False conspiracy theories, such as the COVID-19 pandemic being a hoax or a secret bioweapon, continue to spread on social media. A new review suggests that only certain methods to counteract conspiracy beliefs are effective. Experts and r/ChangeMyView subreddit moderators offer 10 tips to debunk conspiracy theories convincingly and kindly.
People’s first instinct when engaging with conspiracy believers is often to try and debunk their ideas with factual and authoritative information. However, direct confrontation is also necessary. Debunking conspiracy theories requires a two-pronged approach: challenging evidence and its origins, addressing specific claims, and discussing what is true.
Conspiration theories that flourished during the pandemic can be dangerous and require direct confrontation. A neuroscience-backed guide to approaching conspiratorial beliefs can help. When dealing with conspiracy theorists in your life, it is important to understand what should you believe and how to tell them.
To debunk a conspiracy theory, identify holes in their logic and use strategies like the SIFT Method. Librarians recommend the SIFT Method for evaluating sources. A new study found that many people doubted or abandoned false beliefs after a short conversation with the DebunkBot.
In conclusion, debunking conspiracy theories requires a combination of factual and authoritative information, direct confrontation, and a willingness to engage with those who believe in them.
📹 How to Debunk a Conspiracy Theory
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📹 Filip Zieba Debunked – TikTok’s Worst Conspiracy Theorist | Pt. 1
Howdy friends. In this video we begin our deep dive into the prolific misinformation TikTok account run by Filip Zieba. Filip posts …
Thank you! I grew up in a home where conspiracies were entertained constantly. You know what the fruit was? They fed fear and pride. They always pointed me away from the Bible and away from Jesus. When I was born again, I was delivered from fear that had oppressed me for decades. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Hebrews 4:12 – For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Matthew 4:4 – But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
If the earth is flat then there is a whole lot of new science i need to learn in order to understand just how they all work after spending my life personally observing conditions concerning a spherical earth that made complete sense to me. I have to unlearn it all and take on this new knowledge that im not sure anybody can explain.
I really love this Dr. Robert Carter. He has such a great delivery. I do know that conspiracy is rife upon the earth. A group of people get together and conspire to commit a crime. That is conspiracy and it happens every single day upon the earth. But wild reaching theories of conspiracy, that is something very different. We Christians do not need to get caught up with such things. “Be still and know I am your God.” Remember that the enemy is the founder of confusion and lies. It is a proven fact that we humans are susceptible to lies and confuscation. It is the reason we are in the situation we are in. Reject it. Refuse to be confused. Cling to scripture, even the parts we do not understand. God is control – not us. These things must be. Be ye not transformed by the things of this earth. All will be revealed. Let not your hearts be worried.
Logical probable and biblical is an arbitrary standard. He doesn’t even consider the biggest factor for conspiracy theories which is government cover up. Whether you believe them or not government’s incentive to put forth false narratives must be at least addressed in a conversation about conspiracy theories
I would totally agree with most of these. As far as bigfoot goes, that’s differnt. I have lived on 17 acres in the woods. And have seen and heard many weird things. Even captured photos of footprints bigger than mine. I believe I’ve even heard one talk. So what are they? Could they be spiritual? By the way, I’ve always been fascinated by bigfoot. But I wouldn’t call me a believer.
If conspiratorial evidence leans irrefutable though unadopted by the mainstream (you could use the testimony of Jesus in his time for example) … if you are unable to believe such evidence then how can you honestly say you believe in the resurrection of Jesus? As Jesus said to Nicodemus “If I have told you Earthly things and you believe not, how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly things?”
When Dr Carter says that if we ignore traditional teaching on the shape of the Earth, that we’ve known since antiquity that the Earth is round, we do so at our peril, he’s totally ignoring the fact the ancient Hebrews, Egyptians, Indians, etc., etc. and yes, even the Greeks all believed in the flat earth. That is why those cultures all had their own versions of the flat earth model. So if you’re going to go on the logic that whatever antiquity held is true today still, then if you hold the heliocentric view — that the Earth encircles the sun — you really take THAT position at your own peril.
Your measurement of the sun is also not correct. The age of the world is also in doubt with the measurement of helium the content in rock is not consistent with an age of millions of years . Science has become an alternative religion you can tell this when they keep using the term BELIEF and regurgitate facts which have been taught to them but not checked out. You have a strange concept of logic
The one problem that has been bugging me about globers is their insistence that the atmosphere turns with the Earth. First of all, what mechanism holds the atmosphere to the Earth? Gravity you say? Okay, then how come the air can move in all directions in our common experience? If the atmosphere turns with the Earth, if it is so tethered that It moves with the turn of the Earth, then how can it move in any other direction other than with the turn of the Earth? Every time I have ever stirred a cup of coffee in a mug the liquid always goes in only one direction, the direction of my agitation. Secondly, it never goes faster than my agitation. Yet if you’re a glober you must insist that the atmosphere high up is going faster than at the surface of the Earth because it has to keep up with the spin of the earth and that means more speed higher up. How does the atmosphere move faster than the agitation that turns it? Lastly, how in the world does an airplane traveling north and south either lose sideways speed or gain sideways speed depending on the direction it’s traveling? At the North Pole the sideways component is almost nil. At the equator it’s over a thousand miles an hour. How does the plane gain this alleged sideways speed of the atmosphere heading to the equator from the north pole? How does it lose that sideways speed going the opposite direction? Wouldn’t planes flying from the north pole to the equator have to turn westwardly into the atmosphere in order to fly straight south?
