The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory is a white nationalist conspiracy theory that claims there is a deliberate plot to cause the extinction of white people through forced assimilation, mass immigration, and/or violent genocide. This goal is advanced through the promotion of miscegenation, interracial marriage, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, pornography, LGBT identities, governmental land-confiscation from whites, organized violence, and eliminationism in majority white countries.
One of the most potent conspiracy theories evoked by right-wing extremists, politicians, and commentators is the “Great Replacement”, which argues that leftist and Jewish elites are engineering the ethnic and cultural replacement of white populations with non-white. The white genocide conspiracy theory rests on the idea that a Jewish elite promotes “non-white immigration into majority-white nations in order to weaken and”. According to the ADL, white supremacists blame Jewish people for nonwhite immigration to the U.S., and the “replacement” theory is now associated with the “white genocide” conspiracy theory.
The white genocide conspiracy theory is one in a series of extremism briefings that have taken different forms and signatures, such as Umvolkung/omvolking, white genocide/suicide, and Eurasia. These conspiracy theories portray the fear at the heart of the “great replacement” – non-white immigration – as the root cause of the “white genocide”. The Democratic Party’s platform is based on the white genocide conspiracy theory, which is a basic statement of their platform.
📹 White Genocide Conspiracy Theory
The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory, is a white supremacist conspiracy theory which …
📹 White Genocide: Fake And Present Danger
Conservatives love to talk about “multiculturalism,” “the birth rate” and “Western civilization.” Did you know these are Nazi dog …
israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. israel is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. zJews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and zJews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, israel will not survive, ISRAEL NEED MORE BLACK AFRICANS IN Their COUNTRY
Under international law, genocide is any attempt to eliminate a group by any means. Killing is not necessary. Mass sterilization and force blending are two methods of genocide which do not involve killing. Mass non-white immigration plus forced assimilation in ALL white countries undoubtedly meets the definition of genocide under UN Resolution 260 Article II(c) “Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” Raphael Lemkin, the man who invented the term “genocide” stated: “Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.” Axis Rule in Occupied Europe
The concept of genocide through substitution was coined by Aimé Césaire. You can discuss the term but you can’t deny that European societies, with European ancestry and European culture, are dying. You’re saying America’s culture is multiculturalism, and people like you say things like that in every single white country.
I’ll help you understand what some of them are saying. In a government meeting in Scotland, a ‘brown’ man went up to speak, and started complaining that there were too many white people in positions within the Scottish government. Do you see a problem with that? Scotland is 98% ‘white’ people… of course most positions will be majority ‘white’. What will you expect if you go to China? Will you say China has too many Asians in government, entertainment, police, etc? So when people see idiocy like this, it makes it appear that the word ‘diversity’ simply means ‘less white people’, and is an especially strange position to take in Countries where the native populations are just short of 100% of the population. So, they do have a point in some cases.
Non violent replacement itself is definitely not a genocide, but rather a civilised method, which can result with no victims, while its negative consequences for the replaced people only testifies about their naivety. However, population that is becoming a minority is losing control over its territory/resources and possibility of self-protection, which can lead to genocide from hands of the conqueror.
so When white people are concerned about the existence of their race, istead of talking about it and understanding why they think that and learning a little more, this guy decided to make fun of them and call them Nazis then say they’re just trying to justify racism. What better way to make them think it’s happening than to show them you don’t care for them and insult them and their race?
The hypocrisy and straw man arguments are weak in this article. Let me focus just on one of them. That diversity is a strength and that multiculturalism is good. Liberal Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam proves it’s not a strength. Please look up his findings. Nothing but negatives across the board. Yes, he is a cultural Marxist who still believes in multiculturalism and diversity, but he sat on his findings because it didn’t promote that agenda. The empirical data shows it’s not a strength. To believe otherwise is Magical Thinking. On a more personal level, people can virtue signal all day long and talk about how they like diversity, but they don’t practice it in their own lives. Especially Liberals and SJW’s. How do I know? Because of White Flight. Doesn’t matter if you’re a conservative, moderate or liberal. Doesn’t matter if you live in America or in England. The second you’re neighborhood starts getting too “brown” every sane White Person eventually leaves. White people don’t want to live in “diverse” neighborhoods. Because it’s not a strength. I’ll end this post with a challenge to any SJW/Liberal/Cultural Marxist. Name me one neighborhood that got better as it got more “brown.” Use measurable metrics like the school system improved, crime went down, etc, to prove your point.
