Aquinas argued that God sent Jesus Christ to suffer because it created a debt to Christ’s holiness, which we are obligated to pay by avoiding evil. Jesus Christ is like us in all things but sin, and his sinlessness had a significant impact on his suffering. The idea is that Christ’s Passion is continued in the members of his mystical body as they unite their sufferings to Jesus, the head.
St. Francis of Assisi, one of the earliest recorded persons to receive the stigmata, believed that Jesus asked Saul, “Saul, why are you persecuting me?” (Acts 9:4). The suffering of the church under Saul’s persecution is mystically united to Jesus. Jesus’ suffering gives meaning to ours, as there is no human being for whom Christ did not suffer.
The Council of Christ defined suffering into Hell, stating that all human sufferings, united to that of Christ, complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body. Central to our faith is that Jesus suffered and died to redeem us from our sins because of his great love for us.
St. Augustine regarded “Christ’s afflictions” as the suffering of the mystical body, arguing that Jesus suffers more to see us lost than what we think was the worst of the physical tortures on the Cross. In conclusion, God’s decision to have Christ suffer to save us was good and wise.
📹 The Meaning of Suffering
Books upon books have been written about the problem of suffering. Fr. Mike isn’t about to reinvent the wheel in this video, but the …
Did Christ have to suffer?
He endured immense suffering, including sins, mental anguish, and physical pain, as he was God in the flesh, experiencing a level beyond comprehension that is beyond the capacity of human understanding.
Was Christ the mystical body of the church?
The Church is the mystical body of Christ, guided and directed by Christ the head, as outlined in St. Paul’s Ephesians 4:4-13. This analogy is evident in any society, where individuals are united to effect a common end, while their parts correspond to the functions of bodily organs. The Church, however, has a higher order unity, being not merely a moral but a mystical body.
The members of the Church are bound together by a supernatural life communicated by Christ through the sacraments. Christ is the center and source of life, endowing each member with gifts fitting their position in the body. These graces form the Church into an organized whole, whose parts are knit together like a system of ligaments and joints.
The Church’s growth and increase are facilitated by these graces, as it spreads through the world and develops in the likeness of Christ. In virtue of this union, the Church is the fulness or complement of Christ, forming one whole with Him. The Apostle even speaks of the Church as “Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12).
The Holy Eucharist conserves and nourishes this union between head and members, symbolizing and actualizing our incorporation into the Body of Christ. As one Corinthians 10:17 states, “We being many are one bread, one body; for we all partake of the one bread”.
Was Jesus Christ a mystic?
The majority of Jesus’s disciples, as well as Paul and the majority of prophets, were mystics, and their insights and experiences have been invaluable in the understanding of Christian faith.
Is there mysticism in Christianity?
Mysticism is a religious tradition that places emphasis on the intangible and obscure elements of human experience. In the context of Christianity, mystics endeavor to comprehend and integrate with the divine entity, which they perceive as a form of divine love, a love for humanity.
Is the Catholic Church mystical?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes the importance of spiritual progress towards a deeper union with Christ, which is called’mystical’ because it participates in the mystery of Christ through the sacraments and the Holy Trinity. God calls us all to this intimate union, even if special graces or extraordinary signs are granted only to some for the sake of manifesting the gratuitous gift given to all.
As liturgical seasons become richer, it becomes easier to recognize God’s work in one another and the world. This can lead to different perspectives, love, and the contagious presence of the Holy Spirit.
One way to deepen this path is to invite saints into one’s life, such as St. Maria Faustina Kowalska. Pope St. John Paul II introduced her to the world, and her mystical union with God resulted in the Divine Mercy devotion that has landed somewhat at the heart of the Church. Many pray for divine mercy on us and the whole world, and when we see anger and misery around us, we should see these as pleas to pray so we can more and more be instruments of God’s merciful love in the world.
Did Jesus ever get sick as a Catholic?
The suffering and death of Jesus were made possible by his submission to death. This is because he had uncorrupted genetics and no human father to link him to Adam’s sin. Despite experiencing the typical human frailties of hunger, thirst, and fatigue, he was not afflicted with any form of illness.
Was Christ actually tempted Catholic?
The Catholic understanding of the temptation of Christ is that it was a literal and physical event, with the traditional view maintaining the objective nature of Christ’s temptations. The Gospels describe Jesus’s time of solitude in the desert after his baptism by John, where he lived among wild beasts and was ministered by angels. Satan tempts him three times, seeking to compromise his filial attitude towards God. Jesus rebuffs these attacks, which recapitulate the temptations of Adam in Paradise and Israel in the desert. The devil leaves him “until an opportune time”.
The account of Matthew uses language from the Old Testament, with the name Iesous and the term diabolos identical to the Greek terms of Matthew 4. Matthew presents the three scriptural passages cited by Jesus in the sequence of the trials of Israel as they wandered in the desert, as recorded in the Book of Exodus. Luke’s account is similar, with his inversion of the second and third temptations representing a more natural geographic movement from the wilderness to the temple.
Luke’s closing statement that the devil “departed from him until an opportune time” may provide a narrative link to the attempt at Nazareth to throw Jesus down from a high place or anticipate a role for Satan in the Passion.
