This blog post aims to teach readers how to interpret reversed Tarot cards without fear of doom and gloom. Reversed Tarot cards, also known as negative polarity, are cards that appear upside down in a Tarot spread during a reading. They hold a different meaning than their upright counterparts, often holding an opposite or more nuanced meaning.
Reversed Tarot cards can be read multiple ways, either as the opposite of the card’s upright meaning or as the card’s upright meaning. They can also point the card to a different card directionally. If your Tarot reading is mostly reversed cards, it may indicate that you or someone you’re reading for is experiencing some level of resistance. Reversed cards may also indicate a facet of life or personality that needs development.
In this video, the author shares four easy, fool-proof ways to interpret reversed cards to help go deeper in your Tarot readings. A reversed card can be interpreted as the opposite of the card’s upright meaning, or that the card’s upright meaning is the same. Some readers believe that reversed Tarot cards indicate the same basic energy of the upright card, only it will be strengthened or lessened.
In summary, reversed Tarot cards offer a unique perspective on the interpretation of Tarot readings, offering insights into the meaning of the cards and their potential impact on the reader’s life or personality. By understanding and using these cards in positive and negative ways, readers can enhance their Tarot readings and make informed decisions.
📹 How to Read Reversed Cards | Tarot Cards
Hello, I’m Ellen Goldberg and I welcome you to a tarot moment with the school of oracles. This segment is about reverse cards: …
What does the lovers reversed mean in Tarot cards?
The reversed Lovers card can indicate disharmony, imbalance, and fear of commitment in relationships. It suggests that despite challenges, there is an opportunity to resolve them and form a stronger bond. For single individuals, it can represent the importance of deeper connections, looking beyond surface attractions, and finding someone who shares your values and beliefs. By addressing these challenges, you and your partner can restore balance and harmony in your relationship.
What does reversed tower Tarot card mean in love?
The Tower card in Tarot is a powerful symbol of disaster, upheaval, and sudden change. It often depicts a tower being struck by lightning, resulting in chaos and devastation. This card serves as a reminder that life can throw unexpected challenges, forcing us to reevaluate our beliefs and foundations. When the Tower card appears upright, it signifies the inevitability of significant, life-altering changes, such as breakups, loss of loved ones, financial ruin, health crises, job loss, or other traumatic experiences.
These changes can disrupt our lives and create chaos, but they can also lead to positive transformations. The Tower card symbolizes a sudden burst of insight and clarity, exposing false beliefs and shaky foundations. The lightning strike represents a powerful revelation that shatters illusions, leading to a more authentic understanding of ourselves and our circumstances. This card prompts us to question our core beliefs and reevaluate our path in life.
Is it important to read reversed tarot cards?
The Tarot deck contains enough cards to communicate specific energy, making reversed cards unnecessary. They can add confusion and anxiety for beginners or clients. Some cards, especially the Major Arcana, are hard to read reversed. As a Tarot reader, you will internalize the meaning of each card, from negative to positive, and your intuition will guide you. Larger spreads with placements for various emotional states usually cover what isn’t working, internalized, or blocked, so reversed cards can muddy the waters.
What does the well reversed mean in Tarot cards?
The Well is a place of inspiration and transformation, fostering nurturing and creativity. The tarot deck, which began in the 15th century as a card game, has evolved into a tool for meditation, inner reflection, and divination. The Ethereal Visions Tarot Deck, consisting of 80 cards divided into 24 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana, is based on the artist’s journey of inner reflection and meditation. The Major Arcana, which represent the Fool’s journey, tells the story of spiritual awareness through imagery.
How do you read a reverse card?
In tarot, the three of swords can be interpreted in two distinct ways: as the antithesis of its conventional meaning, signifying either pain or love, or as an indication of excessive energy. The reversed card may symbolize the process of healing, the overcoming of heartbreak, or the subsiding of grief. It is of the utmost importance to understand the significance and interpretation of a tarot card’s reversal.
What is a reversed tarot card mean?
The upright Tarot card can have an opposite meaning if reversed, as some readers interpret it as indicating being trapped or set free. This interpretation is the easiest way to interpret reversed Tarot cards, but it may not always be the best way. Reversed Tarot cards can also indicate increased or decreased energy, as some readers believe they will strengthen or lessen the basic energy of the upright card.
