A Yale study suggests that a subtle difference in how some people perceive the timing of events could lead to delusions of clairvoyance. Researchers found a link between magical thinking and confusing the order of observation and prediction of an event. They surveyed 65 clairaudient mediums and 143 general participants to find out what differentiates them. Spiritualists have higher absorption, unusual auditory experiences, and the ability to perceive events or information beyond the natural range of the senses. Clairvoyance is the supposed ability to perceive information beyond what our physical senses can detect.
According to a US Gallup survey, more than one-quarter of people believe humans have psychic abilities, such as telepathy and clairvoyance. New research argues that legitimate, statistically significant evidence for psi, or psychic ability, does exist, despite the predominance of criticism and mockery of such studies in the psychology field. A large proportion of the public – over a quarter according to a Gallup survey in the US – believe that humans have psychic abilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance.
Despite the scientific consensus that there is no proof of the existence of psychic powers, new testing methods may pinpoint the origin and mechanisms of psychic powers. Just 11 of Americans under 30 likely to say they’ve had a psychic experience. Adults who think psychic phenomena occur are more likely to experience auditory experiences.
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What personality disorder is clairvoyance?
The occurrence of peculiar beliefs, perceptions, speech, behavior, or appearance can be attributed to a number of factors, including clairvoyance, telepathy, paranormal phenomena, unusual perceptual experiences, vague or metaphorical thought, or excessively elaborate speech.
Is clairvoyance common?
US adults have a low belief in psychics and mediums, with only one in five having ever consulted a psychic or medium. However, many have had otherworldly experiences, with women being more likely to have psychic occurrences. Only 24 believe there are individuals with the ability to see the future, and 38 report feeling the presence of a spirit. Women are more likely to have sensed a ghostly entity than men. Belief in mediums is also low at 21. Americans are less likely to buy into more niche elements of divination, such as palm reading and tarot card readings.
Nearly half of US adults believe most people who advertise as psychics or mediums are fakes. Individuals over the age of 55 are more skeptical about the authenticity of those who claim to have special powers, with the majority of those aged 55 and older believing self-proclaimed psychics and mediums are largely frauds.
What kind of person is a clairvoyant?
It is commonly held that individuals with clairvoyance possess psychic abilities and higher levels of insight than those who rely solely on the five senses. Such individuals are purported to be able to foresee future occurrences through a variety of means, including dreams, visions, Ouija boards, and crystal balls. Prior to 1851, the term “clairvoyant” was used to describe an individual who was “clear-sighted” and possessed sensitivity to phenomena that fell outside the scope of natural perception.
What are the levels of clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is a paranormal ability to see distant people and events, divided into three classes: precognition, retrocognition, and remote viewing. It has been claimed in various cultures throughout history, with stories of individuals seeing distant objects common in pagan religions. Clairvoyance is often used in prophecy, particularly when future events are predicted. This ability has been attributed to a higher power rather than the person performing it, and has been a part of various religions, particularly in pagan oracles.
How many people are Clairaudient?
The study analyzed the frequency, location, and onset of clairaudient experiences among spiritualists. The majority of participants reported clairaudient experiences occurring daily (44. 6), with 33. 8 occurring within the last day. These experiences were primarily experienced during work as a medium or in a spiritualist church and outside of these contexts (79. 0). The majority of clairaudient experiences were reported inside the head (65. 1), with 31.
7 experiencing both inside and outside the head. The mean age of the first clairaudient experience was 21. 7 years, with peaks between 0 and 20 years and a second peak at 40 years. The study also asked about cultural and social aspects of Spiritualism, with responses in a free-text box. The study provides valuable insights into the prevalence of clairaudient, clairvoyant, and clairsentient experiences among spiritualists.
How many people are filled with the Holy Spirit?
On the Day of Pentecost, Jesus promised the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to his disciples, who gathered in Jerusalem for the event. The 120 followers of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to praise God in other languages. Initially, Jews would scoff at the idea of these 120 followers being filled with the Holy Spirit, believing they were not kings, prophets, or priests. However, Peter used the prophecy of Joel to show that things have changed now, as the Holy Spirit is poured out upon all who believe and receive, even the common folk.
God offered a New Covenant relationship, and part of it was the outpouring of the Spirit for all who receive in faith. Old Testament believers were saved under the law of Moses by faith, as everyone who has been justified before God has been justified by faith.
