Career calculators by date of birth can help predict career growth, job opportunities, and satisfaction levels. Astrology can also help in identifying astrological signs that can predict job loss or change. Jupiter and Saturn are major indicators for job changes in Vedic astrology.
When Jupiter transits through the 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses of your natal chart, it is a good time to switch, as it brings new opportunities and happiness in life according to its placement in your horoscope. The recommended date for a job change in Vedic astrology is after 15th November and before 15 December.
Placing planets in the 10th house and their aspects with other planets can indicate potential job changes or career advancements. Mercury/Pluto/Aquarius transitioning through the 2nd (money house), 6th (routine/work (verb)), or 10th house (status, work (noun)) sign depends on the sign of your houses. Changes in jobs or career progress can be determined by Saturn’s placement in the 10th house or its conjunction with other planets.
The upcoming time from March/April 2023 onwards is a conducive time for you according to your chart. Transit Jupiter enters your career in August 2025, which is a hugely positive influence that happens once every 12 years. When the Ascendant house reaches the tenth house or vice versa, new job or occupation can be predicted.
In summary, career calculators by date of birth and astrology can provide accurate predictions about career growth, job changes, and career progression.
📹 When will I get a job via Vedic Astrology
Finding a job through astrology or asking questions like When will I get a job to a jyotish will always result in a 50/50 bet because …
Which is the most powerful yoga in astrology?
Raja yoga is a concept in Hinduism that refers to the formation of rulers by the conjunction of benefic and malefic planets. It is a significant aspect of Hinduism, with various types of yogas being formed depending on the placement of the planets in the house.
Sreenatha yoga occurs when the lord of the 7th house is exalted and the lord of the 10th is with the lord of the 9th house. If Mercury and the Sun conjoin in the 10th house, Mars is with Rahu in the 6th house, the person becomes chief among men. Venus and Mars combine in the 2nd house with Jupiter situated in Pisces, Mercury and Saturn in Libra, and the Moon occupying its debilitation sign, giving rise to Raja yoga.
Maharashtra Ratnakara states that if Mercury, Venus, and the Moon are in the 11th house, Jupiter is in Cancer lagna, and the Sun occupies the 10th house, one becomes a ruler who is able, brave, and famous. This is called Maharaja yoga, which is also described in Brihat Jataka.
The lord of the 10th house, counted from the stronger Lagna or Chandra-lagna, occupying a kendra or trikona or the 2nd house vested with required strength by itself gives rise to Raja yoga. If the Moon combines with the Sun in the first half of Sagittarius sign, Saturn vested with strength is in the lagna, and Mars is exalted, a mighty ruler is born.
Jupiter’s conjunction with either Mars or the Moon also paves the ground for Raja yoga-formation. However, Ramanuja states that in these two events, the person will be fortunate and prosperous in the dashas of Mars and the Moon, but Jupiter’s dasha will be ordinary.
Which day is auspicious to join a new job?
In 2023, it is crucial to align with auspicious dates and timings for job, promotion, and transfer. Auspicious times have been used for various purposes since ancient times, with sixteen rites from conception to death performed according to them. The time after Almanac purification is known as the Auspicious time, and work completed during this time is typically successful and trouble-free.
In 2023, aligning with auspicious dates and timings can improve one’s chances, nurture success, and create a smooth beginning to a new professional journey. Prosperous time is needed before starting a job, as it can avoid problems and ensure success. The choice of an advantageous time to start a profession is based on various astrological and cultural notions, as cosmic energies and planetary alignments can influence the success and harmony of a new endeavor.
By choosing an auspicious date and time, individuals can start their jobs and careers on a positive note, fostering a sense of optimism and well-being. Therefore, it is essential to consider the auspicious date, day, and constellation when joining a new job.
Which planet is responsible for job change?
Saturn, the planet of karma, represents hard work, discipline, and perseverance, and is associated with career and profession. Its placement in the 10th house or its aspects with other planets can indicate job changes or career advancements. Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, growth, and expansion, represents knowledge, spirituality, and higher learning. Its placement in the 10th house or its aspects with other planets can indicate career advancements, promotions, or job changes.
Mercury, the planet of communication, intelligence, and logical thinking, governs commerce, trade, and business. The Moon, representing emotions, instincts, and creativity, can indicate success in creative fields or jobs related to emotions and nurturing. Mars, representing energy, courage, and action, can indicate success in fields related to sports, engineering, or the military.
How to predict job change in KP astrology?
The text discusses the concept of determining the significance of a job query and its connection to the Lagna sub lord or moon. It is suggested that the 6th or 10th Cuspal sub lord should be a significator for 2 or 6 or 10. Additionally, the 10th cusp sub lord and sub lord of the star must not be retro. The 2nd house is about service, while the 10th house is about profession and career.
