Sufism is a mystical Islamic belief and practice that involves Muslims seeking to find the truth of divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience of God. This concept has roots in the divinely revealed text of the Koran, which is both wisdom and philosophy. The term “Sufism” is commonly used in the Muslim world, with its practitioners known as Sufis or dervish.
The mystical dimension of the Islamic religious tradition has roots in the divinely revealed text of the Koran. In the decades after Rābiʿah, mystical trends grew everywhere in the Islamic world, partly through an exchange of ideas with Christian hermits. The most widely used term for the Islamic mystical tradition is “Sufism”, with its practitioners known as Sufis.
Believers in Islamic mysticism are those who believe in spirituality and mysticism, often seeking to find God in the universe and in their own soul as a steady and continuous spiritual relationship. Sufis are mystics who believe in spirituality and mysticism, and some of the best-known individuals in the Islamic faith have grown up in this way.
In summary, Sufism is a significant aspect of the Islamic religious tradition, characterized by a focus on purification, spirituality, ritualism, and spirituality.
📹 Islamic Mysticism: An Introduction to Sufi Islam
An introduction to the history, practices, and beliefs of Sufi Islam. Sufism, or tasawwuf in Arabic, is practiced by many Muslims …
What are followers of the mystical form of Islam called?
Sufism, a branch of Islam, is a spiritual practice that seeks to attain a closer relationship with Allah through the exploration of religious knowledge and purification of the soul. Sufis are divided into Tariqa, mystical orders with distinct spiritual customs and guidance. The Sheikh, a hereditary position representing the lineage back to Prophet Muhammad, guides his followers to Allah through various methods.
The Tariqa are based on four principles: adherence to Sharia, observance of Sunnah, Remembrance of Allah (Dhikr), and following love and compassion. Sufis typically wear modest attire, demonstrating their renunciation of material world luxuries.
To be a Sufi, one must overcome their ego and consider God as their master. They must have a pure heart and surrender to God, even if they lack knowledge about Islam. Music can be incorporated into their devotion to strengthen their devotion. These aspects of Islam, initially confined to different dimensions of Islam, have evolved into a collective name, Sufism, reflecting the emergence of peace, unity, and a willingness to seek satisfaction.
What do you call a person who believes in Islamic mysticism?
A Sufi is a Muslim who practices Islamic mysticism, seeking a direct, personal experience of God. They believe in the mystical dimension of Islam and often wear simple wool cloaks. Sufis, who are considered practicing Muslims, are known for their meditative dances and are mainly found in Iran. Sufism is controversial among some traditional Muslims, and their practice is often associated with the word “man of wool”.
What is the Islamic name of believer?
Mu’min or mumin is an Arabic name and Islamic term often used in the Quran, meaning ‘believer’. It is the 23rd chapter of the Qur’an and signifies a person who submits fully to God’s will and has faith firmly established in their heart. Mumin is also used as a name and one of the names of God. The opposite term of iman (faith) is kufr (disbelief), and the opposite of mumin is kafir (disbeliever). Al-Mu’minun is the 23rd chapter of the Qur’an.
What are spiritual Muslims called?
Sufism, a form of Islamic mysticism or asceticism, aims to help Muslims attain nearness to Allah through direct personal experience of God. The term Sufi is believed to originate from the Arabic word suf, which refers to the wool worn by mystics and ascetics. Sufi thought emphasizes the pursuit of a path leading to closeness with God, ultimately resulting in encountering the divine in the hereafter. Sufi orders and Sufi-inspired organizations are found worldwide, including Marrakech, Manila, London, and Lagos.
What is mysticism in Islam?
Sufism, a branch of the Islamic religion, places an emphasis on mysticism, which is a tendency observed in various world religions where practitioners seek spiritual proximity to the divine and temporarily transcend the everyday world.
What is an Islamic spiritual leader called?
An imam is a religious figure who serves as a prayer leader, spiritual advisor, and expert in Islamic law.
What is an Islamic believer called?
Islam, meaning “submission to the will of God”, is a monotheistic religion where Muslims worship one, all-knowing God, Allah. They believe that everything can happen without Allah’s permission, but humans have free will. Islam teaches that Allah’s word was revealed to the prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. Muslims respect several prophets, including Abraham, Moses, Noah, and Jesus, and believe that Muhammad was the final prophet. Mosques are important places of worship, with important ones including the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, and the Prophet Muhammad’s mosque in Medina.
The Quran, the major holy text of Islam, and the Hadith are also revered. Muslims worship Allah by praying and reciting the Quran, believing in a day of judgment and life after death. Jihad, meaning “struggle”, is a central idea in Islam, referring to internal and external efforts to defend their faith. Prophet Muhammad, born in Mecca in A. D. 570, is believed to be the final prophet sent by God to reveal their faith to mankind.
What is a devotee called in Islam?
The term “Muslim” is derived from the Arabic word “mu’min,” which signifies “a devotee of God.” It is used to describe all those who adhere to the teachings of Muhammad and the principles set forth in the Quran. The appropriate terminology for those who adhere to the teachings of Muhammad is Muhammadan, Musalmaan, or Musalvaan.
What is an Islamic mystic called?
Islamic mysticism, also known as Sufism in Western languages, originated from early Islamic asceticism as a counterweight to the expanding Muslim community’s worldliness. The movement, which originated from non-Islamic sources in ancient Europe and India, educated the masses and deepened the spiritual concerns of Muslims, playing a crucial role in the formation of Muslim society. Sufism opposed the dry casuistry of lawyer-divines and scrupulously followed divine law commands.
They have been responsible for large-scale missionary activity worldwide and have elaborated the image of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Sufi vocabulary is important in Persian and related literatures, such as Turkish, Urdu, Sindhi, Pashto, and Punjabi, and through the poetry of these literatures, mystical ideas spread widely among Muslims. In some countries, Sufi leaders were also active politically. The movement’s roots are believed to have originated from early Islamic asceticism, which developed as a counterweight to the increasing worldliness of the expanding Muslim community.
Who is a believer in Islam?
Real believers are those who tremble when Allah is mentioned, their faith increases when His verses are recited, and they trust in their Lord. They perform prayers and spend their wealth, demonstrating their true faith. The Quran teaches that true believers are mindful of God and make things right between them. They have high standing with their Lord, forgiveness, and generous provision. In Surah Ale Imran, the Quran emphasizes the importance of believing strongly, demonstrating firm belief, fear, and deep trust in Allah.
This faith is displayed through continuous prayer and generous giving, leading to high status with the Lord, forgiveness, and abundant provisions. The fruits of such behavior include receiving high status with the Lord, His forgiveness, and abundant provisions.
What are the devotees of Islam called?
Islam, a religion revealed over 1, 400 years ago in Mecca, Arabia, is believed to have originated from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe in one God, Allah, and believe that he sent prophets to teach mankind how to live according to His law. Jesus, Moses, and Abraham are respected as prophets of God. The final Prophet is believed to be Muhammad. Muslims base their laws on the Qur’an and the Sunnah, with the Sunnah being the practical example of Prophet Muhammad. The five basic Pillars of Islam include the declaration of faith, daily prayer, charity donations, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca.
📹 What Is Islamic Mysticism ?
