Mysticism is a spiritual practice found in various religious traditions, aiming to connect individuals with higher spiritual truths and experiences. Mystic experiences are deeply personal encounters with an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God. Philosophers have focused on the classification of mystical experiences, their nature in different religions and mystical traditions, and their extent. Many western esoteric traditions and elements of modern spirituality have been regarded as “mysticism”, such as Gnosticism, Transcendentalism, Theosophy, the Fourth Way, Martinus, spiritual science, and Neo.
Mysticism is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God. During mystical experiences, spiritual phenomena may appear to be ultimate, self-existing, and divine or may be experienced as contingent. Spiritual phenomena are not considered self-existent but attest to a superordinate role by a creator who transcends them. Mystics can interpret reverie states as though they were trance states, resulting in an attitude toward visions that the French historian of the 17th century called “transcendental”.
Transcendent experiences help people make meaning in their lives and motivate them to live in alignment with their sources of meaning. Mysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God or the Absolute, but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness. Mysticism is best thought of as a constellation of distinctive practices, discourses, texts, institutions, traditions, and experiences aimed at human growth.
📹 What is MYSTICISM? (Meaning & Definition Explained) Define MYSTICISM | Who or What is a MYSTIC?
What is Mysticism? What does Mysticism mean? Understanding Mysticism (Meaning and Definition) is of great importance for …
Do mystics believe in God?
A mystic in the Catholic Church is defined as a Christian who adheres to the belief that personal understanding of God is the key to attaining and practicing divine love.
What does spiritual transcendence mean?
Self-transcendence refers to the ability to engage with others, while spiritual transcendence involves transcending into a world beyond our immediate world. Implicit self-regulation involves processing complex conscious and nonconscious information in a feeling-oriented intuitive way, allowing the self to be constructed congruently. Ego transcendence involves switching between analytical and holistic information processing, overcoming the barrier between ego and self. This process is closely linked to spirituality, allowing individuals to experience ego transcendence as a form of spirituality.
Mystical experience is assumed to involve spiritual transcendence and a perception of divinity. Francis and Louden identified mysticism as the core of all religions, defining it as a sense of union or identity with something other than oneself. Spiritual transcendence is well-discriminable from ego transcendence, as it is based on the core of all religions. In summary, self-transcendence and spiritual transcendence are distinct concepts.
What are the core beliefs of mysticism?
Mysticism is the belief that one can understand spiritual truths beyond the intellect by embracing the Deity through contemplation and self-surrender. This spiritual approach is reflected in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Kabbalah, the mystical form of Judaism, emphasizes blending worldly life with spiritual life, teaching about one’s place in life and the universe, particularly in relation to the divine. It incorporates the Ten Commandments into daily life, emphasizing the importance of experiencing something beyond the material world.
Christian Mysticism, as old as Christianity itself, is a method of thought rather than a doctrine. Early Christians, known as “desert hermits”, helped establish mysticism within Christianity and monastic life. Practices of Christian Mysticism range from ecstatic visions of the soul’s mystical union with God to prayerful contemplation of Holy Scripture. Influential women saints in Christian Mysticism include those who challenged patriarchal attitudes and St. Joan of Arc.
What is the difference between mysticism and spirituality?
Philosophy, Spirituality, Mysticism, and Religion are concepts that can have loosely interchangeable meanings depending on the speaker. Philosophy refers to mental understanding and theory, Spirituality is a movement that seeks deep inner longing for growth and union with higher understanding, Mysticism is non-linear practices to experience something deeper, and Religion is broad prescriptions by religious leaders for soul growth.
However, it is crucial to differentiate between these concepts as their essences and methods of growth and movement in life differ. The Oxford Dictionary provides definitions for these terms, but it is essential to understand their differences and their significance in different contexts.
How can you tell if someone is a mystic?
Mystics, as a term used to describe someone who is out of touch with reality, are actually those who have gotten in touch with what is real. They possess powerful receptivity and sympathy, are porous, and can stretch beyond their protective ego. They are often courageous and find ethical opportunities out of this wide stretch.
Other people can be ordinary mystics, experiencing moments of mystical moments that extend their boundaries and increase empathy with others. These moments can occur in various aspects of life, such as art, parenting, creativity, and personal growth. As the mystical moments multiply, individuals become less prone to self-protection and have a greater empathy for the world around them.
If religion is defined as a strong sense of the divine, daily mysticism contributes to this sense by drawing individuals out of themselves and into nature and beyond. This perspective highlights the importance of embracing the mystical moments and the potential for personal growth and connection with the divine.
What is the main practice of mysticism?