Was Jesus ever physically ill?
A review of the Bible reveals no explicit mention of any specific mental or physical illness that Jesus may have possessed.
Did Catholicism exist during Jesus time?
The Roman Catholic Church traces its origins to Jesus during the early 30s of the Common Era, with roots in the Roman occupation. Subsequent to his demise, his adherents dispersed globally, establishing a “universal” ecclesiastical institution with the Bishop of Rome occupying a preeminent position.
Why did Christ suffer Catholics?
Archbishop George J. Lucas discusses the necessity of Christ’s suffering in addressing the question of evil. Evil is introduced through our first parents’ sins and perpetuated through our own. Jesus’ suffering and death are central to our faith, as he died to redeem us from our sins. The answer to the mystery of evil lies in our Christian faith, which can be better understood through meditating on Scripture, reflection, and prayer. A mother of four with teenagers shared a question about why Jesus had to suffer, as if he was God and man.
This question arises from meditation on the Scriptures and the life of the Lord. The answer to both questions is connected, as the Lord’s suffering and the suffering of others are connected. The only adequate answer to the mystery of evil lies in our Christian faith, which can be more fully grasped through meditating on Scripture, reflection, and prayer.
Where in the Bible does it say the mystical body of Christ?
Paul refers to all Christians as members of Christ, forming one Mystical Body. The Church is a congregation of baptized individuals united in the same true faith, sacrifice, and sacraments, under the authority of the Sovereign Pontiff and bishops. Baptism is the gateway to the Church, and to remain a member, one must profess the one true faith and not withdraw from the unity of the Church due to schism, heresy, or excommunication.
Even schismatics, heretics, and those excommunicated are subjects of the Church and are obliged by its laws unless exempted. Sacred Scripture refers to the Church as the Body of Christ, a sheepfold, the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of heaven.
📹 The Mystical Body of Christ
To learn more about this video series, The Mass Readings Explained, and the Gospel reading, Responsorial Psalm, and the Old …
Thank you for this article, Father. I’ve been struggling with depressive feelings, self-injury, and borderline suicidal thoughts off and on for the past four or five years, and it gives me a lot of hope to think of being united with Jesus and to offer up these sufferings to Him. Happy Lent and God bless!
In this world I’ve had plenty of trouble and suffering. It taught me to learn the hard way, learn from my mistakes and focus, contemplate and turn around. Thank you Jesus for ALL the suffering past, present and to come You have allowed me. It ONLY brings me closer to YOU… we are made in HIS image and “likeness”. I rejoice in my sufferings for all those who have fallen away, the souls in Purgatory and those who do not believe. “Take UP your cross and follow Me” A small price to pay after what Jesus went through for US!
Yes, I did read this in a magazine I subscribed to years ago. It is called Fellowship in Prayer. It was a short essay on suffering. The writer was a nun. She said that whenever she suffered she offered her suffering as she prayed the rosary. Each bead represented the depth of her suffering and her desire to offer that suffering to Christ. When I think of saintly suffering St Theresa, the little flower, comes to my mind. I read the book containing her last months of suffering. She suffered with tuberculosis. They say the autopsy showed that she was functioning with only one lung, as the other had disintegrated through her illness. It is a very difficult read. I remember when I finished reading it, she sent me a plenary indulgence. I have never gone through a single Lent without suffering.
#askfathermike Father Mike, thank you for this explanation. I’m 47 years old, have been married for just under two years, and have always wanted to have children. I’m finally realizing that Robert and I may never be parents, but I have also realized that there are so many children in my life now! I still weep sometimes from not having children, but lately I’ve found myself also weeping with thankfulness for the children of my friends, family members, neighbors, and CCD kids. I think there is a Bible verse about the barren woman having more children than women who have born children. I’m beginning to understand a deeper meaning of this. I still hurt deeply, but now that I see this, I have a greater appreciation for the children around me. Thank you for this article!
I was listening to Fr. Ripperger yesterday in a miscellaneous sermon he did about sacrifice and suffering and it really caused me a serious question: Does God want me to suffer? Does he want me to be happy? Recently things are going better for me and a few years of intense spiritual battle, repentance, and turning my life around. Now I feel guilty because I am generally fairly comfortable, I don’t live high in the hog, but have some money in the bank, closer to retirement. I’m doing some acts of charity, I’m helping others, I’m going to church, confession, staying out of sin for the most part. Is God happy with me? The nun at Fatima would fast and tie a rope around her stomach to give pain to God. I would like to learn how to fast but it had me thinking if God is ok when we aren’t suffering. I understand why he allows suffering but don’t understand why he would like us to suffer. Thank you
Thank you so much for this message. I’ve been struggling with chronic stomach symptoms every day for almost a year with no explanation. I just recently found out the cause, that I have fructose malabsorption and a redundant colon. I’ve been going on a special diet, and should hopefully get back to normal soon, but it’s still a struggle every day. This article means so much to me, and I’m praying for everyone here who is struggling with difficult things.
