Animal bodies have a 3.5D vibration, measured on the D-vibration dimension or chakra scale. Red meat, such as beef, pork, and sheep, has the most negative impact on the body vibration, while white meat, like lamb, has the most positive impact. Eating meat can lower the body vibration and affect the soul vibration, according to the author’s experience. The first chakra, Muladhara, is responsible for keeping you alive.
Eating meat strengthens the root chakra and shifts our consciousness towards a more physical state of experiencing being alive. Meat is one of the most energy-intensive foods to digest, and the physical body is affected by the food. To balance your chakras with nutrition, learn about the colors, elements, and benefits of each chakra and how to eat the rainbow for good health.
Meat interferes with the 3rd eye because it is a heavy food that takes a lot of the body’s energy to process. Traditional foods to support this energy center include root vegetables like potatoes and carrots, as well as proteins like meat or lentils. This article explores the five elements theory and the chakra system and applies their basic principles to nutrition in an omnidirectional, integrated manner.
In seekers without negative energy distress, the activity of the upper 4 chakras was increased upon eating meat, as they became activated to fight against negative energy distress. An imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra may result in poor digestion, liver or kidney issues, weight problems, ulcers, diabetes, and gallstones. The most dense foods, those rich in protein (and meats), are associated with the root chakra.
📹 Why MEAT should NOT be eaten – explained from a Spiritual perspective by Sadhguru
Check out my #VEGAN rap song: Subscribe: …
What foods drain your energy?
Energy draining foods include fast food, low-fat foods, white bread, pasta, rice, red meat, and cherries. These foods can drain energy and cause fatigue, making it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Energy drinks, which contain large amounts of caffeine and sugar, can stimulate the body by causing a spike in energy but then a sharp drop, leading to increased tiredness. Additionally, excessive caffeine consumption can disrupt sleep duration and quality, resulting in reduced energy levels the next day.
Despite the warnings from the World Health Organization in 2014, many people are unaware that these drinks can actually drain energy rather than boost it. To avoid this vicious cycle, it is essential to avoid these energy-draining foods and instead focus on consuming healthier, more balanced foods that can help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Did God say we can’t eat meat?
After Noah’s flood, God granted mankind the privilege of eating flesh, including meat and fish, to both godly and ungodly individuals. This allowed Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the Twelve Patriarchs to enjoy eating cattle, sheep, goats, and pork. However, it was only during Moses’ life that God took back permission from the Jews to eat certain types of animals. Jewish ceremonial laws of clean and unclean foods, particularly in Deuteronomy 14 and Leviticus 11, were established.
In Leviticus 11:7, pork is declared unclean to God’s people for the first time, and all seafood without fins or scales, such as shrimp, lobster, crab, and clams, is declared unclean. Jews were to abstain from these foods, and these ceremonial laws were given to govern their lives until God would say otherwise. These laws were given to govern the lives of all Jews until God would say otherwise.
Does food affect chakras?
The Root Chakra, which is linked to stability and self-awareness, is nourished by fruits, vegetables, and fruits like tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, red apples, peppers, pomegranates, and beets. Inadequate Root Chakra can lead to issues like constipation, Crohn’s disease, cold fingers, hypertension, kidney stones, and impotence. Similarly, an imbalanced Sacral Chakra can cause menstrual issues, bladder infections, lower abdomen pain, testicular issues, and irritable bowel syndrome. Finally, an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra can lead to poor digestion, liver or kidney issues, weight problems, ulcers, diabetes, and gallstones.
Does eating meat affect your energy?
Cutting meat from your diet can lead to fatigue and weakness as it lacks essential protein and iron, which provide energy. The body absorbs more iron from meat than other foods, but it’s not the only choice. Processed and red meats are high in saturated fat and can cause inflammation, increasing the risk of cancer and other diseases. Consuming processed food and refined grains can negatively affect gut health, but a plant-based diet can boost healthy gut bacteria. Fiber-rich foods stimulate the growth of good bacteria, lowering inflammation and the risk of inflammatory diseases.
Meat is not the only source of iron, as it can be found in green leafy vegetables like spinach, iron-rich cereal, bread, and pasta. Protein can be found in eggs, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, and soy products. In summary, a plant-based diet can help boost healthy gut bacteria and reduce inflammation and the risk of inflammatory diseases.
What happens if I stop eating meat?
A plant-based diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, peas, lentils, and nuts, is beneficial for health. Vegetarians, who don’t eat meat, consume fewer calories, less fat, and weigh less, with a lower risk of heart disease. Red meat consumption increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, while processed meats also increase these risks. Diets low in nuts, seeds, seafood, fruits, and vegetables can also increase health risks. However, even reducing red and processed meat intake can positively impact health. The recommended daily protein intake for adults is about 50 grams.
What blocks your chakras?
Terrones explains that excessive stress can affect the energy of one or more chakras, potentially leading to physical and mental health issues. Imbalanced chakras can result from poor physical alignment, unhealthy eating, or self-destructive behavior. Malaspina suggests that promoting balance in a chakra involves creating alignment in the physical body. Prolonged imbalance can result in physical disease, musculoskeletal issues, and mental health challenges.
Is it okay to eat meat spiritually?
Yoganandaji, a prominent Indian philosopher, emphasized the importance of a simple, healthy diet that aligns with one’s temperament, upbringing, and medical needs. He believed that sometimes, killing animals for food is necessary for human survival, especially in environments with limited plant food options. However, there are spiritual reasons to eat meat, and it is better for a husband to be kind and wise than a mean vegetarian. A quiet tolerance and calming vegetarian diet can win over a husband over time.
