The concept of mystical union, often associated with pantheism and monism, is not adequate for recognizing the import of unitive language. In monotheistic faiths, God is all things, and the world is a manifestation of this. The Judeo-Christian and Islamic scriptures and other spiritual traditions are filled with references to the unseen and unknowable God. This distinctive comparison of Islamic and Christian mysticism focuses on the mystic journey in the two faith traditions, which every believer must make and leads to the Divine.
The relationship between the material forms of life and thought we call Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and the more general spiritual phenomenon we call spirituality is explored. Sufism, broadly defined as Islamic mysticism, and Kabbalah, broadly speaking Jewish mysticism, are two approaches that reflect this deeply spiritual approach to religion.
During the Islamic Golden Age, Sufi thinkers interacted with Jewish and Christian mystics, exchanging ideas and practices. The concept of divine connection is central to these religious traditions. Unitive mysticism is one of a group of interactive and nonexclusive semantic fields found in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Since Islam is a continuation of the monotheistic religion of Judaism and Christianity, the Judaic and Christian mystics might be viewed as early Sufis.
The Abrahamic religions are a grouping of three major religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) together due to their historical coexistence and mutual understanding of the divine.
📹 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: 12Mysticism in Contemporary Judaism
Do Jews believe in Jesus?
Jesus, a Jew, was a reformer of Jewish beliefs in 1st-century Palestine, not an indiscriminate faultfinder. For Jews, Jesus’ significance is derived from his life, which was characterized by unwavering faith in God, rather than from his death. Nevertheless, a growing number of Jews are asserting pride in the fact that Jesus was born, lived, and died as a Jew.
What is the relation between mysticism and religion?
Mysticism, a concept that is embraced by a number of religious traditions, is firmly embedded in the tenets of these religions, as well as in meditative practices and mystical experiences. The enigmatic domain of religion renders the investigation of mysticism an enduring pursuit, despite the absence of a formal religious affiliation.
Do Muslims believe in mysticism?
Sufism, also referred to as tasawwuf in Arabic, represents a specific form of Islamic mysticism that places significant emphasis on introspection and the establishment of a spiritual connection with God.
What do Judaism Christianity and Islam share a belief of?
Monotheism, a foundational tenet of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is a belief system that transcends ancestry and is centered on the worship of a single deity.
What do the three Abrahamic religions have in common?
The Getty Museum has added the Rothschild Pentateuch, one of the most elaborately illuminated copies of the Hebrew Bible, to its collection. This marks the first time the museum has represented the medieval art of illumination in sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions trace their belief in the singular God to a common patriarch, Abraham (Ibrahim). Practitioners of all three religions are called people of the book for their shared belief in the primacy of the divine word as conveyed through sacred scripture.
The Rothschild Pentateuch was acquired with the support of Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder. The exhibition features readings and chants from medieval holy texts in their original Hebrew, Latin, and Arabic.
How are Islam, Christianity, and Judaism connected?
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the Abrahamic religions, all recognizing Abraham as their first prophet. The first Jew, Abraham, was dispersed by the Roman Empire after an insurrection against Roman authority in 73 BC. Most Jews lived in the Diaspora as minorities until the founding of Israel in 1948. When Jews from around the world settled in modern Israel, they found that various subcultures had developed in different areas with distinctive histories, languages, religious practices, customs, and cuisine. The Abrahamic religions recognize Abraham as their first prophet.
Does Islam believe in mysticism?
Sufism, a branch of the Islamic religion, places an emphasis on mysticism, which is a tendency observed in various world religions where practitioners seek spiritual proximity to the divine and temporarily transcend the everyday world.
Do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe in the same God?
Monotheism, the belief in one deity, is the central theme of Abrahamic religions, which believe in God as the all-powerful and all-knowing deity from whom Abraham received a divine revelation. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the most prominent Abrahamic religions, along with Samaritanism, Druzism, the Baháʼí Faith, and Rastafari. These religions share a common core foundation in worshipping Abraham’s God, Yahweh in Hebrew and Allah in Arabic.
The Abrahamic religions are influenced by the depiction of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible and trace their roots to Abraham as a common genealogical and spiritual patriarch. God is considered one, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and creator of the universe. He is typically referred to with masculine grammatical articles and pronouns and is believed to have properties of holiness, justice, omnibenevolence, and omnipresence.
Adherents of the Abrahamic religions believe that God is transcendent, outside of space and time, but also a personal God, intimately involved in individual prayer and reacting to the actions of his creatures.
What do Christians and Judaism have in common?
Judaism and Christianity both believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, while Jews believe in the God of the Tanakh and Christians the God of the Old Testament. Both religions reject the view that God is entirely immanent and separate from the world, as seen in the pre-Christian Greek Unknown God. They also reject atheism and polytheism.
Christianity posits that God exists as a Trinity, consisting of three distinct persons who share a single divine essence. The one God is indivisible, while the three are distinct and unconfused. The Incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth, born as Jesus, is believed to be the most significant event in this relationship. However, some denominations question these doctrines, leading to Nontrinitarianism.
Judaism sees God as a single entity and views trinitarianism as incomprehensible and a violation of the Bible’s teachings. It rejects the notion that Jesus or any other object or living being could be “God”, that God could have a literal “son” in physical form, or that God could be made to be joined to the material world in such a way.
A minority Jewish view maintains that while Christian worship is polytheistic due to the multiplicity of the Trinity, it is permissible for Jews to swear in God’s name, as they refer to the one God. This theology is referred to in Hebrew as Shituf (literally “partnership” or “association”).
Judaism teaches that the Torah’s purpose is to teach correct actions, with God’s existence being a given in Judaism. Belief in God is considered a necessary condition for a Jewish life, with the quintessential verbal expression being the Shema Yisrael, which asserts that the God of the Bible is their God and unique and one.
Does Christianity have mysticism?
Mysticism is a religious tradition that places emphasis on the intangible and obscure elements of human experience. In the context of Christianity, mystics endeavor to comprehend and integrate with the divine entity, which they perceive as a form of divine love, a love for humanity.
Is there mysticism in Judaism?
Contemporary Judaism primarily practices esoteric Lurianic Kabbalah and its later commentaries, various schools of Hasidic Judaism, and Neo-Hasidism in non-Orthodox Jewish denominations. Academic studies of Jewish mysticism, particularly since Gershom Scholem’s Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, distinguish between different forms of mysticism practiced in different eras of Jewish history. Kabbalah, which emerged in 12th-century southwestern Europe, is the most well-known form, but it is not the only typological form.
Previous forms include Merkabah mysticism (c. 100 BCE – 1000 CE) and Ashkenazi Hasidim (early 13th century). Kabbalah means “received tradition”, a term previously used in other Judaic contexts. Medieval Kabbalists adopted the term to express their belief in revealing the ancient hidden esoteric tradition of the Torah. Alternative views on the origin of the Zohar, the main text of Kabbalah, attributed to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in the 2nd century CE, have opened up the study of Jewish mysticism.
Traditional Kabbalists view Kabbalah as originating in Tannaic times, redacting the Oral Torah, while academic scholars view it as a synthesis from the Middle Ages, incorporating earlier forms of Jewish mysticism, possible continuations of ancient esoteric traditions, and medieval philosophical elements.
