In Elden Ring, players cast magic spells in the form of Sorceries and Incantations, which cover a wide variety of offensive, defensive, and utility functions. To cast magic in Elden Ring, players must equip the right tools, such as Staves and Sacred Seals, and master the power of magic.
There are two types of magical spell classifications: Sorceries and Incantations. Sorceries require a certain amount of Intelligence, while Incantations require a minimum. Players can choose to go all-in on spell casting and make their character a mage or just dabble in a few simple spells to give themselves more options when needed.
To use spells in Elden Ring, players need to memorize a spell at a Site of Grace, use the D-pad to select their spell, and use LB/L1 or RB/R1 to cast it. The majority of Elden Ring’s spells, such as the powerful Comet Azur, are available in the world of the Lands Between. Some magic abilities can also be purchased from the game.
In Elden Ring, there are two types of spells: scaling off of different stats and offering various elemental attacks. Players can cycle through their spells by pressing up on the D-Pad and holding the up button whenever they want to jump back to the first spell in their inventory.
In summary, players in Elden Ring can cast magic spells in the form of Sorceries and Incantations, with the ability to boost their stats through “Sorcery/Incantation Scaling” found on the equipment used to cast the spell.
📹 Elden Ring How to Use Magic – Incantation & Sorcery
Here’s a quick introduction on how to use magic in Elden Ring. There are two types of magic: Incantation and Sorcery.
📹 Elden Ring – How to Cast Spells and Faith Spells (Incantations)
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