The Maronite Rite is an alternative to the Roman Catholic Church, which is open to anyone who wishes to follow Christ in the apostolic Faith and embrace the Gospel in the traditions of the ancient. To change one’s liturgical rite, one must first register at a local Maronite Church, attend Mass at a Maronite Church, and fully participate in the parish for a minimum of two years.
A Catholic can ask Rome for permission to formally transfer rites, but this process should not be done lightly. One must first register at a local Maronite Church, attend Mass at a Maronite Church, and fully participate in the parish for a minimum of two years. They should speak to their pastor (Maronite) about their desire to transfer rites and get his support.
To apply for a change of Rite, one must call the local Catholic Church and explain that they are interested in conversion. If they have been attending Mass for some time, they should write to the bishop of the church sui iuris and state their request. The Vatican can be applied to through their Bishop for a change of Rite, but normally, this change is not necessary as you can attend Mass and talk to a priest in each.
The Maronite spirituality is centered around the belief that God is mysterious and unknowable in Himself, and Maronites revere the Lord as the Holy One in their “Service of Mysteries”. Every Maronite between the ages of fifteen and sixty pays taxes, with the exception of the clergy, though contributions are levied on monastic property.
The structure of the Service of the Word remains the same for every Divine Liturgy, but the prayers themselves change to reflect the feast. This process is not a conversion per se, as one would remain Catholic but could switch rites.
📹 Why Maronite?
How to convert from Roman Catholic to Maronite Catholic?
In the event that the Maronite bishop approves your petition, they will notify the current Latin bishop, who, in the absence of objections, will issue a document known as a votum in canon law, stating “I assent.” Subsequently, the bishop will issue a decree.
Can I become a Maronite?
The Maronite Church is a Catholic, apostolic faith that is open to all seekers, regardless of ethnicity, nation, or origin. It is rooted in the ancient Church of Antioch, where Christ’s disciples were first called “Christians”. The church is Catholic in doctrine and in communion with Rome, but also lives the Antiochene-Syriac tradition, expressing the one, apostolic, orthodox, and ancient faith. Originating in Antioch, the church developed through the apostolic center of Edessa, which was once known as “Jewish Christianity”. The church welcomes all to embrace the life-giving Light in this healing tradition, embracing the life-giving Light of the faith.
How are Maronites different from Catholics?
The Maronite Church, an Eastern Catholic Church, is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. It affirms Roman Catholic teachings and recognizes the Pope as the head, while simultaneously practicing its own unique rite distinct from the Roman Rite.
Can Maronite Catholics marry?
To marry, both parties must present an original Certificate of Baptism, which must be less than six months old. If one party is not a parish member, a letter from their priest stating they have never been married must be presented. If the party is unknown, two witnesses must sign affidavits stating they have never been married before. The couple must attend marriage preparation classes required by the Church, which will be provided by the priest.
A civil marriage license from the civil authorities must be given to the priest at least seven days before the ceremony. The ceremony music must be liturgical and approved by the priest, and modest wedding dresses for the bride and attendants are required. Recorded music is not allowed in the church.
Which Bible do Maronites use?
The Peshitta is the standard version of the Bible for various Syriac-based churches, including the Maronite Church, Chaldean Catholic Church, Syriac Catholic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Malabar Independent Syrian Church, Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, Assyrian Church of the East, and Syro-Malabar Church. The Peshitta is a translation of the Bible that is widely used in Syriac churches, including the Maronite Church, Chaldean Catholic Church, Syriac Catholic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Malabar Independent Syrian Church (Thozhiyur Church), Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, Assyrian Church of the East, and Syro-Malabar Church. The Peshitta is a significant source of information and guidance for these churches.
Are Lebanese Maronites Arab?
The early Maronites were Hellenized Semites, natives of Byzantine Syria who spoke Greek and Syriac, but were also associated with the Greek-speaking populace of Constantinople and Antioch. They maintained independence in Mount Lebanon and its coastline after the Muslim conquest of the Levant, maintaining their Christian religion and distinct Lebanese Aramaic. Maronites identify primarily as native Lebanese of Maronite origin, but some wish to identify as Arab Christians or descendants of Phoenicians. Some Maronites argue they are of Mardaite ancestry, while others reject this.
