Witchcraft and pagan religious practices have seen a significant increase in the U.S. over the past few decades, with millennials turning to alternatives such as astrology, tarot cards, and Wicca beliefs. This shift is due to their preference for freedom in choosing their structure, ideas, and application of these principles in daily life. Millennials, who were raised in a culture of choice, find witchcraft and New Age practices appealing.
Pinterest data shows that pins related to witchcraft are up by +281 on Pinterest. For millennials and Gen Zers, witchcraft and New Age practices provide comfort and diversity. The archetype of the witch has been repurposed as a feminist icon of diversity, inclusivity, and inner power. Witchcraft is no longer limited to women or men.
Wicca, an alternative minority religion whose adherents, regardless of gender, call themselves witches, began in the U.K. in the 1940s. The rise of witchcraft and paganism is at an all-time historical high, as millennials turn to these practices in rejection of traditional Christianity and Abrahamic religions.
Christian witchcraft, as used in the USA, is the result of mixing a form of “jesus” with other faiths, such as Yoruba Ifa, Cuban Santeria, and Brazilian Candomblé. Witches also cited links between witchcraft or mysticism and the rise in veganism, being environmentally minded, and taking the time to explore alternative beliefs.
In tumultuous political times, the 18-30 demographic is reaching for the stars, with an empire of witch-related enterprises operating in Salem and New Orleans since 2012.
📹 Millennials Ditching Religion For Astrology And Witchcraft?
“When Coco Layne, a Brooklyn-based producer, meets someone new these days, the first question that comes up in conversation …
📹 The rise of witchcraft: why the magic of the past still enchants us
Whether it is protesters dressed up as witches at demonstrations, or influencers concocting potions on TikTok, there is no denying …
I’m not a millennial but in my twenties, I started becoming interested in Wicca. I studied it over the years and I’m never turning back. I find great peace and personal growth in this form of spirituality. I’m 37 now and I am still practicing. My beliefs are DEFINITELY nature based. I believe in having respect for all living things and feel we should really take better care of our planet.
I hope ya’ll read this. The phenomena of Millenials who believe in occult/new age/witchcraft isn’t going up. The culture has changed. Witchcraft/Astrology/Alternative Earth Based religions had their birth in the 40s to the 60s. Our parents started it. However, our parents coined the term “broom closet”. As in, “we don’t talk about witchcraft. we’re in the broom closet” because occult practices were SUPER taboo a few decades ago. But millenials don’t give a shit about closets. So if our parents raised us going to pagan festivals and lighting candles for prayers and following astrological charts, we aren’t scared to admit it. Hippie-dippie millenials aren’t new. They’re just not closeted.
Having their personal chart done is the best way to start learning about the stars. When you learn to figure your own chart out, the rest comes much easier. I’ve been into the study if astrology since I was 18. That less to astronomy which leads to a better understanding of the world. Can’t beat a deal like that. I’m still just as interested if not more now than ever. It’s never ending love. Go young people !!!
There are more stars in the universe than grains of sands on every beach on our planet. Knowing this has helped me break out of the mindset that we as humans are not as important as organized religion tells us. This thought has humbled me greatly. We were not giving this planet, we are just a part of it and I find solace in that.
Spirituality is neither religious or atheist. There are many types of spirituality though, and the young mines are looking for a alternative to the organized religion. Most of humanity is spiritual, not religious or atheism. There is a huge decolonization movement going on across the world in every racial group or country.
Wowie I didn’t know that you didn’t like people pushing their beliefs on you, changing their religion to spiritual practices, or talking about their spiritual practices. Why don’t us witches and astrology believers convert to the religion YOU think is right. Nevermind freedom of religion. Am I right?
Going back in my life, every BF I have ever had that was great, matched my chart…every GF that I have ever had who matched me and was a great friend also matched my chart….every manager…co worker…relative, etc…..there ABSOLUTELY is something to astrological observation and it ABSOLUTELY works and IT IS NOTHING RANDOM….not even close….I have researched the hell out of it using all sorts of blind sampling and controls….lots…..you guys can dismiss…who cares….I am so ahead in my life thanks to the rich valuable knowledge of astrology. Smart people never follow. They THINK. Analyse….RESEARCH…and conclude. Adios
I love how the study seems to link Witchcraft and astrology together. As a Witch I personally think Astrology is BS. Also as a Witch I’m glad to see the Cenk knows what are stereotypes, I don’t mix poisons or hex ppl or even dance naked around a fire, I do however do a shit ton of DIY skin care product goodies ^_^ and I study Botany and Astrophysics.
