Will God Assist Those Who Participate In Demonic Rituals?

Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is a controversial and sensitive topic that has generated significant discussion and debate over the years. It involves the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse acts that take place during satanic/occult ritual abuse. It is important to recognize that practices of ritual, worship of multiple deities, and human sacrifice are inherent in Christianity.

One misconception is that only professionally trained counselors can help someone recover from SRA. However, qualified Christian counselors can help. Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse is a collection of essays edited by Valerie Sinason addressing the treatment of those who allege they are survivors of Satanic ritual abuse. God “hates the wicked and those who love violence” (Psalm 11:5, ESV), and He is a righteous judge and a God who feels indignation every day (Psalm 7:11, ESV).

The Bible speaks about ancestral worship and its rituals, such as Jesus Christ’s 23-year journey with God, the cleansing ritual of JK’s mother, and the sacrifices of Grand Master Witch. Witchcraft and spiritism often involve the ritualistic use of magic potions and mind-controlling drugs. Those who had been convicted of perpetrating Satanic rituals often use brainwashing to ensure that the victims would not tell.

Overcoming the effects of SRA can be difficult and requires a deep understanding of the practices involved. The Bible also discusses the importance of avoiding false witness against another and the consequences of satanic ritual abuse.

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Will God Assist Those Who Participate In Demonic Rituals?
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

Pramod Shastri

I am Astrologer Pramod Shastri, dedicated to helping people unlock their potential through the ancient wisdom of astrology. Over the years, I have guided clients on career, relationships, and life paths, offering personalized solutions for each individual. With my expertise and profound knowledge, I provide unique insights to help you achieve harmony and success in life.

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  • I am a new born again Christian. I thought God made me gay I now realise it was the devil’s work. Now I clearly see this, I hv found Jesus and denounced my sins. I hv not listed over another woman. My love for Jesus is strong, I hv been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ, he has washed away my sins. Praise our Lord our one true God ❤

  • I am at least a 4th generation Methodist, and possibly a 5th. My roots actually predate the current UMC, and I am appalled at what this church became. I am glad to be a member of a church that left that evil teaching. These evil demons have entered the house of God and they mock him. God will not tolerate this long.

  • The angel called out in a mighty voice, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for Demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt every unclean, and detestable beast. 3 For nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.” Rev28.3,4. 😮

  • I think the best thing for us who follow Jesus is to be in the word all the time, morning and night. The more I read the Bible the more exciting it becomes, the more adventurous its pages. Now, I spend my evenings reading the Bible with my teenage daughter. And because I’m so excited, because it’s a great adventure to me, that translates to her. Something so simple, like the genealogy of Adam through Noah, becomes a hot topic as we peel back the layers of the onion and discover how we can add up the ages mentioned and discover exactly how many years passed between Adams birth and the flood. We can talk about how they were all having kids at 100 years old so no wonder God calls us His children when even the oldest of us would be considered too young to be a parent. We have a lot of fun digging for treasure. I’m not entirely sure if my teen daughter sees the word of God like I do, perfect and authoritative over everything else, she’s being bombarded with evolution and science and history at school all day every day, but I know this. She is having a fun adventure reading the Bible and the more she puts the word of God inside her, the more it shines as the absolute truth, regardless of what the smartest people in the world have to say.

  • No wonder Christ suffered so much and so long for our sins. It was necessary. It grieves my heart that we’ve become this. My childhood and early adult life had no concerns of this later day like this. I pray people will recognize their sin and repent. It’s hard to acknowledge sin in the heart. Thank you for saying this, it’s definitely needed!

  • My TRUE brethren of EVERY nation race, who ever thought we would see the fulfillment of scripture escalate and fulfill is such horrendous ways! Even those devils that our elder brother James said believe AND tremble must know that these are SURELY the last of the last days! WOW! We had better BE, and STAY, READY!

  • I love how the bible explains everything 1. FAITH 2. SACRIFICE ( Let them say what they want and do how they wish, but don’t let them brainwash you into their traps) 3. Always Believe in everything that is in the bible (remind yourself every moment that one day you will stand before God and face your judgement) 4. Is you and God(remember not many people who are going to heaven).

  • I am a Christian and I personally am celibate – the lord is clear. The scripture isn’t there to make your feel good or bad it is just what it is. The Lord can not and will not accept sin in any form. He can not sanctify sin and he will not. I transitioned before I knew God and now that I know I live for HIS will not mine! You must love the Lord Jesus more than yourself!

