The theory of HIV/AIDS originated in 1999 when journalist Edward Hooper published “The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS”, which asserted that scientists testing a new oral polio vaccine in Africa in the late 1950s inadvertently sparked the AIDS pandemic. Persistent rumors and contemporary legends that center on a government-led conspiracy or genocide theory to explain its origins undermine the acceptance of behaviors that can prevent infection. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) originated from cross-species transmission of the simian immunodeficiency virus from primates to humans. Yet a significant minority of people in the United States (US) believe that the virus was manufactured by the United States.
In the 1980s, the Soviet Union and allies participated in a widespread disinformation campaign, disseminating the theory that HIV, which causes AIDS, had been manufactured by the United States. Most hold that it arose when a simian version of HIV jumped to a human, probably in West Africa in the early- to mid-20th century. In a new US study, one in seven African Americans surveyed said that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) originated from cross-species transmission of the simian immunodeficiency virus from primates to humans.
Various fringe theories have arisen to speculate about purported alternative origins for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the acquired immune system. Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first reported the HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1981, rumors have persisted that the deadly virus was created. HIV/AIDS denialism is the belief, despite conclusive evidence to the contrary, that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not cause acquired immune systems.
📹 New documentary explores the truth behind the origin and rise of HIV/AIDS | Your Morning
‘Killing Patient Zero’ attempts to debunk the idea that a Canadian flight attendant was responsible for spreading the virus.
📹 Where did Aids come from?
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So he helped prove that the disease was sexually transmitted and then refused to stop having sex or tell his partners he had AIDS and continued with business as usual. Even as he was nearing death in Canada he continued to have unprotected sex which he himself helped prove to be the main transmission route among gay men. What a hero! Also if only the patient 0 part of the cluster study was debunked and the rest is true – he did contribute in a huge way, though at that point unwillingly, to spreading the disease among gays in the US. Which isn’t his fault. The fact he did continue to spread it when he was aware he was putting other people – first in Cali then Vancouver – at huge risk makes him a villain whether he was patient 0, patient O or patient 20.
He was definitivly a sociopath. What he did was horibble. It may not be a classic murder, but it it sure killing people. I mean, you have to drow a line somewhere. If you know you are going to infect a person by death, it is a murder. And he did that wilingly. So for my part, he deserves to be notorius, at least. And i don’t see reason why should we remeber him in a positive way or celebrate him. Despicapable man regardless being gay or not.
There’s not too much to forgive for here. If one affects 72 people, and each affects at least 5 people so its 432 people(inclusive), and then each 5 more 2,165……….. In a short time, you could clear out the whole community. Very sad that this guy was told this by doctors and he refused to stop saying it was “his right”. Very sad indeed
Kary Mullis said HIV does not lead to AIDS, and apparently several African Nations make the same stand. Can anyone tell me how they explain the death of Arthur Ash, and the thousands of other people who died of AIDS from getting blood transfusions? Just wondering how they hold their case together scientifically.
The Band played in was a wonderful movie it showed not just the health department trying to figure out what was going on but how responsible sexually actively gay men were trying to spread awareness and shut down bath houses and educate on risky behavior. People like patient 0 who knew they were sick fought to keep their lifestyle and act irresponsibly. San Francisco was the only place with a gay Congressman and he tried to save lives and he was blocked by his community. This is BS..
You know a man who has been circumcised can not catch HIV as the foreskin is what drags in the infection for the immune system to deal with any type of infection transmitted through sexual contact. A freind I worked with talked about a small tribe in Africa where all the men are circumcised was visiting prostitutes that AIDS or HIV and was not catching the infection. This might be a thing to look into and check to see if this is fact. It might lesson the risks to people if true.
I lived through all this from the very first notice of a ” gay plague ” . All the subsequent books, films know them all . Came through it unscathed ‘Cept the heartbreak still today ( more so now than ever before as am older now ) of the loss countless dear friends whom I miss today more than ever now in 2024 .
I spoke to a friend of mine many years ago who’s father was a Doctor and he told me that they knew about this as early as the 1930’s. At the time it was just thought that you got sick and died. It was also mostly concentrated in the Gay community so it was not mainstream back then. I think some research should be done to see if there is something there.
I spoke to a friend of mine many years ago who’s father was a Doctor and he told me that they knew about this as early as the 1931’s. At the time it was just thought that you got sick and died it was also mostly concentrated in the Gay community so it was not mainstream back then. I think some research should be done to see if there is something there😢
For more information about the Buteyko method you can read the following 2 articles: – Kazarinov V.A. “The biochemical basis of KP Buteyko’s theory of the diseases of deep respiration” – V.K. Buteyko, M.M. Buteyko “The Buteyko theory about a key role of breathing for human health: scientific introduction to the Buteyko therapy for experts”
What a long way to go….He’s a hero because he retained the names of 72 men he slept with and gave AIDS to, in order to prove it was sexually transmitted…? Maybe he’s a hero since he slept with countless people and spread it, thereby proving himself it was sexually transmitted…? The man did not deserve to die from AIDS, but please report things properly. If you really oppose ‘homophobia’ you should present things properly so people with common sense can actually agree with you.