The Scriptures were written a long, long time before the Mystery schools in Hellenistic Alexandria, Egypt dreamed up their Gnostic cosmology which Rome adopted, which Constantine gave to the Church because the Jews apparently didn’t know how to calculate ” Easter ” properly (? ) . It was from Alexandria, Egypt that the Church got their tradition of allegorical interpretation, the rejection of the Sabbath, the Millennial reign of Messiah, the rejection of God’s calendar and therefore the corresponding cosmology . The Church Fathers at Antioch ( Paul and the Apostles to start with ) did not follow the Hellenistic allegorical tradition of Alexandria but the literal understanding handed down from their Hebrew ancestors that as the heavens and the earth were made in six days and He rested on the seventh so man will have six thousand years then The Great Day of YHUH, the Thousand year Reign . Along with this they believed in the Ancient Near East cosmology of the sun, moon and stars circuiting above us, under the dome on a plane, as Scripture affirms and we observe ! . You do know that the calendar that the Church adopted to calculate ” Easter ” went wrong and that it was Copernicus, an RC priest who said he could fix it . The obvious solution would of course be to go back to Scripture but he dug deeper into Alexandrian Mystery school alchemy by quoting Hermes Trismagritus in his Revolutions ” that the earth and the planets go round the all seeing sun god ” . This of course made way for cosmological ages, evolution, the theory of the Big Bang ( all pushed by the RC Church and their J-suits ) and ALL recent, Johnny come lately !
IF we are on a globe that is spinning a 1000 mph… then, why do the moon and stars cross the sky at the same speed. Just google timelapse of the moon and find one with stars in it, there are plenty to choose from. Stationary objects seen from a moving object appear to move in direct proportion to their distance from the moving object, but they arent, they all cross the sky at the same speed.
Yes I agree all science (I love Astronomy immensly, the scientists-beight minds🙏🙏🙏 Yet Propaganda, MSM, JFK, war propaganda,… these are not “conspiracy theories” but very often very good theories we sooner or later proven right… but these are not connected to the laws of physics so I am often targeted as “mainstream darling” but there must be CLEAR LINE between the science and politics (if as politics we include media, propaganda, war propaganda, etc).
Very good points…I also would like to add that getting deep down the rabbit hole also risks harming our own witness for Christ. A non-believer can look at our reasons for why we believe in God and say. “Awe…bless their tiny brain. No wonder they believe in God, they believe in all this other crap too.”
There is one thing that makes no sense in your argument. Logic, yup, makes sense. Probability, I see what you mean here, humans are terrible at probabilty, but fine. But something having to fit with Christian teachings. No, this doesn’t make any sense. We get into the realms of circular logic very quickly. How do you know creationism is correct? Because the bible says so. How do you know the bible is correct? Because creationism is.
I do believe in creation…. I’ve watched a lot also in evolution theory, but not convinced me at all. I just wanted to know about those skulls being found lately that they said 50K years of age’s and older. Is it really true human bones of our ancestors like humosapien, humoerectus as per evolutionist theory? How can we explain such things to those who asks us…..
PLEASE NOTE I am a Christian critcal thinker and I find your logic disturbing I am willing to debate at any time. My views on science changed after I researched the theory of evolution which I now know to be quasi science or scientific dogma . Strangely your presentation to me promotes the opposite of what you claim to believe
Here’s another easy way you can prove the earth is NOT flat, merely by using your eyes: HAD it been flat, you would have been able to see space in a thin horizon between the clouds and the earth surface by looking parallel from anywhere you are standing on the surface of the flat earth, all around you. Even if it is overcast with clouds. Since cloud ceiling are always above the ground. So you would have seen a thin blue sky line color during the day and the stars at night slightly elevated over the horizon all around you in the far distant flat earth! But, in stead, what we see on a cloudy day is cloud ceiling meeting the earth surface on the horizon, MEANING the earth has to be curved and not flat.This is so logical!
I liked Dr. Carter’s analysis of population growth when I saw it years ago. He demonstrates clearly with that why the earth cannot be very old simply due to the population that now exists on the earth. That said, he’s a creationist and while that puts him into a more biblical view, all Creationists stop short of fully embracing what the Bible says about cosmology. The Bible clearly states the earth does not move several times. So for the Bible being geocentric there can be no debate. If the Earth doesn’t move, then the heavens clearly move around the earth. However, I think the Bible further describes the earth as flat and so is also a flat earth book. I see creationists being like children that don’t want to jump into the water but are content with merely dabbling their toes in it. Such is Dr. Carter’s position. The rest of the water is a conspiracy theory to them; yet, all the water is a conspiracy to the evolutionists. Creationists just do not go deep enough into the biblical truth about cosmology and they see themselves better than the crazy geocentrists and especially flat earthers. The scientific evidence of mudfossils around the world is ignored by creationists as well. But that story is in the Bible also.
