The General Instruction of the Roman Missal states that the blood of the Lord may be received either by drinking from the chalice directly or by intinction (by the priest). It is not permitted for the lay faithful to self-intinct by dipping the host they will consume into the Precious Blood. Intinction is a practice of dipping the consecrated host into the consecrated wine and then receiving the “intincted” host in Holy Communion. Distribution of holy communion to the lay faithful in the Roman Rite can take place in various ways, such as drinking from the chalice directly or by intinction.
Intinction is one of the four approved ways in the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church for administering Holy Communion under both species. Some Byzantine-rite Eastern Catholic Churches in communion with the Church of Rome adopted intinction during the early 20th century, dividing the bread into pieces long enough to be partially dipped in the blood. The Reformed tradition calls for biblical and careful worship of our triune God.
The practice of intinction is not allowed in the Latin Rite of the mass, as the church teaches that both the host and chalice contain the full essence of Christ. It is acceptable to also receive communion in the hand if preferred.
Intinction is not a Roman practice but seems to be pragmatic in reducing the number of EMHCs and decreasing the risk of spilling the blood. In 2010, a PCA overture was passed to prevent the practice, which appears to be a novel invention to biblical presbyterianism.
📹 Jimmy Akin – What is Intinction? Jimmy Akin describes the practice of Intinction and whether or not it is allowed in the Latin Rite of the mass.
Is it a sin to receive communion in a Protestant church?
Protestant services are not considered sinful if they don’t align with church obligations. Catholics cannot receive communion in churches not in union with the Catholic Church. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience. Accepting all cookies agrees to their use to deliver services, maintain site quality, personalize content and advertising, and measure advertising effectiveness. Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure platform functionality by rejecting non-essential cookies.
Why can’t Protestants take Catholic communion?
In his epistles, St. Paul issues a cautionary admonition against the irreverent reception of the Eucharist, asserting that such an act can inflict spiritual detriment upon the soul. Those of Protestant faith, who adhere to a different set of beliefs, are unable to partake in the sacrament of Communion due to the divergence of their beliefs.
Why do Protestants reject transubstantiation?
Lutherans reject transubstantiation, believing that bread and wine remain fully bread and wine while also being the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church teaches that the whole substance of bread and wine is changed into the substance of the Body of Christ and the whole substance of wine into the substance of the Blood of Christ through the efficacy of the word of Christ and the action of the Holy Spirit. However, the outward characteristics of bread and wine remain unaltered.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharistic offering. The Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215 affirmed this doctrine, using the word “transubstantiate”, but it was later challenged by various 14th-century reformers, including John Wycliffe. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the manner in which the change occurs is a mystery, as the signs of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.
In Lutheranism, the terminology used regarding the real presence is the doctrine of the sacramental union, while in Anglicanism, the precise terminology to refer to the nature of the Eucharist has a contentious interpretation.
Can you use condoms if Catholic?
The Roman Catholic Church has historically maintained a stance of opposition to the use of condoms for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, citing their contraceptive effect as a primary concern. In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI posited that the widespread use of condoms could exacerbate the situation.
Does the Catholic Church allow intinction?
Intinction is a practice of dipping the consecrated host into the Precious Blood and then receiving it in Holy Communion. It is one of the four approved ways in the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church for administering Holy Communion, but self-intinction is not allowed. The current edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal states that the blood of the Lord may be received either by drinking from the chalice directly or by intinction (by the priest). The lay faithful cannot self-intinct by dipping the host they will consume into the Precious Blood, which can only be done by a priest.
Intinction is allowed for both priests and laity, but only when the appropriate rules and procedures are followed. Many priests express concerns about the risk of a drop of the Consecrated Blood falling on the floor or the soaked host falling apart. Therefore, receiving directly from the chalice is the customary and recommended way of receiving the Precious Blood in the Roman Rite.
Key points to remember when offering the Precious Blood at Communion include not receiving Communion without prior sacramental confession, recognizing that bread and wine become Jesus at every Mass, and respecting both the host and cup with a bow. Communion should be received standing and with a bow as an act of reverence.