For example, if the 3 of Swords Tarot card is drawn upright, it can indicate heartbreak, but if reversed, it can indicate less heartbreak or insurmountable pain. It is up to the reader to determine the true meaning of the card, so they must listen to their gut and pay close attention to the surrounding cards.
Reversed Tarot cards may also indicate delays or blocked energy, as they may indicate a block or delay before the upright meaning of the card is fulfilled. For example, if the 10 of Cups Tarot card is reversed, it may mean happiness, marriage, birth, and other reasons to rejoice, but it is not a negative, but rather a lesson to be patient or find a way to remove the block.
What does a reverse card mean in Tarot reading?
Tarot cards, when turned upside down, can have different meanings than their upright interpretations. While some believe reversed cards guarantee bad news, they often convey good news or strengthen, weaken, or redirect the primary message of the upright card. To interpret reversed Tarot cards, listen to your gut and look at the surrounding cards. Four common ways to interpret reversed Tarot cards include:
- Opposite meaning of the upright Tarot card: Many readers believe the reversed Tarot card delivers the exact opposite message of the upright card. For example, The Devil card can indicate being trapped, while the reversed Devil card can indicate being set free. This is the easiest way to interpret reversed Tarot cards, but it’s not necessarily the best way.
What does the reversal mean in Tarot cards?
A reversed card can indicate blocked energy, while an upright six of swords indicates recovery from a challenging situation. A reversal could indicate a barrier to healing, and a change in mindset may be necessary. To choose the right card, we must consider whether we are diminishing the energy of the upright by not acknowledging something, not yet ready to move into the full expression of the upright due to previous effects, or blocking the energy due to a mindset or feeling that keeps the card out of our reach.
By examining the image on the card, we can determine which avenue to explore. For example, if we notice the boat in the reversed card, we may need to find anchorage to do more research. If we focus on the swords on the card, our mindset might be blocking recovery, as swords symbolize our thoughts. Focusing on the water on the card could guide us towards the emotional energy of our situation. We must also consider whether we feel like the victor or the victim of the five of swords and how to shift our perception to participate in a way that makes everyone a winner.
What does a reversed tarot card mean?
The upright Tarot card can have an opposite meaning if reversed, as some readers interpret it as indicating being trapped or set free. This interpretation is the easiest way to interpret reversed Tarot cards, but it may not always be the best way. Reversed Tarot cards can also indicate increased or decreased energy, as some readers believe they will strengthen or lessen the basic energy of the upright card.
For example, if the 3 of Swords Tarot card is drawn upright, it can indicate heartbreak, but if reversed, it can indicate less heartbreak or insurmountable pain. It is up to the reader to determine the true meaning of the card, so they must listen to their gut and pay close attention to the surrounding cards.
Reversed Tarot cards may also indicate delays or blocked energy, as they may indicate a block or delay before the upright meaning of the card is fulfilled. For example, if the 10 of Cups Tarot card is reversed, it may mean happiness, marriage, birth, and other reasons to rejoice, but it is not a negative, but rather a lesson to be patient or find a way to remove the block.
Which is the soulmate card in Tarot?
The Lovers Tarot card is the ultimate soulmate tarot card, representing lasting relationships and potential partners. It can indicate whether you have found your soulmate or are about to meet them soon. The Lovers Tarot card is great for those concerned about marriage, love life, and commitment.
The Two of Cups card indicates deeply intertwined soulmates with a past life connection, indicating compatibility and fun dynamics in a relationship. The Ace of Cups card is overflowing with love and success, guiding you to find your soulmate. It is important to follow your emotions and intuition when finding your next life partner.
In a love reading, the Ace of Cups indicates an abundance of love and deep connections, indicating a successful and fulfilling relationship. It is now the time to get an abundance of love and deep connections in your love life.
Can you ignore reversed Tarot cards?
Gradually, readers began to perceive reversed cards as antithetical to their upright counterparts. However, the deck contains cards that signify an exact antithesis, such as lovers and devil, rendering the interpretation of reversed cards unnecessary.
📹 Tarot Q&A: How Do YOU Read Reversed Tarot Cards?
