In League of Legends, summoner spells are a unique feature that can be used in various situations. Suppression is the only CC condition that prevents the use of summoner spells, but silence, knockup, stun, snare, etc. can be used while under the effects of Silence icon cast-inhibiting crowd control. Items like Quicksilver Sash can still be used, so summoner spells are safe to use while being stunned.
Suppression acts as a normal stun and locks all summoner spells, such as flash and cleanse. The only two spells you cannot use/channel while CC’d (silence, stun, snare, etc.) are Flash and Teleport. To get out of suppression, either the caster gets interrupted or you use the active on Quicksilver Sash.
Silence effects, which prohibit champion abilities and summoner spells but do not inhibit control of your champion (allowing auto-attack only), are less common. However, Suppression is the only CC condition that prevents you from using any summoners whatsoever. Cleanse does work to get rid of silence, removes all stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, silences, blinds, and immobilizers.
There are three ways to reduce the cooldown of summoner spells:
- Leave the opponent’s immediate range; he will stop dealing damage and you can level up your gameplay with this simple guide to mastering League of Legends Summoner Spells, including their cooldowns and how to use them.
📹 Which Summoner Spells You Can Use Under Which CC Conditions | League of Legends LoL
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📹 Which Summoners Spells Should You Take? – League Of Legends
In this video we’re going to go over what summoner spells do, when to take them, what roles fit them best, and how to use …
Cool trick I like to abuse with Teleport: If you have your passive up while Playing Anivia and you know your HP bar is about to hit zero, you can use TP just before you hit 0 and you will still website TP while in egg form. Careful though, being CC’d or silenced during the website will cancel your teleport. It’s a fun thing, but very situational.