Zodiac signs and the transiting houses of an eclipse are a two-act production, with their symbolic themes being similar. Understanding these signs is crucial when interpreting the transits of eclipses to the houses of the natal chart. Eclipses in the birth chart houses can activate latent energies in our astrological houses, each representing a unique area of our lives, prompting change.
Eclipses in the first house emphasize our uniqueness, including our planet’s traits. When an eclipse hits a natal planet, its traits will be subdued or altered. Full/New Moon Eclipse Transits in Natal houses can be found online, and the full moon in the second house focuses on our financial picture, assets, income, and personal possessions.
A solar eclipse represents a matter from the objective, outside world, while a lunar eclipse represents something emerging into our life. According to astrology, eclipses bring rapid developments and encourage us to move in the best direction, both personally and collectively. The house an eclipse falls in shows us the areas of life where we will be asked to grow beyond what we have previously known.
When eclipses aspect your natal Sun, you are thrust into the starring role or must fight to reclaim it. Sometimes, authority figures like parents or bosses may play a role in this process. This post provides information about personal Eclipse Cycles and includes a lot of astro-inspired speculation about what happened.
📹 Eclipses in the 12 Houses in Astrology Workshop
A workshop on how to understand the meaning of transiting solar and lunar eclipses based on which of the 12 houses they fall in …
What is the omen of eclipse?
Solar eclipses are often associated with evil omens, such as death, destruction, and disasters. Pregnant women and their unborn children are often advised to stay indoors during these eclipses, while people fast in parts of India due to the belief that cooked food will be poisonous. However, not all superstitions surrounding solar eclipses are about doom. For instance, in Italy, it is believed that flowers planted during a solar eclipse are brighter and more colorful than any other time of year.
Is an eclipse good or bad luck?
The darkening of the Sun or Moon during an eclipse is a significant event in history, often seen as a disruption of the natural order. Many ancient peoples had spiritual explanations for these events to help them understand the seemingly inexplicable and random phenomena. In ancient China, it was believed that solar eclipses occurred when a celestial dragon attacked and devoured the Sun. To frighten away the dragon and save the Sun, people would bang drums and make loud noises during an eclipse. However, ancient Chinese were not particularly concerned with lunar eclipses, and one text from around 90 BCE dismisses them as “a common matter”.
In ancient Hindu mythology, a cunning demon named Rahu sought immortality by drinking the nectar of the gods. He was disguised as a woman and was discovered by Vishnu. As punishment, Rahu was beheaded, and his decapitated head darkened the Sun during an eclipse. Some versions suggest that Rahu was able to steal a sip of the nectar but was beheaded before it reached his body. His immortal head, in perpetual pursuit of the Sun, sometimes catches and swallows it, but the Sun quickly reappears.
What does an eclipse aspect to the natal planets?
Eclipses, like the imagined afterlife, can bring significant changes to our lives through developmental crises. These crises can coincide with dramatic external events, such as the death of someone close, illness, job change, romance, divorce, or internal events like depression. Personal planets, particularly the Sun and Moon, can be sensitive to eclipse aspects, often heralding profound events that force us to confront our fear of loss. On the other hand, eclipses aspecting our happy natal Venus usually presage pleasant transitions.
Eclipses are not always associated with unhappy events, as they can also coincide with joyous events like marriage or childbirth. These events are more traumatic than tragic ones, as we don’t expect to be frightened or disoriented by them and receive little support from others. However, the energy of eclipses is crisis, a crossroads, and a turning point. Choosing something good for our life, such as a partner, a child, or a high-powered career, often means closing the door on something else, such as life as a single person, total freedom, and relative lack of responsibility. It’s normal to mourn loss, even loss that’s necessary to clear our path to joy.
What does an eclipse mean spiritually?
Lunar eclipses are considered a spiritual time in astrology, as they reveal our deep emotional tides and subconscious patterns. Astrologists believe that these eclipses are life-changing times to seek change and evolve. The energy potential of a lunar eclipse is at its peak during a total eclipse, making it an opportunity to cleanse our emotional waters and release deep-seated wounds. This period is also a time to embrace changes, as ending ties with people and things is inevitable and necessary as we grow.
Embracing changes may not be negative, as cutting off sources of negativity can help clear emotional space for new items and clearing the mind for unique opportunities. The wisdom and maturity gained in previous cycles can be anchored in a lunar eclipse, as it helps us clear our mind and embrace new opportunities. Overall, lunar eclipses are a powerful time to let go of old habits and embrace new opportunities.
How important is 5th house in astrology?
The Fifth House, also known as the House of Pleasure, represents desire, creativity, and individuality. It helps determine the blessings and challenges life will bring and can provide insight into relationships and pastimes. The Fifth House rules creative pursuits, self-expression, recreation, relationships, and offspring. It governs performance, drama, and artistic expression, while also guiding self-expression and personal pride. The Fifth House also governs recreational activities, games, sports, and hobbies, and spontaneous joy from adventures and trips.
It governs relationships, focusing on casual sex and desire, and how one expresses themselves in relationships and around loved ones. The Fifth House is also associated with children, making it the House of Progeny and Knowledge. In summary, the Fifth House represents desire, creativity, and individuality, and helps determine the blessings and challenges life will bring.
How does the eclipse affect the 5th house?
The 5th house represents creative energy, self-expression, and project work. It also involves children and inner child connections. The 6th house deals with health routines, digestion, and diet, organizing and tidying the home and workplace. The 7th house deals with relationships, working with others, and compromise. It also deals with cooperation and conflict, with others potentially calling the shots.
What to do during an eclipse for good luck?