Mysticism, a term with Ancient Greek origins, refers to the pursuit of union with the Absolute, the Infinite, or God. It can encompass various forms of ecstasy, altered states of consciousness, and human transformation. The term has historically defined the biblical, liturgical, spiritual, and contemplative dimensions of early and medieval Christianity. In the early modern period, mysticism encompassed a broad range of beliefs and ideologies related to extraordinary experiences and states of mind.
In modern times, mysticism has gained a limited definition, aiming for the union with the Absolute, the Infinite, or God, and has been applied to various religious traditions and practices, valuing “mystical experience” as a key element. This limited definition has been applied to a wide range of religious traditions and practices, emphasizing the importance of mystical experiences in mysticism.
What is an example of a mystical spirituality?
Mysticism encompasses a range of observable behaviors, including chanting mantras, meditation, and prayer. These practices are thought to facilitate a sense of oneness or union with the divine, thereby fostering a sense of unity and connection within the individual.
What is mysticism in simple words?
The notion that direct knowledge of God, spiritual truth, or ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience, such as intuition or insight, is a vague and unsubstantiated speculation.
What is the meaning of mystic spiritually?
A person who believes in attaining insight into mysteries beyond human knowledge, often through direct communication with the divine or immediate intuition, is initiated into religious mysteries. These mysteries are characterized by esoteric practices, otherworldly content, and spiritual significance. They are known only to the initiated and have obscure or mysterious character or significance.
What is God’s transcendence examples?
The Christian Worldview posits that God is transcendent, meaning he is beyond human comprehension. This is evident in three transcendent qualities: goodness, truth, and beauty. These qualities are immanently perceivable but cannot be fully perceived, possessed, or known, making them transcendent. Goodness, for example, is not fully known in things like good meals or conversations, as it must come from something else. In the Christian Worldview, God is the full form of goodness, truth, and beauty. These qualities are outside of his creation and cannot be fully grasped by humanity.
Isaiah 55:8-9 emphasizes the biblical theme of God’s transcendence, as it states that God’s thoughts and ways are higher than humanity’s thoughts and ways. This highlights God’s superiority over humanity’s limitations and boundaries, as he stands distinct as a creator. In this way, God transcends the boundaries of human limitations and stands as a higher, greater, and more wonderful entity than anything humans can fully comprehend.
What is an example of transcendence in real life?
Transcendence is the act of rising above something to a superior state, often referred to as a spiritual or religious state. It involves going beyond ordinary limitations and moving beyond physical needs and realities. Achieving transcendence can be achieved through fasting or by letting go of material needs. It is often associated with a concert or concert where a rock star jumped into the audience, demonstrating the transcendent nature of the term.
📹 What is a Mystical Experience? 8 Key Characteristics
The mystical experience is so profound that it raises fundamental questions about the nature of consciousness, life and death, and …
Has anyone ever had a mystical-type experience? Would love to hear about it if so. For me, meditation+psychedelics was the key to actually experiencing a state of cosmic consciousness. that changed my life forever. Much love and see you back here soon 🙏❤️ Please also check me out at to learn more and meet with me 1-on-1.
Hey brother . I had a non drug induced mystical experience when I was 19, way back in 1986 . It looked very much like the image at the start of the article, which was a warm coloured, cloud lined vortex, with the Devine light at the end . That light I knew was God . The ‘clouds’ were populated by what seemed like an army of souls…. That I couldn’t see, but we’re felt as an overwhelming sense of love . The feeling was one of overwhelming bliss, just pure love and compassion. It was impossible for me to communicate this with any one, as I thought they would have seen me as delusional. Jordan Peterson of all people, when describing the dream that Jacob had where he experienced the ladder to heaven, shocked me out of my sense that it had been my imagination. This was over 30 years later . I have since reignited my spiritual life and boy, are things making sense . I also intuited this growing global consciousness evolution back in the day, so to see it unfolding is beyond exciting . Once again, keeping it all to myself as l had no one to share with . Any way, I thought I’d share … literally the first time 😆. Thank you for the articles and the confirmation I’m not crazy . 🙏🙏👁🍄🤓.
I had this experience! completely spontaneous. I was sat at my desk at work. it lasted maybe all of 5 seconds. It was a glimpse into something beyond. it was as though nothing existed and yet I felt part of everything that existed. It felt so warm. Blissful. Peaceful. As if I became the sun. it’s very difficult to explain with words. there was no “me” or you or cars or houses or anything. There was nothing. Becos I was everything. it has had me intrigued ever since. But I believe it’s not a place we “get to” but where we are. Veiled only by the illusion that we aren’t there. like looking for your glasses while you are wearing them. There’s nothing to find. They aren’t lost. It’s only the mind telling you they are lost and need to be found.
