The Christmas star, also known as the Star of Bethlehem or the Star of David, holds significant cultural significance worldwide. It represents the birth of Jesus and is a visual manifestation of the Great Conjunction, a yearlong astrological journey that can bring about major change. The two planets are drawing closer to each other in the sky as they head towards a “great conjunction” on December 21, where the two giant planets will appear a “Christmas Star”.
The 12 houses of astrology, including the House of Self, reveal insight into our appearance, ego, drive, self-image, and personal views. Some believe that the Christmas star was a nova or supernova explosion, while others suggest it may have been a “great conjunction” of bright planets.
Some scholars believe that the Star of Bethlehem was a conjunction of at least two planets, leading the wise men to Jesus’ birthplace in Bethlehem. The wise men were given a divine warning not to return to Bethlehem. The Christmas Star 2020 aligns with The Great Conjunction, and understanding the significance of the Star of Bethlehem can benefit mental health.
In ancient Greek astrology, the “star in the east” refers to an astronomical event with supposed astrological significance. The so-called “Christmas star” is symbolic of the “star” that showed the way to astrologers from the east.
📹 Astronomers’ theory of the Star of Bethlehem
The story of the three wise men who followed the Star of Bethlehem to find the baby Jesus is an enduring part of the Christmas …
When should we put the Christmas Star?
The star is traditionally placed on the tree on Christmas Eve, preceding the departure for the Midnight Mass.
What is the Star of Christmas astronomy?
The Christmas star is thought to be a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, with Kepler proposing that it was formed through three consecutive conjunctions. While these events were not visible as a single object, they may have held religious or astrological significance. The two planets were in close proximity, appearing as a single entity.
What do Christmas stars symbolize?
The star is a recognizable symbol of the holiday, representing the star that appeared in the sky when Jesus Christ was born. Five years before Jesus’ birth, Samuel the Lamanite prophesied the signs of the Savior’s birth, including the appearance of a bright new star. Christmas decorations are a huge part of celebrating Christmas, but if we look at them correctly, they can help us remember Jesus Christ in our celebrations.
Stars are often seen hanging from street lamps or sitting on top of Christmas trees, and they symbolize the light that led the Wise Men to Jesus. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has taught that many memorable and enduring Christmas traditions include different kinds of lights—lights on trees, lights in and on homes, and candles on tables.
Christmas lights can remind us that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and remind us to be lights to others and help others come unto Christ. By examining these traditional decorations in the right way, we can allow them to help us remember Jesus Christ in our Christmas celebrations and help others come to Christ.
What is the December Star?
December star signs, Sagittarius and Capricorn, are associated with legendary innovators who have been inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame®. Astrology, a science closely connected to astronomy, was used to predict various aspects of daily life, including weather and destiny. Early scientists believed that charting the skies and watching constellations could help predict various aspects of life.
Although modern science reminds us that our fate is not written in the stars, many people still enjoy examining ancient predictions about our future through the 12 zodiac signs named for their respective constellations and assigned based on our birthdays. If your birthday falls in December, you share a star sign with these legendary innovators.
What is the significance of the Star in the Christmas story?
The Morning Star and the Star of Bethlehem are celestial guides that symbolize hope and a new beginning. Native Americans look to the Morning Star for strength and protection, while the Wise Men relied on the Star of Bethlehem for their transformative journey. The shared belief in the stars’ guiding presence unites and uplifts both narratives. At St. Joseph’s Indian School, they celebrate Christmas in Harmony by harmonizing the stories surrounding the Morning Star and the Star of Bethlehem, fostering a deeper understanding of the spiritual connections that bind us together. By demonstrating the connections between these two beautiful cultures, St. Joseph’s aims to help students reach a deeper level of their personal relationship with The Creator.
What do the Christmas symbols mean?
The crimson red color of Christmas is emblematic of Jesus Christ’s blood shed during His crucifixion, while the green hue of evergreen plants like pine trees, holly, and mistletoe represents His everlasting life.
Is the Christmas Star biblical?
The Star of Bethlehem is a biblical story that tells the story of a bright star appearing in the eastern sky when Jesus was born. The wise men, known as “Magi”, saw the star as a sign of the birth of the King of the Jews and set out to Jerusalem to worship him. They inquired about Jesus’ birthplace with Herod, the region’s ruler appointed by Rome. Herod was worried about the idea and sent the wise men to Bethlehem to search for Jesus. They were sent to Bethlehem due to Micah’s prophecy that the messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Herod is also rumored to kill the infants of Bethlehem in an attempt to snuff out Jesus.