Yoganandaji believed that “God watches the heart” and that great saints and sinners in other religions have regularly eaten meat and fish. If a husband is hesitant to eat meat, it is important to express their preference and live with preparation as long as they don’t have to eat it.
What foods cleanse your chakras?
The seven chakras are the centers of energy in the body, and when they are blocked or full of negative energy, it can lead to feelings of being different from oneself. To clear negative energy, it is essential to cleanse the chakras. The root chakra is earth, which can be cleansed by walking outside or gardening. The sacral chakra is water, which can be rejuvenated by going to a beach or relaxing on a lake. The solar Plexus chakra is fire, which can be rejuvenated by roasting marshmallows or bathing in the sun.
The heart chakra is air, which can be uplifted by feeling the breeze on the skin and hair. The throat chakra is ether, which can be activated by going cloud or star gazing. The third-eye chakra is light, which can be recharged by spending time in the sun. The crown chakra is inner-light, which can be cleansed by meditation or reflecting on nature. By balancing these energy forces, individuals can feel more like the best version of themselves.
What chakra to unblock first?
The root chakra, regarded as the fundamental grounding element of the chakra system, is thought to be imbalanced when other chakras are also out of alignment. It serves as an excellent point of departure for those who are new to the practice of chakra work.
Is it a sin to eat meat?
The Church and the Bible do not consider meat to be sinful. In fact, St. Peter is instructed to slaughter and eat any animal. The Church requests abstinence from meat on Fridays of Lent as a form of penance. However, this is not based on the premise that meat is inherently sinful.
How do I unblock all my chakras?
The chakras, the centers of spiritual power, are a complex energy system within the body. Blocking these chakras can lead to difficulties with concentration, sleeping problems, lack of motivation, and feelings of helplessness. To unblock these energy pathways, there are several easy techniques you can do at home. One such technique is mantras, which are short repetitions used at the end of yoga practice. These mantras act as a form of sound healing, restoring energy fields.
Another technique is tapping, or EFT, which involves using your fingertips to tap on specific meridian points throughout your body. This motion and repeating affirmations can help release certain emotions that may be blocking your chakras. By practicing these techniques, you can help unblock your chakras and improve your overall well-being.
📹 What Is the Relationship Between Diet & Spirituality
Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches …
It is an utopian ideology Only will go down to Subcontinent utopian people If you are trying to promote vegan food to Arctic and Antarctic People where there is no vegetation And for the people in the middle of Saudi Arabia desert where is no vegetation In North and South pole they kill Whales, Seals and sea mammals for meat to eat For crying and treas dogs and cats are better than The animal mentioned by Sadguru
It is our duty to respect life including our own, ie be as healthy as we can be (eat carnivore diet) and eat only what we need (happens on carnivore diet). We need to be mindful about what has to die for what we eat. We cannot eat anything without something having to be killed. For example, wheat and other grains cause millions of deaths from pesticides (whole bird species are dying out) and aggressive harvesting (carnage!). Furthermore, agriculture destroys habitats and poisons the land. Another example: avocado farms can kill around 19000 squirrels a year. It is incumbent on us to take the loving choice, to ourselves, to the animal kingdom and to the environment. To me, carnivore diet makes most sense on all levels.
I was vegan for 7 years, am plant based now. I need help getting back to vegan, I know it’s not right eating animals. My friends turbo juicer is a game changer. Just gotta keep practicing raw/vegan recipes and I’ll be back on it, surely. And fasting to correct my taste buds, challenging but not impossible. More cooking will help a lot.
people that talk about eating meat is bad are some of the sickest people in world. India has a life expectancy of 67 lowest in the world. they Consume the least amount of meat per person in the whole world. Hong Kong has the most meat eaters per person in the world and has the highest life expectancy 97 🙃 if you don’t kill the animal and eat it you will die and you will suffer, you have to make the choice which will Suffer. animals know the answer. they kill and eat their prey without hesitation so that they can See the sunrise the next day. no lion or wolf wonders whether it is ethical to eat meat, they eat it because They want to live.
To all you spreading hate because you are mad with yourselves, chill. Love yourselves. Eat all the dead tissues you want. I mean corpses. Maybe carcass? Ok, dead meat is good enough 😆🤪🤪🤪 The choice is yours brothers, so are the effects on your body. Most of you never even attempted a well balanced vegetarian diet and are too affraid to even try one, affraid of your own judgements. Why not experimenting for some time and see the differences between diets? 🙏 And you just don’t understand how easy, healthy, happier it is to be a vegetarian. Plus ecological and economical. Experiment and see! 🤲 You should search the whole article and other articles of Sadhguru and other western people speaking about meat consumption. I recently saw a meat eating doctor agreeing that humans are herbivore-like, not to eat meat. It is ok to survive, if you don’t have a choice, the body will still survive. But do you wanna survive or live vibrant? Wanna eat corpses and feel alive?! Doesn’t work like that bros 🙏 Choice is yours, so are the consequences. Do whats best for you ❤️🙏☀️
the reason why you shouldn’t eat animal is NOT because they have emotions. please put aside the meat. would you eat your vegetables with some soil? no. because the vegetable has its benefits so there is no need to eat soil then. instead you would grow more vegetable with that soil. if you eat an animal, it is also unnecessary because this is a certain kind of soil itself that has memory and emotions, maybe diseases and hormones etc. if you can take all the needed vitamins and minerals from that vegetable, why would you kill another live? i am not defending that animal, damn. it is just not worth your effort to kill that. why consuming unnecessary soil system is needed? that animal also eats the same plants with you. you should see them and learn how to be alive. you can say there are animals that eats meat but if you look at their digestion system and also herbivor mammals you can clearly see that your digestion and body system is much smiliar to herbivor ones.