During the solar eclipse, one may engage in a variety of spiritual practices, including a moon ceremony, meditation, chanting, or a tarot card reading, to gain insight into one’s spiritual journey. This period presents new possibilities, including enhanced prospects for employment or adventurous pursuits. In the event that manifestation is not yielding the desired results, it may be beneficial to consider six potential reasons why this could be occurring.
What should you not do during an eclipse?
Wear eclipse glasses or use a handheld solar viewer to avoid eye injury from concentrated solar rays. Instead, use an indirect viewing method like a pinhole projector, which projects an image of the Sun onto a nearby surface. This method is safe to view with the Sun at your back. To create your own eclipse projector, use a cardboard box, white paper, tape, scissors, and aluminum foil. Sunlight will stream through a pinhole punched into aluminum foil taped over a hole in one side of the box. Remember to avoid looking at the Sun through the pinhole.
What does a total eclipse mean in astrology?
A total solar eclipse is a powerful event that can evoke a sense of ego death, as the entire Sun is wiped out of the sky. This event serves as a significant reset for the human brain, allowing it to focus on the larger cosmic cycles of the solar system. The 2017 total solar eclipse was one of the most profound experiences of the author’s life, as no solar eclipse had been visible across the United States since 1918. The eclipse took longer than expected, with the Moon taking only a tiny visual “nibble” from the Sun’s edge.
As the eclipse approached, the sky became ominously dim, with shadows breaking into sickle-shaped waves and transforming the ground into a disorienting ocean of light. Just before the Sun disappeared, a heart-squeezing sensation seizes the regular cadence of breath, causing the author to feel a sense of unease and uncertainty. This experience is particularly profound for those who have always been drawn to metaphysical events and have always wanted to experience a cosmic event like this.
What does the eclipse do to your energy?
The upcoming lunar and solar eclipse will bring a gateway of energy that can be productive, active, and positive when consciously engaged with the shadow sides of self. Performing a small personal ritual, such as lighting a candle or writing an intention, can help engage the energies of release and usher in new changes. Trust that whatever unfolds in your life is natural to the cycles of transformation and change, knowing that it is all for a higher purpose.
How does an eclipse affect astrology?
Astrology suggests that eclipses bring rapid developments and encourage personal and collective growth. If on the right path, individuals may experience major triumphs, while if not, they may face challenges that force them to change direction. Astrologer Kyle Thomas provides a guide on how an upcoming eclipse event may affect individuals based on astrology. Since ancient times, humans have looked to the sky and attempted to understand the Moon and stars.
Historically, eclipses were seen as harbinger of doom, with a solar eclipse being considered “the eye of an angry god” and a lunar eclipse predicting an empire’s fall. However, with advancements in science and astronomy, we have learned to appreciate these events and their connection to major life experiences, often lasting forever.
📹 Eclipses as Transits in Astrology
A workshop explaining how to interpret eclipses as transits in astrology, by seeing which house they fall in in your birth chart, with …
Thank you everyone for sharing! This is amazing. Nov 19 2021 eclipse was in my scorpio 10H/4H Taurus and I was suddenly let go from my 7 year job – then this season my mom was having major health issues and I was trying to travel back home (4H parents/home town) and just couldn’t get there, and I’m STILL trying to re-create my career, but doing it totally differently and moving forward with it slow and steady.
I’m Leo rising (25 degree ascendant) and the day of the August 2017 Leo eclipse (at 29 leo) I moved across the country – which was to start graduate school and moved with/moved in for the first time with my partner. I didn’t plan anything with this eclipse in mind, but it’s really wild to look back on.
Here’s a full 8th house eclipse story: I have Sun and Venus conjunct Aldebaran in Gemini in the 8th. During the last eclipse season in Gemini-Sagittarius all 8th house matters came into play: 1) The father of my son finally started paying child support. 2) I was diagnosed with breast cancer and received a significant amount of money from my life insurance. 3) I got paid sickness benefit by the government for one entire year although I required treatment downtime for only one month. 4) One of my best friends passed away at age 48. 5) My stepmother passed away and I inherited money. 6) My father passed away and I inherited properties. 7) The inherited assets came with a hefty tax bill. PS: When this eclipse season started, the Moon was the ruler of my Profected ASC and at the end of this eclipse season, the Sun was my Time Lord. PS2: Pluto conjuncted my IC, so I used most part of the money to refurnish and redecorate my home.
I love these eclipse articles, eclipses are one of my favorite astrology topics to study. I have a few stories of eclipses that I’m kind of just now putting together in my notes. Back in November 2013 right after the Scorpio eclipse (which hit my MC within a degree and my Mars within 4 degrees) I was sexually assaulted one of my first college parties. This was an 11th house eclipse and really affected my views on my social life, I became very isolated and had a lot of trust issues with new people, and actually ended up pursuing legal action around this eclipse too. By the Taurus eclipse in the following April, the legal case was wrapping up. This more recent round of Taurus/Scorpio eclipses though, I ended up self publishing a collection of poetry on my experiences with trauma. (Poetry, 5th house Taurus eclipse in April 2022 within a 2 degree opposition to my MC) Related to this, back in March 2016, with the Pisces eclipse (my 3rd house) I began to really get serious about writing poetry. I took a creative writing class in college that focused on poetry and it really helped me grow as a writer. Another story, in July 2018, the Cancer eclipse fell on my AC/DC axis and I met a guy who became my longest relationship and also my most toxic. I broke up with him in 2020 right around the Cancer eclipse which also fell right around my DC. Last eclipse story! During the last round of Sagittarius/Gemini eclipses in my 6th/12th house, I spent a lot of time in trauma therapy AS WELL AS physical therapy following a car accident where I injured my back.