What is the value of clairvoyance?
The concept of clairvoyance is a crucial aspect of decision analysis, guiding decision-makers to allocate sufficient effort and information towards their decisions. It emphasizes that a good decision maker doesn’t overspend or underspend resources, and there’s no need for perfectionism on low-value decisions or underspending resources on high-value ones. To approach decision-making, visualize potential best and worst-case scenarios and consider the value of clairvoyance.
This simple exercise can be very helpful in ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and efficiently. By focusing on these aspects, decision-makers can make more informed and effective choices.
What is an example of a clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is a magical intuition that allows individuals to predict future outcomes, read someone’s mind, or communicate with dead people. It is a mysterious ability that can be attributed to the French prefix clair, meaning “clear”, and voir, meaning “to see”. Clairvoyance is a mysterious ability to perceive things that are not present to the senses, a concept that has been explored in various fields.
What are the abilities of a clairvoyant?
Clairvoyance is the ability to see distant events and objects using a sixth sense, while dowsing involves locating water using a dowsing rod. Dermo-optical perception is the ability to perceive unusual sensory stimuli through the skin. Dream telepathy allows for telepathic communication through dreams. Precognition, including psychic premonitions, is the ability to perceive or gain knowledge about future events without using induction or deduction from known facts.
Psychometry or psychoscopy is the ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch. Remote viewing, telesthesia, or remote sensing is the ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception. Retrocognition or postcognition is the ability to supernaturally perceive past events. Telepathy is the ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.
Various sources have explored the concept of parapsychology, including books on astral dynamics, astral dynamics, and parapsychology. Some notable works include “After Death: How People Around the World Map the Journey After Life” by James Randi, “Precognition” by Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, “ESP and Psychokinesis: A Philosophical Examination” by Stephen E. Braude, and “Parapsychology: a Concise Empathy History” by John Beloff.
In conclusion, parapsychology encompasses various abilities such asclairvoyance, dowsing, dermo-optical perception, dream telepathy, precognition, psychometry, remote viewing, retrocognition, postcognition, and telepathy. These abilities have been studied extensively in various fields, including medicine, parapsychology, and the search for life after death.
Do people with BPD have visions?
Research indicates that between 26 and 54 percent of people with bipolar disorder (BPD) experience hallucinations, delusions, or other types of psychosis. These hallucinations are often auditory, involving repetitive words or phrases, often linked to previous traumatic experiences. Some hallucinations cause mild distress, while others cause severe distress, impacting daily functioning. Disorganized and negative psychotic symptoms, such as disorganized thinking, slowed speech, decreased motivation, or a lack of interest in others, are relatively rare in young BPD patients.
How many people experience awakening?
A Gallup Poll shows that 41 out of Americans have had a profound religious experience or awakening that changed their life direction. This indicates that spiritual awakenings are prevalent among the U. S. population, possibly broader culturally. The study also mentions that cookies are used by the site, and all rights are reserved for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies. Open access content is licensed under Creative Commons terms.
📹 Psychic Art and Artists | How artistic people may also be clairvoyant
In this video Craig also talks about some of the famous psychic artists from the history of spiritualism. In particular he talks about …
this is really weird but every once in a while, when i go somewhere, i get this feeling of seeing someone that i know. and whenever i feel it, i do see someone. i told my family and friends this, but they didn’t believe me. so now, whenever i feel it, i call it out and say that i feel like im going go see someone. and it ALWAYS happens. i dont know how to explain it, but its really weird
Often, a song or an episode of a television show will pop into my head out of nowhere, and the same day I’ll hear the song on the radio or see the episode on TV. I used to post on Facebook each time it happened, but it was so frequent it became old news. Even I got bored, so I stopped. It still happens, though.
