Journaling can provide healing for the throat chakra, regardless of the topic. It is essential to be honest and surrender to the process of unraveling thoughts and emotions. Working with a therapist, doing inner child and shadow work, and practicing authentic self-expression can help bring power back to the throat chakra.
Practices that can assist with throat chakra opening include writing down thoughts and feelings, setting aside time each day to reflect on experiences and emotions, using prompts to guide your writing, having a dialogue with your inner child, and keeping your palms on your ears. Chanting and toning are ancient practices that can help balance and heal the throat chakra.
The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is often associated with self-expression, communication, creativity, and truth-telling wisdom. It is responsible for our ability to communicate with others and is represented by a blue lotus. Throat chakra healing involves opening, balancing, and purifying the throat chakra within our bodies using a wide range of holistic healing remedies. Meditation can remove hurdles preventing clear and effective communication, reduce stress and tension in the body, promote healing, and help.
Journaling, especially around issues of communication, is a great way to open the throat chakra. Spending time reflecting on communication and then spending a few minutes free writing can help open the throat chakra. The Throat Chakra represents the culmination of expression, after shaping identity in the Root Chakra and understanding relationships with others.
Finding balance as a writer is challenging, but understanding Chakra Physiology can help. When experiencing signs of blockages in the throat chakra, try using automatic writing techniques, such as auto-writing, which allows you to write without fear or doubt.
📹 Magical Healing of Throat Chakra ( thyroid and Miscommunication)
The fifth Chakra is Throat Chakra that not only takes care of communication but also physical problems like Thyroid, Frequent …
What blocks your throat chakra?
A blocked throat chakra can be caused by fear of others’ reactions, leading to self-silence. This can be triggered by constantly changing words or requests to sound more acceptable or control reactions. If you’ve been taught that what you say isn’t welcomed, you may develop a throat blockage. This can affect your relationships, affecting your ability to express yourself and your truth. The root cause of a blocked throat chakra is how you use your voice and what hinders you from expressing yourself. Self-compassion is essential during self-exploration, creating a safe space to realize how blocks have been created and how they can be released.
What opens the throat chakra?
Yoga and Eastern spiritual traditions suggest that the throat chakra’s energy can be balanced through regular practice, mantra meditation, wearing light blue around the throat, deep breathing exercises, and assertive communication. However, if experiencing symptoms or challenges related to the throat chakra, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional as these may have multiple causes and require prompt medical care. Eastern traditions share prevention guidelines promoted by Western medicine, including:
What damages the throat chakra?
Vishuddha, a chakra associated with the thyroid gland in the human endocrine system, is linked to thyroid problems. Excessive stress, particularly fear and fear from speaking out, can affect the throat chakra, affecting growth and maturation. Singing is a harmless way to stimulate the throat chakra, while rubbing or hitting it can be harmful. Vishuddha can be opened and balanced in Kundalini yoga through practices like asanas, pranayama, Jalandhara Bandha, and Khecarī mudrā. Meditation or vocalization can also clean or open the chakra. Special meditations with specific influence on the Vishuddhi Chakra are also available.
How can I make my throat chakra stronger?
To address a blocked throat chakra, consider practicing blue, neck stretches, breath focus, throat chakra stones, yoga poses, reiki healing sessions, bija mantra, and journaling. The throat chakra (Vishudda) is linked to communication and inner truth. Nine ways to heal or open the throat chakra include:
- Incorporating blue in your life;
- Doing neck stretches;
- Focusing on breath;
- Using throat chakra stones;
- Yoga poses;
- Reiki healing sessions;
- Working with the bija mantra;
- Finding time for journaling.\nChakras, running from the base of the spine to the top of the head, are responsible for energy flow and can impact physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health when blocked or unbalanced.
What trauma blocks the throat chakra?
Chakras are essential for maintaining good health and can be identified through various symptoms such as a sore throat, cold, or a sore throat. These imbalances can be traced back to poor communication in the past, such as verbal abuse or other forms of abuse. Physical symptoms of a blocked throat chakra include a raspy or inflamed throat, mouth ulcers, gum disease, laryngitis, thyroid issues, TMJ disorders, ear infections, and tight shoulders.
To release trauma from the throat chakra, one can try various methods such as meditation, affirmations, mantra chanting, crystals, yoga poses, and inversions. Meditation involves focusing on the throat area and envisioning a blue light enveloping it, while affirmations reaffirm the ability to speak truth. Mantra chanting creates vibrational energy that soothes and unblocks an unhealed Vishuddha chakra, while crystals, stones, and gems in shades of blue can also be used to heal the chakra.
Throat Chakra Yoga involves releasing tension in areas aligned with the throat chakra, such as Shoulder Stand, Upward Lotus, and Plough Pose. Inversions like Shoulder Stand, Upward Lotus, and Plough Pose are especially effective at healing the throat chakra. Healing foods tied to the throat include fruits like oranges and apples, along with spices like salt, lemongrass, and ginger. Lion’s Breath is another method that can clear the throat and chest while stimulating the release of toxins.
In summary, recognizing and addressing a blocked throat chakra is crucial for overall well-being and overall well-being. By practicing mindfulness, affirmations, yoga, and specific foods, individuals can improve their overall health and well-being.
How do you know if your throat chakra is weak?
The throat chakra is a vital energy center that can be imbalanced, leading to various physical symptoms such as neck stiffness, shoulder tension, teeth grinding, jaw disorders, throat ailments, an underactive thyroid, and fear of speaking. Underactive energy can result in weaker voices and difficulty in speaking, while overactive energy can lead to domination through excessive talking and interruptions.
Physically, imbalanced throat chakra can manifest as throat, ear, voice, neck disorders, jaw tightness, and toxicity due to a lack of purification. Insomnia can also manifest as a lack of purification within the body.
What frequency opens the throat chakra?
This healing track features the sounds of a cello, an acoustic guitar, and crystal singing bowls, tuned to 384 Hz, the frequency of the throat chakra, which is situated near the thyroid, for the purpose of inducing a state of deep relaxation.
Which chakra holds PTSD?
The Sacral Chakra, linked to creativity and emotions, can be blocked by trauma, causing emotional numbness. Engaging in art, dance, or self-expression can rekindle this chakra’s fire. The Solar Plexus Chakra, our confidence realm, can be diminished by deep wounds and pain points caused by trauma. Practices of self-love, setting healthy boundaries, and empowering activities can reignite this chakra’s inner spark.
The Heart Chakra, governing love and compassion, can be reformed by engaging in connection with others, finding the value of interdependence, practicing gentleness, and engaging in heart-opening practices. These practices can lead to significant relational improvements and healing from trauma.
What happens when the throat chakra opens?
A balanced and open throat chakra facilitates clear communication, a resonant voice, effective listening skills, creativity, and an acute sense of timing and rhythm. Those with this chakra often demonstrate creativity and possess a keen sense of timing.
What happens if your throat chakra is too open?
An overabundance of energy in the throat chakra can result in social challenges, as individuals may engage in excessive verbalization, utilizing it as a form of defense mechanism. This can impede the ability to actively listen and comprehend the needs and perspectives of others.
How do you find your voice in the throat chakra?
