Clique is a powerful addon that allows players to bind spells and macros to mouse clicks on unit frames and in the 3D game world. It allows users to bind virtually any mouse or keyboard combination to a spell or macro. To use Clique, users need to set up their “Click Casting” keybindings by clicking the green + button and selecting an ability from their spell book. Then, they can click the ability in the click casting menu with the click.
Clique is a simple addon that enables powerful click-casting and hover-casting on unit frames and in the 3D game world. Players can bind spells to default mouse binding (left/right button) or create custom ones. To install Clique, users can navigate to Options > Key Bindings > Click Casting. This will bring up a menu similar to the old Clique menu.
After installing Clique, an extra tab will appear in the spellbook, which can be configured to be different than what’s on your bars. Users can use mouse over for non-instant spells like Penance, PoH, FH, GH, and clique for renew, abolish disease, and PoM. Clique also has many options on how to display raid frames and has in-built functionality like clique allowing users to define what spells are bound to them.
It’s worth noting that Clique would not work correctly if auto-self-cast was selected in Interface Options.
📹 My Healer Keybinds & Macros | Mouseover Healing & Clique Addon Guide – Shadowlands 9.1.5 WoW
World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.1.5 Shadowlands healer addon guide and setup. This videos show my healer keybinds and …
📹 World of Warcraft Addons: Featuring Clique – Set-up and Configuration
Tonight we look at an addon developed for World of Warcraft called Clique – used by healers mostly to manage mouse and …
I started this expansion as a first time healer and you made a guide like this and now I’m mythic healing and almost glad in PVP while healing on my sham and I’m AOTC on my pally and 1800 rating in pvp. Crazy looking back and having no idea he to do anything and now I’m pretty good. Took a year but still lol but I said that to say thanks for the guides they really do help
great in depth article, mate! been using clique for my healers since shadowlands, but never really dove into how it actually works and what it can provide… I switched to tanking in season 2 but still use it for things like dispelling me or others or abilities like Word of glory or other paladin utility like bop or something…made my life a whole lot easier and now I can try out some new stuf because of your guide. Thanks!
Been using Clique since WoD and I can´t even imagine healing without it. I have a 5 button mouse and what I love most about clique is that I can essentially use my most comfortable keybinds for both healing and dps/utility. For instance my most used are QERF and 1234. Q is Lightning Bolt and in Clique it´s Healing Wave. E is Lava Burst/Healing Surge. R is Chain Lightning/Riptide. 2 is Flameshock/Earth Shield etc etc. As a healer that has always done as much dps as I can get away with it makes it really fluid to switch between offensive casts and heals in the middle of combat.
I played for 10 years (heroic raiding, a few mythic raid kills too), stopped during legion and am resuming now. Pally healer, like you. I’ve always been torn between 2 styles of UI: clickable raid, or mouseover. I think (memory fading…) that in the end I was using clickable; mostly because you have (left, right, center click) x (no mod, shift, ctrl, alt, shift+ctrl, shift+alt, …) so quite a few combos; the urgent staff was mapped to simple clicks (left click no mods = Holy Shock, center no mod WoG, …) and the complex clicks were for rare actions (for memory ease, all double mod clicks were mapped the same, so alt shift left would be beacon of light, alt shift center beacon of faith,…). It took me to decent healing levels, best pally in guild. However I recall that at some time I used mouseover + keybind. I’m mouse-left-handed so my keypad, a total of 15 buttons, could be used for the most frequent actions. That has to include rare but critical spells like bubble, LoH, divine steed, stun, auras, avenging wrath, etc. (I switched mappings out of party for solo content, I’m not even sure what I would use in raid any more, but crusader strike had become a staple of holy pallies before I left). The issue with that was that 15 buttons were not enough for the entire range of pally abilities. I believe that the latter method is faster because instead of having to target and click I only targeted, the cast was from the other hand on the keypad. As you pointed out the issue is if you use mouse and the other hand for spell casting purely, you’re going to be slower at raid movement, that can be a big drawback, fight dependent, but moving is achieved with either arrowpad or mouse, and you then can’t move and cast simultaneously, this can delay a much-needed HS/WoG at the wrong time (everything else can’t be cast moving anyways).