I honestly believe everyone has psychic abilities. Before a tragic event happens, many people either get a gut feeling or dream about it. Just that others have more experience with it so they’re more better at handling the ability. For example, when I’m sleeping, and someone knocks on my door or yells to get up I always wake up like 2 seconds before the certain event happens. Almost like our brains have our whole life already planned out for us.
that whole thing about astral projection is 150 percent true…. My mother said it back in her day growing up libraries had all kinds of books even occult books out for anyone to be able to check out or read… She found a book on astral projection and studied it and learn how to astral project…. What stopped her from doing it was she came across two grotesque beasts which we know now are demons and they tried to get ahold of her…. She said she flew so hard back into her body that it knocked her off of the bed and onto the floor…. She then went through the task of unlearning astral projection because the more you do it the easier it is to do and you can actually do it without even trying after a while
I don’t know if this is a thing, but I tend to dream of events that haven’t happened yet, and people I haven’t even heard of yet. It’s kinda weird. One other thing is I got a strange feeling the night my friend was murdered. I was playing a article game, and something in my mind told me, “Turn it off. Listen. Something is about to happen.”, so I turned my game off and listened. I didn’t hear anything, so I went to bed feeling really uneasy, like I wasn’t doing something I was supposed to. The next day my brother and I found out at that he was murdered down the street from us, the exact time I got that strange feeling. I still feel guilt about it, that if I had gone outside and heard what I was supposed to hear, maybe he’d still be alive.
1. hypnosis – backed up with scientific data. 2. astroprojection can develop 3. enhanced vision – can give uncanny site 4. websiteing – lets spirit enter body 5. clairvoyance – pulls out facts 6. telepathy 7. psychic surgery 8. psychokenesis 9. psychometry – read an object or person by puttin hand on it. 10. precognition – sense future of person, animal or object.
Astral projection can also occur during intense abuse situations, oftentimes torture. I’ve done it many times as a child but can’t control it. I would either watch my body from another part of the room or I would leave to another room and return once the torture was over. And we’re talking tie to a pole hannibal type torture, not a broken nail. It takes nasty situations to make someone astral project but it can happen all too easily once someone passes the ability to handle the situation!
I’m kind of a non beleiver myself, but I must admit, that I did once send a message telepathicly to a friend to meet me at a street corner in the center of town at 11pm,(my phone wasn’t working and I really wanted to go out) I didn’t think it would work, but I went just in case and he was there,and he simply said, “I had a feeling I would run into you here” that is the only time it happened, and till today it baffles us. Also I have expirienced Astral Projections, many times infact. I can’t do it anymore, but I once was able to control that ability, I lost it when one night during an astral projection I ran into a weird looking man who brought me to some old stone room, there was a voice that came out of no where,that told me I can’t astral project anymore, the voice went on about how the astral world works and stuff, but since then I can’t astral project. since then I’ve kind of just chalked it up as weird dreams, but it was cool while it lasted
Sometimes I get feelings of deja vu whenever I talk to my friends, as if we’ve had the conversation before even though the topics of the conversations are new. I get the feeling that I sometimes dream about future conversations I have with people but I’m not 100% sure. Has this ever happened to you dear reader?
I seem to have one or a slight few of these abilities. I’ve learnt that if something has chance and I don’t know what to pick… e.g. Picking the upside down cup with the item in it… I can just physically feel it on my face… left or right.. if neither left or right I don’t get feeling at all as in three cups… It more often than not works for me. I also have slight future sight which I can just feel… All these abilities are just me thinking, feeling and then being drawn to something
I used to work for the Kenny Kingston Psychic Network. It. Sucked. I read tarot and use clairvoyance. Clairaudience would be second, with clairsentience third. Never been able to astral travel on purpose. Never been able to website, either, as I’m a control freak, and cannot allow anything to take over. Probably the same reason I can’t get an Ouija board to work.
I don’t know about being psychic. but I can call things before they happen and the ability to see spirits sometimes. When I show people the book of things that I have had premonitions about and that have actually happened my friends are shocked they mostly come in dreams but if they’re really bad I freeze and have flashes visions which generally protect myself for the people I love from being harmed it’s scary but kind of cool
I’ve done #10 a bunch of times but it’s weird because it only happens when I’m not trying to tell the future like I’ll think of something that will be pretty funny or a name of someone and it will come up in a conversation 2 minutes later (not me bringing it up the other person) and Its happened a lot to me idk if it’s just coincidences or if it real
My family (mother’s side) has a small history of precognition. Though I mean, really small. I had just one vision while we were looking for a house. All the details were correct, so it was pretty cool. I just wish I could’ve seen something else. I don’t need to know in advance about the basement of the house we’re looking at!