Islam #Bobbysperspective #christianity ⬇️⬇️⬇️NEW MERCH⬇️⬇️⬇️ REDBUBBLE: …
Very good . But note what Rumi stated : “I am the servant of the Qur’an as long as I have life. I am the dust on the path of Muhammad, the Chosen One. ” (SWS) We are in a time when Western spiritual currents are fashionable. Unfortunatly some groups who call them self Sufi, reject the essence of islam (which is sufism). Sufim is the heart of Islam and can not be separate. The best way to understand what this issue is to listen to the speech Mavlana Sheikh Efendi Nazim
I came from a southern Baptist background, became Catholic, deconvert from Christianity, dived in to a spiritual path with very little structure… My heart is drawn to Islamic mysticism. I am exploring, the way I’ve been going. I praise Allah… The virtues of humility and strength. A combination that is rarely seen, in dire need for examples. Being humble does not mean being neutered. Being a person of high status not for the ego, but to honor your being as the very creation of Allah.
Sufism is the only correct path of religion since Quran 56:79 clearly says: “no one can grasp the truth of Quran except purified people”, or in 16:43 or 21:7 clearly says “ask people of zikr if you do not know”. or many times Quran critizes people why they do not ponder. Pondering and thinking consistently is the bedrock of sufism which is called Solook.
It is incredible how many muslims choose to live in fear and ignorance instead of loving Allah. If Allah created us, he also has given us voice to sing and making music. What is more haram: killing innocents or get in touch with Allah by music? Ignorance and fear of Allah is haram when you can also choose to love Allah.
Piousness and the path of love are two different roads. Love is the fire that burns both belief and non-belief. Those who practice Love have neither religion nor caste. . Being a Sufi is to put away what is in your head – imagined truth, preconceptions, conditioning – and to face what may happen to you. ~Abu Said
In this Rumi whirling dance shows us the great sign of this universe. He had great eye which through he can see this universe is also moving around one Great ( unknown to us ) Source. He have spiritual eye which shows him all the secrets of this universe even atoms. Allah is One and He is Almighty Greatest.
Qur’an 6:159 “Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects – you, (O Muhammad), are not (associated) with them in anything. Their affair is only (left) to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.” Qur’an 3:103 “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided…” Do you turn away from Allah subhana wa ta’ala?
The sufis are muslim who wanted to know the inner meaning of Islam as prophet Muhammad pbuh said the saying of Allah n his prophet consist of 2 meaning, the outer layer n the inner layer,the human body has 2 parts ths physical n spiritual (roh) hence the saying of prophet Muhammad .99% of muslim throughout history have been following the outer layer of Islam
Sufism used to be a reality without name. Now Sufism is just a name without reality… Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Innovation in religion is haram (forbidden) in Islam. They way to connect to God as taught by the noblest of messengers Muhammad peace be upon him…that is Salah and dhikr not dancing’ Sufis are extremist in worship. They do nothing but worship and cry and dance. This is not the way of the prophet. We should be also improving our worldly lives and shouldnt be weaker than other nations. In fact, most of the Sahabas ( companions of prophet Muhammad PBUH) were sufis! They were sufis in sense they spent a lot of time worshipping Allah through Salah and dhikr( repeating the names of Allah) but they never called themselves sufis. They never danced to connect themselves to God. They performed Salah and a lot of dhikr. you can be a Sufi without calling yourself one. I’m saying again…Making and inventing new ways to connect to God maybe prevalent and common in other religions but IT IS STRICTLY HARAAM IN ISLAM!! Don’t follow what the devil in your heart is saying. Do as the Prophet PBUH him instructed us. Have a peaceful life.
May the Lords and his Prohet’s greetings and fortune shall be upon you, Uwaysi has been a secret path of tasawwuf for centuries to find and experience the love of Lord and Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Only in the last decade or so, it has been allowed the share the secrets of uwaysi. The father or patriarch of this path is Uways Al-Qarni. As you know after his departure, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) asked Ali who was the cousin and the son-in-law of Muhammad and Umer who was a senior companion of the Prophet Muhammad to give his cardigan to Uways Al-Qarni. The cardigan in here is a representation of prophets ways. As you know the first age of happiness also known as asr-i saadet started with Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), as he ended the darkest ages of ignorance by showing the path to the Lord to his ummah/people and by teaching people our Lord and became an example of what a Muslim should be like. The second age of happiness or in other words second asr-I saadet started when Prophet left his cardigan to Uways Al Qarni meaning nthat his dhikr and the way that Uways Al Qarni prayed, loved and worship God and the Prophet is the way to follow. This is not to say do not follow Prophet way in opposite Uways Al Qarni was the great example of following prophets way. He loved and worshiped the prophets so much that he had to throw himself to the floor with love, a love that exist even without seeing the prophet or the Lord. Just like Uways Al-Qarni, Uwais are people who love God and his prophet ( and also all other prophets and saint) without even seeing them.
Holy Spirit-My personal God- Sufism and Christianity. The Sufi concept of a God who is “all in all” differs radically from the orthodox conviction that the further he is placed from his creation, the more he is glorified. Historically it is a marvel that Sufism grew out of the bedrock of Islam but its development will not surprise Christians who believe that man was made in the image of God and that his highest glory is to be conformed to the divine image and be partaker of the divine nature through the indwelling Holy Spirit. The mystical quest in Islam was perhaps to be expected for, as it has been put, there is a “God-shaped vacuum” in every human heart that no religion based purely on ethics and formal rites can ultimately fill.
Concept of god in Sufism and Islam.-wahdatul wajood-MONISM-unity of existance. Sufism is principally a quest for a living knowledge of the Supreme Being. To the orthodox Muslim Allah ia the Lord of the Worlds, unique in his essence and attributes, ruling over all the universe and quite unlike anything in his creation. To the Sufi, on the other hand, “God is the One Real Being which underlies all phenomena”
Sometimes people are named Sufis but they ignore the Islamic rules This becomes problematic as the biggest Sufi shyookh were scholars and dressed their physical beings with the robes of shariah while travelling the inner journey of spirituality Look are moulana Rumi, sheikh Abdul Qasim al jillani, and imaam ghazali for further understandings of this most beautiful path
Assalamunaliykum, i am a sufi muslim ALHAMDOLILLAH,sufis has nuthing to do with music and dance. yes there are poetrys praising ALLAH and his PROPHET SALLAL LA HO ALIY WA SALLAM without any people have added music in it to make money by introducing c.ds and they say its a sufi tradition which is completly wrong and as far as the dance is concern even that is not allowed in islam and sufism condems such act,the act in which people are shown in above article is called wajad in which a person recites name of ALLAH by depth of heart and due to which certain people think about their sins and start crying,certain people think about how much ALLAH loves them and so on.certain people get so much deep in it that they start getting drowsy in love of ALLAH and so the body acts which looks like dancing but it has nuthing to do with dance. please dont give bad name to sufism. sufism is all about love for ALLAH and RASOOL ALLAH SALLAL LA HO ALIYWASALLAM in which a person does diffrent kind of ibadat(pray) to connect to ALLAH. after fullfilling all farz (5 times namaz and other mandatory islamic duty) NOTE ;SUFISM STRICTLY FOLLOWS SHARIA May ALLAH guide us all to prepare for the final day and there after
Said Jalal al-Din al-Roumi. I am the son of the Sharia of Muhammad, who was educated in Syria by Sufism and met with the great Sufi Muhiuddin Ibn Arabi. Ninety percent of Muslims are Sufis. Wahhabism is 3 centuries followed by only 1 percent. It was manufactured by British intelligence in Saudi Arabia to carry out the revolution against the Ottoman Empire and was renewed by the United States against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. Today it is used as a political tool to break up society and control the land and oil wells only. Sufism is derived from the law of Muhammad and the Koran and there are many mystical angles in the Islamic world. The mystic takes care of cleansing the heart, which is a mirror that God sees his slave There is something called attraction in Sufism. When they are connected and attracted to God, they no longer see the rest of the worshipers. Their works are free of hypocrisy. They are drawn to God as an iron atom is attracted to a great magnet, so it is in God. He said, “The Messenger of God.” We came from the smaller jihad to the greater jihad. Jihad in the language is the resistance. The Messenger of Allah said that God does not look at your images, but look at what earned your hearts And the Sufi for the small sin, you find a lot of forgiveness to reflect the mirror
Prophet Muhammad foretold about muslims making musical instruments halal. Sahih Bukhari. Narrated Abu ‘Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash’ari: that he heard the Prophet saying, “From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.