I have experienced exactly what you are describing many times without drugs. Furthermore, I live in close proximity to this state of consciousness and can revisit it at will, especially during meditation. In brief, I have come to intimately realize the unconditional Love of God, which transcends all other emotional attachments. ❣🙏❣
I had a completely spontaneous experience in 2000. No drugs. I was awake during daytime hours just doing my usual things around the house. No yoga, no meditation, no spiritual rituals. It lasted under 1 hour. I felt one with everything and everyone which I didn’t realize until now why I felt the love of the planet and all it’s objects included. I saw meadows trees flowers sky and sunshine. Bright colours. Pink hues. It was bliss. I felt the love throughout me, every part of my dna and every atom in my being. It flowed inwardly and out to the planet. Now I realize I was feeling one with everything and everyone, love for all including rocks. It was amazing. It was magical. It was blissful.
I love this article! 100% agree with what you’re saying – if we all practised meditation with the aim of having mystical experiences (rather than using drugs), we would all feel connected to each other in harmony, and so many of the worlds problems would disappear! I haven’t had one myself yet but as I keep on going deeper and deeper into my meditations, I know it is only a matter of time I will experience one 😌
I am really, really grateful for you and foe this particular message! I have called myself “mystical” sinxe I waa little. I have said I’m on a “mystical” path or a “mystical” journey. When I discovered Twin Flames” I felt like this too was a mystical experience. Especially after meeting him and having experiences such as the ones you describe here. When you mentioned the paradoxal nature of the mystical experiences I had to pause and write this because I have said this is myself and my Divine Partner. All and nothing. I have heard things lately that have helped me feel heard and understood, but this really gives me q feeling of validity. I appreciate you so much. It really does give me a feeling of being in balance and harmony, and it helps make sense of it all. I love going back to the basics where I just knew. No question or doubt or who or persona. Just fundamental truth, like you said. Thank you so very much!
In my experience, I took 5 tabs of LSD and I saw a lot of things, towards the end I saw Hindu god( I’m a Mexican American) I transpired into space where I saw gems stones, later I found out it was chakras and eventually aliens it was beautiful and scary it was almost like a simulation, everything you said was on point
I had mine like a month ago and went on a path of rightouesness is what I had to call it because I had no explanation for it but ultimately came back to my home after 3 days wondering all around the city lol . Btw I couldn’t move my legs during the ” mystical experience” is as someone else was in control the whole time and I was viewing everything objectively.
It is an open question whether the mystical experience is a property of the human nervous system that evolved because we lived in families and tribes close to nature for much of our evolutionary existence, or a manifestation of the nature of reality. Quantum mechanics does not say what you think it does. It’s just something we don’t understand yet, an incomplete theory, and therefore since we also don’t understand the mystical experience, we like to equate the two. There is something in it that might be non-local, but we don’t know that for sure. It could also be that civilizations or the wealthy classes of civilizations that lose touch with nature and tribal bonds might need the mystical experience more. It offers a soothing balm to our nervous system that was gotten simply through daily living in a tribe, close to nature in the past. Tribal people may have used entheogens, but it was in combination with ritual, dance, singing, playing and listening to music, making love, storytelling, and being materially and emotionally inter-dependent at the family, physical place and tribal levels. Global capitalism (and any “Molochian” game theoretic system, in D. Schmactenberger’s terminology) destroys families, tribes, villages, religious and civic associations, and even integrated individuals (the latter is a new development of the attention economy, which only wants our reptilian, dopamine seeking parts). But it might be OK with mystical experiences, as long as it can make money on them.
For me it’s always the psychedelics brother I can’t meditate unless on psychedelics and people can say ITS THE DRUGS BLA BLA BLA but in my own opinion and experiences yes a chemical that made my bodies receptors cause my chemical balances to tilt to the point I had a mystical experience and yes I agree a psychedelic chemical helped me to get to where I was. but and this is a biiiiig but. The fact that I could connect with things on a higher level and the fact that people who were not on any substances were dumbfounded as to how I forseen something that happened ten minutes after I said it and as to how I knew that someone would turn up and ruin everything and explained everything about him and his facial traits and the clothes he was wearing and the car he would turn up in..was definitely something different to what I’d usually get from psycs
in Islam, God is stated to be “echad”. that word can be translated as “oneness” or “unity”. i like unity better, because oneness can be misunderstood as one in contrast to many Gods (monotheism). but this is not what echadness means, it means unity of all. for me, cosmic consciousness or whatever it is (as it can not be captured by speech or intellect, as it transcends these) – is God.
Know sir. No Drugs needed to have an experience with God. No Drugs needed to receive the Holy spirit. I know i am Mystic when i repent and free myself of sin at least temporary. God’s holy spirit cannot live in a sinful vessel. I confess my sins daily because i am a sinner. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice.