Cancer disease significantly reduces life expectancy and quality of life. Astrological combinations can help predict cancer in a person’s health, with the Sun or Moon, 6th, 8th house, or 12th and their lords, zodiacal signs Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, and Libra, being responsible for cancer. According to Vedic Astrology, each sign and planet is related to a particular type of disease.
Astrology can be used as a tool to assess and anticipate the presence of malignancy in a person. A Vedic horoscope can give a clear clue to the cancer potential of an individual and the type of cancer by identifying the cancer origin tissue. Planets responsible for cancer include Rahu, Jupiter, Mars, Moon, and the lord of the sixth house conjuncting together in a horoscope along with the Sun.
Varna Yoga has been observed in many cases, as the Cancer Sun makes only a positive aspect to rising Saturn, assuming the disease won’t progress and one will recover. If the Moon and Saturn are inside the sixth residence of the horoscope, then the person can get cancer after the age of 55. At least five major planets considered significant for cancer are Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun.
In conclusion, astrology can be a valuable tool for predicting and predicting cancer in individuals. By understanding the relationship between a person’s planets and their associated diseases, we can better understand the potential impact of cancer on our lives.
📹 Yogas For Cancer Disease
Yogas For Cancer Disease When Mars, Moon and the lord of the sixth house conjuncts each other in a horoscope along with Sun, …
Which planet is lucky for Cancer?
Those born under the sign of Cancer are ruled by the Moon and are therefore deeply emotional and intuitive beings. Their profound introspection provides a foundation for their keen intuition, which enables them to discern the nuances of character with remarkable acuity. Those born under the sign of Cancer are particularly attuned to emotional nuances and adept at discerning the feelings of others, which makes them highly adept at assessing character.
Which house indicates diseases?
The 2nd, 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are significant in predicting health issues. If any of these houses are influenced by malefic planets, an individual will face health problems. If a planet in these houses is weak or debilitated, the native will suffer from related medical problems. The 6th house signifies sickness, surgery, death, and hospitalization. If the sub-lord of the 12th cusp is in the 6th house of disease, and if the sub-lord is in the constellation of the planet occupying or owning 6 or 8, or 12, the individual will suffer from defects.
What planet controls Cancer?
National Moon Day, celebrated annually on July 20th in the U. S., commemorates the first moon landing in 1971. The moon is our closest galactic friend and controls a significant amount of our planet’s events. It is more than just a glowing orb in the sky; it controls ocean tides through the tidal force, which affects our bodies, as they are made of more than half water. Many cultures have significant relationships with the moon, with Chinese culture recognizing it as the carrier of human emotions and associated with gentleness and brightness.
How to see illness in natal chart?
Astrology focuses on the 6th house, which is the major house of diseases, and its affliction indicates a planetary combination for these diseases. If the occupant is weak or debilitated, they will suffer from specific medical issues. The 8th house is the house of surgery, and the 12th house shows hospitalization. Planets seen for health are the Moon, Sun, and the ascendant of a person. If these three are strong, a person is likely to enjoy good health, and vice versa.
The Sun signifies immunity, while the Moon represents mental and emotional health. A strong moon helps a person overcome obstacles in life and enjoy sound health. The ascendant, or personality, can be affected by malefic influence from planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu. It is crucial to check the position of the 6th house and its lord to detect any medical issues present in a kundli. Health issues can be beyond repair or involve exorbitant expenses, and it is essential to get a health horoscope checked well in time.
What is the biggest indicator of cancer?
Early cancer warning signs include unexplained weight loss, fatigue, fever, pain, and skin changes. People are living longer after a cancer diagnosis due to improved screenings. Noticing these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean cancer, but to be safe, talk to your doctor about these five signs and symptoms. Unexplained weight loss, which may be the first sign of cancer in rare cases, should be reported to your doctor. Routine screenings catch diseases earlier, making them easier to treat.
What are 20 warning signs of cancer?
