Lego Magic Tricks are a fun and easy way to create magical effects with Lego. These tricks involve changing colors, building towers, and even teleporting and transforming Lego bricks. The secrets are simple yet clever, and the set includes all the bricks and pieces needed to assemble your own magic show. The set includes seven tricks with a wide variety of complexity, such as cutting a sphere, creating magic boxes, and using Bionicle Zamor Spheres.
Mia’s Magic Tricks, released by Mr. Pearl and ARCANA, includes 10 unique magic tricks, with plenty of room for customization. The set also includes Mr. Pearl’s newest release, BRIX, a prediction effect with Lego figures for kids and adults.
Lego is perfect for magic tricks, as it can be designed with just a few bricks. The set includes classic toy bricks that teleport and transform, and can be handed out for examination and play time. Bonus tricks are included for an added touch of magic.
30+ magic tricks you can do with Lego to impress your friends… INSTAGRAM for BTS, sneak peaks, updates, announcements: …
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I also liked the click and disappear #makingupthebossnames😎 or I just liked calling it that,I did it on my brother and guess what……… it was the first time he was amazed “at the age of 10″instead of saying,ohhh I now how you do it.😒😒😒He said woooooooooooow😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😀😌😎😋 keep up the mind blowing creativity.