📹 The REAL story of Ishmael: what they don’t tell you
Islam and Judaism, Arabs and Jews. Subscribe to the Meaningful Life Center YouTube Channel for more …
Jews believe that the reason for leaving Hagar and Ismael in the desert was Sarah’s suggestion to do so because she began to dislike Hagar and Ismael. But the Muslim scriptures tell us something quite different – it was God’s instruction to Abraham. In fact, the Jewish scriptures mention that Ismael would a lead a great nation. Just think, would a great prophet like Abraham abandon his wife and son in the middle of the desert to die just because his first wife told him to do so? Therefore, the Jewish narrative does not make sense. According to the Quran, Ismael was not only hugely disciplined but also was incredibly faithful to God, which found expression when he agreed to be slaughtered as a dedication to God. The Jewish native depicts Sarah as an evil person but the truth is that she was simply obeying God’s order as was Abraham.
This talk reminded me of my time volunteering on a kibbutz in Israel. The Jews on the kibbutz warned us about the Arabs, they told us they were sexual predators, dishonest, violent, thieves. I was scared when I travelled in Arab areas and never spoke to Arabs. Then one day I was sitting by the Dead Sea with my pal. We were skinny white kids on thread bare towels and must have looked a sight. An Arab family next to us sent their kids over with food and drink, we were very British and refused their offerings they were very Arab and refused our refusal. Anyway they fed us beautiful food and drink. We couldn’t understand a word they said, but I recognised pure selfless generosity that day, oh and their kids just melted our hearts they were back and forth like waiters but with such beautiful smiles.I related our experience to the Kibbutzniks, and they said they were only being kind because it was part of their religion. I was astonished by this response, I meditated on it long and hard, and eventually converted to Islam. Thanks for the speech Rabbi you make me laugh.
In the Quran and the Hadiths, it’s mentioned that God orderd Ibrahim to tak Hajar and Ismael into the valley of mecca. He left them there by Gods command, and he only brought some water and food. When he was leaving them Hajar asked Ibrahim why are you leaving us in this desolate place, did God ask you to do this? He confirmed it and went away. It was very hard for both of them but it was God’s test and wisdom, and Ibrahim never disobeyed God. After, some distance Ibrahim turned towards them and prayed to God to bless this land with water and food and to guide to establish pray to keep them on the true to their God. Ismael was a baby and he started crying from thirst, and Hajar started to look for water running up and down the valley after the mirage she was seeing. But God send the angel Gabriel and he hit the ground beneath Ismael and a spring of water exploded and hajar started drinking with Ismael (the spring is called Zamzam) a caravan later came by and saw the,water and the brids and they came closer and asked to drink of it. Later the tribe in the carvan called Jurhum settled and when Ismael grew up he married one of them and learned. To muslims it was the command of God to establish the presence of faith in these land. We hold Ibrahim’s family in high regard. All of them were God and patient. There is also mention of other visits of Ibrahim to mecca. Ismael had a his own journey and plan with God, and he was blessed and tested too, to this day Ismael decadents live in mecca and pray to God in mecca and drink Zamzam like our mother Hajar did.
Ishmail was born when Abraham was 86 years old,and Isaac was born when Abraham was 99 years old .This is written in bible,it means Ishmaiel was 13 years older than his brother Isaac. Bible says Abraham’s first born child agreed to be sacrificed .Who was first born child ?? Ishmaiel.When Abraham left Hagar and Ishmaiel in desert,Ishmaiel was just few months old .Question is how could a few months old child had bad impact upon his younger brother??
Thank you Rabbi, it was a great analysis of the story. I’m a Muslim and Iranian, just want to say Jews and Muslims had been living in peace and harmony in middle east for a long time until early 20th century and 1st World War when all these conflicts started, so it is no at all a problem between Jews and Muslims. I wish prosperity for that land and I wish the holiness comes back to it and the nation of Abraham unite again.
In the Bible it says that Ismael was a teenager when Isaac was born. But then, the bible tells the story of Sara asking Abraham to get rid of Ismael and his mother and while explaining the details of that jorney it turns out that Ismael seems to be a baby again. Something went wrong with the age of Ismael in that book. It seems like someone was forcing the text to say that Isaac was the preferred son and the one who was about to be sacrificed and not Ismael. Even if the command of God in the Bible was clear about the fact that there was only one son of Abraham when God command him to sacrifice him.
He talks about prophets as if they had been ordinary people Prophets were chosen by GOD and the did not have any choice but to obey what GOD ordered them to do They did not improvise and there were no conflicts or differences among prophets They all were sent to convey the same message: Worship only GOD, follow his orders and do good deeds
Say, (O believers), “We have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims (in submission) to Him. (2:136)
My name is Ismael Medina, I’ve been curious about so much n why I feel so sensitive to many things like the light n darkness and why my life was giving back to me n now all my senses are heightened but many how I sincerely can hear our heavenly Father and my turning my entire life over to Christ n my Devine purpose. I’m willing to learn more to carry out my purpose for our father Jesus. Please feel free to share n even teach me for we are in end times. God is Great Blessing to all❤
In Semitic cultures, including Judaism, Arabs, and other Semitic peoples, the eldest son is the one who inherits the family name and property, so Sarah feared that Ishmael would inherit Abraham’s legacy as the eldest son, as was the custom at that time, so she expelled Hagar and Ishmael, as mentioned in the Bible, but God Despite this, he inherited the book, wisdom, kingship, and civilization, as we see in Arab-Islamic history and civilization
Thank you, Rabbi. I always enjoy the balanced viewpoint evident your talks. As a person of Italian descent, I would like to hear more about the relationship between Jacob and Esau, which you mentioned briefly in today’s talk. In particular, what is the meaning of the loss of Esau’s birthright? Perhaps this will come up in a future talk for the week of the appropriate parsha.
Greatly appreciate the education given by the able Rabbi. Fact is that there a lot more common in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and perhaps many other religions too than not. As Rabbi says the bottom line is that we are not here to serve ourselves, we are here to serve others. If all the preachers can instill that one thing in us, our world will be a lot better place to live. I am a Muslim.
Ibraham, Ibrahim, Abraham, Abraam…A man who was named as “Father” The sweetest name of this universe! Father we love you! In this critical world, I want protection and satisfaction from God like you, father! We love you! For me, Ishmael and Issac…The beloved sons of father! We love our believer Jew, christian and muslim brothers! The descendants of Ishamel and Issac!
Thank you for teaching this. The comments are interesting. It helped me simplify my thought and pay attention to the core. This is timely as we are sure to find this manifest in any family if left unchecked. Large organisations have policies as boundaries that allow people to view themselves as individuals and focus on performance. This teaches discipline . Interactions with people teach love and care. I agree very much life shall be very much better with love and discipline, like two eyes but vision is one, like two legs, each taking a step to move forward.
When it comes to interpret you guys always take things out of your books and interpret that fits to your agenda or belief… Muslim meaning the one who submits his will to God which is not an interpretation but simple clear language that does not need interpretation… Abraham submitted his will to God so clearly Abraham is a Muslim (A believer who submits his will to One True Genuine God the Creator of Everything that exists)
Thank you Rabbi. Very insightful message, I am in the Hebraic Roots. Everything makes a lot more sense in scripture when read through the Hebraic perspective. I am learning how to be covenanted, and how to keep The Creator’s Torah. I’ve still got much to learn and a lot to apply to my life. Shalom to you Rabbi
thank you Rabbi for the informative presentation. I do have a question for you. That is kind of bothering me. If Mohammed was a false prophet, then that would seem to make him the greatest false prophet in history. How does that fit in with God blessing Ishmael and treating him so well and blessing how his descendants are going to be. it just doesn’t make sense to me that God would do and say all those good things about Ishmael but then have the greatest false prophet in history come out of his descendants. Please explain if possible because this is really bothering me. Thank you!