Potential cancer symptoms include changes in bowel or bladder habits, persistent sores, unusual bleeding or discharge, thickening or lumps in the breast, indigestion or difficulty swallowing, obvious changes in a wart or mole, and a nagging cough or hoarseness. These symptoms are signs of cancer and should be reported to a doctor. If you experience any of these symptoms, schedule an examination and screening with a specialist. It is crucial to seek medical attention if you suspect cancer.
What is the cause of cancer in astrology?
In the event that the Moon and Saturn are situated in the sixth house of the horoscope, the individual may experience the onset of cancer after attaining the age of 55. This phenomenon is believed to be initiated by the conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu.
How can cancer be predicted?
Cancer diagnosis involves various imaging tests such as CT scans, bone scans, MRIs, PET scans, ultrasounds, and X-rays. Biopsy is a procedure where cells are collected for testing in the lab. Early cancer detection is crucial for a cure. Different types of cancer screening are recommended based on individual risk factors. Some cancers can save lives through early diagnosis, while others require more advanced screening. Medical organizations and patient-advocacy groups provide guidelines for cancer screening. Consult your doctor to determine the best screening method for you.
Which planet is responsible for cancer disease?
A Vedic horoscope can provide insight into an individual’s cancer potential and type by examining the afflicted Zodiac Sign, House afflictions, and afflicting planets. The afflicting planets are often natural and functional malefics of the horoscope, with Rahu-Ketu playing a significant role. If many afflicted planets have an influence on a particular bhava, body parts related to that bhava may inflict cancer.
The dasha system should also be examined, as running dasha of auspicious and/or yogakaraka planets can help diagnose the disease early. Generally, Rahu is considered the most responsible planet, but Saturn and Mars can also produce cancer.
Combinations with inauspicious planets can increase the probability of cancer. For example, Rahu is considered poison if related to any bhava or its lord, and if it is related to lagna or lagna lord or disease bhava, the quantity of poison increases in the body. If the 6th house lord is placed in lagna, eighth house, or tenth house with Rahu aspects, the possibility of cancer increases. If there is a combination of Saturn-Rahu, Saturn-Ketu, or Saturn-Mars in the twelfth house, the chances of cancer increase.
Mercury represents skin, so if Mercury is afflicted with inauspicious planets and Rahu aspects on it, there might be cancer. If Saturn and Rahu are present in the sixth house, there might be some incurable diseases.
In Cancer lagna, Jupiter is the main factor for cancer. If Jupiter is conjunct with Mars and Saturn in sixth, eighth, twelfth, or second bhava or associated with its lord, chances are high. If Saturn or Mars is placed in sixth, eighth, or twelfth houses with Rahu or Ketu, the probability of cancer increases. If weak Moon is posited in sixth, eighth, or twelfth houses owned by malefic planets and Lagna or Moon is aspected by Saturn and Mars, the chances of cancer are very high.
If Rahu or Ketu is posited with the sixth lord in lagna, stomach cancer is possible, and if Rahu or Ketu is present in the eighth or tenth house, breast cancer is very high.
How to predict diseases in astrology?
Gochar Kundli is a horoscope that represents diseases, longevity, and health losses. It is based on the Dasha of malefic planets in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, or during the Dasha where the planet is afflicted. The transit timings of malefic planets, such as Saturn, are also considered.
For example, a male born on February 3, 1975, with a Rashi of Tula and Lagna of Dhanu, was diagnosed with kidney stone problems during his Sade Sati in 2011. Mercury and Venus are majorly responsible for leukoderma, while Saturn, Ketu, and Moon can also play a role. Mercury, Saturn, and Ketu are retrograde in this birthchart, while Saturn is aspected by Mars.
Another case is a schizophrenic woman born on October 13, 1988, with a Moon representing the mind and Mars having 3 Drishtis in the 7th, 4th, and 8th houses. Mercury is the significator of the nervous system, which is afflicted by Saturn’s Drishti on the 10th house and Mars’ Drishti on the 7th house. The woman was diagnosed with the disease during her Sade Sati in 2016. Rahu is located in the 2nd house, representing thyroid problems.
📹 Detect Cancer with Astrology |Cancer in Horoscope |Cancer Analysis |Health Analysis |Alok Khandelwal
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