The Kaal Chakra Dasha is a complex system of astrology that combines the features of Parashara’s nakshatra dashas and Jaimini dashas. It has been a topic of debate among scholars for centuries, with many devoting numerous verses to it. To calculate the balance of the Kaal Chakra Dasha, one must first enter the correct details such as name, gender, birth date, birth time, and place of birth. The calculator then shows the current Char Dasha period, Sub Char Dasha, and upcoming Char Dasha dates till lifetime.
Kalachakra is a Nakshatra-based Dasa that depends on the position of the Moon in its Nakshatra. It is the only Navamsa-based Nakshatra dasa. To calculate the Kaal Chakra Dasha, one must multiply the number of years assigned to this planet by the number of years fixed for the planet whose Mahaa Dashaa is under consideration and divide the product by the total.
The Vimshottari Dasha Calculator can help users calculate astrology info for themselves in 2024, including bhukti effects, Mercury, Antardasha, rising signs, formula, and more. The Deha and Jiv rashi concept is one of the unique features in the Kaal Chakra Dasha.
To calculate the balance K C Dasa, one must find the longitude of the Moon and determine how much the Moon has traversed in that particular Amsa. The balance of the Kaal Chakra Dasha is calculated from the entire age group allotted to a Nakshatra Charana.
Vedic astrology software can be used to calculate the Kaal Chakra Dasha, which is a combination of Rashi Dasha (Jaimini) and Nakshatra Dashas (Parashari) calculated from the progression of the Navamsha Moon through the Ayanamsha. Chakra dasa can also be calculated based on various divisional charts instead of the Rasi chart.
📹 Learn & Predict with Chakra Dasha in Vedic Astrology – Chakra Dasha Calculation
Explained the most unique and ultimate dasha used in predictive astrology. Chakra Dasha.Learn how to predict, Marriage, Child …
What is chakra dasa?
The Chakra Dasha, a universally applicable dasha of Parashara, is calculated based on the time of birth, which can be around sunrise or other times of the day. It is not illustrated in the Parashara text. The method of calculation based on the degrees of the lagna was intuitively discovered by Shri Manoj Pathak, the guide of this book. This method has been successfully applied to many horoscopes, and it has been received with enthusiasm by students of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan.
The book is well-planned and structured, making it an invaluable addition to an astrologer’s repertoire of dashas and for closer timing of events. The dasha balance moves rashi by rashi, similar to J aimini dashas. It is the duty of intelligent readers to carry it forward and suggest any additions in subsequent additions.
What is the Kalachakra Dasha in astrology?
The Kalachakra Dasha, a distinctive Dasha founded upon Rashi and Nakshatra, is a multifaceted and contentious subject, with a spectrum of perspectives on its calculation. This comprehensive explanation and illustration are intended to address any remaining questions or concerns among those seeking further clarification.
How to calculate DASA period?
Vimshottari Dasha, a Sanskrit concept, suggests that an individual’s maximum life duration is 120 Solar sidereal years, which is the aggregate duration of all nine planetary periods in the order of their operation. The discovery of this system and the reasons behind the varying number of years allotted to each varies. The Vimshottari dasha is the astronomical solar year of 365. 25 days, calculated by subdividing the exact position of the Sun in the zodiac at birth.
V. B. Rele concluded that the trine is the base used in calculations of planetary periods, with each trine beginning with a Janma Nakshatra. A certain order was once visible in the sky, which was also visible in the year 649 A. D. when the 0 Degree of Aries sign nearly coincided with Ashwini Nakshatra. Hindus calculate their year based on a Savan day of 60 ghatikas from sun-rise to next sun-rise, with each ghatika lasting 24 minutes. 30 Savan Days make one month, and 360 Savan Days make one year.
How is Maraka dasa calculated?
Hindu astrology uses the Vimshottari dasha system and Gochara system for prognostication and timing of events. The 8th house, or Mrityu-bhava, is considered the House of Death by Parasara. The number of Rekhas (malefic points) contributed by Saturn in houses from the lagna to Saturn’s house indicates the age at which adversity will strike the native. The number of rekhas from Saturn’s house to lagna indicates the age at which the native will suffer severe physical adversity, and even death if indicated by the maraka-dasha operating.
