The myth that there is a hidden cancer cure is often spread on social media, claiming that researchers have found a simple cure for cancer but major pharmaceutical companies are not interested due to its patentability. This belief is supported by various sources, including Johns Hopkins, which claims that a strong immune system will destroy cancer cells and people don’t need chemotherapy to treat cancer.
Conspiration theories about a hidden cancer cure are prevalent online and off, with an astounding 37 of the American public surveyed in 2014 believing that the FDA is hiding a cure. A fake video made by researchers in Canada has found a successful formula to encourage critical thinking about online health.
The Socrates Institute for Therapeutic Immunology, run by a retired biochemist, also claims to have found a cure for cancer. Royal Raymond Rife showed he could destroy cells in a laboratory and identified a potential cure for cancer and infectious diseases, but his research was unsuccessful.
Cancel misinformation has become an increasingly prevalent problem, potentially endangering public health and understanding. Although the 1939 Cancer Act was brought in to stop the advertisement of fraudulent cancer cures in the UK, it has little jurisdiction in today’s international community.
Advances in treatment alone will never be enough to fully stem the burden of cancer. A conspiracy theorist believes that Big Pharma and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are repressing a cure for cancer. Legitimate medical products must gain FDA approval or clearance before they are marketed.
In conclusion, there is no hidden cancer cure, and advances in treatment alone will never be enough to fully eradicate the burden of cancer.
📹 Are Big Pharma Suppressing the Cure for Cancer? | Cancer Research UK
Are Big Pharma suppressing the cure for cancer? Find out the facts with Cancer Research UK. Watch the video to learn more, …
📹 Is the race to cure cancer fixed? | Decoded
Hollywood actor @amrwaked investigates whether the pharmaceutical industry is hiding the discovery of cheap and effective …
To answer the question: if you cured the cancer permanently then you won’t have them as a patient anymore. But if you just cure them temporarily then they’ll come back for treatments again. There’s more money to be made if everyone is sick as opposed to healthy. So scoffing at the idea of ‘cure suppression’ doesn’t make any sense.
Somehow I don’t think this 31 second article can answer all the questions conspiracy theorists have on this topic. Also–why suppress it if it would guarantee sales? Somehow I also don’t think it’s that simplistic? Loooool I’m surprised CRUK actually took the time and effort to make this article. Come on man you guys can fucking do better
I freelanced as a article producer for a group which was exploring alternative methods to cure cancer. The scientific head of the group was one Dr. Nicholas Klehr, of Germany, and it was a form of immunotherapy which involved training the patient’s own white blood cells to recognize his or her cancer cells, distilling out the messenger chemicals (“cytokines”), and then reinjecting those chemicals into the patient so as to “educate” his white blood cells. He claimed a high rate of success with patients that no other therapy could help. The important point is that the U.S. government shut down this entire group. So I have personally seen suppression of a cancer cure which had been developed by a scientist. Note that this treatment would have been very inexpensive.
This is all the truth. I found it 13 years ago after my father died from a single radiation treatment on his brain for a tumor. They melted his brain. I hate them for that. I can’t understand how they live with themselves. No one should ever have to watch their loved one go through that…. Totally helpless to do anything for them at all. Sad to say if they hadn’t done that, he would have had half a fighting chance with just the tumor. They preyed on his hope for life and used it against him to murder and torture him for a phenomenal fee. Truly pure evil.
Again, you have a man sitting there claiming there are no non pharmaceutical cures for cancer when thousands who have had such success would say otherwise. And I also loved how he mentioned some cancers response to chemotherapy with no mention of the wholesale damage that treatment does to the body. Talk about lying by omission.
Cancer is a complex disease, but is rooted in DNA damage. Cells which have become damaged, and replicate can eventually create a cell which no longer functions as it’s supposed to, becoming cancer. Many things can cause damage to cells; heavy metals, chemicals in plastics, synthetic food additives, polluted air, radiation, the list goes on. We are subjected to these things on a regular basis, typically in small amounts, but over time it can create states of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation plays a major role in the development of cancer, as it means there is constant damage internally which is never fully being healed. Damaged cells multiplying leads to cancer. Look to minimize exposure to inflammatory and toxic substances, reduce chronic inflammation through medicinal plants, eat organic, practice fasting which activates autophagy to destroy damaged cells. All of this might not prevent cancer from establishing, being that we live in such a toxic rich world, but it’s the best bet we have.