I’m a practicing Wiccan/Witch and I can say those witchcraft 101 workshops shit is bull don’t waste your time or money true witchcraft is a deep spiritual experience that takes time and work. It’s not something you just pickup and do. It’s an experience and way of life. I absolutely hate the twisted commercialization of my religion. Since the 90’s witchcraft has been commercialized into cheap gimmicks. Most people have no idea of what actual witchcraft is about and it’s history.
Young people always get into that stuff. Especially girls between 18 and 24. When I was in college, almost every girl read their daily astrology reports and or declared themselves a Wiccan. I think it’s a self-esteem issue at it’s root. Both offer positive self-esteem boosts / empowerment to their readers. You’re special because of this, blah, blah. Unfortunately, it does lead many girls in that age group to calling psychics and running up the credit card. Gateway drug folks. Stay away!
Disclaimer: I am not saying that any form of mysticism is definitively true. logically it seems likely that there COULD be a small amount of accuracy with the concept of astrology. here is why i think that: this planet has seasons. with those seasons come changes in overall weather. the change in weather directly results in our environment taking on a different appearance and other forms of changed sensory input. also related to those most living things including humans change their daily habits to cope more effectively with the changed environment. it seems likely to me that having DIFFERENT social interactions and sensory inputs during the earliest formative months of your existence would likely affect your personality on the whole. people born in the middle of winter (cold, mostly black and white color scale, people spend lots of time inside) may be inclined to think slightly differently from people born in spring (temperate weather, blooming colorful, lots of green, a bit stormy and rainy, people spend clear days outside a lot) i think the position of the stars simply correlates with our personalities and both are directly related to the seasonal cycle.
Trading one form of irrationality for another is not progress. Atheism is not the end goal of the rational movement. It is merely the byproduct of being rational. The end goal of skepticism and rationalism is a better grasp of reality. If you trade mainline religious belief for astrology, new age faiths, or pseudoscience, you are no better than those who believe in mainstream faiths. You may claim that your belief in homeopathy, magical crystals, or the zodiac is better than mainstream religions because it doesn’t contain some of the negative aspects of mainstream religions (i.e. homophobia, sexism, and bigotry), but the problem with that argument is that if your belief is irrational, it is only a matter of time to where such irrationality can metastasize to the point that such things become part of your belief system.
I think the wording of this study is what puzzles me, there seems a bit of bias. IF they would’ve said metaphysics in general, then yes, completely agree and believe it. nowadays it’s not so much frown upon to believe in metaphysical concepts. I didn’t quite make it to be a millennial (born 2 yrs prior) but I can see the openness to all this in younger people (I love metaphysics, from crystals, tarot, chakras, healing, eastern religions.) Religion hasn’t offered anything useful in my opinion, except going to hell for anything you do.
Believing irrational things, even if it seems harmless, is incredibly dangerous. You leave yourself open to being duped by charlatans, you divide yourself into a tribes, you dull your critical thinking skills, and you are more likely to accept other bullshit. What we believe affects what we do and reality always intrudes on irrational fantasies.
Oh yeah, I’m not a witch but if I say I’m not christian people don’t feel ashamed of saying I’m going to hell without thinking. Like “how dare you believe in anything I can’t take control of? How will I manipulate you if you don’t believe in what I want?” and also “You’re dangerous cuz if you don’t believe in what I believe I feel scared and need to destroy you so I don’t need to question myself”.
I was raised by fundamentalist Christian nutjobs, rejected it on the the threshold of adulthood, and was a staunch atheist until my early 30s. Then I experienced things that I couldn’t explain with materialism and went looking for a spiritual framework and now I consider myself a Daoist (Zhengyi specifically). Recently I’ve been experimenting with I Ching divination and not only have all the oracular predictions been correct, but the last one was not only specific but also seemed like it was likely to be wrong so I was kind of doubting it. I was going to court and the oracle told me not to plan (in oversimplified terms, every hexagram has a lot written about it) and I was thinking the advice couldn’t be right, but when I got to court it turned out they weren’t going to do anything substantive that day and it was just a hearing to set a date to do substantive things. If I had just had more faith in the answer I asked for I would have had less stress and less work.
I just want to say thank you for including nature religions in the conversation! I am an Eclectic Pagan- basically I have my own relationship with nature that I developed on my own and don’t impress on anyone else. Most surveys and mainstream discussions of religion in America don’t so much as mention Pagans or Wiccans or Druids. Thank you, Young Turks, for at least mentioning it.
It is normal to see some people disillusioned by major religions to look a bit around in term of spirituality. But I noticed they tend to be more flexible on their metaphysical beliefs. On the other hand, the vast majority of them tend to drop it after some time. The reason we see more Wiccans and other new age beliefs is because they are not burnt to the stake anymore or banned from society. Before, believing in these publically was heavily stigmatized.