Mass emigration to the Americas, World War I famine, the 1860 Mount Lebanon civil war, and the Lebanese Civil War between 1975 and 1990 greatly decreased their numbers in the Levant. However, Maronites now form more than one quarter of the total population of modern-day Lebanon. They also show presence in the neighboring Levant and a significant part in the Lebanese diaspora in the Americas, Europe, Australia, and Africa.
Do Maronites pray the rosary?
The Rosary has been a favorite prayer among Maronites for centuries. Following St. Maroun, Maronite hermits sought union with God through a solitary life and pastoral ministry. They began with the Word of God, which called, invited, and personally summoned them. They transformed rock into fertile soil, growing wheat and other grains. Their lives of prayer, abstinence, and retreat to solitude in grottos, shelters, caves, and hermitages did not insulate them from the concerns and suffering of others. Instead, they spent their days and nights in prayer, chanting, meditation, penances, and physical labor to achieve a close union with God for their own salvation and the world.
Are Maronite priests celibate?
Eastern Catholic Churches generally allow the ordination of married men as priests, with the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church establishing a hereditary caste. In North America, the decree Cum data fuerit of 1929 directed Eastern Catholic bishops to ordain only unmarried men, which was eventually rescinded in 2014. The Maronite Church does not demand celibacy vows from deacons or parish priests, but their monks and bishops are celibate. The current Patriarch of the Maronite Church is a monk in the Mariamite Maronite Order.
To become an Eastern Catholic bishop, one must be unmarried or a widower. The current Patriarch is originally a monk in the Mariamite Maronite Order. Other religious practices include celibacy vows made by Christian monks, Friars, religious sisters, and nuns, clerical marriage, and a list of sexually active popes.
Can a married man become a Maronite priest?
Eastern Catholic churches in the Middle East and Europe traditionally ordain married men. The Vatican banned this practice in America in the 1920s due to confusion for parishioners. Pope John Paul II called for greater acceptance of Eastern Catholic traditions, and Pope Francis granted permission for married men to become Eastern Catholic priests in America. The Maronite church in Lebanon has almost half of its priests being married, making it an unusual event in the United States. The ordination ceremony featured Maronite bishops, Lebanese congregation members, and Arabic prayers, hymns, and readings.
What do Maronites call God?
Arabic-speaking Christians, including Eastern Catholics like Maronites and Melkites, use the word ‘Allah’ for the God of the Bible, leading to the common use of Arabic interjections like Inshallah, Smallah, Wallah, and Allah ma’ak. This unity between Muslims and Christians is not to be completely dismissed, as their understandings of the same Creator are vastly different. It is important to acknowledge these differences and avoid the extreme of universalism, which would undermine the call to evangelization that baptized Christians are to fulfill. By acknowledging the differences between their understandings of God, we can avoid the heresy of universalism and promote a more inclusive understanding of God.
What Bible do Maronites read?
The Peshitta is the standard version of the Bible for various Syriac-based churches, including the Maronite Church, Chaldean Catholic Church, Syriac Catholic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Malabar Independent Syrian Church, Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, Assyrian Church of the East, and Syro-Malabar Church. The Peshitta is a translation of the Bible that is widely used in Syriac churches, including the Maronite Church, Chaldean Catholic Church, Syriac Catholic Church, Syriac Orthodox Church, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Malabar Independent Syrian Church (Thozhiyur Church), Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, Assyrian Church of the East, and Syro-Malabar Church. The Peshitta is a significant source of information and guidance for these churches.
📹 Would you walk out of this Catholic Mass? Are you required to stay?
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I have a very welcoming Maronite Church just down the street from my Roman Catholic Church, and I am seriously considering a change. I am a pre-Vatican II Catholic who recalls Alter serving TLMs. The changes back then were traumatic enough for me. Now the church is heading for more drastic change. My Latin Rite church is no longer my church. It is becoming too Protestantized. I’m looking for something reverent, historical, traditional (not nostalgic, simply spiritual and reverent).