While I’m on the subject of Islam, I want to point out that the name bakkah is associated with multiple places and events in the Bible, including the Valley of Baca, the Valley of Rephaim, and a battle in 2 Samuel 5:23–24: Valley of Baca Mentioned in Psalm 84, the Valley of Baca is a dry, arid region near Jerusalem where weeping trees grow. The name baca is related to the Hebrew word basa, which means “to weep”. The psalmist uses the valley as a symbol for a difficult and sorrowful path in life. Psalm 84:6 says, “Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools”. BAKKA IS NOT ANOTHER NAME FOR MECCA The ancient place was located in Israel not Arabia.
Your talk spells out the historical background of cultural and human practices for monotheistic believers. While I was raised as a Muslim I am not religious but enjoy meeting people from various faiths. My first introduction to the importance of the some Quranic verses was done by a Rabi in Toronto over 30 years ago. I was raised in the family with significant discipline but also clear that we need to have empathy towards anyone who is in need or suffering. I see people with my background across every culture and religious background
Ishmael was a child of his mother Hagar who got lost and came out with water and drank from thirst. The area is the city of Mecca. We Muslims celebrate annually after Ishmael’s survival when he saw a vision of Abraham in which God commanded him to sacrifice his son Ishmael, and after he and his son believed the vision, God then commanded him to slaughter a sacrifice in place of his son.Glory be to God, the God of Abraham, and the prophets, the people of patience and determination in worshiping God. In the Qur’an, Noah, Jesus, David, and Jacob, Israel and his son Joseph, John, Zechariah, Elijah, and Elisha. Peace be upon Iyas and Muhammad, the illiterate prophet who neither reads nor writes. Amen.
I’m currently fascinated by the seeming connection between eastern and western spirituality, so my ears perked up at your hint of an etymological link with Abraham/Brahmin. Can’t wait to dive into that more. Also, if you ignore the rest of the New Testament outside of the gospels, Jesus advocates for a way of life that sounds a lot like Buddhism. I’d be fascinated to know what was going on there
Shalom Rabbi. The brevity of your presentation, lucidity & valuable depth of insight it generates makes it seems “criminal” to ask questions. Questions are results of doubt & your presentation is an antithesis to doubt. You truly are beyond my linguistic ability to fittingly describe. You are a library as a matter of fact. How could such a short presentation encapsulate the essence of man – at all levels; spiritual, temporal, philosophical, psychological, sociological, etc.? In fact, I feel compelled to be not only a subscriber, a regular social media file or following but also & especially, a disciple. ❤
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O People of the Book! Let us come to common terms: that we will worship none but Allah, associate none with Him, nor take one another as lords instead of Allah.” But if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we have submitted ˹to Allah alone˺.” (3-64) O People of the Book! Why do you argue about Abraham, while the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until long after him? Do you not understand? (3-65) Here you are! You disputed about what you have ˹little˺ knowledge of,( The perception of Jesus) but why do you now argue about what you have no knowledge of?2 Allah knows and you do not know.(3-66) Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he submitted in all uprightness1 and was not a polytheist.(3-67) Indeed, those who have the best claim to Abraham are his followers, this Prophet,1 and the believers. And Allah is the Guardian of those who believe.(3-68)
Thank you for the informative article Rabbi. I was once told that the conflict was likely over which son would receive the birthright, therefore the inheritance. It would’ve been a tricky situation because Ishmael came first but Isaac was from Abraham’s first wife Sarah, whom he chose, whereas Ishmael was from Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant, who become his wife out of necessity. It’s been a big broiling family feud ever since. It’s also worth noting that the instruction for Abraham to sleep with Hagar was not from the Lord, it was Sarah’s suggestion. Genesis 16:2 “so she said to Abram, “The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Abram agreed to what Sarai said.”
Interesting take on Ishmeal I found online (Christian Perspective) “So now we have this story: Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael is a fourteen year old boy. He’s kicked out into the desert but the Lord is faithful. He preserves him. He promises to make him into a great nation. So we read these things and they’re interesting Bible stories but what I’m asking you to do is to put yourself in the position and recognize the fact that in history, in real time, this was a real boy… with real emotions, with a real life. This happened to a little kid named Ishmael. And so what we need to understand is you have this little boy and… he had a dad. He had a mother. He had a family. He had a life. He had an inheritance. And in one day he loses all of these things. He loses his dad. He loses his inheritance. He’s out in the desert. He’s on his own. And that brokenness, that woundedness, that rejection that took place in this little child, today, has been passed on into the religion of Islam. What do I mean? … Mohammed, the founder of Islam… claims to be a direct descendant of Ishmael and Muslims, today, view themselves as both the physical and the spiritual descendants of Ishmael. And so here you have this story, this incredible event that took place in this child’s life. Two thousand six hundred years after these events took place, a direct descendant of Ishmael named Mohammed birthed forth a new religion into the world. And what does the religion teach? … It teaches God is not a father. God has no Son.
Thank you rabbi. I have trace ancestry in india and I’m part Ashkenazi Jewish. I knew of st Thomas going to India but I knew there’s really old Jewish communities in India. I have been aware of brahma and saraswatti being equivalent to Abraham and Sarah and that the way kali was birthed was fighting demons so I figured she was made by God. It makes no sense for her to be demonized. People use her wrongly in black magic but I figured she was for exorcism. I love her. We have saint sarah la kali and I love her too. Like saraswatti and Kali’s names for the romani that came from India. I was thinking god actually had been helping me with my love of Hinduism and of muslim people, not doing anything extreme, until I started getting really attacked and went back to the trinity completely. I think it’s other Christians judging the no other gods before him manipulated by a few that practice magic. I didn’t worship her, I love her. I have no statue or do any offerings I love that she was born fighting demons. We all should be aware that we’re born in a spiritual battle fighting demons that don’t like us.
This guy has no idea what his talking about. His belief has been corrupted. Prophet Abraham was a great messenger of God. He was Muslim, so were both his children. God has one law and one religion to mankind. Therefore Islam has been the only law and religion since the first created man (prophet Adam). Educate yourself and open your heart to truth.
MashaAllah, very insightful. As you said prophet Jacob(peace by upon him) attained harmony between love and discipline(or between love of god and fear of god). But prophet Muhammad saw also attained it. You will find in his story that he had two favorite wifes the first was Khadija whom he loved the most and who did the most sacrifices for him and the other, Aisha who was the most useful to him as she later became one of the biggest scholar of islam (and Allah said in the quran that only the scholars truly fear him). You will find is his story that has two closest friends. The first was Abu Bakr r.a who was said to be the most merciful of his followers, the other was Umar r.a who was the most strict in the religion of his followers. Abu bakr ressembled the prophet in mercy while umar in ressembled him in his strictness. Prophet Muhammad (peace by upon him) also had only two grandsons. The first beeing Hassan who accepted to seat back from he caliphate inorder to bring peace to the muslims (thus showing the attribute of mercy and love), the other was Hussein who fighted to kill a ruler who was injust in his eyes. Another connections between Muhammad(peace by upon him) and Jacob is that Jacob(peace by upon him) lost the sight after loosing(temporarely) his two sons and he had 11 sons to take care of after loosing the coolness of his eyes Prophet Yusuf. Muhammad(peace by upon him) didn’t have sons that survived. He said that the coolness of his eyes was prayer and he has 11 prayers to do on the moorning and 11 prayers to do at night.
