In March 1783, George Washington faced a significant threat to his authority and the civil government of the new nation. The Continental Army, based in Newburgh, New York, was involved in the Newburgh Conspiracy, a failed attempt by the Continental Army leaders to challenge the authority of the Confederation Congress. The Newburgh Conspiracy was a plan by Continental Army officers to calm the tensions between the Confederation Congress and the French Revolution.
The First Conspiracy, written by John Robison in 1798, was in GW’s library at his death. It was a failed attempt by the Continental Army to challenge the authority of the Confederation Congress, arising from their frustration with Congress’s actions. General George Washington made a surprise appearance at an assembly of army officers to calm the situation.
Conspiration theories have always served as dark counterprogramming to the American Revolution, from the Salem witch trials to fears of the Illuminati. The First Newburgh Address, accompanied by a document accusing America of trampling on soldiers’ rights, has been a constant in American conspiracy theories.
Karen Douglas, PhD, discusses psychological research on how conspiracy theories start, why they persist, who is most likely to believe them, and whether they have any harms. The Newburgh Conspiracy threatened to derail the fragile calm at the end of the Revolutionary War.
In conclusion, the First Conspiracy tells a remarkable and previously untold piece of American history, revealing George Washington’s religious beliefs and the role of the Continental Army in the Newburgh Conspiracy.
📹 INSANE CONSPIRACY THEORIES – George Washington and Religion
Welcome to the first episode of conspiracy theories, enjoy! edit: this video is satire.
📹 How 9/11 ‘Truther’ conspiracy theories fueled the war on reality | Opinion
Conspiracy theories blaming George W. Bush for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have been debunked, yet millions of …
I love how they basically imply that if you ever question the “official narrative” that you don’t know how to think and that you’re reaching for conclusions that make you feel more comfortable because you’re afraid. We need to teach people how to think by getting them to not think is basically what he’s saying.
“I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said you know, we’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.” – Larry Silverstein
Think about the Air Force’s F16 pilots playing “war games” on the morning on 9-11-2001. They were playing out a scenario out over the ocean far away from the primary airspace that they are tasked to protect. The scenario included two large aircraft were hijacked and used as missiles crashed into the twin towers. This “practice” scenario wasn’t just for “practice”, but it was ACTUALLY HAPPENING at the same exact time, day, location, same target, and same weapon within MINUTES of the practice scenario. The odds of all of those things neatly happening together simultaneously is statistically impossible.
This is such a helpful article! Because sometimes I think “Hey wait a minute, how could Building 7, which wasn’t hit by a plane, come down at free fall speed despite being one the sturdiest high rises ever created?” Then I watch articles like this and I remember that I that I have cognitive dissonance and am just not thinking clearly.
Whenever somebody recources to ad hominiem attacks, cloaked with a cherry-picked psychological theory, among dozens of possible psychological theories, they concede they have no actual facts to validate their “explanation.” The lawyer even had the temerity to beg the question about “true reality.” Face-palm; sigh.
The cookie-cutter “cognitive dissociation” and “fear response” non-arguments are so boring. They don’t actually mean anything, you’re just assuming how people feel and how those feeling effect what they believe. Someone could just as easily turn it around and say that people only believe what the government tells them because they’re afraid of the thought that an authority figure would lie to them.
Evan Laine: “you can’t not give a theory of any kind unless you can back it up with evidence”.. goes on to talk about theories from psychologist.. Psychologist that only deal In Theory. Lmfaooo I thought that was pretty freaking funny. Especially when he’s talking about fear “in theory” could lead to “some” people reacting In a certain way. Lmfao
On September 10, 2001, SecDef Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon had lost $2.1 trillion off their books, with the budget analysis office investigating the missing funds. On September 11, 2001, the budget analysis office was incinerated when American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the side of the Pentagon that contained the office. Do with that information what you will.
I was once in a News Journalism class where they got one of the soldiers who was a part of the mission Black Hawk Down was based on and he prefaced his lecture by saying he didn’t trust the media but he was hoping he could inspire us to be different. Almost every kid in that class found something they didn’t like about what he had to say and wrote their paper tearing him apart for it. We live in a generation where we’ve become too soft for the truth, and instead are more willing to point fingers than accept it. I left the media field soon after that.