My relatives who immigrated here were Byzantine Catholics but joined the Latin Church because there were no Greek churches nearby. That was almost 100 years ago. I am considering going back, but the main reason is that the Greek churches continue to hold the Tradition while Rome is running from it. I am 82 years old and formed in the Latin rite when it was Latin.
There is something terribly gone wrong in the Catholic Church. We need a strong voice now to stand up and say ‘NO’ to complacency. The enemies of the Church are definitely within, and not outside. Remember, Judas was a disciple who knew Jesus very well. Let us root out the ‘Judasism’ of the Church and the time is now.
As an ex-gay, healed from SSA through Grace, I resent that some Catholic clergy – instead of encouraging others to repent and convert – simply cheer on sin. Sexuality outside of holy matrimony is always wrong. Two men cannot he married and cannot procreate… ask them how they got their “children”! It’s monstrous.
The last time I attended a Novus Ordo Mass was at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Calgary, Alberta in 2006 where an apparent ‘trans-sexual’ spent the entire ‘Mass’ kissing and necking with an apparent female in front of me throughout the proceeding until the handshake whereupion I left and never went back. This was all in the first few rows directly in front of the ‘priest’ who did nothing.
Very sad indeed, I would walk out of that church and shake the dust from my feet. The doting expression of the priest, speaks volumes. It’s painfully obvious that a significant portion of the priesthood has been infiltrated by advocates of the alphabet agenda. Prayers & Rosaries for the Catholic Church.
When I was a pretty new Catholic – like maybe 5-6 yrs in – we were sitting in the middle column, about the 5th row back when the visiting priest started preaching a homily about how the rite of Confession was an unnecessary medievalism. I looked at my wife, over the heads of my four little children, stood up and said loudly “Get up. I won’t have my children subjected to this.” And we walked out.
The Knights of Christ the King in Poland have developed the following method of demonstrating in a dignified way during Mass that they do not agree with what is happening in the presbytery (women in the presbytery, refusal of Communion to convervative Catholics etc). Loud shouts and walking out are not acceptable because of the dignity of the Holy Mass itself and the priest himself. But you can kneel in the centre of the church and remain in this humble position until the end of Holy Mass. This gesture is understood as an apology and restitution to God. For not respecting his dignity and his will. I tell you: The humble attitude irritates every time the haughty sacrilegious of the house of God.
As someone who is exploring Catholicism to join this kind of this is my hitch. I am trying to leave this kind of stuff, because the protostant church has had this problem for waaaaayyyy longer. I don’t want to get into another messy situation yoy have to be worried about. In my view you can and 100% should get up and leave or it is compliance. Have done it in the past. For example Jesus saw that far less worse was going on in the temple and he literally started whipping people. I am 26. I have been to well over 60 churches. I have seen pretty much all in my time. We have stories and warnings.
At Church of the Gesu in university heights, Ohio, ppl were known to get up and walk out for the following reason: anytime a sermon mentioned ANYTHING pro-life/against abortion. I visited there for a few seasons & served as a cantor. It was a terrible experience. The pastor there at the time only wanted a modern sound at all of the Masses. (I made the bad mistake of being friends with the man for a time) one time outside of church, he tossed off the comment, “I’d get rid of the 10 o’clock choir and only have contemporary music at all the Masses but it’d p*as off the old people.” (He himself was 53 then) i told him to his face “it’d p* off a young person too.” (i was 33) The worship committee there sent me a message reprimanding me for my “unnecessary and overly reverent posture”: i genuflected before Christ in the church. That was the final straw before leaving there forever. The icing on the cake: i came to know how promiscuous a man that pastor really was outside of church. Bathhouses, house parties, overnight stays in different cities and suburbs. (Always all male). He was indeed an abuser and did attempt to keep me silent. I bided my time but finally, with the help and encouragement from others, made full reports.
