Major Arcana Tarot readings can be conducted in two ways: using only the Major Arcana cards for any Tarot spread of your choice, or using a Tarot spread specially designed for the Major Arcana cards. The Major Arcana are the first twenty-two named cards within a tarot pack, known as the anchors of any tarot reading. Each card carries a special meaning.
As a general rule, you can do tarot readings with only the Major Arcana cards to gain powerful insights into the major karmic energies influencing your life. However, this may lose the nuance and balance of the Minor Arcana. Some readers prefer to use all 78 cards in a deck for readings, as the minor arcana (56 cards) can provide additional information and context for the reading.
Some Tarot readers prefer to read with just the Major Arcana because they carry such rich symbolism and are easier to read than the Minor Arcana. Modern Tarot readings usually use decks with action scenes on all the cards to make it easier to read the Minor Arcana. Older decks only have minors hidden within the 22 Major Arcana.
By using only the Major Arcana, you are tending towards looking at the bigger picture and the Universal energies that are present. About 90 of my readings today are with Majors only, and I do the first pass at the spread majors-only and then put a minor on top of each major to focus the direction of the major.
In conclusion, Major Arcana Tarot readings can be conducted in one of two ways: using only the Major Arcana cards for any Tarot spread of your choice, or using a Tarot spread specially designed for the Major Arcana cards. By doing so, you can gain powerful insights into the major karmic energies influencing your life and make more informed decisions about your Tarot readings.
📹 Don’t learn Tarot card meanings. Do this instead..
It’s easy to think that the way to go is to learn various meanings for different cards, and then apply them in answers. This is not so …
Which is the most powerful arcana?
Tarot cards are a powerful tool for interpreting dreams and predicting outcomes. The Fool, the first card, symbolizes infinite possibilities and limitless freedom, while the Magician, number I, represents the ability to turn ideas into reality. The Tower, a tower struck by lightning and falling apart, symbolizes chaos and destruction, but also the opportunity for renewal and change. The Tower card signifies cosmic harmony and fulfillment, concluding the Fool’s Journey.
It represents the achievement of spiritual enlightenment and a profound connection with the universe. The feeling of completion suggests a full circle in the journey of self-discovery. These cards are generally acknowledged for their impactful symbolism in Tarot readings. To learn more about Tarot cards, attend The Times of India’s Astro Summit titled ‘The Open Mind’ in January 2024.
Is the Knight of Cups a minor or Major Arcana?
The Knight of Cups is a card in Latin-suited playing cards, including tarot decks, and is part of the “Minor Arcana” for tarot card readers. Tarot cards are widely used in Europe for playing card games, but in English-speaking countries, they were primarily used for divinatory purposes. If the card is upright, it represents change and romantic excitements, invitations, opportunities, and offers. The Knight of Cups is a person who brings ideas, opportunities, and offers, is constantly bored, in need of stimulation, but also artistic and refined. They are amiable, intelligent, and full of high principles, but can be easily persuaded or discouraged.
How do I set up playing cards to read Tarot?
Tarot cards are a type of reading that connects to the four suits in a deck: hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds. Each suit has its own meaning, and the interpretation of these cards can vary depending on the suit and specific card. For aces through 10s, follow the same number meanings as numerical tarot cards. The joker card can be interpreted as the “Fool” card in tarot. The four suits in a playing deck are hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds.
According to psychic astrologer Stina Garbis, hearts represent emotions, while spades represent intellectual challenges, obstacles, loss, and planning. Diamonds represent finances and work, and clubs represent future actions, travel, and creative thinking.
Should you pull a tarot card daily?
One method of establishing a practice of tarot is to pull a card each morning and record one’s thoughts and reflections on it in a journal. Additionally, touching the cards may prove advantageous. Nevertheless, a more elaborate configuration, such as an Instagram tarot spread, may offer a more visually appealing alternative. A well-executed morning tarot spread is an excellent way to commence the day with a tarot reading, instilling a sense of excitement and anticipation.
What does it mean when you get all Major Arcana in a tarot reading?
The Devil to The World is a set of Major Arcana cards that symbolize transformation, renewal, and completion. It represents internal struggles and harmful habits, while The World card signifies the culmination of a significant phase in life. Understanding these cards can help embrace change, let go of the past, and welcome new beginnings. The Magician card can guide connecting with intuition and inner wisdom, while The High Priestess, The Hermit, and The Moon offer deeper insight into spiritual path and self-realization.
Can you do tarot readings with regular playing cards?
The Minor Arcana of the tarot can be interpreted using a deck of playing cards. The Page and Knight are represented by diamonds, while pentacles symbolize the Knight and swords represent the Page. This approach allows for a comprehensive interpretation of the tarot.
What signs do the Major Arcana represent?
The major arcana tarot cards are associated with astrological signs such as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio. These cards represent different aspects of life, such as power, love, strength, justice, and death. Lisa Stardust’s Practical Magic explores these cards by zodiac sign, serving as a guide for getting in touch with oneself. To celebrate World Tarot Day on May 25, Lisa offers a personal astrological meditation based on tarot cards.