Esau isn’t “the ancestor and father of Rome, of the Western Roman Christian world”! Esau/Edom is the ancestor of the Edomites!! After the conquest of Judah by the Babylonians, Edomites settled in the region of Hebron. They prospered in this new country, called by the Greeks and Romans “Idumaea” or “Idumea”, for more than four centuries. Strabo, writing around the time of Jesus, held that the Idumaeans, whom he identified as of Nabataean origin, constituted the majority of the population of Western Judea, where they commingled with the Judaeans and adopted their customs. A view not necessarily shared by modern scholarly works.
Aristotle says: The Jews are derived from Indian philosophers, and the Indians call them “Kalami,” meaning they transmit our words! Note: The age of creation is not seven thousand years! … It was not a good copy paste from Ibrahim! …Mantra yantra tantra! History did not begin with Abraham… You are living in illusions!
from my understanding and correct me if i am wrong in Islam Ishmael and Jacob both prophets chosen by God as was their father. His wives are both blessed ladies God fearing . Prophets are protected by Gods command against sin and never disobey their Lord and do not follow their own desires The jewish and christian scriptures do not give the same super standard to Gods messengers. In actual fact they are horrific in their depiction eg Prophet lot commits incest in a drunken state with his 2 daughters and they have a son each Genesis 19 v 36/37 Prophet King of Israel David commits adultery with BATHSHEBA wife of URIAH 2 Samuel v11-12 continuing in Samuel He sets up one of his top soldiers Uriah husband of Bathsheba to be killed so can marry his wife and they had a child. GOD was upset with Davids action and in revenge through prophet Nathan God says Davids wives will be given to a companion to sleep with in broad daylight in front of all Israel and his son will die as a revenge. These verses are some of many
With all due respect Sir, saying Brahamins (actually its Bramhan) coming out of Ebrahim is childish! Bramhan comes out of Bramha, the ultimate source of creation. One who understands the Bramha, is a Bramhan. Also, Buddha means one who attained Bodhi, i.e. enlightenment! Bramhan or Buddha are not religions, these are spiritual paths of Sanatan Dharma to know the answer of two basic questions – Who is the creator (if at all there is any) and who am I? Hindu is not a religion….its a simple, plane spiritual path. you do not have to believe in any God to become a Hindu or to believe in any one religious script/book! Its difficult to understand Hindu / Sanatan Dharma. If all religions teach Love and Peace, let there be Love and Peace all over the world. It really does not matter what religion one follows as long as s/he has Love, Compassion and Hormony in the heart! Stay blessed, all living beings!
Where’s your discipline in the war waged against the palestinians? How dare you speak of the people of discipline when you are the most undisciplined of people, the most hard-hearted and stubborn people. So make a point to portraying the Muslims as loving but extremist people while you guys are the people of the middle path?!?!?! That’s why over and over we’re commanded to ask God to guide us on the straight path, the path of those whom He has favored ( with paradise), not the path of those upon whom is His curse and anger, nor those gone astray. You know who the second type are…
You have a biased view Rabbi. 1st off Abraham, Ismael and Isaac were all Muslims. They were never Jews as Jew is a man made label that came after the death of Moses and Aaron (PBUT). Prior to that, they were Bani Israel. You are refusing to accept the term Muslim (submissive to the Creator). Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ismael and Isaac were all Muslim. Once you accept that then all this nonsense would disappear.
Salam, I am a Muslim and like you lectures. And I think why Muslims abd Jews have to hate each other. We both believe in one god we pray one God not like Christians and we hate idol shipso why we have to fight with each other I think some third party must have been interrupting and making a fight each other what do you think?
When God almighty send the final revelation (Al Quran) all the old ones become irrelevant, like new edition of any book supersedes the previous edition of a book and,older revelations were revealed to local tribes or nations at that time relevant and,applicable to that time and but Holly Quran is for whole humanity and for future generations as prophet was last prophet of God Quran supersedes the all previous revelations
As a former Buddhist, Buddhism’s view on ascension is similar to Judaism’s but it’s not as G-D centric as Judaism, they wish to become in the state that is akin to their founder or at least have good karma, they wish to join their beliefs of the creator in a non-physical way. So now, as a Noahide, I can see some similarities in terms of ascension but that’s about it, some sects worship idols or elevate ascended people as deities. We should all turn to HaShem, and worship him as our only Creator and Sovereign. ☺️ Baruch HaShem. 🌈🙏🕊️
قَالَ لَا يَأْتِيكُمَا طَعَامٌ تُرْزَقَانِهِ إِلَّا نَبَّأْتُكُمَا بِتَأْوِيلِهِ قَبْلَ أَنْ يَأْتِيَكُمَا ۚ ذَٰلِكُمَا مِمَّا عَلَّمَنِي رَبِّي ۚ إِنِّي تَرَكْتُ مِلَّةَ قَوْمٍ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَهُمْ بِالْآخِرَةِ هُمْ كَافِرُونَﰤوَاتَّبَعْتُ مِلَّةَ آبَائِي إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ ۚ مَا كَانَ لَنَا أَنْ نُشْرِكَ بِاللَّهِ مِنْ شَيْءٍ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ مِنْ فَضْلِ اللَّهِ عَلَيْنَا وَعَلَى النَّاسِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَشْكُرُونَ
Hajar was an teanage Egyptian princess who was kidnapped during war and offered to a king’s harem where Sarah was brought as the king wanted her (Ibrahim said she was his sister so that tey don’t kill him to free Sarah from marriage). After God paralyzed the king 3 times when he tried to touch Sarah, he let her go and offers her to ask for any present. She then chose Hajar and treated her like a daughter not a servant. Hajar was the most educated person in Ibrahim’s tribe, way more than Sarah.
It’s amazing how people try to impose their limited knowledge and believe in the best of mankind and say false things, all the prophets are the best of people that ever existed, their lives throughout are the best examples to follow, no rabbi no maulana no one has the right to impose their limited knowledge and describe prophets with even slightest of negative depiction, the prophets lived every breath of their lives serving God, their every action was to please God and seek His forgiveness
The Jews were also expecting a prophet in the Arabian deserts as it was mentioned in the their Scriptures but they weren’t expecting him to be from the Ishmaelite although it was clearly mentioned that God will glorify the Ishmaelites in the future. But still they rejected and opposed the Prophet (PBUH) because he wasn’t a Jew from among themselves. Isaiah 42:11 Let the desert and its cities lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar( children of Ishmael/Arabs) inhabits; let the habitants of Sela (in hebrew means Rock) sing for joy, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Genesis 17:20, KJV: “Behold, I have blessed Ishmael, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.”(Arabs) I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” (Deuteronomy 18:18) where is this prophet? “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him” (Deuteronomy 18:19). It is well-known that every surah (chapter) of the Qur’an (except At-Tawbah 9) should start by: bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim (In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful). “And he said, the Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them.