The throat chakra, a vital energy center for communication, self-expression, and authenticity, is essential for the expression of thoughts and emotions. A balanced throat chakra permits uninhibited expression and truth-telling.
📹 How To Open Your Throat Chakra – Teal Swan –
In this episode, Teal Swan talks about the throat chakra and how to open the throat chakra. Subscribe to Receive a New Video …
HOLY FUCK I’VE NEEDED THIS FOR YEARS. I’ve had chronic ear infections my whole life. I’ve legit probably had at least 100 ear infections in my life and I’m 23. I get one probably every 2-6 months in alternating ears. Ear problems correlate to the throat chakra apparently. I went to a reiki center in my city a couple weeks before my mom died last year and she after the session told me that she had to back away in the middle of the session because her throat was closing up and she couldn’t breath and she started tearing up. She told me my throat chakra is blocked and I need to cry more.
Many many thanks Teal ❤❤ I feel like I have been heard at last !! Now I just need to listen and practice your offerings to release the growth on my thyroid. This will be the second time in my life to release and let go of my expectations of family towards me. I am pure and whole and I thank you for the self mastery you so beautifully share with us. Many BLESSINGS and LOVE❤🤍❤
A really big thankyou for this information. I found your article after I was doing some tuning fork practice on my chakras this morning and realised their was an issue with the energy in my throat chakra. It allowed me to realise that I have some long term communication issues that I need to sort out, taught me about the position of rear of the chakra, and enabled me to start working on it using my blue lace agate. I wasn’t quite prepared when I placed it on the front of the chakra for the ice-cold blast of energy that started on the left hand side of my face before enveloping my whole head, and the blast of warm energy that enveloped my neck and head when I placed it on the back of my neck. Once again many thank’s.
Hi Teal, It was so nice to hear someone talk publicly, who has a very rare and very rarified energetically 😉 knowledgeable, authentic, confident, a fully-embodied and balanced expression of masculine and feminine. And to top it off, you seem to me as someone who is a fully embodied+’awake being’ (there are probably a lot who are one or the other (I.e. and maybe it seems to be fewer of these combination ones walking around on Earth than I would have guessed – not sure) who has a sense of humor about the world and herself – and is ‘in the open’ about all this. More and more will soon be listening and perusal your wholly honest information. I get that the you I’m perusal is the whole you, I’m psyched to see your modeling this in a matter-of-fact way of showing ‘how to be out there as awake people’. Also, that you may be creating articles and being a conduit, in them, for your vast Higher Self to communicate through you (in all the articles that I’ve seen) 📡🀄️. Really great – all the best, Michael
Thank you Teal for this article. Let me express my gratitute in a voice which feels authentic. I swift through articles on Youtube not really appreciating fully. But this has certainly been deeper. I’ve journaled throughout perusal this article which has been meaningful. And coincidentally, I’ve recived calls from unknown numbers out of nowhere from people i don’t know anything about. I’ve answered those calls, listened to them and politely responsed. As I go through, universe is giving me signs to stay patient with communication. How incredible. Thanks, Teal.
A great effort to explain a very difficult concept. FYI what people call “chakras” are voids ( shunya: empty spaces) located in the chitrini nadi (a resonator) inside the canal centralis of the human spinal cord. Thay have been given shapes for illustrative purposes. The voids resonate to the very specific sound made by each Sanskrit consonant and vowel during meditation. From bottom, 4, 6, 10, 12 consonants are assigned to the 4 voids (socalled chatras). 16 vowels are assigned to Vishuddha and two compounds Hn and kshn (nasal sounds) are assigned to Ajna. Each void has an element (one of five) associated with it as are a god-goddess shakti combination. A presiding deity lives in each shunya. Shunya has a space-colour and a seed -sound (mantr) associated with it. Each sunya is associated with its physical counterpart along the cerebro-spinal complex of the human body. This magical arrangement is the basis of meditation to lead a disease-free happy and long life. Lately I’ve learnt that Hebrew letters have a similar application in Kabbalah meditation.
Wow. This article opened my eyes, so to speak. I don’t know much about chakras or anything like that (I’m fairly new to spirituality), but you saying how we can be ‘limited in our throat’ resonated with me very strongly. My father wouldn’t let me express myself and was a narcissist, so I would always feel I had to be silent near him. This is a problem I’ve carried until today and now I feel more enlightened on this limitation that I have. Thank you very much, Teal! clasps hands together and bows
Although I doubt a bunch of random blue rocks could do anything to my chakra, I find this article insightful. There are lots of people talking about importance of self-confirmation, but you are the one who actually demonstrated HOW to do this. Many thanks, it helped me already and I am not even half way through the intructions!
“Do not grasp for magical effects and exotic foreign seeming teachers, keep grounded and meditate just on everyday consciousness, you may experience some things that are unique and ever extraordinary, however the proper approach is to try not to be attached to miraculous effects, because they are not the greatest gift, what is is the slow joy you that begins to awaken and live in every moment regardless of whether ‘magic’ is happening to your or not or whether the world seems to benefit you or not at that time.”
So interesting. I LOVE the movie “The Fifth Element”, (one of my favorites)! I was born on December 16. 16 has ALWAYS been my favorite number. The color turquoise is my birthstone and native stone as I am of Cherokee descent. I am an introvert and have such a hard time speaking to people, especially small talk. Could never ‘figure out’ how to communicate effectively. I’m usually passive and have always felt unheard. Thank you Teal!! This helped a lot!!
I am grateful for the Latinos, and for the respect for nature and sensitivity to plants their culture seems to teach. I am thankful for the tacos, burritos, and quesadillas, the unique tastes and good spirits And also the wisdom and powerful teaching style of the Latinos. I am grateful for the herbs both dried whole and in supplement form that heal and do various things, and grateful for the perspective of people’s, not exclusively latino but definitely prevalent among latinos, that perspective which seeks to preserve a ‘spirit’ within the herbs not just isolate a chemical component synthesize and exploit in acts of heartless science. I am grateful for Latin American beauty, and innovation, and for the rainforests and jungles of Latin America (and anyone who protects them, or protects any forest or ecosystem for that matter).
Would you make a article about school and the education system? How to cope with school while you are a student. And talk a little bit what comes in the future, how will education look in the future. I really need some talking about that, I’m 17 and I’m in high school now, I know that I will not catch the new education system but by knowing what I got through and what I’m still getting through, I want to make sure that no more kids will have to get through this. School brings me down almost every day. School has been extremely hard for me especially in the last two or three years. I mean I make myself look like I don’t care but I’m raised to care, I may lie to myself and others that I don’t but I still kind of do. I’m still worried what my parents reaction would be for my grades I’m still worrid for how personally my mom gets my grades. Sometimes when I think about the whole situation I see how ridiculous it is to worry about this stuff, but I’m still in school and I kind of don’t study at all and my parents are not proud and glad about it. we fight almost every day about school stuff. I have my interests in astrology and acting and dancing and even writing and the only thing I like about school is that you have the opportunity to communicate. So I will be glad to hear you talking about this, I feel like not enough people talk about it.