Such a great documentary 4:17 My Grandma die with cancer and I know many people around the world are suffering because of this “disease” Hopefully one day science find the cure. However, we have more chances to prevent cancer by having a healthy lifestyle. If you suffering from cancer, never give up and never lose faith. God bless you everyone. 👍🏼
While I totally agree with the conspiracy theory angle, however, I would like you to make a documentary on how and why allopathic medicine is so dead against other forms of medicine from naturopathy to homeopathy, ayurvedic, acupuncture, etc and do they offer a cancer alternatives to chemotherapy since they have been in practice for a long time and how many people have a miserable end while & because of taking chemotherapy.
Several years ago I was prescribed a inhaler pump for my chest irritation and cough. I also used to catch the flu very easily every season same with my son. I started taking Vitamin C and Zinc and since then I haven’t needed a pump and no more flu all these years. Then asked my son to try it and since then he hasn’t had a cold and its been around 10 years now. This Vitamin is much much cheaper than the meds I used to take.
Hi, so you interviewed Dr Burzynsky who has a Cancer Treatment Clinic in Houston Texas who claims to have treated many patients successfully and fought 35 years with Texas Medical Board, FDA and many health agencies trying to shut him down. Why don’t you go visit the clinic and interview patients ? You didn’t seem to consider this a game changing breakthrough ? Thanks
What many people don’t know is that both Cancer and AIDS are curable. But the first step will be to distrust your doctor, and seek nature. Most people in Africa, where I live, especially in remote areas will bear me witness. The problem is that anyone who tries to get public over it is either discredited, silenced, or both. There’s a sinister reason why such diseases are branded “incurable” while I have lost count of people who got healed
Hollywood actor Amr Waked could have interviewed many countless former cancer patients cured of their cancer thru various alternative treatments. The actor has a deep cool voice and macho look but perhaps inadvertently skewed people away from alternative treatments. Ralph Moss Phd. in his monumental classic,” The Cancer Industry”, clearly reveals how he himself working at Sloan Kettering witnessed the cover up of a successful cancer treatment. My point is this piece did very little research on the topic. BTW I HAD CANCER AND USED ONLY ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS ONLY GIVEN LESS THAN A YEAR TO LIVE AND IN REMISSION 7 YEARS LATER…
David Robert Grimes is the perfect example for why the public continues to believe the dastardly lies perpetuated by the pharmaceutical industry. No doubt he is university educated in the current dominant Western system. A perfect product of that system. Unfortunately he seems to be particularly clueless when it comes to decoding the real issues.
Yes, I believe there is. All depends on how much you weigh, and how much weight you can afford to lose. Fasting and zero sugar diet or a low sugar diet is the key. You can starve the cancer out of you. Cancer is a cell, starve the cell, we already know we are born with cancer cells in us. The key is lifestyle, not limited to just food either.
According to the Richard Day tapes, most cancers were cured long ago but were purloined and sequestered by the transnational ruling class for their own exclusive use. Day argued these cures would never be revealed to the underclass, in part, because cancer is a vital tool of underclass depopulation. I would add this to the profit motive when seeking answers about motives for suppression.
There is a misconception that people in the past had very short lives. There was high infant mortality but if you survived childhood there was a good chance you would live to old age. This was true in ancient times as well. I don’t believe that children pre industrial ever died of cancer or it was very rare. Childhood cancer is caused by pollution of the environment, dioxins in particular
Complex subject but I do not believe there is a cure for all types of cancer. Genetics is important but metabolism is critical. All of us are different so all of our biological pathways are not identical. The story of this doctor is quiet interesting you need to read his research papers found in Pubmed. He found peptides that we all produced, in principle he should not or anyone have the power to patent those chemical entities since they are natural.