Why is intinction not allowed?
Intinction by the communicant is a highly unsafe method of administration, increasing the risk of spreading microbial and viral infections. The Church of England has always discouraged intinction when there has been a fear of spreading infectious diseases. In the 1980s, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York issued guidance about the common cup, stating that public concern about the sharing of the cup might be a possible means of infection. In 2009, during the swine flu pandemic, the Archbishops wrote to the Church of England, suggesting that intinction may involve a greater risk than the common cup.
This conclusion is based on sound scientific research, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting that there has never been an outbreak of infection related to the communion cup and that a theoretical risk of transmitting infectious diseases by using a common cup exists, but that the risk is so small that it is undetectable.
Do Anglicans practice intinction?
Intinction is a practice in some Old Catholic and Lutheran churches, and is common in some Anglican churches. Intinction allows the communicant to choose between drinking from the chalice or receiving by intinction. In many churches, the communicant dips the host in the chalice. During the 2009 swine flu pandemic, one diocese of the Anglican Church of Canada temporarily discontinued intinction due to concerns about contagion. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, leavened bread is used for the Eucharist, traditionally placed in the chalice and given with the wine.
Some Byzantine-rite Eastern Catholic Churches in communion with the Church of Rome adopted intinction in the early 20th century, dividing the bread into pieces long enough to be partially dipped in the wine and placed on the communicant’s tongue.
Does the Church of England allow intinction?
It is permissible to perform an intinction, or the sharing of a drink from a single cup or chalice, in a religious context. However, on the advice of medical professionals, there is a risk of contagion during the exchange of peace or general congregation greetings. This risk is mitigated by ensuring that the intinction itself is present.
Why do Catholics not let you take communion?
The Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, also known as Holy Communion, is a sacrament that unites individuals to Christ, who makes them sharers in his Body and Blood to form a single body. The Catholic Church only allows members, baptized into the Catholic Church or received through faith, to receive the Eucharist. This acknowledges that the Eucharist is the very Body and Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, and the Real Presence of Christ effected in this Sacrament does not cease once the celebration of the Mass is finished.
Catholics worship the Eucharist, “genuflecting or bowing deeply as a sign of adoration of the Lord”, and acknowledge that the Eucharist is the very Body and Blood of Christ, not a mere symbol. They acknowledge and accept the teachings of the Church and maintain communion with the Church, a claim that non-Catholics cannot honestly make.
Most Protestants do not believe that Holy Communion is the very Body and Blood of the Savior, and even if they do believe in the Eucharist, they cannot honestly say “Amen” to “The Body of Christ” because they have no real intention of maintaining unity with the Catholic Church.
Why is intinction wrong?
Those who oppose the practice of intinction argue that it is necessary to distinguish between the elements of the Lord’s Supper and other aspects of the ceremony. They maintain that it is in this context that Christ’s death signifies his sacrifice for all.
Why can’t Protestants take communion in a Catholic church?
In his epistles, St. Paul issues a cautionary admonition against the irreverent reception of the Eucharist, asserting that such an act can inflict spiritual detriment upon the soul. Those of Protestant faith, who adhere to a different set of beliefs, are unable to partake in the sacrament of Communion due to the divergence of their beliefs.
📹 Intinction: The Perfect Solution For Those Worried About The Chalice Returning
Instagram: Where I post a pic of a church and you guess if it is Catholic or Protestant …
Hello, member of OLA parish here. When we first received Communion at Mass in the parish, I was so surprised to taste the Precious Blood, it’s done so quickly I didn’t notice the movement. I cried on my way back to my pew, noticed my husband was too, and we knew we were right where God wanted us to be. God bless you!
I think the number 1 Easiest Way for Catholics to have appreciation for the real presence is to make it a mandatory that we all Neil and receive it on the tongue. Some of the Modernist are going to hate that but eventually after a few generations, they will go away. I think it would make a world of difference
I believe as early as the Council of Ephesus, the Church defined the principle that reception under the species of the bread was equivalent to reception under the species of both the bread and the cup. But I could be wrong! I will attempt to track it down. Thank you for your informative article. God bless.