oh this is so intriguing! i started volunteering as a mediator after the taurus eclipse in april. the mediation course also began somewhere around the taurus eclipse in 2021. taurus is my 11th house. so far the volunteer job has felt really meaningful and i have met so many new people and even an old friend through the job.. so excited to see where this will take me
The recent eclipses happened across my 3rd and 9th houses (Solar eclipse in 3rd, lunar eclipse in 9th). The rent in my apartment was unexpectedly raised quite substantially (Taurus influence–also Uranus bringing in that drama) (3rd H=apartment complex, neighborhood) I also had unexpected interactions with neighbors and with stray cats suddenly appearing that I feel conflicted about feeding (also seems sort of Taurean) because the new lease I had to sign specifically has an addendum against putting food out for cats, but the cats will come to my door and beg. I just don’t want to get evicted because that would be stressful, but I have been feeding them because…. I have a heart? lol. Ultimately this has kind of lead me to realize that when my lease expires in a year, I won’t continue to live here and I would like to save up money (Taurus) to move (3rd House–changing neighborhood, environment). With the 9th House/Scorpio energy of the lunar eclipse, I’ve been learning more about witchcraft and spellwork and having interesting insights revealed to me from my spirit guides about the nature of magick (communicating to them using tarot about the effects of spells I’ve done etc) as well as reading and listening to the witch Laurie Cabot. This makes sense considering Scorpio relates to occult and 9th house to expanded knowledge.
Amazing! Gina’s story is so similar to mine. When I had eclipses going through my 6th /12th houses I got fired out of the blue and after that just did not want to go back to the same administrative jobs that I actually hated. Just like her I was looking for myself. But I did not have eclipse in the 1st house after that. So, I’m guessing it’s the 12th house influence in looking for the spiritual path.
Scorpio rising here, having the eclipses run through my 1st/7th access. And let me tell you, I have just gone through it. I went into hospital on the 24th May to have a minor dental procedure under anesthesia, it was meant to be a day procedure with being able to go home after a couple of hours. Well that didn’t happen. Once I awoke from surgery, there were very severe complications, I was very sick and could have lost my life. It went oh so very wrong! The eclipse so happens to be very close in degrees to my natal ascent during late May, June & July.
In 2021 I had a progressed lunar eclipse with progressed Sun at 0 deg Aquarius and progressed Moon 0 degrees Leo. (falling across my natal 12th and 6th). It was actually a pretty traumatic time. I was assaulted by an unknown assailant(s) who broke into my home, which fits the 12th house theme of hidden enemies. I think I know who it might have been, but I don’t know for sure, which also fits the 12th house vagueness/confusion theme. This incident brought up a lot of significant trauma memories from my early childhood… fitting the 12th house theme of the unconscious, which with the progressed sun there means the unconscious was brought to light. So in addition to the 2021 trauma, it was like re-living my early childhood abuse as well, which was sadistic and extreme. I had some pieces of the puzzle already, but it didn’t really make sense until these other memories emerged. To me that seems very 6th house/12th house axis because it helps to organize (6th house) information that was quite confusing or inaccessible previously (12th). I used writing songs and poetry (12th house imagination) to cope and help me heal (6th house). My ability to do my work (6th house) was obviously disrupted by all of this. My health and sleep were impacted. It did lead me also to start journalling a LOT, which seems like a 6th house thing since it is self-care and also the 6th house seems to use language to organize and analyze thoughts (whereas 3rd house uses words to disseminate information moreso).
I wonder if Laura gets to see this… the person sharing their story at around 1:35:00. You are my alter ego!! I got chills when I heard your birthdate and saw your ascendant. My Sun is but a few degrees earlier than yours (same date) but my Libra ascendant opposes yours (one degree orb)!! I will add my eclipse story here, at least the couple that had super clear results. So, I have a Libra ascendant, Capricorn Sun in 4th, Venus in 5th and Saturn in 2nd house. The Capricorn-Cancer eclipse on 2.july.2019 taking place in my 4-10th and squaring my 7th house Aries Moon found me realizing I had a small alcohol issue and that my 9-year relationship was not helping my innumerable back then insecurities (alcohol issue was also one of our bonds). By end of year I had already informed my partner we would be breaking up. This took some time because we were mostly best friends and it hurt a lot. I formerly announced the end on 15th March, with Aries nearing my natal Jupiter and having had a Jupiter return in the 4th house. Due to covid restrictions and my searching to rent a place it took a long while to part, as I was contemplating having him leave instead (i work from home as a seamstress so the reluctancy was due to changing my whole life). I started packing right after the Solar Eclipse and Summer Solstice on 21st June. I absolutely moved out of the house on the ‘faint’ Lunar Eclipse on 5 July. As my Moon was quite affected in all these cases, I sure suffered a big depression for a long time because I loved my lifestyle, house and cats.
The recent Taurus eclipse was in my 2nd house conjunct my natal Mars (Aries rising). I had an issue with sleeping that was originally triggered by a bad bout of heartburn just before the eclipse, and then sleeping was made more difficult due to having a lot of nervous system dysregulation and resurfacing early trauma. I suspect the eclipse, with transit Uranus opposite my natal 8th house Pluto, is what really brought that up..I was sexually abused before age 3 by my father, so perhaps the 8th house factoring in, having to do with psychic inheritance? Sexual abuse maybe? My partner who has been supporting me also made it clear that we cannot go on this way, so basically I feel my early experiences in life are catching up with me with these eclipses, like I am being forced to face the music so to speak..and I can see how every choice I’ve made in life, the development of my personality, has stemmed from those early experiences.. I very much feel stuck and unsure if I will be able to heal, after losing so much (relocating just before the pandemic for my partners job, to a state I hate, losing my analyst, my meaningful work, sense of connection to place, etc.). I am about to start a new job. I’ve begun working with a new analyst and I just hope I can save my own soul, finally allow myself to die (metaphorically speaking) and hopefully survive..I also live on a Pluto/ DS line here, so I’ve got that goin g for me too.
