At 3rd level, Arcane Tricksters enhance their martial abilities by learning three cantrips from the wizard spell list. They are one of two 1/3rd level casters, receiving spells at a 1/3rd of the pace of other classes. They are limited to Enchantment and Illusion spells for leveled spells, but both schools work well for them.
At 3rd level, players can choose two cantrips (in addition to Mage Hand Legerdemain) and any two 1st level spells from the schools of either Illusion or Enchantment. The Arcane Trickster Spellcasting table shows how many spells are available for them to cast. To start, players must choose three level 1 Wizard spells: Charm Person, Charm Person, and Charm Person.
The number of spells on the list increases as players gain Rogue levels, as shown in the Prepared Spells column of the Arcane Trickster Spellcasting table. At level 3, they can know a maximum of 1 such spell, 2 at level 8, 3 at level 14, and 4 at level 20. An Arcane Trickster gets 4th level spells at level 19, a wizard gets 4th level spells at level 7, and a 10th-level character with 3 levels of arcane can prepare level 2 spells.
Arcane Trickster Rogues have a set number of known cantrips and spells of each level, but cannot prepare different spells at each rest. They are considered a half-caster, only getting spell slots up to 4th level, and have a maximum of 11 spell slots at 20th level. A Level 3 Arcane Trickster and a Level 2 Wizard cannot prepare level 2 spells, so the character sheet does not show level 2 spells.
📹 Baldur’s Gate 3 Guide to Spellcasting and Magic
Baldur’s Gate 3 Guide to Spellcasting and Magic In this Baldur’s Gate 3 guide video, I’m going to explain everything you need to …
How many prepared spells do you get?
A character’s ability to prepare spells is determined by their level and their spellcasting ability score modifier. For instance, a level five Druid with a Wisdom ability score of 18 would have nine prepared spells. However, a character is not required to have a certain number of prepared spells of a certain level. For instance, a level five Druid could have any number of prepared spells be first-level, second-level, or third-level in any combination.
It’s up to the player to choose which spells they want to use. It’s crucial to be aware of the number of spell slots a character has access to, as only preparing high-level spells may not allow them to maximize their lower-level spell slots.
How many spell slots for level 5?
The D and D 5E Free Basic Rules only cover a small portion of the content available on Roll20. Additional resources like the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are available to expand player options and add unique creatures to fight. As a wizard, you gain hit points, with 1d6 per wizard level and 6 + your Constitution modifier at the first level. Higher levels increase the points by 1d6 or 4) after the first level.
How does the arcane trickster learn new spells?
Arcane Trickster Rogues are endowed with a fixed number of known cantrips and spells at each level. Additionally, they are permitted to substitute a single spell for another each time they gain a level, thus obviating the necessity for a spellbook.
How many spell slots does a level 4 Arcane Trickster have?
Arcane Trickster Spellcasting allows rogues to enhance their skills in stealth, agility, and magic, including tricks of enchantment and illusion. Level 3 rogues can cast spells and learn three cantrips: Mage Hand, two other cantrips from the wizard spell list, and another wizard cantrip at 10th level. This skill is useful for pickpockets, burglars, pranksters, mischief-makers, and adventurers.
How often can Arcane Trickster change spells?
As you advance in this class, you can replace a known wizard spell with another spell from the wizard spell list, provided it is an enchantment or illusion spell of a level with spell slots. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability, learned through dedicated study and memorization. It is used when a spell refers to your spellcasting ability and when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast or making an attack roll with one. The spell save DC is calculated by adding 8 to your proficiency bonus and your Intelligence modifier.
How many prepared spells does Arcane Trickster have?
In this text, the player learns to cast spells as an Arcane Trickster, following the rules outlined in the Player’s Handbook. They have three cantrips: Mage Hand and two other cantrips of their choice from the Arcane spell list. As they gain a Rogue level, they can replace one of their cantrips with another from the Arcane spell list. When reaching 10th level, another Arcane cantrip is learned.