Thank you for your support over the years! I have retired from teaching tarot, but want to leave these videos as a resource for …
I read as the deck itself instructs. When I read from rider-waite I do use reversals and for my biddy tarot deck because both instructionals come with a reversal meaning. I also only use those decks when I am going hoing deep and want more options which is rare. A tarot deck comes with 78 cards of messages it is rare i need more especially because the deck has its own reversals. For instance the lovers and the devil card is a reversal to me. I like simple as well but when I want to complicate things I will use my reversal decks.
Using reversals is difficult, but it shows the truth, the only truth. Not using reversals increases A LOT the chances of getting a way too positive reading. It takes me 10 min to read a celtic cross without reversals, and 30 min if I use reversals. Try to read a celtic cross with reversals, then pretend the reversed cards were never reversed. You’ll get the “AHA” moment, I promise.
Hey Angie, I have used your articles and an app called Golden Thread Tarot to help me learn about tarot. Your simple explanations helped me really learn the meaning of the whole deck and have a better way to understand. I’m a novice tarot card reader self taught. I use reversals because they help me really understand what is happening either with myself or if I am doing a reading for a close friend. Reversed cards really help with uplifting and notifying my friends of if they don’t pay attention to certain actions then the meaning of the card will happen or it’s applicable to their scenario.
Mary Greer’s book keeps catching my eye, but I haven’t dived in yet. Maybe that’s a good next project. I’m still learning, but when I read reversals, they’re in context and almost used as a double negative. If I see a lot of reversals, I’ll take the whole reading as “hey, the rug is about to get pulled out from under you — even the right side up cards/overall meaning may come with a twist.” (So if 2020 were a reading, basically. 😫) The double negative approach isn’t a flat-our opposite; it makes reversals come with a caveat or nuance. There’s usually a more direct negative card out there, so a reversed card instead of a clearer one must mean something, right? So my reversals tend to come out as, “You’re not necessarily (original meaning), BUT…” So a reversed 5 of swords would become “You’re not necessarily in an active battle, buuuuuuuuut…there’s something brewing/trouble under the surface/forming conflict that you’re ignoring.” If it was just directly at peace and absence of conflict, I’d have drawn the 2 of swords, which would have been more straightforward. So the double negative gives that extra bit of context. (And that works super well…except when it doesn’t. It’s a process.)
I agree with you, it’s hard enough for novices to learn the cards. There are so many other cards in the deck. I really believe that we should have a choice whether we should or not. I find my friend always gets reversals in her deck. I never get reversals. She will read them. I will not. I prefer it to be as simple and to the point as possible.
Even if I keep cards upright before shuffling, I end up with 2 or 3 reversals card. I am a beginner who got drawn to Nostradamus lost tarot deck. After a week when I saw articles on youtube all the expert tarot readers don’t like it. I started with simple 2 or 3 card spreads, but reversals are regular. Because I am a beginner, I read from the booklet the upright meaning, then resonate the other end not necessarily opposite. If it’s connected with other cards then I take it as that.
i dont read reversal but if one pops up i read mine as “The reversed card is a lessened version as the upright card…like if i get a the Emperor card reversed the Emperor would not be as strict and bossy as he would be if he was upright he would be bossy and strict but on a lower key if that makes sense .:)
Hi I just started torot card reading- trying to figure it all out u have the reg deck and wonderland deck! Reversed is difficult for me ! But u think it is important to do to get accurate readings! Adding NOT in front will definitely help me! Thank u!! Question— I let cards fly out of shuffle to pick themselves so — then u pick up card ( what now making sure I don’t move it’s position and place it in it’s spot in spread)-or being careful at this stage does or doesn’t matter????!??? Then next Question— in spread how should I flip cards over??? Flip by grabbing bottom of card— too card –or side of cards-???????? The way I flip cards will make it reversed or not reversed so it is very important how I do this!!! Please help!!!! Thank u!!! 🙃🤩😎
A tarot reader has to be able to read reverse cards because the world is bipolar with ying yang, positive negative, male female. Not reading reversal is like new age love and light, a type of fallacy that attempts to get see the world just one sided by focusing the positive while ignoring the negative. Reverse card is not hard to read most of the time. It’s just a type of energy going the opposite direction or a symbol flipped upside down. Mystics have to learn to see the happenings of the world as symbols and energies and decode them accordingly because the world is an illusion. Once people do that, they might even see a correlation between the happenings of the world and tarot cards usually in the form of synchronicities.