I walked many years ago during Lent there was no Holy Water but sand then the Homily was given by a woman that told us that Jesus didn’t know what He was doing in the desert. I got up and in a loud voice I said”If Jesus didn’t know what He was doing in the desert I don’t know what I am doing here” and I walked out.
The Eucharist is still valid providing the Mass is properly said as per the rite. Sadly, I believe the priest is in serious danger of sacrilege as are the two men sharing their story. I would politely stand and state this publically with as much Christly love as I could, then leave with my family. We would go home, pray a rosary, invoke the protection of St Michael and St Joseph, then contact both the bishop and the nuncio. I would also teach my family as to why we left. This is the most disturbing thing I’ve seen in a long time. Where was this?
WHEN we are face to face with evil do we not have. An obligation to denounce that evil and escape with our souls intact ?? Shouldn’t we get ourselves and our loved ones as far from EVIL as we can?? I am not Catholic but in the OUR FATHER do we not pray DELIVER US FROM EVIL?? This is EVIL IN THE LORD’S HOUSE ;;!! TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK I HAVE RECENTLY LOST WHAT I THOUGHT WAS MY BEST FRIEND she is Catholic OVER THIS VERY ARGUMENT. SHE SAID LOVE IS LOVE. NY ARGUMENT IS THIS IS A TEST OF YOUR LOVE OF JESUS AS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. A TEST OF. TRUE LOVE OF GOD. AM I WRONG?? Aren’t we supposed to PRAY FOR LOST SOULS BUT I THINK I COULD PRAY FOR THEM FROM FAR AWAY
No, you can’t stay for just any valid Mass, especially when manifest sacrilegious things are going on. Taylor’s absolutely right. Fr. Gruner said when Nestorius in his sermon said”Mary was not the Mother of God”, a man got up and said, “That’s heresy!” and walked out, and about half the congregation with him. I walked out on a priest one day who was on the marriage tribunal, talking about annulments. He said, “We just want to make people happy.” I got up and walked out. No more”for better or worse,” or “taking up our cross and following Christ.”
There are so many Catholics, even clergy, that dont believe in Catholic teaching. I struggled with homosexual attraction, and what met me in my struggle was what led me away. On one hand many Catholics were blaming the abuse scandal on homosexuality and the tone was hostile not to the sin of gay action, but to people struggling to follow their consience away from that sin. I heard about screening same sex attracted people away from not just the priesthood, but all religious life. In that enviorment, I went to the priest for help, and he told me about a church that catered to gays in one mass a week or something like that, with a flippant joke about how “high church” gay people could be. If he didn’t take it as seriously as me, and while priests were being so disamisive of sin, while the laity and others were full on hostile to my existwnce and struggle, what was I to do as a faithful catholic struggling with this? I ended up leaving for 15 years. I’m finally going back, recieving the sacrement of confession, then the Eucharist, and working on what I should have been supported in then. Even if I dont recieve support, I have to commit to the Truth and the Church. I think I will finally be supported, thr Church this time celebrates both Novus Ordo and traditional mass-and I will likely be choosing the traditional.
I would definitely walk out. But this is what I’ve come to expect from a diocese under the authority of Blaze Cupich. He locked the doors to the Latin mass when he was bishop in Rapid City. He refused pro-life speakers in his diocese. He would not allow perpetual adoration. He gave a talk to the St Thomas High School about pro-life / pro-choice and he was so ambiguous many came away believing he was pro-choice. He talked about how he was for women’s choice. The man is not of God.
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious.” – Fulton J. Sheen
I use to go to a church in a different town after work because I worked in that town. There were two men there dressed up as women and they took Communion every time. Back home at my church I mentioned to my priest that this was happening and the priest got up set. About a week later I saw those two men at Mass again and they were dressed in male attire but their clothes looked wrinkled like they just took them out of the Amity Box. I thought, I wonder if my priest spoke with this priest, well at least they have pants on now.