You know he’s a friend of klaus swabs and he’s even at WEF meetings, you can find the pictures online. NO ONE SHOULD LISTEN TO SAD-faking-GURU. He’s a scam. Forwarding the agenda over population and clima hoax etc etc… I really respect your rapping and truth lyrics… But this beats the cake ……
Jaggi you went to a college you advised people to eat fish – your theory is fish does not have life? What a rudderless wily old QUACK you turned out to be Jaggi! Jugglery Jaggi can you put out a article saying the below, AS IT IS – I, Jaggi Vasudev have spoken THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH with regards to my SAMADHI CLAIM of my wife’s death and have not DISTORTED THE TRUTH or LIED about the passing away of past Spiritual Greats Paramahansa Yogananda and Swami Nirmalananda which i gave as precedents to equate and substantiate my wife’s death. Jaggi, this will stop TRUTH from hounding the living daylights out of your existence. Hare Krishna!
If you think all killing to consume is murder then don’t eat anything. A tree is alive a plant is alive if you eat it is killing and how do you know a plant has no emotions if you talk nice to plants they thrive if you speak mean things they don’t grow well. Everyone has convictions work it out for yourselves and leave others alone. Every one of us has enough guilt and regret of our own. When people want to place their convictions on others it is just narcissistic “I’m holier than you”, nonsense… “Look how spiritual I am…” You know even water is effected by writing kind or mean words on the container. Lions eat meat do you see it shedding tears and self loathing because it doesn’t have a vegan market in the Sahara….the eagle is the most “spiritual” animal mentioned in many cultures and it will kill anything it can carry in it’s talons…if you don’t like eating meat don’t eat it but don’t make up silly spiritual nonsense to feel like you are better than everyone else… Typical hypocrisy from hyper spiritual self proclaimed gurus…” I’m vegan I’m better and smarter than you” then you see some of these same people at a pro abortion meeting yelling, “it’s a woman’s right to choose..” so be it… And it is my right to eat a cow or a chicken.
Meat doesnt have a low vibation this is just another new age deception passed down through the ages like most of it i used to buy in to this untill i gave thught to it the problem lies in the fact no one is questioning any of these teachings they are just blindly accepting whats been told no critical thinking is been carried out this is why the human race is in the mess its in right now living as a slave caught up in deception in a world that isnt real they just accepted and dont question think about it how do you know you have a low vibation well by the way you feel emotionally of course and plenty of people who eat meat are living happly lives and are not full of negativity if this statment was true then they would all be depressed and negative all the time so nothing but utter nonsense
We all have different body types. I ate vego for years. High quality meats when eaten with respect and intention allow one to actually consume much less food in general. I eat two small meals a day. I don’t eat meat every day. I decided to go back to eating moderate amounts of meat recently. A thought came to me if im going to eat meat I must be able to kill with respect, 20 minutes later my partner comes to me and says our friends chicken has a broken leg and she wants you too kill it. It was a hard thing to do and I did it in as quick a fashion as possible. Being that it was a hard thing to do allows me to think about that each time I eat meat and to consume with respect and moderation. Vegeterianism and veganism have become a spiritual dogma and they have nothing to do with spiritual practice. The only thing that truly blocks the spirt is over eating and not eating with presence and intention.
Eating Meat mainly clean meats from clean animals. Particularly a diet high on Beef and Lamb. It’s not just a physical attribute but eating red meat is essential for Spiritual Battles. Prophet Elijah was given meat by God Elohim before he went into a spiritual battle with the prophets of Baal. Levite Priests have a High diet purely of Beef and Lamb. Because they are in constant spiritual battles. Don’t lean too much unto your emotions, clinging to emotions is weak, fleshy, lustful. Don’t abstain from meats.
DISL, you are a woke dude and enlightened on many subjects but why share this? It just feeds into the vegan propaganda spewed by BigAgri and the globalists who seek depopulation. If everyone went vegan, soil erosion would destroy all farmable land and massive famine would follow. Regenerative agriculture is dependent on large flocks of cattle grazing. Just sharing my thought on the matter. Agriculture kills animals on a massive scale as well.
Because the u.n under the guise of climate change wants to ban all meat consumption and wants humans primary source of protein to come from insects. Sorry guy but if I’m going to eat meat I’m going to eat meat I don’t need anybody to tell me we need to ban anything. If you don’t want to eat me go for it you have that right but you don’t have the right to tell me what I want to do with my freedom and liberty
Honestly can’t imagine my life without a good steak. I just love cow products tbh. My family is also involved in the leather business and my grand father made a fortune out of it. We treat the animals right and then when the time comes we sell the meat, their skin is used for leather and we also sell their milk and then their head or skull is also sold. So nothing goes to waste and there are a lot benefits of a cow. God has created these animals for our consumption. And the rate of reproduction is faster in cattle animals so if we all stopped consuming them then there would be an overpopulation of those animals. So think logically vegans
I completely understand the spiritual reasons but I have a genuine question for any vegans here. If we stopped killing cows, how would you solve the amount of greenhouse gases being released by them? In your effort to save lives aren’t you just damning more to death due to climate change? Should say I’m a massive animal person, I love animals and have spent the last few years working with them.
I mean bro y’all cando what y’all want but I can’t rock with this meat diet anymore. Or even dairy + eggs. It just makes me grossed out when i realize that I’m eating a chickens lowkey period and a cows natural liquid for her baby. I’m eating products from a cows breast and a chickens vagina.. like wtf? Somethings off about that concept. There’s a reason why eggs and dairy smell bad.