Key differences between Astrology or Witchcraft, and traditional religion: 1. Religion breeds and breaths hate. The rest don’t. 2. It’s something you can circlejerk with your friends, without the requirement to change the law, or oppress other people. Unlike religion. 3. It’s something you can circlejerk with your friends, and you don’t even have to really believe in it. Unlike religion. 4. It’s the pure form of “you have a belief that doesn’t affect others, nor something you’ll use as an excuse to be an asshole”. Religion is the opposite. 5. Religion, by conception, is manipulative belief system and a tool engineered to rule over people. The rest aren’t. As much as both can be illogical, and sometimes straight up delusional. I’d rather live in a world full of witches, astrologists and satanists, than a world full of christians and muslims. At least, there, I’d be treated like a human being.
Being in that age group, I’m not religious, or spiritual, but I do enjoy the witchy aesthetic, which I think some people who grew up with Harry potter and the like have gotten into, and maybe that has led people into a greater Interest in Wicca. Plus it seems much less guilt driven of a faith vs. growing up in Catholicism…
Here’s the thing though: witchcraft is an ancient practice. I don’t understand why people think that it’s more valid to practice christianity than witchcraft. All i’m trying to do is talk to the sky and chow down on a goddamn rose quartz, just calm the HECK down guys, and let me be do my thing. a lot more millennials are christians than witches. pls be nice
I was born into a pagan family and I was exposed to Christianity and I chose to walk this path of my family. I am a practicing pagan and I have been all my life. Because I’m not considered the norm when it comes out that I am a pagan sometimes expect to be burned at the stake because the comments that are made to meet are so hurtful and these comments are made by so called Christians.
I have to expand on Cenk’s response. We Pagans, and beliefs of the like, are more into nature due to our beliefs being more orientated to certain things in nature having their own deity. With that system of belief we also respect and care for nature more, as a show of respect to those deities. Be it a druid, mage, witch, or what ever label you so choose. Am I saying that Wiccans, Pagans, or so on are a better religion? No. You believe what you believe, and you’re more than welcome to. I’d just say that when weighing the pros/cons of each religion, say Pagan or Christian, the pros and cons of Paganism generally outweigh the ones of Catholicism.
The comparing the belief in astrology of millennials to Chinese people because China has its own tradition of astrology with a long and rich history. A similar statement would be “More than half of millennials believe that philosophy is valuable discipline, compared to less than 8% of the Greek public.”
Can we still call people, who weren’t even self-aware or born when the millenium came along, millenials? When are we finally going to come up with a new way to call the now teenaged generation? We can’t, for all eternity, call everybody born between the mid 1980s to at least the late 2000s millenials, it’s ridiculous.
I had a hard time with this report. Not what it said, but the interpretation of it. 1. Ana, there are huge differences between astrology, astronomy (which most people mix up) and yes, a lot of those polled were probably thinking of astronomy, which is a science. Give them a break on that. However, witchcraft is a whole different entity. There are thousands of pagans in the US alone. No group is the same as any other. There are also solitary practitioners. It is not the same as organized religion. It is a personal spiritual path to better yourself and find the truth of life for yourself instead of having other people’s beliefs shoved down your throat. Pagans tend to be well educated, thoughtful, respectful people. Over my 25 years as an ordained pagan clergy, I have met countless pagans of every path imaginable. Most tend to be liberal to progressive in their politics. We have, as a whole, been pushed to the side and called everything from “kooks”, “flakes”, to “satanists”. 2. Does the poll asking about people leaving organized religion? Does it specify alternate beliefs? Or, is it asking only about astrology? Honestly, I thought you might have handled this a lot better. I am disappointed. You can ne spititual and still have common sense and believe in science. It is 2017, not 1692.
Since this is on topic, I’ll mention that my favorite astrologer, Preston Gibbs, wrote a great article back in July of this year entitled “Millennials in Astrology”. You can find it at liminalastrology dot com. Although my favorite article of his is probably “Dispelling 3 Bro Science Myths”. Preston has also been a guest on Greg Carlwood’s The Higherside Chats podcast. Definitely worth a listen!
most “wiccans” are just edgy children who don’t understand what wicca is. Astrology is just a for fun thing for most people. over all people are becoming more secular, just because wicca and paganism are becoming more popular doesn’t mean its trending in that area in any large amount it just means spirituality is shifting. also you need to look at the samples and how this data was gathered, a lot of people ignore phone surveys and mail surveys, in places like Australia people put “Jedi” in their official census because it’s funny, so you need to look at multiple data points and even then theirs a large margin of error.
Believing in Astrology might be somewhat better than religion as,although its nonsense, it is perhaps a stepping stone to Science. When I was a kid I kept an open mind about Astrology and promptly got corrected by the teachings of Carl Sagan – Astrology is a psuedo-science, Astronomy is a science – the real deal.