These abilities frequently run in families, though it isn’t generally discussed. My family can trace extrasensory abilities several generations back. They’re not always the same, but sometimes similar. My mother and I are precognative, but my daughter has ‘the sight’. Generally, in our family, it is a female thing, I have not known a male in our family line to have it…also not all of our family has it. I do, but my sister doesn’t. My mother’s precog abilities began when she was a teenager, she predicted death and good fortune (with this she can also find things others have lost, like keys and such). To this day refuses to play the lottery or gamble, because she doesn’t believe it to be fair. When she was in her 20’s she had predicted the deaths of multiple individuals and prayed for God to take that ability away. Since she has not had another prediction. My abilities have a bit of a broad spectrum (I believe the reasoning to be that I am an ‘old soul’), since I was a child I have known things that I shouldn’t know, before I could read (at 3 years old), I knew sizes and values. I’ve found four leaf clovers just by looking down (I can’t keep them, I have to give them away, or it effects my life negatively, but that may be suggestive superstition). I have unlocked my car door before and turned the radio on (very few times and not on cue). I have been reading Tarot cards for 10 years now and am about 99% accurate, to the point it scares people and they a lot of times don’t come back a second time (though I always say that the cards only tell me the course of the path they are on as pertain to future things), they are just a tool to communicate, but not with dark forces (I will explain later).
I’ve actually done the telepathy one … as ridiculous as it may sound :/ So i go on the internet search for myths and stuff like that and i find this website about telepathy and how to do it (I obviously didn’t believe it) but i did it anyway cause why not ??? i tried to transfer a message to a friend of mine … and after that i immediately texted him and he said nothing happened and basically laughed at me. the day after that i went to his house to play games and stuff like that and we decided to play a game called “Riddle School” in which, one of the parts of the game includes a flying pig, and he said weird i had a dream about a flying pig last night 0_0 which was the same dream i had that same exact night … I was so shocked that i didn’t even tell him and kept it as a secret to myself (This happened YEARS ago and i by that i mean like when i was 9 or something)
i kinda think im psychic, i had a dream that my crush posted his first picture on instagram so i got really excited and wanted to see what it was when i woke up, he did post something and it was his football jersey. also whenever im like going to get pizza at little caesers or something i always predict the age range and gender of the person behind me. whenever i turn around im correct. same with people who walk into my classroom. i can guess who it is by height, hair color, skin color,and gender.
One time I was standing around a field, speaking to my friend (back facing the field),when I suddenly thought “shit dude this is a bad spot, somethings gonna happen” and I moved over a couple steps to my right. A few seconds later a soccer ball went flying past me and hit the fence. I just went 😳. Another incident was last year, when my dad was driving and I was fast asleep in the back. I suddenly woke up and went ” move to the left lane! ” . Sadly it was too late and a car swerved into our lane from the left, causing a huge car crash. Luckily everyone was fine 😩
That psychic surgery is real, my mother had cervical cancer age 30. She went to a medicine man. He took the cancer out of her body. She went to her next appointment to get checked for cancer and it was all gone, she didn’t go through anything for her cancer she only went to see the medicine man after she found out, she gets checked for cancer every five years and she’s been clean ever since and nothing has never came up.
You know when your at school and your like, how long until school starts? And then usually I think this and then am like, it’s going to go off soon, pick up my bag, stand up, and quite a bit the bell will go off. Usually I just know when to go, you just get that feeling. Anyone else have that? Also listening to the radio, and being like, THis song is going to come on next, and then it does!! Just stuff like that. And suddenly, and usually annoyingly, having a song stuck in your head, and then someone starts singing it. Please say I’m not the only one… There is more but yeah.
I can’t be the only one who has had visions of the near future right? I am not even joking I used to see and hear small clips of things happening when I was in pain and closed my eyes, then half an hour- a few days later it would happen! A few of my friend shave also experienced this but in different ways. I am really sad that it doesn’t seem to happen anymore.
Well the second one Astro projection I think I had one of them episodes and it seems so real to me I was in a very dark room couldn’t really move too much and there was people all around me talkin that I couldn’t understand what they were seeing and I seen the Silhouettes of them and then when I woke up I had a triangle on my leg I didn’t know about and only reason I found it was it’s something started itching and I took a picture of it and then the next day when I woke up it was gone weird
most people with psychic abilities usually have them because of autism that’s why I see random events that I will eventually experience. I’ll be very happy when it’s not something random like what I’m going going to screenshot. also some people can control certain computers with their mind which is also something that I can’t completely control so when people bring their phone near me it turns off. at least I can prove things about autism.