Thank you Fr. Mike. I take care of the elderly and dying. Sometimes I have issues with the medicine I give. I look to you now for life and knowledge. Father Mike. We can attend Mass here anytime we wish too, as Roman Catholics on You tube. But you make the word of God our Lord Jesus Christ come alive every time I see your YouTube article’s. Right now I am troubled Father. I give Morphine on a scheduled basis, to make someone die. I will lose my job, if I refuse. He will suffer, if I refuse. Help me!
I was born a month premature with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck three times from what my mother told me. I then broke my right leg (the femur) when I was only two. I was in a body cast as a result. After that when I was four I had kidney failure, fully recovered and no kidney transplants. In and out of the hospital for pneumonia nearly five times after that. Not to mention learning disabilities and put on ritalin which was a horror show. I stopped taking the ritalin and made a full recovery from that. I haven’t even gotten to my mother and what she has endured. Safe to say its been a wild ride. Suffering happens throughout life. You just have to endure it no matter how painful it might be. Sincerely, Michael
Thank you for this teaching! It helps develop my understanding of suffering even more. Someone already posted a Morning Offering prayer, similar to (but much shorter than) the one I pray every morning: In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ I begin this day. O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the mass throughout the whole world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all my relatives and friends, for my nation (and the nation(s) of my relatives/friends), for the Holy Souls, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father. Today again, I reaffirm my “heroic” act on behalf of the Holy Souls. (Which doesn’t seem all that heroic to me because I figure we’re all going to the same place (I hope): O my God! for Thy greater glory, and to imitate as closely as possible the generous Heart of Jesus, my Redeemer, and also to testify my devotion to the Blessed Virgin, my Mother, who is also the Mother of the Souls in Purgatory, I place in her hands all my satisfactory works, as well as the fruit of all those which may be offered for my intention after my death, that she may apply them to the Souls in Purgatory according to her wisdom and good pleasure. Amen.)
Thank you.Always great themes… “Suffering is both a reminder and a guide. It stimulates us to better adapt ourselves to our environmental conditions, and thus leads the way to self-improvement. In every suffering one can find a meaning and a wisdom. But it is not always easy to find the secret of that wisdom.” ~ Baha’i Faith
Thank you this is the best talk on suffering i have ever heard. You also explained it so well that you cleared somethings up for me. Thank you so much! We all need these lessons you give in these troubling times lately. You remind us we should be thankful to suffer with Christ! Thank you! God bless you and your holy gardian angels Father
HIT ME This quote from the Joker actor Heath Ledger from “The Dark Knight” made a huge impact on me and inspired me to create a philosophy. It helped me make peace with all of that. Through practices of all kinds. I have learned to love my trauma, my illness, my feelings, my thoughts, my conflicts, my life and ultimately my suffering. The hits are a fact of life and the key to enlightenment. A hit affects you, internally or superficially. Everyone and everything has this HIT ME side in it. HIT ME always works. And you will never be disappointed with this life expectation. Because something always hits you. Even if you don’t want to be hit by something, it still hits you. Hence, it still works as a life expectation. It even works when positive things hit you. Like soft raindrops or a soap bubble. Same as joy or bliss. Hit me all the way, in any way, anyway (even if sometimes or often I don’t want it). If you commit yourself to such an idea, you decipher the path to enlightenment. It is therefore a good reason to follow the path of loving our suffering. Because it brings you great benefits. From ourselves, when we don’t want to be hit and don’t want to take in the hits, to the desire to be hit and take in the hits. It always works, regardless of the form. Once one has developed a certain level of this practice, one masters the suffering and becomes truly enlightened. And for conflicts, but also that which hits us in general, I quote Bruce Lee: “I do not hit. It hits all by itself.
I understand how this perspective is meaningful, BUT don’t forget God is also a healing God. What about all of the healing miracles that Jesus performed and continues to perform for people that reach out in faith? Jesus is still definitely in that business too! That’s why there are still many Catholic healing services! Redemptive Suffering seems to get talked about a bit more though.
I would rather be a Saint in the pain I`m in than be Sin and have the pain taken away. But then what am I ? Nomatter what I am or who I am, I cannot live without the Mercy of God our Father and the saving Grace of the Cross and Jesus Christ whom died nailed to it. I haven`t gor much, but what do I need ?
Without Jesus suffering just hurts, but with him it still hurts and changes little to nothing in this world. Don’t believe me? Look at all the suffering in the world and look at how much of that misery has helped the world. Reality tells us a different story and the church is unwilling to accept it. Take it from me, a person who’s been suffering along time and who honestly believed God would help me from it. Suffering isn’t redemptive it’s oppressive, and when you talk about its pointlessness you’re chastised for lacking faith, and doubting God. Suffer well because you’re the only one who actually cares.
I’ve been perusal your articles Fr. Mike, one thing I noticed you never ever mentioned that devil is bad or that they’re always to blame in our sins and misery. But you give us picture that we’re all broken, wounded. We are all in need of Jesus. I see such gentleness and mercy in your words that we don’t look at our situation as entitlement to put blame on others. That we have to stop playing victim, that we’re not powerless, that we are powerful bc we have Jesus. That we must take full responsibility of our actions, to know, to put effort in our resolution to bring ourselves closer to God that God loves us so much. I’m guilty, that I have favoritism when it comes to priest I enjoy the mass when the priest is good with the talk while I find it boring when the priest is not good with the talk. Your articles made me realize it’s not about the priest at all. It’s about the intensity of our love to Jesus that we’re able to do not just the talk but the work too. My love for the Catholic Church is being intensified that as I enter in the mass and when a priest seem to be boring to me the more I pray that God send us Holy priest or make the priest capable touch our Hearts and move us to repentance. That the goodness is found not just in the Bible but in our lives.