  • There’s no way you will even feel the spirit of God in that kind of abominable place. For the spirit of God will never dwell in unholy temples. Just listening to her speak I can’t even feel the spirit or any edification. Therefore if that gathering doesn’t edify and the spirit is not present, it is simply darkness

  • As Jesus was casting out demons from a man, Jesus asked the demon his name and in reply, the demon said my name is Legon for we are many. Today when I hear these individuals who say they use the pronouns she/her and they /them, I’m reminded of this interaction with Jesus and the casting out of demons. ✝️🙏❤️

  • I read and have read the bible cover to cover many times. I don’t know how they have managed to twist the words to suit their narrative, but it appears they have been successful. I will continue to pray for them because that is what I have been instructed to do. I will continue to trust in the word God has given me, and the meaning he has shown me. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

  • They do not know the lifestyle they live is an abomination even when told. As believers we are NOT better, we are NOT special, we are saved by Grace and by grace alone by the Father through Jesus Christ. We were once like this in some capacity and by grace of election we have been saved by a thrice Holy God! Thank you Most High for your blessed grace. We must never allow ourselves to think that we are better than the people these articles show. Their lifestyles are an abomination but we who are sanctified through the blood and grace of Jesus were in some form or fashion an abomination to our God at one time or another.

  • I’m 58 years old. I’ve been a Christian for many years. This is more than jaw dropping, it’s beyond thought. It’s crazy how they don’t know what they are doing is so deadly wrong and very very strange. You can’t misinterpret what God said, Men shall not lay with men. Women shall not lay with women. Men should not wear women’s clothes. Women should not wear men’s clothes. It’s so cut and dry, black and white. Calling God queer is blasphemy. But God did say he wants all to repent and turn from evil. They are included in that “all” I will pray for you now, all of you.

  • I’m so sad to see this. I literally cried. I became a born again Christian because I got saved through one of the youth conferences/camps when I was a teenager of a United Methodist Church. I was a tomboy (lesbian in the Philippines) and when I got saved I changed and became real woman that God designed me to be (naturally). I was a member of UMC in the Philippines, so I’m so sad that there will be a division. I believe it is needed. I would go to the one who abide on God’s truth. Homosexuality is a sin. UMC is not a Christian church anymore, sad to say. I support Global Methodist Church now.

  • We are in the last days and great falling away as started.. Peter says,gear your mind for action.our minds are a battle field,if it’s not ready for action through the word of God,then we will fall away or go into error.everything that’s is taking place is not new under the sun.take heart for Christ is our true one and only saviour which true salvation make through by grace only through faith only and by Christ only.🙏🙏

  • GLORY TO GOD! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 17) Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 18) And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. REPENT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! ❤

  • whoever does not see that these are demons running loose needs to start reading their bibles immediately! My understanding of the bible is that demons will run wild in the last days causing havoc for their lord Satan and these Trans -humans just to me does not look human, this is not me trying to take on their physical looks but on their demeanor, I do not know but whenever I watch anything on these people I just see evil in them, something inhumane not from this world. Logically yes we all ask why would any grown person think like they do, but spiritually I feel the demons have been let loose and are running wild right now causing all worldly chaos until “HE” comes the one they worship. I am not fearful I await the day our savior comes and destroys all this wickedness, In Jesus Name, I pray for all those who are still blinded by the world to seriously open their eyes and head to the one True God,in Jesus Name AMEN

  • LBTQ? What would Jesus say? “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

  • Exactly! As James said, it is not by faith alone we are saved. We also need works. Reading the Bible and not performing it’s works, fasting, and Penance is the wide road to hell. Follow the narrow path of the cross. Carry your cross. Fast weekly. And accept your suffering and offer them to Christ. It’s time to wake up Christians!

  • I’ve been a believer in Jesus and in gay relationships for decades….. wait Christians read on. I was never at ease. I used to pray that He would separate me from partners so that i didn’t have to hurt them. But that was a lie, i was putting myself first because i dropped them when i wanted to be with someone else. I’m so sorry to them. However i got married to a same sex partner and then they dumped me 5 years later! Served me right really. BUT i knew that God was giving me another chance. He even helped and blessed me while i was in heart break. I vow to not do it again. If Christ is not number one then We are number one. I’ve still got issues with alcohol which i would appreciate prayer for. But the most important thing i want to say to you my brothers and sisters in Christ is don’t accept that its ok to be Gay. Love Gay people but let them know what the bible says in love. Don’t compromise. We do also need to talk about adultry. This is probably more prevalent than even homosexuality. Let’s help each other. God help us all.

