The Cradle Aspect Pattern is a rare and powerful configuration in astrology where four or more planets form a supportive and harmonious alignment through a series of sextile and trine aspects. This pattern represents a nurturing and protective atmosphere, similar to a cradle. The Cradle aspect pattern consists of two Small Talent Triangles connected by an opposition and two Ambivalence Triangles (easy oppositions). It is the Grand-daddy of the configurations and is quite rare.
The Cradle is formed when four planets are connected by three sextile aspects, two trine aspects, and one opposition. It contains six Kites, six Trines, three Mystic Rectangles, three Oppositions, and a red line along the border of the two horoscope halves acting as an energy-charged barrier. The Cradle is similar in energy to the Grand Sextile and can be in either Receptive of masculine (Fire and Air) or feminine (Earth and Water).
In astrology, a cradle configuration is not very common but is not as rare as the Grand Cross or Grand Square. It is a 4-figure aspect configuration consisting of two planets in opposition, plus two other planets in sextile to each other. A cradle is formed by three planets in a sex tile, creating a little cradle shape.
In summary, the Cradle Aspect Pattern is a rare and powerful configuration in astrology that represents a nurturing and protective atmosphere. It is a powerful alignment that holds profound significance and potential in a birth chart, symbolizing a time of immense growth and development.
📹 The Rarest Birth Charts
Hi there Fox RedSky here I have seen 1000s of birth charts and these are some of the most special and rare . I have also included …
What is the rarest astrology pattern?
The Grand Cross, or Grand Square, is a rare natal chart aspect in astrology where four personal planets are separated by 90 degrees on the birth chart, forming a square shape and cross. Each of the four elements of astrology is represented in this cross, with all signs sharing the same modality. The Grand Cross’s energy is conflicting due to the tense and oppositional square aspect, which can create difficulties for the native. This is particularly relevant for those in the Angular, Cadent, or Succedent Houses, as squares and oppositions can create difficulties in finding love.
What are the rarest stelliums?
Stelliums are rare, with three or more planets in one house or sign cluster being extremely rare. They consist of personal planets (Venus, Mars, Mercury), a social planet (Saturn or Jupiter), and one of the outer planets, possibly including the sun and moon. A sun is also considered part of a stellium. Stelliums are mostly composed of the main planets, including rising sign, sun sign, moon sign, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.
What is the rarest conjunction in astrology?
Great conjunctions occur every 20 years when Jupiter overtakes Saturn in its orbit, making them the rarest of the conjunctions between naked-eye planets. The spacing between the planets varies, with most events being 0. 5 to 1. 3 degrees (30 to 78 arcminutes, or 1 to 2. 5 times the width of a full moon). Very close conjunctions occur less frequently, with separations of less than 10 arcminutes only happening four times since 1200, most recently in 2020.
Great conjunctions have attracted significant attention as omens in the past, with topics discussed by pre-scientific and transitional astronomer-astrologers, scholastic thinkers, and authors such as Dante, Lope de Vega, and Shakespeare. This interest in conjunctions can be traced back to translations of Arabic texts, particularly Albumasar’s book on conjunctions. In the past, great conjunctions were discussed by pre-scientific and transitional astronomer-astrologers, scholastic thinkers, and authors like Dante, Lope de Vega, and Shakespeare.
What is the rarest planet type?
A recently published study has identified four distinct types of planetary systems. The Ordered class, which includes our own solar system, is the rarest of the four. The framework for exoplanetary system architecture is based on the dichotomy of nature versus nurture, with a particular emphasis on the evolutionary pathways that give rise to the various architectural classes.
Is Trine good or bad astrology?
A Trine, an angle of 120°, is a sign that represents harmony, ease, and naturality. It can indicate innate talent or ability and may arise from a natural situation during transit. A Semisextile or Duodecile, an angle of 30°, is 1 ⁄ 12 of the 360° ecliptic and allows an orb of ±1. 2°. The symbol is 1 ⁄ 2 a Sextile (60°), which is the top radii of a hexagon with internal angles of 60°. It is often used as a minor aspect, indicating a mental interaction between planets and is more sensually experienced than externally experienced.
What is the 1st rarest zodiac?
Ophiuchus, the ‘Serpent-bearer’, is sometimes suggested in sidereal astrology as a 13th astrological sign in addition to the 12 signs of the tropical zodiac. The constellation Ophiuchus is located behind the Sun from November 29 to December 18. The idea of a 13-sign zodiac originated in 1970 with Steven Schmidt’s suggestion of a 14-sign zodiac, including Cetus as a sign. Walter Berg and Mark Yazaki promulgated a 13-sign zodiac in 1995, which gained popularity in Japan, where Ophiuchus is known as Hebitsukai-za.
However, in sidereal and tropical astrology, a 12-sign zodiac is based on dividing the ecliptic into 12 equal parts, rather than the IAU constellation boundaries. Astrological signs do not correspond to their namesakes, especially in the tropical system where divisions are fixed relative to the equinox.
Which is the rarest yoga in astrology?
Raja yoga is a concept in Hinduism that suggests planets associate with each other, forming a mutual relationship. Parashara states that a Raja yoga can be caused by the combination of the lords of the lagna, the 5th and 9th house, the Moon and Venus, or if Jupiter is aspected by the Sun as the lord of the 5th house. A person born with Saturn in an Aquarius with four planets occupying their exaltation sign becomes a powerful ruler.