I revisited this one related to the transit episode where I noticed a specific transit was related to an eclipse cycle. I’m actually not that concerned about some of what I thought was “gnarly” with the 11/08/22 eclipse. If an astrologer wanted to see a full blown example of a natal Neptune sag (4th) with 13 degrees applying to a 1st Saturn virgo; this is the exact topic to infer about. Paying attention to cycles lately, not much of anything is happening, but things I may not be noticing or completely taking as realistic could start to shape more. In most ways, I probably know what it is. It’s the closing out of a chapter. If travel works out, it’s weighing out places to move. Specifics, 2012 is when I made an active attempt to reconcile differences with family which I postponed and regretted deeply very quickly where an there were a lot of unusual events signaling to stay course. There was actually a funny online story about Virgo’s that I kept recently because.. 🤔 (how to put it..) my mother (whom I tried to have a healthy relationship with) has those exact traits and why I view it as unreconcilable. “If it wasn’t for me, everyone’s life would fall apart.” The martyr complex negative trait is equal to Leo. lol. I just responded with “..well..” and then cut off. Part of what set up the attempt was being criticized in a relationship of not having any relationship (refusing) with family where I had a dream I visited to find she died recently, everyone and even the police were happy and not caring at all.
This eclipse season affected my 4th (Taurus) and 10th (Scorpio) in a big way. “Letting” go in the 10th was unexpected and emotional, I am about to take sabbatical leave to answer family/home call where I have not been for 6 years. Family trip is really difficult, but I know I need to do it. I also have Saturn transiting my AC at the moment and Neptune transiting Sun. So I’m super tense and uncertain at the same time
This is very interesting, the unemployed office where I live is insisting I’m paying them back & it’s completely ridiculous. I was getting pandemic unemployment & was laid off due to COVID. It is crazy the amount of money from federal government for COVID but our governor wants to send it back to them. I am like are you serious when I really was laid off because of COVID. I paid back some of it but it is not right even the judge in the first hearing said it seems completely unfair she didn’t do one thing wrong & we are going to make her pay all this money back. I seriously think I need to get one my friends involved.
5th house Scorpio… the eclipse chart for May looked very personal (but positive) it was trine my sun at 24 cancer and right on Lilith and two different Uranus activations both natal and transit. The ascendant of the eclipse was right on my natal moon. Appropriately enough, I have two Scorpio sun children. One of them got seriously injured in an accident a few days after the eclipse. He is ok, but it could have been fatal. I don’t look at the kids charts, they are little, but I can count the degree of the sun in my head. The eclipse was less than a degree off my son’s sun in Scorpio. The night of the eclipse I did some remediation, offerings to Ketu, and a cleansing ritual. There are two other eclipses happening in the next year which are conjunct the other kid’s sun. It’s very worrying.
I had my solar return on April 30, the eclipse was in my 4th and 10th house (Aquarius ascendant) – my mum suddenly passed away 2 weeks later. I was a little confused as the south node (letting go) was in the 10th house (father) yet it was my mum who left with north node in the 4th. The other thing is I am in a 3rd house Aries year where my natal moon is so I wondered if that also contributed to my mums passing? Also Mercury the ruler of my 5th and IC is sitting at 0 deg of my 1st house in my solar return for this year so that definitely indicates ending/beginning with past/family. Interestingly Uranus is my chart ruler and conjunct my MC and since it’s been in my 4th house 2 family members have passed away suddenly around eclipse seasons, I was born 2 weeks before an eclipse so I am just realising that they seem to have a significant effect on me.
I lost my sister in the eclipse of 2020 in January 6 the eclipse happened on the sixth and we lost her on the ninth January 9 and this eclipse I lost a friend so but I did also fall in love this year after years of being single 15 by choice after a broken heart I’m a cancer sign Scorpio moon in Virgo rising so it took me a long time to let go of the Tia anyway
Wow. I’m Gemini rising. Soon to be ex husband is Sag rising. Our 10 year relationship started on the 2012 may 20th eclipse in my first house and his seventh. He told me he filed for divorce and kicked me out of our home the day after the the 2022 may 15th eclipse in my 6th house and his 12th. Effectively released me from running his household and becoming combative with me.
Can you PLEASe do more articles of this more often–people sharing their real life examples of manifestations…but maybe seeing their charts too!!! And how the other planets play into it? I love this clip. Thank you for putting so much time and energy and organizing into these events/recordings etc.🧐🧐🙏🙏👏👏🙌👌
In perusal this episode it amazed me how just how connected the timing of an eclipse to life events. My father who I can attribute my interest and knowledge of astrology, passed away on Dec. 26th, 2019. Since his passing, I had been trying to find an astrological significance in my chart tied to his death. Today found it while perusal this episode. I learned that there had been an eclipse on that date in my 7th house, exactly on my 1st & 7th house axis. It was soo serene & satisfying to finally see his passing in connection to an astrological event. My dad had been deep into astrology since the 1970’s, it was always a connection that we shared.
I’m a Pisces rising and last time the eclipses happened in my 4th and 10th house, my father and brother died. Saturn (conjunct NN) was opposing Pluto (conjunct SN) then. (about 17 years ago) When my brother died, Saturn was conjunct the NN in his 8th house. About two years ago when the eclipses were happening in Leo and Aquarius, my 6th and 12th house, I had to quit my job because of a burn-out. I couldn’t do anything for months and was basically imprisoned at home. I started seeing a psychologist then and worked through a lot of the trauma brought on by the deaths of my family members. I also realised that the job I was doing was not the direction I want to take in life. Now the eclipses are happening in my 5th (Cancer) and 11th (Cap) and I finally realised I want to be a writer and kickstart my creative career. My Sun and Mars are also in Cancer (21° and 22°), opposing transiting Pluto, Saturn and SN at the moment.