  • I have a story that happened at my church I was a longtime member of….. In the middle of church service a woman who was drugged up came into our church and stripped Oliver clothes off but she was asking for help against the demons she knew she had and she came into our church for help!!! My Church’s pastor’s wife kicked the woman out. She was mad!!!! She had turned her life around because her and her husband fought all the time and she was a very very very jealous person in her party days. She told God if he would make them stop fighting she would go to church and change. She began going to church and then her husband agreed to go with her to church and they was going to turn their life around. He shared his sinful ways and became the pastor. He opened his own church. He’s still a pastor to this day and I know he was ordained by God to become a pastor. But she still had a jealous bone in her body when it came to her husband even though he’s a pastor. So when that woman came in naked and drugged up and was asking for God’s intervention from the pastor because she wanted to be prayed for. The pastor’s wife kicked that woman out and she was begging for help from the the pastor to pray for her. His wife did not care and she kicked her out of our church. That girl was found dead the next morning. The pastor’s wife said that she felt guilty and she knew she was going to have to answer to God for that part of jealousy in her when someone really needed prayer. I’m not judging her but she did know that she was in the wrong and she said she knew she would have to answer to God for that someday.

  • The United Methodist church started down the slippery slope of worldliness in the beginning of the 20th century when this denomination joined the World counsel of church, and adopted a social gospel as normative. This has led a denomination away from biblical truth. Todays UMC setting is another big step away from the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to pray for those who are true Christians in this denomination. I have friends in this denomination and it saddens me knowing their relationship with this denomination. May the Lord come quickly.

  • That is absolutely correct! How is it possible that anyone living there lives in that way call themselves a follower of Jesus Christ Yeshua and continue to live like that. Anyone truly following Jesus Christ will live their lives for honoring Him and turn from the sinful ways of the world. And that is true about any sin.

  • “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭26‬-‭27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭28‬-‭32‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  • I think this is a test for all of us to see who will stay faithful to God, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit, and who will really honor God,s word the Bible! Because the only ones who can inter the kingdom of heaven have to have ” clean hands and a pure heart ” and except Jesus Christ as their savior !! If you love Jesus we have to stay faithful while this world follows the dictates of the devil !!!!

  • 🔥🔥Galatians 5:19-21🔥The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God🙏🙏🙏

  • a willingness for depravity man the fallen one sure has gotten his influence in the hearts and minds of many Lord I come to you today to please help guide these lost individuals that have taken to sin and are throwing their souls into the fire also Lord I ask that you show them the love and compassion they need that helps show them a better way through you and only through you is the way to GOD in Jesus name I pray amen

  • I have so many friends and family in the LGBTQ+ Community and NONE of them behave like this, dress like this or falsely preach the Gospel like this. They know where to draw the line when it comes to blasphemy against the Most High 🙏 we have to start calling a spade a spade and inasmuch as we need to preach the Gospel and pray for those who go against the Word of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, these people don’t want to hear the truth and they continue to mock the Most High 💔 these are false prophets who think they won’t be judged by the Lord but they will be judged by the god of this world, which is Satan 😔 that is why they continue to mislead others – it’s because they have been mislead themselves 💔

  • Absolutely No! Only Through the Pure Word of Our LORD Jesus Christ! All these False Prophets and Preachers will Soon Face Our LORD Jesus Christ in the Great White Throne Judgement! Matthew 7 KJV, 21¶Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

  • This is what Jesus talked to the disciples and us about the signs of His coming. Satan whispers, taking over many churches. The path to heaven is narrow, and few take it. JESUS prayed for His disciples and for us who was yet to be born but not the world because the world already belongs to Satan. Those who reject Jesus are already condemned. Come Lord Jesus Come 🙏 🙌. Read John 15-17, in which Jesus tells you what you need to know. Which will make you want to read the book of John.

  • There’s a lot of disappointment for young people since immorality started infiltrating the family union. But, for all its worth, the Bible does give us hope when it says in Matthew: For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. We just need to stay focused 🙏. Let the world be what it is meant to be. “We need to stay the course!”

  • What is wrong with the church, allowing these practices. It isn’t acceptable for adultery, fornication either. Baal is a god of the flesh. Stop accepting everything. The Father has things that are abominations, things He hates. Stop being a friend of man. It makes you an enemy of God. LEADERS STAND UP

  • Whereas homosexuality is not the only sinful practice that God’s word (the Bible) denounces, God certainly wasn’t making light of how blatantly sinful we’d become as the years rolled by. He said, if He doesn’t deal with the wickedness and sinfulness of the end times, He’d have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah. That’s profound! And should put context to just how wicked and sinful (disobedient, and selfish) we’d become. And please, let’s not be hypocrites now, homosexuality was not the only practice that the ancient place (Sodom and Gomorrah) was known for. We all are guilty of a wrong, when we know a thing to be wrong, and choose still to do it. We all are offered grace for wrongdoings … and we all are free to accept or reject this grace.