Thank you for another marvelous meditation. A few years ago I was trying to understand suffering and came up with the formulation: “The reason for suffering is for you to find your need for someone else of for you to find someone else’s need for you.” In other words if we can admit the weaknesses that accompany our suffering, someone else may have an opportunity to bless us with their aid, we can bless them by being vulnerable enough to accept their help, we can strengthen them by our gratitude when they come to our aid. If you can get outside yourself in contemplating your suffering, a whole universe of possibilities starts to open up.
I know this vid was two years ago, but this will always be relevant. Thank you Fr. Mike for reminding us to offer to Jesus what we are going through and to invite Him in it. Your final statements hit me really hard in the heart. I felt like crying because it hurt but it is very hopeful that I smiled afterwards, knowing that I am partaking in Jesus’ suffering.
#askfrmike Nothing that you said has had even a hint of pandering or emptiness: in fact its probably the most loving explanation i’ve heard; and hints at someone who is not just preaching but has probably faced their fair share of trials. But i still dont understand. I’m asking because i want to understand better. How does a suffering that is so very personal help anyone else in the world? And why would God even want to be part of it? Right now, I’m at a low point that isn’t new to me, and its really hard to see any way up from here, but I know just what a mess my mind is, and I know that I cant blame anyone for it but myself. So why would God even want to be there? It sometimes feels like His time would be better spent on someone who is more capable. <-- sinful thought I know. I deal with life and death for a living; so i supposed it wouldn't be easy or sincere to tell a person whos loved one is suffering that God still cares, and that He's stll there unless I truly believe it myself, right?
Maybe I dont understand “redemptive”. Cause all I heard is I suffered for you so that we may all suffer misery loves company and thats why God love us and blesses us. How is my story below in the comments a story of redemption and how does this help? So did Jesus take on his suffering to lesson our suffering allowing us to do whatever we want without consequences when we die?
What are your thoughts on much of our suffering being mostly self induced? One of the 4 noble truths in buddhism I believe is “the unenglightened life is filled with suffering.” I’ve definitely noticed in the world around me that unconscious people’s lives are filled with suffering. Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living..
My grandmother was a devout Catholic who prayed the rosary every day. My 4-year-old cousin suffered for two years with leukemia and she prayed for a miraculous cure. My cousin would cry in excruciating pain until finally he died after long torment. My grandmother left the Church at that point. What was the meaning of all that suffering to that innocent child? Why does God let children die of cancer?
Travel with me to Revelation 2 and 3. Jesus gave a revelation to John about 7 churches. There were more than 7 churches that existed at this time, but he specifically gave a revelation to these churches. In this letter he gives them a compliment for what they are doing right, criticisms for what they are doing wrong, and suggestions for how to improve. Basically like a report card for the church. What’s mind blowing, is that these letters are prophetic. The exact same struggles each of these churches had are the exact same struggles the church has had since Jesus resurrection until his second coming. The church of Ephesus represents the first church. The church from 30ad to around 70 ad. They had folks who tried to introduce false doctrine, but they didn’t tolerate it. They were on fire for God, but they were losing sight of their first love. The second church was Smyrna. Smyrna is where we get the word MYRRH. The word MYRRH means suffering or death. This church was persecuted heavily under the 10 Roman Empires from 70ad to 300 ad. The next church was Pergamus. This is a compound word meaning PER- Mixed or objectionable and GAMUS meaning Marriage. It’s where we get the words polyGAMY and monoGAMY. Anyway, this was the mixed marriage church. It’s when paganism and Christianity mixed under the leadership of Constantine. Constantine converted pagan temples to Christian churches, Pagan priest to Christian priest, Pagan Celebrations to Christian celebrations. It’s where we get the traditions of Easter, Christmas, etc.
I am a wimp when it comes to suffering, but I have learned through trials, and tribulations grace flows, if not on us …to our family, loved ones, and those we will meet in the life after. Thank you Fr. Mike for your reminder that Christ has a purpose for it all! How wonderful it will be to finally see how each of us has played a role in the redemptive work of Our Lord through our pain, and through our suffering.
I had something massive happen. I was just going along, minding my own business and W h a m! I was struck right between the eyes with a bolt of divinity (Om, spirit,.) I was summoned. I followed my feet to a place where I was shown the color, felt the vibration and heard the sound of the what, where, how, when and why of all life s creation and evolution. I was enlightened to within an inch of my life. Since then, I see, feel and hear e v e r y t h i n g ! So, I see suffering to be,-
Still unclear. He redeemed. If I suffer too, I can help redeem. But He did that. You say often, suffering transforms. Suffering transformed – into what? What is the result? What does the suffering change? What does it change into? I’m really trying. I want to understand the reason. I‘ve been suffering most of my life. I accept it for the love of God. I will not allow my pain to take Him away from me. I accept the pain and never blame God. That’s all I know to do. I love Him but I don’t understand your talk when you say it (pain) transforms. Transforms into what? I don’t hear an answer. I don’t need a reason why people suffer, Thats kinda obvious. I want to know what it is your explaining because I don’t. Yup, Catholic raised and trained so no complication there. Thank you.
