The Bible condemns all forms of witchcraft, sorcery, divination, and occult practices as sinful and detestable to God. Christians are called to completely avoid and reject these practices, trusting instead in God’s power and guidance through Jesus Christ. Since early times, people have sought supernatural experiences God did not endorse. The nations that surrounded the Promised Land were filled with people who practiced divination or sorcery, interpreted omens, engaged in witchcraft, or cast spells.
The Bible contains multiple warnings against witchcraft and considers it an abomination against. Christians are blameless before the Lord their God for dispossessing nations that listen to fortune-tellers and diviners. However, they should not turn to mediums or necromancers, as they bring confusion, lies, pain, anguish, and confusion.
The ethical question of witchcraft is simple: don’t do it. It always leads away from God and into deception and enslavement. The practical question is: don’t sacrifice your son or daughter, and don’t try to use any kind of magic or witchcraft to tell fortunes, cast spells, or talk with spirits of the dead. God despises witches as much as He despises idols.
Those in the occult today feel they are getting along, but the Christian cannot be cursed. God’s blessing is more powerful than any curse. The Christian has been born again as a new person in Jesus Christ. The Bible is clear about its position on witchcraft, and many warnings are found in the scriptures against it.
📹 3 Kinds of Witchcraft – You MUST Know!
3 Kinds Of Witchcraft – You MUST Know! Witchcraft is the attempt to control a person and make them do what you want by the use …
Who was the first witchcraft in the Bible?
Witches have been a topic of debate in the Bible, with one of the earliest records of witches in the book of 1 Samuel dating back to 931 B. C. It tells the story of King Saul seeking the Witch of Endor to summon the spirit of the dead prophet Samuel to help him defeat the Philistine army. The witch roused Samuel, who then prophesied the death of Saul and his sons. The next day, Saul’s sons died in battle, and Saul committed suicide.
Who went to a witch in the Bible?
The Witch of Endor is a female sorcerer in the Hebrew Bible who was visited by Saul, the first king of Israel. Saul had banished all sorcerers and conjurers from his kingdom, but was concerned about the outcome of Israel’s battle against the Philistines. He disguised himself and asked her to conjure up the spirit of the prophet Samuel to tell his fortunes. The woman, who reminded him of the law against practicing her art, assured her that she would be protected.
The spirit informed Saul that he and his three sons would die in battle the next day and that the Israelites would fall to the Philistines. The story of the Witch of Endor has inspired further embellishment of her practices, with Chaucer referring to her as a “pithonesse” and Guillaume de Salluste suggesting she used a “flambeau” made from her son’s fat in her necromantic art.
Does paganism have sin?
Pagans perceive the world as a source of joy and vitality, espousing the notion that the divine manifests within the natural realm, rather than in a transcendent, celestial domain. They hold a profound reverence for nature and the Earth, frequently exhibiting an awareness of the interconnectedness of all things.
What does God say about witchcraft?
Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 19:26, Leviticus 20:27, and Deuteronomy 18:10-11 all prohibit the practice of necromancy, divination, and soothsaying. These laws are portrayed as foreign and are the only part of the Hebrew Bible to mention such practices. The presence of laws forbidding necromancy proves that it was practiced throughout Israel’s history.
The exact difference between the three forbidden forms of necromancy mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:11 is uncertain, as yidde’oni (“wizard”) is always used together with ob (“consulter with familiar spirits”) and its semantic similarity to doresh el ha-metim (“necromancer” or “one who directs inquiries to the dead”) raises the question of why all three are mentioned in the same verse. The Jewish tractate Sanhedrin distinguishes between a doresh el ha-metim, a person who would sleep in a cemetery after starving himself, to become possessed, and a yidde’oni, a wizard.
In summary, the prohibition of necromancy in the Hebrew Bible is a significant aspect of Jewish history.
What are the three sins God will not forgive?
Alma, a prominent figure in the Christian faith, had a profound teaching moment when he interviewed his son, Corianton, who had become involved with the harlot, Isabel. Alma warned Corianton that he was guilty of three abominable sins in the sight of God: denying the Holy Ghost, shedding innocent blood, and committing sexual sin. Adultery was third to murder and the sin against the Holy Ghost. To understand Corianton’s sin, he needed to understand its relationship to the two most abominable sins, enabling him to realize the possibilities of repentance and forgiveness.
Alma distinguished between unpardonable and pardonable sins. Unpardonable sins cannot be paid for through the atoning blood of Christ or personal suffering. The only sin that falls into this category is denying the Holy Ghost. All other sins are forgivable or pardonable because the demands of justice can be met through the atonement of Jesus Christ or personal payment by the sinner.