I think I have dreams of the future…?? Believe it or not, I have dreams that predict the future, but I guess its always about me. So, I’m 11 years old, and I’ve had two of these dreams before. Whenever I have these dreams, I remember every detail there is. While with normal ones, they are normally forgotten. Only portions of my normal dreams are remembered. The first one I had was about 9 months or maybe 10 months ago. I was going into 5th grade(I’m in 6th grade now) and my dream was about my classroom. I had the same teacher, same seat, but a few people were different. My teacher said word by word “You can just calm down now and let everything out because your parents are out the room.” He said this because our parents came into the room so they could learn about out teacher. The second was a month or two ago, and it was about me walking my dog. In the dream, my phone was charging and I wanted to bring my phone with me while walking ny chihuahua. Then, I couldn’t find her blue leash
Actually i have had out of body experiences i guess kinda same thing as astral projection i also seen spirits a few times along with having paranormal activity in my home even had 3 orbs appear in a selfie i took i can even sense spirits its rare if i happen to see one usually its on accedent i seen one in my room a few times though it was more of a white fog type shape in the corner of my room but i do belive in spirits :4
Why the f am I the only person that sleeps and dreams about the next whole day where things that I dreamed off came to life? AND I MEAN THE WHOLE DAY, let me not forget that for apparent reason I can control that dream… Also for some reason I seem to see the future of what happens right before 3 seconds go by… I also have enhanced hearing and sight… Funny thing is that when things come from my dreams to real life, everything that’s bad I Dodge it in a certain way and the good things sometimes I missed them… And how the f do my eyes turn all blue when I close them fast and open them again slowly rising to fast and then they tun back to normal after a couple of seconds or minutes? This world is seriously beginning to be weird… But the funny thing is that this just started happening when I was 13 years old… Apparently I can also stop myself from being controlled by something else, similar to sleep waves which don’t affect me, and btw I can breathe while choking (…) Wtf am I? Can someone help me with what the f is going on? Also for some reason my memory doesn’t get affected, well it does I sometimes forget some stuff but after a while I seem to remember them same goes to 1-6 years later or even more, for some reason and this will be the last one, I CANT GET HURT BY FALLING OFF OF SOMETHING unless distracted or unknown of what’s happening…. Someone help me and wake me up unless if this is the real life style of me…. But it’s that I fell off of something about 6 feet in the air and didn’t get hurt or anything like that!
OMG I’ve astral projected I’ve since had to stop once I learnt that it’s demonic Trust me it’s fun but not fun enough to bother attempting it I was blind 97% if the times I’ve done it It’s usually EXTREMELY hard to move around The sleep paralysis and the hallucinations that follow it are TERRIFYING and I mean terrifying Since I’ve stopped I still get sleep paralysis but luckily the hallucinations have let up but il lay there unable to move fully conscious and it’s so annoying especially if I’m in an uncomfortable position (bit usually repeats multiple times before I can fully move again) il realize I’m paralyzed and try to move NOPE I wait it out a few minutes then il be able to move somewhat then within seconds BOOM I’m paralyzed again not fun The lucid dreaming (knowing that your dreaming within a dream)that I’ve developed from trying to project is AWESOME I should warn u though the dream characters claim to be real beings so be cautious on what u do in lucid dreams they live in Utopia in the astral plane and everyone from earth pop in and out of of their world while dreaming and reek havoc along with breaking things not knowing there in a real place and there always busy fixing things us people from earth break there during our dreams
This may sound false but it’s NOT So a couple weeks ago our P.E coach had us play basketball I was just sitting out waiting for my turn and I saw that the other team was winning so here’s what I did I stared at the basketball then it started to move wherever I looked so whenever my opponents got the ball I made the ball fall out of the basket right when they were about to shoot When my teammates got the ball I aimed it towards the basket and our team ended up winning the championship!!! 😯😃 I kinda don’t know what it means or how to really accomplish it so it only works when someone else is moving the object like sometimes if one of my neighbors was holding a bike I would flip it over with my mind 😂 I’m a true prankster (I guess ) I’m still practicing though
Those who had precognitives thoughts about the Titanic had most likely read Futility which was written 14 years before the Titanic set off on it’s fateful voyage . The subject of the book was a huge passenger ship that sinks in the Atlantic on it’s maiden voyage . The name of the ship was the Titan .