As a vegetarian since birth, i support non vegetarian diet for the “non civilised” part of the country, what does that mean? You know that africa is more poorer than india, but still india ranks way worse than africa in hunger index. Why? Because in africa people can eat even snake to get protein, in india, the poor people TOO believe in god, they won’t consume meat but that acts as an counter attack to themselves, I’m worried about children, they just get chapati, rice and some dal, all just carbs very less protein and micronutrients and imagine that thing getting compounded over 20 years of their starting age.. leads to malnutrition “non vegetarian diet is a practical solution for the poor”, once they eat fish and rice a day, they do not need anything else and ultimately those children will grow healthy.
Don’t you think plants have emotions.. You cut trees and plants and eat. Did rice say you to eat it.. Why you rip off rice from its safest guard around it and eat it.. You guys now civilized and having lot of options so you choose vegetarian that’s all. Think about middle ages where in Europe and other continent there is only meat is source of food also countries having cold winter.. Also your body in mom during pregnancy ate all cells in her body and drank blood.. You stupid still playing this vegetarian and non vegetarian topic. I am not against veg. I also eat it. But dont justify your nonsense thoughts..
Cow, ha ha tears, somebody dead. Wat the fook is he up ? The cow must hv sour eyes’ or hungry,or,sad for being tied all day n night at the shed ‘ …etc etc I really dont understand how will one survive lost in a jungle or Tibetan platue… Its terrraine..n curmstance,, There are places still 2020, were people hardly get to make a full meal, n here, great minds r debating abt cow ? Wow, ! These is Indian drama, sureal !
I think we must eat both animal and plants but I support the idea of not eating too meat.However, eating just plant seems to be a little bit too exaggerated because there’s many nutrients that you can’t acquired just by eating plants such as vitamins b12, creatine and camosine. This is just my opinions, feel free to leave your opinions too. 😃
You reap what you sow. If you sow death into your body, you will reap death as a result. Likewise if you sow life into your body, you reap life. Animal flesh is devoid of life at the moment it is killed and begins to decay immediately which is why it must be preserved in some manner. Plant life is considered live food for up to 4 hours after it is harvested and retains its rna signature even if preserved. This is important in how the rna meshes with our human dna, animal flesh does not mesh with human dna and causes all of the ills of man’s body. This is the reason why animal flesh was not included in man’s commanded diet given in Genesis 1:29 and only became permissible to consume once man was in their fallen state, no animal flesh will be consumed in the kingdom of heaven as there will be no killing nor death which immediately rules out animal flesh consumption. .
Dedicating for all the vegans ⚠The Doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with the drugs but rather will cure and prevents diseases with nutrition. One important thing people most of the time people forget is their communication with their body, the way you speak to it the way you take care of it is really important for your life in this world. Feed the good energy to your body, and communicate well, for that communication you should be well-versed with the nature. Universe was well planned when it created the earth, if you go out of universe’s plan you will see the consequences in many ways, when the universe created us it didn’t create man made medicine now the drug companies feed the people, it was always unnecessary if you have known your food universe given to you, it has put medicine in it! ‘KNOW’ the nature’s food is the only fuel your body needs, anything else is against universe’s rules. Give meaning to your life! Be well-versed.
I have a question that I genuinely want answer. 1. I know all vegans takes supplements, that’s completely man made. My question is once all the companies that makes supplements deciding to stop making any supplements. What is all vegans gonna do after that, how they gonna get those nutrients? Do you think taking man made supplements is natural? Isn’t it against nature’s rule? 2. Those vegans who says, it’s wrong to kill living things, aren’t they eating live microbes from their pickle? ( Now you can say, plants and live microbes doesn’t have emotions or pain, how you know that? Did a plant tell you, did the microbes tell you?
LOL!!! There’re some IDIOTS here who believe humans have the SAME canine teeth as non human animals…really? How many humans have their CANINE teeth protruding over their bottom lip? hmm? Some humans got to be the LEAST intelligent people to believe that humans were meant to eat the flesh of other beings. Wow, how SMART are you man? Glad to be one of the humans who eat foods that are GROWN from the Earth, and not born….Eating from plants and trees was meant for humans….the plants and trees continue to grow and replenish themselves….no stench of blood to be had….no suffering…just living energy going into the body….but then again….ONLY intelligent humans know this…dumbass humans on the other hand…well, just by the way they accuse us vegans of pushing our ideas too far, they will learn the hard way when the Times comes….Vegans know what I’m on about, so there’s no worries there…but humans who think they ‘know’ that meat is for human consumption, well….I won’t want to be next to you when the Time comes….good luck with that, and good riddance. Thanks for sharing, DISL Automatic.
This isnt true. If the complex cellular structures of animals would be absorbed and integrated into our body, then the cells with animal DNA would be intact, giving you animal DNA in small parts of your body at the time. Grown a snout lately? From your waist? Soon you would be an analgam of thousands of different Individual pigs and cows instead of human. With the body parts randomly distributed at the wrong place of your original body. Quite freakish. You wouldn’t survive. Also, emotions arise from activity in certain brain regions. Fear is heavily centered in the amygdala. This activity stops when the animal is dead, and also you probably arent eating so many brains, except for in hot dogs, but never mind that. Sadhgurus theory of digestion has quite a few problems. He is simply wrong. This doesn’t mean that you should eat animals. Have you seen an animal factory from the inside? Think the animals are having fun? All that so that you can enjoy your tasty steak. Mmhhh. Imagine if you got raised in a prison to be slaughtered for the pleasure of a hyperintelligent alien species. No, being a carnivore today is highly unethical. More so now than when we hunted free animals with spears. Today we don’t just end animal lives. We torture them from birth.