A powerful Raja yoga is also caused by the conjunction of all major planets in mutual kendras. For example, if Saturn and Mars conjoin in the lagna, the Moon is un the 4th, Jupiter in the 7th, and the Sun in the 10th, a person born in a royal family will likely ascend the throne.
Parasara calls the kendras the Vishnusthanas and the trikonas, the Lakshmisthanas, and their lords in mutual association become yogakarakas and Rajayogakarakas. These lords attaining Parijatadi awastha (‘status’) make one a ruler who takes care of and protects his subjects.
Those blessed with these lords attaining Simhasanasha and Gopuransha have emerged as rulers and Chakravarti Samrats like Raja Harishchandra and Vaivasvata Manu. Yudhishthira was blessed with similarly strong lords as Shalivahana.
If Jupiter, the Moon, and the Lagna are aspected by Saturn, and if Jupiter is in the 9th house, the person born would be a Raja who would write on shastras or sciences. Bhattotpala records that Kanada, Buddha, Panchashikha, Varahamihira, and Brahmagupta were blessed with this yoga. Mandavya states that if there is a Raja yoga along with this yoga, the person will not be a king but only a scientist. If there are two Raja yogas, the person will be a ruling king and a great writer on sciences.
Which ascendant is rare?
The least common rising sign in astrology is Pisces in the northern hemisphere, due to the 23-degree tilt of the Earth’s axis. In the southern hemisphere, it is Virgo, which is known as a sign of short ascension.
How rare are kites?
Red Kites have made a remarkable comeback from extinction in the UK, now found across much of Wales, central and eastern England, northern England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. They can be seen flying over woodland, open countryside, and even towns. The map is intended as a guide, showing general distribution rather than detailed, localized populations. The bird’s flight patterns are from January to December.
What is a cradle in astrology?
The Cradle is an astrology chart pattern consisting of three sextiles, two trines, and opposition. Google uses this pattern to deliver and maintain services, track outages, protect against spam, fraud, and abuse, measure audience engagement, and enhance service quality. By accepting all, Google uses cookies and data to develop new services, measure ad effectiveness, and show personalized content and ads based on user settings.
Is it rare to have a grand trine?
Astrology is the study of the flow of energy, focusing on patterns that occur in the past, present, or future. Aspects, such as conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions, are important angles between two planets. However, there are more intense aspect patterns, such as the grand trine, which involves three planets. This rare and magnificent pattern is considered one of the most important and rare.
To determine if you have a grand trine in your birth chart, use a birth chart calculator and look for an equilateral triangle or check if you have planets or points in all three signs of the same element (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn; Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; or Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces). Celebrities with a grand trine in their birth chart can also be found.
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I have more than I expected. They are as follows: Sun in Pisces Sun trine Neptune Moon trine Mars Mars in Pisces Jupiter square Psyche Neptune trine Chiron Neptune sextile Psyche Pluto in the 4th house Pluto square BML My NN is in Cancer BML in Sagittarius Chiron in Pisces Chiron trine Neptune in Scorpio Chiron square BML in Sagittarius Psyche in the 8th house
Jupiter in cancer Neptune in the 8th Saturn 12th house mercury in 9th house Jupiter 1st house moon conjuction Neptune north node house mars square moon mars sextile Jupiter Pluto sextile moon mars sqaee Neptune sun in Pisces Lilith in Pisces in 10th house phycie in 4th house damn I got damn near the whole list
Jupiter in sag in 8, Saturn in pices, Moon in Cancer in 4 house,Mercury in sextile with Pluto, Moon oposition Neptune, Moon oposition to Uranus, Pluto in Sag, North node in Scorpio, Moon trine Pluto, Psyche in 12 in Pices, Chiron sextile Moon, Chiron sextile Pluto, Chiron trine Neptune, Lilith oposition Pluto, Saturn square Jupiter, Pices ruling the 12 😃🥰
Mars in the 9th house Mars in Pisces Moon opposition Uranus Pluto in Scorpio Pluto in the 4th house North Node in the 9th house North Node in Pisces Mars squares Moon Mars sextile Jupiter Sun in the 12th house Sun in Cancer Part of Fortune in the 12th house Psyche in the 4th house Psyche in Scorpio Chiron in Cancer Chiron in the 12th house Lilith sextile Pluto Lilith trine Neptune Psyche conjunct Pluto Psyche sextile Neptune 😮🌋
Mars 9H, Jupiter in Pisces, Saturn 4H, Moon 9H, Mercury 12H Sag, Neptune 1H, Sag Ascendent, Mercury Sag 12H conjunct Pluto Sag 11H, NN 8H, Sun in Scorpio, Lilith 12H on/above Ascendant in Sag, Part Fortune Scorpio, Chiron Scorpio (conjunct Sun conjunct Venus?), Sag rules 12H + 1H Commented for myself to reference back to ❤
I’m a Pisces ascendant with Jupiter in the first house, Neptune in the 12th house, Mars in Cancer Moon trine Neptune Sun opposite Neptune Pluto in Sagittarius Lilith in the 8th house Psyche in Scorpio in the 9th house Chiron in Scorpio in the 9th house Chiron aspect 12 the house Lilith aspect Neptune Thank you for this article 😊
jupiter 12h jupiter in scorpio neptune in 3h saturn in 9h sag rising moon sextile uranus north node in 4h north node in pisces scorpio/pluto ruling over 12h lilith in 10h part of fortune in pisces psyche in 9h chiron sextile sag ascendant lilith trine moon lilith sextile jupiter/jupiter sextile lilith psyche trine pluto psyche opp neptune jupiter square saturn