The Darakaraka, a term in Vedic astrology, refers to the planet with the lowest degree on a chart. It is determined by examining the location of the planets in the house from 1 to 12 and their respective significations. Each house has different significations, and a particular event or signification is determined by the strength of that house/bhava.
To find chara karakas, one can take the eight planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and others. The Atmakaraka, the Ruler of the Soul, is calculated for the given birth details and is considered the second most important planet in any horoscope. The role of the Amatyakarak planet is to bear the workload of the Atma Karaka planet and give prominence to the Atma Karaka planet.
A planet that has traversed the highest degree in a particular sign in the birth chart is said to become the Atma Karaka (Excluding Rahu/Ketu). Jupiter, the greatest planet in our solar system, is the Karaka for expansion, wisdom, and understanding, while Ketu is the Karaka of dissatisfaction and separation.
There are primarily three kinds of Karakas in Astrology: Creation, Sustenance, and Destruction. In Hindu astrology, the word “Kara” means “Doer” and “Ka” represents the creator, Prajapati Brahma. The term “Kara” is a combination of “Kara” meaning “Doer” and “Ka” meaning “creator”.
In summary, the Darakaraka is a crucial aspect of Vedic astrology, providing insight into the future and the impact of various planets on various aspects of life. Understanding the distinction between chara, sthira, and naisargika karakas is essential for effective astrological interpretation.
📹 Karaka vs Lords in Vedic Astrology (A Simple Understanding)
This video is hosted by Kapiel Raaj. These videos are based on the ancient science of Vedic Astrology known as Jyotish in India.
How to calculate karakas?
Jaimini astrology focuses on the importance of each Karaka planet in analyzing a horoscope, which is similar to the functions of the houses in a birth-chart. To calculate Karakas, note the degrees of each planet in the birth chart and start from higher degrees, starting from Atmakaraka. The Atmakaraka planet, with the highest degrees, is considered the king in the horoscope, commanding the output of all planets. The natural Atamakarak planet is the Sun, and it is considered the companion of the king or minister.
Amatyakaraka, with lesser degrees than Atamakaraka but more than other Karakas, is the second position in the planetary cabinet. It is considered the natural Amatyakaraka planet, reflecting the native’s financial condition. Amatyakaraka forms Rajyogas in association with Atmakaraka, the fifth Lord of the horoscope, and Darakaraka, and forms three Rajyogas in association with these.
What are the 8 Karakas in astrology?
The 8 Char Karaka Scheme is a horoscope that consists of eight planets, each representing a different degree in the sign. Atmakaraka (AK) is the highest degree, representing the native’s soul and considered the king. The other eight are Amatyakaraka, Bhratri Karaka, Matrikaraka, Pitrikaraka, Putrakaraka, Gnatikaraka, and Darakaraka. Each planet has traversed different degrees in the signs, from highest to lowest in descending order. To measure the distance a planet has crossed in a sign, we reduce its degrees from 30° to find its progressed distance.
Is the Karaka system 7 or 8?
Rahu is considered a karka for pitris and ancestors in the eight char karaka scheme, which is a pitri karaka. People with ancestors use the eight char karakas, while those without knowledge use the seven char karakas. The debate on the 8th char karaka focuses on Pitri karaka, as 99 people on earth are likely to be aware of Pitri karaka. Therefore, Rahu can become any temporary significator or karaka in the chart.
Is Venus the Karaka of 7th house?
In astrological tradition, Venus represents the karak for spouse in males and Jupiter for husbands. Additionally, planets affecting the seventh house in a birth chart exert a considerable influence on the outcome of the seventh house.
How to know Karaka in astrology?
In Hindu astrology, Karaka refers to the significator of a particular event or thing, which is ruled by a Karaka-graha, a planet specific to that house and significance. The Karaka’s favorable or unfavorable situation gives favourable or unfavorable results signified by it and the bhava and the bhava-lord. The effects of planets as Karakas (functional benefics) or Akarakas (functional malefics) or Marakas (death-inflicting) are related to the Rasis or signs.
Each bhava has one or more Karakas or significators, but it is bad for the bhava-lord or the bhava-karaka to occupy an evil trikasthana – the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the lagna or from the concerned bhava. The Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus are the Bhava-karakas.