So weird, the word fart came into my mind as soon as u said ur going to have a go 😂 and thrn u said it 😱 and i often have visions about things going to happen to ppl i know, also i live in the uk and never beem to usa, but my beat friend lives there, we have never met face to face, yet i can be on cloud 9 without a care in the world, and suddenly ill start crying for no reason, i get a twisting sensation in my stomach, and sometimes pain in certain areas of my body for no good reason, and when i close my eyes i will see (her name or whoever my thing is about) reapeating in my mind, and somehow i know she is in trouble and needs me, so i call her and she will tell me she has been in tears for 15 mins and completely at a lose over something, and last time, i had pain in my chest along with the tears, and she told me she was having pain in her chest (why she was crying) and my pain will start at the same time hers did, and also i used to be able to astro project when i was younger, i would be in school and could astro project to see others kids test sheets, and i got home and didnt know.where my family was, so i astro projected and saw where they were, they i would ring them and ask where they were, and they were where i saw them, doing the exact thing i saw them doing, when i should have no idea where they are or what they are doing.
U GAVE ME CHILLS!!! I DON’T WANNA TRY THIS BUT I WANNA SEE IF I CAN DO THIS STUFF. maybe I’ll try it when I’m with someone… my friend said to me she could see the future and I was like BULLLLLLSHIIIIIT and in gym before people were even picked for the teams she said which was gonna win. she was right. coincidence? !?
I really hate saying this, as I don’t like mentioning facts and having people basically say “Oh, you’re so lying, blah-dee-blah blah blah”… But I myself am a Precog of sorts, and I agree with what Matthew has said about it. Now, what I mean by this is that I agree with how sometimes you can get information involuntarily, as I actually get my information in, believe it or not, my dreams… My only issue? 90% of the time, the moments I get are just… Very vague and unimportant. Sitting on a couch with my pets, or writing a letter, or… Hell, driving a car! What makes this worse is that I’ve had very realistic dreams that were just that- dreams-, but make me always think ‘WILL THAT HAPPEN?!’… But yeah, Precognition. S’kinda cool. Weird, but cool.
I think I actually successfully completed an act of clairvoyance. it was during a test on France, it was my first day in the class I didn’t know JACK but after a few seconds of thinking I suddenly got tired, REALLY TIRED I almost passed out, but then I put my head down to hope the nausea (of what I thought was a rush of blood to my head) I just thought of the test and the 3rd question”What doesn’t exist in the French language” and it just came to me like hmm I never heard a French guy say it’s raining cats and dogs so metaphors? and I was Right!
I have 3…astral projection and you’re absolutely correct. Last time it happened my mother died. I have enhanced vision(although not X-ray). I can see in super focus and hyper color. Basically if you presented me with a gradient from one color to another, and there was 1000 colors ranging the scale. I would get it 100% correct. I’m also a sporadic precog. If something life-threatening was going to happen to anyone I love, I see it. It sucks. Usually they don’t listen. I’ve lost 7 people I was trying desperately to save.
Watching this article for the first time.. I was actually thinking “fart” on the telepathy part of the article, nearly choked on my lunch when you said it was fart. whoa.. total trip, so matt you may have.. “delayed telepathy” considering this article was uploaded awhile back. Thought it was pretty funny had to tell yah. Love your website! Gotta get my daily dose of Matthew! Keep up the good work. 🙂
My best friend I knew since I was 1 to 2 years before I turned into a teenager, age 10-12, I’m currently 26, his name was Derek. He could astrally project on command, yielding perfect details and results. He taught me how to, but I could never even get close to his skill level, I was successful only a handful of times. Well, he passed away very recently, took his own life, it still hurts unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I want to practice astral projection and become as good as he was, done to honor him. It has been a few years since I tried and practiced. Does anyone have any tips, pointers, method, that wouldn’t mind explaining to me. If I ever am able to astral project again, I have to try to find/see/talk to him.