AIG – Nearly everyone understands that a sphere does not have an edge. Indeed, we can travel indefinitely around a sphere and never reach a boundary or edge. On the other hand, if the earth is flat, it must have an edge somewhere, unless the earth is an infinite plane. However, few people today suggest the latter, and no one in the ancient world did. Bible skeptics are fond of pointing out that the phrase “four corners of the earth” appears three times in the Bible. Surely, the skeptics claim, this must refer to a flat, square earth—thus proving that the Bible teaches a flat earth. At the very least, they reason, this shows that the Bible writers believed one of the flat earth cosmologies of the ancient world, thus proving that the Bible is not inspired, but that the people who wrote the Bible merely reflected the worldview of their times. There are some examples of flat earth cosmologies from the ancient world, but they always consisted of a flat, round earth. A circle was considered a much more perfect shape than a square, so none of the ancient flat earth cosmologies involve a square earth. If a square flat earth were the cosmology of the Bible, then it would have been at odds with every other ancient flat earth cosmology. Therefore, this attempt by the skeptics to claim that the Bible teaches a flat earth does not square (pun intended) with the facts of history.
It’s commendable y’all insist we should take the Bible literally when it comes to evolution vs. creation and the age of the earth. But then you turn around and say we shouldn’t take the Bible literally when it comes to geocentrism. You choose to go with what scientists say instead of God, even though no observation can demonstrate whether a heliocentric or geocentric is correct. Disappointed with your hypocrisy on this.
Without the Magisterium of the Church you can interpret the Bible any way you want. As the arguments over geocentrism here prove. The Magisterium came before the Bible snd decreed what went into the Bible. Which included quite a few books taken out at the reformation, independently of Magisterial authority. The Magisterium comes down firmly on the side of Geocentrism. (As does the science of Hubble, Einstein and many others incidentally).
We thank God that every scientist at CMI enlighting us about God, Bible and science. I personally thank all CMI expert for their hard work along this time. Perdon me. Just for FE theory, I wish CMI will inisiate a series of discuse with people and even churches that today hold the FE theory. I thought there were maybe three basic asumption that strongly support FE theory. First, based on history, before the period of Copernicus and Galiley, we knew that the earth is the centre of universe. And the bible told us so. Second, even simple physics shows us that water are level. It is impossible that 70 percent of water in the earth exist on the globe earth since we understand that gravity was not a magnetic force according to Einstein. Third, the big bang theory based on its evolutionary philosphy where everything came from nothing and would be end for nothing. This philosophy is the basic teaching of global earth and heliocentric model. Thank you . GBU.
I guess it’s censor time on Creation Ministries International. You said at the beginning of your article, “I want to explain something very clearly though. A conspiracy, by definition can only be held by a few people. So that’s one of the things we can think of when applying these tests to to these alternate ideas.” This is one of the same arguments that evolutionists have used to marginalize Bible believing creationists for many years. Evolutionists still do constitute the majority in the current scientific Weltanschauung. There have been many instances in history where a minority opinion was scoffed at but later proven to be true. Pasteur being just one of them, Galileo and Copernicus being two others. I find it very sad that you, as creationists, who have endured slander and ridicule from establishment evolutionsts and the main stream media for so many years and been painted with a broad brush by being lumped in with flat earthers, would then turn right around and use these same dirty tactics to lump Apollo Moon landing skeptics in with flat earthers and Big Foot believers. This is disgraceful. Big Foot and the flat earth are both beyond the realm of legitimate scientific endeavor. The major Moon Landing skeptic site on Facebook does not endorse or allow flat earth conspiracy posts. I happen to be a Creationist and a Christian and deeply resent Creation Ministries International’s slander of myself and other Christians who doubt the Apollo narrative.
53:07 Alright, this is footage from Operation High Jump. The aircraft in frame is a Douglas R4D, a variant of the DC-3, with what looks like JATO (Jet-Assisted-Take-Off) boosters, which is departing from the aircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea of the Essex class. The R4D’s did not fly far, as they landed on the Ross Ice Shelf in the McMurdo Sound and were subsequently abandoned as they could not land back on the Philippine Sea. The only aircraft to fly over the land itself were PBM-5 Mariners, and that itself was to do photographical mapping of the coastline and photograph a few places over land. He couldn’t even try to find the “real” photo’s of which operation this was, because there’s been numerous operations involving aircraft. A second gripe I have is that he says “he and his squadron flies into it”, which implies they’re flying in formation…military aircraft fly in formation during combat for, get this, PROTECTION FROM OPPOSING MILITARY AIRCRAFT…they would have no reason to be flying in formation over Antarctica during the early Cold War! Also, on another note, it would be a flight, not a squadron. They would not have 18 googledebunking aircraft, which mind you are cargo aircraft as they’re the only aircraft that really flew over Antarctica at the time, flying into an opening in the ground. You don’t see a damn cave and say, “Hey, I should fly my Cessna 172 into it!” Edit: Also, bro didn’t even make it to the North Pole if I remember correctly. Also, there was literally only a single aircraft that was on that polar expedition.