This is very true. I had a older brother and sister, they always said, when i wanted to say something : you,re too young to know It was undermining my selfesteem big time.When i reached the age of 18 i got a neuromusculair disease and i could not talk properly ( or eat or drink) for a few years, i know that this was symbolic. I,m in my fifties now, i overcame the disease a long time ago mostly but keep a few symptoms. I,m so fu…king insecure and now i know of throatchakra,s it makes sense to me. I,m eager to learn more.
Teal thankU this one hurts. I love all the chakra articles, but this one might be the nexus of all the damage. When I tried the exploration you suggested, unspeakable violence surges. Was i decapitated in a past life. Certainly in this life i was exposed to violence. What is the difference between negative thinking, and being real about negative experiences. Many of the exercises presented i am doing, they do help. Long ago i injured my throat screaming. I need to opt for gentle. It gets jagged
I watched your articles article after article for a week or two… I stopped for the past week and began integrating so much of what I have experienced into real life. I checked your page last night, and you hadn’t uploaded anything. And here you are, uploading a article at the exact same moment as I expected. Coincidence? Lmao. I’ll watch the article now 🙂
Lady of light…a given to all to use as a work tool~who know her worth, prepare each of us all to be ready for a life of developing our self-sufficiency, strengthen ~opinion~ the law of attraction, for healing, to pave the way one’s journey through the breath of living life as well know your worth~never settle for less than you deserve. I love it when person have a strong sense of self~worth…who are willing to say, speak a given universal duty an importance of knowing YOU. In her speech of wisdom and demonstrations of the spirit and power of oils gems etc: along with her sudden charcoals that reveal a pureness of innocence at the every birth we feel that something of ~GOD~ is born, that something of eternity has come down to us a child is an enormous blessing. Mrs. Teal.Swan~Much respect our lady of likeness ! The Man situation over all others~you have allowed in your lively, colorful, beautiful mind is a very blessed.
I’m very new to healing with crystals. But I’ve been using the Law of Attraction for over a year and have synchronicities all the time to tell me I’m on the right track. Some friends said my symptoms sound like hypothyroidism (throat chakra blockage) so I went to buy a few stones to help with this. My total came to $16.16 and the salesman said I had an energy about me, asking if I did Reiki or would be interested in learning. My jaw dropped when Teal said 16 was the number of the throat chakra. Synchronicities abound!
I find it interesting that of all the chakras Teal has spoken about, her voice is drowned out by the background noise on this one. It triggers my issues around not being heard and also about not being able to hear her words very easily. Not willing to listen to anything that is difficult anymore. I suppose it’s perfect…to develop authentic alignment.
This article couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. I’ve been having dreams lately of feeling trapped and imprisoned and when I imagined my throat chakra during the article, that is exactly what I saw and felt. I now realize the message my subconscious has been trying so desperately to show me. Thank you Teal.
Thank you Teal…. you are helping to widen my understanding. even where I have done courses….. you go much deeper than what I learnt a few years ago – just as well I do Karaoke and flute and drum too . but mostly working on third eye, but got a block in Solar for now….. which I will check out…. but with COPD and Blocked valve….. only so much I can do for now – I WILL GET THERE – just will take time…. also trying to change to vegan
Teal, Thanks. Top article. I’m working on inducing obes at will.. presently they only happen by chance… So I’m going thru opening the chakras to help out getting ready for obes… Your article was really helpfully, & informative. Thanks… Can you recommend any methods / induce obes at will ( astral projection ). Thanks again for posting that article.
Ive been perusal all your chakra articles. Best description on Youtube Thank you for your work! Also, wanted to share with you and the community about Dr. Joe Dispenza Blessing of the Energy centers 3, is amazing for learning how to feel the frequencies of each chakra and then you can program them with whatever you wish for that energy center. Blessings to All!
•ask the questions. •Intuitive exercise to see as feel your throat chakra. Any textures or images?? What does it tell you? What can u do to improve it’s correct state. Eg dark empty cave- what is it empty of? What needs to be full of? You can give it company and take away the emptiness., •SOUND THERAPY sing and hmm, listen to frequencies and singing bowls. HAM HUM PLAY AROUND TO SEE WHERE U CAN GET THE MOST RELIEF. •INcorporate with Blue. •Throat chakra yoga •eucalyptus, coriander, fenugreek, borage, peppermint, red clover, lemon balm, onion, bethony (bishops wart), elder berries, lebolia, echinacia, . Herbs associated with mercury. Numerology 16 Speak in a way alignment with your truth. Before asking yourself say, is what I’m about to say the truth? Is it necessary ? Why? Is it kind? Yawn and laugh. JOURNALLING💛 Positive aspects lists What do I like the best about ____________ Purify your social group to be around people who accept and hear your authentic truth. Meditate everyday. Be alone. Silence retreat to find your inner truth. Fasting or detoxing? Which one is the best for you? Neck rolls Fish pose. Seated cat cow Oijayi pranayama Lions breath Alternate nostril breathing
I thank you, Lovely lady, for this Outstanding article. Exquisite timing indeed! Yesterday, it became clear my jaw and tooth abcess are almost completely healed now (by natural means including thought control :). OUch no more! 🙂 .. as the pain and swelling are almost totally gone now, TEAL. I agree strongly with your view that it’s source was a throat chakra issue. Wounds emotional are the real cause of such physical “Injuries”. Sickness, fortunately, is something i have completely avoided since my “Hotel awakening”. To go through that in October 2013 ultimately broke the fierce HOLD adhd had on me. – – – – – – .. anywho, YOU are an inspiration to many.. AND a Brilliant Educator. i love your truly DEEP insights and knack for seeing INSIDE OF our true cosmic nature ->> the YOU-niverse we all are. tINp 🙂
I almost feel like an open book sometimes when hearing points about the throat chakra its antagonists especially. Interesting enough when hearing you have to do something not because you want to but you must to, I cant stop thinking that far more people should be affected. But maybe other people are already more ill and wont find the underlying reason anymore.
I only just started looking up throat clearing but probably should have done it a while ago coz ot seems that I was close. I roar spontaneously sometimes when I’m in a lot of pain and feel like I’m out of options. I hum sometimes, once I was humming my 3 tones and the song hurt by Johnny Cash came to mind so I looked up and played the song and the tones in my hum were the same as the tones in the song. I’ve been focusing on the wrong areas of the body. I’m getting a lot of pain relief from focusing on that area during my healing practice.
I got so much from this. Her energy is simply amazing! I have my doubts about some of her more esoteric claims but just because you can’t see something dosen’t mean it is not real. If you focus and really listen there is amazing splendour in life. Thanks teal. The more I doubt you the better you get. Love life!