This is slightly offensive to me because witchcraft (wicca, Paganism) has actually been around since before Christianity and other types of religions (Yes, wicca, witchcraft, and paganism is a religion) so there for they are traditional (just not as common as they used to be) and they it is a spiritual religion so we did not just “ditch religion” we just have a different religion than yours, However thank you for pointing out we are about respecting nature
I’ve been into these things since I was little. Astrology is fun to me, I read it and enjoy it, but it’s not a science. I got into the metaphysical because I love the idea that there is more to spirituality than the three major religions. Plus, being Pagan, it’s a hell of a lot more open and calmer than those religions. Not speaking for other pagans, but that’s what pulled me in, it’s not rigid, judgmental, or forceful. Plus, you still believe these things and be agnostic.
Paraphrasing the late great Wayne Dyer, never say never! What works for some may not work for others. I’m surprised as ‘progressives’ you can scoff at the beliefs of others. I was raised as a conservative Catholic with a Biology BS and never though that astrology had any validity until I started studying it. Vedic Astrology has blown my mind! Don’t knock it til you try it… Or at least understand it.
I think I might have actually been in that study. I had literally never heard of ‘astrology’ and didn’t know it was something different from astronomy. A question asked something like “Do you believe astrology could be used to predict future events?” I thought, yeah, that’s kind of half of the point of NASA…
Mildly disappointed that they refer to witchcraft as a religion. Wicca is a religion, witchcraft is something that wiccans do, and also something that some non-religious witches do. It’s just as loony as what Catholics and Jews do, but when talking about Catholics, you don’t refer to Confession or Communion as a religion, they’re things that Catholics do. But I do thank you for at least pointing out that (in general, at least) most Wiccans don’t necessarily believe in the fantasy-style spellcraft we see in movies (in other words, some Wiccans might believe that if you craft a potion and perform a ritual the potion has the power to effect someone’s feelings, but even those people likely don’t believe you can fly on a broomstick if you concentrate).
I am a Pisces. That means I am supposed to be emotional, spiritual, and psychic. Also I am have Native American. Double Wammy. I struggle with showing emotion, I have no uses for ghost’s (until there is Death by Ghost on an autopsy report, who cares), and I am as psychic as a 2×4. I hate when people try to explain me like I am lacking because I don’t seem like what they think a typical Pisces should be. it’s as bad as my neighbor always trying to “save” me. ughhhhhh
As a practicing Wiccan, I am not sure what to be offended by first. I have been a fan of and agreed with most of TYT stories since I began following them a few years back. I don’t always agree with their opinions and viewpoints but the majority of the time we are in agreement. Never once had I felt insulted for not agrreeing with them…before today. In the past, I have never once considered TYT to be in any way, comparable to FOX News and their rhetoric of hate. Nor did I think Ana to be on the same level as Anne Coulter, or Cenk to be like-minded with Bill O’Reilly. This clip, however, causes me to reassess my opinions. Ana, where is this hate for another person’s beliefs coming from? Cenk, why are you making fun of a belief system that you obviously don’t belong to or much less understand? I thought you both were above this sort of sophomoric, “MEAN GIRLS” behavior. I thought you’d both be happy that people are stepping away from the corruption that is organized religion, not belittling people for believing differently from you.
People need to stop lumping Old Millennials (born ’80-’89) and Young Millennials (born ’90 to ’99) together. The two are vastly different because they were separated by two epochal events- the financial crisis and the cellphone boom. For examples, Old Millennials are not as wrapped up in our cellphones as Young Millennials are, because we never had one in high school or earlier. We also were more likely fans of Backstreet Boys or NSync (or even NKOTB) rather than Justin Bieber or One Direction, who were the idols of choice among Young Millennials. And Young Millennials probably barely even remember the financial crisis because they were much too young at the time. The two groups lived substantively different lives. Characteristically, they’re very different. However, both groups are probably cynics when it comes to religion though– religions are machines of pure dogma with zero spirituality.
Ana Im a Cancer sign also and “it takes one to know one”. You’re a Cancer sign to the core. I never could put a finger on what was familiar about you but now I know lol. People understanding certain characteristics about one another based on a universe we are all connected to shouldn’t upset anyone. Take a chill pill it’s fine, knowing someone’s sign does not tell their story.
I study Astrology your right only about one thing you have to read the whole chart to have an accurate reading we are more than one or two energies based off of looking at it as a whole. We are peaceful not going to do anything to hurt anyone we are peaceful like “hippies” I also am gifted in so many areas but only with Light energies no dark stuff. I am very passionate but religious beliefs are your own choice if it helps a friend or a family member understand you for the better of your relationship. My church accepts all religious beliefs as we should and I have so much gratitude for that everyone should have that. Pease stop getting mad I have a Leo sun sign I’m nothing like a Leo.