The Yoga-karaka is the planet that rules a Kendra (Angular house) and a Trikona (Trine) simultaneously. Saturn is the yoga-karaka for Taurus and Libra, Mars for Cancer and Leo, and Venus for Capricorn and Aquarius sign. The Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter do not attain this status, which the two Lunar Nodes can if they are aspected or associated with the lord of a kendra or a trikona.
Kalyan Verma states that the planet at the time of birth occupying its own sign, moolatrikona-rasi (exaltation sign) in a kendra from the lagna becomes a yoga-karaka. The planet situated in its exaltation sign, friendly sign, and in its own navamsa becomes special Raja yoga-karakas.
What are the 7 karakas in astrology?
The Karakas are a set of indicators in descending order, indicating various aspects of life, including the self, career, siblings, father, mother, education, children, intelligence, and creativity. These indicators are categorized into four groups.
Where is Karaka found?
The Karaka is an evergreen tree with dark green, glossy leaves that can reach a height of 20 meters. It is native to coastal and lowland forests in the North Island and northern South Island. It is closely related to species in the New Hebrides and New Caledonia.
Which Karaka is for wealth?
Dhana yogas are astrological combinations or yogas for wealth and prosperity, which are more fruitful if both the lagna and its lord are strong and there are no Arista yogas present. Jupiter is one of the natural Dhana-karakas, providing lifelong prosperity and financial stability. According to the Parasari School of Hindu astrology, the lord of the 2nd house or bhava, counted from the lagna (birth ascendant), and the 11th bhava are concerned with earning and accumulation of wealth.
The other bhavas to be reckoned with are the 5th and the 9th bhavas, known as the abodes of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. The inter-relationship of these wealth-giving bhavas and their respective lords ensures wealth and prosperity. Planets simultaneously owning two wealth-giving bhavas become the prime indicators of wealth. The strongest indicator is the one that owns both the 2nd and the 11th bhavas, followed by the ones who own the 5th or the 9th.
Dhana yogas depend on the lord of the 2nd who determines wealth, while the 11th is the house of gains. Dhana yogas arise when the lords of the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th bhavas mutually associating, but only when the yogas happen to connect with the lagna that more significant results are seen.
How to find putrakaraka?
In astrological tradition, the ruler of the fifth house, such as the Sun in Aries Lagna, is regarded as a Putra Karaka, while Jupiter, the natural lord of Putra, is considered the ruler of the fifth house.
Which planet is Karaka of which house?
Jupiter is a complete karaka for the second, fifth, and eleventh houses, supportive for the ninth and tenth houses, and a supportive planet for the twelfth house. Venus is a karaka for the seventh house and the twelfth house, while Rahu and Ketu are supportive of the twelfth house.
How to see karakamsa chart?
In order to ascertain the position of Karakamsha, it is first necessary to identify the planet with the highest degrees in the Rasi/D-1 chart. This is also known as the Atmakaraka or significator of the soul. The next step is to check its placement in the D-9 or Navamsa chart.
📹 Karakas: How to find other people in your chart
Karaka means indicator. To see your father, mother, spouse or children in a chart look to the planetary karakas. Book a Reading …
For example I have Aquarius in my 7th house. Saturn placed in Taurus in Rohini (Pada 4). So that shows the characteristics of my spouse!? But Kapiel says that the 9th house shows the partner in life and that the 7th only shows partnership. Hmm. 🙂 My 9th is obviously Aries and I have Mars in 12th in Punarvasu, pada 4 (With KETU!). 😉 Is that showing the real zest of my becoming partner? Clarify Joni, please! <3 Or maybe I should order a reading...
I have Saturn in the fourth house, exactly square within one degree to my Moon which is 2 degrees from my Ascendant in my first house. I feel as though my soul was damaged for all eternity by my mother. Compared to her, other people in my life have been human beings, who treat me like a valid human being, and any problems manageable. Neptune transiting this Saturn was synchronous with breaking free and away from her; Pluto transiting this Saturn was a very painful transit around where I lived.
Hello isn’t the phrase karko bhavNasha applies only to Jupiter. because in the classics it’s said that where the sat is placed it does good for that house but where it aspects spoils the aspected as sat drishti is considered bad. but for Jupiter it’s opposite .it says where it is placed does harm to that house but its aspects are very beneficial. so it is just for Jupiter it is said whenever its placed in 5th house it spoils that house. and coincidently Jupiter is the general karka of that house. I don’t think so it stands good for every planet