  • The church says “come as u are” but not stay as you are. Yea everyone is welcome and God is perfect and we are not. so instead of changing Gods word to fit your lifestyle people need to change for God. These are people who want to change God, who doesn’t change. We change our ways for him and no one is perfect except for God. Thank you Jesus for your Grace. These people will never experience Jesus bc they refuse to change and it’s sad

  • I started attending the Methodist Church when I was around FIVE years old. The Methodist Church later became the UNITED Methodist Church. In February of 2023, in the church I had attended for over 60 years, the members voted to STAY PART of the UNITED Methodist Church. Myself, my Sister, and 17 other members LEFT THAT CHURCH, PERMANENTLY!! I refuse to attend a church that allows homosexuals to be in positions of authority, such as, Pastors or church leaders, District Board Members, Bishops, etc. and etc. I will not allow a homosexual to dictate to me how to worship, and especially how to live.

  • Went to a Methodist church for all 15 years of my life. Recently found out that my church, that I loved and grew up going to, supports homosexuality. What’s more is that the church has a woman preaching the gospel to a congregation that has men in it. I’ve since left it, and I’ve been wondering what I should do now. I don’t have a car so I can’t go anywhere else.

  • I’m a Christian. I sin every day, seen several pastors over the years exposed for doing the same thing that they preach against, I want all Sinners to go to church, but when they do want them to respect God, the church and those people in it Also it is wrong for preachers to pick and choose what verses that they do not like in the Bible and use them as weapons

  • The Methodist church had problems of compromise and being lukewarm before they started with Lgbtq condoning sin… Most of the people within these churches are first projecting their unhealed feelings of rejection ect, bitterness and resentment jealousy.. Scripture talks about what Jealousy leads to. I was saved in 1991 and i was a constant observer as I’d visit my mom and go to whatever Methodist church she was going to. There was definitely a familiar spirit or spirits. One of the common problems was Laciviousness. I asked God to reveal to me what was going on with my mother and i got that word and I’d never heard it before that. Then the revelation that it was within the Methodist church.

  • This is sooooo TRUE! All the churches should have said, “In order for you ( lgbtq++ ) to enter our church, you must leave that lifestyle behind and follow the word of God!” NOT “We ( the lgbtq+ ) want “YOU The Church” to conform to our way of living! If you don’t, you’ll hurt our feelings!” Let’s face it, these churches that caved in? They caved in because of MONEY!!!! Sold to satan!

  • This is so sad, and yet so typical how lots of churches are going. Failing to believe the gospel in its fundamental form, Jesus is the only way. This is out and out sin, the enemy has worked his way into so many churches and distorted the gospel allowing so much to fit the sin of men and women. I exhort all those who believe that we are all sinners saved by the blood of Christ to continue in the way, not turning to the right or left, and declare this gospel of grace.

  • Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.” ….. if they want to preach Gods words first and foremost they need to follow the ten commandment and this one verses then I will agree on you✌️🙏

  • Children of God most High, don’t fret or be too disturbed by the works of the devil through men, No matter which angle he approaches us from or how disgusting men and women become, the battle is not against the flesh, and had already been won in Jesus. We just need to endure the evil we see around us being celebrated as normal

  • These people will ask “How can Protestants be allowed to separate themselves and have there own understanding of how Christ’s church works and here we are being condemned”. I am glad I’ve stayed in the original church, Catholic Church were priesthood is not expected to be perfect but expected to united in it’s imperfectness in pursuit of the wisdom of Christ.

  • I’ve been saying for 20 years that the Methodist church was watered down. When I was an Atheists. I was taken to a Methodist church. It’s funny how that was the one church I was comfortable in. Now that I am saved, I see it for what it is. It’s a social club for sinners. Anyone who is even a little uncomfortable with what’s going on in their church should examine why. Search the scriptures for truth. Get out of there as soon as you can. Find a Biblically sound church if you can. If not, find another person in your situation and study with them at home. God be with you.