The Arcane Trickster Spellcasting table shows the number of spell slots needed to cast spells of 1st level and higher. To cast a spell, one must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. All expended spell slots are regained after a Long Rest.
A list of prepared spells of 1st level and higher is prepared for the player. This includes three 1st-level spells from the Arcane spell list, two of which must be from the Enchantment and Illusion schools of magic. The number of spells on the list increases as the player gains Rogue levels.
When a player gains a level, they can replace one of their known spells with another spell of their choice from the Arcane spell list. The chosen spells must be of a level for which they have spell slots.
The 17th level of spell casting allows the player to magically steal the knowledge of how to cast a spell from another spellcaster. After a creature casts a spell that targets them or includes them in its area of effect, the player can use their Reaction to force the creature to make a saving throw with its spellcasting ability modifier. If the save fails, the player negates the spell’s effect against them and steals the knowledge of the spell if it is at least 1st level and of a level they can cast.
The prepared spells for the rogue level are listed in the table.
What is the best race for Arcane Trickster?
Arcane tricksters are skilled in perception and darkvision, which can be utilized by any rogue. High elves can choose a free cantrip from the wizard spell list, while wood elves are ideal for sneaky rogues with blades. Gnomes have darkvision and resistance to magic, while forest gnomes receive the Minor Illusion cantrip for free. Halflings can use the Lucky feat, making arcane tricksters versatile and suitable for any play style.
How many spells do Rogues get?
You have three 1st level wizard spells, two from the enchantment and illusion spells list, and one from any school of magic. You learn another spell at levels 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, and 20. Rogues can be ruthless criminals, tricksters, assassins, or good-hearted thieves. Hit points are 1d8 per rogue level, with 8 at 1st level and 5 at higher levels. Their professions include light armor and weapons such as simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortswords. They can achieve goals through various tricks and abilities.
How many spells can I have prepared for a 5e druid?
A 3rd-level druid has four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots, and with a Wisdom of 16, they can prepare six spells of 1st or 2nd level in any combination. Casting a 1st-level spell, Cure Wounds, doesn’t remove it from their list. They can change their list of prepared spells after a long rest, but it requires at least 1 minute of prayer and meditation per spell level for each spell. Wisdom is their spellcasting ability, based on their devotion and attunement to nature. They use Wisdom when a spell refers to their spellcasting ability and when setting the saving throw DC for a druid spell and making an attack roll.
Do always prepared spells count?
Domain spells are prepared at the appropriate cleric level and do not contribute to the total number of daily preparations. In the event that a spell does not appear on the list of cleric spells, it is nevertheless considered to be a spell that can be cast by a cleric. At the second level, the player is able to channel divine energy from their deity in order to fuel magical effects. The spell “Turn Undead,” along with an effect determined by the cleric’s domain, is the foundation of the spell list. As the cleric advances in levels, additional effects are granted by certain domains.
📹 101 Mage Hand Uses in Dungeons and Dragons 5e
What can the Mage Hand cantrip do for YOU??? Today we explore 101 creative uses for the spell! Amazon Affiliate Links: D&D 5e …
Unfortunately, only arcane tricksters can use mage hand to pick a lock or pickpocket. “Mage Hand Legerdemain: Starting at 3rd level, when you cast Mage Hand, you can make the spectral hand invisible, and you can perform the following additional tasks with it: You can stow one object the hand is holding in a container worn or carried by another creature. You can retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature. You can use thieves’ tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range.” The exception to this would probably be some sort of trip-wire trap that you can deactivate by nudging into or pushing down like a pressure plate that takes less than 10 pounds of force to depress.
we were at a festival with carnival games all having magical items as top prizes. I used telekinetic feat to use my invisible mage hand to cheat every carnival game and got my entire party a magical item all while diguising myself between booths as not to draw suspicion. luckily my DM was a good sport and didnt mind
1: Make the Mage hand hold a explosive or vial of poison/acid. 2: Grapple or otherwise incapacitate an enemy. 3: Make the Mage hand fly into their mouth and force themselves down their throat into their stomach. (not an attack) 4: Activate the explosive/open the vial and pour its content. (technically not an attack) 5: Explain all the 4 previous steps to a NPC by means of an Intimidation check with advantage while the Mage hand is floating beside you holding said explosive/vial.