The critical question to ask is why did anything fly into the restricted air space of the Pentagon which is defended by deadly force during a national emergency. The Pentagon is the National Military Command Center of the United States located two miles from the White House and part of DC Restricted Air Space. You will find the answer in Transportation Secretary Mineta’s sworn testimony to the 9/11 Commission.
I’m not a structural expert. But I don’t understand how the two towers built with steel and concrete could collapse like that due to a plane crashing in the upper floors. The bottom part of the structure was still intact so I don’t understand how the whole building fell like it did. That is my only question….
It’s education. The childish, natural curiosity about the world and how things work is stunted after about the 3rd grade when curiosity and exploration/discovery is replaced with memorization and repetition. If you don’t learn how to think and become a logical human, that child-like curiosity appears again in adulthood in the form of cynicism and skepticism.
This special makes no sense to me at all! It is like we are all stressed out and should believe everything they are telling us. With no thought about any other possibility. I thought we live in a free Country! Remember this everyone. Someone shared this with me years ago. The most powerfull statement I have ever heard. ” Truth is the Beginning- Truth is the Middle- Truth is the End”
I am a mechanical engineer and my specialty is solid mechanics and I studied and did FEA. I spent more than 100 hours pouring over this topic, including numerous debunking articles and forums and the NIST report. I am almost 100% certain that there was thermite (or a hybrid of it) used to destroy buildings, not just the planes. You’re a trial lawyer who claims “it’s been debunked” as the first line in your opinion article. What a joke.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, NCSTAR 1A Executive Summary states “This was the first known instance of the total collapse of a tall building primarily due to fires” about WTC-7. According to this report “word for word”…”However, the reader should keep in mind that the building and the records kept within it were destroyed, and the remains of all the WTC building were disposed of before congressional action and funding was available for this Investigation to begin. As a result, there are some facts that could not be discerned, and thus there are uncertainties in this accounting.” They did not do a forensic examination…WHY because of funding?? So, the richest country in the world with a sky high emergency budget following 9/11 can’t afford a forensic examination with bomb sniffing dogs to sniff out potential explosive residues? They were carting tons of evidence off in dump trucks while the masses were still in a state of shock following the 9/11 attack so very few questioned it at the time.
It would go a long way to show “us” how an aluminum (basically) airplane wing can shear multiple 2.5 inch thick structural steel boxes (all the way to the tip of where the wing would be) These buildings were made from steel boxes,2.5 inches thick steel. Show a demo (OK it will be expensive) where something similar to an airplane wing can do this to a steel structure. Mind mind is open but show me how it could be done, how it could happen. Approaches to airports runways have lights. These lights are supported by steel structures. A common accident profile is for an aircraft to land “short” and hit the landing light structure. The steel landing light structure usually ends up shearing the airlane apart. Here we see the plane shear the building apart.
What about building 7 collapsing, rivers of moulting metal in the basement still burning weeks later, the 2 trillion “lost” in America’s budget. Reports of explosions in both buildings before and after the planes hit? The military exercises being played out that day of that exact scenario. The list goes on and on.
What happened on the 9/11? 1) The tween tawers that were made to with stand heavy winds got hit by two airplanes 2)The security aircraft of USA allowed it to happen if not show any attaches or failed attempt 3) The tween tawers didn’t drop on any angle they came straight down 4) The airplane black boxes were missing to allow the government to lie and accuse whoever they like 5) Anyone who had the footage among the public whet missing Why blame Muslims, Taliban or Arabs it was the government of USA. They took blacks as slaves in the past and they had war with the Vietnamese and Japanese and now it was to pick on Muslims.They wanted to demonise Muslim. The Arabic language is Muslims religious language and Islam is the religion that Muslims stand by unlike most religions that compromise and prioritize western culture over religion and among the religious Muslims or ultra orthodox Muslims are Afghan, Pakistani, Kashmiri and Palestinians Why Afghanistan and Pakistan as these two are more practicing Muslims, with more freedom comparing to Kashmir and Palestine. The western governments don’t want Muslims to rule or have any part of the world in their passion, as that gives them stomach ache.
I was forced to crouch with a group right next to the #7 on fire. the soldier was telling us the building was about to fall. we crouched and waited. nothing. they let us to the west side highway. a short while later, #7 fell. looked like a controlled demolition. somehow, that soldier knew the structural integrity of that building was going to compromise and do what no other steel framed building in history has ever done on its own. lol.
