Enchanting is a method to create magic armor, weapons, or tools in Minecraft. To enchant an item, you need to gain Experience Levels from various activities such as trading, fighting monsters, farming, mining, and smelting ore. To create an item, you need to build an Enchantment Table and place the item in the input slots and 1–3 Lapis Lazuli in its dedicated slot. Thaumcraft is the most traditional representation of magic available for Minecraft.
Mahou Tsukai is a popular Minecraft Magic mod with over 4 million downloads. Minecraft offers a fair share of wonder and magic in the vanilla game, with potion brewing, Elytra, and enchanting items. A Magic Way is an addon offering 100+ spells and allows players to create their own spellbook with various types and cast weapons.
To create an enchantment table, you need one book (obtainable through breaking a bookshelf in a village or by crafting one with 3 pieces of paper). Additionally, you can create your own magical items to improve your survival server by adding new chest-only items that are magical in nature.
In summary, enchanting is a method to create magic armor, weapons, or tools in Minecraft without the need for mods. By creating your own magic items, players can enhance their survival server and create unique items for their survival server.
📹 (UPDATED) Magic Items Minecraft Command tutorial! (Bedrock Edition)
This video shows how to make your own magic items, such as lightning staffs, flying feathers and even a flamethrower in Minecraft …
📹 How to Create Custom Magic Items in Minecraft
In this Minecraft tutorial, you will learn how to create custom magical items in Minecraft Bedrock using command blocks.
I have a few ideas: Impaling Blade Command 1 : /execute as @a(hasitem={item=brush,location=slot.weapon.mainhand}) run execute at @a(r=5) run summon arrow ~~2~ Command 2 : /kill @e(type=arrow,r=3) The Impaling « Blade » will inflict damage to other entities within a 7 block radius. It can neutralize armor. 2. Fallen Dagger: Command: /effect @a(hasitem={item=\t(what was the name of the inedible spider eye again???),location=slot.weapon.mainhand}) strength 1 100 true The others are a bit harder
I have an idea for how you can do something similar to the has specific item at least for pvp kits. You can have it attach the tag to you when you hit the command block and then run the hasitem hastag schtick and given you’d only have that tag because of that specific kit it means you’d be the only one with that set of abilities. Then you can also have a command block to clear you of tags so you can pick another class without it applying effects from other classes onto you.
Do you have to do every command for the flame thrower? I tried cutting it down to just one particle command and the damage one since im on counsel and typing commands takes awhile, but the damage command keeps telling me there is an error at fire_tick and wont do damange Ive checked for typos and cant find any, so do i have to use every particle command for it to work?
Could you not use data tags to give only a specific item an effect? I’ve done it with the feather, but I haven’t tried it with the boots. For further clarification I mean this: /give @s gold_boots 1 254 (referring to data value) /effect @a(hasitem={item=gold_boots,location=slot.armor.boots,data=254}) jump_boost 1 0
You can make a system to shut off effects right away by using the same effect but with 0 secs and a higher level. It instantly deactivates the effect and this could be used to create a poison “mask” command where you don’t receive poison but you could still use other effects without using clear effect.
Guppy, the part of the command in the leaping boots that says slot.armor.feet For a different armour piece what would the feet part be replaced by for example slot.armor.head but ik this is wrong because it doesnt work If you know what the helmet, chestplate and leggings are and what you would replace feet by could you please leave a list as a reply
If you guys want the item to be only with the names item it isn’t possible but there is a replacement holder make sure to put: Repeat Unconditional Always Active (if you want) And type in:(inside the command block) /testfor @a(tag=(whatever you want)) Then the other command blocks that are used to start the magical items switch those command block (the repeating ones) to Chain and Conditional (If this does work then idk what will)