May the Holy One bless you Rabbi. Thank you for addressing this topic. God is sending a message to both, Arab and Jewish through you to educate both sides. Bothe religions have been hijacked by people with interest by talking out what is making us one theist community who fear God and transfer them to 2 nations fighting each other endlessly so they can sale weapons to both sides and send them backward. All should fight to stay closer to God not stay away from God’s commandments and kill each other. Keep on spreading True God love to us. Listeners should understand that there is no reason for you to hate each other and looking for mistakes in each other. There are wicked people on both sides, ignore them and focus on God almighty who can do any thing.
Interesting…I’m Muslim and had a couple questions. So in the Jewish tradition, is it safe to assume that both kids are respected? Also, in Jewish eyes, aren’t the Muslims considered disciplined? I mean we pray 5 times a day, are extreme monotheists, and we also have an extensive law based structure? Obviously I’m not expecting Jews to be Muslims, but just curious as to the thoughts amongst the learned rabbis (I don’t really think “liberal” Jews or any other liberal religious followers are the real adherents to any religion).
New Jerusalem – Old Jerusalem Sarah —————- Hagar Isaac —————— Ishmael Jakob —————- Esau Paul ——————- Muhammad Right —————— Left Sheep —————- Goats Wisdom 7 (50/50) 30 for light must yield to night, but against Wisdom evil cannot prevail. Matthew 24 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
The Nations vs Yerusallem (Zachariah 12 : 2-4 ) Rabbi, please respond to me about the Prophecy of Zechariah 12: 2 – 4. According to me it is like this : 1) The USA and ISRAEL are the same two nations which have citizens from various nations in the world. ( THE NATIONS ) VS 2) Since ancient times, Jerusalem has never been moved, there were Jerusalem residents who moved but not until all the people of Jerusalem were empty. 3 The original residents of Jerusalem have converted to Islam and Christianity, although there are still many Jews who have lived peacefully for thousands of years. Zakarah’s prophecy “The nations (Israel and USA) attack Jerusalem which is populated by Muslims, Christians and Jews”. ( YERUSALEM ) USA and Israel support each other, yes that is part of the prophecy!! .
Very interesting article where you tell us the REAL story of Ishmael, Rabbi Jacobson, but when you stated that from Isaac, Jews and the western world (Rome) descend from and from Ishmael Arabs descend, who would later become muslim, but what about Christian Arabs do they also descend from Ishmael? Thank you for sharing, may Hashem bestow blessings a-plenty upon you and greetings from Mexico.
I saw a rabbi explain that even in Judaism they have an understanding of a monotheistic religion that existed since our time on earth began. The innate Fitra that we Muslims believe to be Islam the one that Adam and Noah and Abraham believed in. They know in their scripture everything but in modern times rabbis have distorted the truth to spread superiority and enmity. The noahide laws that are followed by gentiles lead to salvation too same as for a Jew who keeps the covenant. They awaited a prophet but when he turned out to be from the lineage of Ishmael they refuted him.
Genesis 20:12 And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 rabbi your books are corrupted by your forefathers’ we the Muslims are the chosen people not u’ u broke your covenant when u rejected ISA- Jesus as a prophet.
The sons of Ismail are only in southern Hijaz, southern Saudi Arabia, northern Najd, and some areas of Najd. They are considered one-third and two-thirds descendants of the Prophet Hud, the first Arab man. As for the Arab countries, they learned Arabic. They are the majority of other races, despite the presence of minorities from the Hijaz in every Arab country when the Umayyad Empire was in control. The Abbasids ruled over all the Arab countries and represented the government
Your analysis would make sense if you were speaking about a regular family. However, you are speaking about people who were chosen by Allah/Elohim, people who speak and behave according to the orders and revelation they receive from the ONE who sent them. As such, we should not be comparing them to average people.
Muslims tend to be the most disciplined people you will ever meet no alcohol 5 times prayer & 30 days fasting and the most practiced religion; you definitely skewed the idea of Ishmael and the Torah contradicts your narrative he built the Kabah with his father left his wife on Abraham’s order he and his brother buried the father and Ishmael sacrificed more then Isaac because who grew up alone and remained reverent to his faith and father
Abraham disobeyed God and showed no faith when God was saying Abraham and Sarah would have a child and God sent Hagar and Ismael away, as Ismael was not the promised son and so could not be Good’s chosen to be the father of Israel, so with a huge chip on his shoulder Ishmael became the father of Islam. What you do is take God out of the equation and look from a more humanistic point of view, but when you take God out of the equation you miss the point. Ismael is the anti, we see in scripture that Isaac is the pre Christ, the promised, offered to sacrifice, etc, etc, so Ishmael must be the pre anti Christ, claiming to be the chosen, the promised, persecuting the chosen, trying to wipe out the chosen.
*Preamble*: I am a Muslim and like this Rabbi. To make up for the loss of the prophetic quality of the Torah per Ezra’s edits (sorry if this is offensive), kabala is often used. However, per the Quran, God willed Hajara’s departure. Why? We are left to theorize, as our beloved Rabbi here does. Perhaps God knew that the sons of Isaac would suffer for their faith, tyrants would destroy the Torah, and the temple would be demolished repeatedly. God kept Ishmael in the desert insulated, and Abrahamic faith was reinvigorated there with Islam. Islam heavily influenced Judaism under the leadership of Moshe bin Maimon (Maimonides, RMBM). We can opine, but we cannot use that to compensate for the lack of scriptural clarity. Such innovation is dangerous for the faith.
The Antiquities of the Jews, 1.207–1.221 Flavius Josephus 220:4 4. When the lad was grown up, he married a wife, by birth an Egyptian, from whence the mother was herself derived originally. Of this wife were born to Ismael twelve sons; Nabaioth, Kedar, Abdeel, Mabsam, Idumas, Masmaos, Masaos, Chodad, Theman, Jetur, Naphesus, Cadmas. 221These inhabited all the country from Euphrates to the Red Sea, and called it Nabatene. They are an Arabian nation, and name their tribes from these, both because of their own virtue, and because of the dignity of Abraham their father. 83:many countries are enimerated ovet which Ishmael Ruled-,,Build Mecca” Already known to Ptolemy as Makoraba
Blessing of Ishmael God in the Bible asserts the blessing of Ishmael’s descendants in more than one verse as shown: Genesis 17:20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard you : behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. Genesis 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your seed after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto you and to your seed after you. Genesis 21:13 And also of the son of the handmaid will I make a nation, because he is your seed. Genesis 21:17 And God heard the voice of the lad. And the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth you, Hagar? Fear not. For God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. Gen 21:18 Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in your hand. For I will make him a great nation. What does a blessing of Ishmael mean? As we see here, God in the Bible is talking about Ishmael being blessed, and that he will have a great nation. According to the Bible, a blessing means prophecy among his descendants. For example if we looked at Genesis 27 at the story when Jacob took the blessing from Esau and its result, we would realize prophets were raised from Esau’s descendants, but many prophets were raised from Isaac’s seed. And Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was raised from Ishmael’s descendants who are the brothers of Israel as the Bible tells in Deuteronomy 18:18. Someone might say that this prophecy was fulfilled in the verse which says that Ishmael shall have 12 sons as in Genesis 25:13-14.
