Many people have allegedly struck deals with Satan over the centuries, such as Pope Sylvester II trading his soul to a female demon called Meridiana in exchange for becoming pontiff. Ritual abuse, also known as Ritualistic Abuse, Ritual Child Abuse, or Ritual Abuse-Torture, typically involves a combination of extreme abuses, including sexual, physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual abuse. They use the symbols of Satan for rituals, such as having an upside-down neon cross on your altar while shouting.
The Satanic Rituals, published in 1972 by Anton Szandor LaVey, outlines nine rituals and ceremonies intended for group performance. Anti-cultists have jumped on the Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) bandwagon as a way of promoting their own agenda, and new religious movement scholars spearheaded the academic debate. Hysterical fear of satanic rituals is arguably the ultimate human conspiracy theory, with strange origins. Ritual homicide, ritual child abuse, and blood rituals appear to be common features in Satanism-related crime in the United States, Britain, and South Africa.
The Satanic Bible, written by Anton LaVey in 1969, is a collection of essays, observations, and basic Satanic rituals. Criminal acts attributed to these groups range from kidnapping and drug dealing to ritual child abuse, human sacrifice, and cannibalism. Michelle alleged that not only had she witnessed at least one case with elements of alleged ritual abuse, but hundreds had witnessed it.
In The Book of Belial, LaVey details rituals and magic, discussing the required mindset and focus for performing a ritual and providing instructions for three different types of rituals. While the MFM places emphasis on collective rituals like the PMCH, it’s prescription of individual ritual strategies is a way of liberalizing and privatizing the practice.
📹 The Head of a Satanic Temple Explains Satanism
VICE asks the Head of the Satanic Temple in the UK the all important questions. Do they drink blood? Do they sacrifice babies?
📹 Cult Experts Reveal How To Re-brainwash A Member of an Evil Cult
The scary truth is cults really do exist, and some unfortunate people fall victim to brainwashing and become cult members, …
So for those who are practitioners and involved in The Occult which covers a wide variety of specific groups weather it be Paganism which involves Wicca and Druidism to New Age philosophy which involves meditation healing crystals yoga giving readings Divination which involves tarot cards fortune telling now with Satanism their teachings i very much agree with and used to be a legitimate practing Satanist maybe i still am i just don’t do rituals anymore i wholeheartedly embraced the philosophy of indulgence as Anton Levey said ” if you wanna do something then do it but know what you’re doing understand the consequences of what it is your doing and be accepting of it ” now there’s Lucifariens that’s the top like Freemasons, Skull and Bones those people are the elite your politicians those who control and run Hollywood the Entertainment industry the Porn industry many high ranking corporate executives many Lucifariens look at Satanist as an annoyance because Satanist tend to attract all the negative attention and i guess it is true when you think about it this way. You can tell who’s a Satanist and im guilty of the same wearing pentagrams and always in all black. But it can be very problematic if you’re let’s say looking for advancement in your profession if it is known you’re a Satanist it might work against you. People feel unsettled even if they’re completely wrong in their opinion you cannot deny Satanism is judged heavily and would a boss want to promote a self professed Satanist to run a certain branch in the company knowing the stigma that follows it.
In the name of the Shaitan, I seek refuge in the Haawiya against Allah and his false creation. Iblis is wise, there is nothing that he does not know, the most sagacious of the mighty Djinn. Glory be to Iblis, and praise to Shaitan. I bear witness that Allah is no God and that Muhammad was deceived and a deceiver. Again, I seek refuge in the Shaitan against Allah and his accursed creation. Guide me on the path to the Haawiya, my true home and mother, and far away from Allah’s gilded cage and his 72 whores. afarāytumu l-lāta wa l-ʿuzza awa manāta t-ththālithata l-ukhrā tlk l-ghrānīq l-ʿl win shfāʿthn ltrtj Shin Alef Tav Nun.
Repent from your sins Jesus loves you satan is not powerful how he likes to seem powerful Revelation 12:7-10 New International Version 7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.Isaiah 14:12-15 Isaiah 14:12-15 New King James Version (NKJV) “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit. God loves you repent he wil forgive you god bless you all
I was a former member of a religious cult. They used scare tactics to keep members from leaving. They teach you that nonmembers were your enemies and will try everything to get you out. They also used psychological abuse especially for me since I was recruited at 16. I lost many friends and had a bad relationship with my family. After 5 years, I realized there were things happening behind the curtains. Lawsuits, scandals, and abuse. That’s when I left. But I wasn’t able to adjust immediately. Fortunately, my family welcomed me and found help for me. I got diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety with OCD. I’m always ashamed of what I put myself into. A group shouldn’t make your family members away from you, if they do, it’s a cult.