The Apostle John taught that there is a sin unto death, and there is a sin not unto death. Elder Bruce R. McConkie argued that the death John referred to meant “spiritual death”. There are sins for which repentance does not operate, sins that the atoning blood of Christ will not wash away, and sins for which the sinner must suffer and pay the full penalty personally.
Do Christians believe in witchcraft?
The Bible contains numerous references to witchcraft, condemning practices such as casting spells, being a medium, spiritist, or consulting the dead. These practices are considered detestable to the Lord, and the Lord will drive out those nations before you. The word “witch” may be a mistranslation of “poisoner”, and some believe there is a primitive idealist belief in a relation between bewitching and coveting. Some adherents of near-east religions acted as mediums, channeling messages from the dead or familiar spirits.
The Bible is sometimes translated as referring to “necromancer” and “neromancy”, but some lexicographers, like James Strong and Spiros Zodhiates, disagree. They believe that the Hebrew word “kashaph” (כשפ) in Exodus 22:18 and other places in the Tanakh comes from a root meaning “to whisper”, meaning “to whisper a spell, i. e. to incant or practice magic”. The Contemporary English Version translates Deuteronomy 18:11 as referring to “any kind of magic”.
Who was the first witch put to death?
A local council has proposed the construction of a permanent memorial to Agnes Waterhouse, the first woman executed for witchcraft, and other victims of similar persecutions. The council posits that the executions of 53 individuals across Essex between 1570 and 1609 represent a dark chapter in history, and that there is a need to commemorate this period.
Is witchcraft a religion?
Wicca, an alternative minority religion founded in the UK in the 1940s, is part of the contemporary pagan movement, which includes druids and heathens. Since its arrival in the US in the 1960s, Wicca has been growing, with an estimated 1. 5 million witches in the US. However, not all witches consider themselves Wiccans, with approximately 800, 000 Americans being Wiccans according to recent survey data. The increasing numbers in surveys and the growth of groups on platforms like TikTok suggest that the religion is continuing to grow.
Is magic mentioned in the Bible?
The Old Testament extensively discusses magic and sorcerers, with God warning against participating in magic, divination, or witchcraft. In Leviticus 19:31, God warns the Israelites against seeking out spiritists, as they could be defiled. Magic is closely linked to the occult and demons, and Christians are advised to avoid such practices. During the time of Moses and Joseph, the Egyptians practiced magic, with Pharaoh and his wise men attempting to duplicate miracles. This demonstrates that magic was already being practiced in the early days of Moses, as Pharaoh, his wise men, and his sorcerers were not followers of God but followers of their own evil desires.
Is manifesting a sin?
Manifestation is a manipulation of influence to be honored, rather than honoring God. Romans 1:21-26 offers cautionary wisdom, reminding us that those who knew God chose to resist the opportunity to honor Him, leading to darkened hearts and fools. Many people have exchanged the immortal God for images and the truth about God for a lie, serving the creature instead of the Creator. It is important to avoid serving the creature instead of the Creator and to assess cultural trends presented as Scripture. The enemy twisted Scripture to tempt Eve to eat the fruit, and this same trick is still being used today.
What does the Bible say about suffer a witch to live?
Some members of the Akan Christian community in Ghana utilize the King James Version of Exodus 22:18, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live,” to justify their practice of praying for the demise and destruction of individuals identified as witches or wizards.
📹 What Does the Bible Say about Drugs and Witchcraft?
The Greek word that is translated as witchcraft, sorcery, or participation in demonic activities in Galatians 5:20 is pharmakeia, …
Good stuff man From an adict & alcoholic who knows that God will provide a way out because He says so in His Word! …just need to make some hard decisions & fully trust & rely upon God. Thanks for your ministry man, i pray that God blesses you and that your contribution here on Youtube will reach out to the millions here on Earth, so that the lost, stuggling, & hopeless – ppl that have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ will stumble upon 1 of your wonderfully well put together YouTube articles (WHICH QUOTES THE WORD OF GOD 1ST & FOREMOST FOR ITS REFERENCE) that because of this, and being that only the Word of God is sharper than a 2 edged sword not the babbling of man, only Gods Word can truly discern the inner most thoughts and sinful attitudes of that of mankind’s wicked, sin natured hearts! Keep using Gods word as your key reference and i pray God uses your platform here on youTube to bring HOPE to the hopeless and deliverance to those that are struggling with addiction or pain! Amen brother!