🧕 Assalamualaikum People… Dear Rabbi, Ur article title says – What they dont tell U about Ishmael Dear Rabbi, Of coz we understand what Ur Taurat lies about Ishmael 👉 Q5:13, Q5:15, Q3:71, Q11:110, Q6:91, Q62:5-8 🫏 Early Men Rabbis! LOOK 👉 Q9:31 – Whoever Al-Yahud or Christians (or Muslims Q49:14) who believe in Falsehood Statements/Knowledge/Messages/Hadiths from The Early Men Rabbis & Christian Teacher Monks (& Hadith Writers) who had PLAYED GODS by writing their own versions of God’s Word had committed Syirik ✍️ Q4:48 👍 HADITHS -The Prophet of Allah صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has said: ‘أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ! إِنَّ اللهَ طَيِّبٌ لَا يَقْبَلُ إِلَّا طَيِّبًا’ ‘O people! Indeed, Allah is Pure/Zaka/Tayyib…He only accepts The Pure (At-Tayyibat, Ezekual 24:13, KURAN 24:21, Q2:151, Q3:42-43, Q91:7-10, Q2:129, Q2:257, Q9:31, 9:18, 5:87-88, 7:157).’ (Muslim, p. 393, Hadees 1015) 👉 Ezekial 24:13 – I God/Elohim/EhYeh/Allah) had PURIFIED you (Bani Israel with firsthand Verses from Taurat given to The Prophets, Q5:44) but you are not PURIFIED… Result for Masjid Mount 👉 587BC Ezekial 24, Q17:5💥 👉🏿 Ur Book says that Ishmael did not enter into A Covenant With God, Genesis 17:21 🤨 This means that God did not LOVE 🧡 Ishmael & consequently God did not choose him to be A Prophet when he hits puberty VS Q19:54-55, Q2:124 – I (God) does not MAKE COVENANT with A WrongDoer/Zalimun 👉🏿 Ur Book says that Ishmael is not The Sacrificial Son 👉 Genesis 22… Dear Rabbi, The Sacrificial is only for one of Abaraham’s son & this event happened only once…So Mount Moriah is a lie because 👉 Q21:85, Q37:102 – Ishmael is The Patient One…Isaac came later 👉Q37:112 👉🏿 Ur Book says that Ishmael settled in Paran Desert in The Caanan Land but in Quran he settled in Mecca 👉 Q19:54-55, Q2:125-129, Q22:78, Q37:99-111 So in Ur Book he only had his family of a wife & 12 princes surviving on The Paran Desert as outcasts nomads but these 12 princes shall marry & forming great nations 👉 Genesis 17:20 Paran Desert is not in Hijaz Region & Ishmael’s wife was from Jurhum Arab, Yemen not An Egyptian Woman 👉Genesis 21:1-21 👉🏿Ur Book says that Ishmael was a volatile man who could not get along with his own people, meaning he was An Outcast Trash & useless his Community so he led a lonely life with only his immediate family VS Q21:85….
THE EXODUS OF JEWS FROM EGYPT WAS A FICTITIOUS STORY….. Late British author, journalist, debater, and inspirational speaker, Christopher Hitchens (late), wrote in his book, “God is not Great”, that Israeli Prime Minister Ben Goren authorized the Jewish school of archaeology in Tel Aviv to find evidence for the exodus of Jews from Egypt. The school sent 11 missions to the Sinai desert to find any kind of archaeological evidence of the exodus. After a long, thorough, exhaustive, and tedious search, the school informed Ben Goren that all 11 missions returned empty-handed. They found no evidence to support the story of the exodus of Jews from Egypt, none, whatsoever. There is no historical or archaeological evidence for the enslavement of Jews by Egyptians for 400 years. Nor is there any historical record that a confrontation took place between Moses and the pharaoh of Egypt. Exodus, in fact, was nothing more than a fictitious story written to uplift the morale of the Jewish people, who had been invaded, defeated, and enslaved by foreign empires several times in history. “Religion is the biggest vacuum cleaner ever sold to the people by the people to rip off people”. Think critically, Zulfiqar Tareen, a friend of all, the enemy of none. please check out how religion destroyed my aunt’s life in my Facebook profile.
1-We Muslims know our prophets, peace and blessings be upon them, as God Almighty told us in his book and his Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, through his hadiths. There is no conflict or fighting between the two noble prophets Ishmael and Isaac, peace be upon them, as the Jews and christians imagine in their books that have been corrupted over the centuries. 2-It has been mentioned in the narrations from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, meaning that Sarah, peace be upon her, was jealous of Hagar, peace be upon her, and this is something that God Almighty implanted in the conscience of women. At that time, God Almighty’s command came to Abraham, peace be upon him, to take his second wife and his newborn son, Ismail, to Mecca for a divine purpose. Which is raising the foundations of the House of God when Ismail grows up and becomes strong 3-Ishmael and Isaac, peace be upon them, had prophethood in their descendants, and God Almighty willed that prophecy would begin with the descendants of Isaac, where Jacob, peace be upon him, came, then all those in his descendants, such as Joseph, peace be upon him, then Aaron and Moses, peace be upon them, who brought the Torah, which was light and guidance for the people. All the prophets from the Children of Israel to Jesus, peace and blessings be upon them, ruled on it 4- Then the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, who is from the descendants of Ishmael, peace be upon him, came with a new law that abrogated and confirmed everything that came before it.
ABRAHAM WAS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER! A message of peace and unity to Jewish, Christian, and Muslim brothers and sisters! “The anachronistic Mesopotamian genealogy of Abraham and his relatives shows that it was a late invention intended to place Hebrew origins in the cultural Centre of the powerful Mesopotamian empires that followed after the defeat of Chaldeans by Persians, and was also intended to enhance Hebrew prestige within the Babylonian community”. The above statement is an excerpt from the book “101 Myths of the Bible”, by Gary Greenberg, the president of the Biblical Archaeology Society of NY, Page-116. what he means from the above paragraph is that the character of Abraham was made to come from Mesopotamia to Palestine in order to place the roots of Judaism in Persia, which in those times was a highly civilized part of the world. He also explained in the book that the stories in the Jewish Bible had their origins in Egyptian mythology. Christians and Muslims later plagiarized the very same mythical stories from Jewish Bible into their so-called holy books. “Religion is the biggest vacuum cleaner ever sold to the people by the people to rip-off people”. Think critically, please check out how religion destroyed my aunt’s life in my Facebook profile. Zulfiqar Tareen, a friend od all, the enemy of none.
Dear Respected Rabbi Simon, Thanks for sharing your views. Few questions/confusion need to be cleared. 1. What was the age of Ismail (PBUH) when GOD ordered Ibrahim(PBUH) to take both Ibrahim(PBUH) and Hajra(PBUH) to the desert of Makkah ? 2. At that time what was the age of Ishaq(PBUH) ? 3. Actually at that time Ishaq(PBUH) was not born when then Ismail(PBUH) and Hajra(PBUH) were taken to the desert of Makkah. So how there was a conflict between Ismail(PBUH) and Ishaq(PBUH)? 4. What is the age difference of both Ismail (PBUH) and Ishaq (PBUH) ? I may be wrong but if you please share the reference and clarify these points then it will be great. Sorry but I understand that your point is not valid. I will accept my mistake if you clarify these with reference and will double check. Thanks
أُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِم مِّنَ النَّبِيِّينَ مِن ذُرِّيَّةِ آدَمَ وَمِمَّنْ حَمَلْنَا مَعَ نُوحٍ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّةِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْرَائِيلَ وَمِمَّنْ هَدَيْنَا وَاجْتَبَيْنَا إِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتُ الرَّحْمَٰنِ خَرُّوا سُجَّدًا وَبُكِيًّا Those were they unto whom Allah bestowed His Grace from among the Prophets, of the offspring of Adam, and of those whom We carried (in the ship) with Nuh (Noah), and of the offspring of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Israel and from among those whom We guided and chose. When the Verses of the Most Beneficent (Allah) were recited unto them, they fell down prostrating and weeping.