I am a cannabis cultivator, growing hemp (non-psychoactive) varieties for medicinal purposes. I have worked in this industry for around 6 years, and in that time I have seen amazing things. I have seen first hand the efficacy of cannabis in treating a variety of different diseases; neurological, auto-immune, mood disorders, and cancer. We have had people come to us with months to live, death prescribed by doctors, with stage 4 cancer and gotten them into full remission. Its not a 100% guarantee, but no medicine is. We have seen over a 90% success rate in treating cancer, finding success with many different forms. The endo-cannabinoid system (the internal bodily system which the chemicals in cannabis interact with) works to maintain homeostasis. It does so through regulating the body at nearly all levels. One of the major roles cannabis, and the endo-cannabinoid system, plays in fighting cancer, is the modulation of autophagic (cellular death) function. There are many other ways cannabis fights cancer, but to go into would make this post far too long. We have worked with doctors, some better than others. An overwhelming majority of doctors are completely ignorant to the endo-cannabinoid system, which is appalling because it is of such high importance. I don’t know if it’s a conspiracy, but I know doctors are not educated about it in school, and I know a lot of what is taught in medical schools is affected by pharmaceuticals. The medical industry disgusts me, it is arrogant, ignorant and greedy.
I am suffering from fatty liver, a live victim of life style change agaist the nature.. 1.slept less till 10 years 1. Ate late night full stomach 3. Did less move and ate more sugar in drinks and food. 4. It was compound effect casued me less WBC in my blood, caused chicken pox in my old middle age as 45 5. Now since 2 years i changed my work and dont use soda products and instead use yeast bread.. veges, more fruites.. I got no pain since 6 months.. I feel more energy rather.. My wellbeing back to normal. 6.. All i am doing for mext 10 years living on less ambitious wealth and professional plan and more on my personal plans.. 7. I hope i will save myself falling too deep in cancer stages.
One of my family members was a heavy smoker for over 70 yrs and eventually died from an accident from someone’s fault at the age of 92. Never had cancer, had all his teeth, could out walk a 20 yr old and mind was sharper than any young person. Also ate pork, red meat and drank beer too on a daily basis. Can’t remember him being sick. How does one explain this. Open to answers.
I watched the Burzynski documentaries (there are two parts). And in one of them, the FDA tried to steal his patents. They ended up filing like 10 or so patents based off of Burzynski’s antineoplastons. In the patent documentation, it was admitted that the drug is very useful and effective against a number of cancers… Here’s the kicker. Despite the drugs ability to fight cancer, the “standard” of care is still chemo and radiation: which they admitted in the patent documentation that chemo and radiation are very carcinogenic. In 2021, big pharma’s biggest revenue came from oncology medicines/treatments (chemo, radiation). Around 170 billion. That number will jump to 300 billion by 2026.
Lots of examples of people who have recovered from bad versions of cancer that medical system gave up on with alternative treatments and the Drs who treated them were attacked by the arms of AMA, FDA, big pharma, to suppress their more effective less expensive treatments, or try to steal them with some version they can patent. Burzynski is one example. It only takes people in high places to suppress and commit fraud against the truth and then continue to only fund the patented drugs they can make money on. Everyone else is just ignorant to what is going on with what gets funded. Cancer treatment can certainly be made less expensive and more effective. Lets say a repurposed off patent drug is effective in some versions of cancer. Generic drug companies can still make money from it and clinics can make money administering and treating patients, and monitoring them. Its just that it would detract from big pharma’s exorbitant profits.
I have read into so many different cures from Fenbendazol, Ivermectin, black strap molasses and baking soda protocol, bitter apricot kernels/B17, Artemisinin, black seed oil…MMS Drops… there are so many people that have cured this without conventional medicine aka mustard gas. Reading the comments alone you see thousands of them.
The guy that says he’s done research and there is no cover up is completely wrong. He’s thinking of it as being too complicated. It’s very simple. The medical “industry ” control the vast majority of health care. That includes the AMA, the FDA, pharma and health insurance. When you make it’s illegal for a doctor to use anything that is not “approved” through clinical trials etc or that the FDA has approved or no off label drugs or supplements or nutrition and exercise. That is a huge issue that that guy is completely missing, making him clueless! Then couple the medical industry and the regulators they control with the fact that the cure is complex and involves many aspects of living such as diet and exercise which only the patient can do.
A excavator operator told me he had cancer and he literally was dying he said that The City of Hope told him he had to pay 30k before per injection to see if it saved his live he felt he was dying when they gave him the injections and he could hear them from far away that doctors started celebrating that he was coming back to live. What about the people that don’t have the money, what other medications or treatments do they have now I see thatbthey have co.e out with injection and pills in the UK may e its population control?