HELP ME TEAL. I shut myself down. I didn’t have a mean dad or mom, but I was the passive middle child in a huge family who was also the peacemaker. I was a painfully honest and direct child. My mom shamed me for this because it embarrassed her. She told me once I was ‘too pushy’ like my argumentative grandpa, whom I did not like much! When I asked my dad valid questions he would roll his eyes to the sky and shrug his shoulders dramatically, “I don’t know Manda, why is there air? Why is the sky blue?” I would think, ‘yeah… Why IS the sky blue?’. But I felt dumb already so I didn’t ask. I soon discovered the library and learned I could find all the answers to my questions by myself without the. sarcasm. I was a rebellious teenager and started speaking out again, and my parents put me in one of those boot camp/ ‘straight’ programs for a few years. I essentially shut down. Even at work when I KNOW the right answer, I keep quiet. My throat literally feels painfully tight and I feel rising anxiety in front of authority figures. I sadly decided long ago it’s easier to stfu than to ask, confront, explain, and make needs known. And I HATE it. It has caused me trouble in my professional life because I don’t effectively communicate. That is why I’m here! I want to change this now! Why are you all here?
Thank u for the timely article! I’ve been feeling poisoned for many years already. Usually it intensifies when people I like abandon me for others and I feel worthless, unloved and doomed to unhappiness. I can not tell anyone that I feel crappy cos people will turn there backs at me and think I’m pathetic. It’s so damn hard to pull a smile all the time. I feel like no one really can love me cos something is missing in me. I think I’m good and a lot of people tell me I’m awesome and I feel they mean it but it seams that I lack something crucial for being really dearly loved. Everyone likes me but no one really loves me or needs me. People, value those who really love you, no money or fame or even traveling and adventures can substitute it!
At 19:30-19:55. Yessss thaaaank you, Teal!!! That is SO what I needed to hear!!!! I know now that my one friend was not hearing and seeing me with the amount of pain I was in before when was putting my anger on her the last time I was there. She thought I was going against HER and treating HER like a child. Yes I DO need to be in a safe social ace where I can be comfortable with sharing my truth and all of my feelings without feeling like the other ppl will take it personal or being gas lite!!! Thank you opening my eyes to that again!! Much love and hugs!!!! 💜💖💞💕🤗🤗🤗
With regard to step 13: I have always believed I should be able to have my throat chakra fully open despite those around me. It felt like I was letting them control me because I’m afraid to be hurt by them. I struggle to feel like it’s ok to let that be and just rearrange, like I’m bypassing. I really hope it is ok though, because it feels impossible to be myself around them
you have such a beautiful soul thanks for sharing this with us 😉 You really opened my eyes and made me realize that I need to work on my duality my soul wants to be free and to do music all or most of the time but my mind doesn’t let me do it as much as I want – It doesn’t let go of my idea to do master degree in a different area, and this is a constant battle inside myself-> logic Vs creative side. The problem is that I don’t know how to let go my other side(logic) cause it seems like whatever I do it will not change it and will stay this way forever almost like I have been programmed this way…probably I’ll need to change my close environment even though they suppose to be supportive…anyway my eyes are closing right now so I just want to say thank you one more time And goooooood bless you for this article you made ! Much love to you 😉 o.s
While I was meditating on my throat chakra, I began to feel dizzy. I felt my body spinning and soon I felt as if I was in two bodies at once. I opened my eyes and grounded myself as soon as I could. Do you have any idea what this could be? Should I still pursue to open my chakra? I’ve never had this problem with any of the other chakras, even the crown.
Loving kindness, if one reads these letters, the mind is removed from illusion, and the body relaxes in a safe setting. How do we thus know this? It is because these letters are designed with the intention of pure truth, freedom, and love. I don’t refer only to the letters as they appear here, I include all usage of the english alphabet. “The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters, each having an upper- and lower-case form. It originated around the 7th century from the Latin script.” May the original selfless essence of these useful letters be preserved in order to be the vehicle of the expressions of all who use it for communication and meditation. If there is some kind of inherent lifeforce that these letters are imbued with spontaneously by nature, may it be subject to favourable conditions for life health and enlightenment. Though this alphabet is fairly simple and straight in design, based on basic lines and mostly symmetrical beginner geometric shapes, loving-kindness for its magnificient ability and history of housing dynamic, fluid, and intricate concepts. _______ This is the mode that we have elected as a society to use for communication and even to some extend for personal thought, (though ultimately mind and consciousness itself has no boundaries or limits and excels the usage of any alphabetical or heiroglyph system) it is abundantly sufficient for this purpose. On examination its gifts are even moreso than simple grammar and punctuation books can teach us, at the most beginner level, we examine what the first meaning of the letter is intuitively.
Zen is to see too much good to count it all, but to pass into buddhahood, as the mind forges on it all, in winter, or dark hours early in the morning Ane commented “When the Koans were removed, good fortune set it,” Ane Jisho realized The sun itself could replace them, Echoing friends spread the insight Thus today, the sun rises full to trees, not boxes. This is not japan. “Put away your boxes”, said Mitabozuwa Cancers are removed, in responselessness, the way is filled with success, these words are the rooted bridge, greased with love like wheels of Olympus, connoting the austere embracing corners of the love drunken mystics heart with roads in the sun… their edging thinning and swelling, Like the ends of commas posed by nature restoring angels. Lo, there are english ones Looking into the zen garden, mushrooms smiled, green grass is wild and unkempt, but its leaves hold the notes and lines of the sutras without knowing… The handwriting of monks leaves much to be desired… Orange robes are cast aside like the fall leaves they amended, zen is the green spring leaf, not dangerous fires! The oceans of lotus eyes swallow without teeth, because they are vegetarian now… Come to The beloved, soak, ye, Sponges of the heart For marooned at the island of this nebbie is EternalNewb Zen calls them islands, the garatim Buddhas called them States, but in that way they were unwashed… this is only the Friend, she confessed, but heart chakra is unlocked Now, These soapy tears of divine love sink through you each time, and Your hills are Luscious!
I sing as a hobby.. So, I kept straining my voice and it would get better then I’d go back again and strain it and then even while it’s strained, I’d force it. One day, I saw myself collapsing and they’d tell me it’s a mental thing, I get it and I understand. I literally woke my mother up in the middle of the night telling her to look at me.. To her eyes, Nothing was happening to me, but in the mirror, I was literally staring into a horror movie… I even felt myself expanding as I was trying to calm myself down cause I was panicking.. I promise you, I heard another version of myself inside of me 😅soon after that, I went through a couple of things.. My breathing was inconsistent (Still is though), started hearing clicking sounds in my ears and I could hear every sound from a distance even when trying to fall asleep (In the midst of it all, I went to check with a dentist thinking it was tmj/tmd problems but the dentist told me my jaw is opening and closing just fine), then nose started to feel funny, I was smelling energies like crazy, then my eyes started seeing energies and all of these combined was just a crazy feeling.. I had pregnant-like symptoms and eventually after that had issues with breathing through my stomach, called my friend (cause i was talking to her more than anyone else) and asked if she was pregnant, she told me nope.. later that day, she told me she had a miscarriage.. So, my breathing comes and it goes, been going to clinics but they telling me nothing is wrong with me.