I knew Gaetan prior to word, AIDS. He was a sweet kid, very kind, funny…and unapologetically gay. We wrote to one another after he moved to Toronto from Vancouver. While I cannot conjure what was in his mind, I don’t think he believed it was transmitted sexually and that he was deliberately adding to the spread. Monday morning quarterbacking is easy but looking back, abstinence was not exactly a Thing once the facts were known. The blame was transferred from those knowingly spreading to those who chose to not use protection. Pandemics end with responsibility. The politicization of AIDS encouraged the spread: Rights over Responsibility.
The comments are 5 years old and the amount of ignorance and hatefulness. I’m pretty sure there was an unwillingness to actually read anything about this. Meaning ignorance does create hate and anger. However, I’ve seen articles from 3 years ago regarding this same individual and they have much more intelligence, compassion and empathy. Education does bring change. He was a hero in the fact the study he was willing to participate in a study that proved that this was spread through sex when no one knew for certain how it was spread and apparently many “stories” were just that made up stories. He was very promiscuous as was the majority of men in the community of the time. He was not the first. The first case was 1969 and there were clusters of the same thing in St Louis back in the 60’s. First confirmed in Europe was a straight man. Insane really. I’m glad we’re talking about this now and things are coming to light.
Cluster study or not, Dugas was NOT a hero. He refused to stop having unprotected sex even after he knew he was infected with AIDS because the scientists at the time couldn’t say with 100% certainty it was spread through sex. So he kept on having super promiscuous, unprotected sex without telling his partners he had AIDS. He admitted he had over 2500 sex partners just in North America alone over a 12 year span. Dugas was an AIDS monster.
Quote from an Interview with Doctor Konstantin Buteyko, MD, Ph.D., Newspaper Soviet Siberia: “There are rumors that you can treat AIDS.” “Normalization of breathing can defeat even AIDS.” “Why did you not announce that to the whole world? That would be an international sensation and could lead to recognition.” “We do not advertise that because AIDS is the punishment for human promiscuity. If people now find out that AIDS can be defeated, an epidemic of wrongdoing and perversion will be catastrophic.”
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all the hate comments here have a comfortable point of view of judging everything in retrospect. They are failing to put things into perspective: the fact that when Gaetan was contacted by the CDC it was not even proven it was transmitted by sex at that time, the fact that gay men were fighting for so many years not to be judged or silenced and finally started to gain some legal rights and sexual liberation, thinking this could all be straight people trying to condemn their lives once again. Don’t call him a monster while interpreting facts as if this happened in 2020.
I think it was wife’s wanting to have sex like debbie harry. & ended up going to Africa instead of Australia. Well they have Aids in affrica but not in Australia at the time… and u know how the sex & drugs was in the 70’s … so it spread through the by-sexual community … from wife to husband to mistress, to by-sexual community. but really
Here’s another interesting tidbit: HIV, infecting more or less exclusively cd4 cells, also leads to differentiating of a lot of these cells into T regulatory cells. Now in general, regulatory T cells are the delta force of the immune system, highly sought after, and lack of them results in lots of diseases. Their only downside: they are very expensive metabolically. So what if that is actually the only problem with hiv, that it depletes immune system energy by swelling the ranks of the regulatory t cells? (But in the meantime you’d have a pretty spiffy immune system. Like I noticed a study showing fewer intestinal parasite infections in hiv) So it could be, all things being equal, you die younger because energy is a currency in old age, but you’d have a supercharged immune system before old age. I mean, SIV has been common in monkeys, populations don’t adapt to a virus that changes physiology, for no good reason. (I looked up the early famous hiv personalities coming down with the disease, presumably having lived with it for a long time before the virus was discovered or treated, and without exception, they were very healthy and good looking – gay – men)
He is only a hero in the sense that his existence allowed the medical community to understand this infection greater than they already did. Beyond this he is just a super spreader. And we cannot. Deny that his actions unfortunately, Irreparably damaged the entire community of homosexuals. One man literally took the lives of more people through the act of sexual intercourse.Then a man with a firearm could ever accomplish in the time of war. I just want everybody to realize that.Think about that the amount of lifes that died due to the situation because of one man resulted in far more deaths than a single man could ever accomplish in a war time zone with access to Copious amounts of military material