So answer me the following; My late friend who died of a Brain Tumour and was made so sick by the Chemo he said he’d rather die, together with his Partner asked the Chief Oncologist ‘Would you give this treatment to yourself or your loved ones?’ He said the silence was frightening before she eventually said quietly ‘No’. Whenever I have the start of a Cold/Flu/Sore throat I take 2,000mg of Liposomal Vitamin C every 2 hours and within 24hrs the symptoms have gone, so is that not ‘curing’ the illness? Our body has the ability to kill Cancer, in fact our bodies can and do kill ALL illnesses and diseases if the Immune System is healthy and strong enough, so why do so many people have a weak/weakened immune system which results in things like the people of America the richest nation on earth also being the sickest and having the highest medical costs with the worst outcomes? Why does Dr Burzynski still practice and have many Patients who have been cured of terminal Cancer if it doesn’t work? I know someone who says that Cancer can be cured….within hours or at most, days.
Not only surpress and control treatment,. But have militarized and control actual cancer. Cancer operates across a spectrum though most people only know the malignant side. What it does in survival mode. Like crabs in a bucket, like people panic drowning each other. A frequency to panic survive, but then militarized.
Clarity may have very recently cracked that egg with a novel approach. >>Undetectable levels of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) have been reported from the first patient with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) to ever receive two cycles of Clarity’s 67Cu-SAR-bisPSMA at the 8GBq dose level. PSA is a marker of tumour burden, clinical response to treatment and an indicator of the recurrence of disease for prostate cancer.<<
Most Cancer and sickness cause by our sins. That they might know that by what things a man sinneth, by the same also he is tormented. Book of Wisdom Chapter 11 If thou wilt not keep, and fulfill all the words of this law, that are written in this volume, and fear his glorious and terrible name: that is, The Lord thy God: The Lord shall increase thy plagues, and the plagues of thy seed, plagues great and lasting, infirmities grievous and perpetual. And he shall bring back on thee all the afflictions of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of, and they shall stick fast to thee. Moreover the Lord will bring upon thee all the diseases, and plagues, that are not written in the volume of this law till he consume thee: Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 28 If sins had been forgive, sickness will be remove, any sickness can be heal by repentance.What is it you think in your hearts? Which is easier to say, Thy sins are forgiven thee; or to say, Arise and walk? But that you may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) I say to thee, Arise, take up thy bed, and go into thy house. And immediately rising up before them, he took up the bed on which he lay; and he went away to his own house, glorifying God. Gospel According to St Luke Chapter 5 I don’t have Cancer but when I get sick most the time I heal them with the Words of God and it worked. For it was neither herb, nor mollifying plaster that healed them, but thy word, O Lord, which healeth all things.
Stories mentioning the potential benefits of anti helminthics (sp) abound, and here is one reason why. Mebendazole (MBZ), an orally available, FDA-approved anthelmintic, has demonstrated efficacy in reducing solid tumor growth and preventing or treating metastasis in multiple preclinical models of cancer. MBZ was also well tolerated in a recently completed phase I clinical trial.
Dont let this sad excuse for a documentary investigation fool you – THERE ARE MANY SUPPRESSED CURES FOR CANCER & OTHER FATAL DISEASES But Big Pharma suppresses them so they can make $$$billions/year from their expensive treatments… …This is the most appalling investigative documentary I think I’ve ever seen. I would have expected better from AJ. You show one of many guys who has a cure for cancer, and then without doing anything to verify or disprove his claims… (which would be as easy as perusal the documentary about him which shows dozens of his successfully treated past patients helping him to fight the FDA & US govt) …you go straight on to ask a pharma industry guy whether there is a cover up to hide cancer cures!! You just showed a snippet of one!! The FDA tried to jail that guy 5 times, and they never even denied that his cure worked (they even tried to steal it & share it with a big corporation but they focussed on the wrong active ingredient!) – so clearly it does, but that crucial info was kept hidden from the jurors… many of whom felt so appalled & cheated that they even joined in his patients protests against the FDA & govt!
I really appreciate this article and this actor is one of my favourites . As a blood cancer patient who was told the chemotherapy won’t help I have no choice than to turn into nature lots lots and lots herbs plants and spices very little fruits . I adjust my protocol every 2-3 months and look my blood work results to see if there is a reduction unfortunately so fare no luck but I am not giving up I need to keep trying for the sake of that my 3 young children . I really Believe that the hidden cure is out there while we are left alone to battle this nasty disease 🦠 so sad
Absolutely cancer cures are suppressed—-to the greatest extent possible. Any Cancer Cure is VERY BAD fir the Cancer Treatment (Chemo & Radiation) Business. BigPharma will do Anything possible to suppress a viable Cancer Cure Treatment. In my opinion, anyway. LDN Cancer Treatment Therapy is a great example.
