The Illuminati, a historical term referring to the Bavarian Illuminati, is one of the most enduring conspiracy theories of modern times. The term was first used in the 15th century and has been applied to various groups who claimed to be unusually enlightened. The BBC’s Sophia Smith Galer explores the origins of the Illuminati conspiracy and its resurgence in recent years.
The modern interpretation of Illuminati conspiracy theories has expanded to encompass a wide range of individuals, including UFOs, Mariosos, Presidents, and Popes. The story of how the myth exploded reveals how fake stories spread today and the secrets behind the psychology of their fiercest proponents. Illuminati signs and symbols are everywhere, even in Beyonce performances.
The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historical records support the existence of the Illuminati, and the story of how the myth exploded reveals how fake stories spread today and the secrets behind the psychology of their fiercest proponents.
Conspiration theories have always served as dark counter programming to the events of the past, from the Salem witch trials to the Red Scare to QAnon. The Invention of Conspiracy Theory: The French Revolution and the Bavarian Illuminati was published in Conspiracies of Conspiracies on page 13.
📹 How the Illuminati conspiracy theory started | BBC Ideas
The BBC’s Sophia Smith Galer looks at where the Illuminati conspiracy stems from – and why it’s enjoyed a resurgence in recent …
📹 The video the Illuminati doesn’t want you to see
Vox’s Phil Edwards investigates the real Δ. The Illuminati is fascinating, but is it real? This is the history of the real group, including …
Just felt like sharing with everyone here what I learned about freemasonry: I worked in a public registry office (not sure how it is called in english, but it is where birth and death certificates come from, also we give validation to documents, things like that), and I had colleagues from law school working with me. First, I realized masonry is very active in people from the law field, seems obvious but I am giving my take on this: because people from law controls the law, and what better way to control others than having people acting in these fields? Doesn’t necessarily mean I knew any people directly involved in jurisdiction; they were members, but they were just graduates in law. They also paid monthly to be members of masonry. The “low members” pay for clothes, courses, and monthly taxes to be part of this, literally, pyramid scheme. This money goes to the higher member, like politicians etc Not only masonry gives somekind of prestige, but it is a networking society too, like any society I suppose, but they help other “brothers” in their business. So these guys working there, they received comission on the stamps used in the documents they emitted, and other member of the masonry went off their way just to emit their documents there – I knew it because of how they greeted each other, also they always had jewelry, like rings, with a masonry symbol in it. Anyways, it is way less glamorous and mystical than it sounds. But I don’t doubt the fact that the real people in power are evil.
Ive owned a free mason bible. Gold edged pages. First 30 or so pages with weird rituals. Known prominent members of lodges. Maybe the illumanti isnt as big as people think but it is most definitely real. There are grandmasters everywhere running lodges out of credit unions. Mark my words. Wish me luck saying this. God bless you all.
To be honest the format used is creative, could be better executed but the concept is tight and interesting, fits well with the subject matter. Perhaps that is one of the roles vox should be playing today, creating new format experiments, especially that the current stuff seems to have settled into a form 9f template that is highly expectable.
Lol. Please realize this is a article from VOX…if anything, this might just be the article they WANT you to see. Controlled opposition and misdirection. I mean just take a look at how ridiculous the theatrical shaky camera work is and the strings connecting pieces of paper on a board… this is a joke.
We as humans are very weak alone…let’s stand together and fight rather then putting comments here…we all know this ….let’s help.others who don’t know this…escalate this together…let’s take a stand, for the future of next generations…no use talking about it and not doing anything…God bless. Reach out to me and let’s escalate to together
Now…Go out and talk to some normal people around for a while. Ask them philosophical questions…About Maths…About art…About abstract concepts like “how do you think gravity of the Earth had an affect on our evolution?”…About time travel…Parallel universes…Cubism…Poetry…Literature…Sculpture…Classics…Classical Music… You’ll find the answer to why some people call themselves “illuminated ones”… Another concept: The world is a creation of your own in your own skull…That’s the cave allegory of Platon…If you step out your comfort zone and step out your own cave, you’ll be into the light. Most people are looking at the shadows on the wall… It’s not a secret society. Everything is on plain daylight.
We have fasted for the required time and have observed the rituals of Baal, Tanit and Moloch. Tonight we partake of the Mandrake root to bring us closer to our inner selves and the spirits we serve, our rituals invoke the spirit of our beloved Lord Ahriman and we introduce sacrifices to our God Moloch the Devourer. Our offerings will ensure the harvest for the coming seasons will be plentiful. O Lord Ahriman accept the sacrifices of your devotees and take our offerings as a token of our love. Blessed be.
I don’t know you or what you’ve been through, but you matter. God loves you and so do I. Believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. Repent of your sins; repent simply means to turn away from your sins, don’t keep doing the wrong things you did in the past. Be baptized; a symbol that the old sinful self is gone and a new creation is here in Christ Jesus. Follow the specific will of God for your life and you will be saved.