 agi) when there are cloth classes in your party that need it. Be the good guy, not the dick!
The pet part is pretty inaccurate. I tamed 3 of the pets that are supposed to have level 2 focus dumps (scorpid, crab, boar. Only one that had a focus was the boar which was charge and it’s level 1. I’m taking these at 12. So I don’t know if level matters. But just wanted to let you know that. Still great guide though.
Hey kargoz, First off I’d like say thanks for the great content you and the rest of the community have provided, it’s been great to watch and revisit while I count down the days to classic. So my question is in regards to weapon swap macros and aimed shot, now I’m not sure how weapon swapping works in classic but would it be ideal for the sake of those juicy aimed shot crits to have the slowest range weapon around how ever in pvp when it comes to kiting, you get less auto shots off while on the move with a slower weapon. so my question is would a macro like /equip big slow weapon, cast aimed shot and then swap to /equip fast weapon, cast auto shot be viable, heck would it even be optimal? if you do end up trying it out let me know what you think . I’m also not sure if weapon swapping is on the GCD so it might not even be worth?
Great guide, thank you! I have a question about Concussive Shot. I noticed it was talked about in the Marksman talent tree, but not in the shot rotation. Why is that? I use it all the time, and many times as my first shot after sending in my pet. Is this a bad idea, or just inefficient? When do you use Concussion Shot, only in PvP?
Is 5/5 frenzy really necessary? With 80% (4/5)chance to proc on crit, I think it’d be up all the time already. If no lupos, I’d put the point into focus talent, if lupos take spirit bond. Also, the Raptor’s End bow, isn’t that from an alliance only quest? Another thing to keep in mind with weapon progression: If you’re really ahead of the curve, stuff like dungeon drops or STV questline bow (you can get the q at 28 and be 29 when helped by a grp by the time you reach the last q, but Bangalash is 43 elite + adds, so yeah) wont be as readily obtainable.
I know time has passed but just decided to play classic wow and am getting an error with this Hunter’s Mark Macro . It’s my first macro and followed it to a T . The pet runs out and attacks fine and all works etc but as soon as I cast it I get the following pop up every time . ” A Macro script has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI ” . Thanks .
@9:03 You have a splash screen with Focus Dump pets, and mentions the skill Gore. What the heck is gore? The boars listed don’t come with this ability, most of them just have Charge. They can learn Bite later though. Was Gore a skill that they later removed, and forgot to put back in Classic? I started playing WoW at the end of BC, so yeah.. Also, I believe the Hickory Shortbow was not available – I already had a hunting bow (8-16 2.60spd) by this point though, so no loss
Why improved revive over improved mend pet? It’s been a long time, but I vaguely remember using mend pet a lot more than revive. IIRC the pet gets really pissed off if you let it die. EDIT: Nvm, improved mend pet was apparently totally useless back then. Hawk eye also seems questionable for leveling since you are using your pet to tank most of the time.
If you are really trying to rush to 60 you can just dump pets and catch a new one which will have higher level skills anyway as you can train pets in anything they are lacking. I guess you could stick with one like the owl, but your still going to have to go and catch new pets anyway to learn the higher rank skills.
Doesn’t agro start after your dot ticks the first instance of damage? Meaning you can serpent sting then auto shot before they are “pulled”? That’s how I remember it anyway, unless they changed it. Meaning you do more damage shooting your DoT first, not after your auto, since you’ll have more time hitting them before they reach you.
These macros dont work with classic. Classic runs on the legion engine and uses most of the legion API rules. As far as I recall, they blocked macros from being able to check distance and then make choices for the player based on the information. Basically, Blizzard removed all logic from macros like that. Only the player can make the “If=>Then” decisions. There are some exceptions though, but they mostly don’t have to do with combat.
I started leveling a hunter on private server elysium for nostalgia since that was i played in retail vanilla. Had a boar so when the mob would get close I could charge him stopping movement and continue kiting. Even staying in aspect of cheetah if needed. Only problem was my pet couldn’t learn any ability beside what I tamed him with. I was never able learn taunt or anything like that. Made it around level 30 before I gave up. Ruined my private server experience. And definitely defeated the purpose of hunter.
Question about always leading with your auto because it has a “cast time”. Isn’t this not really the same as it having a REAL cast time. If that was the case, the auto time would break if we used an instant in between autos, no? New to hunter on vanilla so confused as to how this all works. Isn’t the reason you wanna lead with cast time and not instants is because of the GCD? Isn’t there no GCD on the auto? Confused as to what DPS i would be missing out on if I were to lead with arcane and not auto shot. as long as both land and one doesn’t interrupt the other then what does it matter?
why would you do monster/humanoid slaying when mortal shots increases crit damage by an additional 27% to EVERYTHING… As long as your crit chance isn’t in the dumpster, it is way better. I just wish there was a way to get more improved hunters mark (I almost feel like the extra 9% attack power you could get from switching out the 3 points in hawk eye is worth it, with concussive shot, you can keep enemies far enough away that 6 yard feels irrelevant)
Not going to bother with Brokentooth. The damage is the same as all other cats and as a hunter I already am favored against casters anyway. The work-profit ratio is not all that great anywhere outside of endgame PvP and by the time that rolls up as a significant gearing option, I already have access to ZG bat.
Improved mend pet is way better than two points into pathfinding. Yes you will level a tiny bit faster due to travel being faster but in pvp having improved mend pet is insanely good. When bestial wrath is used up and the Druid sleeps your pet you’re dead. Mage sheep’s your pet, you’re dead. Mend pet will cleanse those effects and make those classes suffer. Just use rank one so you don’t use too much mana
Thanks for helping these Hunters. What I find is the hardest is there is no armor high enough to help get through these areas. I’m a Dwarf Beastmaster and I have died over 100 times just to get to level 16. My Armor is the pits. Very low level and the only way to get higher level armor is buying gold. But I never do that. So I keep dying. So I hope you show where to get better armor.
you’re levelling without spirit bond, don’t have focus regen on pet. ok so i didnt play vanilla since i was 14-16 years old but I wouldn’t do this build. you want to be able to sustain. i dk if thers anything else. I obviously didnt know wtf i was doing from 1-60 back then, but perhaps you don’t need 15% max hp on pet, although i dont think 1st tree has a winner for levelling.
Hello, sorry I’ve never maden a macro before, so I tried your auto shot macro and as I tried to use it the game menssaged me saying that if I really want to use a personal script because it could put my character indanger and causing loose of gold and items. Is this a common thing that the game does whenever you create a new macro?
I went from 1-60 on my hunter without my pet dying more than 2 times. Didn’t need improve revive pet and still dont understand why you would. If you are a legacy vanilla player you barely get into these situations, and in case, just send your pet back to you heal it, dismiss whatever. my pet died once vs elite mobs and second time vs players. Not worth getting the talent for me for just 2 deaths
One question, my friend started leveling night elf hunter and he tamed one of the owls from teldrassil. But that owl didn’t have any other abilities except growl and pet trainer only trained resistances and higher ranks of growl. Does that mean that his owl will never be able to use abilities like claw, dive or screech?