Suffering is very important in Christianity. And the toughest question of them all. Sometimes I think God likes to see us suffering. Are Christians masochistic? Sometimes I think the only people who understand the true nature of Christianity are those who leave everything behind and go to live in the woods spending their time praying and fasting waiting for Jesus’ Second Coming. They say that going through terrible experiences can be a way to shape an individual etc…While this can certainly be true to some extent, it’s not hard to find people who’d rather not go through trauma to learn a lesson, the same way that you can find other individuals who survived horrible situations that taught them things they already know — or worse, nothing at all.
This is attitude I had to adopt in order to get through my third liver surgery and 2 liver transplant. Even now as my Crohn’s disease (which eventually will lead to my rare liver disease again and a potential 3rd transplant) started to come back and get bad again, I have to find a way to keep hope alive but truly giving up an orphan disease. with very little research funding, up to God. In my youth I tried to control the outcomes of this disease by not fighting against it, but taking what I perceived as my failures out on myself in the form of drug abuse and suicide attempts, but God had other plans for me because even when I tried to control my future with a chronic/terminal illness, God saved me and truly showed me that I was never in control in the first place! Since surviving a suicide attempt this last December as well as a second transplant that should not have survived, I have truly found that having faith deep enough to supply my hope eternal is truly enough to sustain me, even when there is no medicine or medical procedure strong enough to give me relief. This doesn’t mean that I don’t cry and get upset when I can’t control my health. I think as human beings we are entitled to this feelings. But what is important is that after I process these feelings, I re-root my faith in daily prayer, daily mass, adoration, and the sacraments so I can get back on track with God and his people in the church where I always feel a sense of unending and eternal love. Here is an article about my transplants.
Firstly, I love these articles. Thank you! There is one thing that has been on my mind for well… years… Jesus died for our sins and endured great suffering on that day, but He knew that it wasn’t for nothing. I feel like someone who is ignored, dying slowly and painfully, with no certainty of an salvation, would experience a much greater suffering. Jesus’ suffering feels difficult to relate to for me, as a result. when I suffer, I don’t know if things will ever change, and often the reason for the suffering is something out of my control. I was wondering what your thoughts on this were. God bless you.
This just doesn’t sound right. It looks like more mental gymnastics in an attempt to give suffering meaning and in doing so seems laboured, and contrived. Giving your suffering to Christ does nothing. Not giving your suffering to Christ does nothing, I know, I’ve tried both ways. Trying to put a smiley face on people’s misery seems cruel. Just tell us poor fools bound in our daily ritual of pain and suffering you don’t know why god wills/allows it to occur. There’s no shame in admitting we don’t know.
Yes, Jesus redeemed us at the Cross and is now Seated with God at His Right hand. Jesus redeemed us from sickness and sin by His Body and Blood. He came so that we would have Life and Life more abundant thru His Holy scrifice. He took our suffering, sickness, and sins so we would be free from it. To God all the Glory. We walk in the Joy of the Lord as He did what we can not do. Hod said we would have tribulation but be of Good Cheer because i have overcome the world. God has placed His Spirit in every redeem person. We walk thru the Valley of Death with His Holy Spirit. He lives thru us and i do not suffer as God works all things to my good. Darkness may come, but His Joy always comes. I cast my cares on Christ as He cares for me. God bless. Justme
Tbh I I think a lot of what people suffer in severe illness is worse than the few hours Jesus spent on the cross because his suffering was fairly brief and he knew, if he’s right, that he was off to Heaven. I know that probably is heretical but as someone who’s known people who’ve had chronic illnesses regularly screaming in pain I just can’t see how it’s not worse. This is where I think this explanation falls down. I also don’t understand why God allows suffering in a way that a human father would be put in jail for allowing his children. I know there’s the original sin/fall of man argument which is problematic in itself – ” you can’t help but sin but your sin means you must suffer” and there’s the free will argument but sickness is one of the areas of human suffering outside the control of mans fault often, it’s not war or greed, it’s often genetic or a vulnerability that allows the environment or stress to trigger the body to set of disease. In any other scenario it would be seen as a design flaw. I can understand the idea of small burdens and small sufferings being good for the soul if you like and good for personal growth /making us better people et cetera I just have never ever seen any real explanation of the justification for terrible life long or chronic illness and disability that some people have whilst others have hardly anything to complain of really in a life of ease and pleasure and they still talk about the crosses of the bear but their crosses tiny and the inequality of it I think it’s hard to swallow or justify.
mom passed away a year ago it was a year ago in May. so much pain and it hurt me to see it and also I am a native American person I was taught differently and dancers and people people who get to see her and told her that you are going on a journey and she said I know you’re going home I will talk to tell her when she was going to pay you’re going home that’s the way I would talk why she crossed over and then my dog crossover a year later and I’m also wondering why my name is pain is under pain my name means pain why did you get and I’m under a lot of pain why is that
I aM dyslexic, have lupus and cardiac problems, loosing my hair, my eyes and ears have weakened, List my job, every one looks down on me. I had to push the woman I loved, cause I did not want to drag her down with me, and now she’s happily married to someone else…… Is that a nice size of the cross I’ve been given ??