Sifism versus Islam The initial Sufi experience is not, as it is for true Christians, a rebirth experience in which the man, once born of the flesh, is now born of the Spirit, has a totally new relationship to God and knowledge of him, and can through his unity with God in the Spirit develop the relationship. Rather the Sufi really seeks only “to become aware of what one has always been from eternity (azal) without one’s having realised it until the necessary transformation has come about”
God causes peace in Israel and palestine. God causes the poor to be wealthy and have wisdom. God causes the world to attain buddhahood. God causes the arabians to prosper through peace not war. God causes incredible mystic poetry from Israel and Arabia to be publicized that talks about union with the divine and the presence of the divine in all cultures. God causes people to be happier everywhere
sufi muslim should be no different from sunni for it(sufism) is a school of thought, i am sunni and follow a tariqat (sufism) i have been taught approach non muslims with tolerance, and love, knowing they are wrong, we do not insulting or offending there religion for they may offend ours in return which indeed God is not pleased with. Which is a teaching of the Prophet S.A.W for all muslims regardless, its just that us muslims forget these things.
Being a Sufi is seeing only one in oneself and everything. The word everything does not exist in sufi there is only ‘I’ i am the truth & the way. I am what i am time and space are just a perception i am that i am. The sense of duality cease to exist i am not in search of anyone or anything i everything i thought exist is actually my mirror or reflection i see my self only i am neither a slave a worshiper or a god i am that which i am, i wish to known so i saw myself in my mirror and said i am the beautiful the marvelous the magnificent i am what i am, i talk to myself i see myself i listen to myself i am the speaker and the hearer. The way of Mohammed Saw is my way i do justice through it to my self i treat myself justly. Mohammed saw is my biggest secret and all those who knew themselves knew it because of the Mohammdan knowledge in essence the reality of everything and every mystic of every religion is me.
Ash’ari are the Yemenites of the Hadith who are praised by the Prophet (saw), and if you aren’t a believer in Tawhid, anti-anthropomorphic similitudes applied to Allah, and believe the Qur’an is uncreated by man (written by, yes, spoken through yes, but uncreated by, pre-existing)… You are a Muslim, a Sufi of the Ash’ari creed. If you are a pantheist you are pagan. All is not God, God isn’t all that exists, as some confused Sufis think and say. He is “The Real” as Qushayyri wrote. Creator of all as the Prophet (saw) re-revealed, and anyone who needs other than prayer (5 pillars actually) to experience Allah, seeks other than Allah.
Prophet Muhammad SAW had never done such kind of practices. He didn’t dance like that. Where do you get these things from? Please follow Quran and sunnah. If we do that, we ll stay united. Don’t make Islam complicated for no reason. Don’t bring in religion for the means for your party time. If you want to party, just simply listen to music and dance (not that it will be halal, at least better than this), no need to bring religion in it. May Allah SAW guide us all. I meant no disrespect.
If you want to understand the purpose of God and His message, free listening Through the Bible with Les Feldick. Go to the website and listen to the scripture being explained. Before you jump into the fire of Hell by following after false religions of which this will lead you, ground yourself in the Truth because it is the Truth that sets you free. Christ Lord said I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. NO man comes to the Father BUT BY ME. He ought to know, He said BEFORE ABRAHAM, I AM, He is the WORD OF GOD made Flesh, and ALL will kneel before Him come Judgement. There is NO OTHER WAY, seek out the teaching.
its more political devision and based on nationalism than anything else …the difference is on who they thought should be leader after muhammad….. Ali or Abu bakr suni belive abu bakr and shia belive ali …..but sufi revere ali and can be both shia and sunni in reality shia are around 10% ….. i hope this helps
Sufi want to be part of the light reject material things and to be humble in the presence of the devin, Islam is different than muslim cultures, God guides us throw the Quran and his prophet his light go throw them to the heart of those who want and seek the truth and except the fact that God is one and not 3 no trinity no son, Katy said religion as she is a christian we do not believe in cults like yours or religion, religion like catholic and protestants are work of the devil we believe of faith the faith of Abraham s he is the one who called us muslim and he was the first muslim ( submitter ) that’s what muslim mean total submission to God.the only solution of mankind is Islam and all other cults causes of all sins and idolatry of trinity, chaos and catastrophe in USA and other places like India and China who persecuted muslims for nothing,they committed killing in myanmar and india in the name of christ . Saad al jilani Calgary Canada
sofi and shia are inventors. they have invented things in their practices which is not in ISLAM…and when you see the statues of people such HAZRAT hehehe or HUJAt as they call them in shia… and the money the gaian among other things you will realize why do these people like to invent new BEDE3 ..
No, stop with the Wahhabi name calling. The Deen must be understood through these texts as these are our very foundation of beliefs. If anything of a Sufi practice contradicts that which is clearly in our religion than we must abandon this. HOW does that warrant calling someone a Sufi? The true Sufism is about Tasawwuff. The desire to establish a proper connection with Allah Almighty by adopting the methods and means as prescribed by the Sharia. To develop this Ihsan and ascetic view and such.
Sin is universal problem. Sin is ubiquitous. Humanity contaminated by sin. Sin in us by default, not learnt, not taught. Sin manifests in many forms – evil, crime. Sin is the opium. The origin of sin is unanswered. My journey. Sin is pre-existing in all. Nobody taught us to sin. Sin pre-dates The Bible. The Bible explains origins of sin. The Bible provides remedy for pre-existing sin, through Jesus Christ death and resurrection. The Bible is best selling book in the world for this reason. Sin is real, The Bible is relevant. Sin is born at every child birth. Sin is disease of heart, and Jesus Christ is the cure. Satan is the enemy, came to steal, kill and destroy. Misleads us to blame good loving God. God is not the author of evil. Media, Police, Defense, Judiciary, Penitentiary, Security, Contracts confirm sin exists. The origins of life, natural laws, sin, morals, purpose, meaning, conscience, music, creativity, intelligence, beauty, color, nature, water, air, light and amalgamation, remain unevidenced – elsewhere. We love truth when it enlightens us, but hate when it convicts us. Instructing to “Heart wash” from sin is not “Brainwash”. God created universe, placed natural laws, made humans in His image, gave talents, instructed to multiply and explore – The Initiation of Science. Science is the legitimate child of natural laws. Without natural laws science has no foundation. We are created with good purpose and meaning. We are good. Then sin entered through satan and we all fallen.
there’s no such thing as sufi, sunni shia. and all those who say m sufi, or sunni or shia is not going to paradise. becuase prophet mohammed said by the end days, there will be 72 sects in islam, among that only one sect is going to paradise and that sect is the one who says that he is a muslim and those who followed prophets path. i am a proud muslim. and i believe in Allah as one god and Prophet mohammed as his last messenger. my deen is clear. i live according to sunnahs. thats it. no sunni. no shia no sufi. and that is islam.