Your content is helping me so much. For years I’ve been searching online for answers to so many of the things you teach about on your podcasts! I’m in deep gratitude. Sag Rising. About to start 6/12th house eclipses in Taurus/Scorpio and can feel some of the topics at play already. I have Saturn in the 6th/Jupiter Venus Neptune in the 12th. Hoping my natal trines (grand earth trine and Sextiles to Mars/Pluto in Virgo, Moon in Capricorn help support these eclipses), in addition to all the 2nd house excavating I’ve been doing for many years, thanks to Pluto on my natal moon, and all that’s taken place in Capricorn the last many years. Jupiter is also fixing to transit my N. Node in Pisces 4th house. I feel like this will play into this whole situation as well. I maybe taking the aspects too far (still learning) but it feels relevant. This has helped so much. Thank you!
Last example:. I have Gemini in the 12th, and throughout this entire north node transit through Gemini since February of 2020 I have been most the most part isolated (I mean with Covid, who hasn’t) but I have done a deep dive into all things metaphysical or spiritual in nature, I started therapy right after the 11/20 full moon eclipse, learned tarot, meditation, astrology, human design, sacred geometry, you name it, I’ve spent time in it since February of 2020. I have Jupiter in Gemini in the 12th natally so I think that helped make the isolation incredibly productive, and it’s been important for me to really deeply understand the specifics and details and also the philosophical side of those things (the Gemini/Sagittarius axis). Having Gemini in the 12 has made me want to communicate these things but I struggle to do that because I’m so isolated, so I had to communicate with myself and get to know myself in a deeper way.
This was so informative. I am not a whole sign house person usually but it makes a lot of sense when I think of how the eclipses have played out in my chart. Thank you. I have it currently hitting my 6th and 12th houses. I have an Aquarius rising. It’s resulted in closing off many relationships with people working for me and then also now with the latest full moon eclipse- hiring new women that work for me that are exactly what I am looking for- thy are dependable and nurturing. I work a lot and so need a good supportive base at home to run things while I work (aupair for my daughter, a new housekeeper and a tutor for my daughter). But it wasn’t easy for me to handle being let down by the previous employees that were quite unreliable. It caused me a lot of mental stress. But I spend a lot of time alone for my own sanity. I crave it and have started feeling a pull towards more yoga and meditation. I am also working out a lot more, as I have an abundance of energy in the last week and have started a new eating plan. I have also found a great new kinesiologist and it has all happened since this lunar eclipse. Very fast results! Most of the year I was feeling so drained and exhausted. So the lunar eclipse feels like it has turned things into a more positive healthy habits and people. I am born during a full moon lunar eclipse so find the lunar eclipses really bring me results especially new beginnings! Could you do a talk on what it is like for those born during or close to solar and lunar eclipses please?
Thanks Leisa and Chris for this great episode! I (Virgo rising) had eclipses in my 6th/12th houses in the Leo NN/Aquarius SN cycle in 2017, also a nodal return for me. I left my career that I had been in for 10 years and moved back in with my parents to take a break. I had been thinking about that step for a while and it was my own decision and turned out to be a good time. Also my parents’ house in small-town Germany might be considered a 12th house-location in comparison to London, Hong Kong, Tokyo where I had been living during the 10 years that I was in that career. My 12th house is ruled by the Sun in Scorpio conjunct IC. I also bought the first cookbook that would start me off on a dietary change (6th house) to cook my own, healthy food almost daily.
I honestly didn’t have any interest in eclipses before this, but as it happens I was skimming through the November 2021 forecast episode last night (my first time deciding to watch a forecast episode too lol), and the part about the Taurus partial eclipse caught my attention as someone with a Taurus rising. Followed the trail here and what do you know – my 1st house (incl. Taurus Venus, South Node) and 7th house (Scorpio Jupiter, Pluto, and NN) are due for a 2 year party starting from this upcoming eclipse! The timing is impeccable 😂 I’m definitely curious to see how these 1H/7H themes unfold over the next few years; might have some stories to share later on, so I’ll keep you posted 🎉 My Leo 4H/Aquarius 10H was activated during an eclipse in 2018, when I was made redundant from my first job. It completely threw me for a loop and ended up triggering a series of events that lead to me travelling overseas half a year later. I hopped around nomadically every few months for a year, questioned a lot of things to do with my concept of home and foundations, and then dipped my toes for the first time into a creative field I’ve always been interested in pursuing after I somewhat settled down into a city. Actually, the day I got my acceptance email from the company I’d initially been turned down from was the day Jupiter moved into Pisces, which hit my 11H Pisces stellium (Mercury, Mars, Saturn). I hadn’t noticed the connection until months later, but it’s definitely got me excited for Jupiter returning to Pisces come December haha 😉 Thank you so much for such an interesting and insightful episode!
Thanks for this, Chris and Lisa! Really fantastic explanations of the eclipses. For me they are happening in my 6th & 12th houses, and a light bulb went on when Lisa was talking about the withdrawal from mainstream society and work-life balance topics. Not an extreme example, but the day of the solar eclipse (in my 12th) kicked off a week of camping in a remote area in Colorado, totally secluded, no cell service, which really helped to reset and refresh after a pretty stressful period at work.
