Innsmouth Academy, a significant institution in Kingsmouth, has been a part of the town’s history and has brought numerous benefits such as a boosted economy and resident satisfaction. Built in 1798, the school has been rebuilt and renovated several times since. The Colonial Georgian main building, erected in 1864, is a popular location for students to enjoy the luxuries of a privately owned school.
Funcom dev team recently revealed another location from The Secret World, Atlantic Island Park. Hayden Montag, a mission contact in the Funcom MMORPG The Secret World, is the current Headmaster of the prestigious Innsmouth Academy in Solomon Island. The academy is a training school for the children of the wealthy, but it is actually a boarding school for the children of the poor.
The Shadow over Innsmouth is a horror novella by American author HP Lovecraft, written between November–December 1931 and forms part of the Cthulhu Mythos. The academy is home to characters like Annabel Usher and C. Carter, who are both powerful Scottish mages.
Titus Crowe, a nuclear-prone teen from Innsmouth Academy, is a character that has gained popularity in the game. However, the mascot of the game is not necessarily Titus Crowe, as it is a plot device rather than a character.
📹 Guillermo del Toro is NOT the Great Savior of Lovecraft
Guillermo del Toro is NOT the Great Savior of Lovecraft First off, his version of At the Mountains of Madness, which he has been …
📹 “Clay” by C. Hall Thompson / Fringes of the Mythos
Fringes of the Mythos Episode 3: “Clay” by C. Hall Thompson Weird Tales, May 1948 “Each dark, downward pathway of the mind …
Del Toro’s script for MOUNTAINS was The Thing Redux with Added Cthulhu. The shoggoths — there are more than one — take on human form and infiltrate the camp. Cthulhu showed up at the conclusion. Del Toro recently released a CGI test for a scene in his proposed movie, and I’m pretty sure it’s the scene where the shoggoth in Lake’s form has just finished telling its next victim that “The Old Ones made you. They gave you a desire to worship because it amused them. Go on and pray, you know no one is listening.” That’s a SHOGGOTH’s line. In AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS. Del Toro seems fixated on the idea that the Old Ones made man, something Lovecraft’s story just sort of tosses out there. And it was already done in QUATERMASS AND THE PIT, and better than HPL did it, if I dare go there. If you think CABINET OF CURIOSITIES did injustice to HPL, MOUNTAINS would have really set you off. Supposedly CABINET is Del Toro’s homage to NIGHT GALLERY — maybe he should see NG’s 2 Lovecraft episodes. Far superior to CABINET’s!
I have positive thoughts about Del Toro, but I don’t really LIKE his movies–they have GREAT moments, but…well… The only movie of his I love is THE DEVIL’S BACKBONE. I’m almost afraid to see CABINET because he chose THE AUTOPSY, one of the greatest short horror stories of the past few decades, and I’m afraid it’s been Woked Up.
Any movie adaptation of Lovecraft’s work is going to be a disappointment. If you are able to make a visual representation of indescribable horror and maintain sanity – you failed. No one in the movie industry will do anything but create a chance for people to drink a shot every time they get disappointed. I’ve been far more impressed with movies that take inspiration from Lovecraft but don’t try to bring the stories to life.
Great to see more C. Hall Thompson! Derleth has done much for HPL, but I’m still a bit pissed that he hypocritically used (empty) legal threats to discourage Thompson from mining this vein further (or so the story goes). I think he could have developed into the first great post-Lovecraft (and his circle) Mythos author and despite HPL’s all too clear influence on his work, I feel Thompson has a rather unique voice (and approach to characters), one that is not found elsewhere in the early Mythos period (let’s say post-HPL and pre-Campbell/Lumley).
Watching the pattern of the patient simply upset, being grabbed by the shoulders, protesting being held, then being shot with tranquilizers… if you look for it, you can see how simply being touched could trigger the panic that one is about to get jabbed again, which of course results in being jabbed again. Maybe it wasn’t included intentionally, but it’s one I’ve heard too often from friends who have spent time in psych wards. Doctors and nurses triggering panic attacks in patients, sometimes intentionally, so then they jab them. That’s some real life horror there.
Four; Firmly affixed the outside of this crate; pierced by many horrible staples or attached to it securely with horrible strips of time-worn adhesive tape, (“horrible,” staples, “horrible,” staplers and various gauges of,”horrible,” adhesive tape and other, “horrible,” stationery and packing materials can be obtained from Horrorbabble Enterprises,) were a number of Manilla envelopes bearing the official imprint of The Miskatonic University Library addressed to Harley Warren; all contained letters asking Warren for the prompt return of a number of overdue library books and demanding the immediate payment of the fines which he had thus accrued.
Fun fact: Schizophrenia is often confused with “split personality” or Dissociative Identity Disorder, as in the Oscar story….but they are completely different issues, and the “schizo-” prefix refers to the frequent disconnect of outward emotions and actions (like blandly describing something) often seen in people with schizophrenia. And while schizophrenia is undeniably, avoidably real disorder (occurs in about 1% of us), many psychiatrists debate whether “multiple personalities” even exists, and there is some decent evidence against it (such as people going through known traumas like concentration camp survivors don’t see, to have it, and mainly in middle-class women.). My resident said DID was like a UFO…it is theoretically possible, but every example he ever saw seemed pretty fake.
Shank you Ian, shank you very much for another gem. btw, did you take away Robert E. HOWARD’S “Skull-face” because of the author’s use of such epithets as “Negro”, and colorful phrases including “ape-like brow” or “ill slit your throat, desert snake, so make it soon”, even descriptions of eyes being “yellow slits of murder”? Many will call me racist for enjoying such literay ornamentation. I deny the charge. One must be mature and remain in a philosophical mindset in order to enjoy literature from all of our historical written heritage. I understand creators must make little deals with the devil and conform to youtubes outrageous demands for self-censorship, but it is a damned shame and i wish there was a way to bring Skull-face back. Dagoth-Ur has a reading of it, but yours was by far superior. For one, he has no Jennifer to voice Steven Costigan’s girlfriend (oh, STEEE-Fan!), just charming. Secondly, he doesnt use any flanger effect for Skull-face, which you did with excellent results. Thricedly, you have a way of galloping or prancing through the racially oriented epithets which makes them too humorous to take over-seriously. Fourthedly, I believe Dagoth-Ur’s three cranial respiratory appendages make it impossible for him to voice a convincing Afghan Butcher.