What does the Christmas Star represent in the Bible?
The Bible tells the story of three wise men who saw a rising star as a sign of the birth of the King of the Jews. They went to Jerusalem to worship him and inquired about Jesus’ birthplace with Herod, the region’s ruler appointed by Rome. Herod was concerned about the idea and sent the wise men to Bethlehem to search for Jesus. They were sent there due to Micah’s prophecy that the messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
Herod, however, killed the infants of Bethlehem in an attempt to snuff out Jesus. When they heard the king, they departed, and the star they saw in the east accompanied them to Bethlehem, where they rejoiced with great joy.
What does the 5 pointed Christmas star mean?
A four-pointed star, often resembling a cross, symbolizes the “star of Bethlehem”. A five-pointed star symbolizes oneness, connecting human spirit to Mother Nature. It can also represent a human body or Jesus Christ’s incarnation. A 6-pointed star represents the Star of David, symbolizing the Jewish faith and divine protection. A 7-pointed star is associated with the archangel Anael and is associated with shining bright. Each star has its own significance and significance.
What is the message of the Christmas star?
The Christmas Star is a significant part of the Christmas story, as it is present in the artwork of the nativity scene and instigates the wise men to visit Jesus. The Holy Spirit inspired every part of the Gospel, but the star’s presence and significance can be lost in the big picture. The closest star to Earth is about 25, 300, 000, 000, 000 miles away, or 4. 35 light-years away, meaning the movement of the stars happens more than 4 years before we see it.
The presence of the Christmas star is an example of God’s omniscient plan, as He sees everything and has a plan for how everything works out. God had planned for the star to be a part of this special story from before the world even existed, and it ended up being a very important part of the story. Sometimes it seems that things are happening for no reason or that God isn’t paying attention to us, but in reality, He knows the number of hairs on your head and has a detailed plan for your happiness. Even the seemingly failures in the moment are opportunities for greater joys. The Christmas star serves as a yearly reminder that God is always looking out for us and has a plan for our life.
Why is the Star significant at Christmas?
The Christmas star is a significant symbol in the holiday tradition, with the Bible mentioning a bright star that led the Three Wise Men to the Christ Child. The Star of Bethlehem, a traditional representation of the star, is often seen in various forms, including a simple five-point star on Christmas trees, elongated eight-point stars, and the Moravian star, which originated in Saxony, Germany, around 1830. The Moravian star, which can have 26 or up to 100 points, was adopted by the Moravian church to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem and was often incorporated into nativity scenes.
📹 The Christmas Star in These Crazy Times with Astrologer Rick Levine
In this Cosmic Connection episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Rick Levine and Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh discuss the …
The birth of Jesus is one of the most significant events of our Christian faith but there always seems to be some confusion on some issues with regards to whether He was born in a manger or somewhere else. Who saw Him, and where they saw Him, and about the “star” that guided the wise men (Magi). Luke chapter 2:7-12 says, “And she gave birth to her first born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a ‘manger’ because there was no room in the inn.” So, yes, He was born in a manger. “And in the same region there were ‘shepherds’ out in the field, keeping a watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them…and said, ‘fear not, for behold I bring you news of great joy. For unto you is born this day a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” (v16) “And they went and found the baby lying in a manger.” So, it was the shepherds, and not the Magi, who visited Him in a manger. Matthew 2:1-2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (v7) “Then Herod called the Magi and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared” (v9) After they heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it ‘stopped’ over the place where the child was.