Might as well be saying, ‘Don’t be stupid: just trust us and don’t think – you’ll be fine as long as you let us do the thinking for you.’ What with being so clever, you’d think the talking heads and experts would be better at trying to convince people of this! Oh well, the truth will out, eh? They ain’t gonna stop it.
“Every claim could be debunked very easily”. And yet, nobody ever debunked Loose Change. They only said it was a conspiracy theory. No evidence or debunking was ever given. On the other hand, Loose Change debunked every claim the official story has given. They destroyed the official story and in the end, that is what fears him. They cannot lie enough to make us believe their narrative. Facts and truth will always win from lies and bogus.
Forget everything you heard in this article and all the comments you’ve read since. The power is ours. There is nothing bad happening right now. There is so many great, beautiful, wonderful things happening all the time and no amount of fear, hate, confusion, or negativity can compete with the power of LOVE! Love is real, but so much more powerful & pure than the thoughts and feelings commonly associated with term. It’s divine. I am divine. You are Divine. WE ARE DEVINE!
There’s literally hundreds of hours of interviews from the scene of Firefighters explaining the explosions and how it felt like a demolition. I get it though, knowing your own Government is capable of this will change your perspective on lots of things. “Anatomy of a Great Deception” lays things out pretty well.
A huge explosion raining debris on everybody the reporter says. Explosion meaning controlled demolition, not a pancake collapse otherwise there would be a huge debris pile 20 floors high. The buildings fell at 10 floors a second at 90+ mph which is impossible without explosives knocking out each floor. Newtons 3rd law of motion wouldn’t allow the top part to crush the undamaged bottom part without destroying its self, that’s simple physics. Funny how the laws of physics and the entire US airforce were on holiday that day.
quote from “9/11 a conspiracy theory” TRANSCRIPT: On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor. These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst office where DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001. Luckily, the news anchors knew who did it within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidence literally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history.
When these guys say 9/11 conspiracy theories they’re talking about no planes, demolition etc. Things that they say to make people look nuts. What they don’t tell you is that there is irrefutable evidence that 9/11 occurred because the neocons wanted a justification to achieve their goals. I could go into so many specifics but I won’t bother unless someone asks
There were no hijackers, they took over the planes remotely and pilots couldn’t do anything about it, those calls were made in a hanger on the ground, no cell phones worked at that altitude, and there is no way airplanes can’t simply disintegrate into a tower without a trace (jet fuel no way), think people ! there were definitely something placed in the buildings so that when hit the building it would set off like a bomb and the building would come down demolition style hours later! I’ll never buy the story they gave us ! Never ! It’s obvious so many things don’t add up
allright, five questions for those who wondered about the consipracy-theory: 1. how long did the planes flight without intervention by the air force after leaving their normal route? 2. why did the buildings go down with the free-fall speed of 9.81 metres per second? 3, what engines were found at the disaster areas? 4. can someone show me the impact article from the highly secured pentagon incident? 5. have anyone a conclusion about the thermite found in the wreckage of the towers? these were only five questions folks, not to talk about the others? h.m.
The theory in this case it gets real when you see it’s no way the 2 towers can desintegrated full, the same as a controled demolition.. that was controlled demolition..the airplane hits the TOP of the tower that is 10% of all the weigh.. how can just the 10 % destroy the 90% of the structure? the top of the building should fall to the SIDE and the rest of the tower stay with no damage.. and thats for the two towers.. no way the top can destroy ALL the tower to the base…
Attended a conference in UAE representing our consultancy firm in the region, of over 2000 attended from almost the top design and consulting firms globally, from Germany, Netherlands France, USA, Australia, UK, some of the smartest technical minds in engineering, almost every single one laughed at the official findings of 9/11 commission, in a show of hands of 900 in one session 99.9% ridiculed the 9/11 findings from an engineers prospective, these are people that have worked on some of the most complex Design and build projects globally. One person I will quote Harry G. Robinson, III, FAIA, AICP, NOMA – Professor and Dean Emeritus, School of Architecture and Design, Howard University. Twice appointed by the President of the United States to be Commissioner and then elected Chairman, United States Commission of Fine Arts. Past President of two major national architectural organizations – National Architectural Accrediting Board, 1996, and National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, 1992. Chairman, UNESCO International Commission on the Goree Memorial and Museum that was established to guide the development of this project in Dakar, Senegal. He has served on major boards and commissions, including the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, Committee for the Preservation of the White House, White House Historical Association and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Founder and Past Director, Center for Built Environment Studies, Morgan State University. Elected membership in the American Institute of Architects’ College of Fellows.