As Isaac Newton said to a sceptical Edmond Halley on the subject of astrology, “I have studied the matter, you have not!”. With respect neither Cenk or Ana understand the first thing about genuine astrology, which uses the location of the planets at the precise time of birth – actually first breath – to assess personality and karmic traits. Jung was of the opinion that astrology worked on some but not others, and I agree.
When they say witchcraft, they mean Wicca, which is pretty cool. You don’t have to believe absurd claims to think Wicca is interesting. It’s a nature-based spirituality that is built on pre-Christian European pagan practices. Respect for nature is a great thing. Astrology is bull though. One of the cool thing is, Wicca still lets you celebrate traditional European holidays without all the restrictive Christian crap. Halloween = Samhain and Christmas = Yule. Great times for celebrations!
Yeah most people who rag on astrology are thinking of ridiculous stereotypes, and hell if that’s what astrology actually was I’d blow it off too. It’s way more complex than “what’s your sign, I can tell your future.” Horoscopes are crap. Instead, get a free birth chart drawn up online and it’ll blow your mind
That’s because the new generation is coming to get rid of establishments. They intrinsically know there is something but they know they won’t find it in organized religion. They want to be in touch with their divinity but they are looking for it outside institutions that tells them what to think or what to do instead of helping them evolve by themselves.
…tarot doesn’t rhyme with carrot, Cenk. Tear, as in tear a shirt, oh, as in “oh, that’s what that is”. I’ve heard ‘tar-oh’ a few times, too. Now, it is true that I know a lot of people that think this spooky-doo, hippy-dippy stuff is real, but I only know of two that actually treat it like a serious religion sort of thing. Most just do it for fun. I knew one more person that said she’s Wicca, but, as far as I saw, she was as much a Wicca as a lot of Christians are Christian, bored in church, doing sudoku during the sermon.
Astrology is bunk, but at least it gets people looking up at something that’s actually there. The psychic thing wonderful, and beautiful, and makes people wonder about the complexity of the world around them, and enjoy the magic show of a reading. It’s bullshit, and usually cold reading, but there’s beauty in the wonder it bestows. The problem comes when a con man starts ripping people off for their weekly reading, while they can barely afford rent. Witchcraft is a conglomerate religion based on the idea that the gods/spirits/fae are protecting us, and our home, and communicate with us in subtle ways,.. very subtle. Yes, there are potions in Witchcraft. They are mixtures of herbs, and natural objects, like stones, for either their healing properties, or alignment with the elements, or emotions. It’s bullshit, but there’s no harm in it, unless you’re dumb enough to drink one without knowing what’s actually in it. They are rarely meant to be consumed. It’s a bit like the holy water sprayer thing… in Catholicism. It’s meant to douse a person, object, or place. Spells, though depicted poorly in books, and movies, are just prayers/communication between the Witch and their guardians. The healing spells are requests to those guardians for a faster recovery, and so on. Although most Witches do believe there is magic to be had, it is the guardians using it, not them. This does not apply to new Witches, who converted from religions like Christianity, who tend to assume magic comes direct from the Witch, and want the flashy lights, and smoke to come with it.
This, to me, is the equivalent of weaning off a more addictive drug with a less addictive one. Not everyone can quite religion cold turkey, for some, they need something else before they can get to the point where they can ditch all superstition. Even if most don’t ever get out of this phase, I’d still call this a victory over organized religion.
I’m an atheist but have an interest in atheistic religions like Buddhism, and Wicca and other pagan religions are fun to read about. As far as astrology…yeah, that’s nonsense, but it it’s ultimately harmless. I don’t think most people who subscribe to astrology take it seriously enough to be the worse for it at all. Also, I think you guys would do well to talk about this without being so condescending (“bless their hearts”? Seriously?).
I think this is a cool concept being a 22 year old female and I am born July 22nd which is the right in between cancer and Leo and I have read into both of them and I will say, my base personality is more of a cancer and what I mean by this is, I can be very emotional but also very passionate about certain things and every time I read a cancer post I think to myself wow this is so me. But don’t let it control my life and who I am supposed to be friends with and or relationships, because If I did I would not have married a Leo, but hey if it’s not harming you or anyone around you I say go for it and that’s the same with religion .
I think it was Neil deGrasse Tyson who put it best. (Rough paraphrasing): Think of all the constellations we can see from Earth. These stars, when viewed from this perspective, look like different animals, etc. But if you were from another solar system, these same groups of stars wouldn’t look like anything at all. It’s merely chance and randomness that makes them appear to look like something.