Here are several defining events that support 6April,1B.C. as the date of the birth of Christ: – triple conjunction of Regulus by Jupiter from Sep 3BC until May 2BC: referred to as the “Coronation” by the Magi, when Jupiter makes a crowning loop above Regulus the royal star in the constellation Leo, symbol of the tribe of Judah, David and Solomon, Kings of Israel and antecedents of Mary mother of Jesus. – grouping of Venus, Mars, and Saturn during that same time. A few years earlier (May 7BC) Jupiter and Saturn were in conjunction in the morning sky. I think this could have been about the same time (86th year of the reign of judges) that Samuel stood upon the wall and prophesied that “five more years cometh, then cometh the Son of God.” It is significant that he did not include the present year and that the fifth year would end before night without darkness. It would come in the beginning of the sixth year from that time. He was very specific. Even the unbelieving Nephites knew the time of the prophesy and they marked their calendars so they could threaten the believers. – on 17 Jun 2BC Jupiter* converges with Venus: the symbol of the King of Heaven joining with the symbol of Motherhood, nine-and-a-half months before the birth of Jesus, perhaps this was the time of Mary’s annunciation by the angel Gabriel, and the conception of the Son of God. – on Tuesday, 6 Apr 1BC, with a full moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Leo, the sun in Aries the Ram (the Lamb of God) with Venus in conjunction with Uranus in Pisces the Fishes, Mercury nearby, this was the unusually early dawning of the day: As the shepherds watched their flocks by night, an angel of the Lord appeared unto them, and the glory of the Lord shown round about them.
There was no census in 3 BCE. “Then again, with consular imperium, I conducted a lustrum alone when Gaius Censorinus and Gaius Asinius were consuls (8 BCE), in which lustrum were counted 4,233,000 heads of Roman citizens” – RES GESTAE DIVI AUGUSTI. We know that Caesar Augustus presided over at least three censuses, which were finalized and celebrated via a lustratio ritual in 28 BCE, 8 BCE, and 14 CE. Each of Augustus’ censuses were spaced 20 years apart, except for the census in 14 CE, which took place 21 years after the census in 8 BCE, because in 2 BCE Augustus celebrated his silver jubilee and this coincided with the 750th anniversary of Rome, so it wasn’t counted as being part of the twenty year census cycle. The decree to conduct each census was issued five years (a lustrum) prior to it being finalized and celebrated via a lustratio ritual. The author (or redactor) of Luke clearly states “in those days, … there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the inhabited land of the Empire (οἰκουμένην) should be registered for taxation (ἀπογράφεσθαι)” and that “Yosef also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem … to be registered for taxation with Miriam, his betrothed wife, being great with child” (Luke 2:1-5). We know that Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa died in March 12 BCE and that Augustus officially became Pontifex Maximus on 6 March 12 BCE, because the former Pontifex Maximus, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, had died in 13 BCE.
It isn’t anywhere in 3BC. I found this in June,17,1BC through the use of Stellarium. It was set in the West, like the 3 wisemen said, “we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him” – Matthew 2 I think this make far more sense actually. And if Jesus was born on 9/11/1BC. Then 9/11/2001 is a reflection of that day. (I don’t know for a fact, if he was.) But the attack on the Twin tower was orchestrated. People say that Anti-Christs mocked his birth on this day every year? Seems like an interesting case to me.
The messiah was born in the 7th month on the 15th day. The start of Tabernacles. So the Christmas star is not logical. The astronomers from the east found Yahusha when he was a toddler living in Nazareth. They never found him in a manger. That is a fable. Also, like he said, it was a celebration of the winter solstice.
I was thinking about my birthday today I’m a Leo Virgo. I like the fact that lion sometimes represented people or they were the sacred animal of certain people, and since I can’t be a dragon the fact that I was born August 23 makes me a Leo Virgo cusp. And the Virgo part is cool because it reminds me of the Virgin Mary and so The lion can represent Jesus and the Virgin Mary can represent a Virgo and that’s why Jesus‘s birth right there August 23. The day changes August 23 from Leo to Virgo I remember the very first horoscope I ever saw of myself I was a Leo. But I have a dual personality. Gentlemen warrior
International Scientific Community. Cordial and respectful greeting. On August 23, 2018, in my “Colombian Arithmetic Reconciliation Between History and Astronomy”, I found or discovered that: 1) Halley’s comet is the same Biblical Star of Bethlehem. 2) After the year 1066 A.D., there is an error (8 years extra). The year 1986 was really 1978 A.D., and the year 2018 was really the year 2010 A.D. 3) The German version of Ghost Time, which says that 297 false years were added to history during the period (614 – 911 AD) is not correct because during that time there were historic sightings of Halley’s comet (837 A.D.,sighted during the reign of Ludovico Pío or Louis the Pious, and was reported by a chronicler nicknamed “The Astronomer” ), and there is no remainder of 297 years either. Colombian Arithmetic Reconciliation Between History and Astronomy The Halley’s Comet was the Biblical Star of Bethlehem Author Kevin Artemo Casanova Santini González, Cali, Colombia Going back in time with periods of 76.03 years, since 1066 when William the Conqueror spotted the comet, I found that the Halley’s comet had its perihelion in year 1 of the Christian era and in the year 837 a.D., in the time of King Louis I. We are currently in the year 2024, however really this is the year 2016 a. D., because there is an error (eight-years) in the allocations of historical dates in the first 8 years, it may be because dates were always calculated based on periods of 75 or 76 years, but the exact period of Halley ‘s comet is 76.