Thank you. I was having such a hard time explaining to my VERY high functioning autistic son who has the bad depression and crippling anxiety his mom has and I needed help explaining why a loving god allows suffering; why our Father doesn’t zap it away. This helped. We have a good start now. Thank you.
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:33 🙏 Jesus didn’t come to eliminate suffering but to transform it into something meaningful. 01:29 💡 Jesus on the Cross, seemingly weak and foolish, is actually the power and wisdom of God, demonstrating how suffering can be redeemed. 02:24 🔴 Jesus doesn’t remove suffering; instead, he enters into it to make it redemptive, offering us an invitation to share in this transformation. 03:21 🌟 St. Paul rejoices in suffering not out of self-punishment but to participate in the redemptive work of Christ for the Church. 04:44 💪 Jesus can make us strong in our weakest moments by transforming suffering, not by removing it.
Sorry Father, but what is suffering transformed into, I’m lost. I’m torn between new age spiritual teachings, which are easy to follow and understand and the Catholic teachings which I find cryptic to say the least. New age is about using the present moment to reduce suffering while Catholic teaching is to embrace suffering with no instructions what so ever. I am lucky I’m fit an can live without much effort. My suffering I mainly guilt for a very selfish past. Quite frankly for physical suffering I would seek out a docter help. What about people who are not suffering how do we walk with god? I’m not trying be disrespectful I’m trying to understand.
Battling depression and loneliness, it’s a struggle to get out of bed every morning as there is nothing to look forward to and everyday is pointless. Elijah Price: Do you know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world, to not know why you’re here. That’s – that’s just an awful feeling
“Why is there suffering?” The problem of evil, the question of evil is answered only once you know WHY you are experiencing this WORLD OF LIMITATION- the most esoteric secret in this entire Universe! And this question has finally been comprehensively answered by The Source of ALL. It makes perfect sense. And I have published this information in several different formats. Click and ye shall find. Elijah has returned, as prophesied. (I communicate only through my sites.)
Is it correct to think that must have been a man who lived a sinless life to open the gates of heaven? And that was Jesus. And about his death – people simply decided it instead of him ( i mean the type of death), and he took that death as a sacrifice for our sins so God did not punish the people, but He (Jesus) persevered instead of men? Is it correct? Someone pls explain it to me!
Thank you Father, the phrase which u told in this speech “Let me offer this suffering with you. Let me offer this suffering for you.” Impressed me. Father one question to you. Why God creates special children? I m also having a special child. I m myself not able to see the suffering of my son, how the Lord able to remain silent by seeing the suffering of these children. Its not their mistake. They ve not done any sin… Then why this? Can you answer me.
I like this. This makes sense to me. I need to watch this over and over a good few times and let it really sink in. This article is 7 years old and I am just finding it. Better late than never. Father Mike is such an Enigma. He’s got the movie star looks and the kind of bumbling folksy demeanour…but he talks with a gentle power and conviction that grabs me right by the heart and shakes me up. VIVA CRISTO REY
I have a few questions that have been bothering me. First off is, my Grandma married a widowed man way back when, that was looking for a mother figure to care for his children. What happens when all three (the dead wife, him, and my grandma) of them get to heaven? My mom just told for that we will all love each other unconditionally in heaven, and well just need to wait and find out. Second question: Is it possible to find a special some in heaven? Let’s say that I get hit by a bus tomorrow but I always dreamed about having a wife and children (and of course getting them all to heaven). Could I potentially find someone else in that same predicament and marry them and have a family in heaven? or is that not possible? If you read this Fr. Mike, Thank you for your time.
My name is Maria and I have been trying to become catholic for 3 years now. My dad is ill and it just showed me how little faith I have, I don’t know what I’ve been doing in the past years. I can’t get myself to pray and now I don’t even know what to believe in. I’m suffering a lot, everything I love or used to love (the church, my family, dreams) is falling apart. I do believe in God but I feel like I was doomed from birth and there’s nothing I can do about it. I love my dad very much. Pray for me please
And what meaning exactly does Jesus Christ give the animals who have suffered over billions of years? Their suffering teaches them nothing,atones for nothing. I’ve yet to have a Christian answer ” Why does god create and then passively observe animal suffering?”other than “why are you fixated on animal suffering?” ” why is animal suffering so important?”, or from a priest, ” They live, they enjoy life, they suffer and they die.” Really? You are so sure they enjoy life? Every animal? No critical-thinking, compassionate human being would speak like these people.