Islamic Sufism differs from Gnosticism and Christian and Jewish monasticism. It differs from Buddhism, Taoism, Zen and Hinduism. First, the religions of the Far East and Christian and Jewish monasticism are based on asceticism and worship in isolation from the world and the absolute deprivation of the soul of lusts, celibacy, non-marriage and long fasting. The absolute isolation from the world so that the ego does not wake up. The body and the ego are lost to reach tranquility. As Christ said, He has destroyed Himself for my sake and found it. In Islam monasticism in this form does not exist and is forbidden. Islam is moderate in these matters. Islam tests the individual and the individual in society. You do not know and experience the individual and virtue except through society. You do not know greed, greed, honesty, lying, generosity, Justice and fulfillment and the suppression of desires and control and thus sharpens the individual society Islam did not demand the killing of desire and the flesh, but its adaptation allowed marriage within a specific framework, forbade long fasting and thus respect the body and human nature. Islam urges asceticism and fasting, not to look at other women and to earn money by halal means of race. Lottery and gambling is prohibited because it is the race of others. Bribery and bribery is prohibited because it is exploitation of others. Alcohol, vices, and suicide are all harmful to the body and the soul. Islam does not function fully except in a society Islam is seen comprehensively in the soul, body and society It is clear that the religions of the Far East and the Christian monks find them trapped in the mountains, which is impractical because they do not participate in civilization such as Buddhist Taoism .
I recently converted to Islam after some experiences and leading to me praying for the first time in 15 years and the name I prayed to was Allah. IMO the finding God within yourself is nearly identical to the Esoteric Hindu concept of Moksha IE the liberation from the illusion that you are separate from God. Hinduism actually does teach that there really is only one God but with different aspects. In my own conception of Allah(peace be upon him.) I see him as existence itself but at the same time personal. I believe that many of the religious laws(outside of the Quran) are made by men such as the various Sharia Laws. You should not eat Pork because it is unhealthy. Alcohol is extremely unhealthy as well and should be avoided. I believe the various Theurgic practices are discouraged by Clergy in Islam and various other religions are due to them wanting to keep power over the common people. Allah(peace be upon him) is within all and is waiting for you. Please note and I am simply sharing enlightenment and not trying to convert anyone as all the right to their own opinion.
im sorry but your wrong, the officials you speak of are extremist neo salafi muslims, only in minority but have authority but in major cities within Arabia, they are not officials, as you say, they are proclaimed officials. all major islamic countries, except saudi, allow public sufi practice, and again saudi doesnt because there are run by extremeists, but people still do it, just in private and soemtimes public
Call it whatever you want but this is NOT islam.. to interpret Tawheed as the unity with god is so wrong, Tawheed means the oneness of Allah, believing in Allah Alone as God and Lord and attributing to Him Aِlone all the attributes of Lordship and divinity. Read the Quran, ( وجعلوا له من عباده جزءا إن الإنسان لكفور مبين ) Yet they attribute to some of His servants a share with Him (in his godhead)! truly is man a blasphemous ingrate avowed! (surah alzukhruf, verse 15) Humans are the creation of Allah SWT they can never unite with Allah almighty!
using drugs where did you get that from? not true. they do get high through mystical experiences it’s what they have learned from the prophet. getting HIGH is not wrong..conscious awareness, knowingly or unknowingly is what people all around the world are trying 2 experience, music meditation yoga drugs prayers sex..etc r different ways however i do believe some wrong choices/ways can take us 2 to hell not to Allah/love/God whatever you name it. feeling low after being high is a bad sign
Islam is pure monotheism – Tawheed – There is nothing and nobody like Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and he is not part of his creation. He is above the heavens and his throne which is above his creation. We have the words of Allah in the Quran and from the sunnah of the prophet. We don’t need music and dancing to come closer to worship Allah. Sufism is pantheism (God in his or part of his creation). It is the foundation of idolatry. Whether you worship statues, animals, humans(God in/through oneself or through others) nature it has no place in Islam.
this kind of Sufism, is not Sufism at all. It is innovation ( al Bid´ah) what was prohibited by our beloved Prophet(saw). In hadith its clear, whoever brings something new in our affairs( means Islam), will get rejected. Dance, and music is haram, by consens of all scholars. The true so called Ahlul Sufa ( first 300 hundred years after Hijra ), knew the Fiqh of Islam, and studied the Shariah of Allah. They had true knowledge of the religion, and after this they purified the soul, by the science of Tassawuf. But this kind in the article is abuse of Islam.
sufi darwish is nothing to do with islam they are deaming prophet swa did not said to us follow sufi sufi philosaphy come form hindo bodi and other nothing to do with islam they are islam relgion is to follow the Quran and Suna nothing els dancing and singing is not islam sufi distroy islam they are deaming .sufi is nonsens imagination and it is not correcte islam not important because prophet saw advies us follow Quran and Suna nothing els.
Selamun Aleykum I see many comments which arent really getting the point of sufism. Many people nowadays mix their own things in Islam and then call it sufism but that is not the truth behind it. True sufism isnt its own religion but mainly focuses on leaving behind your worldy matters so your soul will more and more get occupied only with the rememberance and obligations to Allah. Many people dont understand this. Its living Islam to the utmost humanly possible limit BUT still keep it inside the Quran and Sunnah. The most common way of sufis is to use all the time you have to remember (Dhikr) and to worship god. Obliterate your own Ego, dont live to please others, dont live to please your Ego, live solely to train your Soul to exist only for Allah (At least as much as you can). And in the remembrance and worhship to Allah our souls will find Peace and complete their meaning of existence. So truly what is better, next to fulfilling our Fard and Sunnah obligations, than occupying our time with Dhikr of Allah and making dua and gaining knowledge about him? True sufism is to only live for Allah. This may not be the best article that explains it. But there is so much knowledge in Sufism. Oh yea and important to keep this in mind: Many people who say they are Sufis and doing weird or crazy stuff dont really know what they are talking about. A true Sufi would never say that he is one. Because he has no need to. Because all he is, is a muslim who sacrifices all his time and all of his world and ego to train his soul to be closer to god.
@bobby brother, I understand that the intent is to get closer to Allah. Please read what our Prophet pbuh said. “By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid of Him than you.”. Please read complete hadith below, Sahih al-Bukhari 5063 Narrated Anas bin Malik: A group of three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) asking how the Prophet (ﷺ) worshipped (Allah), and when they were informed about that, they considered their worship insufficient and said, “Where are we from the Prophet (ﷺ) as his past and future sins have been forgiven.” Then one of them said, “I will offer the prayer throughout the night forever.” The other said, “I will fast throughout the year and will not break my fast.” The third said, “I will keep away from the women and will not marry forever.” Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) came to them and said, “Are you the same people who said so-and-so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid of Him than you; yet I fast and break my fast, I do sleep and I also marry women. So he who does not follow my tradition in religion, is not from me (not one of my followers).