Used to absolutely love Anna. She needs to stop being so judgmental. Wiccan’s believe influencing their life through the use of things with related/corresponding frequencies. At best, they practice the law of attraction and hermetic principles in a systematic way. They also have healing rituals. It increases their hope in their life and it empowers them even if the spells don’t work out. Not that I’ve actually experienced trying a spell but I am totally for their way of life and I will defend them with everything I got. They believe that there is something unique and special about every single thing/person on earth and we all embody archtypical figures common to pagan gods and goddesses around the world. The zodiac is another tool that lots of people in the “occult” or among or related to that branch of thinking use to know themselves, and many celebrities and famous people have used this tool aka carl jung, raegen and even megan fox. The reason why people think astrology is BS because they can’t see beyond the daily BS horescope that news papers write. You can’t know someone by their sun sign alone. To truly know someone, you need to know their astrological chart, what sign the planets are in, the degree that the planets are in, the aspects the planets are making to eachother, the dashas, and the decans/nakshatras and the present transits and how it corresponds to your chart. It’s a complicated system and it takes years and research and experience to truly predict and uncover someone’s life and personal.
In a lot of cases it’s not genuine belief, but just a drive to be involved in something intriguing and entertaining. Would you say that comic book nerds believe in superpowers? However, it’s also true that most human beings have magical thinking and are prone to believe in anything that isn’t scientifically proven and tangible. Witchcraft and something like Christianity require the same amount of belief in supernatural things.
“Tarot” doesn’t rhyme with “carrot”, the final ‘t’ is silent. I’ve accepted that very few people know how to pronounce “Ouija” so I don’t fight that fight, but I can’t believe there are still people who don’t know how to pronounce “tarot”. And if anyone’s going to come at me with some bullshit about how that’s not proper English or whatever, tell me if you pronounce the final ‘t’ when you attend a buffet.
The most superstitious people seem to be those whose lives or fortune depend on the whims of a fate over which they have no control–look at the pregame rituals of baseball players, and the endless litany of ill omens to which sailors subscribe. American lives are, owing to our unwillingness to finance a social safety net, subject to ruin from almost any illness or misfortune–which means Americans are more religious than Europeans, and those Americans who don’t pick up one of the Abrahamic faiths will subscribe to the new age esoterica described in the clip–or to conspiracy theories, which operate like really crazy religions in certain ways. (If I’m in on the “real” story behind the Illuminati, I’m one of the red pill philosophers, not some dumb sheep-person—read “saved” for “red pill” and “damned” for “sheeple” and you’ll see the resemblance of Alex Jones’s audience to a congregation.) As far as astrologers not trying to dictate our lives–wait until they become a majority with lobbying power.
You need to understand that a chunk of them are also having fun with there answers. I will tell deeply religious people that I am a druid or fallow necromancy and because I have done research on those obscure religion I can hold a conversation and usually know more about it then they know about Christianity. I don’t actually believe it but I like pushing them around.
Meh, wouldn’t a bad thing. Religion causes more arguments and violence than anyone is willing to admit. The keenest example I can think of is my friend had a crush on one of our classmates back in high school, she being Catholic and him being Protestant, their families blatantly wouldn’t let them ride the same bus, spouting something about “that Catholic bitch”, etc. Came across them a few years ago and now they’re married with two children and happy as can be. Didn’t ask about their families though since all of that nonsense they were bitching excessively about back then would probably reopen old wounds but hey, I wasn’t the least bit surprised when they outright said neither of them have any communication with their family anymore.
It’s…not quite so safe having people free rome on religion. Normally, after having read “When They Severed Earth from Sky”, I would be more concerned as religion has a useful function.–I don’t have to like it, but I do have to acknowledge it.–But since our normal religious systems have failed to protect our most vulnerable (in this case gullible) populations from the bad idea of slavery, and so giving us the gift of nazis, I am less inclined to be worried about it.
The only thing I wish would change in this discourse would be the proper understanding of these arts before assuming these are sciences. There our aspects to life we don’t understand and go assume people understand something without research isnt the best way of spreading knowledge. Much love nonetheless.. We are all on the side of humans 🙂
I challenge the turks, specifically Ana to interview a person of Pagan faith (any will do, hellenism, shaman, Celtic, Norse) to get a better perspective. Your story treats paganism and metaphysical polytheistic faiths as crazy, nonsensical etc. Commenters are saying that these things are from the 60s and 70s. For some reason, people seem to think that these things are new, and yet their origins predate some civilizations, and definitely predate any judaic faith. For the record, I also think the believing that you can know what a person is like based solely on their zodiac is preposterous, however, it is a fun concept, and definitely a funny running gag in Pagan communities. As some Commenters have said already “Ana is just being a cancer”.