I think the Rabbi is being disingenuous. There was no conflict or feud between Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was 16 yrs old when Isaac was born and about 19 yrs old when Isaac was weaning thus being sent away with his mother Hagar. God promised Abraham that he will bless his seed and they will become great nations. The scholars say that this was a spiritual blessing, and not of numbers. All the Israelite prophets came from Isaac and the only prophet from the line of Ishmael was Muhammad (as). According to Jewish law, special rights and privileges including inheritance go to the firstborn male child, Ishmael. The firstborn male was also the primary heir to his father’s family, and received a double portion of the inheritance
Did you just said father Abraham left his wife and infant son Ishmael just because his first wife said so?😂😂😂 He wanted to have kids all of his life and when he gifted by Ishmael,he then left him because Sarah ordered him 😂😂😂. I laughed as much as I can. Abraham pbuh never ever did anything without Allah’s permission/order in his entire life. He was 100% devoted to Allah so he did whatever Allah asked him to do without any questions. He left his wife Hagar and son Ishmael because Allah wanted to make this place Mecca to fill with people. Because Allah wanted to rebuild Baitullah(Ka’aba) with the hand of son Ishmael and father Abraham.
It was written in the bible: “He (Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone. and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility. toward(a) all his brothers.” – Genesis 16:12. The Arab nations will always be at war. Even if Israel didn’t exist, there will even be more bloodshed as they create the Caliphate and extinguish the pluralistic Arab states.
Genesis 17 (Christian and Hebrew scriptures): God appears to Abram as “Almighty God (El Shaddai),” and makes an eternal covenant with him the sign of which is circumcision (even Ishmael was circumcised at 13 years old as God had commanded all Abram’s house to be circumcised). Abram becomes Abraham, the father of a multitude of nations. Sarai becomes Sarah, God: “I will give you a son from her.” Abraham states he is 100, she is 90, really, we are going to conceive a child!? “And Abraham said to God, “If only Ishmael will live before You!” And God said, “Indeed your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you shall name him Isaac, and I will establish My covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his seed after him. And regarding Ishmael, I have heard you; behold I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and I will multiply him exceedingly; he will beget 12 princes, and I will make him into a great nation. But My covenant I will establish with Isaac.” Looking through history up until today, it seems both have happened.
Allahumma Baarik, though your version has many questions about the characteristic of Prophet Abraham AS and BIBi Sarah AS and their belief, however you agreed that Ismail AS is not a villain in your scripture so I wish to know, what made Israel aka Ziknists to Kill Palestinian and believers of Isaac (IShaq AS) are silent??? Or is it to welcome AntiChrist?
Wrong. Ishmeal is the father of semites and Jews are Semites. Issac is father of Hebrews who are now hidden and dispersed by YHWH until he can choose 24 elders for His new Heavens. Hebrews conquered Cannanites who in turn are Semitic Hittites, Philistia, Amolekites, Moabites, Jebusites. After the conquest, these Semites were adopted into the Hebrew society and they shared the Judaic traditions growing into two political factions of Pharesee (Jews) and Saducees (Palestinians). When Roman empire fell, Jews moved into Europe with the Romans while Palestinians stayed behind enduring stages of grief until the arrival of Islamic Caliphates. The rest is history 😂😂😂 Jews are not Hebrews!!! Jews and Palestinians are both brothers who always fought and disagreed before Hebrews conquered them. The regions originally belong to both.
You people are only creating false narrative by wrongly describing the Story of Ishmail and Isaac . Both were the obeying prophet of Almighty and everything had happened by will of God so don’t mislead people and at the end Quran was the last and final message / word of Almighty for all humanity with Prophet Muhammad (S.A. W) as the last messenger.
hagar was egyptian and egyptians where from the prehistoric middle-easterners possibly originating from eurasia and arabs were from the union of hagar and abraham thru ishmael and perhaps by other middle-easterners, right? the bible stories seem to have similarities with older stories of earlier cultures and i believe the earliest known or earlier monotheism is zoroastrianism. if abraham already had a covenant with god how come there was another covenant after the exodus from egypt that then turned hebrews into jews? did a rebranding become necessary?
You skip alot presumptious and ignore what is in chapter 12 Secondly when you claim Ishmael is descendant of Arabs is that truly all AraBs? Not correct historically but true by Islamic tradition. Arab originates from arav….ie means desert dwellers. Abraham sends the concubine kids to east after giving them gifts while inheritance to Isaac the child of promise. In Islamic tradition.ishmarl.was taken to mecca and grew up and learnt Arabic do in islamic tradition Ishmael was not an Arab and so never propagated all desert dwellers . In OT clearly Ishmael dwells in paran,wilderness next to Sinai fesert Mother gets him Egyptian wife His son’s live and dwell in the southern Jordan region of Paran. Later in history Srabs from Yemen lakhmids,sadmids migrated north..north east and mingled with descendants of Ishmael and midianites of keturah but were called ishmaelites. Then
Hagar was sent away twice. after the 1st time, the angel told her to return and serve Sara. The 2nd time, a year after Isaac was born, Ishmael was age 14, they left again… Ishmael did not consider Isaac his enemy… Isaac was afraid of Ishmael/?guilt?? They both met to bury their father, Abraham… They both knew Abraham’s One GOD. MAN has divided these countries with teachings. Division from both sides. Alas! Why did Mohammed abandon the One GOD of Abraham???… Just saying…
Prophets don’t move/migrate from one territory to another on the behest of their wife/s or subjects but under the command of God. What happened to prophet Younus (Jahuna) when he left his people without waiting God’s orders and drowned in sea.God had promised Abrahim that his progeny shall lead /spread different parts of the world and he acted accordingly to rebuild the Oldest House of Worship at Makka and settle one progeny there and another in Kenan. Chraracter assassination is practice of Jews and they have concocted /fabricated even Scriptures . Take the case of Prophet David and Solomon who built their temple in Jerusalem.David is projected so cruel and inhuman to get his General Killed in Warfare to take away his wife.Similarly Solomon is blamed to have 1000 wives.All this is ridiculous.
The word of GOD says that Ishmael’s shall be aganaist everyone and everyone’s aganaist him. check ancient arab saying me I i’m aganaist my brother, Me and my brother we are aganaist our cousin, we and cousin are aganaist the stranger. As for the Jew. His hand shall be on the neck of his enemies. Check on all jewish history with exeption of GOD allowed punishment, esp during the 3 captivities and the 19th century gathering.
There were no any conflict or anything among all prophets. They are innocent that send by Allah(God) to show rights path of every people that could be Mohammad (Sa.), ismayle (a) ibarahi (a.) p.b.u.h. Jews are out of religious thats isreal proved. How will you feel such brutality of Palestinian innocent child and people by your Book. peoples blood with your hand. How shame you are.
With all due respect, Rabbi, Abraham was a fictional character. Most Bible scholars attest to this, along with, of course, Moses, the Exodus, Noah, Garden of Eden, Tower of Babel, etc. You should know that these characters and events were myths blended from earlier cultures. Judaism, like other religions, is entirely manmade.