Tasawwuf is deeply rooted in islam and it’s akhlaq, adab, raising your own soul to have best character and utmost respect for all living beings and strictly keeping to shariah, and doing as much as nafil ibadah as possible, and one of main characteristic is knighthood. Like being honorable human being.
dthikr is mentioned in the quran, with thidkr the hearts of the believers will have peace and shakinah, but dancing, beating drums, whirling, circles, tareeqa, all that was innovated way many years after the prophet and his companions, the essence of true faith is to follow not innovate, we have an excellent example in prophet muhamad and imam ali and the rightous followers, good examples to follow, in following them there is guidance
Salam alaikum my brother! Im so happy to be here now, alhamdulillah. I’ve converted in september 2023 and i can safely say that your first article reading the quran was sort of a first step on my journey torwards Al Islam. May God blees you deeply and make your path clear to Jannah. Much love from Brazil!
I love Sufism. People who judge Sufism have not read or experienced the journey people take to try to purify their hearts. It has all been about how to connect with Allah on a very deep level to the point where tears flow by hearing Allah’s name. Hubul Allah (Love of Allah) is all we are seeking. See also Rabia Adawiya
Very well done. Sufism is but the internal dimension of al-Islam, and constitutes the spiritual half of the faith. It is indispensable just as the body requires the soul, and its primary purpose is the cultivation of sincerity, humility, and nearness to and knowledge of God. May Allah guide to what is best!
Assalamu Alaikum Wa’rahmattulahi Wa’barakatuh my dear Brother Bobby!!! Alhamdulillah!!!! Jazaka’Allahu Khairan akhi, i truly appreciate this article as it was extremely informative for me as well as fascinating my brother!!! Looking forward to our future collab my brother, inshaa’Allah ta’Ala… and i know so many of our viewers are anticipating it as well, Subhana’Allah!!
🔴You can find a lot of real Islamic mysticism in the Quran and Sunnah. Sofism is a sector, Firstly it was on the sunnah like almost all the companians, when we meant Sofy from the Sof “old cheap wool” they were ascetics who shunned the Dunia and focused on the soul. But now, it went beyond being just a linguistic term, it is a group that do many Beda’as.
Very good article with clarifications and distinctions. Pacifist, and in many cases apologetic types,who like to use tasavvuf as their coverup, like Hamza Yusuf&Co., should remember that sufis in our past didn’t back of with various excuses when times got tough. They knew when it was time for dhikr(zikr), and when it was time to fight. Examples: sufi orders in Salahaddin’s army, Janissary corps (Bektashi order) in the Ottoman army, Imam Shamil of Caucasus/Dagestan, sufi of Naqshbandi order..and many others
All these comments saying Suffism is about meditation, zikr, purification, getting closer to the Creator, etc… Also mentioning of Prophet’s ﷺ seclusion in the Cave of Hira.. Guys, if the above is the correct definition of Sufism, then how do you put it together with dances Suffists perform in mosques, while shouting and whistling, with music in background. Group dancing to music — is this what you mean by meditation and seclusion?… And this is not a big deal compared to what some extreme groups of Suffists do – belief in awliyas with karamats (basically superpowers you can see in marvel movies, for example), some of them even control the universe; also doing dua to them, etc. Your definition of Suffism and what Suffists actually do nowadays — two completely different things. I saw a article where a Suffist says that on the Day of Judgment, when the prophets and martyrs will stand in line, they will see people with wings fly over them to Paradise, and that they will envy these people, and when they ask who these people are, it will be said that these are the murids (followers) of such and such a sheikh, founder of one of the Suffi tariqas. This is just one example.
Bobby just ask yourself one thing, did the Prophet ﷺ or his companions do these “spiritual trances and circles”? If they didn’t, then either these actions that came after are better than what the Prophet ﷺ taught. Or it’s a wicked innovation that has no basis in Islam. If you choose the first answer then I fear for you. If you choose the second answer then we’re in agreement and therefore leaving these actions is the way to go. Islam has a spiritual connection with Allah and that is exactly how the Prophet ﷺ did it, by acts of legitimate worships in private such as praying in the middle of the night, fasting in secret, and other private acts of worship. Not lunatic dancing and orgies that end up happening in many Sufi circles Not to even mention the very false beliefs of the the Sufi believes when it comes to Allah
Salaams my man Bobby. Two recommendations (if you ever read this comment): 1. Missing your health vids. Lots of Muslims are horribly unhealthy and have no idea about keto diets/carnivore diets and dangers of veganism, lack of exercise and obesity. 2. I am a sufi – traditional one. Traditionally Muslims were always Sufi. We did have outliers with dancers and stuff but if you want to have a real discussion with a traditional scholar (majority of Muslims today remain traditional) please consider having a chat with Shaikh Dr Shadee Al Masry. Sufism is all about having a pure heart by displacing the love of this dunya with the love for Allah and for this you need to follow and love the Prophet Muhammad and his instructions to us. Most sufis consider dancing as bida. We love Imam Rumi and Imam Ghazali but they did not go into extra-Islamic practices over the expense of your obligatory prayers, fasting and shariah.
Interesting article Bobby, I’d love to learn more about it. I have a few Muslim friends who call themselves Sufis. However, I admit that I thought of them as followers of a sect. I have always been interested in how they live and practice, and how it relates to the teachings of Allah. These guys practice magic, wear amulets, bow to idols, use crystals, tarot, clairvoyance and what not. They don’t see anything wrong with stimulants either. “Just do what you want”. I don’t see space and love for God in all this, but rather an attempt to achieve superpowers. I feel like this is a mistake and I am being careful because for me what my friends are doing is a misunderstood spiritual development, but I am willing to explore the topic more on my own as you are giving me a new perspective on Sufism, for which I am very grateful. May God Bless You!
For those who have doubts on this dimension, remember that the Prophet (pbuh) literally used to visit Hiraa cave for prolonged periods of time, meditating, fasting, remembering in the form dhikr, and this is true sunnah of the inner dimension of our religion that some would refer to as mysticism or sufism. Let us be honest and not pretend it isn’t. May Allah guide us all.
One of the main reasons we try to increase our love for Allah Supana and His Messenger peace be upon him, is because we as humans generally submit completely to the one we love. And being that Allah is the ultimate goal and submission is what draws us near to Him if we increase our love of Him we will submit to Him Azawagel Insh’Allah. ❤✌🤲
Absolutely stunning subjects to dive deeper into, because I just don’t know why tho, we as a human just already have this substance inside our brain, and the way we release those substances is actually the important thing here. Because there were steps to achieve those experience, whether it’s a terrible trip or a beautiful one, there will always be lessons that we can take to improve ourselves in living this temporary given by God.. Just preparing ourselves for the absolute reality.. And Bobby, how do we start even before the starting point? I mean, how do we prepare for those experience? If all of us already in the stage 3 how we start the stage 4 to complete the stage 5 and do it properly without harming ourselve..? please make more article about this.. a thread that binds the entire universe, I managed to see it and dive in, and when reality felt very ephemeral,and when the feeling we get from looking at thousands of years of knowledge and experience we gain in just one second there.. how do we give our feelings and experiences and develops them to actually helps other people too?