Here is something very interesting. Long long ago there was a society called “the Lumanians”. They were a nonviolent society. They would not kill even animals – and they did not eat plants, i assume – because they figured a way to make food from technology. These ppl were tall and skinny. However, they were very weak, and because of their fear of violence, they isolated themselves and lived in constant alert while they also suppressed many of their natural expressions. They tried to convince other groups around them to be like them. It didn’t work. They then moved somewhere else. Later on, they sent some of their people back to live with those same natives they had failed to convince. They mingled and made children with these natives. Things didn’t work as they planned, however. Later on this society tried to genetically manipulate their own physical bodies. They encountered some problems. To avoid contact with the outside world – wild animals and other people – they build underground habitats. In fact, the caves found in modern Spain were the entrances to these underground habitats. Anaway, when encountered with situations they’d have to defend themselves, they would not do anything about it; this because they also believe that their god would help them. Now, here is the thing: they imagined their god to be everything they gave up about themselves. Their god was supposed to be strong, powerful, and violent. How interesting! This information can be found in the book (or audio on youtube) Seth Speaks, book 2, chapter 15.
Pseudoscience. Someone prove that eating “more complicated software with thought and emotion” leads to health detriments, or whatever rubbish Sadhguru is purporting to cause. There’s evidence that excessive red meat leads to cardiovascular risks, but that doesn’t mean throw the whole thing out and only eat plants and fruits. That’s so damn dumb.
Meat should not be eaten. But you can eat the fruits grown out of meat. Yeah. Everything that you are eating comes from the big guys and the titans. You are fkin living on carcass do you even know? All this fruit and every shit that you eat that you mine. The gold the silver everything is from them. But you don’t complain about it. Idiots. This whole planet is a fkin graveyard. Your whole environment is driven by the carcass. Compared to them you are termites. Some realize it. Some lose it. I mean tsk tsk Cuckoo. Reality is stranger than any fiction ever written. That’s the fkin point I am driving at. Oh I am a vegan. Lo hol bola kubbat I don’t eat pig. Fk you. You are just eating dead carcass. You better fkin believe it. You be vegan or non. Doesn’t make a shit difference. Jackass. ROFLMAO
why u killing plants??far east asia, europe middle east north america south america whole world is eating meat then why only few people in india criticize this?stand in front of the mirror open ur mouth and see your teeth. you have both pointed teeth and flat teeth to eat meat and vegetables both. stop that bullshit now,
The disciples questioned Jesus, they said to him: “Do you want us to fast? And how should we pray and give alms? And what diet should we observe?” Jesus says: “Do not lie. And do not do what you hate. For everything is disclosed in view of. For there is nothing hidden that will not become revealed. And there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed. Blessed is the lion that a person will eat and the lion will become human. And anathema is the person whom a lion will eat and the lion will become human.”
Lol I’m a vegetarian But I’m thinking if sadhguru told something abt Indian culture and some shit any Indian culture U all people would be his bakth don’t deny it All indian traditions are bull shit They just man-made to control women or people or men That’s it nothing else close minded people I don’t believe in Indian culture at all
Meat is not the Most Efficient Food in terms of Nutrition. You will lose Nutritions while digesting it and It take More Time to Digest Meat completely. There will be so much Lethargy in your Body, that You will Need atleast 8 – 9 hours of Sleep/Rest and That’s What All Carnivorous Animals Do. Sleep 1/3rd part of their Life. Humans are not Carnivores. The Food that You can eat in the Raw form and Completely Digest it, is the Food that should be Eaten. Meat needs to thoroughly cooked before it is served on the plate. On the other hand, If it comes down to Your Life such that There’s nothing to be eaten besides Meat, then there’s Nothing wrong in consuming it. Choosing Vegetarian Lifestyle, is not a Question of Morality but Your Humanity. Being Human is about Being Who you truly are. As long as You have Choice, Be Human and If you have not that Choice, ofcourse You are going to take Actions according to the situations. A Body that Listens to You, A Body that Lets You Be Who You Are, A Body which doesn’t have It’s own Compulsions, is the Ideal Body for You. You can’t create this Body with Meat. And If you want to Grow Spiritually, than You should definitely not eat Meat. If you believe that by Prostrating 5 times a Day or by Offering Foods to the God or by Preaching the “Words of God”(🤣🤣🤣), You can reach God than You are Mistaken. You’re only Exercising Your Beliefs.
I imagine people 1hundred years ago ATLEAST go VEGAN in Siberia or Alaska… There is simply nothing to eat and there were no chances on to have a lot of peanuts from a grocery store as you can now… I think you need to find balance in your ration. There is nothing bad in eating meet sometimes… Everything is good, when it’s done in BALANCE and CLARITY.
I agree 100%. Thank you for sharing this wisdom with all of us as confirmation. I just recently went back to being a Vegan with no effort at all. My spirit feels that this is so natural for me to do this at this time in life. I would not have naturally killed any living, breathing creature for food. I knew this a long time ago as a young child. I was born into a meat eating family whose culture it was. As a young child I was introduced to veganism by . I can even sense a highen since of awareness that I can’t expain other than I’m grateful for the transformation without trying and influence from outside forces.