I am sure the add-ons are great, I have never used them myself but I have heard great things. One thing a macro does above all others is versatility. I use a 12 button mouse and use alt to give me 24 keybinds. That still isn’t enough room sometimes, so I infuse my heals with my attacks. It allows me to have at times 30ish abilities at my disposal, or more. I’ll do three very different ones below if anyone is wondering: /cast (@mouseover, heal, nodead) holy shock /cast holy shock (This allows me to heal and attack with holy shock on the same button) /cast (@mouseover, heal, nodead) chain heal /cast chain lightning (This allows two different spell uses on one button) /cast (@mouseover, heal, nodead) renew /cast (@mouseover, harm, nodead) shadow word: pain /cast shadow word: pain (This allows for mouse over renews, mouse over dots, and targeted dots). Bottom line, very versatile, lots of awesome stuff along with macros that change when changing talents. Things you just don’t get with the add-ons.
Hi. I have a question related to a mouseover macro and I hope you know the answer. This could be useful to healers. I have a Holy Pala and I’m using mouseover macro for Rebuke and Hammer of Justice, so I can quickly interrupt without targeting while we are fighting several npc’s. The improvement I’m would like to make is to make sure my mouse is over the correct npc. So it would be nice if plater can highlight the nameplate when my mouse is over it but not targeting. I tried to make it within the options of plater but I couldn’t succeed even there is a “hover over highlight” option under target options menu. Do you have a solution for that? If you do, I would appreciate if you can teach us 🙂
Your method of organizing your keybinds throughout the various healing classes is really interesting, and I’m quite fond of how your mind has gone about it all. May I inspect your keybinds for Paladin (your Clique export)? I’ve been playing Paladin since 2004, and healing since TBC. I took a break for the last 4 years, and since I’m coming back, I figured I might as well learn a more efficient way, while considering what I know from years past.
Mate fantastic article. I wonder could you cover a different topic as a healer in M+. I’m up to healing 18/19s and want to take my game to the next level. I just did a MotS there as Resto Shaman. Scenario is like this, tank does massive pull, and its going well, then DBM screams a warning at me like “Defensive buff X on Mistveil Tender – Dispel now!”. But in the mass of unit frames its really hard to pick out the unit to be dispelled. How do you isolate the unit needing dispel (other than knowing in advance of each pull which unit is likely to need one). Would appreciate your help.
I’m so late to see this article but it’s so good! You use such a similar method as me in how you assign your abilities. I have always had self buffs like fleshcraft or lightning shield to mouse wheel down (insert shift or ctrl mods). I also use speed buffs like cat form sprint or leap to mouse wheel up. I really like how you’ve grouped your heals it makes complete sense. Great article! Subscribed.
you really inspired me to use grid when i came back to wow, at the end of bfa in prep for mythic raiding. i use it with macros atm and without clique, but you showcasing the different possibilities that might be more difficult to achieve on macros, made me think again and maybe ill redo my stuff again 😀 but the idea of creating the key binds in a way so they feel similar on each healer is smt i been doing as well, i play shaman, druid and holy priest so far, and i kinda made it so it does similar things on the key for all of them and it makes it easier, especially if i havnt touched a charcter in a while 🙂
thank you man for you detailed articles and especially this one. i have a question if i may ask? i started playing wow in bfa and stoped playing after the sylvanas raid in shadowlands. i only played frostmage. in dragonflight i want to start playing healer but the interface for the healer looks very confusing. is there a method you would recommend for new healers like me how to start of step by step? maybe install addons one at a time to get used to them? because i dont feel confident enough using all the addons right away 😉
I still prefer mousover macros. It is faster for me to press button on mechanical keyboard than on mouse. Also often I use specific macros like merging purge and dispel on shaman based on what I target/mousover. Merging water shield and earth shield based on my target. I also don’t like MMO mouse, I use a regular 5 button mouse.
I have two problems with clique, 1-I use my 1 button default keybind for moonfire and as mouseover rejuvenation with clique so if my mouse is over my health bars it should cast rejuvenation and if not it should cast moonfire on my target but sometimes it doesn’t work properly, although my mouse is on health bar it cast moonfire on my target. and 2- it causes a lot of “Interface action failed because of an addon” errors. plz help me fix them