The Star of Bethlehem was a spacecraft that God’s angels (messengers) travel in. It operated in our atmosphere, which is why it moved and hovered over the birth site after informing the shepherds. When Jesus was taken up and a “cloud received him out of their sight”, guess what was in that cloud. A spacecraft that took him to the throne of God, and it took ten days to get there. He was around for 40 days after his resurrection, and he said when he arrived at the throne of God he would send the holy spirit, which was 50 days after his resurrection (Pentecost). When a very bright light shined down over Saul (renamed Paul) on the road to Damascus, it was a spacecraft. When you see the International Space Station go overhead, it looks like a moving star. If you make it into the kingdom when the second coming happens, you will be able to see a spacecraft on the ground, and you will be told by an angel, “that was the Star of Bethlehem”.
The other theory is it was not a star but a lighted spacecraft that hovered over the city of Bethlehem. Back in the day they could only relate to the craft as a star. Just think almost every story is relates to beings coming down from the heavens or from up above. Jesus was Gods son so it makes sense God would be perusal over him from up above.
Jesus was born on Sunday March, 7BC. The ”Star of Bethlehem’ was not an astronomical or cosmological event. Joseph (Jesus’ father), formed an alliance with Theudas, head of the Theraputes. The 2 in warrior mode gave themselves titles drawn from an OT verse. Joseph was the ‘Star (of David) and Theudas was the ‘Scepter’. The West Manassah Magi were a priestly caste of Samaritan philosophers. They were founded by Menahem and later led by Simon Zelotes. They supported the legitimacy of Jesus. When they ‘followed the star’ they were agreeing with Joseph that a new Davidic king had been born. Because they recognized him as king, they were accepting him as legitimate.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.
Great conjunction of December 21 2020(Christmas star) \t•\tJupiter Saturn conjunction/Bethlehem star \t•\tFirst reported full conjunction was 1623 ad \t•\tJesus died between 30-36 AD \t•\tChristmas/Christ more translates to Cristo más in Spanish. \t•\t2020-1623=397 \t•\t1623AD -397+1226AD \t•\t1226AD -397=829AD \t•\t829-397=436AD \t•\t432-397=35AD  \t•\t”Bethlehem-star appeared around 35 ad when Jesus apparently died then rose again. \t•\tJesus was born approximately 4-6 AD \t•\tJesus Started preaching around 27 AD-30 AD. \t•\tHe preached for 3 years. Was killed around 35 AD when a “great conjunction/Christmas star” may have been happening \t•\tChristmas commemorates Jesus being reborn or rising from the dead, not his initial birth. \t•\tOne of the ancient church fathers said, “The son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.” \t•\tThe point of the incarnation was not simply for God to express his love for human beings, to disclose his nature or walk in our midst, or even to identify with our struggles and yearnings. God entered this world as a human baby to fulfill his mission to rescue lost and sinful people. He took the name Jesus come which in Hebrew means “Yahweh saves.” \t•\tIn the incarnation, God has fused himself with humanity, and now seeks to transform believers into the likeness of Jesus. God has come not simply to rescue us, but to remake this — a process by which we die to our old ways of living and are reborn into new existence in God’s family.
interesting year 3 bc two planets aligned venus and jupiter… plus over the constalation that represents the lion… wich had a big meaning for the hebrews… but 2020 we have chaos and you got to ask yourself what planets are aligning and over what constalation? venus and jupiter always represented in greek mitholgy and what or who is saturn in the greek mithology ??? Jesus won’t come till the abomination has his short time
10 months Ago they Came here to Great falls Mt, White Buffalo Calf woman, The Queens of the Heavens, know body was there to Greet them, when they left that’s when The Morning Star, Guadalupe was by the Moon fallowing. Why would things not be good by know? Something is not right. The surpent is not gone,
Luke 2:16-20 Philippians 3:20 King James Version 20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Luke 2:11 King James Version 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. King James Version 16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. 17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. 18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. 19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. 20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.