This year I had Jupiter, Venus and Chiron conjunct in my solar return 2nd house in Aries. The solar eclipse was in my Natal 3rd house in Aries in April. I had 1 set of Australian cousins visit in April and 3 unexpected visits from Swiss cousins from then until September! Strangely I saw much less of my brother who just lives down the road (mars in cancer in his first house) my 3rd house is ruled by mars. Cutting and severing. Almost the only time I saw him was when the cousins were visiting and then I would see him constantly! Growing up envied my friends with many cousins living close by. I think this year caused a long delayed healing. Chiron with benefics in the 3rd house.
Thanks Lisa and Chris. I really enjoyed perusal your meeting. I have learned so much in an hour! Could you film more of your meetings for those of us who live Down Under and can’t make it to Denver? I just had aha moments when I followed your instructions and worked out when the annual projections with cancer and Leo. Significant events happened in those years. I am currently struggling with eclipse energy over the past couple of months and can’t wait to feel better. Life just feels so intense.
Hi, thanks. I´ve got an eclipse example. I have Aries rising. When there was the eclipse in Capricorn in January 2019, my tenth house, I become full time astrologer. Before that eclipse I was also tutor of mathematics. And it was like step into the darkness. I didn´t know, If I will be able to make living just through astrology. But after this decision I started to have more clients. It was just like, after I stopped tutoring, I created space, which filled with more interest in my astrology service. I hope it makes sense. 🙂
Thank you for that 🙂 I wish you could follow that with a workshop about being born during an eclipse and how it plays out in the birth chart ! I hope you’ll get to film more of these meet-up’s (I really liked also the one about Uranus transits !) and share, I’m in Europe and won’t be able to attend Denver anytime soon !
Another good thing to add would be that when the transiting Sun squares the eclipse point, either before or after the eclipse, is what brings the effect of the eclipse into action in one’s life. I learned this from Michele Adler who wrote an excellent book : “Predictive Astrology” i’d like to see you interview her, Chris!
Coming from yesterday’s Gemini solar eclipse (June 10th, 2021), it was a great material to analyse the sequence of events. I.e. being Cancer rising over the last couple of year I had major struggle with my chef, who appeared in my life in July 2019 Cancer-Capricorn eclipses (my 1-7th house), I finally quit the job having burn out and mental health issues exact on November 30th, 2020 on Gemini lunar eclipse (12th house). And for the last 6 months I stay home to recover isolated with very limited external contacts. Half way through, in March 2021 I’ve started my astrology study from the ground (Sagittarius’ ruler Jupiter is in my 3rd Virgo). And June 10th, 2021 eclipse opposed my 19 degree Sagittarius natal Venus-Neptune conjunction in the 6th house, and yesterday during the eclipse there was a historical movie filmed (Neptune) at my house (Venus ruling 4th house). Thank you for all your work giving an opportunity to see the beauty of astrology symbolism and manifestation.
I am also Leo rising. I am also concretely planning on leaving my job and toying with the idea of starting a business. Since December i’ve been on a near ‘psychotic break’-like night of the soul experience in which a lot of spiritual/occult ideas and knowledge suddenly started turning up everywhere in my life. It’s been wild. Actually like an unavoidable initiation. Both horrifying and wonderous. I’ve had a massive amount of introspection and revelations about myself, what I want, who I am. I have an empty 12th house and venus in my 6th house.
I can relate to the professor who is changing careers to doing astrology/ reiki. I am Gemini rising, so eclipse is on my 8/2h axis- I have been running my landscaping business for 30 years and keen to let that go so that I can go full-time astrology and SoulCollage-no partner with me- ie 2h is cancer/north node versus professor is 8h ( he has a partner) Good luck professor- so nice to share the eclipse event as a similar manifestation to yours!
Sun saggitarious 9h and moon Gemini 3h. At 9 yo I moved in to another city with my family. At 18 I moved again to start university. I don’t know why but at 24 yo I decided to live abroad. Finally at 27 I had a facial paralysis a few days after my birthday, also the day of the eclipse. The lunar eclipse was at the same degree as my natal sun. In other words my moon was finally illuminated by my sun. I’m so glad I finally feel better still have a lot of troubles but definitely a life changing. Over night I could see everything clearly. It is weird how my brain changed so quickly in two months. I started a new career in the new country I live 3 month before that, my favorite subject is philosophy. Also I realized why my old sister didn’t want to communicate with me, and I tried to be her friend again. And also I started learning as much astrology as I could, 4 months after I know really a lot and it feels easy to me. I feel people don’t talk too much how is ur life when you are born near a eclipse. Specifically the one I had because basically my moon was in the darkest place because she received two shadows at the same time, the one from the earth and the other, the one of the sun. In real life and metaphorically my unconscious, my past, my emotions and everything including my intellect were in a dark place. I though I had attention deficit, my classmates at uni would even call me autistic. Has been a hard life in terms of feelings and other situations but finally I feel a little bit better than I used to after my facial paralysis.
I am aware it is years past the filming of this…pre 2020. I have a great example I wanted to share going back to 2017 Leo Aquarius eclipses. I have Leo rising so for me 1st and 7th, my husband is Virgo rising so for him 6th and 12th. Between the eclipses that year on the eve of his 40th he was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. (his 6th and my 7th). There is much more nuance to what I have now explored around this but it feels like enough to example the interplay for us both. Thanks for your amazing work.
I was in a 7th house profection year when the July 2019 eclipses you were discussing happened on my 1st and 7th house axis (cancer rising). I had a very profound and difficult relationship get revisited (from earlier in my life, interesting that the south node was in my 7th house) a month after the July eclipses and ended abruptly in January 2020 after the Dec/Jan eclipses, on the date of the Pluto Saturn conjunction when the moon was conjunct the south node (like practically to the minute, the south node made it vanish). At the time I felt completely blindsided but now that I understand the astrology, it makes complete sense that it happened then. Recently looking at some of the major asteroids and Pallas ingressed into Capricorn just a few days earlier. That’s so interesting to me because right at that time I started sticking up for myself (or at least realizing I needed to). Just sharing because it’s a super clear example of both the eclipses having influence but also the surrounding influences of the transiting planets at the time.