I agree with Sadhguru although I wouldn’t had a few years ago. After a NDE and a huge spiritual awakening I immediately noticed meat put lots of negative energy inside my body. Made me feel angry. I cut it out of my diet completely. My consciousness shifted into higher dimensions of understanding. It seems like we’re programmed to eat meat to prevent us from knowing who we truly are. Meat Me eat
Mango in me becomes shit in the morning, remaining one becomes piss. Mango inside sadhguru becomes Man. wow what stupidity. 1:52 Barkhaa Dutt’s face (Jesus!! kaha phass gayi) animals without human emotion?? HMm. Lions eat remorselessly. male chickens will kill their young thats why in farms they seperate the chickens from the hens when the eggs hatch. conclusion: eat the bastard chicken.. and lions too. A dog’s owner died.. the dog was sad for months and stopped eating food. I dont support killing cows. they are cute and they give us milk also.. they are very gentle too. 2:58 Barkha’s expressions.. Tujhe toh bachu baad mei dekhti hu.. So. bottomline. Sadhguru should mind his own business. During ICe ages humans had no other option but to eat animals as earth didnt support any vegetation. Explain that
I asked a question to a hard core non veg Bengali family what food you will Served.. if Vishnu bhagwan suddenly come or maa parwati come in front of you.. they simply asked all veg dishes.. I asked why not meat or fish you eat daily. they surprised how we give non veg to god.. it’s sin.. god will become angry.. it’s very ironic they know they r doing wrong but they doing it. because they getting money respect & status.. no god punishing them then why worry.. they are becoming more rich more prosperity.. then what problem in taking non veg.. I simply asked they you can simply do sex with any of your relationship.. who stop you to become rich & prosperity after doing that.. but your heart knows that you are doing sin.. be aware it’s not too late.. how you stand in front on god… and claim you respect each.. poor and week being.. love and care what god want from you.. you always beg from god. what god want from you care other being because you’re the wisest creation of him
Gotta love the trolls that come here just to talk shit. Of course, because they have no actual rebuttal for what this guy is saying so they just claim “bullshit” or insult the way he looks or the way he’s speaking. No human being NEEDS to eat meat, it is not a necessity, there are plenty of healthy vegetarians and vegans that completely disprove the claim that humans NEED to eat meat.
business people r far better than these spritual leaders. What do these spritual leader does for the country open up yoga center charge huge amount of fees . Not even I single spritual leader from India is not a millionaire . Business people r better cas of them million and billion of jobs r created throughout the world . We want more business man in India like Buffett, gates, mark zukerberg . Billons of jobs will be created in India . Indian will prosper. These spritual leaders will come give some lecture and take away your money. Think wisely India .
Manusmirti ch. 5 v. 30.: The almighty god created some animals to eat, and some to be eaten Mahabharat anushasan parv ch. 88. Yudhisthira the eldest brother in the pandvas, asked bhishma what things should he give in yagna/pooja so that his ancestors would be satisfied. To which bhishma replies that if in pooja if he gives herbs and shrubs our ancestors will be satisfied for one month, if you give fish, satisfied for 2 months, if you give meat, satisfied for 3 months, if you give hair, satisfied for 4 months, if you give goat, for five months, if you give bacon, for six months, if you give deer, for six months, if you give bird, for seven months and it keeps going.
I can respect Guruji’s choice not to eat meat, if that’s what he wants, but I don’t think he should encourage this diet to anybody. I listened to him an tried cutting meat out and going vegetarian for 3 years. For the first few months, I felt great, I ate balanced moderate meals, exercised and lived as healthily as I could. Two years in my doctor began noticing I was losing collagen, calcium, B12, and my calorie intake was too high. I didn’t listen and kept on with the diet for one more year before my health took a turn for the worst. I fell sick and had digestive issues. Couldn’t stop coughing and sneezing 24/7. My voice was frail, and my body was weak! I went to see another doctor and he told me to eat fish and eggs bc I was lacking in B12 which was needed for vitamin absorption. Why wasn’t my body absorbing nutrients? Plants supposedly have a lot of minerals in them, right? Yes, but they also contain ANTINUTRIENTS. If you don’t know what that is, they’re compounds which block absorption of minerals into the body and exit without being digested. So basically, I was eating so much vegetables, grains and fruit, and wasn’t benefitting from it. Once I began eating meat, I felt so much clarity and energy. My health returned and my problems with digestion went away. I don’t know how I feel about listening to Guruji now but I would take this particular advice with a grain of salt.
The argument that we have to cook meat to make it more easier to chew and digest is almost a pointless argument as we have to do that to most of the none meat items we eat. Try eating a bowl of patatoes raw and see how you feel. Most of the time we don’t cook food to make is easy to eat, we cook food because it taste better. Humans use tools we make to do almost everything so saying we don’t have the natural tools to take meat off the bone is stupid as well.
That lady has got to be 250 lbs and acts like she don’t give a damn about the poor cows! I totally agree with Sadhguru on This. I’m 95% Vegan now after listening and taking action to My higher awareness on how cruel it is to support the mass murder of all these animals and ingest the flesh. I wouldn’t eat My pet so why should i eat any animals. If i were alone on a deserted island with only a cow i would probably take care of it sort of like a pet so then WHY should i support the insane,cruel mass killings of this dirty money grubbing industry? They’re cloning most of them too. I say let the public schools take kids on a field trip to slaughter houses and let them witness how their F’N happy meal is made and let’s see who still wants to keep ol’ Ronald The Con man Macdonald in business and any other places that profit from it.
I use to be vegetarian & Yoga guy because of my religious belief,,, then I realized that my vegetarian & Yoga community killing more number of innocent people in India, we have hate and anger for other community because, some 400 years back some of their xyz king fk us. Our yoga, vegetarian etc not teaching us to love and make peace.
As sadhguru says, we can’t even understand what is water, yet we know for sure not to eat meat? Plants are a life form, just because it’s not as close to us doesn’t mean it isn’t less of a lifeform. On this planet, the truth that I can see is, life begets life. Only humans have distinguished between plants and animals. The universe only sees life. Peace.