Ismael and Isaac, are our prophet, I believe that they are love each others, The devil was removed from heaven and cursed by God because of his arrogance, disobeying the command of his god. Many prophets from the descendants of Isaac were killed and betrayed by their own people. Chaos on earth is the result of your own actions. If you suffer in the end it is also because of your own actions.
I’m surprised by the start: “Ismael who will be the father of Arabs and hence all muslims”? Really? So an indian or japanese muslim has an ancestry to Ismael in your mind? Also, the whole story is so frustrating, talking about prophets like the need discipline and different kind of attitudes towards “war” and “love”. In Islam, we do respect every prophet amd we see them as messengers who did exactly what God told them. We pray for “Mohamed and his family, so as Ibrahim and his family” in every prayer of the 5 daily prayers. We just do respect everyone!
Sarah is Abraham ‘s lawful wife, not first wife but marital wife. Hagar was given to Abraham and Sarah as maidservant, so she attached herself to Sarah as a bondwoman. Sarah was barren and she gave Hagar to Abraham (Abraham did decide to have Hagar as a concubine, no) saying may be she can children through her maid. When Hagar got pregnant, she despised her mistress, that’s ill-disciplined. Yes bore Ishmael who also was misbehaving. Miraculously at old age Sarah bore a son (of promise) God had promised she would have a son. Ishmael then scoffed and harrassed Isaac. He was 16years old by then. And Isaac was 2years old. That’s why Sarah fired her maid and her son Ishmael. Why ? Becoz he was a wild man. In Isaac is Abraham seed called.
I take issue with your statement of the other son of Isaac being the forefather of Romans. As far as I understood it, the elders of the twins, Esau, dwelled in Jordan valley, his descendants were Edomites, their land, the Kingdom of Edom, boarded with the land of Israelites. Edom was later conquered by the Nabataeans, and the Edomites migrated to southern Judaea, where they were known in New Testament times as Idumaeans. The ancient ruin of the Petra is likely the capital of the Kingdom of Edom. Whereas the Europeans are descendants of Japheth’s sone Javan, as stated in Genesis 10:4,5. “The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, the Kittites and the Rodanites. (From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.)”
This is a Jew explanation/ interpretation with all due respect, according to the Bible God spoke to (Hagar) and promised her that her son will be a great nation, while he didn’t talk to (Sara) and that’s what they don’t really tell you, open any documentary on YouTube about the Bible and you will find that they skip Ishmael story and they will never tell you about the verses i mentioned below 👇, because he was “the son of the slave” they say, while they forgot that God spoke to her and helped her after (Sara) kicked her out to the desert with the child. So God had a plan for that child and that’s why he helped her and send them to a different location for a reason. Just look at the verses below, and you’ll never hear about these verses in any church. Genesis 17:20 ESV / As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and multiply him greatly. He shall father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation. Genesis 21:17-18 ESV / And God heard the voice of the boy, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is. Up! Lift up the boy, and hold him fast with your hand, for I will make him into a great nation.”
Abraham married Hagar (actuallly Hazra), on the insistance of Sarah, who thought she would love any child in the family. Hazra was sent away to the desert of Paran just a few years after Ishmael was born as Sarah grew jealous of Abraham doting on Ishmael and his mother. Issac (actually Ishaq) was born fourteen years later, so how could Ishmael be a bad influence on Issac when he/they were not even living with Sarah when Issac was born. Read your Torah and Bible carefully. Why do you always have to lie? What are you trying to hide? Perhaps that it was Ishmael (only beloved son) who was taken for sacrifice and not Issac (who was never an only son). Stop being dishonest even as you pose to be a man of religion. Shame on you. THIS IS THE REAL STORY OF ISHMAEL THAT YOU NEVER WILL TELL.
When Islam appeared through the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad ( peace be upon him) after Moses and Essa ( Jesus) peace be upon both of them, which was written in your books, the Old and New Testaments, you refused to believe in it. The unaltered Qur’an came as a mercy to the world, unlike your Torah and the Talmud, which encourage blind hatred, especially the Talmud, which was written by rabbis and not the word of God. I wanted to inform you through this platform of this truth, and when you die, you will not be surprised by what I said, and the overwhelming truth will be revealed to you on the day when regret will not benefit anyone except those who come to God with a sound heart. No religion will be accepted from you except Islam. Oh God, you bear witness that I have delivered the message to you all ladies and gentlemen. Thank you.
Alslammu Alikum Ibrahim sent his wife Hajer and his son Ismail away to a deserted land with no water and no plants because in a dream God asked Ibrahim to do so, not because of anything else. To show that once you have faith, you must obey God’s wish even if it makes no logic. The same applies when later God asks Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail. thank you your brother in humanity Ali from Iraq
I would respectfully disagree and the reason that if you are painting a picture that, because of the traits of prophet’s son the 2 nations have different approaches, that is not true. If you see that the only nation who actually showed some compassion to the Jews were the Muslims even when they had the power to eliminate their opponent, Also the the core purpose of Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham was to establish that learn to reason and find God, because the steps he took in his father’s temple to prove that the idols are nod GOD is quite evident.
Based on theory, Islam shouldn’t talk about Moses or Abraham or other prophets before, If Islam emerged from Ishmael primarily. Ishmael shares the same gene from ancestors and that same Jacob (father to both of them). They may have their qualities but no one is perfect If they are born human. Isaac can be cruel too, and Ishmael can be fully kind If needed. Muslims were also converted sharing other faith ancestors’ genes in them, what about that?
5 LOGICAL & RATIONAL BASIC, ABSTRACTS FROM ALL HOLY BOOKS BEFORE – WHY CAN’T THE HYPOCRITE IN ABRAHAM’S RELIGION BE ELIMINATED EVEN IF KING MALAY PROVIDED DEATH PENALTY FOR THEM ? 1. All previous holy books (Psalms, Torah, Bible/Injil, Al-Quran, etc.) teach people the same 5 basic things below, then people are led astray by the devil from God’s teachings, which are: A. BELIEVE IN GOD : Believe in one God (monotheism), owner of the clouds in the sky & 3 holy cities on earth (Jerusalem, Makkah & Medina). But Malay King defend any other faith contradict to it, as far as believe in God. B. LOYALTY TO THE KING & COUNTRY : God gives 3 loan components (HVA), to every ordinary human being who will be accounted for after death/the day of reckoning (yardstick of Loyalty): i. Heart/feelings/intent. ii. Voice/tongue/words. iii. Actions/actions of 7 body parts. (eyes, ears, mouth, hands, stomach, genitals and feet) C. UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTIONS : God provides 2 types of creatures as a trust/business/task for humans to manage (2 Items only to be disputed & settled on earth): i. 5 beings/unseen items/cannot be measured & decide by human/supernatural things/qualitative items/unseen that can control human hearts: a. Soul b. Angel c. Passion/Natural spirit (Nafs) d. Genie e. Satan ii. 5 quantitative creatures/appearances/items(5M – can be measured & decide by human) : a. Manpower/human b. Machine c. Material d. Money e. Minutes D. RULE OF LAW: God sent holy books, a messengers/prophet to teach peoples 5 steps to get “God’s Will”(5 steps for any Law 2 Judgement), to overcome dispute/making correct decision & manage all the above things safely/without God’s wrath & curse which are: i.