The logic behind the homosexual couple’s statement is as follows: “I spent countless hours trying to pray away the gay in me, but I couldn’t do it. So I remained gay, and because it takes much less effort and washes me clean to others on the outside, I demand that the Church not only approve of my sin, but also praise it. I spent countless hours trying to pray away the liar in me, but I couldn’t do it. So I lied to someone and got rich from it, and because it takes much less effort and washes me clean for others on the outside, I demand that the Church not only approve of my sin, but also praise it. I spent countless hours trying to pray away the murderer in me. I couldn’t. I killed my rotten boss, and because it takes much less effort and washes me clean to others on the outside, I demand that the church not only approve of my sin, but also praise it.” That’s the way Satan himself talks, not a faithful Catholic. I wish the homosexual all the best. But this includes that he gains insight. He too can receive many graces from God to leave the path of sin. But he must want it strongly enough and accept the instruments of God for this: regular attendance at Holy Mass, regular fasting with bread and water (cf. Mk 9:14-29), and regular, long prayer that has the character of penance (rosary, Stations of the Cross prayer). I admit that being gay is not always a pure individual sin. It can also be a sin inherited in the family or a social sin. Therefore one has to bring out more powerful artillery than some Lord’s Prayer.
6 years ago my wife and I were Ushers and Greeters in our local Catholic Church. 25 years supporting those roles. Something like this happened on a Sunday along with the third round of the re-writing of Church prayers including the Lord’s prayer.. We walked out. Two weeks later we entered the Eastern Orthodoxy Church to never leave. I thank the Roman Catholic Church for introducing us to Eastern Orthodox. We would have never found it otherwise.
James Connolly, the father of Irish Socialism, ( very different from the other kind), pinned held his wife seated to the pew, when she tried to walk out during a sermon in which he was being personally attacked from the pulpit. His wife was a Protestant, so he was bringing her to Mass. He explained after Mass that the pulpit was the priest’s privilege, outside of the Church door was the place to correct him. His final instruction to his wife on the eve of his execution was that she become a Catholic, which she did.
As soon as I knew who was speaking and what they were speaking about I would have been gone. We don’t have to receive communion every Sunday. In our area at Vat II Masses I have never seen anything close to this type of abomination. If the priest didn’t get approval for these two to speak he should be defrocked. If the bishop gave them approval then the bishop should be defrocked. But again we don’t see this type of stuff in our area.
I believe the etiquette is to walk out as far as the porch during the sermon. (In this case, during the lay testimony, in lieu of a sermon), and then return to the pew during the creed. The sermon is the priest’s time to make his mistakes or impart his wisdom, and separate from the mass proper. This is best done from a front row pew. After mass, you find the priest and challenge him. If you are wrong, he wins graces from your abuse & you can be corrected. If he is wrong you gain graces from your defence of the Church, and the priest gains your encouragement to abandon his errors.
What the hell are they doing there. They need to say out of the church! The laymen need to stand up and shout. What would they do if a satanist began do a ritual? Would ppl stay polite? Being nice and polite doesn’t mean you are good. Even serial killers can be good at it. Good men and woman have to to stern and even rude if things are to turn around to show bad things are unacceptable.
This happened in our Cathedral in the diocese of Essen, Germany! But when the gay couple started what they had to say in the pulpit, I walked out of the cathedral! But I saw that some individuals followed me thereafter. I tried to persuade them to wait until this heresy ends and that we had to go back and attend what we really were in the church for, and that is to be present at Jesus crucifixion during the Consecration! Thank GOD some waited with me outside the Cathedral and indeed w all came back to the Holy Mass right after the „pseudo” sermon!!!
I would not walk out. I have been a Catholic for years. I suspect many good Nuns and Priests I have known and were taught by were gay. Their contributions to the church are greatly appreciated. I have the deepest respect for them. I am not interested in being a hypocrite. We know we have gay people in our Church. They shouldn’t have to pretend they don’t exist. They are still God’s children. I would not walk out. Blessings to you all – if you leave the church you will no doubt find another faith that preaches intolerance and bigotry. Make yourself at home there if you want to, but they are not ” The Church ” and their hateful rhetoric does not line up with the example Jesus set. Somewhere in your heart you know that.