Love it when you share these “through the houses” transit Denver group stories – look forward to more. Thanks for the excellent handout too. I’m hoping in the next forecast episode that you might say something about Trump’s zodiacal release periods and how they’re playing out relative what you thought might be the case, as you mentioned previously that he had a big one occurring around June/July, if I recall correctly. Thank you both very much 🙂
I was also born a day and a half after a full moon eclipse in Libra (obviously Aries/libra axis) and I’m a cancer rising, so I have the 1/7 and 4/10 axes so that’s probably why the eclipses seem to affect me so much. Thank you so much for this episode! It really helped me understand the eclipses so much better! Sorry for all of the examples I posted but I’m blown away by how many I have found in my life.
My son was born exactly during a Solar Eclipse at 9° Leo… His placements conjunct the eclipse are: Sun 9° Leo 12th h Moon 10° Leo 12th Mercury 12° Leo 12th *South Node 19° Leo 12th (opp 19° NN ♒ 6th, 19°Chiron♒ 6th) *Asc Leo 23° (opp Neptune Rx 23° ♒ 6th) Venus Leo 24° PF Leo 25° I’d love to discuss this and I am open to giving you his chart for study, Chris. Thanks!
Thanks for this information! I didn’t notice that you covered being born during an eclipse. I was born during an annual lunar eclipse with a stellium in the 8th and 1st house. Just wondering more about the difference in energy with partial, annual, and total eclipses. Especially, I want to know more about being born under this influence. Thanks so much for all the content you offer!💛🕊
Listening to this in the 2022 Taurus – Scorpio Eclipse Season. Aries is my 1st house and Scorpio my 7th. Saturn at 24 Aquarius (my 10th) is t-squaring the Sun and the Moon (at 25 Taurus and Scorpio respectively). Saturn is also conjuncting my natal Ceres and Chiron conjunction at 25 and 28 Aquarius (in my10th) and opposing my natal Uranus at 26 Leo (in my 4th). I have therefore a GRAND CARDINAL CROSS in my chart with this Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio tomorrow! Mars at 23 Pisces is conjuncting Neptune at 24 Pisces (my 11th). And Pluto is at 28 Cap, conjuncting my natal Venus, Pallas, and MC (29.40) natal conjunction. This is forming an interesting shape with 3 Sextiles and 2 Trines crisscrossing the top of the Grand Square, and 2 semi-Sextiles at the tip pointing to Saturn (and my Ceres and Chiron), looking like a CUT DIAMOND! At the same time Venus and Chiron at 15 Aries (my 12th) are t-Squaring my natal opposition between Saturn at 17 Cap (in my 9th) and Mars at 16 Cancer (in my 3rd). But Uranus is also at 15 Taurus (my 1st) Trining my Saturn and Sextiling my Mars. I’m currently struggling with dilemmas between looking after elderly parents and having to juggle pursuing my own life / work / home – in a different country!… it’s quite a challenge… I need/want to be loyal to both (my past and my future). It’s very difficult to make decisions…
the only eclipse that has shaken me actually just happened a few months ago — the lunar eclipse in taurus on oct 28th 2023. i’m a pisces rising which makes taurus my 3H. on the 29th of oct i got into a car accident which has affected my physical health. i looked up the chart and the midheaven was exactly conjunct uranus, in taurus, where the eclipse had just occurred 🥴 that’s the last time i’m leaving a house during an eclipse ever again lol
i’m Capricorn rising, and during the recent eclipses series (july 2018 -july 2020) I had lot of health trouble, and many health exams ! they do not find exactly what’s wrong with me, and I finely give up. I was in a kind of “burn out” towards medecine and doctors… after that I catch Covid in mars 2020 !!! I was exhausted of all. I surrender. Now my health is not verry hight but it’s ok after all 🙂 Other exemple (more funny ! lol) : in 1997/98, I discover Astrologie, the Eclipse series was in my 9/3 houses Virgo Pisces = GREAT Beginnig !!! 🙂 Thank You for this episode, thank you both so much on more time !!!
I knew someone (gemini) who had 6th house south node and 12th house north node. Workaholic and temper with Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in 12th house. No planets in 6th. Mars, Pluto and Uranus in 3rd making square to the 12th house planets. Passed away when Jupiter moved into the 4th house of Libra and Saturn transit in the 6th house and Neptune transit to natal Saturn in the 9th
I have virgo rising and i’m gonna write two examples of how i noticed that the eclipses have affected my life. Last 12th/6th house: got two cats and started learning systemic therapy as a need to understand more about our behaviour related unconciously to our families or groups. When the eclipses shifted to 11th/5th i started Gestalt GROUP therapy studies and started also a long therapy process for my unborn children.
eclipses were the first transit i started tracking when i first began learning astrology. 4 years later, i am still observing their effects on my life in detail in order to understand them and use them as a more accurate and precise predictive tool. something that would be a cool article, if it’s even possible, would be some sort of tactic for tracking the journey of an eclipse cycle from beginning to end. if you start at point A (let’s say, a solar eclipse in your 7th house in aquarius, and you start a new romantic relationship with a friend) and end at point B (the last eclipse is, let’s say, a lunar eclipse in your 1st house in leo, and you end a theatrical project (i’m making this up)) what’s the story of this eclipse and its corresponding events? that’s something that takes so much data, it could be a years long project, but if anybody has cracked this code, it would be dope if they shared it!