By pulling the cards representing the “big three” (sun for purpose, moon for emotion, and rising for energy), one can gain clarity on their inner feelings or focus on the tarot card reflecting their sun sign.
Are you allowed to do your own tarot reading?
Tarot is a popular and ancient practice that has gained popularity in the mainstream. It involves using cards to interpret and predict the future, providing insight into current situations and allowing individuals to make predictions. Tarot spreads can be done on oneself, even for beginners. To begin, clean the energy of your space by burning herbs, ringing bells or chimes, taking a bath, or using crystals. A Selenite wand is a popular energy refresher that can be used to clear the space, cards, and your body.
After cleansing the energy, sit comfortably and visualize protective energy surrounding you. Shuffle the deck by taking deep breaths, thinking about your question or needing guidance, and keeping your mind and heart open to potential answers. When the cards feel mixed, deal them out in a “spread”, which influences the meaning of each card in combinations. It is important to know the spread you will be working with before beginning to shuffle, as the answers may require additional cards for further clarity or starting with a new question from a different perspective.
In summary, Tarot is a powerful tool for gaining insight into current situations, honoring intuition, and forecasting potential outcomes. It is a simple process that can be done on oneself, and it is essential to practice regularly to ensure a successful Tarot reading.
What is the most powerful tarot card?
Tarot cards are a popular tool for self-reflection and guidance, as well as entertainment and exploring subconscious mind aspects. However, there is no single card that stands out as the most powerful. Each card has different meanings and impacts, depending on the context, question, and reader interpretation. Some of the most influential cards include The Fool, the first card of the Major Arcana, which represents new beginnings and infinite possibilities.
The Fool is often depicted as a young man about to step off a cliff, with a dog at his feet, a bag on his shoulder, and a white rose in his hand. The Tower, the third card, represents the power of turning ideas into reality and the potential to create and transform ourselves. Overall, the Tarot cards play a significant role in shaping our lives and providing guidance.
Should I use major or Minor Arcana?
The Minor Arcana is a set of cards that represent various aspects of life, including justice, the hanged man, death, and transformation. It is divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles, each representing different aspects of life. The Major Arcana cards have complex meanings, while the Minor Arcana cards are more straightforward. Major Arcana cards hold spiritual messages that influence our life path, while Minor Arcana cards offer practical advice for navigating current situations. Each suit provides advice and guidance on how to approach various aspects of life.
What to say before starting a tarot reading?
To effectively use tarot cards, ask open-ended questions and keep an open mind. The goal is to gain a new perspective and see yourself or a situation more clearly. To do this, relax and trust your own wisdom. Tarot is a tool to facilitate talking about things, so use language and knowledge that you already have to see it as a tool to facilitate talking about things. The four elements (earth, water, fire, and air) and numerology play a large role in the tarot, as most people already have some ideas about the meanings that can be drawn on. By doing so, the interpretations can be more personal and freer, as it allows for a more personal perspective.
In conclusion, tarot readings are a powerful tool for gaining insights and understanding one’s own perspective. By asking open-ended questions and trusting one’s own wisdom, readers can gain a new perspective and better understand themselves and situations.
📹 Majors-only readings
Leave the minors at home and whip out your Major Arcana! Time to focus on the Big Boys of Tarot. Is a reading any less accurate …
Once I read in a book and I also saw another article that at the beginning when the card readings were done, they agreed to set up a secret appointment for a private reading, the fortune teller would bring a set of major arcana and the querent was asked to bring a standard playing card deck, they would mix them up and play ¨tarocchi¨ – if they were ever found they could simply say they were playing it. Because they could get in real trouble since tarot readings were a strong taboo. But tarot reading at least the way I was taught in my teens by my mum was only done with majors.
I started out using a full deck and used them for years … But, I am mostly only interested in the Big Questions … So, I switched over to only using the Majors … And it’s really all that a person needs to get the Big Answers … I use Jane Lyle’s Lovers Tarot ( Majors Only ) and I get all of the answers I’m looking for no matter what the question is …
I’m a beginner learning tarot and along with my deck(s), I have a majors only deck that also has an additional Egyptian gods cards (Jojo tarot deck). It’s nifty to use it for reading major issues only since I use the full deck for in-depth reading. I’m happy to know that its not only me using major Arcana only for major readings. I thought I was doing it wrong.
I love Majors ONLY decks and majors only spreads and majors only reads, LOL all things major. I also love your lounge!!!! Sometime tarot is so serious I do enjoy asking random dumbass questions. Gotta have that comic relief in my life. I also love combining decks and just switching it all up. I have yet to combine lenormand and tarot though. Hmmmm I need to work on that. Another great article!!!
I think it’s amazing you don’t gravitate to the Marseille decks! That’s where the majors only readings originated. You’re correct hundreds of years ago when the standard was the Marseille from France and the Italian decks. The minors were used to play games and the Majors were used for divination. There are readers in France and all over Europe that to this day use only the Majors to do readings. Some are actually offended at the idea of using a complete deck to read with! Also in some French circles using the English translations for the title of the cards are insulting to them. An example would be the “Tower” card throughout France this is known as “The house of God”. There are other examples but the Tower is the one that comes to mind.