As a believer, I have trouble with understanding some of this topic’s aspects… Why Jesus said, we should heal other people? That would mean Jesus didn’t want people to suffer and die, but to share the Gospel not only with words but also with what we do for other people. He did miracles, healed others and it gave grace to Kingdom of Heaven. Bu saying, we will have troubles on this world and we should take up our cross and follow Him, didn’t He intended to say we will face trouble BUT overcome them here, on Earth, to give grace to the Father? Not just suffer and die. I am so sorry if my words are wrong, I really don’t have intention to share any kind of misunderstandings. Maybe there is someone who can say their opinion on this topic and explain it to me? I truly have a feeling that the right understanding of this topic is a bit different. Thank you and God bless you all.
The Bible says suffering is for God’s glory if we are His children. “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint – heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.” Romans 8:17. This says there is no suffering in purgatory. Our identity is belonging in His family now – today and forever. That’s the true identity of the Biblical church, not a social club here on earth.
I really think that suffering isn’t anathema to happiness but a core part of what makes something satisfactory. Think of the joy of a good workout or a good days work that joy is a form of enlightenment on the nature of suffering and happiness. Happiness isn’t the “feeling good” there are plenty of people who feel good all the time but are woefully unhappy. You should really read the “Notes from the underground” by Dostoyevsky it really illuminated that no matter what humans WILL suffer it is the nature of our existence. There is no escaping suffering but suffering is only as bad as you choose it to be. You can either make meaning from that innate suffering of existence or wallow in pity and continue being a victim.
Saint John 12:25-27 Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me. “I am troubled now. Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.
I want to thank you for introducing this concept to me. I’ve noticed the suffering in the world is a major driving factor behind many people rejecting God. In fact, it seems people in this category don’t just reject him, they are resentful at the very idea of his existence. I recently found this is supposed by the catechism. It fills me with both empathy and hope. Though Im obviously not a fan of blasphemy, it shows the humanity of these individuals. They genuinely care about all the pain in this world. They feel it so deeply that it turns to anger. I’ve used the concept of transformation in conversation with atheists before, as well as empathy for their dismay, and the acknowledgement of their ultimately loving hearts. People seem to respond decently to the idea of God not causing suffering, or taking it away, but transforming it. I think it’s a concept that people can wrap their heads around when it’s refraimed like that. So, thank you again.
Good talk overall. I’m not sure I would say that Jesus didn’t come to take away suffering because He did He conquered that on the Cross. We are still waiting for the final Judgement and Resurrection of the Body. Suffering is limited to right now but when God creates the New Earth and New Heavens we will no longer suffer but that was only possible because Jesus came to heal us completely all of that suffering is temporary. But I get His point Jesus didn’t come to completely take away our sufferings but His grace is enough for us to carry our Cross and the more we trust Him the more that suffering can turn into joy.
Great article. I am thankful for the blessings I have had with my family. Even through previous hardship I preserved and became a better person after marriage and divorce, and school . Being a nurse gave me alot of stability and I also saw suffering, so much. As a provider I can take myself out as I am in a caretaker role. In my personal life, circumstances that create suffering can be felt as depression and stagnation of or an opportunity to examine further. Thanks for the article I choose radical acceptance and listening to the Holy Spirit in my life. I think I truly have had to experience suffering to understand on a deeper level, then be grateful and offer it up to God . Then let it go ! 🙂
Ive been treating depression for 2 years. Got dumped by the girl i called my fiancee and went down the rabbit hole during this time. I was just recovering now, finally got something kind of a purpose, got into the bible in a year for a few days, managed to actually pray last mass. Today my cat died. I feel like this is a minor issue in the grand scheme of things but to me it was like a punch to the throat, the tipping point. I really feel like this is the devil tempting me to go back to my old ways. I even feel guilty thinking this happened because i was starting to become better and he couldnt have that. Like i provoked my pets death. I dunno, im still crying. I was still crying when i buried him. Such a stupid way to die, ran away from home for an hour and get ran over. I just need to get this off my chest because there is way to much stuff in here already, dont even care if anyone reads this. I dont need my buddy to be in heaven, i wish he is, but i just pray that it was quick cause sending him out just broke the remaining of i heart i had.
Why do sinners get to sucdeed.. I had a friend who did some.terrible stuff I can’t mention even 20 yrs later yet his karate school is doing tremendous and mine failed even though i was the better teacher and artist. And let me tell you he would read the daily bread then get girls in his office with his wife and newborns at home waiting on him. And this behavior was weekly if not daily. And I walked away from temptation time and time again. If I knew I was going to lose I never would have walked away I would have enjoyed life even more… but like they say just have faith.
Our suffering is our standing against our troubles by faith in Jesus. Standing in faith using His Word against what we are going through. Meditating on and using scriptures on healing, deliverance from sin, and from poverty, etc. Whatever our problems are. It’s easier to just do nothing and whine about it than to take the time and effort to stand in faith until it comes to pass and is answered. That is our part of suffering. Jesus did the rest for us on the cross.
The bible says Do not worry about tomorrow for tommorrow will worry by itself.What if you have financial problem and you go to the doctor but you don’t have money to buy your medicine.So you have to worry about your situation and your illnesses is not treated and now you are suffering.Why does God say not to worry for tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself when there are people dying of hunger,illnesses,tragedy.Can anyone explain this for me.