People are leaving the Catholic religion in droves. They are holding rosary prayers and private Masses in their homes now. We recently had a scandal in our Catholic Church . We had a practicing seminarian attending our church three days a week, he was running the bible class every Wednesday and he is in he’s final year of being ordained a priest. Not any more, he’s been asked to leave our church and the seminary. We had a young single Mom attending our church quite often with her three year old son who was Anglican. She become a Catholic about a year ago and the head priest gave her an office job at the parish. People started to notice her spending a lot of time with the young seminarian. They were seen having coffee together, shopping together and having lengthy conversations together in the church gardens. Some of the women that work with her were suspicious that she and him were more than acquaintances. It turns out they were. Let me just say that he’s ambitions to become a priest are over and the young woman has been fired. I was told the news today. Nothing shocks me anymore when it comes to scandals within the Catholic Church.
The Catholic church where I was an altar boy now hosts LMNOP masses. I walked right out of it and into my local Orthodox church. Never looked back. And don’t even think about giving it the “apostolic lineage” nonsense, the Holy Spirit would never elect a pope that promotes heresy, idolatry, and sodomy. Besides, the Patriarch of Antioch has more claim on apostolic succession from Peter than Rome, if you don’t believe me, check it out for yourselves. Всегда ☦
Catholics are obligated to stay true to the faith. If the teaching at mass is promoting heresy or sin, get out. Catholics, I encourage you to learn more about your catholic faith. Read the scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Learn from the church fathers and the saints. This will help you stay true to the catholic faith. Thank you Dr. Taylor Marshall for your articles. May Jesus bless you and your work and guide you in your articles that teach us.
What do you do when the Latin Mass has been taken away and all there is is the Novus Ordo? I’m so grieved every Sunday and miss half the time because I HATE the NO. It leaves me challenged, depressed and compromised. Yet it’s my obligation. I’ve been to NOs that were so… heretical… that I had no choice but to leave. Mine now isnt that bad but I feel like I’m mourning every Sunday and it’s a terrible spiritual experience. I’m really torn as to what to do. Help?
i couldn’t even listen to themafter they spoke about celebrating pride. this is disgusting. i have never heard of a priest turning over the pulpit to anyone, except perhaps the deacon for a homily. why hasn’t this priest been put in his place by the bishop? I would have walked out and never returned to this particular Catholic church again. and definitely the bishop would have heard from me. so wrong, so against church abd Jesus teaching. sinful
People please do not squabble . God made us .This world is beautiful, Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might, and love your neighbour as yourself. Jesus said forgive your enemies. Turn the other cheek . That is the true Christian teaching of Jesus Christ . There is no one in this world perfect even the Pope we re all sinners, with human imperfections . I’m afraid satan does exist and lures us, . Read new testament of Jesus .His life was a life of giving, and forgiving. Yes Heaven is real and we all have a Guardain Angel to guide us no matter what religion,or no religion. I LOVE YOU Jesus Amen
I have walked out of a TLM when Father Jones from the Newman Center was flailing his arms around accusing Dr. Marshall of being a conspiracy theorist. Then my youngest son told father Jones from the Newman Center, during confession, that he was thinking of limiting his attendance at the TLM to 2 times a month when a certain priest wouldn’t be there, as that priests was coming off as arrogant and condescending . That’s my boy!
I’m not catholic any more as I was shown the truth. but even as a catholic, my wife and I would have looked at each other, in shocking surprise, and walk out to never return. BTW. Dr TM, “Pray the rosary every day…”?? The bible say contrary to the advertisement. (And so another reason why we’re no longer catholic) May you and your readers be shown the truth.
I have had great difficulty with attending masses where what I witnessed was abject heresy. JUMBOTRONS WITH what I could only describe as secular words to some “new songs” and liturgy. Nothing remotely Catholic about them. I have long been disappointed and discouraged over what has happened in our church who in my education and assessment are no longer CATHOLIC in the true meaning of the word . Universal.