The only other point would be how that star pointed the wise men, which the Bible never says it was 3- could have been several or 50 wise men, directly to the location of the baby Jesus. I think that together with the natural phenomena in the sky, I think there was a supernatural event that only those wise men were able to perceive.
They know that the Star of Bethlehem was in Taurus the Bull. The Pleiades is in Taurus and was called the Seven Sisters so one of those Stars went Nova and no longer exists. The Star of Bethlehem had to last long enough for the Three Wise Men to see it, pack up their stuff and go to Israel which would have lasted at least a month. What you are talking about would have lasted several hours . You folks have no deductive or analytical ability.
when a person dies they are gone, they don’t come back, if the bible didn’t require a ressurection and you world go to another realm then that’s what the bible would say, but nowhere in the bible does it say that all, but everytime you say Jesus is coming soon, you take your eyes off of Jesus, you only see the truth through that very blood, because my father gives you a vision of me, but all you do is twist it all around, because that is exactly what the second coming does to you, it distracts you, because it is a lie. now you can say that I am the devil, you can assume that I am the antichrist, nobody’s stopping you, you do what you want because only the antichrist wouldn’t be so care free like me because I could care less what you believe not my problem, nothing has ever been my problem because I am not the one who causes problems, it is everyone else, if you can tell me what problem I started let me know, I don’t start problems, I solve them. If argueing with me solves all your problems let me know.
though he could,why does God need planets to align? the shekinah glory of God…,it moved, always light associated with Christ. He is the light.As far as wise men studying astrology yes they would have,but remember,Daniel was the chief of wise men(maji) (in Persia) and exposed them to hebrew prophecy (Dan. 9:25). They knew when to start perusal.Quit giving credit(glory)to planet alignment and blood moons and such. One word–GOD
As an amature backyard astonomer for more than 60 years I personally utilize an rather expensive astromomical software program starting a hundred years prior to the supposed Jesus birth story to a hundred year after. And none of my researched showed any type of possible anomaly that could have been referred to as the Star of Bethlehem. Though conjuntion of both Saturn and Jupiter as well as Venus and Jupiter happen every so often. Neither of which occourd during the time line I reseached. In as much as stars seem to rotate around the Earth appoximately 6 degrees different than the night before and planet even farther except during their retro grades. It would be an impossibility for one to have viewed a conjuntion of such even if they occured during the time line for any duration long enough for the supposed kings to have noticed and then followed it to Bethlehem. Though meanings are added to existing words every year, none of them negate any of the previous meanings. Thus using any semantics one wants, The STORY of the Bethlehem star is just a STORY. And if not, than Santa Clause, the Easter Bunnie etc etc etc are all true also.
This demonstrates nothing about the validity of scripture. Yeshua (Jesus) was said to have been born around 4-6 BC not 3 BC. Jesus would have already been 1-3 years old, not A new born in A manger. Also, the claims of extra-Biblical texts mentioning something similar to the star also doesen’t surprise me since the Bible copied so many extra-Biblical narratives as it is. It would seem to me that the authors of the gospels accounts eiether stole from those extra-Biblical narratives as they did with the doctrine of the trinity. Or the start potentionally is real, and they simply observed this star as many other’s did and incorporated it into the story of the birth of Christ.
OH my Heavenly Stars!!! that poem should definitely be read this year… It is absolutely and definitely One for This Time!!!! thank you so very much from the depths of my heart. Merry Christmas, Happy Yule Tide, and Happy Solstice and Hanukkah as well as any persons celebration at this time. I love you all. May we walk into this Energy with New Intentions of Heart and Mind, to walk forward in Peace throughout our whole land!
Another tradition where the ‘magi’ were considered higher than kings is the Vedic tradition. Brahmins were the counselors, priests & caretakers of Vedic society before the caste system was distorted by power mongering & vainglorious pride. There are some very interesting similarities between Zoroastrianism & Vedic faith (pre-dogma Hinduism). The four Vedic texts sync quite astoundingly with other ancient texts like the Torah, Talmud & even Zoroastrian texts.
Rick you are a beautiful and powerful poet! 💕 I love your insight and your story telling, the way you explain things mixed with history, science, religion, and everything else. I love how well versed and well read you are. Your knowledge and passion for astrology shine brightly in every article I see you in. Oh and I always love your shirts! I am so grateful that I have found you and that you brought me here to astrology hub. ☺️ Hope you have a wonderful 2021!