Although plants have been measured by scientists to “react” to outside stimulus this in no way gives a plant emotional characteristics. Animals however do possess emotional and to an extent intelligence, but are free to move about. Plants cannot move. They are rooted in place. Therefore, plants as prescribed by NATURE, can be eaten by humans or animals without any ill effects. Naturally I exclude toxic plants for human consumption. Nature being nature other lower animal species can sometimes eat what we call toxic plants. Most animal life is either herbivore or carnivore. The carnivores are there to keep all life on earth watchful and alert, including humans of course. Sadhguru is right, indeed, by saying that ingested plants or animals become part of our cellular make-up, and that in the long run carnivorous humans will be affected emotionally by this. E.G. ..North Americans eat way too much meat. Their aggressiveness is evident.
So true. In summary: if an animal shows explicit emotions, especially if the emotions are similar to human beings, then this should not be eaten. This was beautifully expressed. It seems so obvious. I have just started to red ‘The Secret Life of Cows’ by Rosamund Young. Quite incredible how individual and complex these sensitive creatures are. Recommend reading.
So what he’s saying is….I can transform into Aquaman if I eat fish and whales? and will I be able to horn random humans on the streets if I eat a bull? On a serious note though, I understand what he means, emotions are a thing in animals, but you can’t expect inuits or desert nomads to survive off of very low nutritious plant matter which becomes scarce depending on the season and in that case you HAVE to take a goat’s or camel’s or cow’s or bull’s or bird’s or a seal’s life to survive, also his notion about “animal characteristics forming in the human from consumption of emotion having beings” stuff is plainly retarded, come on now when have you heard of a desert nomad being able to survive for weeks without water? or an inuit being able to swim in icy waters for a very long time while butt naked?
The only reason India has been able to enforce its social caste system is by brainwashing the poor to have near vegan diets. Rendering them too physically and mentally weak to rise up against their oppressors who eat large quantities of animal products like dairy and eggs. This is what is planned for the west, have the upper classes and those in control eat meat while the rest of us are forced into a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Religious Folks Don’t Live By Nature! They Live According To Books Written By Man! Eat Only Meat And No Grains! Watch Your Life Spand Shorten! Grains! Fruits And Vegetables Are Loaded With Natural Minerals For Human Consumption! If Animals Don’t Have Feelings They Won’t Morm The Lost Of Love Ones. Calves Or Mother’s! MEN ARE WICKED BY NATURE UNLESS HE GETS INTO SELFREALIZATION! ❤
Physical and emotional pain is present in animals because pain is a message of nature that this experience is bad for your survival. Plants cannot do anything to escape an experience. They are immobile. Therefore nature didn’t provide any emotion or pain to plants. They do have life but they are more like machines. They do not need to think because they cannot act.
Seems kinda right because the education taught us to be KIND!! And compassionate. I used to figure this question in middle school all the time that why teachers tell us to protect endangered species and saying how cute and loving they are(for example, pandas), but at the same time, they are eating chicken every fuking day. Right now, what I can say is from the physiological point, human bodies are not yet ready to adapt to the strict vegan diet. Go to the Nutrition class before you wanna argue with me.
Every creature in universe has life including plants 🌱,,we shouldn’t eat even plants also,, Anthropological studies says even in vedas people used to eat animals,,primitive humans used to hunt,, Later on people changed their life style,,I don’t know in same India two diff places Bengalis consider fish as a veg,, but in south India fish is a non veg,, in our daily life we have been using so many non veg items right from our tooth paste to till wood land shoes..Taboos on food items clearly says we are 40yrs back humans,,even when we breath air so many microbes pass through our nose and they died after went into inside,,
Comment on the Carnivores. Like he said if everything is done simple in nature does that mean Carnivores animals are unnatural ? . Stupid, we are part of the food chain who are evolved to be omnivores. His ancestors and mine are all same and all have eaten raw meat too . It is property of our DNA, and going against it is only unnatural.
This is a very self-righteous article. Mr. Sadhguru, there is nothing wrong about eating meat. You can keep your own traditions and food preferences, so can others. You can be a vegan, but you can’t prove veganism is superior with your excellent reasoning skills.. Pls don’t tell me you’re the creator of the universe and thus you know what’s best fit for every human being….
The best funny ans i ever heard. Ask him, what is the purpose of animals life? Killing animals doesn’t make AHIMSA… But to kill human makes it. He says Human and Animals are one… Human are the best creation of God… God made animal to be eaten. Once Brahmins used to eat, but when Buddhism came, they followed just because people turned to Buddhism and brahmins losing people who followed them.
Lord Ram did eat meat at his palace. Sita too probably cherished deer meat. Although it should not be a justification for eating meat for Hindus. It is not Hinduism that teaches you not to eat meat. Ayurveda medicines consisted of all kinds of meat based preparations. It is more of a moral principle of doing the least harm for survival. If mosquitoes bite you, or pests destroy your agriculture, you will definitely destroy that life form to the extent of not causing you harm. Our choices are governed by optimality principles towards a greater cause.Blood transfusion done when you lose blood is an act of eating blood although you do not drink them directly or take care of causing least harm. Applying this principle, If cow milk and human milk are animal proteins, it is equivalent to eating meat but does less harm or are necessary at times. If coastal regions survive on fish, it is because of abundance and the economics of generating food for its people. Early humans eating protein rich meat probably was the reason we developed a larger brain. ( btw, it is not the mango that has the software to turn itself into Burkha or Sadhguru or Cow, it is the genetic code in these very people!
Guru jee, even plants have LIFE! Yes they do! You may not be able to feel or see it but yes they do and they react to certain emotions too! Based on your analogy, you should not be plucking veggies brutally and start chopping these living things with your sharp knives and then chew them so aggressively with your big mouth!! Have some sense of humanity!
Also, this mindless fucking idiot said that killing and eating an animal is cannibalism….FUCKING FOOL!!!!!!!!!!! Cannibalism is when YOU EAT YOUR OWN KIND!!!!! So how is it, that a human eating an animal is cannibalism? It cannot be, it isnt and never will be-This fucking idiot cannot even get basic terms correct, but thinks he can sit there and be an authority on something he clearly has little to NO idea about, alot like many of the fucking idiots who listen to his shit!!!!