This is really insightful 😊 I’m a psychic medium who’s just coming to terms with it.I grew up in a druggy,abusive environment as a kid.Non religious..I turned to God to help me through my journey when I felt like I was gonna die lol..But I’m not Christian. it just helped at the time. A friend said I’m what they call a ‘seer’.. because of my vision.Still coming to terms with it all 😊 just thought I’d get that off my chest,because I cant talk to people around me 😊
Wow, I went here because when I looked at the chakra list my mind immediately fixated on the throat. I feel like I can never find the best way to express myself. But I didn’t realize my body was already trying to reach out. From being attracted to lapis lazuli, absolutely adorning the smell of eucalyptus and mint. Sing and humming to myself when I’m alone, walking around, stressed. But I have terrible stage fright and don’t want others or my family to hear me, so i never sing around them or on stage even though I feel sometimes i desperately want to. It really clinched it for me when you said fasting. I’ve been water fasting and feeling great, even though it scare my family sometimes because they think “I’m becoming anorexic” but they truth is I’m over weight, they are obese, and the only time I have negative thoughts of using fasting solely to “fix” my appearance is when they tell me I can’t. So even though I want to, something in me breaks because “I made a promise and it would break their hearts” but I swear I feel so much better. And its not like I never want to eat, just after the fast to help me feel cleansed and closer to myself for the time being. At any rate, I get the feeling I got a long way to go, but my body and energy is already ahead of me, so I’m encouraged.
I don’t know if this is true or if I just made this up but this is what I observed immediately: a pushing and pulling something like ugh. i hate it here. uncomfortable. it was a red tense and really sharp starthing. Around it I’d feel like ugh I don’t want to be around it. it was really tense and zing like. but I feel powerless to do anything. I don’t want to hurt anyone by leaving. especially because they’re trying so hard to keep me around.
Read the Completion Process you are truly amazing I felt alone until I discovered your ideas such a match to my own never met ammnyone with spiritual awareness gave me beautiful emotions practising the process has been different for me I’m an individual didn’t actually study hard to remember how to resolve these issues just found them working in my life
I am grateful that you made this, essentially as a booster to communicative expressions and recieving and giving energy safely and healthily through conceptual means (vocal, or at least rooted in vocal rather than matter). I respect the throat because is it a bridge for the entire body, and because it is easy to defend from vampires. (Long hair effectively guards the throat with protective energy) I want to have time to access the best of my throat chakra (power of now), that starts with crowning it now. Haiku My throat chakra is allowing in nourishing clean juice, it is vibrating through language, juice is it’s song. End haiku I am not actually moving much, yet I am being very effective in the world (through nondoing, thought, and language) I am websiteing throat chakra energy when I say that. There has been significant recent change for the good. I have received both more respect and joys than usual. The world around me shimmers with energy (perhaps greater awareness within me) and I feel I see more clearly. I am not always using words linearly or at all yet I feel I am more understood when I want to be understood or especially in reg ard to things that are beyond words! I want more looseness in my muscles and in my movements (I notice eating raw garlic cloves daily has added to my looseness), and better, clearer expression without comprimise of the inner character. My throat doesn’t take in meat, I am vegetarian.
Gil Torres Gil Torres we have very much in common! I am dealing with chronic pain from sickle cell anemia. I’m an empath as well. I also happened to have a family that consists of narcissism, enabling, addictions and emotional abuse (I’m a black sheep/golden child)! I did a lot of research on those topics. Then I started using crystals, essential oils and herbs. I also put up a safeguard between me and my family Boundaries and no contact are sometimes impossible to avoid if your going to heal!
Throat Chakra: Maryland Punk Scene – GRETA THUNBERG EP 進化 K Records 慈しみメイソ Doc. Met進化;16YOPUNKOSHO 今 the name of the band is shinka Or the bees knees Thats carolyn becker shes a major punk shes at a lot of random local punk shows and knows the bands パンコ Punks sound apathetic, our response is usually meh 名誉, over time our liking or disliking becomes clear for music, unless its a hug sticker or pin taped to our guitar or backpack! VEGANPUNKLIFE We are mostly from japan (lol) We are lucky.. K records is an indie label… shinka got zen nonka cured disney.. Anime artist says has inspiration for cartoons, will go america Other kinds of music popular.. Dubstep is ironic yet awesome Deerhoof The shins Old modest mouse OOIOO People often say wow Thats rock without drugs and sex And yet for some artists they have the music yet the actual lifestyle scares them Shinkas parents sued when They were confronted by addictive drug users in a rock band out of state.. They have not been allowed to your since.. The Maryland straightedge scene turned out to be more than enough Throat Chakra: Maryland Punk Scene – GRETA THUNBERG EP 進化 Straightedge Documentary Metフメツ;16YOPUNKOSHO July 4, 2020 – “愛して地球” Lebanese J Pop SHINKA 進化 July 4, 2020 “Met Immortals; Cured Disney” the Beets (lebanese j pop sensation SHINKA) NickelodeonUS Strongly environmentalist Needless to say our collective mood is innocent happy optimism Shinka is like happy punk Many bands play yet ultimately we are not brooding deadbeats like emo stereotypes.
השמ, אני מִשְׁאָלָה עם ישר זה כל מה לעזור אני בינה שלי מנריך. בעחדות. ו יצר זה ישר בינה של זה עות לְהַאֲפִּיל סגנון של זה עות. <___> Hashem, I wish with sincerity that all who help me understand my appreciation. In unity. And make the sincere understanding of these letters eclipse the style of these letters. ברה אתה עדמית מה יצר דלת ב כל סביב ל יער ו ל אדם. כי נריה גוף יער. Bless you Hashem, who makes doorways in every setting to the forest and to the human. Feng Shui is good! תודה, השמ, מה רשאי שנוי שפא עות ב זה מקום אדמה, ל רפלכת זה לא מצריים. Thanks, hashem, who will change many signs in the local area, to reflect this is not an attack or a stereotypically low class area. .. אנחנו אהן זה מדיין חזה; We love th3 intellectual appearance Combined w/ naivete that protects us better than all shields. (Unfamiliar letters can represent the shifting signs, drained to full, dirty to clean, The signs were dragged down, But then purges happened and they returned in sincerely interesting ways. – It give you the space to say – well what does the sign actually say? Not only will the sign change, in the meantime your optimistic dream of what the sign is (imagination), is expected and respected. The best most relatable dreams will be chosen and made physical. – a rabbi ) – We can’t say letter changing hasn’t been happening already on a wide scale, but we can say, we are now in a stance prepared to respect it and use it to make this more fun for everyone. … It’s like an individual having the words pass through the mouth at some point is understandable (and perhaps that’s good, we don’t need to be individual geniuses).. and entire cluster of buildings would not be echoing it though, why analyse something so detrimental and boring? Spend more time on what you truly love 🙂 Our daily life is stupid, our society as a whole is genius.. not the other way around Sorry if this was annoying in any way
環境保護論者音楽 Earth Day Music artist: Shinka (天皇JP) its Tuesday constantly – Kenny’s Sub Shop Wheaton, MD 水落ち Solar Plexus Wisdom – The Wealthiest 長寿 Family in Potomac (Kitwana) MY NAME IS EARL YANGkarmaLaw 天照尊お願いします 私母を復元 に正常こと 同じです どもありがとうございます 尊厳の親 を保つ ヒーロー これ道徳カンシャいます Amaterasu please restore my mother to normality The same Thank you very much! Preserve the dignity of parents This morality is appreciated Hero, preserve the dignity of parents … And most importantly, more people are healthy again! Less people are sick, stay fashionable, Nice comeback 太陽 The soul is healing well Loving kindness =) Series of fortunate events Tommorow even better Cures disease!