My mate cured his prostate cancer with cannabis oil. His friend Diane has brain cancer and was forgetting everything so her husband decided to try the cannabis oil Her memory is back and I’m not sure if cancer free. That was 5 years ago I’ve seen articles of how fasting can really help Good luck everyone with this dreadful disease
My nanak died of cancer so did my papa and my dear aunt Eileen too I hate this horrible disease medical negligence has just my friends daughter to have her cancer spread to her lungs too I know deep in my heart that with all the technology we have today there is definitely a cure for cancer just the scumbag pharmaceutical companies would go bust overnight and they ain’t going to let that happen trust me it makes me so sad we live in a hate filled materialistic world god bless everyone who has or has passed from this horrible disease ❤️💯🙏
You attacked a strawman. This is not a conspiracy in the “small group of people getting together and scheming” sense. This is business-as-usual control of reearch funding, suppression of research publication, bias in research due to conflict of interest, revolving door, co-opting physicians and healthcare providers using financial incentives. This is a beautifulsystem that works without central coordination, but which use money to align the interests of all the players. The system just sort of builds itself out, almost naturally, because money talks, while true compassion and moral principles are only far off ideals.
The appeal of CONSPIRACY THEORIES in this current age is massive. Listening to this YOUTUBE article there is NO CHANCE there is ONE UNIVERSAL CURE for all cancers. The entire difficulty with Cancer, is there are massive differences in even the same type of cancer from person to person. The wide diversity in types and stages of cancer, and the different ways people respond to treatments depending on their unique Genetic make-up is the problem. There is no such thing as ONE GENERIC CURE for Cancer….
OK. I’ll buy that we believe in things that give us hope and I buy that we believe in conspiracy because we’re too lazy to gather the facts (or the facts are too hazy), and face the truth. — One thing. This movie mentioned Burzynski for two seconds. It didn’t dispute his claims or mention all of his patients. No one questioned mentioned Burzynski’s targeted approach and use of various drugs for off-label treatment of specific cancers. It simply moved from Burzynski onto the more ridiculous claims (lemon and baking soda), which give the impression by association the Bursynski is similarly ridiculous. — Why?
As an oncology PCU nurse, and researcher, I observe first hand, cancer patients are not asked enough background history or life style questions, which would demonstrate government’s support for science to find a cure for cancer. So, I’m curious. How do you find the root cause of something without a thorough detailed investigation? Why treat something if you don’t achieve desired outcome? Could there be a reason greater than the obvious? Why don’t they seek to understand the background of the patient? Is it possibly the greatest hoax ever? But, here’s the truth, we are no closer to a cure than 1990. If a cure was desired, they would investigate their patient’s life style, home, work, and all things used and consumed, collecting data until evidence lights up. From pharmaceutical drugs, food, building materials, microwave use, water, soil, air quality, HVAC, moisture, life style, drugs, alcohol, all chemicals, auto,etc. Everyone loves data because it’s evidence based fact! Then why is it not collected? Imagine how the economy of the world would change and our country, if the FDA held everyone accountable to keep you healthy and safe. The elimination of carcinogens from food, beauty products, textiles, building materials, and pretty much everything would change the world. We are all tadpoles in the pond. Few escape, many try.
Cancer Treatment is a Big Business. And the Powers to be will do what ever it takes to protect this Big Money Machine of Cancer Treatment. A real cure for Cancer will destroy the Money Machine of Cancer Treatment. The FDC, AMA, ICA, and the Cancer Treatment Centers will protect their own Interests. 💰💸💲 Medicine is Big Business and everyone wants to get paid.
Vitamin C does not cure cancer, maybe not, however a friend of mine with Lymphoma Hodgkins disease, stage 4, was give chemo therapy, and in between chemo sessions, was given a heavy course vitamin D3, to help stem and prevent further cancer growth, the hospital is the Church Hill Hospital in Oxford, which houses one of the best Oncology departments and research centres in the world. Understanding the key to repairing gene therapy and how genes mutate, is the key to curing cancer. Burzynski, trials are now FDA approved and have been known to shrink tumors the size of golfballs in hundreds of patients, patients who were told they have months to live at the age of 2, still alive today aged 14.