Varahamihira states that death will take place in places similar to the rasi occupied by the lord of the navamsa, in which birth falls. Further details or specialities must be described by conjunctions and planetary aspects. The time of death must be identified by the unrisen number of navamsas in the birth.
Narayanan Nambutiri, author of Prasna Marga, states that totaling the bindus in Saturn’s Ashtakavarga from the lagna to the sign occupied by Saturn and from the sign occupied by Saturn to the lagna indicates the age when the native will be attacked by disease or misfortune and the age of troubles. If the end or beginning of a malefic dasha coincides with the age represented by these figures, death may take place.
When Saturn transits the nakshatra represented by the remainder or trinal nakshatra, then death may take place. Multiplying the bindus in the sign occupied by Jupiter or the Sun in Saturn’s Ashtakavarga by Saturn’s Sodya Pinda and dividing by 12 will determine the sign transited by Jupiter or the Sun at the time of death.
How to know kaal chakra dasha?
In order to calculate the balance of the K C Dasa, it is first necessary to determine the longitude of the Moon and the amount of time it has traversed a specific apsidal node of 3 degrees and 20 minutes, or 200 minutes of arc. In this context, r represents the longitude of the Moon and s represents the end of the aforementioned apsidal node.
How do I know which Mahadasha is going on?
The commencement of the Mahadasha is contingent upon the individual’s date of birth and the planetary influence associated with the Nakshatra or Birth Constellation. To illustrate, if an individual is born within the Rohini Nakshatra, which is ruled by the Moon, the Mahadasha will be attributed to the Moon.
How to know if Dasha is good or bad?
The quality of a Dasha is contingent upon the nature and strength of the planet in question. Planets that are beneficial, such as Jupiter or Venus, can have a positive impact, whereas malefic planets, including Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu, may exert an adverse influence. The movement of planets during a Dasha also significantly influences its quality. Favorable positions bring good fortune, while unfavorable ones result in challenges.
How to calculate vimshottari Dasha manually?
In order to ascertain the commencement of the Mars sub-period, it is necessary to multiply the total number of years for which Venus, the Sun, the Moon, and Mars have been observed by 36. This calculation yields a result of 36 x 20 = 720. This yields a result of 72 months, or approximately six years, with the final digit representing days, which is zero days.
Which chakra heals trauma?
The sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen, is the center of our emotions, creativity, and sensuality. When this energy center becomes blocked or imbalanced due to trauma, it can have profound effects on our overall well-being. In balance, this chakra promotes emotional stability, creativity, and connection to our sensual selves. However, traumatic experiences like emotional abuse, neglect, or sexual trauma can disrupt the flow of energy in the sacral chakra, leading to sacral chakra blockages and imbalances. Signs of sacral chakra trauma include:
- Inability to focus on one’s emotions or creativity
- Inability to connect with our senses and emotions
- Inability to focus on our spiritual growth and development
- Inability to maintain emotional balance and well-being.
Which chakra is blocked by worry?
The root chakra, linked to the adrenal medulla, is involved in the fight-or-flight response. Feeling unsafe or in fear can shut down this chakra, blocking energy movement. Eastern traditions believe there is an interconnection between emotional and physical health and the seven chakras. However, research on chakras and their role in anxiety development or management is limited. Chakras are wheel-like energy centers in the body that affect physiological and emotional functions, and emotions, lifestyle choices, and thoughts are also believed to affect chakra function. Excessive anxiety can interfere with navigating the world and relationships.
How to predict Dasha results?
Vimshottari Dasha results are based on rules and can vary depending on the Lagna sign. For example, Saturn is auspicious for Aries Lagna, while Yog Karak is malefic for Taurus Lagna. Different planets are beneficial for different Lagnas.
To determine the impact of Mahadasha and Antardasha planets on a birth chart, it is crucial to check which planet is strongly placed in Kundali. If both planets are strongly placed, results will be based on the Mahadasha lord, while if the Mahadasha lord is strongly placed, results will be influenced by the Antardasha lord. Understanding these rules helps in interpreting birth charts and predicting outcomes.
📹 Easy Techniques of Kaal Chakra Dasha
Kaal Chakra Dasha is the most complicated Dasha system of Parashar rishi. Very few astrologer’s will use this dasha system.
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