If all ages were exactly the same length in time. But the twenty-four hours of the day vary in minutes of time according to which sign the degree are located. Aries and Pisces have 59 minutes in thirty degrees. Signs like Scorpio and others have 244 minutes per 30 degrees. Reference to a book titled Rising Signs.
Mr. Levine, that was an amazing poem You Gave. I have chills oh, it resonated so well, and it makes me want to stand up and do the things I want to do. Especially the fact that you included Palestine and Israel oh, I tip my hat off to you. People of all walks of life are still people. God bless you and have a wonderful holiday
Happy Holidays and thanks for all the information this year. What a bloody year!!! I love astrology and have studied it on and off since I first read Linda Goodman back in the day. Please!!! It’s E Raaq, E Raan, E Raanian. I was born and raised in India and had many Parsi friends in Bombay where Parsis fled when they left Iran – who were Zorastrians. The Tower of Silence is where their bodies were laid out in the open so vultures could consume them and then the bones were buried.
The 3 stars in Orions belt are also known as the 3 Kings, in Jerusalem each year on this date, the 3 kings would rise on the Eastern Horizon heralding the arrival of the brightest star in the sky, Sirius. (I looked at 7 BC on Stellurium and the Orions Belt is exactly East!) Every time Rick speaks I find new things to google and learn about. Always so fascinating!.
That was amazing Rick & Amanda, thank you 🙏🏼 I’m listening to this on Mid-Winters day (Dec 21st Winter Solstice), my ancestors called this day Mid-winter to mark the mid point of the winter, so that February 1st marked the 1st day of Spring. As an astrologer, when I first heard that the Cardinal points marked the starts of new seasons, I often wondered why my Celtic ancestors called them mid points, mid summer, mid winter, even the equinox’s falling on points of equal day & night ie. the mid point. I puzzled for many years & have come to realise its subjective. Where I am on the planet, it is mid winter, on February 1st my garden will be full of daffodils & bluebells. And the evenings will start to be brighter little by little. Alas our planet is not the same as it was when Stonehenge & New Grange were built, it’s hotter, the climate is erratic & damaged. Still, I love to think of it as it was, and listen to the gorgeous hymn ‘In the bleak Midwinter’. I wish you a Happy Solstice & Yuletide blessings to you both, may you have happiness & good health in 2021 xxx
I hope to send you a photo of the conjunction as it comes oveer the 14,000′ mountains of the Sangre de Christo Mountains taken from our Ziggurat here in Crestone, Colo. The Ziggurat is on the land of the 16th Karmapa that was gifted to Him by Mr. Najeeb Halaby (CEO of Pam Am Air) when Queen Noor, his daughter, didn;t want it as a wedding gift. The 6 other Rinpoches here have great reincarnation stories. I have a guest bedroom.
The Greek astrologer antiochus said, “the two heavy planets (Saturn and Jupiter) cause conflicts and overthrowings, and that is from their shifts from Triplicity to Triplicity and from one essence to it’s contrary.” Abu Ma’shar a Persian astrologer wrote: “and the years in which there is unrest and rebels and deniers, are recognized when the two heavy ones are in conjunction.” Saturn rules the current and lawful king, religious men of faith, farmers and rural people, traditions, law and order, etc; while Jupiter rules judges, social leaders, rebels, amongst many other signification. Now because Saturn is higher in declination than Jupiter all things of a Saturnian nature should prevail. Particularly start in Dec 17th-18th as Saturn and Jupiter begin switching signs and Mercury passes to the other side of the sun. Overall Triplicity shifts occur every 240 years and bring changes in religious ideologies and geopoltical systems, kings, sects, etc. The greater cycle is 4 sets of 240 year cycles. While shifts in essence occur every 80 years and are testing periods. IE 2020, 1940, 1860, 1780, etc. These conjunctions occur every 20 years an cause minor civil unrest, they reoccur in approximately the same portion of the sky every 60 years, however the battles between governments and rebels occurs every 80 years. The great Reset will fail and wont have a chance to take root until 80 years from now at the next generational mutation. Because Saturn has higher declination and is occuring in a fixed sign the outcome will be in the current and lawful kings favor (Trump) and there will be a persistence of things (ie no great reset out of the world economic forum or drastic change)