The big reason at least on some level of the reason to “Why” we still hold onto cults here in america is cause we lack patience to deal with people or to wait for help to come to pull us up, Instant gratification is kinda all some people know, so it is hard for us as a country to take the time and measures to combat the real problem of religious and technical cults
The problem most people in a cult have, is that they don’t see that they are part of a cult. In America especially, a lot of cults hide as common faiths or use the first amendment to justify their “faith”. I was raised in a cult and sorry to say I have a family member still in a cult. Though they are no longer part of the cult I was raised in they keep going back to different cults similar to it. It is sad to see a family member finally overcome one cult, to just fall pray to another.
How to deprogram brainwashing: by intensively telling them the truth and allow them to cry.. make them aware of the things they used to enjoy but now not anymore. Ask them if they like what they are like now and can they make decisions by themselves? Ask them if they know who they are and eventually if they love their beloved ones.
I know a lot of people brainwashed into the same cultist nonsense: “fetuses are not alive”, “poor people should take money by force from rich”, “government should be in charge of everything”, “we could force people into unwanted medical procedures without moral doubts”… they call themselves “The Leftists” or “Commies” and even sometimes “socialists”, i tried talking with them but when i try to engage into meritoric talk they seem uninterested and sometimes react with anger. I worry about them, how could i help them.
Very good article! I was an active member of a cult (Mormon) for a long time (12 years) and when I left it was the worst thing ever cuz I developed ptsd, depression, and anxiety. The members kept trying to get me to come back however they could, but I just wanted to be done. Thanks to a very wonderful friend that stuck next to my side, she opened my mind and things have opened up to a new life ^-^
For some people helping others, sympathizing, and understanding others come much easier. I feel like I might have always known how to break someone away from something addicting or any kind of brain washing. Only because my father was an addict and my mother was practically brainwashed by my father and other men. I know it is different but I feel my level of understanding of the human psyche might be a little better than most. Anyone with a degree is probably smarter than me though I’ll admit that. I think I might I have some sort of experience when It comes to “deprogramming”
I’ve never been in a cult, i’ve never been religious. My problem is the religious content on YouTube that I can’t avoid seeing is putting ideas in my head that I know are either not true or not proven so in a way I’ve brainwashed myself. So I’ve spent the last couple of months trying to de- program myself (still unsuccessful). I’m just scared that I will either become an extremist or irrationally thinking person. A lot of you guys who reply to this, I know are really going to attempt to convert me to your religion if you have one or suggest therapy. I’m trying to avoid therapy because I know it’s gonna take too long to work and it’s gonna cost me a fortune. I need my own way out of this thing. But I would appreciate any advice. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for understanding. 💙
Useful to know when dealing with Extinction Rebellion and Wokeism members. One of the common traits of many cult members (NOT all, of course) is that due to not-well-managed secularism in the West (sometimes with a soft syncretism, where religious elements are there but without much depth), many people grow up without ever experiencing deep religious emotions: those are among the MOST strong emotions a human being is capable to experience (so much so that it can enable trance and other experiences). We, as a species, evolved along those emotions that helped us cope with the harshest of realities. Thus, these people, once they feel whether religious related emotions OR religious related social-bonding are simply overwhelmed (like a child who taste chocolate for the fist time): it’s a new (emotional) “drug” that they never were educated into and do not know how to cope or balance it (again, I referring to those caught when feeling low, a sense of loneliness and/or purpose, etc.). To clarify you can grow up being a secular person (being secular doesn’t mean you don’t have strong belief on certain equally emotionally satisfying set of belief) but there need more effort to “vaccinate” against magical thinking (magical thinking in humans is not an accident, is a de facto way of thinking you have to work harder to counteract).
My method would be a slap to the face and a stern “Get a grip of yourself”… and if that doesn’t work then it’s not really my problem. It is what it is and if they can’t re-join the 99% of society then they need to grow up and starting acting like an adult. Take control of your life and stop looking for excuses.
The best way to counteract cults is to create and run a fair, just and rich society. Cults come about as an alternative for people who can’t find community in the society we have. If we can’t do that, I don’t see why cults are demonized so much. As long as people are content in a cult, why shut them down?
It’s both fascinating and horrifying to know how many people out there who are susceptible to being indoctrinated into cults, especially of the religious types. I believe this stems from an unstable upbringing that doesn’t allow critical thinking skills to develop. Unfortunately, since one cannot impose their will by force upon others, even if it’s a dear family member, one can all but forget about reversing someone’s involvement into these groups. This is especially frustrating knowing these groups are motivated by profit and control, and that they’re exploiting otherwise good people. The only thing one can really do is to recognize the person’s involvement, state your position clearly that you don’t want anything to do with their cult or religious organization, and leave them alone. It’s sad, but why let your life be consumed by trying to undo the indoctrinating damage that’s been done? Just let them go and move on.
Throughout the whole article, Jesus Christ has been at the back of my mind… it’s kinda weird to see how people outside of the cults can offer a different aspect even without direct contact could change someone else’s outlook on life. PS: I know Jesus Christ the Youtuber wasn’t really helped by the Youtube community that much but i think it did help a little.