Montgomery County Shinto “U Are Loved” Roya IMs People Jewish Slogans; American Experience 4 a 16YO. ou Are Loved – Roya Texting People Jewish Slogans 神道フメツ Walter Johnson HS 60s思春期 Water Crystal PERFECT HIGHSCHOOL Pokedex YANG That’s what my instincts tell me, that’s really all I can say it is confidently, it’s a strong enough feeling to follow, I don’t feel pressured to prove any science to it or anything. Take Ireland for example, there’s definitely wisdom to the legends, its derived from thousands of years of folklore 2 hours ago They are saying “okay, so we remove some construction projects (in Maryland, and nothing new starting anywhere else either). you look for no logical explanation? …well, okay. because you’re personality SEEMS quiet, I WILL find someone at (BAR) (yiching meaning somewhere not necessarily a bar) lovingkindness though, I DO sense something here, this is not what to talk about to you, you’re a quieter Japanese type, that’s fine, some of those are also very cute. obviously you appreciate the construction not happening as well, im sure me being talkative doesn’t bother you, in the big picture, you can only smile on those signs. KARMAS LAW – Ireland, the talkative people can be annoying, at least their basic plotlines are truly inspiring and universally agreeable though 1 hour ago ITS ALSO SAYING: “so, you are saying, you still are okay with just feet? despite this HUGE victory that’s just happened for you and us all, hehe, many will be partying a lot harder, I assure you, eat for many days, hug daisies til the cows laugh.
I Ching Wisdom天 Maryland Honors Sara Yang & Kweli Kitwana 経易Your 瞑想Chan will be Restored 3/17-google BankOfAmerica deauthorized my card, informed me of some suspicious charges made on my account, by YouTMarch 9th & 10th same day this account was shut down. — they said the charges had not been made YET however the account had been verified indicating future charge (my information is not deleted yet) cannot ban my youtube when it is connected directly to my bank supervised at all times to remain legal BEFORE it goes on air, your arguments are empty. restore the website or the Bank will press charges along with me and my fans and friends, also you are implicated directly by bank records. Ultimately its my choice, however correct decision is to allow healing to happen. 裁判官、 this is written from Seven Locks, Maryland No more snake behavior, YouTube, and its time you did more than ban real illegal offenders. You should be taking legal action against them.3/17 Karma weve sued companiesb4
LMAO I just tried to post a long comment about how I have had major problems with this my whole life and the comment wouldn’t post…almost as if I have a fucking major throat chakra block that prevents me from communicating on all levels!! HOORAY I LOVE NEVER BEING HEARD, THANKS UNIVERSE! Anyway as I was fucking saying, my entire life has been lived under this suffocating silence, to the point that I almost whisper when I talk (no one can seem to hear me, so most of the time I just opt out of speaking altogether to save everyone the hassle), try not to step too loudly, never breathe too loudly (even when I dance or run or exercise), never let myself set a plate or cup or any kind of object down too hard, never play loud music, (almost) don’t sing, and NEVER scream. The one exception is that one time I took a pot edible and started screaming my head off. My sister said it sounded like I was being tortured. Fun times. Anyway what do you do if you have a major, intense, chronic, inter-generational throat chakra block that literally prevents you (and other members of family) from communicating or getting help????? (*please let this post upload*) *edit*: and yes, I’m seeing the article, I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this level of intensity of a block here before, and if they’ve made any progress with it, because it just seems unusually intense for me and I can’t even imagine myself screaming into a pillow just like that. I’d practically need a coach to help me psych myself into that, and then I’d probably deeply regret it (like how I regretted the screaming incident with the edible – I avoided other people for WEEKS after that).
Loving kindness for the environmentalists in the United States of America The seeds you have planted of mindful energy usage Gratitude for the beauty and wisdom in the ecosystem and also Benefits of individual herbs And vocal rejection of construction plans have paid off. We have spared much more than we would have, we have cancelled a lot of planned construction, construction companies have run out of money because the power of natural wildlife and the environment is more important to the hearts of the people and the health of earth. After years and years of nagging, the roots have grown surprisingly deep, environmentalists hold much quiet power While usually not realizing it, thus maintaining small ego. If civilization is a tree, what is happening now is nature is growing over it, not turning it into ruin but harmonizing and energizing it, loving kindness because the toxic elements of modern civilization are severely lessened by the integrating of plants growing freely and wildly without pots or square plots, just as nature shows them with normal society, natural flowers inspire us to live with dignity and carry deep wisdoms. Loving kindness you recieve benefits for being more ecofriendly in the end of the day you have actually grown more trees than were destroyed and detoxed more than was polluted! This is Yang. This is what we see from the eagle view above, everyone must keep their eco intentions but lovingkindness it is slowly paying off.
You mean to say, that yawning, the thing, I Am embarrassed the most, because I do it frequently, is actually useful? Also I love writing poetry and telling jokes, mostly memes and puns, so I should be good. ^^ Personally I prefer the Green Colour, Blue, especially Indigo… its so annoying. People talk way too much about it, and it comes forward as dishonest and bossy. Thank you for your insights, and taking the extra effort. Take care and godspeed! <3
Loving Kindness, the chickens on farms need better conditions, please treat them with more spiritual respect, give them more room to stretch their wings, set more of them free! This is a duty as a citizen of planet earth, do not let chickens suffer in conditions that are not fit for life, karma WILL repay you! Loving kindness, some farmers heard about this message, literally seeing less of a demand for chickens and meat in general, they have improved the condition of the chicken soul by setting the majestic birds free. The farmers are in tears, they have eaten mushrooms and gotten the vibration of what their treatment of plants and animals has caused, they were disgusted and now things are changing with the energy, things are changing at farms, they say to us. Mushroom meditation is in with farmers, the psychedelic species growing naturally on farmland and in the wild have changed the integrity baseline of the farming world probably forever. The reason why Soy is now the most produced crop in america, soy the source of tofu number 1 meat substitute, is that farmers have shied away from meat products significantly and many animals go free now.