If your DM allows you to summon a mage hand within an object like a sock then you can have an instant (sock) puppet. Pour oil on an enemy. Slap one of multiple enemies on the back and have the mage hand hold on until the next round when you make it disappear. Similarly, hold a rock above one of multiple enemies and make the mage hand disappear.
I have my mage hand crawl around the floor in front of me like “Thing” from The Addams Family. It slaps every stone in my path to trigger any traps before i get close enough to get hurt by them. For some reason it has a new stitch every time I resummon it after it dues a good job dying for me. My Dm has yet to reveal what puts the stiches in for it.
I know this article is old but I’ve got a small story me and my group bout 5 in total were surrounded by guards and the captain was a female dragon born being the horrible person i was i used the mage hand to loosen her armors and cloths as she braged about catching us the guards were easily distracted to say the least when there pretentious captain learned humility
I’ve just recently discovered your website and been enjoying your articles on tips and infos. Besides the clear and concise but very informative contents and presentation, your relaxed editing, pace, and manner of speaking suit me perfectly and excellently (though others I know may find it a tad boring and I respect that) . For me it’s like perusal some kind of minimalist topic website but sparks that D & D joy in me that motivates me to go adventuring. 😁 And with what I’ve read so far on the comments and replies you make, I find that viewers here are so much more respectful and helpful with interactions being so much more constructive and civil! I love that you pin helpful comments from viewers indicating your humility and genuine concern to help others enjoy playing D & D. Thanks much! P.S. Of course, I’ve subscribed and liked your articles; even NOT skipping ads to help.😁
I recently started playing a Tabaxi illusionist (just hit lv 5). Since my warlock/paladin teammate dumps his points into smites or healing himself on the front line, I’ve started using mage hand to shove potions down everyone’s throats when they go down (he’s our only “healer”). Having the telekinetic feat gives me an extra 30 ft when needed, so I don’t have to risk entering or leaving an enemy’s reach to do it. Outside of that, I’ve used it to screw with my teammates when they are trying a skill check.
Re-flavor the Mage Hand as a companion that is a tiny spirit, or other being, and name it. It is invulnerable so it does not take damage or suffer from status effects, so make it out of something exotic (ex… force). It doesn’t have stats and cannot make checks but also makes no saving throws. It isn’t a creature or an object so it cannot be targeted. What fun this is!
Lets say a monster has an arrow inside its eye… Can i cast mage hand to shove it deeper inside its head AND deal some damage? Its not an attack i mean… Its just making the situation worse for the monster I mean even forcefully ripping out the arrow would do damage and cause bleeding since everyone knows when pulling out the sharp/pointy object in your body makes it worse than keeping it inside It would be nice when being out of spellslots and the monster just survived on like 1 or 2 hitpoints
I enjoyed about 95% of these as the rest were just a bit out of range of what the spell does. I hope other do us your advice. Can you rip a sail on a pirate ship as you right now with 5 pounds? You said 10 pounds, so go with that, 10 pounds of pressure can rip it? One fist sized hole doesn’t end the sail. Something to think about.
Use it to murder by proxy via pissed off tavern goer + mage hand at the right time. Get someone accused of sexual harassment and possibly beaten/locked up. If you are using guns along with a possibility for weapons modification: because it isn’t directly an attack, setup a mage hand+ low caliber+ hair trigger modification ambush. Most DM’s are gonna try to split ass hairs over that last one but if pulling a trigger counts as an attack then so does dropping caltrops, purposeful trap activations, dropping a sword/dagger, etc.
avoiding greasy hands came up a lot. I like opening unlocked windows from the outside, its a simple latch. Tie a string and weight above a window, lift the weight with a little tension on the string, as you move a little too far the weight breaks the window when the hand dissipates. deliver coins from the tip jar to the wrong table, make it interesting.