I understand Ana’s reaction. Even if this stuff is harmless compared to organized religion, it is still fairy tales and pixie dust. Logic should prevail, science has so many answers, but we need to accept that some things like your future simply cannot be known. Ok, so let they do their tarot and read the stars, but it is still pointless and does nothing for humanity. The time can be better spent, as can those millions that people pay these con artists that read their tarot or interpret the stars.
I love TYT, but I have to point out a few things here. The funny one first – Cenk, it’s pronounced Tare-oh, it doesn’t rhyme with carrot, lol. Nbd, though. Second, Wicca and witchcraft are different, but a lot of comments already covered that. Both of those are again different from wizardry or the arcane arts. Practitioners treat it more like science than religion.
Minimizing the irrational mobbing behavior inherent in organized religion is the most important difference here. Although historically, a new dissension-killing phoenix eventually rises from the ashes of old religions conjured by the same system-bucking gullible bullshit-prone spiritualists. Critical thought is the only way to go.
Most people that discredit astrolgoy know nothing about it. The month you were born in is just you’re sun sign, if that was all there was too it then everyone would have the same 12 personalitys. There is a also a rising sign, moon sign, mercury sign, mars sign, Venus sign, Jupiter, sign etc etc all these things come together and combine to make a person who they are
If I believe in astrology and or wicca etc it doesn’t mean I don’t believe in God… Or in religion… I think by religion you are basically referring to Christianity… Bcos I have read many so called Christians looking down on witchcraft or pagan gods… Being born in India as a Hindu… Educated in a convent school… I have a broader outlook so as to say… I love nature and the only religion one should have is love your fellowmen… All men are equal… We are all pure souls… Connected to each other in some way… God bless everyone. Sarve bhavantu sukhinaha God bless the universe
All metaphysical phenomena fits within the framework of simulation theory and experiencers may be permitted: to divine; guidance, answers, or signs, from the simulation in a way that doesn’t reveal or prove the simulation. It’s like a small cheat or hack within a game, a loop-hole in the rules. Moderators and dead users (in ghost mode) may also play a guidance role in a gamified and user supported simulation. I would be interested in the stats on the growing demographic of Sim Theorists and how many of them also believe or practice divination. How much do those Venn diagram circles overlap?
LoL.. The aggrivation of Ana.. hahaha.. True story : I was adopted from an orphanage in South-Korea to Norway at age 2 or 3. I used to believe in signs i read in books and magazines, until my mother said at around age 10 : But honey your birthday is only symbolic. We don’t even know what year. that’s why we celebrated your third birthday 2 years in a row. Still turned out great btw 😉
Honestly, i’ve actually been thinking about practicing some sort of focused meditation and looking into spells lol. I like the elegance of it, and i like the aspect of the rituals as a type of focus. I’ve been asked all my life to “just pray” when things go wrong anyways whats wrong with making an interesting ritual out of, what many would consider, still doing nothing?
wow 🙄 nah i’m serious both of these people are grossly rude. She is talking about hating others ways and they are hardcore judging others but it is said that you should do that if you believe in god and although the bible does say that witchcraft and psychic things ARE sins, so are most of the things y’all are doing in this article.
Yikes. As a practicing pagan and witch I find this report to be pretty cringey. Something I would have expected in the 90s when The Craft came out. I thought we were past this gawking and low level ridicule. Guess not. Pagans outnumber Presbyterians in the US now but I guess that doesn’t get respect yet.
The reason why ppl are turning to wicca, is because it works very well.. but.. ppl do have to be careful with what they do. If you don’t balance good with the bad, or have revenge on your mind or in your heart.. you will be sorry.. you have to know what you’re doing. Just like any other religion. I’ve been a wiccan for 35yrs.. and believe me if you go into this with hate in your heart. You will screw yourself.. js
Most people have no idea of the Witches of Old. Witches of Old were spiritual women. They were wise women. They had long gathered knowledge of plants, herbs, roots. They would meditate in deep contemplation with The Great Goddess known to us as the Creation or The Universe. So much so they felt connected to the flowing life energy within themselves, could connect with the cosmic energy and could let this energy flow through them and have a healing effect on others. They lived a form of spirituality that had not been possible in the frozen and male-dominated structures of the church for centuries. Witches knew how to prevent or avoid pregnancy when desired. So there was knowledge – spread all over the world, by the way – of the effectiveness of certain plants which – for example, processed into tea and administered to women – prevented conception for several years. (DeMeo has also compiled interesting historical and ethnological material on this subject). Witches never aligned to any evil acts or had anything to do with a so-called devil. Never cast spells or made charms. All this lore comes from the church of old. Knowledge is power and power needs people to rule over. Having this knowledge of how to prevent conception was a real problem to the church of old. So they labeled them satanical, aligned with evil forces. Witches of Old were hunted down and destroyed in unmentionable ways. This knowledge was pushed underground pass from women to women of many cultures. There are those who know this but they are few and far between.