It’s about money. It has always been about the money…insurance money. I can clearly remember when I paid my business insurance. Prior to 9/11, there was no clause pertaining to the Terrorism Clause in the insurance page, now, it is in the clause. Just imagine how much money insurance companies collect on this clause every year.
This whole thing is a conspiracy theory about conspiracy theorists. They actually claimed that all the theories since 9.11 are all connected 😂😂 They fell into the same hole they are judging others to have fallen into😂😂 Fukn hilarious!! Look, people don’t believe their government because they shouldn’t. That’s healthy. Let people have their own ideas about events that matter to them AND STOP trying to label them as mentally unwell. You can’t have a democracy where everybody thinks like you and just believes the narrative the government feeds you. The Warren and 9.11 Commission clearly have holes in them. I love how this Wp piece tries so hard to expose conspiracy theorists but actually outs itself by the dramatic production and use of its own propaganda. Whoever produced this needs to be fired. ❤
The war on reality comes from the media. “Whoever controls the media controls the mind.” The war on reality is the fact Americans are supposed to believe a guy on dialysis in a cave on the other side of the world, and 20 guys who barely knew how to fly planes, were able to hijack 4 planes and deliberately drive them into two buildings in an area that was patrolled, and another into a 4 story building at the ground level (never seen on camera despite being one of the most surveilled buildings in the world) and then building 7 collapses from “office fires” terrorist passports found on the ground while the entire planes were incinerated? So many things don’t add up. And what came from the attacks? More wars! Which makes money and brings about power and control, wake up people.
So IF it happened the way we were told, why the f..k are there NO changes in the national standards of structural engineering? There still building skyscrapers the same way. Answer that question Mr. Non-conspirices dude. This guys just another mouth piece for the government. Another one that knows NOTHING!!
The first real problem with 9/11 is simple 2 aircraft way off course and not picked up by RADAR… no signal ? US Government is conducting some kind of major military test at the time with Mr Cheney in charge. A terrorist attack… but it was known at the time that the people involved were Saudis ? I believe in Bob Woodward’s scene in one of his books about President Bush – meeting with Saudi Ambassador and the Ambassador saying the Saudi Gov needed help getting loans back from Iraq – he pointed out that Bush owed the Saudis for their help getting him elected. Bush said he would need some reason (Something big, like a Pearl Harbor).. When I see that photo of Bush in that school chair, it is not a look of sudden shock, but disbelief… like they really did cause something big . One of the first action the US did after the WTC was block all Iraqi loan payment money, and begin the campaign against Iraqi weapons programs. Never did find any weapons of mass destruction,,, but we invaded Iraq anyway… Saudis got their loan money, US got oil money ! .And new reasons for terrorist attacks !
so I’m supposed to believe the United States government the same government that sprayed my daddy during Vietnam with agent orange and said it’s a safe chemical the same government that gave poor black people syphilis in a vaccine on purpose. The same government that a radiated people with radiation during the 1940s. The same government that planned the false flag operation to make it look like Cuba was invading Florida with terrorists. The same government that had Obama give fully automatic military weapons to drug cartels to track them during the operation Fast and Furious. The same government Obama that gave Rebels to overthrow Gaddafi that ended up killing our Embassy ambassador and ended up aligning themselves with ISIS
Funny how hes saids they’re all easily debunkable yet gives us no counter arguments or facts to the theories and just expects us to blindly believe that the aircraft crash somehow caused a full structural failure and that the jet fuel fire was hot enough to melt metal despite the fact that no buildings in recorded history have ever collapsed from a fire, he also failed to mention how the twin towers were built with the possible danger of a plane crash and were built specifically to withstand a large aircraft collision (commercial airline) and was actually suppose to be strong enough to sustain 2 to 3 impacts from aircraft and still remain structurally intact yet it collapsed in free fall with zero resistance and the only way a building can fall directly on its own foundation is to have a complete structural compromise to every beam holding the weight of the building up and we all know that only happens in a controlled demolition to minimise damage to surrounding buildings, also yeah the building 7 was not struck by an aircraft or hit by enough debris to cause a complete failure and we are suppose to believe just a fire caused enough damage to the integrity of the building that it also conveniently fell on top of itself, none of the buildings toppled over like they would and should have done if it was damaged in a particular spot or surrounding area, the structure would not simply disintegrate in to nothing but rubble, engineering, physics and science will prove that over and over again, you need the perfect situation to cause the same situation to occur on all buildings to happen 3 times in a row without fail, it doesn’t just happen from a simple collision or fire, im no conspiracy theorist or engineering expert but i know the bullshit when i see it, i think to some degree george w bush had some form of involvement, probably to give him the right to invade Afghanistan cause without provocation, he can’t simply just invade another country without a reason, i assume the government needed resources, gold, oil, money, whatever the reason i dont believe it was simply a terrorist attack cause there’s nothing to prove the Taliban had any personal hate towards USA to provoke an attack
