Keith Richards, a musician, singer, and actor, was born on December 18, 1943, in Dartford, England. His zodiac sign is Sagittarius, with the sun in Leo and the moon in Virgo. He was born on the 18th of December, 1948, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Richards’ birth chart shows that he was born under the Sagittarius sign, which is known for being very rebellious and often displaying a life path of giving more than receiving.
Keith Richards’ birth chart also includes the Sun in Leo, the Nakshatra or star constellations, and the Star Sign/Zodiac Sign/ Sun Sign (Western) being Sagittarius. The Ascendant posited in Scorpio signifies Richards’ enjoyment of giving more than receiving. In different circumstances, Richards may exhibit a carefree boldness and carelessness.
In terms of his personality, Richards was born under the Sagittarius sign, which is associated with a carefree yet careful nature. He was also socially concerned and intellectually inclined. His birth chart, Kundli, and horoscope provide insight into his personality traits and personality type.
In summary, Keith Richards was born on December 18, 1943, in Dartford, England, and his astrology birth chart provides valuable insights into his personality and career. His astrological chart and kundli provide insight into his personality traits and personality type.
📹 What was Keith Richards’ astrological sign?
When was Keith Richards born? Watch this video to learn Keith Richards’ birthday and other trivia about Keith Richards.
📹 Natal Chart Analysis of Keith Richards
Keithrichardsastrology #keef #rollingstones #lemurianchick Thanks for watching! To order a personal reading, please visit my …
Keith Richards has strong Virgo in his chart. Moon AND MC! Those are dominate placements. Plus Scorpio on the ascendant. Wow! I’m sure he keeps a close eye on his finances and everything else. He probably would’ve made an excellent accountant or stockbroker had he chosen a more mundane career. Virgo is super detailed and organized and Scorpio deals with money/assets of others. Plus all that mercury gives him excellent singing and song writing abilities.