I don’t know what spirituality has to say about vegan diet. But being a person with degree in bioscience, I would say that ecologically, being vegan is the only way of living a healthy life, both mentally and physically, because primary producers are the largest sink of free energy in an ecosystem. Most of the solar energy utilised by the plants is fixed in their body. When primary consumer feeds on the plants the amount of free energy that is transferred is quite less. Similar, pattern is followed down the line till peak carnivore. So, the simpler food we intake the easily it will be assimilated and more energetic one would get. So, it is not about eating non-veg vs veg but about simpler food v/s complex food
1) when a life is taken away, that body is Deadn starts to decay.. What’s the nature of dead body? Why to eat any dead body? 2) do plants have emotions or feel pain? Really? Do they have brain or central nerv system? 3) Slaughter, blood, cry, pain to animal we cause by killing directly or indirectly…is it humanism? 4) ideally leftover of plants were eaten by great saints, that too clean satvik food, do we have their level of knowledge? 5) can we look at our knowledge level and actions before talking against a person who is trying to help us? 6) a person who is not ready to learn on own and insult the truth will never have mercy of anyone..even if they have…it’s fake.
People don’t eat eachother because our human instinct is survival so even a stupid human would eat any human meat because that is a stupid way to survive. Cows have feelings yes but it’s human instinct to kill an eat them if they will provide you food and a source of energy and life. Yes we can eat plants but as humans we still have animal instincts and there is nothing wrong with that we are animals on a certain level. This means we don’t enjoy the pain of a cow dying but we no we can benefit from it. THIS is the greed of nature and IM sorry but that’s never going to change it’s not BAD greed it’s greed that we need to sustain our bodies it’s natural look around you animals themselves eat eachother. IM not comparing us to animals but this is the way nature works I believe cutting down on meat is reasonable but completely cutting meat out from your diet is not normal. The way animals are farmed and killed today on an industrial level is a BAD greed. But humans will carry on eating meat till the end of time. I agree in a way killing of an animal is barbaric however life in general is barbaric we just cover it up with today morals. I THINK IF WE EAT AN ANIMAL WE SHOULD BE MENTALLY CONSCIOUS THAT I JUST KILLED THIS THING YES IT HAD FEELINGS YES IT HAD I LIFE BUT I AM STILL GOING TO EAT IT SO I CAN LIVE ANOTHER DAY. YES MEAT ISNT ESSENTIAL BUT ITS HUMAN INSTINCT TO EAT ANYTHING THAT WILL GIVE YOU ENERGY AND WELL BEING YES TO MUCH MEAT IS BAD BUT SOME IS GOOD. WE MUST NOT EAT TO MUCH AND KILL OUR ANIMALS WITH MINIMAL PAIN AND BE AWARE THIS WAS A LIVING THING.
Whatever we eat does not become us as you say mango becomes a woman or man based on who eats it ? it becomes a source of energy. Considering food is needed for all living beings including plants, animals & Humans. Plants also need water and other earthy essentials from mother nature directly from soil not dirt. Plants are major source of food & energy for life. India is probably the only country to prove that humans don’t need animals in the form of food. All animals cannot eat plants/grass & live. Some animals eat other animals for hunger or food. Can you teach animals to be vegetarian ? it is an adapted habit/culture. Animals are also have to survive as we do. Eating is a necessary for life it is not a habit. Humans eating animals is also a necessity ??? not sure ? So such humans made this a habit & it became culture. Is it possible for you to change this ? or who can change this ?
plants do have emotions they to connect known as www wood wide web and what is the difference between man and animal is soul animals have life and emotions but not soul so they too can be part of us i hope every body understands and plants have feelings and they too get depressed there are modern researches on it so if emotions are case i hope u should nt even plants if any doubts contact on whatsapp 9398971491
To all those who aren’t educated on the harmfulness of meat, here are some facts regarding meat and the animal agriculture industry! 1. Of the planet’s nearly 7 billion humans, roughly 1 billion people are malnourished and 6 million children starve to death every year.Farming animals is notoriously inefficient and wasteful when compared to growing plants to feed humans directly, with the end result that “livestock” animals take drastically more food from the global food supply than they provide. This is because in order to eat farmed animals, we have to grow the crops necessary to feed them, which amounts to vastly more crops than it would take to feed humans directly. (We feed and slaughter 60 billion farmed animals every year; there are 7.3 billion humans on earth). To give one example, it takes thirteen pounds of grain to yield just one pound of beef (USDA) — while crops such as soy and lentils produce, pound for pound, as much protein as beef, and sometimes more. 2. Wheat is earth-friendly! You’ve probably heard that it takes a lot of water to produce meat. In actual fact, it takes 2,500 gallons to make just one pound of meat. On the other hand, it only takes 25 gallons of our valuable water to grow one pound of wheat. 3. Every time you sit down to a meal containing meat, eggs, or dairy products, you’re dining on known bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, dioxins, and a host of other toxins that can cause serious health problems in humans. An extremely high percentage of all the flesh butchered every year in the U.
He is illustrating another view. But a simpler view is seeing the animal suffer. Cutting throats. Blood spurting. Is slaughter what we want to be doing? Is this ok for the blissful, tranquil person? Can the sweet person cut the throats? So the sweet person recognizes the trauma and terrible business of slaughtering. So the sweet person withdraws from it and eating the flesh. Is it practical to kill and eat? Maybe so. But the sweet, spiritual person is less interested in being that hard and practical. Maybe it’s more practical to eat grain and beans and pick fruit, without killing.