The concept of chakras, traditionally associated with spiritual practices like yoga and meditation, has found resonance in the field of psychology. Each of the seven main chakras, including the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, and Third Eye, is related to the emotional body and mental health. A blocked root chakra can contribute to depression, addiction, loneliness, anxiety, doubt, and fear of change.
The Heart Chakra (Anahata), located in the center of the chest, is the focal point for love, compassion, and relationships. When balanced, it promotes emotional healing and restores energy flow. Balancing chakras can help restore energy flow and alleviate anxiety.
The Base Chakra is associated with inner security and stability, mental traits, and physical reality. When imbalanced, a person may suffer ill mental health. The Solar Plexus chakra is often associated with traumatic feelings and tribal belonging, while the throat chakra governs self-expression and communication. The sacral chakra, located in the pelvic region and associated with orange, is linked to creativity, fluidity, and flexibility.
The Anahata or Heart Chakra plays a vital role in our mental state, as it is the center of compassion, love, and emotional well-being. If the Crown Chakra is blocked, individuals may feel depressed, closed-minded, negative, disconnected, and need to control their surroundings. Balancing the Sacral Chakra is essential for enjoying life again.
An unbalanced root chakra blocks our sense of groundedness and connection to our environment, leading to various physical, mental, and emotional issues. The solar plexus chakra is considered the center of self-esteem and emotions like ego, anger, and aggression. Balancing chakras can help improve emotional health by promoting natural defenses for a strong immune system and addressing imbalances.
📹 How to heal your body from inside? Chakra and Psychology by Dr Kashika Jain Psychologist
In this video, Dr Kashika Jain shares the connection between psychological issues and chakras in your energy body. How you …
Which chakra makes you calm?
A focus on specific chakras, such as the root chakra for security or the heart chakra for emotional calm, can assist in identifying and addressing the underlying causes of anxiety.
Which chakra is related to psychosis?
A 19-year-old college-going female from an urban background presented with symptoms of mutism, poor oral intake, and stiffness of the body, unlike her usual yoga practices. She was admitted to a tertiary mental health institute and treated with Lorazepam, which improved her catatonic symptoms. The patient had been practicing HathYoga and kundalini asan for three months on her own, unguided and any time during the day.
In the past two months, she experienced a form of energy at the base of the spine, activating her chakras, and experiencing unregistrable vibrations similar to kundalini experiences in Hindu shashtras.
She ascribed the vibration to an eternal force and considered herself to be its passive recipient. She also felt that people around her were talking about her, though others refuted this. She heard clear voices in an awake state telling her to follow orders in her day-to-day activities. Her sleep pattern was disturbed, and she frequently woke up at night and would often be found doing pranayama and meditation.
Which chakra is related to mental health?
The Sahasrara, or Crown Chakra, represents higher consciousness and spiritual connection. An imbalanced chakra can cause confusion and disconnection. Balancing and balancing this chakra can lead to spiritual awakening, interconnectedness, and improved mental well-being. Various practices, such as energy healing, like Reiki and acupuncture, can help restore energy flow within the chakras, promoting emotional and mental well-being. Overall, balancing and healing chakras can lead to a more balanced and enlightened life.
Which chakra causes depression?
The solar plexus chakra is the center of self-esteem and emotions like ego, anger, and aggression. It can cause physical issues like digestive problems, liver problems, or diabetes. Inadequately, it can lead to depression and low self-esteem. When balanced, it provides energy, productivity, and confidence. The heart chakra, connected to the heart and lungs, is the center of the cardiovascular system and is associated with compassion, trust, passion, and love.
Its color is green and its element is air. In imbalance, it can cause anger, anxiety, jealousy, fear, and moodiness. Overactive heart chakras can lead to high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and heart problems.
Which chakra causes overthinking?
The Third Eye Chakra, located above the brow, is responsible for intuition, wisdom, spiritual connection, imagination, and clarity. Blockage can lead to indecisiveness, insecurity, overthinking, worry, and brain fog. Balancing this chakra can be achieved through positive affirmations, dream observation, meditation, and incorporating purple/indigo foods like purple carrots, beetroot, aubergine, and purple grapes. Additionally, writing down dreams and listening to messages can help open up the Third Eye Chakra.
What is the root chakra of anxiety?
Our chakras, or energy centers, can develop imbalances, particularly after traumatic experiences, leading to feelings of depression, anxiety, insecurity, instability, and off-centerness. The root chakra, our first chakra, represents our sense of safety and security, governing our survival and instincts. When healthy, balanced, and in alignment, we feel supported, guided, and protected by our inner strength and higher power. This leads to confidence in ourselves, a sense of connection to our purpose, and the ability to set clear goals.
However, when our root chakra is imbalanced, we can feel ungrounded and uncentered, experiencing low self-esteem, low self-esteem, and overly anxious. We may also lack emotional and financial support from ourselves, others, and the world as a whole. This can result in feelings of self-assurement and peace, as well as struggles with self-doubt, guilt, and shame. These emotional difficulties can persist for years and contribute to our overall emotional health.
Which blocked chakra causes anxiety?
An imbalanced solar plexus chakra can lead to severe anxiety and affect relationships, potentially causing jealousy and possessiveness. Eastern traditions believe there is an interconnection between emotional and physical health and the seven energy centers known as chakras. However, research on chakras and their role in anxiety development or management is limited. Chakras are wheel-like energy centers in the body that affect physiological and emotional functions, and emotions, lifestyle choices, and thoughts are also believed to affect chakra function. Anxiety can interfere with navigating the world and relationships, so understanding its impact is crucial.
Which chakra makes you emotional?
Dr. Cross’s chakra acupuncture methods assign seven individual chakras to the 5-Phase diagram, which moves the Liver meridian and adds layers of emotions. The current author uses Dr. Cross’ assignments but renames the traditional phase names for patient education and clarifies that this is chakra acupuncture. The Base or Root chakra is associated with family, tribe, materialism, and abundance, and is linked to the TCM 5-Phase Water phase. The Sacral chakra is associated with sexual and social fulfillments, emotional intelligence, and Earth Life phase.
The Solar Plexus chakra is associated with career, capabilities, and self-esteem, and is linked to Earth Life phase. The Heart chakra is associated with romantic love and agape love, and is linked to the Energy Fire phase. The Throat chakra is associated with personal expression, self-awareness, and finding truth, and is linked to the Crystal Metal phase. The Brow or Anja chakra is associated with complex rational thought and insight, and the Crown chakra is associated with intuition and recognition of the common ground of all living beings.
Which chakra holds trauma?
The root chakra is a fundamental energy center that is shaped by various events, including financial traumas, loss of home or land, and relocations. These traumas can lead to the belief that the world is dangerous and that we are victims of it. This can result in feelings of anxiety, a desire for a predictable life, and a lack of acceptance of life’s experiences.
However, all traumas are a root chakra phenomenon, and the unbalanced root chakra often harbors unrealistic hope that it will never undergo sudden and unpredictable changes. This accumulation of traumatic incidents can lead to a “no” to life, preventing us from fully embracing life’s experiences. This can sometimes lead to escapism and fantasy.
A significant portion of our mental turbulence is the result of untreated traumas stored in the root chakra. Unresolved memories can also transform into physical pains that spread throughout areas governed by the root chakra, such as legs, feet, and the muscular and skeletal systems. By addressing these root chakra traumas, we can better navigate life and navigate the challenges that come our way.
Which chakra is related to bipolar?
Bipolar disorder is typified by low energy in the ground chakra, situated at the tailbone, high energy in the sexual chakra, located beneath the belly button, and low energy in the solar plexus chakra, situated beneath the rib conjunction.
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