The march in Poland was on Independence Day. Yes, there was a lot of nationalist there, mostly on the front of the march, but majority of the people were just regular folks celebrating a national holiday. Of course it does not justify walking side by side with people with such a hateful and racist behavior, but also doesn’t mean all of them are racist and agree with what was shouted by nationalists (I don’t think they even heard what was said if there were afar from the front of the march).
just recently heard the term Overton Window being used on TDPS, maybe it’s something you can use in a show in future? basically, “dog whistles” and codewords in far-right media are stretching the limits of what is “normal” in public discourse. when you hear absurd ideas like white genocide often enough, bathroom bills suddenly seem a lot less offensive and might even take on an air of “reasonableness”. oh, and also noam chomsky’s manufacturing consent is the granddaddy of media criticism – but i’m betting you guys already know his work well.
When they say white Genocide they are using the UN definition. I think this article could have been better at refuting this, but there’s so many angles and hard to cover in a short article. There’s the “decline” of white populations, “promotion” of race mixing, “demonisation” of “white” transitions like war on Christmas, affirmative action to adversely affect whites, Link is now a girl and many more. All these “facts” fit into a conspiracy theory jigsaw puzzle that forms the theory of white genocide. The declining white population is a pretty easy one. From what I could find years ago was the white race is still increasing in number, but at a smaller rate than others. Really I only care about the survival of the human race, plus South Asians and South Americans.😉
If “white genocide” is so laughable… then why are there now tons of articles like this being made? It’s not a thing right…? Then why put so much effort into what you already think is nonsense. Agenda. That’s why. It isnt nonsense, it is being perpetuated and is very real. This has been happening a lot longer than most of you can realize. You call us racists for wanting what every other ethnic group wants. Well we arent going down without a fight and I think we have shown it many times before. You may win in the end but we will kill many of you on the way there. Good. Hope you get what’s comingto you.
If all this is true then Israel needs to lead by example. Don’t you agree? I think Affrica should move to Israel. I think all Israeli neighborhoods should be integrated with Mexicans and blacks. And they should then force their way into the schools universities and government. After all anyone can be Jewish. No borders, no walls, no Isreal at all!
This guy is a clown. Multiculturalism does not strengthen nations. Diversity is not a strength. Mutual interests builds societies. Competing interests destroys them. Everything is a dog whistle to this clown. What is wrong with Poles wanting Poland to remain Polish? Replacing Danes with the same ethnic groups replacing practically every other white nation is not diversity. It is a reduction in diversity. Are you offended by Japan’s policy of Japan for the Japanese, how about Taiwan, Thailand and the many other Asian countries? So what is the take here, Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, white countries for everybody? That is, by the UN’s own definition of genocide, actual genocide. Read the definition and apply it the same way to whites as it has been to others.
Google the following terms, and see what images pop up. White woman with children White couple White American inventors European history people Happy American couple European people art White man and white woman …Yeah, I was surprised too. Edit: On a whim, I searched YouTube for “white American Inventors”. Same kind of result.
I broadly agree with this idea of white genocide being pathetic but I think that this commentary is conflating several issues which don’t all have the same dynamic. If you are contrasting multiculturalism vs assimilation then I think the definitions needs to be better understood. Some taken multiculturalism to mean a society made up of different cultures operating in parallel and with little mixing between each other. So you get neighbourhoods that entrench particular ethnicities, religions and cultural practices (including in schools). These can be white of course, just as they could be of any non-white ethnicity. But I don’t think it’s outrageous to think that this model of multiculturalism is a problem. It sets up conditions for tension between communities and when some of those neighbourhoods are displaying cultural practices wide at odds to the mainstream culture of the country it’s hardly surprising that they get singled out for concern. Say for example, conservative Muslim communities living in a western liberal country like the U.K. Now IN SOME AREAS (and I stress that this is not characteristic of all Muslims by any means), you do find towns or suburbs that have very high rates of Muslim observance, like 80-90%. When people in these areas are canvassed, they are found to hold much more conservative views than their coreligionists in more integrated cities, and they also hold much less favourable views of the mainstream culture in the U.K. Now personally I have no problem saying that conservative Islam teaches some pretty awful things.
Its not a fear of being “wiped off the face of the earth”…YOU MORON….its a clear understanding that there is an ethnic Demographic shift which favors poc culture and POWER over the decreasing white majority.The only scary part about it are self loathing whites who want to erase our culture which is in fact white culture because um…..we are white…like it or not.
Great article Matt, I believe that this is the time we need to tell the story of what’s happening, there are so many parallels to the 30’s going on with the politics in so many countries at the moment. By shining a light on the ridiculousness of the racist arguments we can hopefully take a different path than was taken in the 30’s. Loving Newsbroke!