In Indian Vedic astrology, the “Lagna” or “Ascendant” refers to the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at an individual’s birth time and location. It is a crucial element in a birth chart, also known as a horoscope or Kundli. A Lagna Calculator is designed to calculate the Janma Lagna, also known as Birth Ascendant, by analyzing the inputs of the date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth (city, state, and country).
The Lagna is centered on the Sun, so sunrise time at the place of birth is crucial. To calculate the Janma Lagna, one can input their date of birth, time of birth, latitude, and longitude in the respective fields and click “Calculate”. The calculator will display the Lagna Zodiac sign for free.
In Vedic astrology, the Lagna (लग्न) is the first moment of contact between the soul and its new life on earth in Jyotiṣa. The Lagna shapes personality and vitality, with Aries rising showing confidence and Leo rising indicating leadership by the Sun.
The placement of the Lagna Lord is important in determining the strength of the Lagna. If the Lord is placed in kendras (first, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth), it can help in identifying the correct Lagna for an individual.
In conclusion, the Lagna, or Ascendant, is a crucial element in Indian astrology and birth charts, shaping personality and vitality. Understanding the Lagna and its placement is essential for accurate astrological predictions and personal growth.
LAGNA CORRECTION USING NAVAMSA / GMP How to correct lagna using navamsa along with sun and moon explained For …
How long does a Lagna last?
The Lagna, a person’s sign, changes in an average of 2 hours, making it the fastest in movement. The second position goes to the Moon. A day is 24 hours, and the Lagna completes a rotation around 12 rashis within 24 hours, completing 27 nakshatras and 108 nakshatra padas in a day. Calculation of Lagna is based on the time and place of birth when the child shows signs of life, which may be difficult for those who haven’t recorded their birth time. Astrologers often use the Moon’s rashi and nakshatra, known as Janma Rashi and Janma Nakshatra.
How to study my lagna chart?
A Vedic birth chart is a map of the location of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth, also known as a janam kundli (birth chart). It is a powerful tool in astrology that provides profound insights into an individual’s life journey. The janam kundli is made using the birth date, the exact time of birth, and the place of birth. The birth chart consists of 12 zones or “houses” that represent aspects of an individual’s life.
Unlocking cosmic insight involves gathering essential information, identifying the Lagna (Ascendant), understanding the Houses and Planets, analyzing Planetary Aspects and Yogas, and implementing predictive astrology and remedial measures. The Kal Purush Kundali (Aries Ascendent) is used for this exercise.
To read a Vedic birth chart, follow these five simple steps: gather essential information, identify the Lagna (Ascendant), understand the Houses and Planets, analyze Planetary Aspects and Yogas, and use predictive astrology and remedial measures. This comprehensive guide aims to help readers decode the celestial blueprint that shapes their destiny.
How to strengthen the 1st house?
To improve your health and well-being, consider studying Ayurveda and nutrition, engaging in physical activity, participating in Toastmasters or plays, and practicing positive self-talk. For the second house, focus on bringing in Jupiter and addressing issues like family problems, food and substance abuse, and financial difficulties. Create a weekly savings plan, open three major accounts, and pay them first before bills or debts.
Seek family counseling, participate in Hellinger Family constellations, or work on ancestral clearing. Geneen Roth’s book, When Food Is Love, can help understand how eating patterns are connected to family emotions. By focusing on these remedies, you can create a healthier and more fulfilling life.
What if Lagna is weak?
The dashas of marakas are crucial in determining the time of death, but they should not always be considered actual death. The dasha of a maraka not meant to cause death or the dasha of a malefic for a particular lagna not death-inflicting affects a person’s health and may lead to obstacles, death of someone close, change of place, or way of life. The 7th house also indicates residence and long travels.
The 22nd Drekkena is generally examined to determine the nature of death, although Varahamihira relates this drekkena to the disposal of the dead, which falls on the 8th house and is treated as an evil one. Any planet can acquire death-inflicting powers, but the aspect of a strong Jupiter on the Moon, the Sun, Mars, or Saturn neutralizes their power to cause an early death.
Jatakalankara states that if the lagna-lord associated with a malefic is in a trikabhava, if the trika-lords occupy their own respective bhavas, or if a malefic planet is in the lagna and the lagna-lord is weak, one suffers from acute mental and physical pressures and ailments. Sarvartha Chintamani states that the Moon in Cancer lagna aspected by Mars from the 10th and by Jupiter from the 7th while giving yoga gives a life span of sixty years only, whereas Jupiter exalted in the lagna and aspecting the two trikonas occupied by benefics makes one live for eighty years.
The present-day Hindu astrology favors the use of the Vimshottari dasha system along with the Gochara system for prognostication and timing of events. The correct determination of longevity and the timing of death is difficult, and further details or specialities must be described by conjunctions and planetary aspects.
What if lagna is weak?
The dashas of marakas are crucial in determining the time of death, but they should not always be considered actual death. The dasha of a maraka not meant to cause death or the dasha of a malefic for a particular lagna not death-inflicting affects a person’s health and may lead to obstacles, death of someone close, change of place, or way of life. The 7th house also indicates residence and long travels.
The 22nd Drekkena is generally examined to determine the nature of death, although Varahamihira relates this drekkena to the disposal of the dead, which falls on the 8th house and is treated as an evil one. Any planet can acquire death-inflicting powers, but the aspect of a strong Jupiter on the Moon, the Sun, Mars, or Saturn neutralizes their power to cause an early death.
