The Midheaven (MC) and 10th house in a birth chart are crucial indicators of a person’s public image, with 5° representing short-term fame, 17° and 29° representing long-term fame, and Venus and Neptune as indicators of artistic talent. Famous figures like Salvador Dali, Madonna, and others have strong fame placements in their birth charts, reflecting their belief in astrology.
Artistic talent is primarily seen through the positions of Mercury and Gemini, while other important planets and signs also play a role. The third house is associated with comfort during uncertain times. For famous athletes, Mars is associated with Mars plus Jupiter, while for generals, Mars plus Jupiter, and doctors and scientists, Mars plus Jupiter.
Venus and Moon are the main contributors to great name and fame, and should be aided by another benefic. If Venus and Moon either get into the same house, they can contribute to great name and fame. The Sun represents personality, the Moon represents emotions, the Ascendant represents presentation, Mercury represents words, Venus represents creativity, and Mars represents ambition.
Fame in astrology often associates with the 10th house, which is the house of career, social status, and reputation. Prominent Leo placements are typically included in the chart of those who become famous, as Leo rules the theatre.
Rahu and Saturn also play crucial roles in determining the nature and duration of fame. By understanding and predicting yogas, Vedic astrology can predict when things might go well for someone, making them successful and famous. Fame is primarily connected with the Sun, and if your Kundali has a powerful Sun, especially in the 1st, 10th, and 11th house, it will make you famous by using this knowledge.
📹 Massive Fame seen through Vedic Astrology
Which zodiac is likely to be famous?
Some zodiac signs, such as Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Capricorn, are inclined towards fame and success due to their inherent qualities that enable them to flourish in the public eye. Those born under the sign of Leo are inclined to assume leadership roles and possess a natural charisma and ability to attract attention. They are often driven to pursue their aspirations with great determination. Such individuals are not averse to displaying their abilities, which can result in recognition and achievement.
Which house gives fame in astrology?
The zodiac’s 12th house, also known as the House of Unconscious, is ruled by Pisces and the planets Jupiter and Neptune. This house is associated with emotions and creativity, and can provide insight into one’s career, achievements, and social status. Placements in this house can help determine professional goals, ambitions, and success. Celebrities often have multiple placements in this house, making it the “fame” house.
The 13th astrological sign, Ophiuchus, is considered the 13th astrological sign. The 11th house, ruled by Saturn, Uranus, and Aquarius, deals with friendships and harmony, and can reveal the clubs, social groups, and organizations to which one is drawn. This house is also associated with collective beliefs and actions, contributing to self-actualization.
The 12th house, also known as the House of Unconscious, is ruled by Pisces and Jupiter and Neptune. Placements in this house indicate private strengths and weaknesses, as well as clues about old age and the afterlife. Understanding these houses can help individuals navigate their personal and professional lives.
Do billionaires use astrologers?
The practice of astrology is not founded upon the principles of conventional empirical evidence.
Which planet gives you luxury?
Venus, the planet of wealth and luxury, is governed by astrology and can be accessed through its placement in one’s natal chart. Its energy can be used to attract wealth through art, beauty, real estate, partnerships, or creative endeavors. To work with Venus’s energy, indulge in self-love and prioritize beauty and pleasure in your environment. Create a luxurious atmosphere in your home, invest in things that make you feel abundant, and invest in your style and personal growth.
How to check fame in astrology?
Astrology often associates fame with the 10th house, which is associated with career, social status, and reputation. The ruling planet and any planets in the 10th house can provide insights into a person’s potential for fame and recognition. However, fame doesn’t entirely depend on astrology; factors like talent, hard work, luck, and timing also play a role. Fame is not necessarily desirable for everyone, and there are many paths to success and fulfillment that don’t involve public recognition. Knowing what can bring fame and name according to an individual’s Kundli can help prepare better.
Does Rahu bring fame?
Rahu, an imaginary planet, is associated with bad luck, misfortune, greed, dissatisfaction, illusion, and delusion. However, when in an auspicious position in one’s birth chart, it brings success, recognition, and fame. Rahu Mahadasha, a term for the 18-year period where Rahu has significant influence, can have both beneficial and dangerous effects depending on its placement and strength in the birth chart.
Rahu’s energy is not inherently negative, but its influence can pose challenges depending on its placement. Some potential adverse effects include distorted perceptions of reality, misguided decisions, and confusion. Rahu’s energy is not inherently negative, but its placement in an individual’s astrological chart can impact their life journey.
Which planet makes you younger?
The planet Mercury, which is associated with the qualities of youthfulness, has influence over the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo.
Which planet makes you millionaire?
In astrological tradition, Jupiter is regarded as a benevolent planet, associated with auspicious qualities such as fortune, abundance, and prosperity. A well-placed Jupiter in one’s birth chart is believed to be a favorable indicator for financial growth and wealth accumulation.
Which planet makes you famous?
Venus represents love, relationship, romance, beauty, intimacy, and passion in relationships. A strong Venus brings love and harmony in relationships. Mercury represents speech, communication, knowledge, intelligence, and logic, playing an important role in students’ lives. Jupiter represents wisdom, spirituality, and religious beliefs, helping individuals become more spiritual and creative. Mars, the son of land, represents property, courage, and strength, helping individuals perform well in their careers.
Rahu represents name, fame, and illusion, often associated with worldly desires and manipulation. Ketu represents spirituality and detachment from materialistic things, but has no physical existence. Saturn, the lord of Karma and justice, is a Karmic Planet, punishing those who commit wrong deeds in past births according to their Karma.