Throat Chakra: I am grateful for the time I have to rest now, I am grateful for my health and for the efficient and warm hearth of my home. Thank you, to that often unnoticed spirit that protects homes and keeps them running well, be they elves or benevolent ghosts. エルフが向かって精神のわれわれを 思いやりです。 I appreciate them both for their presence within houses, their good taste in sweets, goodly mischief, knack for good luck and their stories which are often better told than humans could make alone. Also, the selflessness is worth mention because their world seems to operate adjacent from the world of man and on principles that require selflessness. They are by definition, even if real, at least slightly mythological as well, and in this admittance they do a selfless deed naturally. Be thankful for the dwarven folk hidden in the turtle shells And the swift circles of fairy folk Who know rivers of the sun wells So much room in this garden dream So, mushroom… in their heart; be clean Why have you graced old art Without machines Of natures magic, and in these days now May we have it? The wonder of our world fill us with peace and strength for 小人ために 家庭立ち、われわれ 知っています 伝統で 優しいでも戻す 精神立ち 清んで 森林 と 魔法な 家庭。 アザス それ 小人 エルフ 道徳 …… 幸せ I am grateful because scientists will never know these things yet they will always rise and rest to save our world in the name of wisdom. 女神
#1. What’s denying my throat chakra from being fully open? The fear of what people think of me. #2 – Intuitive Exercise: I see a man in a suit in a blue room. The room has a clock and the man is carrying a briefcase. He looks distressed like he has a lot of things to attend to. He’s pacing back and forward, anxious even. What this exercise conveyed to me is that I exert a lot of pressure on myself. What do I need more? A break. A vacation. Something like that.. I need to chill & have fun
shakra??? In Sanskrit it is pronounced with a ch like it is spelled? I’m thinking you need to pronounce it properly since Sanskrit is a vibratory language. Like if you said FRout Shakra instead of throat CHakra it is simply amateurish. The rest of the lecture then becomes stuff you read in English so there is no challenge to the liturgical language. You are just memorizing and regurgitating stuff you are getting from elsewhere or making up. You are also mis pronouncing ham and hum the Biij sound too. Study Sanskrit before talking about subjects based in the science of sound or Shabda.
Funny thing is when advising us to “imagine” our throat chakra… INSTANTLY an image of this creature that I had seen on instagram: ( ) in the color of lime green was my first thought. At first I was like “uhh wow I must not be focused, this is not even close to what i’m supposed to be doing” but after researching the color lime green, the symbolism of the mask and the cuteness of the creature I got an answer that was fit for me and I’m sort of in aw with how subtle communication between body/spirit is <3 thanks Teal xo (btw even more weird, the other day I could not think of a color I disliked but had completely forgotten I disliked lime green and I think it's very funny that it was the color I had felt)
Lovingkindness, holy cow, food has been especially good lately, lovingkindness vegetarianism and veggie meat substitutes have been majorly popularized! That means loving kindness and waves of the buddhas compassion for those cows pigs chicken and fish who now roam free. Loving kindness for the newfound level of spiritual sensitivity in food makers especially towards animals. The buddha left home and saw suffering, farm animals left their home and saw unending freedom with the newfound respect towards them displayed by humans. The posture of their souls is in healing, the essence of the sun is returning to the world, the winter snow feels good, like the fur of lambs! Sheng Nadowi commented, “The graph holds not the soul, things are buddha every day.” And the 7 pronvinces hang up her words, this is improvement! Like woven vines the cows have returned, walking freely and living in their way Tao is innocent, they are both black and white, thus they unite the peoples And undivide heaven and earth We do not eat meat. Thus we pass freely among the ten thousand leaves, hearing none of their invitations everything free of its gravity. The people cannot be tracked; nor can leaves or ‘evils upon the air’ great wind exists in the world, to hold on to them is to be divided. In this way Daiti freed them from greeds, in wholisticness she returns them to what they have. Loving kindness, they say; because herbs have grown, and cats have called their bemused ancestry to relax the world. I am drunk by the endless rafters of her eyes, because this brunch is nonalcoholic.
Dear Teal, I’m from Bulgaria and I’m so thankfull for everything that you do! I’m your biggest fen! I really like your articles and feel sad because your books are not sold in my country. Anyway, I would like to ask you to make a article about how to open our Sacral chakra 🙂 Please ! Thank you for EVERYTHING! I love you and your work ! Thank you so much!
I always know I need to hear and get what Teal Swan has to say when I immediately pass out while she’s speaking. I never pass out any other time, never in my life. But when Teal talks about something I REALLY need to know,, I literally black out. Then, I have to listen and watch her over and over to keep hearing and re-hearing the same thing unti I go OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your powerful transmissions, Teal Swan!!!!
Hi, I hope I can find somebody that can help me here. When Teal mentioned about the 2 self value clashes – it resonated with me that I think this has been happening to me. I’m constantly in pain everyday. My throat chakra has been out of alignment because both truths of my 2 different selfs is conflicting each other. I don’t think my area has any experts that understands this concept. Is there anyone who can help me here? 🙁
Hello Teal, when Your topics resonate with; what I am going through in My life; I feel right on sister. And this chakra is one to work on this life. Thank You! I actually had a healer and We worked on resolving past-lives (dejavu“es) in this life on this particular subject, your just right on. (funny. numerology “7“ for me truth this is what we used to attract the proper environment for me to correct my past-lives and now. Sometimes environment is the key. Please do a topic with energies and environment. Thank You for your update. Your right on.
Yea it’s eazy to look at the bright side but, the balance is all off, like I’m happy I get my own office at work, I’m happy to be Abel to exzist in a space that no one else is. But it’s on the basement I need to spend my day in a room with a window. I could paint a mural it’s just the getting into it, getting paint, planning the mural, I don’t have that kind of time while I’m here and I’m so barn sower by the time my shift is over like “fianly I can get out of this cement box.
This is so crazy I’ve always would always been followed by the number 16 and always have a hard Time expressing and communicating Before perusal this article told myself that this was gonna be the chakra I focus a lot in since it’s the 5th one and out of my moms children I’m the 5th child and was born on November 16 and then the date today is 16 been seeing 16 all day kinda found it crazy lol 😂😂
As a child I had so much shut down stuff happen to me like shut up and then they embarrassed to say what I wanted because they were mean to me, I also know my past lifes were traumatic and shut me down now I actually wright all the time flowing and websiteing to I just find it hard I feel to tell people my needs wants and its really annoying to be Iv made positive steps forward but still happens.
Lovely article, I love how you described the throat chakra! Also, to add, every year you are born, you experience the corresponding chakra in that year. For example, year 1/1 years old, the year of your root chakra, and so on. If you experience trauma in that year, your growth is stunted in that chakra. For example, if you are molested in your 5th year/5 years old, your throat chakra will become blocked, and will manifest every 5th year (13th year/13 years old) and so on. So it’s important that we also address trauma when healing our Chakras. Namaste 🙏🏾
I’m finding a different way of communication I have trouble and have had many people mis judge and misunderstand me because I know what I want to see intuitively but it never comes out quite right. Someone can think o was being rude when I was actually trying to help just by word choice. I can never get down speaking with others but I love others and care about others
In my personal opinion, this is your perception based on some english translation on the Vishuddha chakra’s placement and position in the demonstration you give in the begining of your article.. If you would contact a few vedic scholars in India, you might understand this better as you have a large audience. Atleast your information needs to be real when you spek about a foriegn cultural belief system based on their written texts. Unfortunately there isn’t enough clarity in the english language to give you the essence of vedanta. Please research. Thanks.
GOOD article, in my case, i had to do weights to fix the muscles that hold the neck in place. Then the alignment increased, also, the other articles, that helped are those in the Industry, Psychic and Horoscopes articles, other authors. GOOD article overall. I also see other authors, which are pretty good on my standards. Cheers!!
Hi teal thanks for this article. I kept having an image of myself come up in my head in the past couple months. Id be sitting by a pool of water and on my knees, seeing myself holding my throat and letting out a scream. I have not been expressing myself for a long time. I have been stuck being very anxious. I have a heart to listen to people but have often felt unheard. Im having a very hard time. Thanks for this article though. It truly explained exactly how i feel.