It’s hilarious that no one freaks out about everyone’s masculine, misogynistic, invisible friend, calling HIM a god, but as soon as you say, I choose not to give up my personal power to Abrahamic religions, you are mocked. Having been a witch for more than 30 years, I can say first hand that the portrayal of witches and our “powers” is so over the top wrong. Real craft has little to do with deitys and paraphernalia and everything to do with personal will.
Galations 5:19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
O Great and mighty Ahriman keeper of the dark, we offer our gratitude for the many gifts bestowed upon your followers, we gladly partake of the blood of the young as a means of taking their spirits within us and expanding our understanding of the Cosmos, We enter the ritual of the blood, salt and the water to show our devotion and love, we beseech you to show these mistaken and misled Christians the path to spiritual enlightenment and the joys of life. We celebrate the Sabbats in your honor, Blessed be.
I can’t repose, I’ve opened then A door within my soul And flooding through the wisdom new Not mine, a gift for all For wonder fills my mind all night My body’s not so strong A vessel to convey the love To us of Nature’s might. They call him “Demon” the one walks through What gain has he to make? Imparting love and joy in us And yet they call him “snake” He takes us to the stars and back He bends the laws of time We can’t be hurt no fear of flame No death for us we will not age Life’s salt, life’s blood, life’s wine. He doesn’t talk to us of sin Trial or pain eternal Of constant guilt and shame to beg Forgiveness for being human These things are but the things of mirth The love for us of Mother Earth No end of time is looming. They teach the young that our Great Lord Will take them to the lake Of fire, pain and misery Awake He loves the world, so much to learn The little that the Faithful take We treat their book with scorn. Our Sabbats center round the fire Which gives us life, we laugh and sing And take the draught of blood, the Life Of salt the Earth, of water, rain And those from whom these things we take Our Master brings into his fold Of joy and love, the soul of Cain. The potions there all give us strength And lift us from the Earth We thank our Lord with flowers, song Dance and wine all through the night And with the dawn we all alight And meld into the throng. We know, we know, what we’ve been told Is pure truth, enlightenment The Angel of the dark has gone And when next Sabbat’s slow return We’ll meet his Spirit once again.
How come they’ve not mentioned the term witch is a gender neutral term just just feminine it is a masculine term too so men and women can practice witchcraft but I like the term sorcerer and for the record magic nor good or bad it’s how you use it cos magic is a spectrum not either side it neutral and can be used for negative working or positive workings in the craft also wicca and witchcraft are two different concepts because witchcraft is a spiritual practice and wicca is a religion where you can add witchcraft within wicca but there’s rules whereas general witch craft does not because it’s a spectrum it can be negative and positive depending on how you use it in fact deity’s, spirits and dragons recognize this too
I think this gift that came to me GROWING IN THE DARK – Lili When blood began to flow Is hidden deep within us all Most just will not hear the call Some just don’t want to know The dark and lovely side of life When youth begins to bud The knowledge of the world to come The salt, the water, blood. He came to me within my dreams And opened up my world Joined me with my holy clan Took me gently by the hand And led us to the dell The power of the soft full moon Infused within our souls A love of each, a love of him The truth at last, was told. How Nature loves us if we return To what in past was learned In fire, potions, blood The things that Nature’s creatures know The Lord of darkness does bestow Upon our Coven steeped in blood. How people judge us, they condemn The manner of our lives For all their actions they are watched And marked as evil, cursed men They hung us, burned us, hurt with glee And for what did they gain? Approval from their own false God For their own souls, bargain, plea. And as the so called Holy ones Are brought in to account They won’t be punished in some afterlife They’ll pay whilst they are here Every night will be a curse As conscience overtakes their minds Their guilt, their hate, their fear. But we persist, beliefs dear to us Our numbers grow, our love we share The young all turn to us They find our truth, our joy of life Guided by the Spirits of night. exalt We drink the wine our Lord gives us The water, blood, the salt.
2 CORINTHIANS 11:14 And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Satan is Crafty in order for him to entice people to do wicked things he have to make it look enticing he not going to come straight out and say hi evil is he’s a liar a father of Lies Exodus 22 18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. 19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. 20 He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed.
God loves ever single one of you no matter your past and he sent his only son to die for you. I was atheist for 28 years and converted 2 years ago. If you go to a quite place and ask for the lord to show him self in your life (and believe that it could happen, not that it will but could) and much like i had while in my garage in with my pistol right before i ended it all you will have a very freaky and eye opening experience i promise. I used to laugh at these idiots thinking their flying spaghetti monster was some how affecting and in their life but ya if your open to it you will find out very quickly the jesus is real. As gay as it sounds for me to say may god bless you all and show you the truth before the end.