I don’t understand this, and I don’t see how it is consistent with the text of the Bible. Jesus says “It is finished”, not anything like “Join me in this redemptive work.” Paul says “I am making up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ”; he does not say “All of us can make up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ.” Moreover, Paul flatly contradicts what Mr. Schmitz says John Paul II says about ‘nothing’ being lacking: Paul’s “I am making up what is lacking” does not mean “I am doing nothing” but logically necessitates that something WAS lacking in Jesus’ afflictions. Is there any Church Father saying what John Paul II or Mike Schmitz says? Further, it sounds like God is up in heaven declaring, “I will not extend more grace to poor sinners unless you suffer and offer your sufferings to me”: How is this the action of a Loving Father rather than a sadistic taskmaster?
What about psychological issues, Father Mike? I was repeatedly raped when I was 3, and had various other traumas growing up. I have C-PTSD, OCD, intrusive thoughts, and have isolated myself from almost everyone. My anxiety is worsening, and panic attacks are now an almost daily occurrence. It’s getting harder to cope, and each day I wake up distressed that I’m still alive. Am I using the ‘trauma card’ as an excuse, and should just shut up & put up? What greater good did God see to permit this violation of my innocence by my own father? And how can I rejoice in this ‘suffering’? If I can’t/don’t, does that mean my suffering is utterly pointless?
I don’t know if you yourself have suffered profoundly. It helps to hear these words from someone who has and talks openly about his suffering. Oherwise, however true these words may be, they can’t help but have a hollow ring. Theogically I’m probably wrong, but I don’t see God as micromanaging our lives. So it would be never occur to me to ask Him to take my suffering away or to imagine that my suffering is His gift.
At first, I thought it might something much more serious but it seems it may have been ‘merely’ food poisoning – a rogue egg for breakfast. So I spent the entirety of yesterday retching first green and then black bile, convulsed in agonising intestinal cramps. I was born with an extensive AVM (arteriovenus malformation) of my right leg which led to ulceration and bleeding throughout my childhood. I had my leg amputated when I was 17 so I’m not a newcomer to pain. But yesterday as I lay in agony the whole day, it occurred to me that suffering is very much the result of poor biological design. Surely not deliberate? What designer would choose to inflict such diabolical pain and would such a designer deserve our respect? It seems to me that it is the blind, clumsy, mindless designs of evolution and environment that lead to meaningless suffering. I think Jesus exists only in your imagination. It’s not my intention to be cruel or disrespectful l but to point out what all evidence overwhelmingly suggests. I wish you well.
The Bible literally says do not call any man on earth “father” Because our Father in heaven is our only true father. So why do you address yourself as father? And have others call you father? Nowhere in the Bible does it say one of Gods messengers should be addressed as father. Repent from this, while we still have time. In Jesus name Amen.
Suffering is,- God (life, Tao, Zen, spirit, us, universe,.) initiating the voice/energy for us to do ‘it’ differently. Pain is the initiator and suffering is the energy dynamic moving us away from the old, and into the new. BTW, Suffering cannot be decided upon (controlling/stopping it). It can only be observed as Gods guidance. When this occurs, the ‘pain/suffering’ goes away and one is just left with participating in life as a cooperative being. Receptive to repelling/attracting from/to their compatibility (true/authentic interests etc).
Why do WE suffer? We barely do! Look around, there is suffering beyond your imagination, you couldn’t even comprehend some of the suffering in the world. Nothing justifies the suffering of animals, and there is no excuse for it, not even in humans. You’re actually blathering nonsense here… there is no point to your what you’re saying. Disjointed, opaque words strung together. How about you get back into reality and observe suffering for what it is, rather than looking at it through your false book, trying to find excuses. Go vegetarian, vegan, why don’t you? No, because Jesus transforms the suffering! AH OF COURSE
I totally do not agree. Jesus healed and fixed all the suffering that came his way whilst on earth. There is no mention in the gospel that someone suffering went to Jesus for solice/healing and Jesus told him this is God’s will for you. On the contrary, the gospel ends by Jesus ascending to heaven telling his followers what they will be able to do when Jesus was in heaven, heal, dismiss demons, etc. So please explain yourself better as I have a faith crisis and it definitely is not nice. Thanks
Wonderful as usual, I love the analogy of the symphony orchestra where the diversity of sound and style is brought together under the baton of the conductor, the richness of all the individual parts playing in unison. As you point out if one is in trouble the whole suffers just as if a violin hit a wrong note the whole symphony suffers! We as Christians when we work together under the baton of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ blossom to our individual and collective best.
Matthew 18:10 See that you do not look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in heaven. 2 Corinthians 5:1 Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is dismantled, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. Hebrews 4:14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we profess. Hebrews 7:25 Therefore He is able to save completely those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews 8:2 and who ministers in the sanctuary and true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by man. Hebrews 9:1 Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. Hebrews 9:11 But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that have come, He went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not made by hands and is not a part of this. John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Jews. But now My kingdom is not of this realm. ( Young man you are very smart but you know nothing of the spirit realm. Your knowledge is of this world and of this world you draw your wisdom. Hebrew, which is from the same linguistic family as Aramaic, was also in common use in Jesus’ day. Similar to Latin today, Hebrew was the chosen language for religious scholars and the holy scriptures, including the Bible ( although some of the Old Testament was written in Aramaic ).