Mashallah! Beautiful to see our brother Bobby talk about this dimension of Islam often misrepresented nowadays. A great resource I’d recommend for anyone interested in getting a sense of Tasawuff, should get a copy of the book titled, “The Hundred Steps” by Shaykh Abdal-Qadir as-sufi. It’s a contemporary work that defines key terms & concepts in Tasawuff but is still rooted in traditional Tasawuff not the pseudo Tasawuff practiced by western occultists like Theosophy etc. Highly recommend it as a resource for anybody interested in realising the words of the messenger of Allah (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) when he was asked what is Ihsan. And he replied, “To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you don’t see Him know that He sees you.”
Experience wise, I once had an experience, like an omen kind of. Even now i dont know what to call it. There was a time after school, i was all alone in a bus stop, reading the Quran because i thought i dont have anything to do, despite how close examination is. I remember i read specifically 2 verses that spoke about “pleasure thyself with prayers in the morning till noon. And pleasure thyself with prayers in the night.” or something similar like that. After i read it, suddenly there was wind passing, a very cooling wind, very breezing. At first i didnt mind it and reading back the verses, a habit i sometimes do with the Quran. But again, wind passed after i read it. Then i was curious to why that happened. So i read again, then followed by wind. And i repeated it almost 5 times, all with the same result. What i want to point out is that some people can have experiences, unempirical to anyone, whether the person is truthful or not, can be in some way or some form a divine inspiration. Mysticism. As i read an overview of biography of Ibn Arabi just now, he also had experience with mystical event in the form of dreams, and also written in it experience with prophet Khidr God be pleased with him. As of my current life, im still not a practicing muslim, often leaving salah every now and then. But reading through “What The Seeker Needs” book by Ibn Arabi in English translation, i suddenly now think to worship God in every way and everything i do. Not just in salah, but every actions in my life.
Sufism seems very similar to Buddhism and new ageism than it does with “traditional” islam. It seems to focus more heavily on meditation and spirituality and the higher self in order to attain a “closeness” with Allah rather than then the actual prayer and dhikr methods prescribed. Judging by the comments, it also seems that those who have taken any type of psychedelic are more drawn to Sufism due to there own desires of what they want in a religion rather than what’s actually true.
Bobby Wallahi you have a better understanding of Islam then most Muslims, this was always a part of Islam in the beginning, people have forgotten about the spiritual element of Isalm and view it has something new, The prophet peace be upon him by definition was a Sufi, today we use labels to divide ourselves your on the right path keep on going my brother, Ask Allah to guide you. I spent the first 20 years of being a Muslim just going through the rituals and motions then I discover Sufism and felt like I found the true Islam finally it’s a whole new rabbit hole enjoy the journey my brother
Westerners dont differentiate between sufism as in sufi sectarianism vs tassawuf aka the science of the soul, which is essence of traditional Islam, the ways and wisdoms upon which an individual purifies their heart/nafs, muraqabbah is one of such practices, practiced by virtually all elite muslims from Islamic Golden age, even by Ghazali himself. Giving to charity/saddakkah is also one such practice as well as dhikr and Quranic recitation.
Assalamu allikum I am writing this comment from Google Translate😂, so excuse me if you do not understand something. I just wanted to put my advice here as a Muslim person who one day delved into Sufism and studied its sciences, but in the end he returned to the right path. The lesson I learned from Islamic Sufism is that this path is one of the paths of Satan, as he makes man believe that he is the center of the universe. Although the teachings of Sufism focus on God, unfortunately after a while you will find yourself focusing on yourself and your spiritual side more than you focus on God. Then, most of the practices in Sufism, such as dancing, circling around oneself, and dhikr in strange numbers, have no evidence in the Qur’an and Sunnah. This, firstly, is an innovation. Secondly, it gives the right to a person to add things to the religion, remove things that he does not like, and act as he pleases. Regarding communication with God, God explained to us how to communicate with Him in the Qur’an. He commanded us to pray, remember and supplicate, and it is not necessary to reach spiritual states and see other forms and worlds. As we know that the jinn exist and they are often deceitful, you may imagine that you have communicated with God and you have only communicated. With a jinn (this is what happened to me and I was possessed by a demonic possession) My brother, do not let curiosity about the spiritual world make you change your religion . And God becomes dissatisfied with you .
I admire the amount of knowledge you have. You know about sufizm more than a lot of Muslims. Those who attack sufism know only about the dancing part or the behavior of some ignorant sufis. Not many muslims (especially wahabis) know it is actually about purification of the soul. I would like to see you making a article about the wisdom of Ibn Atta Allah Alsakandari. Keep up brother.
Shaytan beautifies and enchants for these people these mystic actions, thinking they really enter a different realm, get in touch with the depts of their hearts and souls or have some kind of access to part of the unseen. Never ever did the prophet did this or encouraged to do this, and no one is closer to Allah than him and no one worshipped Allah better than him. Islam is clear and this is nothing but a deviation.
I see a strong connection between Sufism and Christian Monasticism. which god says about it (( Then We sent following their footsteps (i.e., traditions) Our messengers and followed (them) with Jesus, the son of Mary, and gave him the Gospel. And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy and monasticism, which they innovated; We did not prescribe it for them except (that they did so) seeking the approval of Allāh. But they did not observe it with due observance. So We gave the ones who believed among them their reward, but many of them are defiantly disobedient)) (57:27) My conclusion is that Sufism is not for everyone, and parents should not raise their children on it, Sufism is something one has to choose to adopt and live by and should never be imposed on anyone.
Innovations, every inovation is misguiding, and every misguiding is in fire. As I said before, the Sufi sect revolves around music and chanting, not to mention dancing that is not even practised by the Prophet Muhammad Aleih Alsalat wa Assalam. If it’s a matter of spiritual belief, one can argue that Ashoora is also a spiritual connection to Allah or the family of the prophet, God forbid. Brother Bobby, if you we want to connect to Allah, we have the known methods; praying, Dua’a, and reading the quran. All of what is mentioned in the article doesn’t represent what Prophet Muhammad used to practice. Some say that before his prophecy and the revelation, he used to meditate in the cave. Other narration says that he used to contemplate. Islam doesn’t require categories and sects, Islam is only one label, and that is, I’m Muslim. Allah knows best.
I also used to see all those patterns without any shaman brew or spinning for 30 mins like sufis. It’s when my father used to punch me on my face. Qur’an is al- Haq, praying 5 times on a daily basis is much difficult because you need to control your nafs all the time to gain the ultimate harmony, the grace of Allah. And finally, prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) never did these. If you want patterns then study Geometry bro. Then you can generate nice patterns on your computer. Man! I miss those enlightenment dosages from my father, they did make me strong physically.
The biggest problem that the Uma faces imo is division. It’s the reason why we are so weak nowadays. Yes, it would be ideal of course if all muslims had the exact same clear path, but what’s important is that the Quran and sunnah are preserved. We might not agree with what our brothers belonging to other branches say, but we should never fall into the trap of takfir. War and politic are already separating us. Let’s remember that we’re all muslims first and foremost.
Brother I invite you to read the book by one of the greatest Muslim scholar who is known for his topics in tasawuuf,irfan, philosophy and spirituality in general. The book is called Spiritual Journeying and wayfarying by bahar al ulum. Be advised tho not to be so aspirant cuz many people deviated from the path.