Otto Warburg identified cancer as a metabolic disease in 1923, driven by fermentation of glucose. Dr. Thomas Seyfried identified the amino acid glutamine as a secondary fuel source cancer needs to produce energy and found no cancer cells that could survive the inhibition of these two fuels. He explained that cancer cell nuclear DNA mutations are a downstream effect of the primary driver of cancer, mitochondrial dysfunction. Standard medical practice industry has held the opposing view that cancer is a nuclear genetic disease since the 1950s but treatment safety and success rates have not greatly improved – nearly two thousand people die of cancer every day. Metabolic therapy is cost effective, safe and could really benefit patients as an option in standard protocols of treatment.
There is a new treatment waiting in the wings for approval. It is basically an old fashioned type of vaccine that really boosts T cell production, the cells that attack and kill invaders including cancer cells. Some scientists are wondering why it is taking so long for an approval especially since the mRNA was released without any long term testing being done. I respect the doctor’s opinions on the subject as it can be very, very complicated however I don’t totally trust his ideas on the subject as I now (since Covid) don’t trust the scientific and medical community at face value. There has been so much askew about how Covid (and the people) were treated that it is now fair to shop around for your information before taking a stance on anything.
Unfortunately, documentary that was very superficially made. Not what we are used to see on Al Jazeera website. One example of successful treatment was shown at the beginning of the documentary without any further investigation. No additional research done whatsoever. So, the final conclusion is questionable to say the least.
Im not sure if this article is trolling or not. I mean, do any of even the most die hard of conspiracy theorists think that thousands of employees are intentionally in on it? 😂, if there is a conspiracy, I’m not sure anyone thought it was happening that way anyway,,,,, to suggest that it was is so stupid it will only fuel the conspiracy,,,,,😂, all in all, 15 mins of your life you won’t get back
The statistics argument against a conspiracy doesn’t hold up. I am not saying that I know for sure, but the statistical improbability against a conspiracy definitely is not an argument. The reason is that no one in the medical community can risk their careers by stepping out of line or even entertaining thoughts that don’t toe the line. Thus hundreds of thousands of people in the medical field all support the prevailing narrative of the pharmaceutical companies…which just so happen to make billions of dollars from this. However, big pharma has been caught with their pants down …many times. Proof of malfeasance has been presented in court and big pharma’s lies and malfeasance has been exposed. I am not saying I know for sure that there definitely is a conspiracy to hide the existence of possible cures or good preventatives. In logic class if event A precedes event B – humans will tend to believe that event A “caused” event B, when that is in fact not the case. However, we must admit that a healthy lifestyle can certainly give you better odds of prevention and also the cases of spontaneous remission with certain types of healthy diets are legion.
A lot of progress couldve been made if we allowed human genome research to be conducted decades ago. We could’ve done human experimentation. The problem is that scientists and doctors have decided that the only acceptable solutions to fix humanity’s problems have to be attained ethically. But the truth is, if we removed our moral boundaries, we could do a lot more good for everyone and save a way more people than we can potentially kill.
When some doctor say no there isn’t….. This doctor should be accountable for his lies and out of his work. At the end he should have cancer and if found to be requesting for burzinski treatment should be at the end of the line. 7.00 that doctor is a fraude every one that goes to his appointment be aware of the lies he sells. Live longer when cancer increases in children? Live longer when woman are increasing the numbers…. His this a real doctor?
It’s not about keeping secrets, people have a vested interest in providing for themselves and their families, and so a conspiracy is upheld, conciously or not, we are all held to ransom when it comes to earning a living or working for the greater good. Nobody wants to lose their house/pension/career at the cost of their loved ones 😢 and so the corruption persists…
The guy that he had on that was taling about the mathematical equation of how to keep the cover up is flat out wrong its easy for companies to keep secrets they just segregated the work forces and items they work on so that no-one in any department has any idea what there working on in totality just a simple set of basic responsibilities in a particular field Area 51 and infact the military complex at large use this technique and have done for decades to maintain secrecy so tell that guy his nievety is blinding him from truth.
Yes and if the money is in treatments that often fail to cure and often lead to death, regardless if it is more profitable to follow that path than to follow a path which is inexpensive and amounts to little profit and even self treatments, sadly the established medical order will stand to lose, so are less likely to promote it.