There are nine planets in the solar system, with Rahu and Ketu being shadow planets, meaning they have no physical existence. A strong Venus can bring love and harmony in relationships, while a strong Mercury can make someone extrovert and intelligent.
Will I be famous according to astrology?
Scorpio Midheaven is expressive, Aquarius Midheaven is humanitarian, and Leo Midheaven is in charge of the entertainment industry. A favorable planet conjuncts your Midheaven, as seen in Queen Elizabeth II’s chart with Saturn ruling structure, responsibility, and long-held traditions. The Duke of Edinburgh’s chart features the North Node of Destiny in his 10th house and Venus opposite Taurus in his 4th house. Planets conjuncting the 10th and 11th house can also relate to fame.
How to become famous using astrology?
The Sun, Rahu, and Saturn are the primary planets for fame, with the Sun in the 1st, 10th, or 11th house bestowing fame through talents and leadership qualities. Wearing a Ruby gemstone can enhance the Sun’s power, especially if it is prominently placed in the chart. Rahu, on the other hand, can provide sudden and illusionary fame, often through controversies or unexpected events. To harness Rahu’s energy positively, consider wearing a Gomed gemstone, especially if Rahu is in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th house.
Saturn, on the other hand, grants long-lasting fame through hard work and perseverance. To strengthen Saturn in your chart, wear a Neelam gemstone, especially if Saturn is in the 7th, 10th, or 11th house. Wearing a Ruby enhances the Sun’s positive influence, amplifying charisma and leadership qualities. Gomed helps channel Rahu’s energy positively, providing sudden and impactful fame, especially if Rahu occupies key houses associated with fame. Neelam strengthens Saturn’s influence, promoting enduring fame achieved through hard work and dedication.
In conclusion, gaining fame through astrology involves analyzing specific houses and planets in your birth chart. By understanding and enhancing these factors, you can pave the way for lasting recognition and success. For a detailed astrological consultation and high-quality gemstones, visit Astroindia. com and connect with Astrologer Sahil Kohli.
📹 What makes a famous/good psychotherapist, according to Astrology?
Hello astrology fans :), here is a video on “What makes a famous/good psychotherapist, according to Astrology?”. I hope you like it …
Hello Dear Viewers, I realized after posting the article that I accidentally wrote the wrong date of birth for Gabor Mate in the calculator, so I am posting his actual chart here ( ) . Ironically, his horoscope still ticks all of the boxes of a famous psychotherapist, as I have mentioned them in this article. He is a Taurus Rising, with Moon-Mars-Saturn in the 1st house. Moon in Krittika, Mars in Rohini, Saturn in Mrigashira. All opposite Venus in the 7th House, in Scorpio, Anuradha Nakshatra(ruled by Saturn). He also has a Sun-Mercury conjunction in the 8th house(house of psychotherapy), Rahu in Cancer, in Pushya Nakshatra(ruled by Saturn). His Arudha Lagna is in Aquarius. The first ruler of the Arudha Lagna (Saturn) is conjunct the Moon and Mars, in Taurus. His second Arudha Lagna lord (Rahu) is in Cancer, in Pushya. The Moon-Mars-Saturn conjunction also explains a rough early childhood environment and troubled relationship with his mother.(material hardships and exposure to violence)
This is such a crazy article. I fill a lot of the criteria you’re talking about. I’ve always been very interested in the mind and now am getting my license to be a clinical therapist. Bharani sun, shravana moon and Saturn conjunct, a strong 8th house due to Jupiter being placed there. Ultra ashada rahu in 1st house. And my childhood was effed up. I have a very busy 7th house with Kentucky and Venus and Mars sitting in there.
I have 12 House Aries along rahu at 15 degrees Bharani and moon at 28 degrees krittiika, obsession with research and deep knowledge is Power gainer for me, and since my moon mahadasha which was extremely sour and butter in living, I was fascinated towards psychology and therapy subject 😊 and Mercury and sun in mrigshira nakshatra, along 8 h lord Jupiter in Leo 4 h very very touch always 😭😅
I’ve been told I should think about being a couples therapist (and a therapist in general) — I have a stellium (sun, venus, saturn in revati and ketu in ubp) in pisces 7th house, my mercury (chart ruler) is in the 8h in Bharani, my 10H in gemini lord is mercury in the 8H, my 12H lord sun is in the 7H, my 8H lord mars (purva phalguni) is in the 12H. My moon is in Rohini (moon-ruled), my ascendant is Uttara Phalguni (sun-ruled). I have Scorpio Arudha Lagna. My D9 ascendant is Shatabhisha. My Jupiter is in Capricorn in Shravana in the 5H so Saturn sign, Moon nakshatra, and my jupiter and saturn have a 5H and 7H exchange. I thought being told that was interesting, especially since I’ve never been in a romantic relationship lol Just as a tragic sidenote about Freud — he actually was right on the money for his first theory on why women were “hysterics” — he wrote about how it came from extreme childhood trauma and specifically father-daughter incest trauma or incestuous trauma in general from a young age. His patients opened up about this because of talk therapy, he genuinely seems to have listened. His theory of hysteria was rejected by the community. He later did a complete turn on his own theory and claimed that these women were just dreaming of these things because of underlying sexual desire for parents. Horrible.
I have Shravana Asc, Mrigashira Sun and Anuradha Moon. Obsessed with psychology, astrology, researching, understanding people and the world. Also Jupiter in Revati, Venus in Kritika, Mars & Mercury in Ardra, Saturn in Jyestha, Rahu in Uttara Bhadrapada, Ketu in Hasta. 10th & 8th lord conjunct in 5th house