Here’s the original text in Arabic : كِتَابُ مَبَادِئِ التَّصَوُّفِ وَهَوَادِي التَّعَرُّفْ من كتاب المرشد المعين على الضروري من علوم الدين المعروف بمختصر ابن عاشر للشيخ عبد الواحد ابن عاشر رحمه الله 1-\t وَتَوْبَةٌ مِنْ كُلِّ ذَنْبٍ يُجْتَرَمْ تَجِبُ فَوْرًا مُطْلَقَا وَهْيَ النَّدَمْ 2-\t بِشَرْطِ الاِقْلاَعِ وَنَفْيِ الإِصْرَارْ وَلْيَتَلاَفَ مُمْكِنًا ذَا اسْتِغْفَارْ 3-\t وَحَاصِلُ التَّقْوَى اجْتِنَابٌ وَامْتِثَالْ فِي ظَاهِرٍ وَبَاطِنٍ بِذَا تُنَالْ 4-\t فَجَاءَتِ الأَقْسَامُ حَقًّا أَرْبَعَةْ وَهِيَ لِلسَّالِكِ سُبْلَ الْمَنْفَعَةْ 5-\t يَغُضُّ عَيْنَيْهِ عَنِ الْمَحَارِمِ يَكُفُّ سَمْعَهُ عَنِ الْمَآثِمِ 6-\t كَغِيبَةٍ نَمِيمَةٍ زُورٍ كَذِبْ لِسَانُهُ أَحْرَى بِتَرْكِ مَا جُلِبْ 7-\t يَحْفَظُ بَطْنَهُ مِنَ الْحَرَامِ يَتْرُكُ مَا شُبِّهَ بِاهْتِمَامِ 8-\t يَحْفَظُ فَرْجَهُ وَيَتَّقِي الشَّهِيدْ فِي الْبَطْشِ وَالسَّعْيِ لِمَمْنُوعٍ يُرِيدْ 9-\t وَيُوقِفُ الأُمُورَ حَتَّى يَعْلَمَا مَا اللهُ فِيهِنَّ بِهِ قَدْ حَكَمَا 10-\tيُطَهِّرُ الْقَلْبَ مِنَ الرِّيَاءِ وَحَسَدٍ عُجْبٍ وَكُلِّ دَاءِ 11-\tوَاعْلَمْ بِأَنَّ أَصْلَ ذِي الآفَاتِ حُبُّ الرِّيَاسَةِ وَطَرْحُ الآتِي 12-\tرَأْسُ الْخَطَايَا هُوَ حُبُّ الْعَاجِلَةْ لَيْسَ الدَّوَا إِلاَّ فِي الاِضْطِرَارِ لَهْ 13-\tيَصْحَبُ شَيْخًا عَارِفَ الْمَسَالِكْ يَقِيهِ فِي طَرِيقِهِ الْمَهَالِكْ 14-\tيُذْكِرُهُ اللهَ إِذَا رَآهُ وَيُوصِلُ الْعَبْدَ إِلَى مَوْلاَهُ 15-\tيُحَاسِبُ النَّفْسَ عَلَى الأَنْفَاسِ وَيَزِنُ الْخَاطِرَ بِالْقِسْطَاطِ 16-\tوَيَحْفَظُ الْمَفْرُوضَ رَأْسَ الْمَالِ وَالنَّفْلُ رِبْحُهُ بِهِ يُوَالِي 17-\tوَيُكْثِرُ الذِّكْرَ بِصَفْوِ لُبِّهِ وَالْعَوْنُ فِي جَمِيعِ ذَا بِرَبِّهِ 18-\tيُجَاهِدُ النَّفْسَ لِرَبِّ الْعَالَمِينْ وَيَتَحَلَّى بِمَقَامَاتِ الْيَقِينْ 19-\tخَوْفٌ رَجَا شُكْرٌ وَصَبْرٌ تَوْبَةْ زُهْدٌ تَوَكُّلٌ رِضَا مَحَبَّةْ 20-\tيَصْدُقُ شَاهِدَهُ فِي الْمُعَامَلَةْ يَرْضَى بِمَا قَدَّرَهُ الإِلَهُ لَهْ 21-\tيَصِيرُ عِنْدَ ذَاكَ عَارِفًا بِهِ حُرًّا وَغَيْرُهُ خَلاَ مِنْ قَلْبِهِ 22-\tفَحَبَّهُ الإِلَهُ وَاصْطَفَاهُ لِحَضْرَةِ الْقُدُّوسِ وَاجْتَبَاهُ
Keep following Qur’an and Sunnah, I have stoped ( Taubat ) follow the sufism because make me far away from hadist and Muhammad Pbuh, just be natural as a human like Muhammad Pbuh and be as his follower because We are the periode of Muhammad pbuh and his Ummah, If you want to carry out extraordinary additional worship according to hadst, try it and feel the sensation of trying the sunnah prayers and fasting of the Prophet Daud AS as the best sunnah prayers and fasting and the fast that is most loved by Allah SWT.
الصوفية ليست الطريق الوحيد لتحقيق تجربة مع الله فالله يسترنا ويسهل لنا أمورنا ويرزقنا من حيث لا ندري ويصرف عنا الشر الذي ظننا أنه الخير كل هذا يحدث في حياتنا اليومية ونرى من خلاله رحمة الله بنا Sufism is not the only path to achieving an experience with God God protects us, makes our affairs easy for us, provides for us from where we do not know, and turns away from us the evil that we thought was good. All of this happens in our daily lives and through it we see God’s mercy toward us
The word Sufism was not known at the time of the Messenger (PBUH) or the Sahaabah(R.A.) or the Taabieen(R.A.). It arose at the time when a group of ascetics who wore wool (soof) emerged, and this name was given to them. It was also said that the name was taken from the word soofiya (sophia) which means wisdom in Greek. The word is not derived from al-safa (purity) as some of them claim, because the adjective derived from safa is safaai, not soofi (sufi).
Imagine you.going to a madjid to pray sunnah and finding these guys doing their shenanigans . Check out the naration of Abdallah ibn massoud when he found people in zikr circles doing zikr out loud together sitting in a circle … worship is dependant on a clear narration from prophet muhammed pbuh we don’t invent worship outside what prophet muhamed pbuh did . It’s easy
bro they represent this aspect of Islam (tasawwuf) a sect of Islam if it’s a sect of Islam then 90% of Ummah is Sufi & all Muslim empires also. They don’t know that Sufia called those one who are master in tasawwuf while other people 85% Ummah are normal followers of tasawwuf It is not necessary that a person who belongs to any school of tariqah is called a Sufi, the follower of tasawwuf (sufism) are also muftis, dawhis, debaters,etc. So it is mainstream of Islam not a sect of Islam.It has always been and will remain the mainstream of Islam. But they represent it with whirling dervishs or dancing pseudo sufis or with a term ‘sufism’ and also represent it a separate sect
The main pillars of Sufism as described in the article (although I really don’t like calling it Sufism, just intense PIETY and LOVE for Allah) were already something the early Muslims and indeed the Prophet (PBUH) himself practised: more fasting days, deeper focus in Salah, extra Salwats such as Nafl and Sunnah prayers, contemplation and meditation on the Glory and Majesty of Allah and His Creation in silence, nature, mountains, etc. MINUS all the dancing, singing, and instruments, which the Sahaba DID NOT DO.
Sufism did not have a name in the time of Prophet pbuh. It was a reality that they were living. When Prophet pbuh was Alive, that reality was experienced by a lot of Sahabas without training. They only saw the Prophet pbuh and they were already in an enlightened state. However, only Imam Ali was given the authorisation to teach this reality for future generation.