I made a mistake once a few years ago at a Newman Center at the University of Washington. The priest, in the homily, mentioned that we, as Catholics, must find acceptance of homosexuality in Catholicism. I should have stood up, said, “get behind me Satan” and challenged him on the spot. Instead, I stayed through the Mass, and left. Never again, the Catholic church is floundering and we few left in the pews had better take control or it will be gone in the US.
This was my thought exactly when I saw this article clip a couple of days ago. I’d get up, stand in the middle of the aisle, and tell them what I thought. If I had to be subjected to their “celebration of perversion,” they sure as hell would hear mine….then I’d walk out. And my “walk” would take me to a Lutheran (LCMS) congregation I am very familiar with. Plus, I have been a student of Confessional Lutheranism for many years. I haven’t ruled out the possibility in the future, either.
This is like father raul Sanchez from Colombia but he’s somewhere in Oklahoma right now doing hes service as a priest and banned from produce you tube articles because of his superiors in the church tell him to do so he was preaching the right way . Anyway he in one of his articles was telling the audience that if you ever hear a priest talking nonsense in the sermons or something related to this he said step up from that church and runaway as fast as you can you make me remember that in this short and I miss his you tube website I learn a lot from father raul
Fortunately, as a Traditionalist, we wouldn’t be in attendance to begin with. It just proves more that they have created a new religion and certainly not a Catholic one. When they concluded the 2nd Vatican Counsel, they established a new religion and occupied Sacred and Holy places over the world. Its sad but God will set it all right. Watch and Pray.
To stay with a church like this is to give assent to the moral outrage. I would walk out. An attack on family, marriage, and/or gender is an attack on the Faith at its very core, since God is Father, and Son. The language of family relationship there is so clear. Equally clear is the language of Jesus Christ as Bridegroom of the Church. Any pretense that this unnatural lifestyle can be consistent with the Catholic Faith is a total lie and we must resist it strongly and without any possible mistake of intention.
I’m a disaffected Protestant leaning toward the OCA, so my opinion doesn’t hold much weight. But, if faced with that scenario, I’d walk out of that Den of Thieves and into the nearest Orthodox Church available. Hopefully, if this does become more prevalent the Pope will start using the tool of excommunication. If not, Orthodoxy is starting to embrace the Western Rite in RCOR and the Antiochian Archdiocese.
Honestly, I’d have to walk out! There are most likely other Masses at other parishes to go to, and even if that was your last option, I think it could count as missing your obligation by accident. There’s no way this could count towards your obligation! It violates a fundamental part of our faith: Marriage is between a man and a woman!
If I were RC, I would definitely walk out. Being in a Russian Orthodox parish, I would probably jump up and shout them down with the rest of my parish, and chase the priest out for allowing it with cries of, “ANAXIOS!” Calls to the bishop would be next. I am grieved at what the RC faithful have allowed to happen the last 50 or so years.Please, take your church back!
I would ABSOLUTELY WALK OUT! I would try to find another Mass if possible . if I could NOT find another Mass to attend then Oh well! I believe the Lord would understand, and I wouldn’t be required to stay. It WOULD NOT be my fault I couldn’t find another Mass for my Sunday obligation and wouldn’t be sin. Peace out absolutely !! revolting boring disgusting no way!
I would stand up, remove my shoes, and smack them together, shaking the dust off my sandals and walk out. Does God destroy what He loves? Absolutely not! God destroys only what He hates. Remember when God said, “Esau I hated?” So what, then, did God destroy? Sodom and Gamorrah, of course, and it certainly wasn’t because He loved them. He HATED them!
How come no one is looking for a homosexuality cure or a vaccine? In either case, being sick and lack of a cure does not entitle someone to sin and expect acceptance of this sin. There are plenty of heterosexual people who abstain from sex because it would not be in the confines of marriage (true marriage) BTW The person who finds a cure for homosexuality will be a billionaire.