  • I was United Methodist my entire life, until disafilliation. I did not disafilliate because of sexuality. I disafilliated because the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church stated that the divinity of Jesus Christ was a subject of debate. They no longer believe that Jesus is The Messiah. The sexuality issue is not the main issue, its a side affect of the main issue. I once had an ordained elder of the UMC, preach that Jesus did not really exist and that He was just a metaphor for how we should live our lives.

  • As the man (Gen 1:26-28) KJV, a husband (Gen 2:21-25) and a father (Gen 3:16), the minister of God (Rom 13), teacher (Eph 4) and one of the survivors who was bullied in school, Gen 3 is a “Monster”. Monsters do what monsters do. I personally stay away from monsters, because I have always understood monsters do not care for me. This brings back a memory. A long time ago, one of my “Monster” co-workers was always excited to talk to me about how turned on by girls they are. I did not want to hear it, because it is not natural. Everytime I attempted to walk away, they would walk beside me smiling (sing it “The O’Jays – Back Stabbers”) and continue talking to me about just how turned on by girls they are. It was equivalent to having a swarm of gnats I just could not get away from. They would talk to me about girls the way school boys would talk about girls. I was telling my wife, I can not teach the word of God, then live contrary to the word of God. That would make me a hypocrite. That is not a good title to have. Eph 5:22-33, 6:1-4

  • Some people nowadays want a church to conform to their ideology, their wants. But when God calls their sin an abomination directly, and those taking this path will go to hell! They call it hate speech. That’s why as some have said here, wide is the path to destruction and there are many that find it. They are sadly correct. Please people, put your own fleshly lusts aside and let Jesus do the work on the inside. He has already paid the price for our sins. In Jesus name!

  • We are His creation/ given the choice to follow Him or do my own thing. The scripture says what we sow in the flesh we will reap. All choices have consequences- we know it.Follow Christ and Him alone / in this messed up world, His words”… I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through Him…” ring true. Our choice is obedience or not. Let’s choose obedience and the implications of that.

  • There is no salvation outside Christ! There is no life outside the word of God, the word is truth and life!!! If we understood the lengths satan goes to see us perish! We would resist him and hate all things he stands for! Hold on to our Lord and Saviour and set our eyes on God and God alone! The devil knows it is over for him and he hates us so much he wants to take as many as he can! May the grace of God that is given to all persons that they may find salvation be sufficient!!!

  • The direct attack on the heart of Christian morality is driven by the darkness of evil, its most important weapon is confusion and taking advantage of open doors. Every Church must be open to receive a sinner, but not to share their sin, the word of God is to deepen the moral values ​​of Christianity, any church that denies God is not a church! It is a group of people who follow their interests not God, the true Church fundamentally exists by and for God, and constitutes a path to get closer to him. Satanic attack should never be allowed, especially within the Christian congregation.

  • If you want to live a life of sin then go ahead, go all in, go hard. This life is as close to heaven as any unrepentant sinner will get, and it is as close to hell as any repentant sinner will ever come. Make your choice but, understand you can’t have it both ways. We all serve and we can only serve one master.

  • So sad. It’s happening to every church in America. The Southern Baptist convention adopted similar dogma of the cultural Marxists. Understand that they are content to either control the houses of worship or destroy them – it’s what the mean by “deconstruct”. To destroy them from within. Placing the word of man before the Gospel is one approach. You can’t judge others for their sins, but to welcome their sins into your church transforms it into a den of thieves instead of a house of worship.

  • Methodists and other protestants have willingly abandoned Christian dogma centuries ago. They have made a mistake of trying to create their own version of the truth and abandoned the tradition a while ago, and now it’s biting them in the back. Roman-Catholic Church still doesn’t have homosexual and/or female priests, and while it does preach acceptance it’s firmly holding to its values in spite of everything.

  • 2 Peter 3:16-17as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked;

  • These churches have become “of the world” by adopting the ways of the world. Such action separates you from the Lord. Separation from the Lord is hell. Colossians 2:8 – Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

  • Well if the world had to judge me I am already guilty but if GOD judged me he listens to every word I say from my heart an mind frame I would win with GOD on my side knowing I am not evil an wouldn’t harm anyone I am at peace with GOD not many can say knowing their TRUTHFULLNESS GOD KNOWS ALL THINGS AN MANY THERE WILL BE AN ENDING

  • We who love the Lord an put our faith in him for our eternal security with him are overwhelmed that people would have the audacity to mock Jesus in such a way. Christians have slept an condoned this lifestyle. I mean little Johnnie or Susie are after all my child so I will accept their lifestyle no if your a true believer you know it’s wrong pray for them if they don’t change you have to dismiss them

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