I’ve been struggling with my vissudha for years now. I have only just accepted that I need to work on my Chakra every single day. I’ve had to go to my shadows and inner struggles to try to find the culprit. I complain all the time. I am negative and yet nothing happens I stay angry. it’s one of the most complicated Chakra in my mind.
Okay, so if I am being invalidated and not being heard it causes my throwth chakra to go out of alignment. Thats strange, because that would mean that to be able to ve in alignment inside, I would be dependent on other people…. That doesn’t make sense to me. Can I not stay in alignment by validating and hearing myself at such moments?
The .ore you talk the worst off I feel mabye my throat charkra is just destroyed at this point wether it’s my own guilty Conscience or the disrespect of evwryine around me in this karmic slide I’ve veen on, even due to mentel helth issues I thought unblocking my throat charkra was gonna be simple like the rest but this might just be the end for me, I can’t change these situations thats the karma I have to figure out how to live with them.
WOWeeeeeee! This is the most powerful Chakra healing I’ve ever heard!!!!! got my singing bowls. U inspire and help me so much. I am so grateful for all your wise words education and unbelievable gift to share these very valuable healings. They say to be a healer u must be compassionate as U are ever so I honor you and your presence NAMASTE
Hi Teal, I heard a voice in my left ear a few months saying everything will be alright,I am going through something right now.However is that my guardian angel.?I am a spiritual person,and I have had a few experiences in the past.I must confess I am a little frightened. Thanks also Teal hope you don’t mind if I say how beautiful you are.😘
I think the innocence of consciousness is really being emphasized. Sometimes, although you can reveal the sexuality, you should not. Pineal Gland wants to give the experience of removing the memories. Logically we think yes of course everyone has sex or sexual thoughts the psyche, however, is nonlinear. this idea of walking in on people having sex is frightening to everyone. so we are going from a culture that seemed to want to create that to something much more modest. we can trust fantasies happen and yet exposure between random people is meaningless. i think we throw out the idea of group sex and orgies in the traditional sense although alternative pagan faiths are popular and the openness that kind of act represents is real, i think the actual performance of it has only made people uncomfortable. its like saying one day I walked in sex was revealed, the next day though, it wasnt and the next and next. I thought about my feelings and decided I would let those thoughts go. ide seen pictures of sex before etc… so it wasnt particularly jarring just close, ultimately it meant nothing In this instance its almost like it detects the intellectual discussion and wants to be abstract but if its just too uncomfortable it can be ended. people think they want these sexual partners.. it looks so strange though intuitively something is wrong.. their joy is shortlived and expensive life force is not happy with this let go and let zen allow pineal gland to create idealized figures something suitable for everyone with no address and no connection to our world necessary and stop trying to physically be with people.
I didnt want to believe in chakras though I actually do.. And since last year august I’m struggling very hard with my throat chackra… I made some steps healing… Made some steps not healing.. Came up with idea of speaking in a more authentic way and listening more… A few weeks ago + painting my bedroom blue, starting journaling… And know here I am. perusal teal tell me these things. This makes me apart from the other negative feelings inside of me, very happy because this is a sign I’m trying, and I’m actually not allways lost and im actually doing something right. Its worth so much having someone tell you no your not stupid, I hear you.. And this is what I felt.
the image i got of my throat chakra was a green dancing leprechaun. it was dissociated and didn’t give a f***. the feeling i got from it was evil, and comedic in a cold, psychopathic way. when i asked what it meant i got nothing. when i asked how to fix it my first instinct was “kill it”, but then my heart activated and said: give it water and tend to it and stroke it’s tummy with my finger and caress it and comfort it, and i imagined it softening and becoming vulnerable, and a fuzziness rose up in my heart, and then i could cradle it and carry it out of the way and let my throat chakra return to the cool blue open, empty space. i feel much better after that..
Namaste Teal 🙏 this is so crazy, I was in a metaphysical store the other day and I bought a big Sodalite stone and my upper back shoulder has been hurting for a month now. Rhomboid muscle pain to be exact. Not realizing my body is talking to me. So now I’m going to try and massage it with that and sing in the shower lol ; Love your articles! Take care
Here’s to hoping people listen to Teal carefully and pause and/or rewatch parts of the article as often as needed to stay on track. She I’ve only watched a few of her articles but she seems to have a habit of saying some quite important things when you might not see them coming or think much of it first. Like, “When you walk into the mineral shop, instead of going for any Lapiz just because Teal Swan said it’s good, go there and let your intuition guide you, feel the right stone for your throat chakra”. In these kind of things, different things suit different people. Everyone benefits from the effects of doing these things, but the way you go about opening them is often different. Some people find crystals and colors to be the best, for people like me it’s the psychological things and physical movements, and for most people it’s a mixed bag of things.
Personal experiences, I was never a social person… until I began into a personal study, the information I had discovered “gave” me something more to talk about… ergo… the intellect has a connection with speech… my favorite color is blue, but it did not have any connection with my ability to speak… but I have been extremely aware of the horizon and it’s activity, but I didn’t know how to communicate with it until I entered into a mental state of curiosity which led me into a study. But then my educational comprehension was much slower than most, of which as a sagittarius ♐️ my focus has always been on the spiritual.
I saw the entire article acknowledging everything you said, like “this totally make sense” or “I will try to do that” and so on… the thing is, since my teenage years my throat chakra is on and off constantly and I could never fully understand why.. until you talked about the “different personalities” or different truths. I just started crying (a lot, instantly) and understood everything. Thank you so much for this! -sorry if the english is a little bit off, im from argentina
Woooowww this article is just what i needed. The current state of the world, not being understood and not being heard because humanity is under the covid-spell has finally gotten to me. Never had problems with speaking my truth but the backlash has made me shut my throat chakra down. It feels like a lil child screaming their lungs out and noone gives a damn. And i bet a lot of people feel like this now. Love to all of you. And thank you Teal for the insight❤🙏
I know this sounds weird, but I can feel, see and hear the energy within me and outside of me. I looked this up because I fall asleep to the sound of the colors and ringing of the bell sounds that the rainbow makes mut the light blue is a smaller circle and the purple is giant the indigo is large and the rest are normal but I want to get the light blue back to normal, but I only know what I’ve always known. I follow the bells and tune as I’ve done since childhood but don’t understand why it’s so small.
Wow this was well needed article. It explains a lot and I have written down many notes but the end was the most brutal. The fragmented peson inside me doesn’t know what is the authentic self and what is the truth and that is the reason why my throat chakra isnot in alignment. I guess I need to seriously work on it and figure who am I. Thank you so mych for this article <3
I was listening to one of the websites for the throat chakra and I was suddenly in the attic, there was a women to my right and to my left a transparent body, hairless laying down, she was violet in colour, I assume this was to do with the crown chakra but I was trying to work with the throat chakra problem. I have to keeping putting back the neck collar due to neck injury. What does the elephant with the collar mean? Any one know that ? Nobody mentions this on you tube. Have to listen to Teal again as the cat freaked out, there’s an entity black shadow that hangs about on the patio. Wondering if it came with my brother’s motor bike that belonged to someone else.