Jatakalankara states that if the lagna-lord associated with a malefic is in a trikabhava, if the trika-lords occupy their own respective bhavas, or if a malefic planet is in the lagna and the lagna-lord is weak, one suffers from acute mental and physical pressures and ailments. Sarvartha Chintamani states that the Moon in Cancer lagna aspected by Mars from the 10th and by Jupiter from the 7th while giving yoga gives a life span of sixty years only, whereas Jupiter exalted in the lagna and aspecting the two trikonas occupied by benefics makes one live for eighty years.
The present-day Hindu astrology favors the use of the Vimshottari dasha system along with the Gochara system for prognostication and timing of events. The correct determination of longevity and the timing of death is difficult, and further details or specialities must be described by conjunctions and planetary aspects.
How is lagna determined?
The Lagna is determined by the position of the Ascendant or Eastern horizon at the precise moment of birth. This position is subject to change every two hours and is calculated based on the LMT of birth and the longitude of the birthplace.
Which lagna has long life?
The 8th house from the lagna is the house of longevity, while the 12th house, which includes the 2nd and 7th houses, are the marakasthanas (death-inflicting houses). The principal Marakas are the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses, who are designated as the inflictors of death or killers.
Marakas refer to the one that causes death at the end of a life-span or causes ill-health. For Aries lagna, Venus owns both marakasthanas, while for Taurus lagna, Mars, Moon, Mercury, and Mars are the marakas. For Gemini lagna, Saturn and Leo lagnas are associated with marakas, while Venus for Virgo lagna, Mars for Libra lagna, Venus and Saturn for Sagittarius lagna, Mars, Moon, and Jupiter for Capricorn lagna, Sun, Mars, and Jupiter for Aquarius lagna, and Mercury and Saturn for Pisces lagna.
Marakas and planets associated with them can cause illness and death during their dashas. If longevity is over but the dasa of maraka is not operating, the lord of the 12th house acts as the maraka and its dasha or the dasha of a malefic can cause death. Saturn and Rahu are the Mrityu-karakas or significators of death.
Death can occur in the antra-dasha or dasha of the lord of the 3rd nakshatra from Janam nakshatra for a person of Alpayu (short-life), in the 5th nakshatra for a person of Madhyayu (middle-life), and in the 7th nakshatra for a person blessed with Poornayu (long-life).
The manner of death can be known from yoga-formations occurring at the time of birth, such as being bitten by a cobra or stoned to death by falling on a stone or falling a stone. Death from punishment by ruler, fire, tuberculosis, excess fluids, surgery, fever, tumors, swelling, prolonged illness, starvation, poison, drowning, fall from height, injury, incarceration, or thirst or dehydration can also occur. Natural malefics cause illness or death in their dasha or antradasha, and disease can be prevented by a strong lagna and lord.
How to strengthen Lagna in astrology?
The wearing of specific gemstones has been shown to have the effect of balancing the influence of malefic planets, or alternatively, of strengthening the influence of the Lagna lord. Similarly, the performance of religious rites or pujas has been demonstrated to have the effect of strengthening the beneficial influence of the Lagna lord, or of placating the influence of malevolent planets.
How important is lagna?
Lagna is the key to an individual’s horoscope, indicating the pattern of their life in that birth. A strong Lagna and its lord are associated with benefic yogas, making a strong Lagna and its lord essential for a healthy, wealthy, and successful life. Balasubramanian Narayanaswamy, born in 1949 in Tamil Nadu, India, has been writing articles since 2001, primarily on classical and Nadi astrology. His grandfather, a Sanskrit scholar and Astrology researcher, taught him Sanskrit language and Astrology for eight years. His works have been published in various Indian Astrological magazines and are now available in book form on Amazon Kindle.
Which planet is strong in 1st house?
Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, is associated with the 1st House, which is associated with motivation, anger, and libido. Astrology is a fascinating aspect of personal development, as it helps individuals understand their 12 zodiac signs. Each house in a birth chart corresponds to a different zodiac sign, with the Rising sign always appearing on the cusp of the 1st House. The Sun sign represents purpose, while the Moon sign represents emotional self. Assessing your Rising sign is like entering a cosmic mansion, where planets are appliances and the zodiac signs dictate how facets of your personhood are expressed.
To find your 1st House, ensure you have an accurate birth time and a passion for personal development. Your 1st House’s zodiac sign will always fall in the same zodiac sign as your Rising sign (also called your Ascendant). To determine your 1st House’s location, residents, and visitors, first determine your birth time.
What is Lagna dosh?
Lagna dosh, also known as Janma Dosha, is a concept derived from Vedic tradition that pertains to the planetary placements in the first house. These placements are believed to create challenges or obstacles in a native’s life, although the concept is not necessarily negative in nature.
📹 What is the Rising sign | Ascendant | Lagna . Complete ANIMATED description.
Complete Description of The Rising sign | Ascendant | Lagna ASCENDANT ( Also called, THE RISING SIGN or THE ASCENDING …
Sir I have confusion in my time of birth chart 11-10-1988, chikmagalore district, 6:54 AM, navmasha Libra. if we put 6:43 AM Virgo navamsha will come. Libra lord venus in Leo and Virgo lord Mercury in Virgo own house with Sun and Moon. Both Libra and Virgo Navamsha lagna are matches. which one I should take sir birth time sir 6:54 AM or 6:43 AM sir please guide me sir 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