Rite Aid is a leading drug store chain in Ceres, CA, offering superior pharmacies, health and wellness products, and services. If your local Rite Aid does not participate in Western Union transactions, you can use Western Union’s online services or find another location. There are over 42,000 convenient agent locations around the state, providing money transfer needs at more than 42,000 convenient locations.
Rite Aid is located at 1830 Mitchell Road, Ceres, CA, 95307. The store has hours, services, holiday hours, and a drive-through pharmacy. Nearby locations include a drive-thru pharmacy, ATM, GNC, Safe Medication Disposal, Wellness Ambassador, higi Blood Pressure Station, Blue Rhino Propane, Beer, Hand-Dipped Ice Cream, and Food Mart. You can also find a Western Union agent location to send money almost anywhere you want, either for a cash pickup or directly to a bank account.
There are several other locations near Ceres, California, such as Safeway, BMO Harris Bank, and Rite Aid Bien, Hoang Morita. These locations offer a variety of services, including ATMs, GNC, safe medication disposal, and video remote interpretation.
The top 10 best Western Union locations near Ceres, California include Safeway, which offers a grocery store with a 5.7 mi radius and cost-less food options. You can reach them at 538-4927 or visit their website for more information.
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