This year i had the eclipses on my 4h/10h axis, i was spending i lot of time in my house(i was feeling incarcereted), also having a lot of dreams related to my childhood, when i usted to spend some time with my grandparents(my grandfather is alredy dead).I also started to realise that my parents are getting old and they don’t have the same energy compared to 5 years ago. The career that i choose is also changing .
I had a quick add. I am a libra rising, Cap fourth, Cancer 10th. During the 2001 Cancer/Cap eclipses my parents got divorced ( change in home life – 4th) and I got my biggest role performing onstage – the lead in “the wiz” for children’s community theatre, after that I didn’t perform as much after that, as that role lead to some health issues (10th). I ended up getting Mono around that time, and have been struggling with my health in various areas ever since. The same cycle is happening right now, and I am going through a status change at home – next year I will go from being a stay at home mom to being out in the workforce again, although I have been seriously studying astrology and may start a home business during this year before that. I also have had a culmination in my health issues, especially my weight ( I have Venus and Sun in Cancer) and so my sense of self has improved and I am also presenting myself differently by the way I dress, and do my hair out in the world ( AC Ruler was directly aspected in the Solar Eclipse on the second) as well as my spiritual beliefs ( Astrology – Mercury conjunct Venus in the 9th placidus, gemini ruling my 9th house). I also have the July 16th eclipse point exactly on my Solar return DC, and my natal North Node on the MC ( placidus) + Chiron conjunct and my progressed moon is almost exact on it right now ( All at 5 degrees 36 minutes Aries). so healing of my life purpose and bringing it out into the world in a public way.
Another example: (This episode is blowing my mind, btw). 2008, 8th house profection year, eclipses in my 8th (Aquarius) and 2nd (Leo) houses at that time in August of that year I started the process of purchasing a unit in a co-op (mortgage, co-op is shared resources) North node was in the 8th, so giving my money to other people. Crazy.
Cancer rising (Leo sun, Gemini moon) here so I’ve totally been in the throws of this 1st/7th house eclipse season. And. My personal history with crazy stuff shifting is kinda blowing my mind right now. Eclipse in Cancer on 12/30/2001 = me packing up the U-Haul with my then-boyfriend, soon to be husband, now ex and moving to Denver. I was tired of Ohio. I wanted a different identity. Which I got coming here and getting into rock-climbing with him (not so much anymore). THEN eclipse in Cap on 06/26/2010 = me flying to SF for Pride with my brother and arranging to meet up with my now-wife, then love-interest. We’d been having a long-distance online flirtation and wanted to see if it was for real. It was. There wasn’t a question. A few weeks later is eclipse in Cancer on 7/11/2010 and this would have been right around the time I told my ex about finally filing for divorce and that I was in love with a woman. I also came out to my boss and colleagues around this time as well. This relationship is rock-solid so I’m sure the Cap side of these eclipses this time is hopefully gonna just deepen our connection. Or maybe it could focus on something related to other deep relationships. BUT. I am most excited to see who I transition into after all this. My desire to revamp myself a bit (or maybe a lot) has been increasing over the months and has become an obsessive thought of late. I’m sure it is connected to these eclipses. Super amazing.
☯️ 💕My birthday is April 8th 1981 and my Rising sign is Taurus. I had the eclipse of 2017 August 21st in Leo effect me very much that same week.( My Northnode is in Leo in the 4th house, as well as my Midheaven ) I lost my job, I crashed my car, and my ex I was in love with at the time told me he just got married the same week of that eclipse. Being since my Leo is in the 4th house, I’m a bit confused why it didn’t effect my home life so much as work, money, and relationship. He and I met during the December 2016 during that Pisces Eclipse, my Pisces is in the 11th house. I’ve been trying to learn astrology since 2017 but it’s been an evolving process and your website is helping so thank you. Any help or input on the NEXTNfull solar ECLIPSE on April 8th 2024 ( my birthday). Im hoping you take future clients soon. Either way I’m super happy I found your website today💕💕💕
This was such a great article! I am wondering if relocation chart will have to be considered and affected at greater degree or your natal chart still will be more important? I am an immigrant and living my relocation chart for 11 years now so it’s very important for me of what chart should I pay attention the most for eclipses?
I was under the impression that I might get into a relationship this year because I’m in a 7th house year and the current eclipses are across my 1 st/ 7 th axis as well. It turns out as a GEMINI AC I have been told with the south node now in the 7th it won’t be happening after all. It would have been helpful to mention that in this article.
A question, please … if the nodes are in one set of polarities and the illuminaries in another, I assume the set of signs that has the sun and moon are considered the eclipse points? For example, last January 20th (21st for those of us Down Under) had the nodes at 26 degrees Cap/Cancer, but the sun / moon at 0 Degrees Leo / Aquarius … this would make it a Leo / Aquarius eclipse? I ask because my own nodes natally are at 29 Deg cancer (true), 0 Degrees Cancer (mean)
Hi, Leisa and Chris, perusal you many months later from the UK. Thank you so much for this episode on the eclipses. I start making real sense of them for the first time. I have a question about the article though. Thete seems to be a white screen superimposed on the projection screen where the charts by the various contributors usually show (judging from other similar events). Chris’s hand regularly disappears behind it. As a result I cannot see the actual charts put on the screen. Any idea what causes this? Many thanks again for your generous and accessible to all Astrology teachings.
An eclipse in my 4th house occurred 2 days after my mom died. My progressed lunar phase that year was also a new moon… Definitely a major transitionary period of endings and beginnings. Does anyone know if having the moon as your ascendant ruler makes you particularly sensitive to all lunar events? I’m a Cancer rising and I definitely feel like this is true for me, but just wondering. I’m new to this.