I wouldn’t be so fast to agree with all of the different teachings of Sufism but i must note that the 34th Grandson of prophet Muhammad may Allah’s peice and blessings be upon him Has connections with suffi leaders and it looks that he himself does not disagree with its teachings as he is seen joining them in congregation simple youtube search should confirm this
In Shia teaching, there is a problem with Sufism. Because it kind of includes detachment from the seen world. In Islam, you should not detach yourself from the seen world. You have to go amongst the people, live with them, work, have a wife, etc… some Sufi even go extreme as not marrying, against the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad pbuh. Time and time Shia Imams have warned us about the act of “Tark od donya” which is Haram. However, the meditation and praying in solitude for a while is not Haram, in fact it is part of Sunnah. Prophet and Shia imams have done it. But they didn’t stop working and socializing altogether.
There are in fact verses indicating about spiritual dimension of man but there is none indicating the subjective experience achieved thus is our final motive or purpose of life. After all we have to keep in mind that vision of almighty in the hereafter and accountibility before is emphatically a recurring theme of Quran rather than our subjective experience of what is spiritual
What’s the point Bobby?! If you revert to Islam & you’re stuck with an Islamic sect and it’s not pure or based on the understanding of the Salaf As-Salih? What’s the difference with religions other than Islam that play around with the heresy of the pure teachings brought by the prophet in their time?
about 85% Muslim population of world are followers of sufism it is mainstream of Islam, sufis are dawhis like Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, sufis also are greatest preachers, sufis are muftis and molanas, sufis are emperors, sufis are Aulyas (Sufi Aulyas are also accepted by salafi movements), sufis also are ulemas, sufis have their own movements (Barelvis,etc), sufis are Qazis, sufis also are jihadis, sufis also do protests, so it’s an aspect of Islam not a branch of Islam. They also have great work in Religious sciences & spiritual sciences (Al Ghazali, Al Suyuti,etc). even ibn tammayah claim himself a sufi
I need to explain a little about the Sufis. Some may claim to be Sufi, but Sufi is really a little different. Sufi is not a sect, it is a truth and it is the highest level that a Muslim can reach. They travel through the seven cities of love and they see truths with their soul that cannot be seen with our eyes. Sufism was very popular among Shiites and Sunnis. Sufis reach a level of spirituality that they can see the truths of other worlds. Some of them reach the rank of God’s servant, where they can voluntarily leave their soul out of their body and can meet with spirits. Bobby, if you have any questions about Sufi, ask.
“طائفة ذمت الصوفية والتصوف وقالوا أنهم مبتدعون خارجون عن السنة ونقل عن طائفة من الأئمة في ذلك من الكلام ما هو معرفون وتبعهم على ذلك طوائف من أهل الفقه والكلام وطائفة غلت فيهم وادعوا أنهم أفضل الخلق وأكملهم بعد الأنبياء وكلا طرفي هذه الأمور ذميم, والصواب أنهم مجتهدون في طاعة الله كما اجتهد غيرهم من أهل طاعة الله ففيهم السابق المقرب بحسب اجتهاده وفيهم المقتصد الذي هو من أهل اليمين وفي كل من الصنفين من قد يجتهد فيخطىء وفيهم من يذنب فيتوب أو لا يتوب ومن المنتسبين إليهم من هو ظالم لنفسه عاص لربه وقد انتسب إليهم من أهل البدع والزندقة ولكن عند المحققين من أهل التصوف ليسوا منهم “.اهـ
As you mentioned in the article, there are Sufis who worship graves or ask dead “saints” for aid, which is of course very very questionable from an Islamic perspective, to say the least. But there are also other traditions or practices among Sufis, that have no basis within Islam and are therefore bidah. I am talking about playing music, dancing and shaking the body in the masjid as a form of worship or a form of connection to Allah. Before anyone labels me as a wahabi or something like this, please consider the definition of a religious bid’ah. Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Uthaymin (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “According to Shari`ah, the definition of Bid`ah is `Worshipping Allah in ways that Allah has not prescribed.’ If you wish you may say, `Worshipping Allah in ways that are not those of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) or his rightly guided Caliphs.’” The first definition is taken from the verse (interpretation of the meaning): “Or have they partners with Allah (false gods) who have instituted for them a religion which Allah has not ordained?” (Ash-Shura 42:21) The second definition is taken from the Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who said: “I urge you to adhere to my way (Sunnah) and the way of the rightly-guided Caliphs who come after me. Hold fast to it and bite onto it with your eyeteeth (i.e., cling firmly to it), and beware of newly-invented matters.” So everyone who worships Allah in a manner that Allah has not prescribed or in a manner that is not in accordance with the way of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) or his rightly-guided Caliphs, is an innovator, whether that innovated worship has to do with the names and attributes of Allah, or to do with His rulings and laws.
It’s a very simplistic explanation of Sufism. It is silly to reduce Sufism to this practice of dancing. Initially it referred to the science of the physical, the spiritual, soul and the heart and the importance to connect with its creator. The dancing is a practice that is really not needed to meditate and come closer to God. It’s more about diving in spiritual and practical knowledge of Islam with an emphasis with the knowledge of God. No practice will bring you closer to Allah than the prayer when it is understood and done properly.
Sufism is an attempt to follow the way of life of the Messenger of Allah sas. and the Sahaba ra. down to the last detail. Learn knowledge, pray a lot, make a lot of dhikr, read a lot of Quran and internalize and practice the rules of Islam in order to educate the ego (Nafs). Unfortunately, today there are many groups that follow the path of shaitan and practice extreme and reprehensible bidah. This in turn leads people to Wahhabism they who in turn are also lost. May Allah help us in these difficult times of the end times.
Anything that goes to extremes is not from Islam. god almighty says (And thus We have made you a median (i.e., just) community) (2:143) our teacher in school told us that sufism was part of our culture and famous scholars were sufies but it wasn’t as extreme as sufism today, advised us that if we want to learn about it or practice it have the Quran as guidance and do not deviate from it’s teachings.
Sufism represents the reality of religion. Like Gnosticism and Kabbalah in Christianity and Judaism. Also like Hindu mystics… This reality exists and is the basis of every religion on earth. However, there seems to be a power that wants to hinder human transcendence to the Divine through making religions like a bag of non-useful information and beliefs that gets corrupted by the ego. Prophets were enlightened beings who wanted to wake humans up to these realities and the knowledge they brought was to reach this purpose. That’s why in the Quran itself, it says that the remembrance of God is most high way of worship. Remembrance simply means going back to factory reset as human beings and be connected to God through the most enlightened beings (Prophets). By the way Prophet Muhammad talks about loving Him more than oneself.. this is to eliminate our ego and self, to reach the High Self. Those who keep saying this wasn’t done in the time of Prophet are just ignorant people filled with fear and guilt. And just to think about it, how come they think that these knowledges will be clear if they do not see the full picture?
Bob … there’s Hadith shahih which compiled by multiple scholars, that say Rasulullah once said to Abu Hurairah ra … ‘Jewish split into 71 or 72 sect, Christian split into 71 or 72, and my people (muslim) will be split into 73 sect which the 72 will go to hell and only 1 enter Heaven’. There will be many sect who say this is the real Islam and that is the true Islam … but in the end, only who follow prophet Muhammad SAW ways will be accepted in Jannah.