The analysis confirms the ascendant cuspal sub lord or moon, with Venus signifying 6, 11, 2, and 9. The Moon is signifying 5, 8, and 11. The sub lord is Rahu, which is posited at the 11th house. There are no planets conjoined with Rahu, and the sub lord is Mercury, which is conjoined with Sun, Venus, and Mercury.
The text also discusses the positional status of Venus, Sun, Mars, and Saturn. It is noted that common ruling planets include Venus, Moon, Mercury, Ketu, Mars, and Rahu. The 11th cusp is Ketu, which is a slow-moving planet, and there is no aspected planet agent for Saturn.
The text also mentions the possibility of missing multiple opportunities due to the conjunction of Saturn and Moon in the same star and sub of Ketu and Mercury. The text concludes by stating that the job was secured in Bharani, a Venus star in Aries sign, and that the sun transited over the Rahu Nakshatra.
What is the best time to change jobs?
Spring and Fall are ideal seasons for job applications and job changes due to their increased hiring rates and surge in job needs. Companies fill new positions and create roles for approved projects during these seasons. Spring is also the start of the year when new projects are launched, providing more opportunities for skilled professionals. Additionally, new hiring budgets are given during this time, increasing the chances of being employed for the desired role. Overall, spring and fall are the most ideal seasons for job seekers.
When can I change my job?
The text highlights several reasons why someone may feel dissatisfied with their current job. Firstly, they may feel undervalued and demoralized, as their time and talents are being wasted. They may stop actively seeking new opportunities to contribute and feel demoralized.
Secondly, they may dread going to work, as they may feel the need to wake up early or anxious about meetings. This dissatisfaction can lead them to consider other areas of work that align with their passions.
Thirdly, even if the pay is good, the work can be mindless and dreadful. They may feel like they are wasting their potential and watch the clock tick by during meetings. While they appreciate the stability their job provides, they may feel like they are wasting their potential.
In conclusion, these are all signs that someone could benefit from a change in their career. It is crucial to find a role that aligns with your strengths, allows you to develop new skills, and allows you to make meaningful contributions. By doing so, you can boost your self-esteem and find a new role that aligns with your passions.
How do I know if it’s time to change jobs?
Eight signs that may indicate it may be time to change jobs include toxic work culture, a lack of learning, readiness to try something new, health issues, no future opportunities, daydreaming about quitting, feeling unvalued, and increasing unhappiness.
When you feel unfulfilled at work, it’s normal to question your value and whether your current job is right for you. Your job can significantly impact your quality of life, and it’s important to find a place where you feel valued and satisfied. While work stress is normal, if you feel a need for change, you can take action.
If you find yourself thinking about another career or things at work becoming unbearable, it could be a sign that it’s time to change jobs. Looking for a new opportunity doesn’t need to be negative; it can be exciting. It’s normal to move on when it feels right for you.
How soon is it acceptable to switch jobs?
Switching jobs every one to three years is a common practice, as it offers opportunities for professional development and experience. However, it’s not mandatory if you enjoy your work and organization. Companies often prefer to maintain their staff rather than regularly onboarding new employees. Higher-level leadership positions, like CFO or CEO, typically require five to 10 years of experience for stability. Professionals like doctors or lawyers typically work for five to seven years to develop their skills and career growth.
Fulfillment is crucial for long-term career satisfaction, as your values and priorities may change as you grow and experience life changes. Therefore, your career may need to adapt to provide you with fulfillment.
What is the timing of transfer in job astrology?
The timing of job transfers is influenced by the double transits of Jupiter and Saturn in the third, sixth, or twelfth house from the lagna (or moon) and the dasha periods of the first, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, and tenth house lords.
How to predict the timing of a job in astrology?
The Vimshottari Dasha System is a reliable tool for predicting job timing for a career. It involves analyzing the houses of the 10th, 11th, 2nd, and 3rd houses to predict career success. The 10th house governs career, profession, livelihood, reputation, and success. The 6th house deals with jobs and struggles, while the 11th house focuses on profit, gains, reputation, and success. The 3rd house is for skills or creativity, while Saturn is for job and Mercury for business.
The dasha/bukti of the 10th and 11th houses can predict promotion and job transfer. The 6th and 8th lords, when connected to the 10th or 11th house, have a high possibility of getting a government job. Jupiter transit from the Moon sign can also indicate career promotion and reputation. An aspect of Jupiter to Saturn is a strong signifying a happy and successful job life. The 10th lord’s relation with the Sun or 8th house also indicates the government’s job.
How do you decide to change jobs?
To decide whether to change jobs, set your career goals, check your emotions, discuss concerns, determine what’s important, seek insight, decide, and act, follow your career goals, see learning opportunities, and check avenues for job growth. Examine important factors, ask important questions to ensure objectives are met, and choose the best time to change careers. The first step is to write down your short-term and long-term career goals, and consider how staying in your current job might affect reaching them. This guide helps you make a successful job transition and ensures a smooth transition.
📹 When Will I Change My Job? – Learn KP Astrology
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