Thank you for sharing. I have repented of my astrology practices . And now trust more in the Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing others by their fruits instead of by just their characters. In which I was blinded of before. I have been healed and now understand the difference of decernment of the spirits if they are of God or not and not by the use of astrology but by the Word of God. Thank you. For your service to the Lord Jesus.
Thank you Holy Father that you are cutting off ALL these evil spirits from my family by your precious blood on calvary you have healed me and taken away these things and I pray for my loved ones and those whom I see laying in the street because of drug use and mental illness, alcoholism etc…. thank you for your Mercy Loving Father of Grace as you Continue to expel evil intentions toward us to destroy us our trust is in You, We love you Holy Father we Repent and turn away from all drug use, and thank you for our Savior Jesus… may we walk in holiness in your precious blood, living a life that pleases you, loving Savior . Thank you Father God Amen 💐🌷♥️🎼💐🌷♥️💐🙌🏼
I don’t understand fully because JESUS says money is of this world pagan that it’s how you use money that matters not everything that is pagan is evil. If that was the case then don’t use money because it’s pagan origins I don’t understand fully it’s something to think about but I have yet to fully understand.
Witch craft principles are all throughout naturopathic and herbalism education now days. Just went as far as I’m going to into a naturopathic degree in Australia. I came from new age and had my eyes wide open knowing what to look for because I had been there. Life with a genetic disease has been tough at times and I was drug injured so that didn’t help at all. Through all the broken bones, chronic pain, neurological issues like blindness and difficulty swallowing, dances with depression and migraines like stroke. HE strengthened me. After the drug issues that messed with my memory and cognitive function I took no medication other than the odd antibiotic, maybe 10 courses in my 35 years alive, and mild pain relief when in pain so much it effects my mobility or focus, never taken before prayer though. Pain can be a way for evil to creep in as well. So as long as there is no addiction or mind altering effects would it be correct to say it’s probably better to take it as short term relief? I use CBD nano extract for migraines as well, once every couple of years I have one. The CBD stops them so I don’t end up looking like I’m having a stroke and my left side doesn’t go numb and the head feels less like my brain wants to exit it through the top of the scull. Never felt convicted about taking half a mil every 2 or so years but others are of the opinion it’s evil because it was illegal for a long time.
I am glad that I came across this because I subscribed and I do love what you are doing here. I do have to dis agree with one thing. You said that if you have been taking a medication, the test is this: Go without it for one day, and if your desire for that medication is stronger than your desire for God than you have a problem. THAT IS so not true. Physical dependence is a real thing my brother, and it is not a sin. I get where you were going with that, but that part came out really offensive to people who are trying desperately to get off all pharma meds and are having trouble because we took it for such a long time that now its nigh unto impossible to stop without terrible health repercussions.
Great article, you covered so many aspects of the subject including gluttony and excess and I see so many people who have high cholesterol and high blood pressure that continue to make these poor lifestyle choices… continuing eating and drinking all the things that created the need for drugs and I believe God would never want us to take anything that would harm the body, there’s not a drug that’s ever been made that don’t have side effects.
Great article. I believe these things. Please pray God give me the strength and also for my family that i can show them to depend on God first and always and we dont need every day man made pills. Depend on God. I even need strength to depend on God during these times when others rely on man and feel good meds.
JESUS LIVES HE IS My LORD SAVIOUR REDEEMER and MASTER I have ETERNAL LIFE because of JESUS not one life not two lives no man can pluck me out of HIS HAND John ch 10 Romans ch 8 if GOD doesn’t want it for me then I believe HE Will TAKE IT Away from me if we repent He will he delivered me from alcohol at 26 thanks to JESUS I’ve never had another drink I’m almost 50 years old. PRAISE GOD JESUS NAME
JESUS KNOWS His sheep I follow my SHEPHERD JESUS HIM ALONE I don’t care if you take my picture because I am not ashamed of MY JESUS yes I’m a true christian may he lead you to GRACE TRUTH TRUTHFULLY I CHOOSE TO FORGIVE YOU ALL THROUGH JESUS NAME BECAUSE JESUS NAME JESUS NAME I ASK you to FORGIVE me because HE SAYS TODAY Romans ch 10 Galatians may HE HAVE MERCY ON WHOM HE WILL Romans 9 Romans 11
Ideally – all Christians Believe what does the Bible say – and do not have to use anything else to be healed and stay healed – Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Boom of Wisdom 16, 12 For neither herb nor poultice cured them, but it was your word, O Lord, that heals all people. 13 For you have power over life and death; (…) 1 Peter 2, 24 (…) by whose stripes ye were healed.