The witch is a powerful arcane spellcaster with an infinite pool of known spells. They have a long and diverse spell list, and their highest level of spells depends on their spell save DCs, number of spells known at 1st level, and the effects of their hexes. To learn or cast a spell, a witch must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. As a witch increases in level, their number of spell slots and the highest level of spells they can cast increase.
A witch is also the uncontested master of familiars, and their Focus Spells (Hexes) are fantastic and include powerful Hex Cantrips that can often define their spellcasting abilities. They cast arcane spells drawn from the witch spell list and must choose and prepare their spells ahead of time. Each class has its own method of learning, preparing, and casting spells, and every individual spell produces a specific effect.
Witches are proficient with all simple weapons but not with any type of armor or shield. They can use a scroll to teach their familiar a new spell, which takes 1 hour per level of the spell to be learned. Witches can equip the shield, but without proficiency, they cannot use it optimally and face penalties.
Mage Armor should already be up for witches, as they do not get Shield or Mirror Image. The Buckler’s description states that using a shield arm to cast a spell with somatic components is not allowed. Raising a magical shield of force counts as using the Raise a Shield action, giving a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. Wizards receive spells that protect them better than armor, such as Displacement/Blur, Improved Invisibility, Shield, and Mirror Image.
📹 Pathfinder 2e Teamwork Build: The Shadow Assassin Witch
Hey viewers got another teamwork build video for you! Today is the witch build! Please note that you can take all the free …
What is the prismatic spell in pathfinder?
This spell generates seven multicolored light beams from the subject’s hand, with each beam exhibiting a distinct level of intensity. Creatures with eight or fewer Hit Dice are rendered blind for a period of two rounds. Each creature is randomly struck by one or more beams, which result in additional effects.
What is the ancestor spell in pathfinder?
Casting this spell allows you to access ancestral memories of your ancestors to learn about your current situation. The chance of finding a relevant memory is 70 + your caster level. If successful, you gain a +5 insight bonus on Intelligence-based skill checks. If successful, your ancestor encountered a similar situation or problem, providing you with specific information to overcome it. For example, a character encountering a clay golem may learn the proper type of weapons and spells to defeat it by casting ancestral memory. This helps in overcoming problems and enhancing your abilities.
Do cantrips count towards prepared spells?
Cantrips are not associated with recognized or prepared spells and are analogous to the cantrips of other classes. These spells are not leveled and do not consume spell slots.
How many spells does a level 1 wizard get?
At the initial level of advancement, the character is endowed with a spellbook comprising six wizard spells, with the exception of the fixed cantrips, which are stored in the mind.
Do wizards get 2 spells every level?
As a wizard, you can add two spells of your choice to your spellbook for free each time you gain a wizard level. These spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown on the Wizard table. You may find other spells during your adventures. Additionally, you can regain some magical energy by studying your spellbook. Once a day, you can choose expended spell slots to recover, with a combined level equal to or less than half your wizard level. For instance, a 4th-level wizard can recover up to two levels worth of spell slots.
Can a wizard cast two spells?
High-level spells necessitate expeditious casting, with the exception of Double, Clerics, Paladins, and Wizards. It is not possible for Doubles to cast magic items, as this would require them to expend two spells simultaneously.
How many spells does a witch get per level in Pathfinder?
The patron grants the familiar two new spells of any level, selected from a list of common spells associated with the patron’s tradition or other spells that the patron has access to. Furthermore, feats may bestow additional spells.
What are the rules for witches in Pathfinder?
A witch casts arcane spells from the witch spell list, requiring an Intelligence score of at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a spell is 10 + the spell level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A witch can only cast a certain number of spells of each spell level per day, with a base daily spell allotment given on Table 2-10. A high Intelligence score grants bonus spells per day. A witch can know any number of spells but must prepare them ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour communing with her familiar.
What is the favored enemy spell in Pathfinder?
This spell designates the target as the favored enemy for the duration of the spell’s effect, effectively treating it as if it were that type of enemy for all purposes. One may select a favored enemy type.
What is the best race for a witch in Pathfinder?
The Gnome is a suitable choice for small Witches or those focused on illusions, with the Gnome favored class bonus granting additional Hexes. The Half-Elf has a flexible ability bonus but can’t match the Elf’s abilities. Witches are similar to wizards in terms of intelligence, prepared arcane spellcasters with an infinite pool of known spells. They have a long and diverse spell list and can make a spectacular save-or-suck caster. They are distinguished by a flavor and their Hex abilities.
Witches provide non-spellcasting options for a class that is good enough at spellcasting. They can excel in various roles in the party, including healing spells. With the right patron, a witch can even make a passable replacement for a divine spellcaster. If you need help with Pathfinder options not covered here, please email the author for additional assistance.
Are hexes spells Pathfinder?
The DM believes that Hexes are both attack actions and spells, but they are not SP. They are considered supernatural abilities, but they do not have a SU next to the ability. A specific situation occurred when a witch used a hex on a foe during a time stop, and the DM ruled that hexs would not work since time stop prevents attacks and spells. Hexes are a standard action that takes a standard action, and if they cause a Debuff or Damage, they would be considered an attack.
This ended up WAY longer than I expected, but here you go! It’s time for the Witch Deep Dive in Pathfinder 2e! Now with 50% …
Something else I love about Improved Familiar: not only do you get a specific familiar sooner/easier, it also frees up 2 familiar abilities for use. So essentially, this one feat can end up giving a free familiar ability depending on what specific familiar you choose compared to other familiar feats. As more specific familiars are released, it will only get more fun. Great vid, great info. Thanks!
I’m struggling to achieve the prerequisites for the archetypes. Expert crafting by level 6 to take expert alchemy, doable. Master stealth, expert performance by level 8 for shadowdancer? Can’t reach that Master crafting by level 12 is doable for sure but I can’t spin a way to be expert crafting, expert performance, and Master stealth by level 8. Level 9 I can do it though