1) Not sure if this is a physic ability but, my dreams tell/hint about events that is about to happen in my life. I don’t considerate a special ability sense they don’t tell me what happens directly. Happens more in a gore way and usually I can never stop or prevent the event to unfold but, after my third dream i kinda watch out in my dreams cause i don’t get them often. I’ve only been able to interfere with one (Happen three time in different dreams) but, only because I was aware that my dreams have alot of warning when I do have them. I don’t consider myself Magical or Special. That mostly because it only focuses on My Family, Partner, and Myself but, that’s it. 2) Pfff I really wasn’t wearing pants. My mom walked in as I burst out laughing and just kinda looked at me weirdly. XD
I actually am a precog in the sense that I can see the future, but my case is special. I actually get visions through PROPHETIC DREAMS, and can predict events a short time before they happen in my life, usually a few days or a week in advance. The dreams occur at random, and I often forget them until the moment they happen. The dreams that I DO remember are very important and impact my life in some way. The only thing I can’t do os change the future. I’ve tried to change the future before, but it never works. I just can’t seem to escape my fate.
I am a Psychic Medium. Also, We want you to be more like us. We have been here for years living among you. We are Earth Angels and there are thousands of us here. We are here to help you. Teach you. We are not angels wearing white clothing above the clouds. We are down to Earth. We look just like you. But, we are not you. And, I have a message for your leaders, you are not making my friends happy. You are ruining your country. You’re not fixing your country. You’re breaking it. Your country is falling apart. The only way to fix it is by building it back up again.
I get “feelings” around um certain places / things. I know when someone’s there visible or not. I can also tell what certain people are thinking or going to do before they actually say it/do it. It’s helpful in sales. It’s also annoying at times. I don’t think of it as some spooky power, just really good intuition. I’ve ALLWAYS had it even as a child, Having “spirits” or whatever talking to ya kinda makes you a bit paranoid. Thought I was crazy for a good portion of my life. After psych tests and mental checks found out there nothing wrong with me except I was born with anxiety. But then who wouldn’t be if they heard voices and seen things that are not supposed to be there their entire life? 🤔
Maybe he should decide between 1. really lame stand up comedian or 2. Interesting youtube website Both together makes these, rather interesting events, sound like some cheesy, made up and annoying creepy pasta stories which are delivered by amazingly annoying over-acting dude which is desperately trying to be funny but it always ends up shallow and completely out of context. None of his attempts to deliver “clever jokes” are funny at all, let alone “hilarious” … its sad to watch at times. p.s. and also, I am really hoping to see the day when this type of schizophrenic-fast-paced editing, quick cadre’s and fast talking will finally stop being trendy and IN.. it sucks…
I get prophetic/precognitive dreams, sometimes its a still image with sound, just sounds, or a few seconds of…idk..footage??? its usually something completely useless like sitting in class or perusal something, or someone talking to me. never anything really significant, always from my point of view.
2, 4 & 5 i can relate. It happened to me several times and i know my parents were afraid of it n kept me away from that part of family tradition. It’s suppose to be carried on by one of my brothers. 😏 my grandfather,father, his elder brother and my mum’s grandfathers could talk to spirits and were psychic 😎… i am gal, have almost little knowledge of it all but i stay away from them.
Wait I’m not trying to be rude but what’s the difference with watchable and this because YouTube is on almost every platform. Tablets Phones Game Systems Tvs Boxes maybe smart watches I’m not sure lol but you get my point it’s like everywhere. Does watchable have some other thing or is it more or less the same? I’m not trying to be disrespectful I’m sorry if it seems that way I’m just trying to learn if there’s anything extra about it.
I actually have Clairvoyance. Many people who know me well would agree. I tend to know things that I couldn’t possibly know. I don’t choose when it happens though, it’s always random and vuege. I’ll get a picture suddenly in my head but it only lasts a second and I never get any context. I’m getting better and knowing when it happens but I want it to get me more context so I don’t panic over stupid stuff
So I’m actually a precog basically I’m able to predict things happening either through dreams and or visions. For example I was able to predict that it would snow on Christmas Eve long before it would show up on the weather forecast. I’ve also been able to predict someone pretending to be me but talking in a style in which I would never talk.
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Hi Craig, Yes I totally agree, though I am more Empathic than Psychic. When Michael Jackson would say how his song writing came into him I really get that. I was walking down the stairs once and these words popped into my head and I went back upstairs as I felt urgency to write this poem down. I never happend like this before (or since), but the words did not originate from my consciousness. Great article. What do you think of drawings?