7:13 Listen really close to Amanda Pua Walsh’s Question and Rick Levine’s Response, Amanda’s question really sets off the Sat Jup conjunctions history; my Twin moon loves Ricks answer…” It doesn’t matter where you dig the well, you get to the same water” Mathew Fox. 32:54 I love banned books! Velikovsky’s, “Worlds in Collision”, I must read. I always wondered how the sea parted; Venus as a comet in our atmosphere would throw off gravity. I really loved when my Astrological Guru, Rick Merlin Levine, recited his Pros poem; Happy New Years 2020 to yall too. I just so happened to be sipping Hot Chocolate and thumped the camera on the screen with my Mug. This was my first viewing of the article I’m in awe of the historical facts presented as Pros. A modern day Shakespeare, Rick Merlin Levine is. I enjoyed every pun & once all words were said and done, vibes of peace reigned; and as always so much knowledge gained. Thankyou Both
Rick, Do you know about “Q” in reference to the synoptic gospels? Most scholars agree that Mark was written first (in Greek, and after Paul’s writings). There’s no mention of Jesus’s birth in Mark (much less a virgin birth) and Mark’s gospel ends without an appearance by Jesus at the tomb. (No mention of Joseph, either.) Matthew’s gospel was written later and for a Jewish audience (and he corrected some geographical errors in Mark as I understand it). Thanks to both of you for sharing your time and talents~
Rick, on Epoques, Ages, and Eras….How old are our oldest artifacts marking the journey of the “Ascent of Man” ( as in J.Bronofsky)? That’s where to start with evidence of transitional periods connecting Epoques etc. Consider the symbol of tge Tetramorph marking the Ages, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and now Aquarius …. Bull, Lion, Eagle and Man as a divine being, an angel….
this is about the 3rd time I have heard Rick talk about THIS is not THE marker for the Age of Aquarius. I agree with his logic 100% but I doubt it will win out over POPULAR sentiment so far also promoted by so many other astrologers. We will be LOOKING back at THIS moment as the marker for hundreds of years to come. Still we must ALL LIVE fully in our present and who cares what it is called? I will take these glimpses and buzz of Aquarius as good enough to go with the illogical LOL
Thank you universal love to you and all beings. The seven planet theme, in Bible Revelation meaning unveiling. The Alpha Omega theme. Greek theme being, l am the seven planets in one. Each Greek capital letter ( 7 vowels ) Each vowel letter represents a Greek God, a planetary energy, as Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, etc. So Alpha and Omega, ( Greek vowel being the O / modern times call it Omega ) So unveiled, unravelled, being l am all the planets in one. Being that in the Hindu theme, the seven planets, represent the seven chakras ( hidden in the back of man / spine / . So the chakras represent, the journey of kundalini, up the spine, to the head, to the crown. ) Further explanation, the Revelation kundalini is called (spireia if memory serves me right ) So when the energy is aligned….all the planets are in a set position…then the human body, has a heightened awareness of consciousness. The theme all the planets are centred in a complete oneness. ( words poor explanations ) SO….if man is a reflection of the external universe, he raises his kundalini, he is Alpha Omega, he is enlightened, enters sage hood. The 12 disciples theme, one explanation, 12 cranial nerves. Each disciple represents a zodiac sign. Reincarnation, theme, one life the person has an Aries, then over 12 main incarnations, he travels around the 12 houses. Basically man in a circular Hatha yoga posture. The chakras forming a circle & the energies are opposites. Many explanations. Revelation links Plato themes.
Two possible birthcharts for Jesus of Nazareth, (neither on Dec.25th) are March 1, -6 or 6 BC, and Sept. 9, -6 In March, there are six planets in Pisces, squaring a Sagittarius Ascendant, with Jupiter and Saturn 9 degrees apart and a New Moon in Pisces wedged in between the Grand Conjunction to be. The actual Grand Conjunction for 6 BC occurred in Sept. On the 9th of that month, Saturn, Moon and Jupiter within one degree conjunct in Pisces opposed a 13 degree Virgo Sun with a Virgo Ascendant (born of a Virgin) I hope you find this data helpful, as there are those who believe that the Pisces Avatar was more myth than man, that possibly there never was a flesh and blood person who became the Christ. (see the article Caesar’s Messiah: How the Romans Invented Jesus)