I’d be perfectly accepting of the official story if: 1. GW had not dalied at a previously announced public school reading event during most of the “attacks”. 2. The top military officials were all not missing from their posts until it was all over. 3. Rumsfeld, in the middle of it all, was not out on the lawn holding IV bags and getting in the way of first responders. 4. The buildings had not all turned to dust in mid-air. 5. Rumsfeld had not, on 9/10, announced at a press conference, that 2.3 TRILLION dollars of taxpayers money couldn’t be accounted for. How convenient. and on and on and on and on…
The buidling’s design was meant to redistribute weight load, so if a piece of the building’s support system fails, the rest of it was designed to take the weight that the failed section supported, but with the WTC, most if not all of the core columns were either severely damaged or severed, forcing the weight load onto the perimeter columns. But after a while, the steel trusses that held up the floors and connected the core to the perimeter columns had slowly started to expand from the heat since the spray-on fireproofing was only meant to last for up to half an hour to an hour and most, if not all of it in the area had been blown and scraped off in the explosion, the heat-induced expansion of the steel floor trusses began pushing on the steel (and aluminum coated) perimeter columns columns, and as the heat intensified, they began to weaken and sag, pulling on the perimeter columns and further weakening the building’s only remaining support system more and more until the exterior wall and remaining support columns reached their breaking point, causing them to bow inwards before buckling and then snapping due being unable to continue holding the weight of the floors above. This is much more visible in the south tower due to the side this is most visible on the east face, the side that most people were recording that day. As the South Tower fell, it leaned mostly into its northeast corner, the weakest of 4 corners. While in the North Tower, it fell learning to its south face, this would make sense since the fires were most intense on the opposite side of the building fron the plane impact due to the buildings swaying as they were hit.
The government’s official explanation: On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor. These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst office where DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001. Luckily, the news anchors knew who did it within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidence literally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history. The investigation was delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, a conflict of interest and a cover up from start to finish.
Red flag after red flag is displayed on this movie. The evidence of Super Thermite is all you need with the molten lava and the countless witnesses that saw it at the base of the twin towers and Tower 7. It took over 3 months to put out the fires because of the Super Thermite which kept them burning non stop.
It’s Not an Argument It’s just a supposed statement about what a “structural engineer” would say. Well … on the hierarchy of scientific disciplines, the structural engineers were beneath us physicists – that’s me. Bjorkman’s point is correct as a rebuttal to Bazant, which is what he is after. You cannot have an in-tact, smaller and weaker block pulverizing its way down to the bottom of these massive and stable structures. especially not within the time period that it occurred. And that process is what Bazant claims occurred. This is just basic and fundamental physics. And regardless of scale, you can easily demonstrate the principles involved by any type of experiment you care to construct. NIST had to jump through all kinds of hoops to stretch the data and ignore experimental results just to achieve the collapse initiation. If there had been any conceivable or possible way that NIST could have supported Bazant, it would have. But it could not, because Bazant’s “theory” is so absolutely and absurdly ridiculous … even the boys at NIST under the crack of the government whip could not support that moronic absurdity. If you think scale matters in the modeling of your experiment, you can overload the model all you want to compensate for any changes in the laws of physics that you believe occur at different scales (I’d like to see an actual engineering cite of any kind for that notion). Just like when NIST modeled sections of the floors and blasted them with temperatures beyond anything that could have possibly been achieved from the available fuels, and they still could not get the modeled floors to fail as theorized in support of collapse initiation.
Well let’s be honest if we were during the height of the Cold War during the Cuban invasion failure why would the Secret Service allow the president not to use the presidential limo but to rent a convertible car in Dallas and ride without the bulletproof hardtop? Because Kennedy’s father Joe Kennedy took money from the mafia to protect their interest to get his son elected and then his other son went after them. Kennedy pissed off the two most deadliest organizations at the time the Costa Nostra and the CIA
The devastating torture that muslims had faced after this event is unimaginable.. You maybe can say bush administration did that to attack middle east.. I am from bangladesh(South east asian country).. Our country is a muslim majority.. Even here after 9 eleven, usa came, demolished our elected govt(Cause a muslim majorty party was merged with our govt political party), gave power to a communist, crimal party who are rulling bangladesh for the past 15 years without any common peoples vote(Massive rigging, killing opposition party, killing freedom of speech) this all because of 911..So you can see Bush administration attacked any muslim, all around the world. As an believer, i believe when that tower falled, its like god is telling us, get ready, the end time starts now
Why blame Bush it doesn’t make any sense maybe because he didn’t even go after Osama Bin Laden he went after Saddam hussein. Maybe it’s because he got his secretary of defense the black guy to sit in front of Congress saying Saddam had mobile Anthrax labs. 20 years Iraq and we have yet to find one weapon of mass destruction
So the burning building is truth or false? So many buildings tall like that full burn and never colapse. The structure strength that the build have made to handle what type of plain impact? And the pilots that explain the impossible of flight and speed without it fall a part is false too? Jet fuel drain Down the structure and you don’t see fire on the 25 or 40 floors down? Besides fire usually goes up or doesn’t?
I use to be one of those so called Truthers but than they started flat-earth and I was out. I started understanding that listen to a bunch of people who didn’t have any evidence but what they were given by the media. The report didn’t back what they believed so they rejected it right away. Even going as far as to say the report was lies. How ever if you look at the report it makes perfect sense and it explains everything with evidence. They also said all the steel was removed and destroyed when that wasn’t the case, all the steel was turn over to the FBI and the started their investigation that day. How did the building fall. The floors were given way because of the weight that pulled the support beams in and put pressure on the support joins which is the only thing that held these floors together has one gave away it would drop and every single time it was like dropping the Titanic on top of the building as it pancaked it to the ground. How ever most people who didn’t know the design of these towers. The WTC were built with idea of a plane hitting it.. Yes a B-52 bomber hit the Empire State building and so they did have idea of planes hitting the building not a Boeing 767 airliner full of fuel. Also the airliner couldn’t go 500 plus MPH without flying apart truth is if there was no cross wind this wouldn’t be a problem and could have easily got to 500 before hitting the building, Planes can’t be used like missile, Planes have been used for missiles many times in the past WW2 many Japanese pilots Kamikaze into ships.
Here’s a few Interesting Questions, which i would like some explanation for other than the American Education system is Poor and General IQ and Education Level is Very Low in USA (Maybe due to something Environmental or Cultural or even Genetic Damage? . Q: Why are 90% of conspiracy Theorist’s American?, Q: Why are 99% of flat Earthers American, Q: Why are 99% of people who think Lizard Aliens Run ALL The Governments in The World are Americans.
There was a lot of truth said in this article. But when he said that we are now divided between science believers and science deniers it made me cringe so much. Science/facts are meaningless without human interpretation. The idea that science is worth pursuing comes from philosophy and religion. But the idea that science is truth itself scares me more than any conspiracy theorist. If scientists don’t have morals then we end up with inhumane experiments against humanity. What he said is also pretentious, because it makes it seem as though one person might know truth and another person might deny truth. In reality, we humans are a mix of both denying and accepting all sorts of different things. One can be in denial about a specific grief and yet be functional because of truths held onto in other parts of his life. One actual problem is that there are many false narratives being promoted and believed on all fronts. Pretty much everyone believes a false narrative about something. But when there is no unifying factor, one truth to keep everyone together, then society falls apart into these individualized false narratives.
They had every single a jet capable of intercepting on that particular day I’ll doing exercises away from where they needed to be in left none there to protect the Homeland I don’t think the terrorists new that unless Bush just let it happen knew it was going to happen then added the Jets out of the equation to help them out and then he demoed the buildings so that it didn’t have to be on fire on CNN for however many days. They use military grades thermite that is why it was the longest burning a commercial fire it burned for 3 months that doesn’t happen because of jet fuel the fire was at the top it all fell why was it smoldering at the bottom for that long